The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
De oude Noordpool bestaat niet meer: om de nieuwe woedt een hevige strijd
De oude Noordpool bestaat niet meer: om de nieuwe woedt een hevige strijd
De klimaatverandering gaat in het Noordpoolgebied twee tot drie keer zo snel als elders. Dat is een ramp voor de natuur. En gretige landen zien plots ook commerciële mogelijkheden opdoemen, voor de visserij en de olie-industrie. Hoe gaat de toekomst van het Noordpoolgebied eruitzien?
Ben van Raaij
1. Klimaatverandering: record op record
Je kunt zeggen, zegt klimaatwetenschapper Roderik van de Wal, dat de oude Noordpool niet meer bestaat. ‘Het Arctisch gebied is overgegaan naar een nieuw, warmer klimaat.’ De bevroren wereld van de Noordpool maakt steeds meer plaats voor open oceaan. Over tien jaar zal de pool ’s zomers grotendeels ijsvrij zijn. Met alle gevolgen van dien, voor het gebied zelf en ver daarbuiten, voor het wereldwijde klimaat.
De klimaatverandering gaat in het Noordpoolgebied twee tot drie keer zo hard als elders in de wereld en breekt record op record. Deze zomer tikte het kwik 21,7 graden aan in Spitsbergen, op 1.300 km van de geografische Noordpool; in Siberië werd het zelfs 38 graden. 2020 was het op een na warmste jaar ooit in de Arctic. Gemiddelde temperaturen liggen er nu 3 tot 5 graden hoger dan in de jaren zeventig.
De gevolgen blijven niet uit, bijvoorbeeld voor de jaarlijkse groei en afname van het zee-ijs in de Arctische wateren. Dat zee-ijs had op 15 september zijn op een na kleinste omvang ooit (na het recordjaar 2012), ver onder het langjarig gemiddelde. Was er in de zomer van 1980 nog 7,5 miljoen vierkante kilometer zee-ijs, in 2020 was die hoeveelheid gehalveerd. Het zee-ijs wordt ook dunner en fragieler, en meerjarig ijs verdwijnt.
De afname van het zee-ijs brengt een hele cascade van processen op gang, zegt Van de Wal. Doordat donker zeewater zonlicht beter opneemt dan ijs warmen de Arctische wateren sneller op; deze zomer waren ze tot wel 3 graden warmer dan gemiddeld. De zee warmt ook het land op, met als gevolg steeds minder sneeuwbedekking in Eurazië, recordbosbranden in Siberië en in het najaar ook een steeds later dicht vriezende zee.
De Groenlandse ijskap verloor vorig jaar een recordhoeveelheid van 586 miljard ton ijs, 15 procent meer dan het vorige record van 2012. Als de ijskap helemaal zou smelten zou de zeespiegel (over een termijn van vele eeuwen) met zes meter stijgen. Volgens wetenschappers is de ijskap echter al voorbij het ‘point of no return’: er valt niet meer genoeg sneeuw om het ijsverlies via afkalvende gletsjers te kunnen compenseren.
2. Natuur: mens en dier bedreigd
De opwarming gaat zo snel dat veel Arctische diersoorten het niet kunnen bijbenen, zegt Gert Polet van het Wereld Natuur Fonds (WWF). Zo begonnen wilde rendieren in het Noord-Russische Taimyr dit jaar extreem vroeg met hun migratie. Veel pasgeboren kalveren waren nog te zwak en kwamen om. Waar veel diersoorten vanwege de opwarming naar koelere breedtegraden migreren, kunnen Arctische soorten nergens heen.
De ijsbeer zal zeker een slachtoffer van de opwarming worden, aldus Polet, want hij is voor de robbenjacht afhankelijk van het zee-ijs. Nu dat verdwijnt moeten de beren steeds langer op land overleven en overschakelen op ander voedsel (veel beren komen schooien bij menselijke nederzettingen), of vasten. Dat gaat ten koste van hun vetreserves en dus overlevingskansen. Onderzoek wees onlangs uit dat alle ijsbeerpopulaties deze eeuw fors zullen afnemen, behalve die in de zogenaamde ‘Last Ice Area’ ten noorden van Canada.
Arctische diersoorten hebben ook last van toenemende menselijke activiteiten in het Noordpoolgebied. Zo wil Canada de productie van de Mary River-mijn op Baffin Island opvoeren. Zo’n 12 miljoen ton ijzererts per jaar moet via een nieuwe spoorlijn en een ijsvrij te houden scheepvaartroute tussen Canada en Groenland worden afgevoerd. Volgens biologen zal het schroeflawaai van de schepen fataal zijn voor de daar overwinterende narwalpopulaties en de zeer bedreigde Groenlandse walvis, die onlangs is teruggekeerd in het gebied.
Ook de mens zelf heeft last van de opwarming. Lokale inheemse gemeenschappen, zoals de Inuit en First Nations, zien door de opwarming hun kwetsbare voedselvoorziening in gevaar komen. De Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation in Noordwest-Yukon riep vorig jaar de noodtoestand uit. Ze leven van de kariboejacht, maar die traditie lijdt onder de opwarming van de toendra en veranderende migratiepatronen van de kariboes.
3. Exploitatie: expansie in de Barentszee
De opwarming van het Noordpoolgebied biedt kansen aan vele bedrijfstakken. De opwarming van het zeewater brengt veel commercieel interessante zuidelijke vissoorten, zoals kabeljauw, naar het gebied. En de Arctische wateren worden steeds toegankelijker voor de scheepvaart en de olie- en gasindustrie.
Zo mikt Noorwegen op uitbreiding van zijn olie- en gasexploratie in de Barentszee. De Noorse regering gaf half november 136 nieuwe concessies uit. Daarvoor verlegde zij de officiële grens van de ‘marginale ijszone’, het productieve overgangsgebied tussen zee-ijs en open oceaan dat de basis is voor het hele Arctische ecosysteem, en dat vanwege zijn kwetsbaarheid voor vervuiling en verstoring door seismische tests gesloten is voor exploratie. De nieuwe grens ligt heel handig ten noorden van alle olie- en gasconcessies.
De vraag is of het van boren komt. De oliesector is flink aan het bezuinigen vanwege de coronacrisis en de gekelderde olieprijs. Maar de hoogste Noorse rechter wees half december de bezwaren van de tegenstanders wel af. ‘Middenin de klimaatcrisis maakt Noorwegen nóg meer olie-exploratie in de kwetsbare Arctic mogelijk’, zei Frode Pleym van Greenpeace eerder. ‘Het is een roekeloos affront voor komende generaties.’
Aan de andere kant van de wereld wil de scheidende Amerikaanse regering-Trump naar olie en gas laten boren in het ongerepte Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska, een bedreiging voor de rondtrekkende kuddes kariboes in het reservaat en de ijsberen die er hun jongen krijgen. Trump probeert het veilen van de vergunningen nog snel even door te zetten voordat Joe Biden op 20 januari aantreedt (Biden is tegen olieboringen in de Arctic). Inheemse groepen trachten de veiling nu via de federale rechter te verhinderen.
Polet blijft optimistisch. ‘We hebben de strijd verloren, het gebied ligt open voor concessies, maar als niemand biedt wordt het een no-go.’ Veel oliebedrijven lijken te weifelen: er is geen infrastructuur in het gebied, de markt is in mineur en veel grote beleggers hebben zich net gecommitteerd aan bescherming van de biodiversiteit.
4. Maritiem: smerige scheepvaart
De opwarming en de afname van het zee-ijs (met binnen enkele jaren mogelijk een ijsvrije zee in de zomer) maken de Noordelijke IJszee steeds toegankelijker voor de scheepvaart. Met name voor het vrachtvervoer wordt een grote groei verwacht. Een ijsvrije noordelijke doorgang kan de vaartijd tussen China en Europa, nu 40 dagen, met een kwart bekorten. Afgelopen jaren nam het aantal reizen om de Noord al flink toe.
De groei van de scheepvaart belast het kwetsbare Arctische milieu. Schepen stoten bij de verbranding van zware stookolie grote hoeveelheden zwaveloxide en stikstofoxide uit, maar ook roetdeeltjes, die neerslaan op het zee-ijs, de reflectie van zonlicht verminderen en de opwarming versnellen. Daarnaast is er het risico op olierampen. Om die reden is de scheepvaart in de wateren rond Antarctica sinds jaar en dag streng aan banden gelegd.
Na eindeloos getraineer besloot de Internationale Maritieme Organisatie (IMO), de scheepvaartpoot van de VN, eind november een verbod op zware stookolie in Arctische wateren in te stellen. Maar de ban gaat pas juli 2024 in, en er zijn zoveel uitzonderingen dat 75 procent van de schepen tot medio 2029 stookolie kan blijven verbranden. ‘Het verbod is een wassen neus’, zegt Eelco Leemans van de Clean Arctic Alliance.
Het probleem is, zegt Polet van WWF, dat veel afgelegen dorpsgemeenschappen in het Noordpoolgebied, zoals die van de Inuit in Alaska, Canada en Groenland, voor hun elektriciteit en verwarming nog volledig afhankelijk zijn van generatoren op stookolie. ‘Een algeheel verbod op de verbranding van stookolie mag je eigenlijk pas afdwingen als voor deze mensen een alternatief voorhanden is.’
5. Geopolitiek: landjepik dreigt
In 2007 plaatste een Russisch onderzeebootje een titanium vlaggetje op de bodem van de Lomonosov-rug, een onderzeese bergketen die het Arctische oceaanbekken in tweeën deelt. Het was een symbolische claim waarmee het Rusland van Vladimir Poetin liet weten de Noordelijke IJszee en de nieuwe scheepvaartroute als Russisch domein te beschouwen. Het was de aftrap voor groeiende geopolitieke rivaliteit in het Noordpoolgebied.
De Russische expansie (Rusland moderniseerde recent ook zijn noordelijke onderzeevloot en versterkte oude marinebases op het afgelegen Frans Jozefland) blijft niet onweersproken. Navo-marineschepen voeren in september voor het eerst zonder escorte van Russische oorlogsbodems de Russische economische zone in de Barentszee binnen. Een signaal aan Moskou dat de noordelijke toegang tot Europa wordt beschermd.
De geopolitieke rivaliteit concentreert zich onder meer op Groenland, een autonoom deel van Denemarken dat niet alleen strategisch gelegen is maar ook rijk aan delfstoffen (olie, gas, uranium en zeldzame aarden voor hightech-toepassingen) die door het slinken van de Groenlandse ijskap steeds toegankelijker worden. Alle grootmachten willen er op de eerste rij zitten.
Zo lieten de VS, die vanaf Thule Air Force Base tijdens de Koude Oorlog het vliegverkeer rond de pool in de gaten hielden, hun oog weer op het eiland vallen. Ze openden een consulaat in Nuuk en president Trump bood aan Groenland te kopen, een wat minder gelukkige zet. Ook Rusland en China (dat zich in 2018 tot ‘bijna-Arctische natie’ uitriep) meldden zich. Hun schepen duiken steeds vaker onaangekondigd in Groenlandse wateren op. Tot nervositeit van moederland Denemarken, dat het gebied amper kan controleren.
Groenland zelf (met slechts 56.000 inwoners) ziet met de verhoopte inkomsten uit olie- en gaswinning en mijnbouw de kansen op volledige zelfstandigheid toenemen. Al realiseert men zich dat dit ook een prijs kan hebben, zoals de instroom van grote aantallen expats. ‘Als we niet uitkijken’, zei oud-premier Nicolaj Kleist over de mijnbouw, ‘hebben we hier straks meer Chinezen dan Groenlanders.’
6. Samenwerking: regulering nodig
Vanwege de klimaatverandering en alle nieuwe economische activiteiten is multilaterale samenwerking hard nodig om een duurzaam gebruik van de Arctische Oceaan veilig te stellen. Bestaande afspraken voldoen volgens zeerecht-specialist Erik Molenaar (Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea, Utrecht) niet meer. ‘Ze zijn te specifiek, niet bindend en niet gericht op het gebied als geheel.’
Het Arctisch gebied kent geen equivalent van het Verdrag inzake Antarctica uit 1959, dat de omgang met dit onbewoonde continent regelt. De enige pendant is het 100 jaar oude Spitsbergenverdrag, dat vastlegt dat Noorwegen namens 46 lidstaten de soevereiniteit heeft over de archipel, maar dat ze er allemaal economisch actief mogen zijn (alleen Noorwegen en Rusland doen dit, de laatste via een voormalige Nederlandse kolenmijn in Barentszburg), zij het dat Noorwegen een veto houdt over delfstoffenwinning en milieuzaken.
Wat het Noordpoolgebied wèl heeft is de Arctische Raad, een overlegorgaan van de acht noordelijke staten en de inheemse volkeren van de regio (waarbij Denemarken aan tafel zit namens Groenland en de Faeröer). Maar de Raad gaat alleen over maritieme zaken, en afspraken (zoals in 2019 een visserijmoratorium) zijn niet bindend of afdwingbaar. Niet-arctische staten, zoals Nederland, en ngo’s hebben slechts een waarnemersstatus.
De kansen op een echt multilateraal ‘Verdrag inzake Arctica’ lijken in deze nationalistische tijden klein. Een haalbaar alternatief zou volgens Molenaar een soort ‘raamwerkverdrag’ kunnen zijn onder de vlag van het VN-Zeerechtverdrag (UNCLOS), dat als een kapstok kan dienen om deelafspraken over scheepvaart, natuurbescherming of duurzame grondstofwinning aan op te hangen.
Het Noordpoolgebied zou, met relatief weinig, relatief rijke en stabiele landen en veel gezamenlijke problemen, het deel van de wereld kunnen zijn waar de internationale samenwerking bloeit. In de woorden van Gert Polet van WWF: ‘Als er ergens een blauwdruk van de wereldvrede te vinden is, dan hier.’
GERELATEERDE VIDEO'S, geselecteerd en gepost door peter2011
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Age of Superhumans, Gene Editing with CRISPR & A.I.
Age of Superhumans, Gene Editing with CRISPR & A.I.
Age of Superhumans, Gene Editing with CRISPR & A.I. What could possibly go wrong?
CRISPR (/ˈkrɪspər/) (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) is a family of DNA sequences found in the genomes of prokaryotic organisms such as bacteria and archaea. These sequences are derived from DNA fragments of bacteriophages that had previously infected the prokaryote. They are used to detect and destroy DNA from similar bacteriophages during subsequent infections. Hence these sequences play a key role in the antiviral (i.e. anti-phage) defense system of prokaryotes.
Cube Exiting Earths Sun On #SOHO And #NASA Images! Dec 31, 2020, UFO Sighting News.
Cube Exiting Earths Sun On #SOHO And #NASA Images! Dec 31, 2020, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Dec 31, 2020
Location of sighting: Earths Sun
Source: SOHO/NASA images EIT 284 at 13:06
Ten years ago I was first to notice and report a huge dark cube exiting and entering Earths sun. I used satellite photos from SOHO/NASA websites.
Notice two large explosions on the sun, one of which the cube just came from.
Here again is another cube I caught just last night. The cube is huge, many times bigger than Earth. Also the cube is covered in some of the suns material, which means its coming from inside the sun. If this was pixels, there would never be solar material on the cube, but...this isn't the first time I saw this, but closer to the twentieth time with solar material on it. The two screenshots have added contrast in order to see the cube more clearly. Below are the original photos untouched. You decide, but this really proves my theory of a hollow sun being used and occupied by alien planets and ships.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Ruins, strange artifacts on other planets, moons, ed ( Fr, EN, NL )
UFO Crash Site on Mars, 190 Meters Wide Alien Spacecraft
UFO Crash Site on Mars, 190 Meters Wide Alien Spacecraft
In 2000 the Mars Global Surveyor captured many images of the Medusae Fossae Formation when a NASA image specialist discovered a very unusual object half buried in the Martian soil what appeared to be a crashed alien craft which is approximately 190 meters wide and impacted the surface at a low angle.
Despite frantic efforts to make this amazing finding public the image mysteriously disappeared several times from the website of the NASA specialist, but surprisingly the image released on October 16, 2000 remained on the NASA servers.
But after rechecking the original image it has now been deleted as well, which is of course very suspicious.
Left the original Mars image - Right image shows Page Not Found - Image has been removed.
Do aliens exist? The mystery has never been solved but there have been sightings every now and then. In one such shocking incident, an unidentified flying object was reportedly spotted in the evening sky over Leeward Oahu. If reports are to be believed, hundreds of witnesses dialed 9-1-1 on Tuesday, December 29, 2020, at around 8.30 pm.
Several witnesses recalled spotting the large blue object and claimed that it fell into the ocean. In fact, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) was also alerted and they later confirmed that there were no aircraft incidents or accidents in this area at the time. Bizarre, isn't it? Apparently, it was one of the clearest and most well documented mass UFO sightings in years and many social media users thought it was the perfect end to 2020!
Watch the video of the reported UFO sighting here:
When was it spotted?
The outlet spoke to several witnesses. In one video, a woman named Misitina Sape can be heard saying, “Something is in the sky. What is that?” She said she captured the image at 8.26 pm near Haleakala Avenue in Nanakuli.
Another woman named Moriah spotted a similar object passing over Princess Kahanu Estates. “I look up and then I was like oh s***!” she said. “I started calling my husband and them because they were all in the garage. I was like hey. Come look up there. See if you see what I see. They all said yea!” Interestingly, the 38-year-old has never believed in UFOs but was taken aback by the sight of the bright blue object.
What does the UFO look like?
According to HawaiiNewsNow, multiple videos of “what appears to be a glowing‚ oblong mass — both in the sky and in the water” started floating around. Moriah called it “larger than a telephone pole” and said it didn't make any sound. Reportedly, the husband-wife duo jumped in the car and started following it. “I don’t know what it was,” she said. “This one was going so fast.”
Going by their statement, the journey ended less than three miles from where it began. The two stopped the car on Farrington Highway in front of the Board of Water Supply building after the object appeared to drop into the ocean. In one of Moriah’s videos you can hear her say, “(It) went land in the water. Whatever it is.” She added, “We called 911. For have like one cop or somebody for come out and come check em out.”
Was there a second light?
After the blue light vanished, Moriah said they spotted a second light. “My husband went look up and he saw the white one coming,” she said. “The white one was smaller. Was coming in the same direction as the blue one.” Sadly, they lost track of it after it passed over a nearby mountain.
When Honolulu police were asked if investigators could find out what it really was, a spokesperson said no information could be gathered as of then. FAA spokesperson Ian Gregor said the agency received a report from police about a possible plane down in the area “but had no aircraft disappear off radars. And no reports of overdue or missing aircraft.” Back in 2015, a similar incident occurred when strange lights were seen above West Oahu.
What are the theories?
Even after a couple of days to think over it, Moriah said, “To this day I don’t know,” adding, “If you guys can find out what it was, I like know, you know?” After the incident was shared online, social media users had several theories. One Reddit user poked fun at the incident and said, “Looks like a blue dildo.”
“I remember a story of a flying saucer landing on an airforce base with people coming out. It eventually flew away. Government officials eventually confiscated the video and it has been lost forever into the deep classified archives. We have proof of this stuff but for some reason, the government wants to hide all the hard evidence,” another Reddit user said.
A third called it a “balloon d**k” but a fourth one added, “Giant helium dick balloon was my first thought too. Maybe with a glowstick. Any Bachelorette parties in the area? Lol.” Another posted, “It looks like a drone or balloon with some Christmas lights or LEDs strapped onto it. Not exactly farfetched given this was taken on New Year's Eve - when people like putting bright things into the sky. Why the hell is this even news.”
Is it real?
Pondering over it, one Reddit user wrote, “So what's larger than a telephone pole? Can move "really fast" but slow enough for a woman (with others) to chase it in a car, to see it 'fall into the water', but then lose sight of it as it passed over a steep hill nearby? She never got close enough to give more of a description of it than 'I don't know what it was'? Police officers investigated, but we don't know if any saw it, but Police asked the CAA if there was aircraft down in the area. Which there wasn't. And the reporter says there are multiple videos but nothing they could get was better than what we see here. Puzzling.”
Another said, “I'm done questioning UFOs. We know they're here, now I want to know why. Why does a bright ass blue purple space ship come down out of the sky, and then just chill half out of water?”
A third wrote, “This is right near my house, 30-45 minute drive at most. This makes me wonder if it has anything to do with my recent experiences and my desire to connect. I will say that the fireworks in the area went off for at least 2-3 hours before New Years and then a straight 1h until 1am of “grand finale” style fireworks, but nothing even comes close to this. I’d say hello if it is in fact a UFO/USO and wanna stop by!”
Witnesses filmed a large blu unidentified flying object that appeared to drop into the ocean. This happened on 30th December 2020 around 8:30pm. This happened in Oahu in Honolulu, Hawaii.
You won't be able to keep up with the twists and turns in this story.
CONDUCTING SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH can often feel like taking part in a detective mystery. You spent so much time hunt for evidence, dodging red herrings, and devising theories, only to realize that your deductions were wrong.
Then, suddenly, a new clue manifests as if out of thin air, leading you down a new, long, winding road to discover the true culprit at the heart of your scientific mystery.
That's exactly what happened earlier this year, when a team of scientific researchers found themselves investigating an ancient case of mistaken identity — one which led to a surprising amphibian culprit.
In 2016, Juan Diego Daza and his colleagues announced a discovery any paleontologist could be proud of: A 99-million-year-old chameleon, preserved in amber. Daza is an assistant professor of Biological Sciences at Sam Houston State University and was the lead author on the 2016 study detailing the fossil find.
But not long after the announcement, Daza got a call from fellow paleontologist Susan Evans that would change everything.
The mysterious creature they had found was not, in fact, a chameleon, Evans suggested. Rather, it was a strange, ancient amphibian known as and albanerpetontid, though some researchers give it the nickname "Albie."
"The albanerpetontids — they’re very unusual amphibians," Daza told Inverse at the time. "In a way, the body shape is similar to a salamander in the sense that they have four legs. And they have a tail — something that other amphibians that are alive today [don’t have]."
But the researchers needed more evidence than Evans' word. In another stroke of luck, Daza received an email from gemologist Adolf Peretti that would lead to the confirmation of the albie's identity.
Peretti had a collection of 60 vertebrate fossils from Myanmar, where Daza found his specimen. At Daza's suggestion, Peretti conducted a CT scan of his collection.
Lo and behold: Peretti had an adult albie fossil in his collection. Daza and researchers compared their specimen to Peretti's, confirming that what they had found in 2016 was indeed an albie — not a chameleon as previously thought.
Daza and his colleagues released an updated research paper describing their mistake in November of this year in the journal Science.
It's easy to see how the mistake was made. Albies sported claws and scales that more closely resembled reptilian features rather than amphibians.
Plus, the albie had a wicked cool slingshot tongue it used to ensnare prey, similar to modern chameleons. With this finding, Daza and his team may have confirmed the oldest projectile tongue ever discovered in nature.
"They remain steady until a prey approaches and when the prey is in the range of their tongue, they will shoot at the tongue quickly. And, usually, the tongue is sticky at the end. And that allows them to engulf the prey and drag it to their mouths," Daza says.
Humans often like to relish the fact that they’re the most intelligent creatures in the animal kingdom. Sure, a generous brain-to-body-mass ratio can be a nice ego boost, but let’s not kid ourselves. After all, there are birds that act more reasonably and in cleverer ways than some humans whom I know personally. That may sound like an exaggeration, but wait until you learn what corvids, particularly crows and ravens, are capable of pulling off.
Crows and ravens may look very similar to the untrained eye, but their appearance and behavior clearly distinguish them from one another once you know where to look.
Compared to ravens, crows are less shiny and smaller. Crows also prefer to live in densely human-populated areas like urban landscapes, whereas ravens would much rather forage in wilder areas. However, if you really want to tell the two apart look at the bill and tail. Crows have smaller and flat bills, while those of ravens are bigger, more powerful and curved. Crow tails are fan-shaped while ravens have wedge-shaped ones.
Both birds are extremely intelligent for their body size, though, and extremely resourceful given they can only count on their bills to manipulate objects and the world around them. Yup, it’s easy to do smart things when you have opposable thumbs.
1. Crows and ravens use tools, but also make their own tools, sometimes using other tools they manufactured earlier
You can tell right away that a species is capable of complex cognitive abilities when it uses tools. Corvids not only know how to employ tools, but they also make their own.
Scottish researchers at the University of St Andrews observed New Caledonian crows — birds which live on the remote tropical island of New Caledonia in the South Pacific — fashioning hooked twigs to stir beetles from their holes.
“It’s a painstaking sequence of behaviours,” explains lead author Dr. James St Clair, from the School of Biology, University of St Andrews. “Crows seek out particular plant species, harvest a forked twig, and then – firmly holding it underfoot – carve, nibble and peel its tip, until it has a neat little hook.”
According to Clair and colleagues, hooked tools yield between 2 and 10 times more food than a straight twig. That’s a huge difference, and the crows likely recognized the improved yield.
In another mind-boggling example, researchers have witnessed not one, but two crows inserting sticks into objects to allow for easier transport. Some of these objects were too cumbersome to carry by beak alone, which is telling of the birds’ ingenuity.
Researchers at Lund University in Sweden witnessed two crows inserting sticks into objects that were too cumbersome to lift by beak alone. During four instances, the crows slipped a wooden stick inside a metal nut or into the hole of a large wooden ball. In all instances, both stick (carrying tool) and the hooked objects were flown away by the crows, the researchers reported in the journal Animal Cognition.
In a 2002 study, researchers followed a captive New Caledonian crow called Betty that took a piece of wire, bent it into a hook, then retrieved some food that was otherwise out of reach. Betty used the wire after another crow had taken all the available hooks.
Alex Taylor, a researcher at the University of Auckland in New Zealand, believes that the birds are using a sort of “mental template matching,” forming a mental picture of the tool-making process they’d seen in another bird, then copying it.
This is quite akin to how humans learn and pass on new skills between one another — through cultural transmission.
“Under the mental template matching hypothesis, New Caledonian crow tool designs could be passed on to subsequent generations if an individual used or observed the products of tool manufacture (such as their parents’ tools), formed a mental template of this type of tool design (a mental representation of some or all of the tool’s properties), and then reproduced this template in their own manufacture,” Taylor and colleagues wrote in a study published Scientific Reports.
This New Caledonian crow made a hook out of a paper card from scratch in order to receive a reward.
Credit: Sarah Jelbert
During one logic test, ravens had to reach a hanging piece of food by pulling up a string, anchoring it with its claw, and repeating until the food was within reach. Many ravens got the food on the first try, some within 30 seconds. In the wild, ravens have been seen pushing rocks towards people to keep them from climbing to their nests, stealing fish by pulling a fisherman’s line out of holes in the ice, imitating wolves in order to attract them, and playing dead beside a beaver carcass to scare other ravens away from a delicious feast.
2. Crows remember and respond to people’s faces (and can hold a grudge)
Most birds or animals scatter when a human is approaching no matter what. However, crows only fly away when people are actually heading their away, as opposed to just strolling past them. But there’s much more to it than meets the eye.
A study published in the journal Ethology, led by Barbara Clucas of Humboldt State University, revealed new dimensions in the crow’s social reasoning. Namely, the researchers found that crows can recognize, respond and adapt their behavior to specific human faces.
In one of their experiments, the researchers separated into two groups, each wearing a different type of mask. One of the groups would trap crows in the park, while the other would just pass crows by.
Five years later, the researchers returned to the park with their mask on. Lo and behold, birds present at the original trapping events remembered which masks corresponded to being captured—and they passed this information to their young and other crows. All the crows responded to the sight of a researcher wearing a trapping mask by immediately mobbing the individual and shrieking.
“It’s one thing to learn from one’s own experience and another to observe that happening to other individuals and infer it could happen to you,” John Marzluff of the University of Washington, a co-author of the paper explained.
Seeing crows communicate abstract information and symbols (the particular type of mask associated with trapping) to other crows that did not have first hand, affective information is truly impressive.
When the crows viewed human faces that they associated with threat or care, the birds had increased activity in the amygdala, thalamus, and brain stem—areas related to emotional processing and fear learning. In response to threatening faces, areas that regulate perception, attention, and fleeing also lit up. That’s quite similar to how humans process faces in the brain.
Corvids don’t just hold grudges, though. Researchers found that when they behaved fairly with crows, the birds would bring back shiny objects as a token of gratitude for being nice to them.
3. Ravens use gestures to point out things and communicate
In a 2011 study, German and Austrian researchers described how ravens would use their beaks in the same manner a human might use their hands to point out objects such as moss, stones, and twigs.
Besides gesturing, the ravens also interacted with their peers using various objects, touching or clasping their bills together, or by manipulating the item together.
“Most exciting is how a species, which does not represent the prototype of a ‘gesturer’ because it has wings instead of hands, a strong beak and can fly, makes use of very sophisticated nonvocal signals,” Simone Pika of the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology in Munich, Germany told LiveScience.
Pika believes that ravens could offer a unique glimpse into the origin of gestures in humans.
“Gesture studies have too long focused on communicative skills of primates only. The mystery of the origins of human language, however, can only be solved if we look at the bigger picture and also consider the complexity of the communication systems of other animal groups,” the researcher said.
4. Crows understand water displacement better than some children
In Aesop’s famous fable, The Crow and the Pitcher, a thirsty crow finds a pitcher with a bit of water left in the bottom. Alas, the bird’s beak isn’t long enough to reach it. But the clever crow is steadfast and drops stones into the pitcher until the water comes to it.
Turns out this is no fiction. A 2014 study showed that crows understand water displacement at the level of a 5- to 7-year-old-child. For instance, when researchers put pieces of meat floating in a long narrow glass, the crows figured out that they could add objects to the container to raise the water level and bring the treat to them. You can see them in action in the video below.
5. Ravens can tell when people are spying on them (and can get paranoid)
When people suspect they’re being watched, they tend to be very self-conscious. And if they don’t want to be seen, they will minimize their movements. This level of abstraction was thought to be unique to humans, but a 2014 study published in Nature Communicationsshowed the ravens are also aware when they’re being spied upon.
During one experiment, ravens were placed in adjacent tiny rooms, separated by a window. Initially, the window was left uncovered so each raven could see where its neighbor was hiding food. Later, the window was covered, leaving only a small peephole, which the ravens quickly learned they could use to see but also be seen through.
The researchers played an audible track from one of the cages which sounded like a raven was in the process of hiding food (scratching, pecking, dirt being displaced). Only when the peephole was left uncovered did the neighboring raven bother to take extra care in hiding its food. The bird hurried to hide the food and once the audio track stopped playing, the raven returned to the hiding spot to improve the concealment. If the peephole was closed the raven was careless, suggesting it understood that no one could track its actions.
6. Crows can solve highly complex puzzles
BBC Two journalists put corvid intelligence to the ultimate test by setting up the most complex animal puzzle ever. Captured wild crows completed eight individual steps, which they had to solve in a specific order, to gain access to a food reward. To do so, the crows had to collect tools and interact with puzzles to move to the next step. Watch the video of the experiment — it’s crazy good.
7. Crows hitch rides on eagles
Wildlife photographer Phoo Chan caught the shot of a lifetime: a crow riding atop a bald eagle. Although the scene only lasted for a few seconds, it speaks volumes about crows’ fearsomeness, even when faced with a much larger predator.
It might not be the smartest move, but it sure is freaking amazing.
The Mysterious Tale of the Man from Taured – Evidence for Parallel Universes? Or an Embellishment?
The Mysterious Tale of the Man from Taured – Evidence for Parallel Universes? Or an Embellishment?
The Man from Taured (sometimes referred to as the Taured Mystery or the Man without a Country ) is a story about a man who arrives at a Japanese airport from a country called Taured. Many people have claimed this story to be true, so the crux of the problem pertains to Taured. One would notice that there is no country by the name of Taured, either today or during the purported period of time when the incident took place, i.e. the 1950s. The story ends with the man disappearing (forever) a day after arriving in Japan. Moreover, all of his personal documents, such as his passport and driver’s license also (conveniently) disappeared, thus making this strange story unsolvable.
The Man’s Arrival
The story of the ‘Man from Taured’ begins quite specifically in many sources with a hot day in July 1954. On that particular day, a man was said to have arrived at Haneda Airport, known also as Tokyo International Airport. This man has been described as Caucasian looking with a beard. Whilst his primary language is said to have been French, it has been purported that he spoke Japanese and many other languages as well. So far, there is nothing extraordinary to note..
The sequence of events then differs according to which version of the story one encounters. In one version, this man hands over his passport to be stamped, and the Japanese immigration officer notices something strange. Whilst the passport looked authentic, the country where it was issued, ‘Taured’, was recognized as non-existent, either by the officer or one of his / her colleagues, indicating that the man should be taken away for interrogation. In another version, the man mentioned that he was from Taured, and when the immigration officer did not believe him, he showed him / her his passport.
The next part of the story details the man trying to convince the immigration officers that Taured does indeed exist. According to the traveler, Taured was located between France and Spain, and had by then been in existence for 1000 years.
When shown a map, the man pointed to the area occupied by the Principality of Andorra, and was puzzled as to why his country was called Andorra on the map. Both sides refused to give in – the Japanese officers insisted that Taured did not exist, and the traveler argued otherwise.
Location of Andorra (center of green circle) in Europe (dark grey).
Eventually, the man was held by the officers, as they were suspicious that he might be some kind of criminal. They brought him to a nearby hotel for the night, whilst they conducted their investigation. To ensure that the man did not escape during the night, two guards were placed outside his room. The next morning, when the officers went to the man’s room, they realized that he had simply vanished, as there were no signs of his escape. Additionally, all of his personal documents, which may serve as evidence for the story’s validity, had apparently disappeared as well.
Travel Through Time or Space? Or Just an Exaggeration?
One of the most notable explanations for this incident is that the man from Taured had somehow passed through a parallel dimension by accident, and ended up at Haneda Airport. It has been suggested that, based on this explanation, there is a parallel earth which is similar to ours with the exception that the locations called Andorra here is known as Taured over there. Another suggestion is that the man was a time traveler from the future, thou this interpretation is arguably more problematic than the one supposing inter-dimensional travel.
It has also been suggested that an incident like that did indeed happen, though perhaps much less sensational. This more mundane story could have been embellished each time it was told, so much so that it eventually evolved into the great mystery that it is known as today.
Finally, it is also entirely possible that this story is merely an urban legend. The story of the ‘Man from Taured’ might not have even occurred in the first place, and may have just been the creation of someone’s imagination.
Mysterious Light Flashes Are Coming from Deep Space, and AI Just Found More of Them
Mysterious Light Flashes Are Coming from Deep Space, and AI Just Found More of Them
Last year's mysterious outburst of deep-spacelight flashes was even more frenzied than previously thought, a new study reports.
On Aug. 26, 2017, astronomers with the Breakthrough Listen project — a $100 million effort to hunt for signs of intelligent alien life — spotted 21 repeating light pulses called fast radio bursts (FRBs) emanating from the dwarf galaxy FRB 121102 within the span of 1 hour.
Some scientists think FRBs come from fast-rotating neutron stars, but their source has not been nailed down. And that explains Breakthrough Listen's interest: It's possible that the bursts are produced by intelligent extraterrestrials, perhaps to blast space-sailing craft through the cosmos at incredible speeds, some folks have speculated. (Breakthrough Listen's sister project, Breakthrough Starshot, is developing a laser-based light-sailing system that aims to launch tiny probes toward alien solar systems in the next 30 years.)
And FRB 121102, which lies about 3 billion light-years from Earth, is particularly intriguing: It's the only known "repeater" source of FRBs, which otherwise tend to be one-offs.
In the new study, Breakthrough Listen team members based at the University of California, Berkeley SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Research Center applied machine-learning techniques to the August 2017 data set, which was acquired by the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia and was originally analyzed using traditional methods.
The researchers, led by UC Berkeley doctoral student Gerry Zhang, trained an algorithm called a "convolutional neural network" to spot FRBs among the 400 terabytes of data. The strategy is similar to that employed by IT companies to optimize internet search results, Breakthrough Listen representatives said in a statement.
Zhang and his colleagues dug up an additional 72 light flashes, bringing the total number of FRBs detected on that day, from that single source (whatever it may be), to 93.
"Not all discoveries come from new observations," Breakthrough Initiatives Executive Director Pete Worden said in the statement. (Breakthrough Listen is part of the larger Breakthrough Initiatives program, which also runs Breakthrough Starshot, Breakthrough Message and Breakthrough Watch.) "In this case, it was smart, original thinking applied to an existing dataset," Worden added. "It has advanced our knowledge of one of the most tantalizing mysteries in astronomy."
That mystery remains, of course; we still don't know what FRBs are. But the artificial intelligence approach employed in the new study could lead to a variety of advances down the road, Zhang said. "This work is only the beginning of using these powerful methods to find radio transients," he said in the same statement. "We hope our success may inspire other serious endeavors in applying machine learning to radio astronomy."
The new paper has been accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal. You can read a copy of it for free at the Breakthrough Listen FRB 121102 site.
Recent studies suggests that up to 6 percent of Americans have been abducted by aliens. Most of these stories go unheard because it simply doesn’t fit any mainstream narrative. But what happens when they may be living among us? Not any small amount but an average of 5 million. Where are they and how have they managed to infiltrate the earth while being virtually unrecognizable?
Aliens on Earth
Confirming Aliens walk amongst us is one of those things we put into the same category as photographing a ghost. The one positive aspect of verifying UFO lore is reputable authors, theorists, professors and even government officials have collectively come together to expose the hidden truths about ET life on Earth. But who do we believe? Personally, I listen to those who have nothing to gain in terms of exposing how our government is in collusion with hiding these beings. Here’s a few that ring truth based on not only 100’s of similar accounts but 100’s of thousands.
Haim Eshed, Former Director of Israel’s Defense Ministry
Haim came forth with multiple jaw-dropping claims. He told Yediot Aharonot, an Israeli newspaper, that humans have made contact with aliens, and even formed a “galactic federation.” He stated:
Haim Eshed
“There is an agreement between the U.S. government and the aliens,” he said. “They signed a contract with us to do experiments here.” He also claimed that there’s an “underground base in the depths of Mars” that hosts both American astronauts and extraterrestrial representatives to the aforementioned galactic federation.
Eshed, who ran Israel’s space program for almost 30 years, is perhaps the highest-ranking official in the military-industrial complex to make the case that humans are in contact with aliens.
Dr. Young-hae Chi, Instructor at the University of Oxford
Young-hae Chi strongly believes abductions are real and claims to know what the aliens have in mind. In multiple lectures he’s given at Oxford, he says they’re creating alien-human hybrids as a hedge against climate change. To support his unorthodox theory, Chi notes that for several decades the number of reported alien abductions has risen. He bases this statement on the work of David Jacobs, a retired Temple University historian who has published several books on ufology and who runs the International Center for Abduction. He still hold true to his beliefs.
“If they are far, they shouldn’t be concerned about us. I don’t think they are from far away, they are just next to us, we can’t see them. We can use an analogy of fish which can think and perceive things only in the way they can and humans also perceive only in the way we can, so our perception of the world is limited by our organs.”
Dr. Young-Hae Chi, 2012 Conference
James McDonald, American Physicist
McDonald was best known for his research regarding UFOs. McDonald was a senior physicist at the Institute for Atmospheric Physics and a professor of meteorology at the University of Arizona. McDonald was one of the most prominent figures of his time who argued in favor of the extraterrestrial hypothesis as a plausible model of UFO phenomena. James interviewed over 500 UFO witnesses, uncovered many important government UFO documents, and gave presentations of UFO evidence. He testified before Congress during the UFO hearings of 1968.
McDonald also gave a famous talk called “Science in Default” to the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). It was a summary of the current UFO evidence and a critique of the 1969 Condon Report UFO study.
They Walk Among Us
Britain’s former first astronaut has recently stated that there could be alien beings living among us on Earth:
“It’s possible they’re here right now and we simply can’t see them.”
She also stated in a later interview:
“Aliens exist, there’s no two ways about it.”
That astronaut, Helen Patricia Sharman, had gone on a space mission in May of 1991, to visit the Soviet Mir space station, and was the first of seven British astronauts that ventured into outer space.
What Do You Believe?
Here at UfoHolic, we keep an open mind. Not every account or alien theory is verifiable but validity is added to a claim when multiple stories are shared with exact similarities or theories. We are not alone. How could we believe we are when we have yet to discover less than half of our oceans and portions of our rainforests. Why not keep an open mind to the sun and stars and everything that originates from them.
China plans to build a scientific research station on the moon in "about 10 years," according to the state news agency Xinhua.
The China National Space Administration (CSNA) intends to build the research station in the region of the moon's south pole, Zhang Kejian, head of CSNA, said in a public statement, Xinhua reported. That's a bit of a departure from the six successful NASA Apollo moon landings, which took place closer to the moon's equator between 1969 and 1972.
Details of China's long-term lunar plans are still sketchy, but CSNA has made significant steps toward lunar exploration. Earlier this year, the Chinese successfully landed the uncrewed Chang'e-4 on the far side of the moon, and have also placed astronauts aboard two temporary space stations, Tiangong-1 and Tiangong-2. Their space agency also plans to put a larger, more permanent station into orbit in the coming years. [Photos from the Moon's Far Side! China's Chang'e 4 Lunar Landing]
The first parts of that permanent station will reach orbit aboard the country's new Long March-5B rocket in the first half of 2020,Agence France-Presse (AFP) reported; the missionwill not be associated with the International Space Station. The ISS is reaching the end of its operational lifetime, plus the United States and China do not cooperate on spaceflight endeavors.
Kejian also announced that Chang'e-5, an uncrewed lunar lander originally scheduled for launch in 2017, will attempt to reach the moon and return with samples in 2019, Xinhua reported.
China currently spends more on spaceflight than any country except the U.S., according to AFP. At the moment, the U.S. is unable to put humans in space without hitching a ride on a Russian rocket; plans to change that model by using for-profit rockets – such as those owned by SpaceX – have hit some snags. Still, American officials have also suggested that there are plans to return to the moon and stay on the world for an extended period in the near future.
We really are all made of star stuff.
ALL OF THE ELEMENTS that make up everything we know originally forged in the stars billions of years ago, and scientists may have narrowed down exactly which stars gave rise to our own existence.
In a study published in July in the journal Nature Astronomy, a team of scientists suggested white dwarf stars may be the main source of carbon atoms in the Milky Way. Carbon is known to be crucial to all life as we know it.
When stars like our own Sun, a yellow dwarf star, run out of fuel, they turn into a white dwarf. In fact, 90 percent of all stars in the universe end up as white dwarf stars, scientists believe.
White dwarfs are hot, dense stellar remains with temperatures that reach 100,000 Kelvin, or 179,540 degrees Fahrenheit. Over billions of years, these stars cool and eventually dim as they shed their outer material. Right before they collapse, these remains are transported through space, blown by winds originating from their bodies.
These stellar ashes contain chemical elements, including carbon.
Carbon is the fourth most abundant chemical in the universe and is the basic building block to most cells. For years, astronomers couldn’t agree on which star was responsible for creating the most amount of carbon in the universe.
The scientists behind the September study used observations of white dwarfs in open star clusters, groups of a few thousand stars formed around the same time, in the Milky Way by the W. M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii in 2018.
They measured the stars' initial-final mass relation, which is the relationship between the stars' masses when they first formed and their masses as white dwarfs.
Usually, the larger the star was, the more massive a white dwarf will be. But the study found the stars' masses as white dwarfs were larger than the scientists had anticipated considering their initial mass when they first formed.
The new findings suggest carbon was essentially trapped in the raw material that formed the Solar System 4.6 billion years ago, giving scientists a better understanding of the origin of our Sun and the planets surrounding it. And, in turn, where we came from.
Beresheet had some unusual cargo. In an attempt to document life on Earth, a non-profit organization by the name of The Arch Mission sent a library to the Moon aboard the craft. The library of life included a stack of disks archiving 30 million pages of information about Earth, a copy of the entire English-language Wikipedia, human DNA samples, and a mega-payload of thousands of tardigrades.
Tardigrades are microscopic animals, otherwise known as water bears. They may also now be the only (potentially) alive organisms on the Moon.
Beresheet's strange occupants were dehydrated tardigrades, a process which essentially slows their metabolism down and suspends them in a near-life state. The idea was that, if they were to be rehydrated by someone or something, then they would come back to life, ostensibly telling future lunar explorers about life on Earth today.
But the spacecraft carrying the tardigrades didn’t land on the Moon according to plan, instead crashing on the lunar surface and losing contact with ground control.
Despite the impact, scientists believe that if anything survived the crash intact, it may well have been the tardigrades. The microscopic creatures were sandwiched between micron-thin sheets of nickel and suspended in epoxy, a resin-like preservative that acts like a jelly — potentially enough to cushion their landing.
This is not a totally outlandish idea. Tardigrades have been shown to survive the harsh conditions of space in the past.
In September 2007, two species of dehydrated tardigrades were exposed to the vacuum of space, solar radiation, or both on board NASA’s Foton-M3 mission. Back on Earth, after they were rehydrated, the tardigrades exposed to the vacuum of space survived as though nothing had happened.
But if they did stick the landing, the tardigrades would have a hard time finding liquid water on the lunar surface to rejuvenate them — so they may not have taken over quite yet.
The idea of tiny, adorable water bears living their best life on the Moon sounds like the greatest Apollo spinoff, but unfortunately, it is less than likely a reality.
On January 1, 1801, the Italian priest, mathematician and astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi discovered the first asteroid, now called Ceres. It orbits in the asteroid belt, between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. These days, Ceres is no longer classified as an asteroid, however. In 2006, the International Astronomical Union decided Ceres was big enough to be designated a dwarf planet. Ceres became the first-ever dwarf planet to be orbited by a spacecraft, from 2015 to 2018, when NASA’s Dawnmission peered down at Ceres and unlocked some of its mysteries.
The story of the discovery of Ceres goes back to German astronomer Johannes Kepler and to Tycho Brahe, a Danish nobleman and inveterate night sky observer, in the 1500s. When Kepler obtained Tycho’s astronomical data, he searched it for the explanation behind the motion of the planets, in particular Mars’ retrograde motion. This work led Kepler to what is one of his most praised discoveries, what we today know as Kepler’s three laws of planetary motion.
However, Kepler’s analysis also led him to discover something else. He noticed an unusually large empty area between the orbits of the planets Mars and Jupiter. This gap, combined with his realization of the regularity of the planets’ orbits, provoked Kepler to assert there must be something in the gap. He thought it might be an undiscovered planet and famously wrote:
Between Jupiter and Mars, I place a planet.
Kepler wasn’t the only one to notice this strange gap. At the beginning of the 18th century, Johann Titius, a Prussian astronomer, stated a relationship between the planet’s orbital distances from the sun, later popularized by German astronomer Johann Bode, today called the Titius-Bode Law. Briefly … begin with a 0, and then 3, and then double each subsequent number. If you do that, you get a series: 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, etc. Then add 4 and divide by 10, and you get (more or less) the distances in astronomical units (AU) to the major planets of our solar system: 0.4, 0.7, 1.0, 1.6, 2.8, 5.2, and so on. But notice that 2.8 AU. It corresponds to the distance of the space between Mars and Jupiter.
But, still, nobody thought much about a possible planet between Mars and Jupiter until 1781, when William Herschel accidentally discovered a new planet – the first one found since humans began gazing at the sky – which we now call Uranus. Its distance from the sun was close to the one predicted by Titius-Bode.
And so the search was on! By the end of the 18th century, a group of astronomers who called themselves the Celestial Police took on the task of finding out what lay in the gap between Mars and Jupiter.
Giuseppe Piazzi was supposed to be one of the members, but before he received his invitation, he had already discovered Ceres in early 1801. At first, he thought the small spot he was seeing was just a dim star not included in his chart. On the next day, however, Piazzi saw that it had moved and therefore could not be a star. Illness and unfavorable weather prevented Piazzi from observing his new finding for a few nights. But by January 24, 1801 – by tracking its motion in front of the stars and thereby calculating its distance – he was certain the object was a member of our own solar system.
It was, of course, hailed as the missing planet! Piazzi named it Ceres after the Roman goddess of agriculture, fertility and harvest. Soon, though, other astronomers began finding similar bodies at Ceres’ approximate distance from the sun. German physician and astronomer Heinrich Olbers discovered the asteroid Pallas in 1802 and Vesta in 1807.
The Titius-Bode Law was disproved in 1846 with the discovery of Neptune, whose distance is much closer than predicted by this law. Today, astronomers still can’t explain why it seemed to work at first; most regard it as a coincidence.
Fast forward to 2006. The IAU designated Pluto, Ceres, and Eris as dwarf planets. A year later, NASA launched the Dawn spacecraft, the first spacecraft ever with two destinations to explore: first Vesta (which it orbited in 2011 and 2012) and then Ceres (which it orbited from 2015 to 2018).
Therefore, Ceres has been “discovered” a second time, as a wealth of data about the dwarf planet poured in from Dawn. We’ve learned that organics exist on Ceres, such as those found near Emutet Crater. We discovered bright spots of salt deposits, water in shadowed craters and under the surface, plus a volcano that might be responsible for recent geologic activity. You can read more about Dawn’s discoveries at NASA’s dedicated mission page.
NASA’s Dawn spacecraft acquired this image of dwarf planet Ceres on February 19, 2015, from a distance of nearly 29,000 miles (46,000 km).
Image via NASA/ JPL-Caltech/ UCLA/ MPS/ DLR/ IDA.
Ceres’ bright spots from Dawn’s closest orbit in 2016, just 240 miles (385 km) above its surface (lower than the space station is above Earth).
Bottom line: Ceres, the first asteroid to be discovered, on January 1, 1801, is now known as a dwarf planet and has revealed many of its secrets to NASA’s Dawn spacecraft.
ALL RELATED VIDEOS AND PKOTOS, selected and posted by peter2011
[NASA’s New Horizons probe snapped the first-ever close-up images of Pluto. Scientists continue to be stunned by its unexpectedly complex surface features.
[NASA's Dawn spacecraft has revealed many landslides on Ceres, which researchers interpret to have been shaped by a significant amount of water ice.
Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA]
[This orthographic projection shows dwarf planet Ceres as seen by NASA's Dawn spacecraft.
John Lear On The EBE’s, UFOs And The Grand Deception Coming! A Deeper Look At Adam & Eve And The Two Creations in Genesis! Awesome Video!!
John Lear On The EBE’s, UFOs And The Grand Deception Coming! A Deeper Look At Adam & Eve And The Two Creations in Genesis! Awesome Video!!
The Two Creations of Genesis
John Lear tells us important information of Area 51, EBEs and the UFO files and the grand deception being planned for Christians in this video.
I do not agree with Pastor Wickstom that Messiah Jesus did not exist. God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob can be 3 entities or one individual entity. The 3 entities of God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob are the Father, the Holy Spirit and the Logos and can act together or individually. It was the Logos that became flesh here on earth and was known as Yeshua Hamashiach or Messiah Jesus. The Bible makes it perfectly clear that no one comes to the Father except through his son Messiah Jesus, our Savior and Redeemr.
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
(John 14:6 KJV)
The first creation of the white man is in Genesis 1 to 2:3 was the 144,000 Saints and the second creation of the white man is covered in Genesis 2.3 onwards which are the Elect See Link Below video for more details.
This is a fascinating video on John Lear’s notes on Area 51, the EBE’s, the UFOs, the gruesome experiments, MJ12, Project Snowbird, Project Acquarius and more. All of these EBE’s are demonic and are interdimnsional and not extra terrestrial. All EBE’s, demons, fallen angels and the gods and sons of gods known as the Anunnaki are malevolent and super evil. No one can enter the earth or exit the earth due to the firmament over the earth. It appears that the aliens are going to claim that they created Christ in the coming alien decepation part of Project Bluebeam.
I was looking at old historical film archives and found this one that really grabbed my attention. Not only is there a UFO that flies past the most memorable and historical moment of the Iwo Jima battle, but as it flies past, the soldiers turn from looking at the flag to looking at the UFO and then its cut out! There is 10-30 seconds missing from this historical film! Why? Because someone else also saw it and wanted to remove it from US history. However they did a poor job and the cut is not only deliberate, but obvious to all who see it.
This is 100% proof that aliens can time travel to any place or moment in history to watch humans and study them.
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
Druk op onderstaande knop om je bestand , jouw artikel naar mij te verzenden. INDIEN HET DE MOEITE WAARD IS, PLAATS IK HET OP DE BLOG ONDER DIVERSEN MET JOUW NAAM...
Druk op onderstaande knop om een berichtje achter te laten in mijn gastenboek
Alvast bedankt voor al jouw bezoekjes en jouw reacties. Nog een prettige dag verder!!!
Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.