The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
When Potentially Dangerous Space Technology Comes Down in the U.K.
When Potentially Dangerous Space Technology Comes Down in the U.K.
My previous article was on the subject of Project Moon Dust, a U.S. program that – for many UFO researchers – is tied to the matter of crashed Saucers and dead aliens. In that previous article I wrote: “For years – decades, in fact – there have been rumors to the effect that there’s a secret U.S. program to quickly retrieve damaged, malfunctioning and crashed alien spacecraft. Many UFO researchers point their fingers in the direction of a project that goes back to the 1950s. For years, it was titled Project Moon Dust (also spelled Moondust). Today, however, it has a classified title. Mention the operation to a lot of Ufologists and they’ll tell you thatMoon Dust is the key to the secrets of where crashed Saucers and dead aliens are stored away. But, are their thoughts and conclusions correct? Nope. Time and again I have seen UFO researchers say that the available Moon Dust documentation (via the Freedom of Information Act) proves that UFOs have crashed. Actually, in relation to aliens, it doesn’t prove anything at all.”
With that said, now onto how, for decades, the U.K. government has had emergency plans in place to deal with the likes of spacecraft and satellites slamming into the ground – just like Project Moon Dust. In 1979 a U.K. government Home Office document with the title of “Satellite Accidents with Radiation Hazards,” was carefully and quietly prepared in 1979 by the U.K. Government’s Home Office. It was sent to every single Chief Officer of Police, every Chief Fire Officer and every County Council in England and Wales. “Similar circulars are being issued by the Scottish Office and the Northern Ireland Office,” said the author of the paper. An examination of the 1979 file makes it clear that the Home Office’s decision to circulate the document on such a large scale was, ostensibly at least, because of an event that had occurred twelve months previously – as the following extract from the file reveals: “Following the descent of a nuclear-powered satellite in Canada on 24 January 1978, consideration has been given to contingency arrangements for dealing with the possibility of a similar incident in the United Kingdom.”
The Home Office added that the possibility of a nuclear-powered satellite crashing within the U.K. was “remote.” It was, however, careful to add that “the special considerations that affect the use of nuclear materials and the safety standards applied to them make it prudent to devise plans to deal with such an incident.” According to the file, one of the hardest predictions to make was when and where a stricken, nuclear-powered space vehicle, possibly spiraling wildly out of control and at hundreds, or even thousands, of miles-per-hour would impact. On this issue, the author of the document stated: “Although it is likely that knowledge of changes in the orbital pattern which might lead to premature return to Earth would be available many hours or even days before re-entry occurred, it would not be such that a reasonably accurate prediction of the final orbit over the Earth could be made until 12 to 24 hours before impact. Even then forecasts of the precise point of re-entry along this track might still be in error by thousands of kilometers. It is possible accurate warning would not be available till a few minutes before impact and it is possible there might be no warning.”
The document also makes it very clear that the Home Office was well acquainted with the more technical aspects of satellite technology: “Some satellites are designed in such a way that they will disintegrate on re-entry; others are so designed that fairly large components will remain intact on entering Earth’s atmosphere.”And, if a space vehicle were to impact on the U.K. what would be the outcome? The author of the document had a few ideas: “Although the parameters of the orbit of a crashing satellite can be fairly closely defined, debris might fall over an area 2,000 kilometers wide. It would not be possible to alert police forces on a selective basis. In the event of a warning that a satellite might crash in or near the UK, all police forces would be alerted.” In other words, official authorities all across the nation would potentially be put on stand-by to deal with the crash and recovery of exotic, space-based technologies. And that would only be the beginning, as the file demonstrates.
The crash of a nuclear-powered satellite would present problems such as: “There would be a possible radiation hazard; debris from the crashed satellite might be scattered over a very large area, perhaps the greater part of the country; and the individual pieces of debris might be very small, yet each might present a small radiation hazard.” Most significant of all, however, is a section of the document that refers not to when, but if the public should be informed of such a disaster: “A Government decision would then be sought on whether the police should be alerted and whether a public statement should be made. If such actions were to be decided upon, overall responsibility for the measures to deal with an incident would be exercised from a central point in Whitehall, in a manner similar to procedures already established to handle a terrorist incident.”
In many respects, these outlines and plans of the U.K. government mirrored what the United States had been doing as far back as the 1950s with Project Moon Dust.
Chinese maansonde Chang'e-5 maakt zich op voor landing op de aarde
De Chinese maanverkenner Chang'e-5 maakt zich op om morgen/donderdag te landen op onze planeet. Het Chinese ruimtevaartbureau CNSA meldt dat alles voorlopig goed verloopt. Chang’e 5 landde begin deze maand op de maan om er stenen en ander bodemmateriaal te verzamelen. Twee dagen later steeg de sonde, met twee kilo maanstalen aan boord, weer op en begon de verkenner aan de terugreis.
De Chang’e-5, vernoemd naar de godin van de maan in de Chinese mythes, zette daarop met zijn waardevolle lading koers naar het moederschip (“orbiter”) dat op een hoogte van zowat 200 km boven de maan draaide. Er volgde een koppeling, waarna de maanstalen naar de terugkeermodule verhuisden. Daarna ontkoppelden de opstijgmodule en het moederschip.
De “orbiter” en zijn terugkeermodule hebben na de overdacht zondag weer koers naar onze planeet gezet. Sindsdien is het traject twee keer bijgesteld. Op een gegeven ogenblik nemen beide modules afscheid van elkaar, waarna de terugkeermodule met de stalen moet landen in de steppes van Siziwang Banner in Binnen-Mongolië.
Een ‘sample return mission’ heet het hele gebeuren, en het is een complexe operatie. Er moet immers een dubbele missie uitgevoerd worden: een vaartuig moet van de aarde gelanceerd worden, de oversteek van bijna 400.000 kilometer maken, in een baan rond de maan komen, veilig landen en materiaal verzamelen, maar moet daarna ook opnieuw gelanceerd worden, de oversteek terug kunnen maken en ook weer veilig op aarde landen.
Een foto eerder verspreid door het Chinese ruimteagentschap CNSA toont de Chang'e 5 die graaft naar stalen op het maanoppervlak.
Een behouden landing vormt het orgelpunt van de 23-daagse missie die volgens het Chinese staatspersbureau Xinhua de meest gecompliceerde en uitdagende is in de geschiedenis van de Chinese ruimtevaart.
Indien dat lukt, is het voor het eerst sinds 1976 dat monsters van de maan naar onze planeet worden gebracht. Toen haalde de missie Luna 24 van de Sovjet-Unie ongeveer 170 gram stenen op. De twaalf Amerikanen die op de maan hebben rondgelopen, hebben ook allerlei maanrotsen meegenomen naar de aarde.
De stalen verhuizen naar een laboratorium in Peking waar wetenschappers hopen informatie te verwerven over de samenstelling, ouderdom en de geschiedenis van de maan. Het is niet duidelijk of het materiaal alleen aan Chinese onderzoekers wordt verstrekt, of dat het ook wordt gedeeld met mensen uit andere landen.
China wordt de laatste decennia steeds actiever in de ruimtevaart. Het land doet dat voor het grootste deel zelf. In 2003 ging voor het eerst een Chinese ‘taikonaut’ de ruimte in. In 2013 landde voor het eerst een Chinees karretje op de maan. Eerder dit jaar vertrok een onbemande Chinese verkenner naar Mars, waar hij volgend jaar moet aankomen. In de komende jaren wil China ook een eigen ruimtestation bouwen.
De Chang’e-5 plantte alvast tijdens zijn maanmissie snel ook even een Chinese vlag op de maan, ruim vijftig jaar nadat Amerikaanse astronauten daar hun eerste Stars and Stripes neerzetten. Dit als symbool voor de Chinese ambities in de ruimte.
Is er een verband tussen de komende coronavaccinaties en het einde van een wereld zoals wij die kennen in 2046?
Onthullende documentatie van het Amerikaanse Ministerie van Defensie laat zien dat het Amerikaanse leger hier in ieder geval serieus rekening mee houdt.
Er is natuurlijk al heel veel geschreven over de eindtijd waarin wij ons mogelijk bevinden. Niet in de zin dat de wereld zal ophouden te bestaan, maar waar wel sprake zal zijn van een of meerdere heftige gebeurtenissen, waarna de wereld volkomen anders zal zijn dan nu.
Er zijn verschillende theorieën over de manieren waarop dit zou kunnen plaatsvinden. Zo hebben we de mogelijke komst van een onbekende planeet en de voorspelling van remote vieuwers over een mogelijke killshot die het leven op aarde voor een periode onleefbaar zal maken.
En dan hebben we de onderzoeker en auteur Douglas Vogt.
Deze man heeft veel onderzoek gedaan, een aantal boeken geschreven en hij is ervan overtuigd dat we in een multidimensionale realiteit leven. Met andere woorden, er is niet alleen onze dimensie, onze werkelijkheid, er zijn tegelijkertijd andere werkelijkheden, andere dimensies. Dit fenomeen is ook door meerdere wetenschappers onderzocht en als als zeer waarschijnlijk bewezen.
Maar, daar gaat het vandaag niet om. Waar het vandaag wel om gaat is dat Vogt ook onderzoek heeft gedaan naar cyclische processen die op aarde voorkomen en waar de aarde onderdeel van uit maakt. Wat hij ontdekte is dat er een bepaalde cyclus is die precies 12.068 jaar duurt. Ook hieraan hebben anderen gerefereert in onderzoeken maar we beperken ons in dit artikel tot wat Vogt heeft ontdekt en over vertelt.
De cyclus waarin wij ons nu bevinden zal in het jaar 2046 tot een einde komen en zal niet onopgemerkt voorbijgaan. Douglas Vogt spreekt niet van een onbekende planeet die de aarde op korte afstand zal passeren, maar wel dat er sprake zal zijn van een poolomkering, waarbij de rotatie van de aarde stopt en deze in tegenovergestelde richting zal gaan draaien.
Net voordat dit gebeurt zal er een nova plaatsvinden van onze zon. (Een nova (Latijn voor nieuw, meervoud novae of nova's) is een ster die plotseling veel helderder wordt en daarna geleidelijk, over een periode van maanden tot vele jaren, tot haar vroegere helderheid terugkeert).
Deze nova zal ervoor zorgen dat een enorme soort stofwolk het zonnestelsel wordt in geslingerd. Voor onze aarde zal dit tot gevolg hebben dat we te maken krijgen met enorme tsunami’s, aardbevingen en vulkaanuitbarstingen. Enorme hoeveelheden zeewater zullen verdampen in de atmosfeer en een dikke wolk boven land vormen, waardoor een nieuwe ijstijd zal ontstaan.
Uit het onderzoek van Vogt blijkt uit ervaringen uit het verleden dat in de aanloop naar deze gebeurtenis de temperatuur van het zeewater stijgt, net als de hoeveelheid CO2 in de atmosfeer en dat het magnetisch veld rondom de aarde afzwakt. Allemaal fenomen waar we nu al mee te maken hebben.
Dit alles heeft uiteraard niets te maken met een door de mens veroorzaakte opwarming en Vogt stelt dat in ieder geval de Amerikaanse overheid goed wakker is geschrokken in 1957 toen er een extreme hoeveelheid zonnevlekken waar te nemen was op de zon. Het doet ons goed de bevestiging te zien van iets wat wij al vele jaren schrijven en dat is dat de zon het klimaat hier op aarde bepaalt.
In de video hieronder vertelt hij het verhaal over hoe het Amerikaanse leger feitelijk één op één zijn bevindingen en theorie heeft overgenomen en ook daar naar heeft gehandeld. Ze hebben dit onder andere gedaan door het aanleggen van grote ondergrondse complexen in de bergketens langs de Amerikaanse oostkust.
Alleen hebben ze een enorme fout gemaakt met de locaties van die ondergrondse schuilplekken, want doordat de aarde in tegenovergestelde richting gaat draaien zal ook de jetstream van oost naar west gaan stromen. En dit betekent dan weer dat enorme hoeveelheden water van de Atlantische Oceaan zullen verdampen en via de dan veranderde jet stream in de vorm sneeuw op de plek terecht zullen komen waar de ondergrondse schuilplaatsen zich bevinden. Die sneeuwlagen zullen letterlijk kilometers dik zijn en de mensen die in hun ondergrondse verblijfplaatsen zitten zullen daar nooit of te nimmer meer uit kunnen komen. Zij zullen uiteindelijk daar sterven door zuurstofgebrek. Wat hun redding had moeten worden, wordt hun graf. Vogt dringt er ook op aan om deze informatie zo breed mogelijk te verspreiden en dan zeker onder de mensen die nu meewerken aan deze cornahoax omdat ze in de veronderstelling zijn dat ze straks het beloofde veilige plekje in zo'n bunker zullen krijgen. Wie weet zijn ze wakker te krijgen en stopt mede met hun hulp dan deze hele ellende waar de wereld in gevangen zit.
De informatie die Vogt heeft over de plannen van de Amerikaanse overheid betreffende de nova van de zon zijn afkomstig uit een aantal bronnen. Zelf kent hij mensen die nauw betrokken zijn bij instanties zoals de CIA, maar hij heeft ook antwoorden ontvangen op correspondentie die hij zelf heeft gestuurd naar instanties zoals het Pentagon.
In de video laat hij ook zien wat voor soort antwoorden hij kreeg en daaruit zijn een aantal interessante zaken te distilleren.
Zij weten dat ze nog zo’n 26 jaar hebben totdat de aarde zal worden getroffen door een ramp van ongekende proporties. Zij zijn nog steeds in de veronderstelling dat zij en degenen die zij zullen toelaten in de ondergrondse schuilplaatsen volkomen veilig zullen zijn.
Maar, wat ze ook willen, is voor die tijd, eigenlijk ruim voor die tijd, een groot deel van de wereldbevolking opruimen. De reden dat ze dat nu snel willen doen is tweeledig. Hoe kleiner de wereldbevolking des te gemakkelijk zij te beheersen zal zijn in de aanloop richting 2046 en een tweede heel belangrijke reden is dat ze ruimschoots op tijd alle kerncentrales willen sluiten, omdat ze niet willen riskeren dat de hele wereld straks te lijden zal hebben onder een reeks Fukushima-achtige gebeurtenissen als de aardbevingen en tsunami’s in volle kracht zullen losbarsten.
Bij dit alles spelen ook de covid-19 vaccinaties een grote rol en dan met name de RNA vaccins zoals die door Pfizer en Moderna worden geleverd. Zoals we in een eerder artikel hebben gezien noemt Robert F. Kennedy deze vaccins primers. Dat wil zeggen, het is een genetische manipulatie van de mensen die dat vaccin krijgen en een voorbereiding op iets anders dat zal komen.
Vogt zegt dat wanneer er voldoende mensen met dit vaccin zijn “beschermd” ze vervolgens een bepaald virus zullen loslaten dat dodelijk zal blijken te zijn juist voor mensen die een RNA vaccin hebben ontvangen. Als je dan ziet dat ouderen en kwetsbaren, zeg maar wat door Henry Kissinger de nutteloze mee-eters worden genoemd, het eerst aan de beurt zijn, dan kan je uitrekenen wanneer dat tweede virus ongeveer wordt losgelaten. Een andere indicatie kan zijn als ze zeggen dat het RNA vaccin bij bepaalde leeftijdsgroepen beter werkt. Dat is dan double-speak om te zeggen dat deze het eerst aan de beurt zullen zijn om naar de eeuwige jachtvelden te verdwijnen.
Hierna volgt het verhaal van Douglas Vogt over de komende turbulente periode op aarde. Een aanrader om te kijken. Aan het einde van deze video kondigt hij ook aan dat hij in de volgende zal vertellen over wat hij denkt dat de meest veilige plekken op aarde zijn in het licht van bovenstaande.
Steven Greer: The Biggest UFO Secret of All Is About To Come Crashing Down
Steven Greer: The Biggest UFO Secret of All Is About To Come Crashing Down
Dr. Steven Greer reveals startling information about the government briefing on UFOs and the control of information. Secret government programs on UFO technology is now being passed out to defence contractors. Thousands of people have been already briefed on the subject of extraterrestrials and their craft but can never talk about it, but slowly the truths are being leaked to the general public. The biggest global change has to take place.
The time we left fossil fuels behind. This is a huge impact upon humanity but we may have no choice. Are we running out of time? This channel is managed by Zohar Entertainment Group UK, Zohar Entertainment Group International Inc, USA and AdRev, USA.
Bright UFOs filmed over Blessington, Ireland 15-Dec-2020
Bright UFOs filmed over Blessington, Ireland 15-Dec-2020
These huge bright unidentified flying objects or orbs were hovering in the sky above Blessington, Ireland. This was taken on 15th December 2020.
Witness report:
4-5 bright lights observed over mountainous area. Some that just appear, very bright, one observed coming from the sky. All forms light up sky around like an aura. Very odd occurrence as lights were very bright, too bright to be Chinese lanterns and appeared randomly….so definitely not flares. Objects appear to land and appear randomly, then as fast as they appeared. They all disappeared and area plunged into darkness, ruling out fire and/or other flammable objects.
Major Jesse Marcel, head intelligence officer at the Roswell Army Air Field, investigated and recovered some of the debris from the Roswell UFO site in 1947.
A long-hidden diary belonging to a U.S. intelligence officer has rekindled research into the Roswell Incident, the infamous UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico, that took place more than 70 years ago.
When a mysterious object slammed into the desert near the Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF) in July 1947, Maj. Jesse Marcel, an RAAF intelligence officer, was sent to supervise collection of the debris. A press officer at the RAAF issued a statement on July 8 describing "the crash and recovery of 'a flying disc,'" which many interpreted as evidence of alien contact. But the next day, another army official told reporters that RAAF officers had recovered a weather balloon, not a flying saucer.
Newspaper photos showed Marcel posing with pieces of what appeared to be a shredded high-altitude weather balloon with a radar reflector. But in the decades since, many have speculated about the military's initial "flying disc" report, wondering if the wreckage was perhaps more unusual than the photos implied. Recently, Marcel's family revealed that he had kept a diary from that period that might contain clues about the crash, sparking a new investigation by the History Channel in "Roswell: The First Witness," part of the network's "History's Greatest Mysteries" series.
"The government claimed they had recovered a UFO — they had a press release about it," said Ben Smith, a former CIA operative and the show's lead investigator. "No other government in the world has said 'We have a spacecraft,' and then the next day there's another press release that says, 'Never mind, it was just a weather balloon'," Smith told Live Science.
When military officials initially described the wreckage to the press, they called the object a “flying disc,” fueling speculation about its extraterrestrial origins.
(Image credit: Roswell Daily Record)
Jennifer Naso, a forensic document examiner, inspects Major Marcel's journal with the aid of a video spectral comparator.
(Image credit: Photo by A+E Networks Copyright 2020)
Major Jesse Marcel, head intelligence officer at the Roswell Army Air Field, investigated and recovered some of the debris from the Roswell UFO site in 1947.
(Image credit: Universal History Archive/ Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
The show revisits the Roswell crash site, incorporating aerial surveys and mapping, and using multispectral imaging to detect micro-depressions in the ground that could indicate where debris landed, Smith said.
But the central component of the new inquiry is a diary, which Marcel supposedly kept during the time of the Roswell crash, and which is now in the possession of his grandchildren. Decades after the event, Marcel told an interviewer that he believed the object that crashed in the New Mexico desert had extraterrestrial origins, Time reported in 1997. Analysis of the diary — and translation of its cryptic language — could reveal coded messages that Marcel wrote about the crash at the time that it happened, Smith said.
Interest in UFOs hasn't waned since the Roswell Incident — if anything, recent evidence has amplified it. In 2017 and 2018, U.S. Navy pilots recorded three encounters with fast-moving UFOs (also referred to as UAP, or unidentified aerial phenomena); the Navy officially declassified the videos in April of this year, Live Science previously reported. Also in 2017, a former Pentagon official confirmed the existence of a federal agency that had been secretly investigating UFOs since 2007, and which may still be active today.
But why do the events of Roswell still intrigue people?
"It's the origin story of the UFO, the prospect of a government cover-up for alien contact," Smith said. "Science fiction already existed but things that passed to us through pop culture found their origins in government secrecy surrounding this strange sequence of events in 1947," he said.
"It all starts in Roswell."
Watch the three-part investigative series, "Roswell: The First Witness" on the History Channel, premiering Saturday (Dec. 12) at 9 p.m. ET/8 p.m. CT.
A sculpture of a female figure with horns, carrying two lanterns and hidden in a forested area of High Park does not appear to have been created for any nefarious purpose.
The human-sized figure was spotted in the forest near Colborne Lodge by a member of the Weird Toronto Facebook group. The post in the group drew speculation of its purpose.
Some thought it was beautiful, and others thought it odd.
"Looks like something from Stranger Things," one person wrote.
The statue is in the woods off a small trail near Colborne Lodge.
Others thought it was a Satan-like form and recalled the witches' circle of stones that were once in the park in around the same area.
Another person posted the piece was actually created by a friend.
The person behind the sculpture, who goes by the name MA, told blogTO the piece is a work of guerrilla art.
The statue was built over about three weeks this summer, MA said via email.
Originally intended to be a male figure, the statue was changed to female after it was vandalized.
"An archetypal pagan form with definite female characteristics just seemed to work," MA said. "I guess it's partly an homage to pagan worship of nature, and partly just to be a bit weird and get people talking."
The sculpture is made with natural materials along with a rebar and concrete.
MA decided to create the piece after creating several two-dimensional graffiti pieces were vandalized.
"Basically I was tired of seeing art being defaced for the sake of a cheap laugh, and realized that going 3D was not only more permanent but also visually commands a bit more respect as far as guerrilla art goes," the artist said.
The piece is made from concrete and rebar for structural stability, recycled stone and brick mortared into a wire frame and copper pipe inside for irrigation and water drainage.
Compacted earth fills all the crevices "for grass and plant material to naturally envelop her over time and become part of the piece."
The park was chosen because for its environment.
"High Park is a special place for me, and despite being in the middle of a concrete jungle it is still a fairly quiet and beautiful green space where you can be alone and take things in."
The park has a lot of traffic, but MA intentionally picked a spot that wasn't too near any main trails.
The lanterns were part of the original piece but people have added lights and an offering jar.
"I like the idea of it being in a more or less secluded place and that it might catch the odd person's eye if they should ever veer off the beaten path and go exploring, it adds mystery and it's a conversation piece that way," MA said.
Since the statue has been in place, people have added battery-powered string lights, and an offering jar by her feet, which is fine with the artist.
"Once a piece is out there, to some extent it isn't really yours anymore," MA said. "It becomes public domain, and takes on a life of its own. That's what I want, to inspire through obscurity."
Filer’s Files 51, 2020 President Eisenhower Met Aliens - PART I
Kingston, Idaho cylinder photographed on December 5, 2020.
Filer’s Files 51, 2020 President Eisenhower Met Aliens - PART I
Major George A. Filer III ret. USAF
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Aliens Are Hiding Among Us after Striking Deal with US Government, President Eisenhower Met Aliens, Aliens May Live on Space Ships, Evidence of Life Inside Meteorites, Aliens May Live on Space Ships, President Harry Truman Realized That UFO’S Were Real, Carbon 60 and The Texas Supreme Court Case
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over California, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Maryland, Missouri, Oregon, Washington, and Washington D.C.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Canada, Poland, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Projects
Aliens Are Hiding Among Us after Striking Deal with US Government
The extraterrestrials struck a deal with the US government to stay hidden and will only reveal themselves when humanity is ready, former Israelis space boss General Haim Eshed claims
A former space boss claims aliens are hiding among us after striking deal with US Government
(Image: Getty Images)
Aliens are hiding among us after striking a deal with the US government, a former Israeli space boss has bizarrely claimed. Professor Haim Eshed, 87, says extraterrestrials have struck a deal with the US to stay silent while they conduct experiments on Earth and will only reveal themselves when mankind is ready.
The retired general, who headed Israel’s Space program for almost 30 years, claims the aliens have a secret base on Mars, the Jewish Press reports.
But according to the general and now professor, the alien race had to intervene to stop Donald Trump from blowing their cover and revealing their secrets.
Professor Haim Eshed, who has a doctorate in aeronautical engineering, says he has “nothing to lose” in sharing the information (Image: Haim Eshed)
The former Israeli space boss suggests the alien visitors come in peace (Image: Getty Images/Collection Mix: Sub) Speaking to Israeli newspaper Yedioth Aharonoth, Prof Eshed said: “The aliens have asked not to announce that they are here. Humanity is not ready yet.” “The UFOs have asked not to publish that they are here. Humanity is not ready yet.”
According to Prof Eshed, Mr. Trump also negotiates with senior extraterrestrials via calls to world leaders such as Kim Jong-un. He added: “Trump was on the verge of revealing, but the aliens in the Galactic Federation are saying ‘wait, let people calm down first’,” he told the Israeli paper.
Aliens had to stop Donald Trump when he seemed to be “on the verge” of revealing their secrets, the former space boss claims. He allegedly gave permission for the Navy to report UFO’s are real. “They don’t want to start mass hysteria. They want to first make us sane and understanding.”
The term ‘Galactic Federation’ has been used in works of science fiction, including the TV phenomenon Doctor Who. Prof Eshed did not say how long the aliens have been hiding in the shadows but claims they have signed a contract with the US “to do experiments here.”
He said the extraterrestrials will not reveal themselves until mankind has evolved and reached a stage where we will “generally understand what space and spaceships are.”
Prof Eshed also claims the alien race have a secret base on Mars. The US Government signed secret agreements with a Galactic Federation in order to do experiments and establish an underground base on Mars for American astronauts and alien representatives.
Prof Eshed holds a bachelor’s degree in electronics engineering, a master’s degree in performance research and a doctorate in aeronautical engineering.
The respected academic suggests that some of the presumed contact took place during Trump’s leadership and referred to an agreement between the US government and the alien race.
He claims the extraterrestrials, who come in peace, wanted to study “the fabric of the universe” by working with American agents. In December 2020, Eshed claimed in an interview with Yediot Aharonot that the United States government had been in contact with extra-terrestrial life for years and had signed secret agreements with a galactic federation in order to do experiments and [10]
He also stated that US president Donald Trump was aware of this and was ‘on the verge’ of informing everyone of their existence, but was stopped by the galactic federation, who wished to prevent mass hysteria.[11
President Eisenhower Met Aliens
Eisenhower had contract with the aliens may have taken place when President Eisenhower was in office as he was extremely interested in UFOs and ETs: there is evidence that he met with ETs secretly, at least three times.
Once at Edwards Air Force Base (AFB) in California and twice at Holloman AFB in New Mexico. Since the Eisenhower meetings, other instances of UFOs landing at or near Holloman AFB have been reported.
1954 Eisenhower ET Meeting at Edwards AFB
President Eisenhower, who had been a five-star Army general, always had a “strong belief in life on other planets.” In February 1954, he was spending several days in Palm Springs on vacation. He disappeared for several hours one Saturday afternoon and even missed a scheduled public dinner. He was not seen again until late the following morning.
The press questioned Ike’s whereabouts, so the White House Press Secretary told them that Ike had chipped a tooth and gone to see a dentist. Even at that time, rumors were that he was visiting ETs at nearby Edwards AFB. The dentist’s story falls apart upon close inspection. Washington Post Staff Writer, Peter Carlson, denies the story of the chipped tooth and calls it a cover-up.
Another little known fact is that Eisenhower had also been a pilot.
Meeting Agenda from Eisenhower Museum Showing his Doodling of Triangle UOs
The Eisenhower Presidential Library has detailed reports of all Eisenhower’s medical and dental records. There is no reference to a broken or chipped tooth or dentist visit related to the Palm Springs visit. The Library also has copies of acknowledgments that were sent to everyone Eisenhower had contact with while in Palm Springs. There were records of people who met the airplane, people who sent flowers, and the minister who gave the sermon at the Sunday service he attended, and others who played minor roles. But there is no proof of a note sent to a dentist. Years later, the dentist’s widow said she had no recollection of ever being told by her husband that he had done dental work on the President.
Corroborating Evidence of the ET Visit
William Cooper, who was on the Naval Intelligence briefing team and had access to classified documents, is a credible witness. His Review of Those Documents revealed that ETs had had contact with Earth. They had warned that the Earth was “on a path of self-destruction” and they wanted to meet to help effectuate a long-lasting peace.
Meeting with Eisenhower
The first meeting with the aliens and President Eisenhower occurred at Edwards AFB in February 1954. Navy Commander Charles L. Suggs reported that his father had attended the meeting between Ike and the ETS. Eisenhower met with two Nordic appearing, blue-eyed ETs. A third one stood near the door as a lookout.
Alleged Meeting at airfield with aliens
The discussions were polite. Eisenhower wanted to effectuate a treaty with the aliens but was unwilling to agree to their demand that we cease testing nuclear weapons. The aliens left with no treaty in place but returned the next year to Holloman AFB in New Mexico, not too far from the famous Roswell alien aircraft crash site, for a subsequent meeting with Eisenhower.
I asked Chief of Staff General Goodpaster about Eisenhower drawing both triangle and disc shaped craft on his meeting agendas? He explained that the President was an artist and doodled with a pencil almost continuously.
Gerald Light’s Letter
There is a corroborating story to the ET meeting with Ike at Edwards AFB. The accuracy of the story is difficult to confirm. A man named Gerald Light wrote a letter in April 1954 claiming to have been an eyewitness to the Edwards AFB meeting between Eisenhower and ETs. Light provided details such as watching Air Force officials studying five aircraft with the permission of their alien owners!
Some question the credibility of Light’s report since he was known to have a love of the occult and claimed to be clairvoyant, but others like Meade Layne, the former director of Borderland Sciences Research Foundation, confirms and believes Light did know first-hand what occurred. Thanks to
“Victor One” on Saturday, March 16, 1957 at 8:00 AM. President Eisenhower, Vice President Richard Nixon, the Joint Chiefs of Staff–all rush to the Oval Office to meet with the extraterrestrial. When Valiant Thor who was from Venus explains his presence, the men ponder his endless technological possibilities. He warned of the dangers of nuclear war. Also he could provide the secrets of good health a long life.
They contemplate their future strategy either using friendship or force to gain control. Thor’s three year invitation to reside at the Pentagon under VIP status begins.
A designated General in the Joint Chiefs of Staff has plans to climb the military ladder. Thor is his goal. To attain what Thor knows will ensure the United States military supremacy. Thanks to Frank Chili
Aliens May Live on Space Ships
Sam Sherman the president of Independent International Pictures writes, “Where do Aliens come from? When interviewed for my still-unreleased film- “Beyond This Earth”. Astronaut Col. Gordon Cooper spoke about one reported instance where: “Aliens were living on their ships, as they had lost their sun in their own solar system”. A possible hypothesis may be that some ET groups live on large ships or space platforms, as has been reported, not on planetary bodies, and these huge crafts loop in and around our planet. Further they send out smaller scout craft for missions (whatever they may be) to Earth. They may have traveled great distances here over decades or hundreds of years and their huge ships serve as replacement and space-faring planets. Thanks to Sam Sherman.
Interior of Spaceship
Editor’s Notes: With Earth’s population growing so quickly NASA seriously considered developing a city in space. The concept and artist’s drawing is contained in Ernest Jahn’s and Margaret Sachs book “Celestial Passengers UFO’s and Space Travel.” A space colony habitat was designed by NASA Ames Research Center to carry several hundred thousand people. The space habitat would be 16 miles long by four miles wide and have its own atmosphere and clouds. Only 2% of the materials would come from Earth, the remaining 98% would come from the moon. Not only does it yield an abundant supply of substances such as aluminum, concrete, soil, oxygen, and probably water, but lifting the materials off the moon will require twentieth the energy needed to lift them off Earth, because the Moon has such weak gravitational pull. We have to remember that Earth also is a spaceship. On Earth there are dangers in the form of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, and tornadoes. If aliens were living not too far from Earth in space they may have a few minute rides to visit us. The dark eyes often described by abductees may be permanent eyeglasses to protect sensitive eyes from the glare of our powerful sun or the bright light created by their propulsion systems.
It happens there five places in space (L-1 thru L-5) in space known as Lagrangian Libration Points where a space ship can stay with little if any energy needed. L-4 and L-5 are particularly well balanced where the gravitational and centrifugal forces of the Earth and Moon cancel each other out. Any object within one of these roughly spherical areas would remain orbiting around the Earth just as our Moon does. This is roughly a 60 degree angle in front and behind the moon essentially along its orbital path. Astronomers may wish to examine that portion of the sky to see if any small moonlets or space ships are orbiting our Earth.
“Filaments found in the CI1 meteorites have also been detected that exhibit structures consistent with the specialized cells and structures used by cyanobacteria for reproduction.
This merited is for sale at $50,000 so they worth collecting.kio
Brinkley Convinced She Saw A UFO in Crete
Christie Brinkley and her daughter Sailor Cook Alexa Ray Joel performs at the Plaza Hotel in New York City.
Ageless stunner Christie Brinkley is convinced she once saw a Ufo when she was living in Crete.
The model and actress insists she has been a believer there’s life on other planets ever since. Brinkley, the former wife of rocker Billy Joel, recalls seeing four bright lights in the sky as she was shopping one day.
She says, “This is in broad daylight and the lights are very bright. All of a sudden all four of the lights shot over the mountain to the other side of Crete.”Returning to her harbor village, she learned the lights had disappeared beneath the sea. She adds, “There were no reports of any planes or anything like that and it just went under the water and never re-appeared.”
The Catalina Sky Survey consists of nine astronomers using two modest telescopes in Arizona and one in Australia. The team refurbished a long-unused telescope at Mount Lemmon with a 60-inch mirror, NASA provides $1 million per year — peanuts in astronomy circles. As it happens, astronomers at the Catalina telescope in Australia and other sites around the world took pictures of the NEO after Hill discovered it the night of my visit, allowing the Minor Planet Center to calculate its orbit. The results had been posted online: but the asteroid didn’t threaten Earth. Before Ed Beshore joined the survey in 2002, he was skeptical that he’d spot any hazardous asteroids. “Then I realized, my God, the sky is full of these things,” he says. “I have more perspective that yes, this could happen, we might get hit. It would be really satisfying to find an object and then do something about it.”
Don Yeomans runs the lab’s NEO clearinghouse at JPL in Pasadena, which is our planetary-defense headquarters.We don’t let our guard down, even for a day,” Yeomans says. “It’s our job to monitor the inner solar system and make sure none of these objects gets close to the Earth.” The tracking starts at the Minor Planet Center, which archives data from a global network of professional and amateur astronomers. “We inventory the solar system,” says center director Tim Spahr. “If the world wants to know about an asteroid, we have the catalog.”
The JPL team takes orbit data from the Minor Planet Center and refines it, asteroid by asteroid. A computer program called Sentry projects each NEO’s orbit for 100 years. Once an asteroid starts approaching Earth, it will do so again and again. A 900-foot-wide asteroid called Apophis caused a stir in 2004 when JPL calculated there was a 3 percent chance it would slam into Earth in 2029.
Beshore and Hill are part of the Catalina Sky Survey, which has found about 2,500 NEOs in the past decade—including 577 in 2009. The rocks range from the size of tables to mountains. Most will bypass Earth. But NEOs have plowed into our planet countless times before, and will do so again.
In the desert 175 miles north of Tucson, Meteor Crater is the scar where a boxcar-size hunk of iron slammed into Earth 50,000 years ago. The crater is nearly a mile wide and 550 feet deep, edged with layers of warped and shattered rock. The asteroid blew up with the energy of the largest hydrogen bombs ever detonated on Earth, vaporizing the desert and unleashing deadly supersonic winds for many miles.
Hundreds of known NEOs are more than a mile wide. If an asteroid that big struck Earth, firestorms could produce worldwide clouds of soot that would block sunlight and plunge the planet into an “asteroid winter.” That happens every few million years, scientists estimate. Once every 100 million years or so, an even larger asteroid may cause a mass extinction; most scientists believe a six-mile-wide asteroid doomed the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.
Astronomers with the Catalina survey find new NEOs almost every night. They start by taking four pictures of the same patch of sky, with ten minutes between each exposure, and compare them on a computer screen. While background stars shine in the same place in each image, NEOs appear as four distinct dots along a straight line. The astronomers are skilled at ruling out man-made satellites, electronic sparks from cosmic rays and other streaking objects that could be mistaken for an NEO. “They look at everything with the human eye,” NASA’s Yeomans says. “They’ve been doing it for so long, and they’re so dedicated.”
Robert Irion has written about comets, black holes, new planets and other astronomical phenomena for Smithsonian.
Mars Square, Writing, Face and Tubes
I finally found the image on Mars that I had tried to transmit to you some time ago.
Note the square object in the center with what appears to be a plume of dust rising from the upper left of the square object. Mining Device? Gary L. Prowant
Possible Martian in cave Norman Bryden writes, “There is little chance of NASA being honest about any data regarding intelligent civilizations on other celestial spheres. They ignore and deny the data and evidence.”Notice face like structure at center of the image with numerous tube like structures. The tube like structures could hold building s and a transportation system. Tubes would be ideal for containing the small amount of atmosphere and water available on MarsMOC narrow-angle image R09-04155
President Harry Truman Realized That UFO’S Were Real.
Retired Army Col. John Alexander, 77-year-old former Green Beret A-Team commander and developer of non-lethal weapons at Los Alamos, N.M., says UFO disclosure has already occurred, and that the ultimate solution to UFOs is more complex than most people think.
Disclosure has happened,” Alexander told AOL News. “It starts with former presidents Truman, Carter, Reagan and [the Soviet Union’s] Gorbachev. I’ve got stacks of generals, including Soviet generals, who’ve come out and said UFOs are real. My point is how many times do senior officials need to come forward and say this is real?”
“At one time, before a lot of this information was released, I could see both the classified and the unclassified material. And I will tell you that 98 percent of the information was already in the public domain. The only things that weren’t there was stuff like sources and method, which is protected, but the information about the incident was already out there.”
Alexander quotes President Harry Truman: “I can assure you the flying saucers, given that they exist, are not constructed by any power on Earth.”
Several years ago, a group of ex-military officers came forward to discuss their experiences when UFOs reportedly tampered with American nuclear missile sites. While Alexander acknowledges the events, he suggests why there was no intense intelligence investigation of these incidents.
“They absolutely happened, but when it’s a one-time event, the attitude of investigators is: If it happens again, we’ll get nervous, but since it didn’t happen, put it aside.”It’s sort of an indictment that says, despite overwhelming evidence of interaction with strategic systems, nothing was done. And in my view, it is put, like a number of things, in the too-tough-to-handle bin.” In his new book, “UFOs: Myths, Conspiracies and Realities,” Alexander writes, “UFOs are real!With no prevarication or qualification of terms, there are physical objects of unknown origin that do transit our universe. The evidence that supports those statements is simply over whelming. “The evidence he speaks of includes the hard data of sensor technology that has frequently confirmed the reality of physical craft and the high quality of extremely reliable eyewitnesses who are “neither misreporting facts nor delusional.”
“The problem is, when you discuss UFOs, we are talking everything from little balls of light to hard craft a mile or more across, and everything in between. So what is it?” Alexander asked.”I argue that, not only are we not solving the problems yet, we’re not even asking the right questions, because we approach this wrong. I suspect that consciousness is a piece of the puzzle. We talk about UFOs, saying it’s a technology that’s 1,000 years in advance, but it really isn’t. If you follow the history of these things, usually it is somewhat in advance, but not beyond our comprehension by any stretch of the imagination.
“The conundrum you get into is, yes, they are seen by sensors; however, at other times, they are not seen by sensors that should’ve seen them, and that’s one I can’t answer.”Thanks to the Daily Galaxy. Ken Pfeifer MUFON
General Ramey
Note: 8th Air Force Commander General Ramey’s wife Latane and their two children still survive and, according to the last information I received, are still living in Denton. Son Kent is a pilot for Delta Air Lines. I talked to Latine one several occasions and she told me her sons did not want her to talk about aliens. She said her husband died unexpectedly at 57, and he had expected to become chief of the Air Force due to their close friendship with President Truman. Apparently they met when the Roswell UFO debris and alien were brought to Brigadier General Ramey’s Headquarters at Fort Worth. I took Elaine Sheppard out to dinner. She was a Colonels wife who had a radio show in Washington and had become a good friend of Latane Ramey and t Col. Blandford wife who was Commanding Officer of the 509th Bomber wing and Roswell AAFB during the Roswell Incident. Elaine told me the three women y had planned to write a book about the Roswell aliens based on what their husband’s ha tool them.
Those officers involved got promoted numerous times. By 1966, Blanchard was a 4-star general, Vice Chief of Staff, and a “sure bet” for the Joint Chiefs General Ramey became a 3 star general and he and his wife became good friends of President Truman because they observed the alien and UFO debris.
Aliens Are Hiding Among Us after Striking Deal with US Government
The extraterrestrials struck a deal with the US government to stay hidden and will only reveal themselves when humanity is ready, former space boss Haim Eshed claims
MUFON Report for November
California 34, Texas 32, Florida 28, Arizona 19, New York 16, Ohio 15, North Carolina 14, Illinois 11,Michigan 10,Pennsylvania 9,New Jersey 9,Massachusetts 9,Colorado 8,Minnesota 8,Washington 7,Indiana 6, Missouri 5, Oklahoma 5.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer’s Files 51, 2020 President Eisenhower Met Aliens - PART II
Kingston, Idaho cylinder photographed on December 5, 2020.
Filer’s Files 51, 2020 President Eisenhower Met Aliens - PART II
Major George A. Filer III ret. USAF
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director
UFO Sightings in the United States
Sightings are from MUFON CMS
California Object
Riverside– June 7, 2019, I awoke the following morning to see that my video doorbell ad recorded this video. I see planes in the distance but nothing this big and bright. You can see there are two very bright objects approaching from opposite directions. The planes never do that and never come that close together. I’ve lived here for years and seen lots of planes both day and night but nothing like this…nothing this big. Also the strangeness of the video getting turned on to capture it while I was sleeping.
Colorado Object
Denver – On December 5, 2020, my boyfriend and I were pulling up to our place, at 2:45 and I saw this object, to the south of us. I went to third floor of our building to get a better view and it continued to gradually move west, changing from solid black to very bright, like it was catching the reflection of the sun. The sun was so bright I couldn’t see my screen to keep it in focus. After I took the video, I saw TWO of the same thing! The other was to the right and higher than the original object. I’m sorry that the video is mostly junk; I’ve just never seen anything like that.
Florida Lights
Riviera Beach – On November 1, 2020, yellowish globe discolored a cloud at 8 pm on November 2020, during a full moon over the ocean. Yellow spot moved up out of cloud and became a larger orange glowing spot. It was about 1 mile away. We were photographing the full moon so I have a photo of it behind the cloud. It started to meander west towards us, picked up speed and appeared as an orange glowing craft but no sharp edges. It had soft glowing edges. In 10 seconds it was right over our balcony. It hovered over us for 3 seconds then took off continuing west at lightning speed.
Idaho Cylinder from Plane
Kingston – On December 5, 2020, I am a commercially rated pilot with ~220 flight hours in small aircraft. I am professionally trained to identify and avoid other aircraft. I was in a commercial airline (A321) going from KCLT to KSEA as a passenger. The flight was AA2274 and the UFO was located 10NM, at 30,000 feet above Enaville, Idaho (The craft appeared to have a small amount of relative motion from West to East, on a heading on 110 degrees moving slowly. It did not display several of the features I frequently see on airliners. Despite being at a nearly 15 degree angle above it, I could not make out any sort of wings or vertical stabilizer. I’d say its most prominent feature was its total lack of easily identifying features.
All aircraft flying above FL180, aka 18,000ft are legally required to be on an Instrument Flight Rules flight plan and receive ATC clearance prior to ascending into the airspace, they also contain an ADS-B system which automatically reports the aircrafts location, heading, speed, tail #, etch
Maryland Disc
Frederick – On July 7, 2014, after my birthday I was at Monocacy Battlefield I took photos of the light posts facing south. Upon uploading the images I spotted what I thought was dust but when I enlarged the image it was not dust and did not look like a bird or a craft. The spot is near the bottom of the photo just above the tree line. The photos I took before and after the one with the “object” show nothing and I was shooting multiple shots to get the best one in natural light
Missouri Light
Weldon Spring— Took this photo on October 30 , 2020, at 11:47pm with a new Samsung note 20 ultra phone. I was just testing camera night vision on the new phone. I checked before taking the photo and there was nothing moving in the sky, thought I was taking pictures of just the moon and stars. When I zoomed in to review the pictures, one of the stars looks more like some type of air craft. Keep in mind, this object was stationary and not moving when photo was taken. I’ve attached 3 photos. One is original with the object circled, then one zoomed in and last one zoomed and enhanced to show a clearer image.
Oregon Orb
Beverton – On December 2, 2020, took these photos at 6:30 AM. I saw the objects on the way to work. I took a photo of it specifically. It definitely did not look like the moon.
Note:The object is not Venus. Venus was visible, but very low on the horizon. The object is too big for a planet. The shape in the photo could be due to “camera movement,” but this is not known. The object seems to be “somewhat” triangular shaped. Thanks to Will Pucket/
Washington Lights
Paso— On October 19, 2020, on my way into the house on a sunny day I looked up and saw what I thought was a Mylar balloon that had escaped. As I continued to look at it, I discounted it as a Mylar balloon as it seemed to be much too high and large for a balloon and more triangular or cube shaped. It also appeared solid. It slowly rotated and the sun glinted off one of its surfaces. That happened two or three times as I watched it rotate. It seemed to be gray on some sides but then shiny on the other as it reflected the sunlight. I estimated it to be above 5,000 ft but less than 10,000. It lacked wings, navigation lights, anti-collision lights, or any kind of lights as required by the FAA for flight. It drifted to the NE silently. I do live by PSC and there are several flights a day as well as navy aircraft practicing takeoffs and landings. It was definitely not an aircraft. I hold an FAA aviation maintenance technician certificate and I could not identify this object as any aircraft.
Washington D.C. Objects
D.C. – On December 15, 2020, 2 black objects were hovering in the sky
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Sighting
Townsville—February 6, 2019, this was taken on my smart phone and I’ve decided to finally bring it out. For most of my life I get feelings or a wanting to go outside and look up and while sometimes I will see something there incredible, but a lot of the time I just point the camera at the sky and then look back over the footage. In this video I did not see it with my eyes until I looked back over the footage. It is actually slowed right down using a slow motion app which obviously hindered the quality a bit. The video starts in normal speed then it switches to the part of the craft entering. The feeling I knew that this had come into shot was that of amazement and complete gratitude to have this experience
Canada Lights
Quebec– On October 15, 2020, the lights were both stationary above the block in front of my house … time to take my cell phone and open the patio door they had come up … then one was turned off and after the two on and then off.
Poland d Disc
Warsaw – On July 30, 2020 captured this picture over Poland. The very important fact is that the sky was clear when I looked with the naked eye. At the same time – looking by the camera – I saw many weird objects, different shapes flying next to each other. I am sure something was going on in the sky on this particular day!
UK/England Light
Washington – On November 25, 2020, I observed 3 red glowing craft at different times over a 2 hour period, they were all flying due east, before I had the chance to video these 3 craft’s they all just vanished before my eyes the fourth craft I managed to video for just a few seconds, this craft was just a metallic silver, unfortunately I was unable to zoom in on this craft as it went beyond my line of sight over roof tops, I went to the front of my home to see if I could get more videos, but was unable to find the craft again.
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Our outreach relies on the generosity of our supporters. Join us today. I have put together a DVD or flash drive of the last twenty years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Buy a Great DVD
I have put together a DVD of the last twenty years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2015 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Majorstar
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
Put another way, a young person in the U.S. is nearly 11 times as likely to die in a swimming pool than in a school shooting. Few public officials would say pools are doing a poor job protecting swimmers, but the statistics suggest that we need “more lifeguards at pools, as opposed to guards at schools,” Fox said
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women Georgie Filer and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who both drowned. We pray that God will bless those who read these files spiritually.
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Top 10 UFO Sightings in Britain
Top 10 UFO Sightings in Britain
UFOs aren’t just an American phenomenon, you know! For this list, WatchMojo UK counts down the most bizarre, intriguing and unexplained UFO sightings in the UK. Whether it’s strange flying discs, inexplicable flashing lights, or ominous dark shadows… these things have helped to build UFO folklore all around the world, and they’ve all happened on just this one small island!
Legendary Ark Of Noah Was Actually A DNA Lab And The Great Flood Was NOT Natural
Legendary Ark Of Noah Was Actually A DNA Lab And The Great Flood Was NOT Natural
We already know that the story from Noah’s Ark actually did happen in ancient times. If you don’t think so then just look at all of the cities that are submerged underwater as we speak. There are over 250 of them under the Black Sea, and guess what, none of them were originally built by fish.
There are also buildings that were under construction when the flooding happened, as we have observed in the many submerged cities from Peru, Scotland, Malta and Egypt.
But what or who could have caused this flooding?
Amongst some of the most popular iterations lies the Mahabharata. This is a collection of Hindu texts which speaks of ancient civilizations that lived amongst deities and waged war on one another with their flying machines known as the Vimanas.
The Mahabharata texts speak of how these Vimanas could shoot light beams that were akin to nuclear missiles going off, which we have proof of having occurred in real life.
Remember the ancient bunkers that were built thousands of years before the Hiroshima bombing?
God is apparently the one to have caused this flooding to begin with, but what if God was never a deity, to begin with, but an extraterrestrial instead? After all, what is he, other than just a very powerful being that came from the sky and completely dominated us physically and mentally?
Many believe that the Great Flood from Noah’s Ark was actually an experiment by the so-called God. He orchestrated everything, making Noah’s Ark an important DNA Bank or a DNA lab of some sort at the time.
Many believe that it is impossible to store the billions of species on Earth on a simple ark, but we actually managed to recreate this in 2008 on the Arctic Island of Svalbard. We were able to store the seeds of hundreds upon thousands of planets there in case another cataclysmic event takes us down for good.
That’s quite a question! For years – decades, in fact – there have been rumors to the effect that there’s a secret U.S. program to quickly retrieve damaged, malfunctioning and crashed alien spacecraft. Many UFO researchers point their fingers in the direction of a project that goes back to the 1950s. For years, it was titled Project Moon Dust (also spelled Moondust). Today, however, it has a classified title. Mention the operation to a lot of Ufologists and they’ll tell you that Moon Dustis the key to the secrets of where crashed Saucers and dead aliens are stored away. But, are their thoughts and conclusions correct? Nope. Time and again I have seen UFO researchers say that the available Moon Dust documentation (via the Freedom of Information Act) proves that UFOs have crashed. Actually, in relation to aliens, it doesn’t prove anything at all. If you do what I have done – namely, to go through all of the declassified Moon Dust papers (which amounts to thousands of pages) – you’ll see that for the U.S. military, government, and intelligence community, the term “UFO” meant something very different. For most people, if you use the term “UFO” they will assume you are talking about extraterrestrial spacecraft. And that’s totally understandable. A careful and close look at the available files, however, shows that for the Moon Dust teams, “UFO” – on almost every occasion – meant captured Soviet hardware: aircraft, parts of satellites, missiles gone off-course and so on. It did not mean “extraterrestrials.” That doesn’t take away the fact that the history of the program wasn’t fascinating. It certainly was. Now, with that all said, let’s take a look at some of the cases under the Moon Dust microscope.
One now-declassified Moon Dust document states:”On 30 September 1960, a TWX report was sent to the Pacific Air Forces on a sighting of an unidentified object that entered the water near the village of Ctaru. The report originated with the Japanese Ground Self Defense Force (GSDF) headquarters and was relayed to us by the Japanese Air Self Defense Force (JASDF). According to the report, a fiery object fell from the sky and into the sea, making a fountain of water which was described as looking like a ‘geyser.’ Technical intelligence personnel from Tokyo took over the case, but were unable to locate or reclaim the object.” Additional documentation was that the most likely scenario was space debris. Another document says: “On 11 October 1960, a pilot over the beach east of Kisawa observed an orange flash on the horizon. He described the phenomenon as being distinct and looking like a great bubble. The area in which the phenomenon could be observed was along the southern coast of the Soviet Kuril Islands.” And, there’s also this one: On 14 September 1960, a pilot was flying an F-86D between an overcast above and below him when a greenish-white object appeared from the overcast above him. The object fell straight down, and disappeared in the overcast below. The object was described as looking like a green pea. Preliminary investigation could not identify any balloons or other known objects in the area which could have accounted for the sighting.” Eventually it was shown to have been a balloon.
A 1965 document declassified by the CIA, a copy of which is in the Moon Dust files, is titled: “Fragment, Metal, Recovered in the Republic of the Congo, Origin Believed to be an Unidentified Flying Object,.” It provides the following: “The purpose of this report is to present the results of the exploitation of a metallic fragment recovered near the town of [illegible] in the Republic of the Congo. Fragment recovery was the result of a ground-level search which was coordinated after an unidentified flying object exploded and fell to earth in the area. The sighting and recovery took place sometime between 10 and 15 October 1965. Other than a reported east-to-west direction of flight for the UFO, specific observation and recovery details are lacking.” The final outcome was something that had come off an aircraft that had caught fire in the air.” Yet again, we see the use of the word “UFO,” but not in the context of an alien ship.
Then, there is a Department of State telegram of August 1967 from the American Embassy at Khartoum to Washington. It states: “Local press 17 Aug 1967 reported that a satellite, cube shaped, weighing approximately three tons discovered 3 August 50 miles from Kutum. Satellite described as made of soft metal presumably light aluminum in oblong cubes measuring two inches by one inch tightly fastened together and covered by a silky material. Nationality not identified as no inscriptions evident on outer surface. Local authorities in El Fasher have photographs and with difficulty cut samples.” It did indeed amount to parts from a space satellite. But, the recovery was handled by Moon Dust, whose teams used the word “UFO.” Thus, a UFO legend was created. Now, is it possible that the Moon Dust teams really did recover fallen alien technology? Yes, it’s possible – and, certainly, Moon Dust would have been the perfect project to perform such retrievals of UFOs. If only there were some evidence. There isn’t. So, in finality, if you happen to see the term “UFO” in a government report, remember that it doesn’t necessarily mean the references are to “aliens,” extraterrestrials,” “non-humans,” or…well, the list goes on.
PS: In my next article, we’ll see how a near-identical situation took place in the U.K. – and, if needed, still does.
It brightened up to 5.6 mag in early December (Dec. 9, Marco Goiato). Now it is not observable. It will appear in the morning sky again in April. But then it will be fainter than 15 mag.
* C/2020 M3 ( ATLAS )
Now it is very bright as 8.5 mag (Dec. 9, Marco Goiato). In the Northern Hemisphere, it stays observable in excellent condition for a long time. In the Southern Hemisphere, it stays locating extremely low after this.
Now it is 10.0 mag (Dec. 9, Chris Wyatt). It stays observable in the evening low sky while it will be getting fainter gradually, until early January in the Southern Hemisphere, or late February in the Northern Hemisphere.
It brightened very rapidly in early December. Now it is very bright as 13.5 mag (Dec. 7, Michael Jager). In addition, Michael Jager observed two more components of 17.5-18.0 mag. It stays observable for a long time in this apparition.
* 156P/Russell-LINEAR
Brightened rapidly. Now it is very bright as 10.3 mag (Dec. 9, Chris Wyatt). In the Northern Hemisphere, it stays observable in good condition for a long time. In the Southern Hemisphere, it will be extremely low after January.
* 398P/2020 P2 ( Boattini )
First return of a new periodic comet which brightened up to 13 mag in 2009. Now it is bright as 12.8 mag (Dec. 9, Chris Wyatt). It will brighten up to 12 mag and will be observable in excellent condition in winter.
* C/2019 N1 ( ATLAS
It brightened up to 13.5 mag in summer (July 31, Ken-ichi Kadota). It is expected to brighten up to 12 mag from autumn to winter. In the Southern Hemisphere, it will appear in the morning sky in December, then it stays observable in good condition. In the Northern Hemisphere, it will be observable in the extremely low sky only from November to December.
It had been observed as 8-9 mag for a long time in 2020. Now it is not observable. It will appear in the morning sky at 14.5 mag
* C/2019 L3 ( ATLAS )
Now it is 14.2 mag (Nov. 23, Thomas Lehmann). It will brighten up to 11 mag in winter in 2022. In the Northern Hemisphere, it stays observable in good condition for a long time. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is not observable until 2021 November.
* C/2017 K2 ( PanSTARRS )
Now it is 14.3 mag (Nov. 12, Toshihiko Ikemura, Hirohisa Sato). It is expected to be observable at 5-6 mag for a long time from 2022 to 2023. In the Northern Hemisphere, it is not observable at the high light from 2022 summer to 2023 summer. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is not observable now. But it will be observable in good condition at the high light.
* 11P/Tempel-Swift-LINEAR
It approached to Earth down to 0.5 a.u. in November, and it brightened very rapidly. Now it is very bright as 14.5 mag (Nov. 21, Michael Jager). It is observable in excellent condition. But it seems to fade out very rapidly after this.
* 246P/NEAT
It stays 13-14 mag from 2020 to 2021. It is not observable until January.
Now it is 14.8 mag (May 14, Toshiyuki Takahashi). It will brighten up to 13 mag in 2021. In the Southern Hemisphere, it becomes too low to observe temporarily from mid October to mid December. In the Northern Hemisphere, it is not observable until July in 2022.
Machholz 2,
set to pass very close to Earth. Only nobody can agree on how close.
There are many unexplained anomalies discovered in Antarctica over the years. This video shows a possible crashed flying saucer as well as other strange objects resembling alien or man-made craft.
2nd Video Of UFO Event Off Florida Coast, Dec 6, 2020, 2 videos, UFO Sighting News.
2nd Video Of UFO Event Off Florida Coast, Dec 6, 2020, 2 videos, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Dec 6, 2020
Location of sighting: Ruskin, Florida, USA
This is the second video of the same event seen from the Florida coast. This line of UFOs were seen during sunset on Dec 5 or 6th of 2020. The UFOs lit up so well that you could see them miles away. Absolutely amazing and great evidence. Many UFO reports are coming in from Florida over the ocean area for the last few years, this only builds upon all the old sightings...which leads me to one conclusion. There is a very large alien base below the ocean floor about 5-7 miles off the coast of Florida. This base has huge UFOs...always looking yellowish orange lights. This is 100% proof that aliens have a base on US territory.
Christopher Columbus on Mars? Statues And Structures On Mars Surface, UFO Sighting News.
Christopher Columbus on Mars? Statues And Structures On Mars Surface, UFO Sighting News.
Date of discovery: Dec 14, 2020
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 2032
Man I love going through Mars photos, especially ones with such high quality detail as this one has. I found half a dozen face sculptures...most were about 3-4 inches across. One larger one was about 15 inches across, and another was a bust of a person that looked like Christopher know...wearing the round hat, long hair, human face...looks just like him. Also found some structure walls and buildings. Lots of fun guys, why not take a look? Click on the original source above and see if you can find them.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Ruins, strange artifacts on other planets, moons, ed ( Fr, EN, NL )
Orange Orbs Over Wheeling, Illinois On Dec 10, 2020, UFO Sighting News.
Orange Orbs Over Wheeling, Illinois On Dec 10, 2020, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting:Dec 10, 2020 Location of sighting: Wheeling, Illinois, USA
The eyewitness was outside with her family when then noticed some glowing orbs passing overhead. The orbs moved together and were perfectly round. The objects had no wings, sound, propellers or wings. Where they came from and where they were going no-one knows. Absolutely amazing catch. Love this raw footage.
Daytime UFO video: Triangle formation over Portsmouth, UK
Daytime UFO video: Triangle formation over Portsmouth, UK
Filmed in the sky above Portsmouth, United Kingdom on 16th October 2020 at 5:40 pm. What do you think about this footage?
Witness report:
3 bright orb like objects that initially appeared connected as one object but then started moving on their own seemingly independent of one another.
At approximately 17:40 (give or take a couple of minutes) myself and my girlfriend went onto my balcony to have a cigarette. I exited onto the balcony first and turned around to face the door from which my girlfriend was following me. Upon turning around, I immediately noticed 3 bright lights in the sky in a triangle shape up to my left. This was at about a 45-degree angle but was immediately visible from my peripheral vision without having to change my line of sight. My gut reaction was that this was not manmade, it looked like a traditional UFO for all intents and purposes. Before my girlfriend had even exited the door, I shouted at her to grab her phone and my binoculars as there was something strange in the sky. She did as requested and then joined me on the balcony.
The whole sighting lasted approximately 3 minutes from start to finish. For the first 45 seconds or so the lights all appeared to be the same size and shape, something resembling a circle or oval, spaced out in the shape of a traditional isosceles triangle. After about 45 seconds, however, the 3 lights visible started moving independently of one another. It appeared as though they remained connected in some way, as though attached by string, but the 3 lights looked as though they were rotating on their own axes. Once they did start to rotate it appeared as though one or more of these lights was not in fact circular/oval, but more rectangular/cigar shaped, particularly the front light of the triangle as it appeared to me.
For the first 45 seconds or so, before the objects started moving independently of one another it appeared as though the object was either stationary in the sky or moving very slowly towards my position. I would add that this object was directly to the north of my position (likely within a few degrees of true North). Due to the weather and the position I was standing in it was difficult to gauge exactly how high or how far away the object was. However, I would estimate that upon first sighting it was about the same height as a helicopter would fly in the sky. Again, due to its position in the sky I had no reference as to the size of the object(s) so it would be very difficult to estimate its size.
Over the course of the 3 minutes, it moved from my North to almost directly above my head (North to South) at a steady speed whilst the 3 lights were independently rotating and moving around in the sky but remaining close to one another. It was very much light when this sighting occurred, probably about an hour or so before the sun would set. The weather was grey/overcast, and the sky was filled with what I would describe as heavy looking rain clouds (Mammatus clouds). This did however help to make anything in the sky stand out quite prominently.
The object(s) in its original triangular form upon first sight was located below the lowest clouds. Over the course of the 3 minutes or so, as it was gradually moving from my north overhead, it also gradually increased in altitude so that it moved above the cloud cover. I continued to watch it for as long as I could between the clouds before it was no longer visible. Unfortunately, it did not shoot off at the speed of light but gradually disappeared from view. At no point did the object(s) emit any sound.
My girlfriend did attempt to record the object in the sky but was unable to capture anything. I also attempted to use the binoculars to get a better look, but these did not show me anything I couldn’t see with my own eyes. When viewed through the binoculars I could still not make out any solid shape, just 3 bright objects that were somewhere between bright white and a touch of yellow. Likewise, I could not see any solid object that connected these 3 independently rotating lights.
The balcony from which I witnessed this is in Portsmouth, a city of approximately 180,000 people and one of the main ports of the British royal navy. More specifically in Old Portsmouth, directly by the sea (I could throw a cricket ball into the camber from the balcony) and about 2km from the Naval base. I am 30 years old and have lived here for the majority of my life and am very familiar with the various planes and helicopters that fly overhead on a regular basis that are associated with the navy as well as the RLNI. I have also completed a Masters’ degree in US Foreign Policy and Counter Terrorism and became familiar with current drone technology, which I do not believe that this was.
Upon coming back inside myself and my girlfriend tried to work out what we had just seen (ranging from unusual weather phenomenon to shared delusion/hallucination). As previously stated, both of our gut instincts were that this did not originate from this planet, however we were determined to go through every possibility as seeing a UFO isn’t an everyday occurrence (neither of us have ever seen what we would describe to be a UFO before)! After hours of discussion the only logical explanation that she could come up with was that this was 3 drones – I can almost certainly rule this out. The only explanation I could muster was that this was 3 shiny weather balloons somehow tied together reflecting the light of the sun from the other side of the sky, not that myself or anyone else I know has ever seen weather balloons above Portsea Island, nor could I find any indication on the internet that any had been released. We both were, and remain convinced that these objects emitted light through their own sources – the sky was grey, and they were incredibly bright.
If this/these were either drones or weather balloons, I am pretty sure that the navy would have sent up an aircraft to investigate an unauthorised intrusion in what it would consider to be its airspace (for national security purposes). The fact that I have no recollection of any naval aircraft in the sky either before or after the sighting is also interesting. Assuming it wasn’t military related the only logical explanation that I can come up with as to why nothing was sent to investigate it is because it wasn’t seen, via radar or otherwise.
Attached with this is one photo and one video of the object(s). As mentioned, my girlfriend failed to capture any of this on her phone, whilst I was transfixed and more interested in observing it than caring about whether or not anyone would believe me when I told them about it afterwards. The following day, however, my girlfriend mentioned what we had seen to her housemate. I am told that he excitedly ran upstairs to grab his phone and came back down with a big grin on his face, exulting that he too had seen this mysterious thing in the sky. He had been out the previous afternoon/evening with a friend and had witnessed what we had seen, but his friend did manage to record it on his phone (as well as anything can be recorded on a phone!) I promptly requested that the photo and video be forwarded onto me. That being said I can confirm that what appears in the visual documentation is the same thing that me and my girlfriend witnessed, which allowed us to rule out the shared hallucinatory experience! The fact that a friend of a friend saw the same thing suggests to me that other people must have seen it too, although after excessive googling I am yet to find any other reports.
The above account took place two months ago, but I still remember it vividly. A lot of what is included is taken from a document I wrote straight after the event, to ensure that my recollection remained as accurate as possible. In the two months that have passed I still have no explanation as to what it was other than to surmise that it must have come from another planet/galaxy/parallel universe etc. I remain vigilant but am yet to see anything else.
N.B. You will notice that throughout my description I have referred to this phenomenon as being both singular and plural as I do not know whether this was one object or three.
Trying to figure out how to post this… saw this out my window last nite in central Islip
Manchester – 7 December 2020
It was stalybridge, greater Manchester , uk at 12.15 am I have a couple videos and a picture I will send you. If u could find out anything about it I would love to no thanks some my friends say its NASA station but I dont think so myself
18 yellowish lights flying one after another faster than a jet over the flatirons mountain in boulder to a triangle pattern star dissappering as if going through a portal
Pismo Beach, California – December 2020
An incredibly beautiful multi colored rainbow colored ever changing light systems dancing around the object as what looks like an orb farther away. But closer it looks as if its ever changing shape. We see these a lot off the coast but they’re farther away and of course smaller harder to see. This one was very close and very bright but the camera couldn’t capture it for some reason only the naked eye could or through binoculars. If you can zoom in on the video I submitted you can sort of see the changing rainbow light patterns. I zoomed in on the second video just using my iPhone editing so you can see it at two different points of view.
Callands Va – 11-20-20
Not sure what it was
Orlando – 15 November 2020
This was a sighting last night at 6:50 on i4 highway in Orlando
Lake Gaston , North Carolina – 13 November 2020
Seen by a few people over Lake Gaston , North Carolina tonight. Up to 5 lights and someone saw fireballs at sunset. We saw 4 lights, 2 sets running parallel really slow with no other lights. Right at sunset.
Rome, New York – Nov 3 2020 6pm
I live near griffis airforce base, my father was in the airforce in the 416th SSS unit. I have always seen them since I was kid. My house is near the direct path of the old b52 runaway. I see something almost every weekend. Alot drones, small planes, but the base is active, Blackhawks, c130, c17. I was in the 82nd Airborne so I know a plane lights from not.
Kansas, – November 2020
My husband and i were driving though a cornfield here in Kansas, we both saw a half dome, bright red ufo moving slow and it was close enough to make out a white rim on the side, almost like a redbaseball cap with 3/4 of the white rim cut off. after about 2 mins it sped away at light speed into the horizon, we saw it up close and it was about half a mile above the ground and was huge. he believes it was there for us to see intentionally by god. i believe it was a tour bus of sorts showing alien life the fields of earth. whatever it was I hope other people have seen something similar, bc it was unforgettable.
Knoxville IL – 29th October 2020
Hi seen this in west central IL around Knoxville IL on oct 29 2020 around 7:38am I was just heading to work and was getting out of my van and happened to watch this for a few mins it surely wasn’t a plane . So after a few mins I decided to tape it on my phone I watched it until it went over the building and it was out of my sight but I didn’t hear a plane at all and it was lower to the ground than a regular airplane I normally see flying over when I’m at work . Don’t know what to make of it but it was a very clear day .
Ethiopia – September 2020
Hello I am living in Ethiopia I saw an orb of light pass over a farm I was staying at in September of 2020 it flew over my head at about 20 feet above me it was brighter than the sun it was pass 11 o’clock in the morning and was very big round and bright , what was it were did it come from??????
Venus of Willendorf. Credit: Wikimedia/CC BY-SA 3.0
If you’ve ever been to a history museum, you may have seen a Venus figurine. They’re made from soft stones, clay, ivory, or bone, and depict very voluptuous feminine figures. In fact, some features are so exaggerated that anthropologists often questioned whether they even represent pregnant or obese women.
Most Venus figurines were carved some 26,000–21,000 years ago, although some were dated to at least 35,000 years ago. Researchers today interpret them as symbols of beauty and fertility, but the original meaning and purpose of these figurines is not known — they may have even served a ritual purpose, but little is known about them.
A new study looking at ancient famine and ice age variations suggests that the figures were indeed obese, but this represented a type of beauty standard or an ideal at the time.
Unusual art
Obesity is, for the most part, a modern problem — having too much food available is not something many of our ancestors could have bragged about. So what’s the deal with this type of art?
“Some of the earliest art in the world are these mysterious figurines of overweight women from the time of hunter gatherers in Ice Age Europe where you would not expect to see obesity at all,” said Richard Johnson, a professor at the University of Colorado School of Medicine specializing in renal disease and hypertension. “We show that these figurines correlate to times of extreme nutritional stress.”
Some 48,000 years ago, ancient humans in Europe were undergoing a period called the Aurignacian. The Aurignacians, people who lived in that period, had already established themselves as a force in the biological world. They hunted reindeer, horses, and mammoths with the spears and the tools they built. They also fished, and supplemented their diets by foraging for berries, nuts and plants.
But things took a turn for the worse for them. As the Ice Age set in, temperatures plunged and disaster struck. The ice sheets were advancing, it was getting colder and colder, and the ancestral lifestyle couldn’t be supported for most populations. Some moved south, in search of warmer climates. Others took refuge in forests, wreaking havoc on the ecosystem as they hunted and overhunted anything they could find.
It was in this period of generalized hunger that the Venus figurines emerged.
“During this period, humans faced advancing glaciers and falling temperatures that led to nutritional stress, regional extinctions, and a reduction in the population,” the authors note in the study.
Johnson and colleagues suspected this wasn’t a coincidence. They measured the waist-to-hip ratios and waist-to-shoulder-ratios of the figures and noted where the figures had been found. They then compared this map of locations with the map of known glaciers — the points where the temperatures were lowest and food was likely the scarcest.
They found an interesting trend: the closer the figurines were to glaciers, the more likely they were to have over-represented body ratios. In other words, the more people hungered, the more they looked at obesity as a standard.
“We propose they conveyed ideals of body size for young women, and especially those who lived in proximity to glaciers,” said Johnson, who in addition to being a physician has an undergraduate degree in anthropology. “We found that body size proportions were highest when the glaciers were advancing, whereas obesity decreased when the climate warmed and glaciers retreated.”
While this is somewhat speculative, it makes a lot of sense. It’s not uncommon for scarcity of resources to define ideals. An obese woman would have been more likely to deliver a child — although it’s unlikely that too many women were overweight at the time. However, the figurines may have had a spiritual meaning, a charm that would protect women through pregnancy and nursing children.
This idea is also backed by the fact that the figurines were worn down, suggesting that they were kept for many years, and possibly passed down through generations.
“The figurines emerged as an ideological tool to help improve fertility and survival of the mother and newborns,” Johnson said. “The aesthetics of art thus had a significant function in emphasizing health and survival to accommodate increasingly austere climatic conditions.”
The study has some limitations. The number of figurines was small to begin with, and the researchers didn’t have access to the actual sculptures — they had to rely on photographs for measurements (which means they couldn’t use measures like circumference). Researchers also note that the shift to leaner figurines could also mark a stylistic change rather than one relating to hunger.
There’s always some uncertainty when dealing with this type of study, but interdisciplinary methods, such as the ones deployed here, can help us better understand these ancient populations. In many ways, modern archaeology isn’t about finding new things — it’s about interpreting and putting them into context.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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