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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
What If We are Being Watched By God-Like Aliens?
What If We are Being Watched By God-Like Aliens?
Looking up at the night sky and its beauty can be baffling and intriguing experience for many.
But aside from this beauty, there can be something scary out there? Or maybe not scary. As Arthur C. Clarke said, “We are either alone in this universe or we are not.
“What do you think is the strangest-looking cryptid creature?” That was pretty much the question put to me a few weeks ago while doing radio. It’s a good question! After all, there are multiple creatures in the field of Cryptozoology. I have to admit, though that some are much stranger than others. Let’s have a look at some of them. Their weirdness just might surprise you! Sometimes a monster is described as being so incredibly strange that we can do very little beyond than relate the facts – chiefly because the available facts are so strange and near-unfathomable, in terms of what they might represent. A perfect example of just such a uniquely weird case dates back to the 1950s. In terms of the location, all we know for sure is that it was somewhere in the vicinity of Falls City, Richardson County, Nebraska. As for the witness, we know him only as “John Hanks,” an admitted pseudonym that the man in question chose to use to protect his real identity. When you read the details of his experience, you will undoubtedly realize why the man was determined to protect his real name from prying, inquiring eyes. It’s a case that was carefully investigated by one of the world’s foremost experts on bizarre, flying beasts, Ken Gerhard.
It was late one night, at some point in the latter part of 1956, said Hanks, when he came face to face with a true giant; a creature in excess of nine feet in height, one that was humanoid in shape, but which most certainly could never be termed a member of the human race. That much, at least, we can ascertain from Hanks’ description. Ken Gerhard says, with a great deal of justification, that “[Hanks’] description of the creature sounds reminiscent of something out of an H.P. Lovecraft story.” Ken is not wrong in suggesting that Hanks’ monster would have found itself right at home in the pages of one of the legendary horror maestro’s novels. In fact, Gerhard is right on target. Hanks’ nightmarish thing had a pair of fifteen-foot-wide wings that, rather oddly, appeared to be made of bright, shining, aluminum! It was soon gone, high into the sky, and gone. That case has to be near the top of the weird list!
Dragons on the Loose!
Now, onto another strange one: a fascinating story of nothing less than a real-life dragon can be found in the pages of Charles Igglesden’s 1906 book, A Saunter Through Kent With Pen & Pencil. Kent being a county in southern England. Of a dragon reportedly seen in Cranbrook, Kent, centuries earlier, Igglesden wrote: “The magnificently wooded park of a hundred and fifty acres is richly watered by a huge lake made in 1812 and a smaller one within the grounds, while further west is an old mill pond that rejoices in a curious legend. It is an old one and the subject of it is very ancient indeed and as rare as it is horrible.” He continued that nothing less than a flying dragon was said to haunt the pond but that “on certain – or uncertain – nights of the year it wings its flight over the park and pays a visit to the big lake yonder. But he always returns to the Mill Pond and it is said to pay special attention of a vicious kind to young men and women who have jilted their lovers. A legend with a moral is this. But a winged dragon! A dragon of the ordinary kind is bad enough. But a flying dragon! Augh!”
An undeniably odd beast with paranormal abilities is the Bunyip. It’s a “thing” that hides in the swamps of Australia. Back in the mid-1800s, the staff of the Geelong Advertiser gave its readers a description of the weird-whatsit: “The Bunyip, then, is represented as uniting the characteristics of a bird and of an alligator. It has a head resembling an emu, with a long bill, at the extremity of which is a transverse projection on each side, with serrated edges like the bone of the stingray. Its body and legs partake of the nature of the alligator. The hind legs are remarkably thick and strong, and the fore legs are much longer, but still of great strength. The extremities are furnished with long claws, but the blacks say its usual method of killing its prey is by hugging it to death. When in the water it swims like a frog, and when on shore it walks on its hind legs with its head erect, in which position it measures twelve or thirteen feet in height.”
Beware of the Bunyip
And, finally: make mention of UFOs and it will likely conjure up imagery of flying saucers and diminutive, black-eyed, large headed ETs, and alien abductions. At least some UFOs, however, may have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with visitors from far away solar-systems and galaxies. Welcome to the world of a man named Trevor James Constable. Having investigated the UFO phenomenon extensively, Constable penned two books on the subject. They Live in the Sky was published in 1958 and Sky Creatures followed two decades later. In deeply studying the UFO phenomenon, Constable came to a fascinating conclusion concerning what he believed to be the truth of the mystery surrounding flying saucers. Constable’s conclusion was that UFOs are not nuts-and-bolts craft from distant worlds, but living creatures that inhabit the highest levels of the Earth’s atmosphere. While many UFO investigators scoffed at Constable’s undeniably unique ideas, none could deny that his theory was well thought out. To be sure, the field of Cryptozoology is filled with bizarre and mysterious beasts!
Anunnaki Kings 2021 | The Devil & War Of The Gods - Dragons & Serpents In The Bible via The 5th Kind
Anunnaki Kings 2021 | The Devil & War Of The Gods - Dragons & Serpents In The Bible via The 5th Kind
Anunnaki Kings 2021 | The Devil. War Of The Gods – Dragons & Serpents In The Bible via The 5th Kind
Annunaki – 450,000 years ago our ancestors descended from the heavens to engineer the first human beings. To us they were Giants that ruled as Gods over mankind. Now new evidence and scientific research acknowledges their existence on earth but reveals when they will return.
The truth of their real origin and purpose is much more bizarre and amazing than anything previously believed. From the Garden of Eden to the Great Flood; from the God of the Bible to the secrets of Enoch all shall be revealed. 2017 Philip Gardener
What is it? Something Bizarre in the Sky Sighted Over Anaheim, California
What is it? Something Bizarre in the Sky Sighted Over Anaheim, California
In Anaheim, California , residents have been thrown into a fright after a bizarre story emerged regarding peoples being scared at a street location by what has been described as a “strange UFO”.
That and more strange events caught on tape. Real or fake?
The debate over extraterrestrial life has shifted from fringe to mainstream.
The belief that humans eventually will encounter aliens is based on two assumptions: (a) life evolves easily, and (b) interstellar travel is possible and practical.
Neither of these assumptions is likely to be true.
When I was a kid, there was an older guy who frequented our local McDonald's and always carried around a box full of random papers and a fly swatter. He was an archetype of the UFO enthusiast — sort of a kook but a lot of fun to talk to.
In the 1990s, there was something of an alien abduction craze that swept the country. The popular show Unsolved Mysteries featured them, and an entire TV series, The X-Files, was built around the belief that extraterrestrial life had taken a keen (and perhaps malevolent) interest in Earth. (Of course, the aliens were also working in collaboration with the U.S. federal government.)
However, outside of popular culture, few serious intellectuals took the notion of aliens seriously. It certainly was not a major academic topic. The prevailing view was that life is uncommon throughout the universe, and Earth just might be the only planet lucky enough to have it.
Today, the exact opposite view prevails. Thanks to advances in astrophysics, we now know that there are billions of exoplanets in the Milky Way alone, leading most of the scientific community to conclude that life probably does exist elsewhere in the universe. Those who do not believe so are now considered the kooks. And while alien abductions are still not in the mainstream, UFOs are — so much so that the U.S. intelligence community just issued a report on them.
It does not matter if intelligent alien life exists elsewhere in the universe. We will never find them, and they will never find us. In other words, we are effectively alone in the universe.
The academic debate now is not whether life exists but in what form. Many scientists assume that the commonest form of life is microbial — a fair assumption, given that on Earth, humans are a relatively modern invention while microbes have been around for 3.5 billion years — so many astrobiologists are spending their days examining the atmospheres of exoplanets for telltale signs of bacteria-like creatures.
Still, others have gone further and pontificated on what, if it exists, alien intelligent life might be like. The late Stephen Hawking argued that contacting aliens is not wise because, just like in the movie Independence Day, they are probably plotting to come to Earth, break our stuff, and steal our resources. Dr. Hawking warned, "One day we might receive a signal from a planet like Gliese 832c, but we should be wary of answering back."
I suppose this is all fun to think and talk about, but the alien debate suffers from a serious lack of perspective. If there is any chance of humans encountering alien life, at least two extremely unlikely things must be true:
Life evolves easily. Decades of research have yielded little in the way of identifying the mechanism of abiogenesis — the formation of life from non-living matter. There are several different theories on the origin of life, and none of them are any good. In the laboratory, we have had some success in creating biomolecules such as amino acids from gaseous precursors; the Miller-Urey experiment is the most famous of these. But scientists have yet to come even close to reproducing life in the laboratory. This strongly implies that life does not evolve easily.
But even if we were to cede the point that life can evolve easily given enough time, there is another problem: the vast majority of exoplanets are inhospitable to life. New research suggests that most stars are incapable of supporting plant life via photosynthesis. Harvesting a star's energy is the first step for the evolution of life, but evolution cannot even get started if there is not enough of it.
Interstellar travel is possible and practical. This, in my opinion, is even more unlikely than the easy evolution of life. We know life evolved at least once (here on Earth), but we have no idea if interstellar travel is possible. Sure, we could get on a spaceship today and head for a planet orbiting the nearest star, Proxima Centauri, but we better pack a lot of fun-sized bags of pretzels because it will take about 6,300 years to get there.
The notion that we will develop (or that some advanced alien civilization has already developed) the ability to easily traverse the galaxy is pure speculation. It is physically impossible to travel at the speed of light, though it may be possible to travel at a substantial fraction of the speed of light. Still, even if light speed was possible, the distances between stars is nearly unfathomable. Traveling at the speed of light, Proxima Centauri is still more than four years away; the other side of the galaxy is over 100,000 years away.
"Theoretically possible" does not mean "probable"
Sci-fi enthusiasts note that unknown technologies may develop, such as the ability to warp the fabric of spacetime or to travel through a wormhole. But again, these suggestions are purely speculative. Other than some fancy math that suggests such maneuvers could theoretically be possible, we have no idea if either can actually happen. Just because unicorns and mermaids are theoretically possible does not mean that they exist.
What about black holes? Perhaps we could dive into one and pop out somewhere else. For the sake of argument, let's say that we know that is absolutely true. The trouble is that the closest black hole to Earth that we know of is 1,500 light-years away.
Putting all this together, the sobering conclusion is that it does not matter if intelligent alien life exists elsewhere in the universe. We will never find them, and they will never find us. In other words, we are effectively alone in the universe.
Fox Nation documentary "The Secrets of Area 51" explores what the U.S. government might be hiding.
UFO sightings, signs of alien life and unsolved mysteries behind the confines of Area 51 all beg an answer to the question: Are we alone in the Universe?
The age-old query was bumped from the archives recently after newly declassified documents surfaced, and Fox Nation's documentary "The Secrets of Area 51" is taking a closer look into what the U.S. government might be hiding.
The special features commentary from experts like retiree of U.K. Ministry of Defense Nick Pope and CIA chief historian Dr. David Robarge who share crucial background on the suspicions of Area 51.
Former Area 51 pilot Lt. Col. Tony Bevaqua noted how government personnel "just don’t talk about it" as the site was blocked off as prohibited, yet private pilot Gabe Zeifman shared his success in clearing the restricted airspace.
"What if the ultimate secret is much more complicated than alien visitors from other planets?" Mystery Wire founder George Knapp asked. "Demanding disclosure of everything may not be a good idea."
Fox Nation programs are viewable on-demand and from your mobile device app, but only for Fox Nation subscribers. Go to Fox Nation to start a free trial and watch the extensive library from your favorite Fox News personalities.
Ingenuity snaps a picture of its shadow as it flies over South Séítah.
NASA's Ingenuity helicopter has done the dozen. Not content to just prove it could fly on Mars, the chopper is now making itself a valuable contributor on the red planet, helping the rover Perseverance in its mission to find signs of ancient microbial life. Rising 32ft above the surface of Mars on Sunday evening, the chopper completed flight 12 in 169 seconds. Nice!
The chopper flew over a region called "South Seitah," an area that's home to boulders and rocky outcrops of interest to the Perseverance rover team. NASA's JPL called the region a "geological wonder."
"Flying over Seitah South carries substantial risk because of the varied terrain," Ingenuity team lead Teddy Tzanetos wrote in a status update prior to the flight on Sunday. The helicopter's navigation system was designed to work with relatively flat terrain, so making sense out of rougher landscapes can be a challenge. The rotorcraft has run into some technical difficulties, but survived them all so far.
"When we choose to accept the risks associated with such a flight, it is because of the correspondingly high rewards," Tzanetos said Sunday. "Knowing that we have the opportunity to help the Perseverance team with science planning by providing unique aerial footage is all the motivation needed."
The risks of flight 12 were easily managed by Ingenuity, which hasn't stopped delivering record flights since it first took to the air back on April 20.
Enlarge ImageThis image shows the path of the Perseverance rover in gray and the Ingenuity helicopter in green as it aims to get a look at South Seitah for its 12th flight.
Ingenuity's mission has been all about risks and rewards. It was an unknown whether the helicopter would even work on Mars.
It not only works, but is also now showing how an aerial vehicle can act as a valuable scout for a ground-based rover. Flight 12, in particular, should prove extremely valuable for the Perseverance team. Scouting ahead and examining for potentially dangerous or interesting terrain makes for a much more efficient -- and safe -- rover journey. Just think of all the extra science that can be done when you're not wasting time trying to determine which way you should roll your rover!
Perseverance is expected to meet up with Ingenuity in the coming days and NASA's scientists will examine the images to determine which rocks they should be examining next. Further flights for Ingenuity have not yet been detailed by NASA but its next sojourn, number 13, will likely concern the superstitious.
But going by its first dozen flights, there doesn't seem too much to worry about.
There have been plenty of UFO cases and reports from the skies above our heads, but this seems to be far from the end of such unearthly phenomena. One are of supposed alien phenomena that doesn’t seem to get as much attention is that of strange things beneath the waters of out world. Known as USOs, meaning “Unidentified Submerged Objects,” or also “Unidentified Submersible Objects,” these are those fleetingly glimpsed “underwater UFOs” which are seen roaming about and entering and exiting oceans or lakes to create just as much awe and wonder as their airborne brethren. Here we will look at a selection or truly strange cases of unidentified submarine craft zipping about and inspiring wonder and debate.
Some earlier reports of USOs were mentioned in the book Unexplained!, by Jerome Clark, the earliest coming from all the way back in 1924, before the idea of UFOs was even really a thing. On July 1 of that year, pilot D.P. Lott and a photographer by the name of R.A. Smith were flying a small aircraft over the Hudson River, New York, when they saw below them two enormous mysterious objects in the water, each one estimated as being around 250 feet in length and travelling parallel to each other through the waves. The objects were described as being cylindrical in shape and with pointed ends, both leaving an “arrow-shaped wake” in their paths as they lumbered through. After some period of observation, the two massive objects submerged out of sight. It would later turn out that the Navy had no submarines scheduled to be in the area, and even if they did, these things were much larger than any known submarine of the era. The sighting remains unexplained.
In 1945 we have the case of the U.S. Army transport Delanof, which was off the coast of Alaska when an immense round object about 200 feet in diameter allegedly ominously emerged from the sea to loom over the water. It then purportedly turned to face the ship, then circled silently around them a few times as if examining them, before flying off out of sight. In 1947, Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl was on his vessel in the South Pacific, capturing dolphins somewhere between South America and the Polynesian islands, and he and his crew saw “the shine of phosphorescent eyes drifting on the surface” several nights in a row. No one could figure it out, then one night, things would get stranger, of which he would say:
On one single occasion, we saw the sea boil and bubble while something like a big wheel came up and rotated in the air, while of our dolphins tried to escape by hurling themselves desperately through space.
The object then hovered a while before disappearing into the murky sea once again. In 1954 there is a report from the crew of the Dutch ship the Groote Beer, who observed a “flat, moon-shaped object” rise from beneath the grey waves near Long Island, New York. Captain Jan P. Boshoff would describe it as being gray, metallic, and having a ring of lights along its edge. It then flew off out of sight. Curiously, at around the same time, a strange sight was allegedly seen by the Honduran freighter Aliki P., which reported it as a “ball of fire moving in and out of the water without being extinguished, trailing white smoke and moving in erratic course. It is unknown if this could have been the same object witnessed by the Groote Beer.
The following year, in 1955, a couple by the name of the Bordes were out rowing at the Titicus Reservoir in Westchester County, New York, at around 1:30 a.m. when a rose-colored, luminous sphere rose from the water just a few feet from their boat and floated off towards shore, after which it rose sharply and then disappeared down into the water with a loud splash. It was eerie enough that the couple decided to call it a night and head back to shore. As they rowed along, eyes glued to the placid surface of the lake, they saw around 200 yards away two “parallel lights, wavy in shape but rigid, thirty feet in length” moving under the surface. Above these shapes was a “round light of lesser brilliance,” which was over the water but not hovering, rather seemingly attached to a larger body beneath, which could be seen as a “dim grey shape against the blackness.” When the couple reached the shore, they saw that the things was still out there, but when they returned some time later it was gone. They would insist it was not another boat out there with them.
From the 1960s we have a strange case that was mentioned in the book Invisible Residents, by Ivan Sanderson. The incident allegedly happened in 1963 off the coast of Puerto Rico, where the U.S. Navy was at the time conducting an anti-submarine warfare exercise. The command ship at the time was the anti-submarine warfare carrier USS Wasp, along with a fleet of five smaller vessels, mostly destroyers, and an unknown number of submarines below. It began when one of the sonar stations on one of the destroyers noticed that one of the submarines had broken formation and appeared to be pursuing a smaller, fast-moving unidentified object. This smaller object was reported as moving in excess of 150 knots, and would apparently lurk about the area for several days, zipping about underwater and tracked by both Naval ships and anti-submarine warfare patrol aircraft. The mysterious object was reported as doing maneuvers and travelling at speeds far beyond any submarine technology, as well as doing sudden, rapid dives to depths of up to 27,000 feet. Apparently visual confirmation was never made, so it is difficult to tell what this thing could have been.
In August of 1965 we have the case of the Soviet steamship Raduga, which was doing maneuver in the Red Sea when they had a rather bizarre encounter. It was reported that the crew observed a “fiery sphere” estimated as 60 meters in diameter spectacularly shoot out from underwater to hover over the waves for a time. It was noted that its exit from the water had caused a huge pillar of water to erupt forth with it. After a few minutes of hovering there motionlessly, the craft then smashed down into the water, leaving turbulence and roiling waves. Also in the 1960s was a report from a Marine at Guantanamo Bay, who would claim that personnel at the base would routinely see strange lights both in the sky and underwater, sometimes measuring up to 100 feet in length, but that they were always told not to discuss it. Years later, he would say of his experiences:
When I stood guard duty on the south side of the base, I witnessed on many, many nights UFOs landing and taking off out of the ocean. There were large blue lights moving around after their landing in the ocean and then slowly dimming down as they obviously descended deeper.
Yet another case from the files of the National UFO Recording Center (NUFORC) supposedly happened in 1964 at Laguna Beach, California. The witness claims to have gone to take a walk on the beach when he had a very weird experience. He explains what happened:
A long wooden stair case led down the cliffs to the beach and the waves appeared to be in the cliffs’ shadow from Highway 1 headlights. I saw a series of lights glowing from behind the waves about 5 feet apart and 8 inches in diameter. It/they gave the appearance of portholes on the side of a submersible. I have no explanation. When they interviewed a CA lighthouse keeper on the radio (his station was becoming automated – and you had to walk through a tunnel to reach it) and asked him if in all of his years of watching the surf he had seen anything strange – he reported seeing the same thing — with no idea what it could be.
From the 1970s there was an account given by an Admiral V.A. Domislovsky, chief of the Pacific Fleet’s Intelligence Department of the Soviet Navy. He would report that he had witnessed a gigantic cylindrical object around 800-900 meters long, which hovered over the water and emitted swarms of smaller flying objects “like bees from a beehive.” These smaller objects were then claimed to have shot down into the eater to disappear for a time, before flying back out and back into the larger “mothership.” This happened several times, after which the colossal ship loaded up all of the smaller craft and flew off at terrific speed.
In more recent decades there have been various other reports of USOs as well. From the files of NUFORC is one from February of 2007, reported by a witness who says that at the time she had been aboard a cruise ship “Damn Princess,” heading back to San Francisco from a cruise of the Mexican Riviera. As they passed Half Moon Bay, she claims to have had a very otherworldly experience, of which she says:
I was coughing up a storm at ~2 A.M., and my husband went to find a hot lemonade. I was awake anyway, so I pulled back the curtains and stood in the window to watch the ship’s churning water – mesmerizing! After about 5 minutes, three softly glowing objects came into view – three uniform, nearly spherical objects, evenly spaced in a line parallel to the ship’s hull and hovering just above the water surface. Based on the appearance of dolphins from the window, and of people seen standing on piers, I’d say that these spheres were somewhat larger – maybe 12-15’ high. Perfectly smooth, and with a pale bluish-white glow. They appeared to stay in one place while the ship moved past them. They were hovering, but didn’t disturb the water below them. Just as they went out of my sight, the left one (toward the bow) splashed down into the water and disappeared.
Of course, I hadn’t thought to tear myself away from the window to get the cell phone or camera (both in the safe, and of doubtful use through a window at night…). And, of course, three more glowing spheres, hovering in a straight line along the edge of the wake, came past the window 2 minutes later! 4-5 minutes after that, two more spheres were seen, but farther away from the ship. The first and second groups had been located just where the ship’s wake or foam line ends. The last group was about twice as far away. The “bow-ward” of these last two also dropped down into the water and disappeared. I was still standing at the window, in amazement, when my husband came back with lemon tea. I told him about the spheres, and we watched for a while, but no more sightings.
Another report from NUFORC happened as recently as 2017. In March of that year, a group of unnamed witnesses aboard an oil rig offshore supply ship (OSV) in the Gulf of Mexico, about 80 miles southeast of New Orleans, when they saw something very bizarre indeed. They claim that an immense, oval-shaped object estimated as being more than five times bigger than the 240-foot ship they were on rose up out of the ocean, yet oddly appeared to not be wet. The massive object was completely silent, and rose to hover around 30 feet over the waves before rapidly ascending out of sight at a 30-degree angle.
That very same year we have a report from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) which comes from Green Bay, a sub-basin of Lake Michigan, at the mouth of the Fox River near Little Suamico in Wisconsin. The unnamed witness claims that on November 18, 2017, he was at the lake when he observed a triangular-shaped UFO measuring around 100 to 150 feet in diameter emerge from the water. Susan Birttnen, of Wisconsin MUFON, would say of the report:
He reports they witnessed a triangular-shaped object fly out of the water of Green Bay, traveling at approximately 35 knots. It was so close that they could hear a muffled jet sound. As it came out of the water it turned on its side as it traveled west and gained elevation. The color was dark and it had blue flashing lights. The elevation was at 500 feet and the distance was less than 1,000 feet. The side of the triangle was between 100 to 150 feet. Based on the evidence and the data provided by the witness, I conclude that this case is in the unknown category.
What was this thing? Who knows? Lastly, we have our most recent report yet, logged in 2021 from the skies over Leeward, Oahu, in Hawaii. In January of that year, numerous witnesses began calling 911 reporting seeing a glowing blue oblong mass and a smaller white light darting about the sky, before the blue one went crashing into the water below. One witness only known as Moriah would tell Hawaii News Now of her own sighting of the spectacle playing out in the sky:
I look up and then I was like oh s***! I started calling my husband and them because they were all in the garage. I was like hey. Come look up there. See if you see what I see. They all said yea! I don’t know what it was. This one was going so fast. It went land in the water. Whatever it is. We called 911. For have like one cop or somebody for come out and come check em out. My husband went look up and he seen the white one coming. The white one was smaller. Was coming in the same direction as the blue one.
After the blue one had gone into the sea, the smaller white one then apparently shot off over the mountain to disappear. Numerous people in the area reported the same thing to police, with several people even taking video footage of it all. In the meantime, officials from the Federal Aviation Administration insisted that there had been no aircraft incident or accident in the area of the sightings, and no reports of a missing airplane. All of these reports leave us with some rather perplexing mysteries. What is there, if anything, roaming about under the waves of out seas and lakes? What do they want and why are they hiding beneath the waves? There is no way to know the answers, but reports of USOs keep coming in, and it is a curious subspecies of UFO report that perhaps deserves more attention than it has received.
ALL RELATED VIDEOS, selected and posted by peter2011
The question of whether or not there is or ever was life on Mars remains unanswered and we may not know for a while longer as NASA’s Perseverance Rover’s first attempt at collecting samples to return to Earth came up empty – literally! On August 6th, the rover drilled into the Martian ground but was unable to collect any rock or dirtfrom the Red Planet.
But there may be another way to find out if Mars ever had life. In a new paper by scientists Ryuki Hyodo and Tomohiro Usui from the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), they claimed that Mars’ moon Phobos may provide the answer regarding the possibility of ancient life on the Red Planet and that the upcoming 2024 launch of the Martian Moons eXploration (MMX) mission should help with getting that information as the spacecraft will collect samples from the moon’s regolith to return to Earth.
Phobos photographed by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter in 2008.
So, why Phobos? Since Mars had sustained numerous meteor impacts over billions of years that would have flung pieces of the planet into space, some of that debris may have landed on its moon. And in that debris, there may be evidence of organic molecules, chemical biosignatures, fossilized microorganisms, and even DNA.
This is actually quite possible as we have found fragments of Mars right here on Earth with the meteorite named Allan Hills 84001 (or ALH 84001). The meteorite, which was discovered in Antarctica back in 1984 by geologists, was believed to have formed 4 billion years ago on the Red Planet and crashed into Earth around 13,000 years ago.
The debris that possibly flew into Phobos from meteor impacts may provide scientists with all of the important factors in searching for past life on the Red Planet as Hyodo and Usui explained, “The random nature of the crater-forming impacts on Mars statistically delivers all possible Martian materials, from sedimentary to igneous rocks that cover all of its geological eras.”
Close-up of Phobos in 1998.
If there was life on Mars and if it was thrown into space by an impact, it is probably dead by now, so that’s why the MMX craft will be looking to collect Sterilized and Harshly Irradiated Genes, and Ancient Imprints (or SHIGAI which means “dead remains” in Japanese).
Based on how close the moon is to its planet, debris from Mars could have certainly made its way there. Discovered by astronomer Asaph Hall in 1877, Phobos is the larger of Mars’ two moons (the other is named Deimos), measuring 17 by 14 by 11 miles (27 by 22 by 18 kilometers). It is so close to the planet that it completes three orbits each Earth day and it is constantly moving closer to Mars at a rate of 6 feet (1.8 meters) every hundred years.
In de geschiedenis over Ufo’s doen vooral op het internet ontelbare theorieën, verhalen en getuigenissen de ronde. We beperken ons tot de samenvatting van het (internationaal) bekendste drietal en beroepen ons daarvoor op Wikipedia als wellicht meest betrouwbare bron.
1. Aurora
Het Aurora-incident is het oudste gedocumenteerde crash-mysterie rondom een ufo. Het incident vond plaats bij Aurora, Texas op 17 april 1897, iets meer dan 50 jaar vóór het bekendere Roswellincident (zie verder onder 2). Een “kogelvormig voorwerp” zou uit het niets na een botsing met de windmolen op het terrein van de plaatselijke rechter Proctor zijn neergestort en ontploft. Omwonenden konden volgens de overlevering de enige inzittende redden, maar deze overleed enkele uren later en werd begraven op de plaatselijke begraafplaats. Het incident kreeg destijds veel publiciteit in de pers, maar raakte snel in de vergetelheid. In het kader van de Amerikaanse televisieserie “UFO Hunters” onderzochten wetenschappers en ufologen het incident in Aurora. Ze deden daarbij diverse ontdekkingen, maar vonden geen onomstotelijk bewijs. Wel vonden ze het vermeende graf van de “piloot”, maar ze kregen geen toestemming om het te openen.
In 1979, zowat 80 jaar na het incident, beweerde Etta Pegues, toen 86, dat de schrijver van het krantenartikel over ‘Aurora’ dit gedaan had als grap om de stad Aurora, die op doodbloeden stond, op de kaart te zetten. Volgens Pegues zou rechter Proctor zelfs nooit een windmolen gehad hebben. In de aan het incident gewijde uitzending van “UFO Hunters” werden aan de hand van de beschrijvingen uit 1897 op het voormalige terrein van rechter Proctor echter wel de fundamenten en enkele resten van een windmolen gevonden. In de waterput, waarin restanten van het vermeende voertuig volgens de overlevering waren gestort, troffen ze delen van aluminium en een onbekende metaalsoort aan… Verdere opheldering werd nooit gevonden.
2. Roswell
Ufo of weerballon? In juli 1947 zou er op een boerderij nabij Roswell een opmerkelijke gebeurtenis hebben plaatsgevonden die aanvankelijk korte tijd voor wereldnieuws zorgde. Er zou een Ufo neergestort zijn met inzittenden aan boord. De resten werden in het nabijgelegen legerkamp geborgen. Een dag later kwam de persdienst van het “Roswell Army Air Field” (RAAF) met een communiqué waarin werd gesproken over (slechts) een neergestorte weerballon. Daarna werd het meer dan dertig jaar stil. Pas in 1978 kwam het Roswellincident weer in het nieuws toen de bekende Canadese ufo-onderzoeker Stanton Friedman in contact kwam met oud-majoor Jesse Marcel. Marcel was in 1947 betrokken geweest bij de berging van de resten van wat de luchtmacht een ‘weerballon’ had genoemd. Als majoor op rust verklaart Marcel in 1978 tegenover Friedman, dat het 30 jaar geleden geen weerballon was geweest, maar tóch een buitenaards ruimtevaartuig… Friedman vond in Roswell nog tientallen andere getuigen, onder wie zelfs een generaal, die allen de lezing van Marcel bevestigden. Friedman schreef een boek waarna nog meer getuigen zich meldden en er nog tientallen andere boeken verschenen.
Nieuwe verklaringen De discussie rond het Roswellincident, die tot op vandaag nog altijd aanhoudt, leidde destijds tot vragen in het Amerikaanse congres en lokte een nieuwe verklaring van de Amerikaanse luchtmacht uit. Twintig jaar na de verklaringen van majoor Marcel, in 1998, presenteerde de US Air Force een nieuwe uitleg in een persconferentie die zelfs door CNN rechtstreeks werd uitgezonden. Daarin kwam de luchtmacht met het “Project Mogul-verhaal”. De crash was toch niet die van een weerballon, maar “van een veel grotere spionageballon, waarmee de Amerikanen de Russische vorderingen op nucleair gebied trachtten te monitoren”. In 2006 presenteert de luchtmacht echter een derde verklaring voor het Roswellincident. Volgens de laatste lezing is er nu sprake van een crash van een cockpitdummy met etalagepoppen. De nieuwe verklaring en vooral het voortdurend wijzigen van de uitleg van de overheid heeft de aanhangers van een Ufo-theorie er nog meer van overtuigd, dat er in Roswell meer is gebeurd dan dat wat de luchtmacht hen telkens opnieuw voorhoudt. Interessant detail bij deze ganse geschiedenis is dat in de jaren veertig in Roswell de enige kernbommen van de wereld waren opgeslagen. Roswell was vanaf november 1945 bovendien de basis van de twee vliegtuigen die in augustus 1945 de atoombommen boven Hiroshima en Nagasaki hebben afgeworpen. Moesten deze uiterst geheime activiteiten mogelijk achter een Ufoverhaal schuil gaan?
Zoektocht naar uitleg In zijn in 2000 verschenen boek “The Roswell UFO Crash” onderzocht Karl Korff 16 jaar lang naar de waarheid achter deze geheimzinnige story. Hij geloofde dat, als dit alles werkelijk gebeurd zou zijn als beweerd, dit dan zeker de grootste door een regering geregisseerde doofpotaffaire aller tijden zou zijn. Maar hij reconstrueerde stuk voor stuk de werkelijke gang van zaken. Hij ondervroeg getuigen, consulteerde geheime documenten en stelde zich vooral zeer kritisch op. Zijn theorie is dat het hier wellicht toch over een neergestorte ballon ging, maar dan wel geen gewone. Het geciteerde ‘Project Mogul’ was in die tijd een ultrageheim project waarbij ketens van ballonnen werden opgelaten voorzien van instrumenten bestemd voor het vergaren van gevoelige informatie. De clusters van ballonnen zorgden ervoor dat ze op een redelijk constante hoogte bleven zweven in plaats van alsmaar verder te stijgen in de atmosfeer. Project-Mogul startte direct na afloop van de Tweede Wereldoorlog en was bedoeld om te achterhalen hoe ver de Russen stonden met het maken van atoombommen. Het project was vooral ‘top secret’, en had te maken met alle geheimzinnigheid rond en na de eerste atoombom die voorbereid werd. Mogul is dus een mogelijke verklaring voor het Roswell-incident.
Documentaires en films Het Roswellincident is onderwerp van tientallen documentaires en een speelfilm over het hele voorval. In de jaren negentig verscheen er ook een zogenaamd clandestien gemaakte film van de autopsie op het lichaam van een bij Roswell verongelukte Alien (zie foto linksonder hiernaast). De film werd wereldwijd uitgezonden, maar ook zeer bekritiseerd en wordt inmiddels algemeen als bewuste misleiding van het publiek door de filmmakers beschouwd. Ook latere films en televisieseries als The X-Files, Independence Day en Star Trek laten zich later inspireren door het Roswellincident.
3. Area 51
Area 51 in de Nevadawoestijn - jarenlang gehuld in een waas van geheimzinnigheid - is een ultrageheime militaire basis die niet toegankelijk is voor het publiek. Area 51 (fifty one)werd gebouwd in 1955 als een testgebied voor het pas ontwikkelde U-2 spionagevliegtuig. Vanuit dit vliegtuig werden strategische verkenningen gehouden op 21 kilometer hoogte waarbij stiekem foto’s werden gemaakt van de Sovjet-Unie om de capaciteit van hun bewapening vast te kunnen stellen. Maar het in 1960 boven Russisch grondgebied neerhalen van een U-2 (met piloot Gary Powers) deed de Amerikanen beseffen dat het niet meer verantwoord was om deze vluchten stiekem voort te zetten. Vanaf 1955 werd Area 51 voortdurend uitgebreid en gebruikt voor het ontwikkelen en testen van nieuwe geavanceerde militaire vliegtuigen, zoals de F-117 en B-2 stealth bommenwerpers (zie kaderstuk hierboven). Ook werden er onbemande vliegtuigen getest. De basis wordt tot op heden streng bewaakt en is voor buitenstaanders niet toegankelijk.
De basis werd ook gebruikt om geheime militaire projecten en hardware (zoals satellietonderdelen) te begraven. Hierdoor wilde men voorkomen dat deze projecten zouden uitlekken. Op de basis zijn tevens onderdelen voor de latere ruimtevaart getest: o.a. de maanlander, zuurstofsystemen voor astronauten en dergelijke meer.
Ufo-theorie Area 51 is in het verleden door Ufo-aanhangers vaak genoemd als locatie waar de Amerikaanse overheid buitenaardse intelligente wezens verborgen zou houden, maar dat is iets wat de Amerikaanse overheid altijd is blijven ontkennen. De belangrijkste interesse van de Ufologen voor deze basis is dat de brokstukken en lichamen van het Roswell-incident naar Area 51 gebracht zijn voor autopsie en om de techniek te onderzoeken.Enerzijds de fantasie van velen die beweerden ooit op de basis te hebben gewerkt en er neergestorte ruimteschepen of onderdelen ervan te hebben gezien, en anderzijds de geheimzinnigheid waarmee de overheid de basis afschermde om er geheime experimenten en spionagetuigen voor de buitenwereld verborgen te houden tijdens de Koude Oorlog (1960-1990) hebben er in de loop der tijden voor gezorgd dat over Area 51 ongecontroleerde speculaties en fantasieën de ronde deden. Tot uiteindelijk de CIA in 2013 geheime documenten vrijgaf waarin onder meer wordt beschreven dat Area 51 als basis werd gebruikt voor testvluchten en de ontwikkeling van het U-2 spionagevliegtuig. Het was wel voor het eerst dat in officiële papieren de naam Area 51 werd vernoemd.
Ufo’s of stealth’s ?
De F-117 Nighthawk (boven) en de B-2 Spirit (onder) zijn Amerikaanse lichte stealth bommenwerpers of sluipbommenwerpers, in volle Ufo-mania door fabrikanten Lockheed en Northrop/Boeing rond 1975 in het geheim ontwikkeld voor de Amerikaanse luchtmacht.
De hoekige zwarte toestellen zijn dankzij het speciale ontwerp en een speciale coating (radar-absorberende verf) zo goed als onzichtbaar voor radarsystemen en kunnen daardoor vrijwel ongestoord over vijandelijk grondgebied vliegen.
Hun unieke vorm en speciaal ontworpen silhouet zorgde bij de eerste testvluchten voor veel verwarring omdat personen (met veel fantasie) ze systematisch aanzagen voor Ufo’s…
Of all of the types of UFO encounters out there, pilot reports have always been held up high as particularly believable. These are seasoned professionals with a good bead on what might be strange up in the sky, so when they report something anomalous, people tend to listen. Such pilot reports go back decades, and I have recently written of cases from the 1950s of note, but this is just the tip of the iceberg. Let us jump into the 1970s and look at even more utterly bizarre cases of mysterious pilot encounters with UFOs.
Our first case here comes to us from the year 1972, from a witness who claims that at the time he was part of a police helicopter crew with the police department at Pasadena, California. On October 15 of that year, he was flying on a routine night patrol as a Helicopter Observer, along with pilot Pat Spafford, and as they approached the foothills to the northeast of the city, he claims they saw the lights of what they at first took to be a military helicopter hovering low over a residential area, apparently turning its landing light on and off intermittently in a very weird manner. They decided to investigate, but as they approached, the other “helicopter” then flew off and began gaining altitude. They approached, and it was then that they could see that this was no helicopter. The witness says of what happened next in a report to MUFON:
Then about 300 meters past it, we saw what first appeared to be a large object looking like bunch of big balloons tied together. The object was going at our exact airspeed, which was about 60 mph. The object was round and appeared to be rotating. I saw no lights on it. Pat began yelling over the intercom that he was seeing a UFO. I immediately shut off our running lights so I could activate our “night star” search light. The running lights were shut off because there would be too many amps going through the system with all the lights on and pop a breaker. The military helicopter then appeared to lose altitude quickly as if it was going into auto rotation.
Shutting off the running lights to power up the searchlight was S.O.P. (Standard Operating Procedure). Pat questioned what I was doing, and when I told him I was going to “light it up”, he said, “No,” and turned the running lights back on. We had a short argument about doing this or not, but he got the final word because he was the pilot. We watched the object for a few minutes and it flew abeam us going west. We then noticed that there was some fog coming in the L. A. basin, which was a signal for us to fly back to Bracket Field in Pomona, where we hangered the helicopter so as not to get caught in the fog. As we approached the west end of the city near the Rose Bowl, this object gained speed and in just a few seconds accelerated towards the L. A. skyline and disappeared out of sight. The speed it went was faster than supersonic. We were both amazed at how fast it accelerated.
As soon as they landed, they went about making calls to various agencies in order to try to make sense of what they had seen. Los Angeles International Airport claimed that they had seen nothing unusual on their radar in the area, and there were found to have been no test flights of any kind at the time. A report was filed of the incident, but it seems that nothing ever came of it, and by the time the witness retired from the force in 1979 he says that it had been completely forgotten. What did this helicopter crew see out there and why wasn’t it investigated further? Who knows?
In February of the following year, we have a strange case from Richard Hall’s book Volume II, The UFO Evidence, A Thirty-Year Report, which occurred in the area of McAlester, Oklahoma, in the United States. In the very early morning hours of February 14, 1973, at approximately 2:30 a.m., a DC-8 cargo flight was on its way from St. Louis to Dallas, and it was as they passed over Oklahoma that strange things began to happen. The co-pilot saw the lights of what he had first thought to be another aircraft off to the right and somewhere below them, seemingly on the same course as they were, and going at the same speed, with a single amber-colored light upon it. At this point they still thought it was just another airplane, but then the object suddenly rose vertically straight into the sky to make a sharp turn and take up a position above them nearby. The crew could now see that it was a disc-shaped object with a transparent dome on top, the whole of it made of some highly reflective metallic material. It was now rather obvious to them that this was no normal aircraft, and the captain turned on their weather radar to see it appear as a solid object. Whatever the unidentified object was, it did not seem to like being on radar, as it immediately shot straight up and disappeared from view, after which it was visible again dropping down to take up a new position near the airplane about 300 feet below them. As the baffled crew looked down at the mysterious object, they claimed that they had seen through the dome “two or three shadowy entities moving around.” After this, the object shot in front of them, did an impossibly sharp bank, and sped off out of sight. What was this thing?
Also in 1973 we have another encounter from a helicopter crew, this time from the area of Cleveland, Ohio, in the United States. On October 18 of that year, at approximately 11:10 p.m., Army Reserve helicopter pilot Capt. Lawrence Coyne, of the 316th Medical Detachment stationed at Cleveland Hopkins Airport, was flying in a Huey helicopter over the area of Mansfield on his way back to Cleveland from Columbus when he had a bizarre encounter with forces he could not comprehend. As he approached Mansfield, he claimed that he had spotted a red light in the sky, first spotted by his crew chief, Sgt. Robert Yanacsek. Coyne would say of what happened next:
The light was traveling in excess of 600 knots. It came from the horizon to our aircraft in about 10 seconds. We were on a collision course. At 1,700 feet I braced myself for the impact with the other craft. It was coming from our right side. I was scared. There had been so little time to respond. The thing was terrifically fast. We looked up and saw it stopped right over us. It had a big, gray metallic-looking hull about 60 feet long.” “It was shaped like an airfoil or a streamlined fat cigar. There was a red light on the front. The leading edge glowed red a short distance back from the nose. There was a center dome. A green light at the rear reflected on the hull. I had made no attempt to pull up. All controls were set for a 20-degree dive. Yet we had climbed from 1,700 to 3,500 feet with no power in a couple of seconds with no g-forces or other noticeable strains. Red navigational lights aren’t located in the front of an aircraft. That’s what was moving toward us. I don’t know what it was.
Image by Steve Baxter
The object then sped off to the west and disappeared. It is unknown just what was going on here, or why the helicopter had been sort of lifted up, but what has gone on to be called the “Coyne Incident” has long been touted as one of the more intriguing pilot reports of all time. An interesting case comes to us from 1976, when there was a harrowing encounter between a fighter pilot and a UFO in the country of Iran. On September 19 of 1976, the Iranian Air Force began getting a deluge of calls from frightened citizens reporting a strange light in the skies in the vicinity of Tehran. At first it was thought that this was just a misidentification of the planet Venus, but when the Assistant Deputy Commander of Operations saw the object for himself there was a sense of urgency and alert.
In response to this mysterious object, an F-4 fighter jet was scrambled from Shahrokhi Air Force Base at 1:30 a.m. in order to investigate and intercept if need be. As the jet sped closer to the object, which was reported as very large and bright, it allegedly experienced numerous technical difficulties, to the point that the pilot began heading back and full function of his plane was restored. This plane came into base, but in the meantime, another F-4 was deployed, and was able to make radar contact with the object, deducing that it was about the same size as a 707 jet, but it was so bright it was hard to get a visual size estimate. The UFO then suddenly shot away at great speed, rapidly accelerating from the F-4 even though it was going an estimated Mach 1 at the time. The plane followed it for some time, experiencing some technical difficulties but able to see it clearly enough to describe it as roughly rectangular in shape, with strobing lights that alternated from red, blue, green, and orange. Then things would get even stranger still.
It was reported by the F-4 pilot that this object then dropped a smaller object, which headed directly at them at a rapid pace. Thinking that this was some sort of aggressive action or weapon of some sort, the pilot targeted the incoming object with a missile, but the weapon system then cut out and went offline, and all radio communications with base were lost. Unable to engage the missile, the pilot took evasive action, taking a deep dive but still followed by the object. This smaller UFO tailed the F-4 for some time before then allegedly returning to the larger object, the jet’s systems going back online as it did so. After this, the smaller UFO merged with the larger one, and the whole of it sped off out of sight. What was going on here? Was this some sort of weapon or warning from the UFO? It is impossible to say.
In 1978, there is the case reported by veteran Navy pilot Floyd P. Hallstrom of Oxnard, California, who at the time was flying in a Cessna 170A bound to San Diego from Oxnard, California. At the time he was following another plane piloted by a friend, Jim Victor. The plan at the time was for Victor to deliver the plane to San Diego, after which they would both fly back, but things were not destined to go according to plan. As the two approached Santa Monica in perfectly clear conditions, Hallstrom noticed something very odd. He would say in his report to MUFON:
At this time, I was looking for Jim straight ahead, when I spotted the UFO just on the edge of the haze area above LAX [Los Angeles International Airport] slightly to the east side. I thought it was Jim so I watched it for about a minute because he had just given me his position report, but it seemed to get larger and coming toward me so I naturally realized that it wasn’t Jim. I started looking to see what it was, but I could see no wings on this aircraft although at this time I could see windows which appeared to be passenger windows in the aircraft. As it drew nearer though, I was able to determine that there were no wings or horizontal empennage assembly to the aircraft as a conventional aircraft.
All of a sudden, I was able to make out the complete form of a saucer shape or round object… I could see the dome, also very vividly clear, including all the windows. I observed it to be of a very bright metal… it was more of a nickel or highly polished chrome or stainless-steel type of metal than aluminum, because it had more of a mellow glow than if it was of the type finish on a high finish aluminum. About 16 to 20 evenly spaced windows were visible around the circumference of the dome, located just above the base. The dome appeared to be a perfect hemisphere about 20 feet in diameter resting on the base which was about 30 feet in diameter.
Image by Steve Baxter
Hallstrom observed the object for around a minute before it disappeared from view behind his plane. Hallstrom, who had at that time 37 years of military flight experience under his belt, was adamant about what he had seen, and would later admit that the encounter had deeply affected him and given him nightmares for years. Another case from 1978 comes to us from the country of New Zealand, where on December 30 of that year a Captain Bill Startup was piloting an Argosy freight plane over the Cook Strait, accompanied by an Australian TV crew which hoped to capture video footage of a UFO that had been seen in the area at the time. They would apparently not be disappointed.
During the flight, the crew saw a strange light in the sky out over the ocean, which they found had radar confirmation from ground control in Wellington. It soon turned out that what was being seen were actually five bright lights in a line that seemed to be pulsating in some sort of pattern, and which passed under the aircraft to travel over the town of Kaikoura. The plane tried to turn around to get a better look at the objects, and in the meanwhile, they received a warning from air traffic control that told them the target was pacing them and increasing in size. Everyone in the plane was witnessing these lights by this time, but the TV crew was unable to get a good shot for footage. It was only when the plane’s navigational lights were turned off that footage was able to be taken with a handheld camera of a large bright light outside. The airplane then deviated from course towards Christchurch, and managed to land safely. After this, the plane headed off on its return flight and saw two more mysterious objects, with one of them appearing as “a spinning sphere with lateral lines around it.” Once again, the objects appeared on radar, and the Royal New Zealand Air Force even put Skyhawk jet fighters on standby ready to scramble.
When the film of the strange objects was released, it created quite a stir, but was immediately picked apart by skeptics, who suggested everything from experimental aircraft, to shrimp boats, to the planet Venus. In the end, the sighting has never been explained. Indeed, none of these have ever been fully explained, and they come to us with these impeccable witnesses who have no reason to lie and who know what sorts of strange things go on in the sky. Could they be wrong, even in those cases in which they have radar confirmation? How are we to explain such cases away? This is only a sampling of such reports from the era, and it is rather unfortunate that many others were either buried or simply never reported due to the pilots wanting to protect their reputations and jobs. Yet rest assured there are many others where these came from, and it all paints a picture of something very strange going on in the skies above our heads.
Special thanks to Steve Baxter for his artwork on this, including the cover image.
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'Tucker Carlson Originals' explores the mysterious flying objects in the sky in 'UFO Files: Chasing the Truth'
For close to 80 years, our leaders have told us that UFOs aren't real. Rather, that they're weather balloons or strangely shaped clouds.
But earlier this year, U.S. intelligence officials released a lengthy report on UFO encounters with pilots and military officials, ultimately concluding they had no explanation for nearly every case except one.
Compiled by the office of the Director of National Intelligence, the report did not find any evidence to suggest the sightings were of an alien spacecraft or evidence of advanced technology possessed by a foreign power such as China or Russia. However, the report also did not rule out the possibility.
Included in the findings were video and images of the alleged encounters.
"Oh, UFOs, they’re spooky and kinda funny," Tucker writes. "Crazy people believe in them. Up until you get to the line, ‘The Pentagon admits it doesn’t know what in the world this is.’ That’s all you need to know. From a national security perspective, that’s a very big problem."
Tucker sits down with air and space experts and witnesses of the strange sightings for the Fox Nation special to learn more about what UFOs are and if they should worry us.
"I couldn't identify it. It was flying and it was an object. That's all I can really bring back," one witness tells Tucker.
After reviewing footage from a DHS patrol plane showing a five-foot-long object moving at more than 100 miles per hour off the coast of Puerto Rico, theoretical physicist Dr. Michio Kaku was left in shock.
"Look at this thing! It's traveling much faster than it should," Kaku said. "How many aircraft do we know can dive into the ocean? But these craft [sic] effortlessly go back and forth between the water and the air. Our missiles cannot do that. The stresses would be enough to rip the metal apart."
The material that Kaku and Tucker uncover is only a fraction of the files contained by the military.
Kaku admits that the footage he watched illustrates objects defying physics in a way no other known aircraft can duplicate.
"They break the sound barrier with no sonic boom," Kaku said. "They can hit the oceans and not break apart."
Tucker admits that one of the most vexing mysteries about UFOs is why the federal government has lied about their existence for so long—and reminds viewers there are pilots every day who might run into them.
To learn more about Tucker's out-of-this-world revelations, stream the episode of "Tucker Carlson Originals" Thursday, August 19.
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Fox News' Thomas Barrabi contributed to this report.
Last week the German Aerospace Society held a workshop to discuss the search for extraterrestrial intelligent life and whether a recently released Pentagon report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena—the new preferred name for UFOs—should change our outlook in this regard. Invited speakers were Massimo Teodorani, an astrophysicist and book author from Italy, Hakan Kayal, a remote sensing expert from the German AeroSpace Center, and myself.
The Pentagon report prompted a number of reactions in the United States, including a project initiated by Avi Loeb from Harvard University and others to investigate unexplained aerial phenomena. Scientists across the Atlantic also have been watching the latest developments. The European organization that keeps the closest eye on UAP sightings is probably GEIPAN, a unit of the French Space Agency that has analyzed a total of 2,923 cases, of which 99 remain unexplained to date. This correlates roughly with the percentage of unexplained observations in the United States.
I went first on the workshop agenda, giving a general overview of the search for extraterrestrial life and the evolutionary progression (on Earth) toward complex and intelligent life, including the Cosmic Zoo hypothesis. I then discussed the Fermi Paradox and its possible solutions, some of which could be consistent with the idea that UAP are extraterrestrial in origin—for example, Star Trek’s prime directive, whereby aliens do (generally) not interfere with humanity.
Next was Teodorani, who elaborated on methodologies for how to distinguish between natural phenomena and artificial objects. Doing so would require, ideally, that the spectral resolution of UAP images be increased by a factor of 1,000 to 10,000. He also pointed out that the number of reported sightings correlates roughly with population size, but with significant outliers. These exceptional locations may be preferred places for UAP to occur—something he thinks should be looked into. Teodorani saw no correlation of sightings with magnetic anomalies, but another workshop participant pointed out that a reported correlation of UAP sightings with tectonic fault lines may suggest that piezoelectricity could be responsible for some of the sightings.
In his talk, Kayal emphasized that in order to investigate UAP we first have to fully understand known phenomena and objects, including sprites, elves, blue jets, weather balloons, and possible technical artifacts. He updated us on his own efforts to develop sensor systems that could reduce false positive detections, which, based on his experience, turned out to be mostly birds or insects. Kayal was able to reduce the fraction of false positive detections by as much as 95 percent, but his goal is to get as close to 100 percent as possible.
The consensus of the workshop participants was that UAPs should be investigated with greater openness, and without a stigma. According to Kayal, the low but significant percentage of observations that remain unexplained (3.4 percent, according to GEIPAN) could be due to secret technology developments, previously unknown natural phenomena, or extraterrestrial intelligence, any of which would be exciting and important to know about. I’m confident that science will eventually be successful in providing an answer, especially as sensing technology improves.
ALL RELATED VIDEOS, selected and posted by peter2011
Largely unknown, however, is that the UFO taboo – and an array of outlandish alien conspiracy theories – are vestiges of Cold War paranoia.
Shortly after the development of nuclear weapons, waves of UFO sightings began sweeping the United States. At first, military and intelligence officials took such reports seriously.
According to a declassified Air Force document, the sheer volume and geographic distribution of sightings meant that the UFO phenomenon “cannot be disregarded.” A 1947 memo from a top Air Force general noted that UFOs are “real and not visionary or fictitious.”
With striking parallels to more recent encounters, Air Force analysts determined that many UFOs exhibited “extreme rates of climb, maneuverability … and action which must be considered evasive when sighted or contacted by friendly aircraft and radar.” Such characteristics, the Air Force concluded, suggest that “the objects are controlled either manually, automatically or remotely.” (A CIA director would go on to state that UFOs “are operating under intelligent control.”)
Adding to the mystery, a 1948 Air Force intelligence memo stated that UFOs “are not of domestic origin.” At the same time, the Air Force assessed the likelihood of the Soviet Union developing such advanced technology as “extremely remote.”
Unsurprisingly, the Air Force was not the only government entity with an interest in UFOs. An urgent 1952 memo from the CIA’s scientific branch to then-director Walter Bedell Smith sounded the alarm: “Reports of [UFO] incidents convince us that there is something going on that must have immediate attention.”
A 1952 FBI memo notes that analysts were “fairly certain that [UFOs] are not ships or missiles from another nation in this world.” Mirroring frequent reports of UFOs evading nearby aircraft, the FBI learned that “when the pilot in [an intercepting] jet approaches the object it invariably fades from view.”
In short, U.S. intelligence analysts concluded that intelligently controlled objects – often flying in restricted airspace and capable of eluding fighter jets – were not developed by the United States or any foreign power.
Indeed, the aforementioned FBI memo states that the Air Force – like Swedish air intelligence – entertained the extraordinary possibility that UFOs may “be ships from another planet.”
Another FBI memo notes that after years of Air Force study, “a small percentage of extremely creditable [sic] sightings have been unexplainable.” As a result, “some military officials are seriously considering the possibility of interplanetary ships.”
But such objective, open-minded analysis was not to last.
Amid intensifying Cold War hostilities, America’s spies and defense planners worried that mass UFO sightings could again overwhelm emergency reporting channels, giving the Soviet Union “a surprise advantage in any nuclear attack.” Officials also feared that the Soviets would use “UFOs as a psychological warfare tool” to sow “mass hysteria and panic.”
The agency began by recruiting academics to join a “Scientific Advisory Panel on Unidentified Flying Objects.” The group, which – importantly – was not shown the most compelling UFO data, recommended a “broad educational program” to “debunk” UFO reports and “train” observers “in proper recognition of unusually illuminated objects.”
According to the panel, the “training” program would “result in a marked reduction of [UFO] reports.” At the same time, the “debunking” effort would decrease “public interest in ‘flying saucers’” and reduce Americans’ “susceptibility to clever hostile propaganda.”
As investigative journalist Leslie Kean notes, the CIA-organized meetings “would forever change both the course of media coverage and the official attitude toward the UFO subject.”
The full extent of the “educational program” – which suggested “spread[ing] the gospel” through “television, motion pictures, and popular articles” – is unclear.
But the “debunking” effort had extraordinary consequences.
Objective analysis that once suggested astounding explanations for UFOs rapidly morphed into a public relations effort determined to debunk and discredit sightings, no matter how credible.
Perhaps worse, as astronomer and long-time consultant to the Air Force’s UFO project J. Allen Hynek bluntly stated: The CIA panel “made the subject of UFOs scientifically unrespectable.”
Vice Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter, the first director of the CIA, summarized the situation: “Through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe [UFOs] are nonsense.” “Behind the scenes,” however, “high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned.”
To be sure, classified U.S. aircraft accounted for some UFO sightings. But once-secret aircraft were almost certainly not behind the most compelling historical UFO incidents. Indeed, dozens of credible witnesses and multiple sensor platforms observed objects engaging in movements that no American or Soviet plane was capable of.
Unsurprisingly, the Air Force’s bungling attempts to explain away UFO sightings led to accusations of a sweeping cover-up. This dynamic created fertile ground for an array of conspiracy theories.
But far-fetched claims of alien autopsies or a vast government plot to conceal extraterrestrial visitation are not supported by historical context and must be viewed with utmost skepticism.
Ultimately, instead of a nefarious cover-up, the government was guilty of a “grand foul-up” on UFOs. This conclusion is substantiated by the two scientists who spent decades studying UFOs while enjoying extraordinary access to government records.
James McDonald, the renowned atmospheric physicist, was particularly infuriated by the government’s shoddy work on UFOs, stating “I have never seen such superficiality and incompetence in an area of such potentially enormous scientific importance.”
Indeed, much of the Air Force’s effort to catalogue and analyze UFO reports was crippled by a woeful lack of interest and resources. Perhaps worse, it was managed by an ever-rotating cast of low-level officers determined not to “rock the boat.” The shift from investigating to discrediting UFO sightings only made matters worse.
But there is a silver lining. The government is no longer mounting a disingenuous UFO debunking campaign. It has no reason to.
Marik von Rennenkampff served as an analyst with the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, as well as an Obama administration appointee at the U.S. Department of Defense. Follow him on Twitter @MvonRen.
A man noticed an unidentified floating object earlier this month in Clovis. Vince Mandara says he was going to a gas station on Fowler Avenue when he spotted something strange.
He got his phone out, started looking, and saw it. The witness observed the mysterious object kind of dancing around, which he found weird. So he filmed the UFO using his phone camera, and then suddenly it was just blurred out and gone completely.
He shared the clip on social media and provided details about his UFO sighting. He says this all took place around 2:30 in the afternoon.
Mandara says the sky was clear when the UFO caught his attention, moving so fast.
When Mandara went home, he started slowing down the speed of the footage. It was then he saw another dot that appeared out of nowhere underneath the other one. The second one shot to the right. When Mandara posted the video on Instagram, @TicTacUFO decided to take chunks of the footage and apply filters on it.
The creator of the Instagram page, Jaiya Figueras, slowed Mandara’s video down and put a few filters, showing an exciting image.
Figueras explained that all the object’s energy could be seen when putting the video into iMovie and changing the filters. He said that the object is white, and the energy surrounding it is anti-gravity.
Figueras is a high school teacher and coach who claims he’s spoken with six individuals who’ve seen similar bizarre objects in the sky.
Figueras thinks that they were teleporting because he couldn’t slow the film down.
What Happened In The Rendlesham Forest: Encounter With UFO And Aliens
What Happened In The Rendlesham Forest: Encounter With UFO And Aliens
Rendlesham is a large pine forest in Suffolk, England and the leading role of one of the most popular UFO incidents. Near the Forest are twin NATO air bases, RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge that were being leased to the United States Air Force at the time.
The Rendlesham Forest incident is the UK’s best documented UFO case, and these are the details.
In 1980, in the early hours of December 26, John Burroughs and Jim Penniston of the USAF, were investigating a suspected civilian aircraft crash. But, instead, they claimed to have found an unidentifiable craft on the Forest floor.
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The craft appeared to be a “strange glowing object” as they got closer. Penniston says that he was close enough to the object to see hieroglyphic symbols on it; he was even close enough to touch it.
“The fabric of the shell was more like a smooth, opaque, black glass”, describes Penniston. It was triangular in shape, metallic, and approximately 3 meters across and 2 meters in height. There was a reddish light on top of the craft and blue lights on the bottom. It appeared to be standing on legs or hovering just above the ground.
Penniston and Burroughs watched the craft rise after some time, and at very high speed it accelerated away from them. So further investigation continued in the days to follow. There were landing marks found in the ground where the two USAF members claimed to have seen the craft.
Three depressions from the landing gear, each identically 1.5 inches deep and 7 inches in diameter. Burn marks were found on the sides of nearby trees. And through beta/gama tests, moderate radiation levels were found in the specific area.
Two nights later, Deputy Base Commander Charles Halt set out to investigate the Forest. He reports seeing a sun-like light through the trees that was moving around and pulsing in the sky.
The light appeared to throw off glowing particles before breaking into five separate white objects which quickly disappeared. Immediately after, three star-like objects were noticed in the sky. There were two to the North, and one to the South. They all had red, green and blue lights and moved rapidly in sharp movements.
“It looks like an eye winking at you… And the flash is so bright to the star scope that it almost burns your eye.” Charles Halt reports.
That night, Soldier Larry warren and Sgt Adrien Bustinza were sent out on patrol with other military personnel. After 11 p.m., the men got into their trucks to head toward the field where the lights were previously spotted.
When they got closer to the field, Warren sees “disaster preparedness officers out here with Geiger counters, going in an almost half-clockwise motion around this thing on the ground.” He then claims to have seen a small red light coming from the coast.
“It moved in a downward arc, so fast. [It] stopped and hovered about 20 feet off the ground.” He described it as the size of an American basketball. All of a sudden, he says, it explodes and a craft immediately appears on the forest floor.
The men were ordered to leave the site. After leaving the site, they both recall Wing Commander Gordon Williams approach the craft. They then saw Williams speaking to an alien being who had “what looked like eyes, facial features, bright clothing and some other device.”
Around 4:30 a.m., Bustinza sees the craft fly away. “When it took off, it was, like, hovering. It went up and, like, took off at about a 45 degree angle, and if you would have blinked, you would have missed it.”
Newly released national archives say that the entity was 1.5 meters tall and wearing nylon coated pressure suits. The intelligence was recorded speaking in an electronically synthesized American English speaking accent. They were reported to have three fingers, claw like hands with opposable thumbs.
However, the report made by MoD and RAF suggest that there were no indications that the UK’s air defenses had been breached.
In 2014 Daniel Simpson directed and filmed “The Rendlesham UFO Incident” in the Rendlesham Forest. He found a series of mysterious hatches while filming the movie. Forestry Commissions towed one of the hatches off which opened up to a ladder going down. He was told that they were drainage systems for the airfield.
Perhaps, over time, more evidence will surface on the Rendlesham UFO case, and perhaps there will be more sightings. All we know is that the mysterious Rendlesham Forest either attracts intelligent life from beyond, or it attracts fascinating stories from the imaginations of clever minds. What do you think the truth is?
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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