The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
SpaceX: “Ruimtetoeristen Inspiration4 zijn gelukkig en in goede gezondheid”
SpaceX: “Ruimtetoeristen Inspiration4 zijn gelukkig en in goede gezondheid”
De vier Amerikaanse ruimtetoeristen zijn "gezond, gelukkig en rusten comfortabel uit" in het ruimtetuig van SpaceX. Dat meldt het ruimtebedrijf vandaag. Het gaf daarmee een eerste update sinds de vier in de nacht van woensdag op donderdag Belgische tijd opstegen voor de historische ruimtereis.
De bemanning "cirkelde 5,5 keer rond de aarde, voerde de eerste reeks van wetenschappelijk onderzoeken uit en had een paar maaltijden" voordat ze naar bed gingen, meldt het bedrijf van Elon Musk op Twitter. De vier inzittenden zijn privépersonen waarbij voor het eerst geen enkele beroeps- of institutionele astronaut banen rondom onze planeet zal trekken.
De 38-jarige miljardair Jared Isaacman, een burgerpiloot die ook ervaring met performante gevechtsvlieguigen heeft, is gezagvoerder. Hij heeft ook de missie bekostigd. SpaceX zou een zitje voor ongeveer vijftig miljoen dollar verkopen. De 51-jarige Sian Proctor, eveneens een burgerpiloot, is professor en heeft een diploma biologie op zak. De 29-jarige Hayley Arceneaux is medisch assistente bij het St. Jude Kinderen Research Hospital waarvoor de missie geld moet opleveren. De 42-jarige Chris Sembroski is een data-ingenieur.
De missie die de naam Inspiration4 kreeg, is de eerste volledig commerciële bemande ruimtevlucht. Het vaartuig komt maximaal 540 kilometer van de aarde. De laatste keer dat mensen zo ver weg gingen, was in 2009. Na een verblijf van ongeveer drie dagen in de ruimte keren de bemanningsleden terug op aarde. Het vaartuig plonst dan, hangend aan een parachute, in de Atlantische Oceaan.
Strange lights in the sky have sparked many UFO reports
(Image: Getty Images)
A police helicopter was drafted in to help search for a mystery object spotted falling from the sky in North Staffordshire.
But the bright ellipse – seen by a member of the public - had vanished by the time they got there. All that remained were freshly damaged branches of trees.
The incident in woodland near Ipstones was reported to police back in July 1991.
Now we have delved into The Sentinel archives to find this and other UFO files.
Mark Lees, an engineer from Cheadle, had been visiting friends when the falling object appeared on the Churnet Valley skyline.
Mysterious Footage Shows UFOs Hovering In Skies...
“It came down into the woodlands on the opposite side of the valley, quite quickly and at a steep angle,” the 31-year-old told our reporter.
“It was not a light, but appeared metallic, possibly aluminium. It was broad daylight at the time.
“I clearly saw it go down in the trees, with the backdrop of the valley side behind me. It did not appear to be revolving in any way and followed a constant line.”
Mr Lees described it as around 10 feet long, elliptical and ‘very, very bright’. He returned to the scene in search of the object, but could find nothing.
He said: “There were places we could not reach because of the boggy ground and the thickness of the undergrowth.”
Police launched a major search and the helicopter crew uncovered the damaged branches.
PC Mick Powles, of Cheadle police, said: “From the evidence we have, we believe something did come down, but we do not know what it was.”
Reports of UFOs in North Staffordshire and South Cheshire had soared just a year or so before the Ipstones incident.
Back in summer 1990, we reported on figures from the Cheshire UFO Studies Centre in Earle Street, Crewe. Its team had received 120 calls via a 24-hour hotline in just 12 months – a rise of 20 per cent on the previous year.
Most of the sightings concerned mystery lights in the night sky over Stoke-on-Trent, Stafford and Crewe.
Investigations by the centre’s experts ruled out the vast majority of the lights as UFOs, with most traced to aircraft or satellites.
But in 1990, they were immersed in a six-month inquiry after two separate callers reported a close encounter with a 35ft ‘bright object with a glowing centre’. It was spotted in a field near the South Cheshire village of Audlem before vanishing.
Centre chairman Eric Morris said at the time: “Most of the people who call are genuine and many are worried or frightened by what they have seen.
“After inquiries with the RAF, the Ministry of Defence, airports, and interviewing witnesses, we can explain about 95 per cent of the strange things people see. But there are still the rest which remain a mystery.
One incident in South Cheshire in 1993 later turned out to be something less than sinister.
But it certainly spooked the public as hundreds of callers jammed the police switchboard. They reported white orbs appearing and then disappearing over a period of several hours.
One of the lay-bys along the A500 near Crewe(Image: Google Images)
Some roads were blocked, and lay-bys along the A500 were full of parked cars, as drivers went to watch the spectacle.
Police soon cracked the case. The orbs were laser lights being used for a 1940s-themed event at Rookery Hall Hotel at Worleston, near Nantwich.
Manager Philip Parker was amazed at the public response.
He said: “We had hundreds and hundreds of families following the lights. They travelled from as far as Hanley and Tarporley. It was absolutely incredible.”
In 1994, the Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9(SL9) impacted Jupiter, which had captured the comet shortly before (and broken apart by its gravity). The event became a media circus as it was the first direct observation of an extraterrestrial collision of Solar System objects. The impact was so powerful that it left scars that endured for months and were more discernible than Jupiter’s Great Red Spot.
Since then, astronomers have observed multiple objects impacting Jupiter, and it is expected that such impacts happen all the time (though unobserved). On September 13th, 2021, at 22:39:30 UTC (06:39:30 PM EDT; 03:39 PM:30 PDT), another impact was observed by multiple astronomers across the world. Images and a video of the impact (shown below) were captured by members of Société Lorraine d’Astronomie (SLA) in France.
The impact was reported by Brazilian amateur astronomer Jose Luis Pereira and confirmed a day later by Harald Paleske from Langendorf, Germany. At the time, Paleske had been taking a video of the transit of Io’s shadow when the event occurred, which appeared as a two-second flash. Upon reviewing the footage, he ruled out the possibility that the event happened closer to Earth (with Jupiter merely being the backdrop).
Still image of the impact. Credit: H. Paleske
After a thorough examination, Paleske determined that the impact happened at Jovian latitude 106.9° (CM1), longitude +3.8°, and timed it to 22:39:27 UTC on Sept. 13th. The impact was independently observed by two teams of French amateur astronomers with the SLA. According to a statement issued by the SLA, the two teams consisted of:
“Jean-Paul Arnould from his observatory in Villey-le-sec with the C11 telescope of the SLA [and] a team made up of Thibaut Humbert, Stéphane Barré, Alexis Desmougin, and Didier Walliang at the Astroqueyras observatory in Saint-Véran, with the 62 cm diameter telescope Other people around the world have observed the same phenomenon. This is the first time that so many people (currently 9) have captured this type of event.”
Thanks to the DeTeCt software/project, the amateur and professional astronomical community was issued a wide alert that allowed for rapid responses. All across the world, instruments that were aimed at Jupiter were consulted to see if they also recorded the light flash on the Jovian gas giant. The SLA also sent the data to Marc Delcroix, a Senior Research Scientist at the NTT Communication Science Laboratories‘ Media Information Laboratory in Kyoto, Japan.
Based on the images and video provided observers, the object’s diameter is estimated at 20 meters (ft). Similar to what happened with SL-9, this object is believed to be the remnant of a larger comet or asteroid that was captured by Jupiter’s gravity that broke up shortly before the impact took place. This information and any updates on the event can be found at Delcroix’s website, who indicated that this impact could be the brightest ever observed by amateur astronomers (save for the SL-9 impact).
Light on at Jupiter! Anyone home? This bright impact flash was spotted yesterday on the giant planet by astronomer José Luis Pereira.
Not a lot of info on the impacting object yet but its likely to be large and/or fast!
“Aside Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 impacts in 1994, never an impact was so well covered!” he wrote. Over the coming days and weeks, Delcroix and the astronomical community will examine the amateur videos to learn more about the lightcurves the impact generated. From this, they hope to obtain information on the amount of energy released, the dynamics of the impact, the physical characteristics of the impactor itself.
“Many thanks to every amateur who was implied in this event, whether discovering it, observing it, looking for it in his capture without finding it, or spreading the alert (there were hundreds of shares). Special thanks to the amateurs of the French astrosurf forums who helped me a lot to find out information on discoveries or new observations. We amateurs demonstrated our force as a community, showed our motivation, dedication and experience through this great event!”
This event beautifully illustrates how far astronomy has come in recent years. Whereas impacts with Jupiter were once thought to be rare, they are now understood to be a regular occurrence. With modern opportunities for data-sharing, networking, and collaboration between amateurs and professionals, events that would have otherwise gone unnoticed are being detected with regular frequency. That’s how vital research and discoveries happen!
Aliens probably could just fly over the road here, but it never hurts to be courteous.
(Getty Images/iStockphoto)
SEATTLE — Big news for paranormal researchers, truth-seekers and fans of the strange and occult: Washington is one of the country's biggest hot spots for UFO sightings, according to a new report.
(For the optimal reading experience, please play the song below)
For their study, GambleOnline says they searched through data from the National UFO Reporting Center and found that Washington had the third most UFO sightings of 2020, with 368 sightings logged. The only states with more unidentified flying objects were Florida (398 sightings) and California (619).
Washington state actually has a long history with UFO sightings. UFO hunting has been a popular pursuit in the United States since the mid-20th century, when Kenneth Arnold, a businessman piloting a small plane, filed the first well-known report in 1947 of a UFO over Mount Rainier in Washington. Arnold claimed he saw nine high-speed, crescent-shaped objects zooming along at several thousand miles per hour "like saucers skipping on water."
Although the objects Arnold claimed to see weren't saucer-shaped at all, his analogy led to the popularization of the term "flying saucers."
Other highlights from the study include:
1. Lights are the most common type of UFO reported
Mysterious lights made up 1,777 of last year's UFO sightings, according to the National UFO Reporting Center, making them far and away the most common type of UFO. The second most common were circles, with 886 sightings, and spheres, with 444 sightings. The least common sighting was the lowly cone-shaped UFO, only spotted 14 times.
2. Most sightings come between 8 p.m. and midnight
It may seem like common sense — it's much harder to see mysterious lights during the daytime, after all — but 40 percent of UFO sightings happen between 8 p.m. and midnight. If you'd rather not endure the hassle of experiencing a mysterious and world-shattering phenomenon, the best time to be out and about is from noon to 4 p.m., when UFO sightings are scarce.
3. Spring is UFO season
If you're an amateur alien hunter, spring is the best time to get out there. Researchers found that April and March had by far the most sightings, with 1,045 and 828 UFO reports respectively. December had the least sightings with 370.
Interestingly July is a relatively average month for UFO sightings, despite the fact that July 2 is UFO Awareness Day — you'd think people might step up their sky-gazing game.
4. The average UFO sighting lasts 19 minutes
UFO sightings in media tend to be blink-and-you-miss-it, but in real life, the UFOs hang around. Most UFOs (38 percent) stuck around for between one to five minutes, but 11 percent hang out for more than half an hour. Another 11 percent stuck around for 16 to 30 minutes, making the average sighting 19 minutes long.
There were 222 UFO sightings in Arizona in 2020, but this is not an image of any of those.
PHOENIX, AZ — Big news for paranormal researchers, truth-seekers and fans of the strange and occult: Arizona is one of the country's hot spots for UFO sightings, according to a new report.
For its study, GambleOnline says it searched through data from the National UFO Reporting Center show that Arizona had the ninth most UFO sightings of 2020, with 222 sightings logged. California was No. 1 with 619 sightings, followed by Florida with 398, Washington with 368, Texas with 297, New York with 289, Ohio with 239 and Oregon with 236.
Other highlights from the study include:
1. Lights are the most common type of UFO reported
Mysterious lights made up 1,777 of last year's UFO sightings, according to the National UFO Reporting Center, making them far and away the most common type of UFO. The second most common were circles, with 886 sightings, and spheres, with 444 sightings. The least common sighting was the lowly cone-shaped UFO, only spotted 14 times.
2.Most sightings come between 8 p.m. and midnight
It may seem like common sense — it's much harder to see mysterious lights during the daytime, after all — but 40 percent of UFO sightings happen between 8 p.m. and midnight. If you'd rather not endure the hassle of experiencing a mysterious and world-shattering phenomenon, the best time to be out and about is from noon to 4 p.m., when UFO sightings are scarce.
3. Spring is UFO season
If you're an amateur alien hunter, spring is the best time to get out there. Researchers found that April and March had by far the most sightings, with 1,045 and 828 UFO reports respectively. December had the least sightings with 370.
Interestingly July is a relatively average month for UFO sightings, despite the fact that July 2 is UFO Awareness Day — you'd think people might step up their sky-gazing game.
4. The average UFO sighting lasts 19 minutes
UFO sightings in media tend to be blink-and-you-miss-it, but in real life, the UFOs hang around. Most UFOs (38 percent) stuck around for between one to five minutes, but 11 percent hang out for more than half an hour. Another 11 percent stuck around for 16 to 30 minutes, making the average sighting 19 minutes long.
On September 18, 1973, future President Jimmy Carter filed a report with the International UFO Bureau claiming that he had seen a UFO with his own two eyes in October of 1969.
(Welcome to Today in History, the series where we dive into important historical events that have had a significant impact on the automotive or racing world. If you have something you’d like to see that falls on an upcoming weekend, let me know at eblackstock [at] jalopnik [dot] com.)
Carter’s insistence that he had seen a UFO persisted in his Presidential campaign. From the History Channel:
During the presidential campaign of 1976, Democratic challenger Carter was forthcoming about his belief that he had seen a UFO. He described waiting outside for a Lion’s Club Meeting in Leary, Georgia, to begin, at about 7:30 p.m., when he spotted what he called “the darndest thing I’ve ever seen” in the sky. Carter, as well as 10 to 12 other people who witnessed the same event, described the object as “very bright [with] changing colors and about the size of the moon.” Carter reported that “the object hovered about 30 degrees above the horizon and moved in toward the earth and away before disappearing into the distance.” He later told a reporter that, after the experience, he vowed never again to ridicule anyone who claimed to have seen a UFO.
During the presidential campaign of 1976, Carter promised that, if elected president, he would encourage the government to release “every piece of information” about UFOs available to the public and to scientists. After winning the presidency, though, Carter backed away from this pledge, saying that the release of some information might have “defense implications” and pose a threat to national security.
The report hasn’t exactly changed the transportation sector as we experience it on a day-to-day basis, but it certainly did play a role in the more widespread understanding of a UFO. There have been purported UFO sightings for centuries, but Carter really spurred on the government’s legitimate study of the crafts; in 1973, a Gallup poll found that 95 percent of people had heard of UFOs — a greater percentage of people than had heard of former President Gerald Ford.
ALL RELATED VIDEOS, selected and posted by peter2011
“Ancestral aliens are hibernating throughout the universe,” study states
“Ancestral aliens are hibernating throughout the universe,” study states
According to a study published in the Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, there are “ancient alien civilizations” that traveled the cosmos.
Even and possibly our Milky Way, but now they would find themselves in a state of “self-imposed hibernation”, waiting for a moment when the universe in which we live changes physically.
According to these statements, advanced extraterrestrial civilizations would find themselves in a period of deep self-imposed hibernation.
They would be waiting for a future where the universe is much colder than it is today, in order to harness some type of energy that is currently not available to anyone.
According to the Fermi paradox , the universe is a supermassive place in which billions of stars and planets are home to countless developed and undeveloped extraterrestrial civilizations.
Where Earth is just one of many planets that can support life … But if there are so many alien civilizations, how come we haven’t officially found them?
The reality is that even if the universe is populated by alien civilizations, there is no way to get in touch with them.
Unless they live in the Milky Way, it would be difficult to find traces of aliens, due to the expansion of space.
“It would take billions of years to get to these civilizations, and obviously we don’t have that kind of technology yet.”
However, there may be an explanation for all the confusion about aliens and why we haven’t found them yet.
Two Oxford University neuroscientists named Anders Sandberg and Stuart Armstrong, along with Milan Čirković of the Belgrade Astronomical Observatory in Serbia, have suggested that alien civilizations are in a self-imposed “hibernation” period.
That is, they are waiting for a future in which the Universe is colder than it is today in order to achieve a type of processing energy that cannot be achieved today.
Smart .. right?
The research was accepted for publication in the Journal of the British Interplanetary Society and establishes how conditions in our universe are simply too warm for a computer-based digital super civilization that has entered a state of hibernation of estivation, waiting for a time when the universe is much colder.
Scientists argue that more advanced civilizations may have already traveled the universe and are waiting for a better time to live and expand.
In the words of Sandberg and Kirikvić, “the cosmic background of our universe is three Kevin degrees above absolute 0, and as the universe expands, the average temperature will decrease exponentially.”
So “if you want to accumulate as much processing information with the energy you have, it makes sense to wait. It will be exponentially better ”.
The researchers explain that billions of years from now, when the cosmic background radiation of the universe is reduced to practically nothing.
Mainly due to the expansion rates of the universe and the extinction of stars, information processing will be achievable at a rate 1030 greater than what we can achieve today.
“An advanced ‘alien’ civilization may have explored a large part of the universe, done what is feasible with existing nature, and now mostly has internal ‘cultural’ things to do,” Sandberg explains on his blog.
“These things can be thought of as information processing.
If an alien civilization wants to maximize processing, they should not do it today, but wait until the cold future, when they will get so much more. Therefore, they should hibernate ”.
If this theory is true, it would mean that ancient alien civilizations are real and that they traveled through the universe and possibly even our galaxy, but are now extremely difficult to find.
Mysterious booms are back in the news in Clarksville, Tennessee, and in Helsinki, Sweden, and after many days with no explanations, residents are demanding answers while their imaginations and fears run wild. Secret weapons? Climate change? Aliens?
“The 911 Dispatch Center received numerous calls around 9:50 pm last night (9/4/21) about a “loud explosion” being heard and several individuals reported that they felt the “ground shake”. The sound was heard across many parts of Montgomery County but there have been no reports of any injuries or property damage. The Clarksville Police Department, Fire Department, Montgomery County Sheriffs Office and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) searched for a couple of hours but were unable to locate the source. Fort Campbell is on a Four Day weekend due to the Labor Day holiday, and does not appear to be conducting any type of training or exercise.”
If it’s not a sonic boom, what is it?
The Clarksville Police Department investigated the reports coming in from many parts of Montgomery County but uncovered nothing. Numerous surveillance cameras picked up the boom, some witnesses claimed to have seen a bright light like a meteor, and one reported an odd smell, possibly from fireworks set of to celebrate the Labor Day holiday – although most of the reports indicated the explosion was louder than fireworks. However, the U.S. Geological Survey didn’t register any earthquakes or seismic activity at the time. There was speculation it could have been trapped gas exploding (although no craters were found) or dried-up water pockets collapsing (although no sinkholes were found). Crossing those off of the list leaves … aliens? It’s been nearly two weeks with no updates or explanations.
Meanwhile, in Helsinki …
“The current opinion is that it was most likely not caused by a meteor, but of course that can’t be ruled out.”
“In all probability, it was not any type of earthquake. We still have a more detailed analysis of that day [to examine], but we looked at it quickly over the weekend and it doesn’t show any clear [seismic activity] at our stations in Helsinki.”
On September 13th, a loud explosion was reported in the Helsinki neighborhoods of Oulunkylä, Kumpula, Käpylä, Arabia, Kulosaari, Metsälä, Meilahti and Kulosaari at around 11:45pm. Initial speculation centered on earthquake, meteor or military-caused sonic boom, but all of those were quickly ruled out by local authorities, astronomers and military personnel. Seismometers picked up nothing, and investigations found no craters, debris or other evidence of conventional explosions. After four days, the Helsinki boom also has no updates or explanations.
If it’s not a meteor, what is it?
These mysterious booms continue to occur worldwide. In a sense, they have become audio UFOs – Unidentified Audio Occurrences. Like UFOs, many van be explained quickly. Like UFOs, some cannot. Like UFOs, they seem to be increasing. Unlike UFOs, governments and militaries don’t seem to be concerned. Perhaps THAT should be a cause of concern for the rest of us. The mysterious booms are probably not alien related. However, unlike UFOs, the sounds are witnessed by many, physically and psychologically disturbing, and dismissed too easily.
Is it time to move the needle on booms from mysterious to sinister? Is it time for a Department of UAOs?
ALL RELATED VIDEOS, selected and posted by peter2011
A new de-extinction company called Colossal that is being led by entrepreneur Ben Lamm and geneticist Dr. George Church say that they are hoping to resurrect the extinct woolly mammoth within the next six years. While the last of the woolly mammoths went extinct about 4,000 years ago, the new plan is to change the genome of Asian elephants in order to create modern mammoths.
In a press release, Lamm discussed their intentions, “Never before has humanity been able to harness the power of this technology to rebuild ecosystems, heal our Earth and preserve its future through the repopulation of extinct animals,” adding, “In addition to bringing back ancient extinct species like the woolly mammoth, we will be able to leverage our technologies to help preserve critically endangered species that are on the verge of extinction and restore animals where humankind had a hand in their demise.”
So, how exactly do they plan on resurrecting the mammoth? They would have to add mammoth genes to DNA from Asian elephants in order to create curved tusks, tinier ears, subcutaneous fat stores, and a thick shaggy coat that would allow them to live in the Arctic Circle. This combination would create an Asian elephant/woolly mammoth hybrid.
Asian elephants
There are several issues regarding the resurrection of an already extinct animal as noted by Dr. Victoria Herridge who is a researcher at the National History Museum, “There are a lot of questions raised by this project. The key ethical points are the aspects of animal experimentation and husbandry – what is this creature? Is it a new species? How many do you need?” “Then if they succeed, what will the needs be of an intelligent social creature? And what are our obligations to it?”
There in fact two different ways animals could be resurrected. The first is cloning where the DNA in the cell of one animal is inserted into a fertilized egg and put into a surrogate mother – there hasn’t been a complete mammoth genome that has been found yet so that poses a problem. The second manner is finding individual genes of one animal and inserting them into the genome of another – this could possibly work for bringing the mammoth back as the modified genome would be put into a fertilized elephant egg and then put into a surrogate elephant. Artificial wombs have been suggested but there’s no proof that those would work either.
“At that point you have to start asking questions about the ethics of experimentation on elephants. You won’t know whether or not there is an issue with your chimeric creature until further down the line,” Dr. Herridge pointed out.
Mural by Charles R. Knight in 1916.
(Via Wikipedia)
As for whether or not resurrecting the woolly mammoth would actually reverse climate change, the company stated that they hope to “re-wild extinct species to their original habitats so they can revitalize lost ecosystems for a healthier planet.” There is a theory that mammoths aided in fighting climate change by bringing back and maintaining the plentiful grassland steppes in the Arctic but after they went extinct, the area turned to forests. Since forests absorb heat from the sun, the grassland would help to cool the planet.
While it would be interesting and a little eerie to see a woolly mammoth roaming around, this new company is focused on bringing even more extinct animals back from the dead – what could possibly go wrong?
ALL RELATED VIDEOS, selected and posted by peter2011
The ‘Futuro’ UFO buildings may not be genuine artifacts of an extraterrestrial civilization, but they are genuine architectural works of art. And only three remain in all of Russia.
One of the most interesting places in the Caucasus resort of Dombay has got to be the “flying saucer”, which stands on the plateau amid the snowy mountain peaks. And it’s not the only building of this type there.
The idea for constructing buildings in the shape of UFOs was conceived by Finnish architect Matti Suuronen in the mid-1960s - a time when humanity found great inspiration in space flight and discussions of our future among the stars. That is how the ‘Futuro’ series appeared. The building measures four meters (13 feet) high and 8 meters (26 feet) in diameter. It was constructed out of fiberglass-reinforced polyester plastic, polyester-polyurethane and poly(methyl methacrylate), had a chimney for heating, a kitchen and en-suite facilities. The result was a mobile construction that was easy to erect and fit for winter living (snow would just slide off the roof).
The “flying saucers” gained a fanbase across the world, from the U.S. to Taiwan. However, with the 1970s oil crisis in full swing, the price of plastic soared and the ‘Futuro’ project was shut down, in order to cut losses. Modern estimates suggest that some 60 units remain in the world (of the just under 100 that were built during the 1960s-1970s), most of which have turned into derelict monuments to avant-garde architecture.
And three of these “UFOs” can be found in Russia!
The Dombay hotel
The hotel in the Soviet times and nowadays.
Sozinov Vitaly/TASS; Getty Images
This highland hotel called 'Tarelka' is among the few cases where a weird building is used according to the architect’s original plans - in this case, accommodation for skiers and snowboarders. The hotel was the first of three buildings to appear - it was a present from Finnish President Urho Kekkonen, who was an avid skier.
Dombay used to be very popular among Soviet skiers. In the 1960s, a resort was built there, boasting great infrastructure. Kekkonen visited numerous times and decided to present the resort with his special creation.
The hotel functions to this day. The building was recently relocated 250 meters higher, closer to the ski lifts. It is only available to rent as a whole unit and can accommodate up to six guests. The cost is 15,000 rubles (approx. $200) per night, which includes breakfast and dinner.
That's how 'Tarelka' hotel looks inside.
Now, where the other two “flying saucers” came from remains a topic of debate. One version is that Kekkonen gifted not one, but three buildings to the resort. Another is that the USSR decided on purchasing several of them for the 1980 Olympics: They were to supposedly house souvenir kiosks and cafes, but the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan resulted in the kinds of sanctions that only three of the Futuro buildings managed to be purchased before the financial situation deteriorated.
The cafe, whose name literally translates as “saucer/plate”, is situated in the Crimean city of Gurzuf (Naberezhnaya Street, 7). Tarelka appeared there 30 years ago, in the late stages of the Soviet era. Around it is a wonderful park, right on the Black Sea coast. It used to be part of the ‘Sputnik’ All-Soviet Youth Center (today, it is the ‘Sputnik’ wing of the ‘Pushkino’ spa hotel).
In the 1990s, the building housed an elite restaurant that gradually lost its status and was eventually converted into a disco bar. The view that opened up from the veranda was truly marvelous! There were numerous private attempts at returning the building to its former glory, but the crowds never really took to it. Today, it tries to reel in customers with promises of BBQs with a view.
‘Chaynaya Tarelka’ cafe in Krasnodar
In the western district of Krasnodar, another Futuro “flying saucer” was built. Located at Atarbekova Street, 54/1, the building became a prominent spot in this residential area with its otherwise neverending apartment blocks. Similar to the building in Gurzuf, it stands on a tall base, which houses the main hall and the kitchen.
At first, the building belonged to ‘Sputnik’, a popular ice cream cafe. In the 1990s, it was turned into a squalid bar. It would change owners and names throughout the years, serving as bars, storage spaces and even a household chemicals store.
In later years, the building presented itself as a tea-drinking cafe, for which it is now known as ‘Chaynaya Tarelka’ (‘Tea Saucer’), boasting a wide variety of teas and absolutely stunning interior design: red and yellow walls and comfy couches with different-colored pillows around the perimeter. The reviews were also very positive, with people loving the atmosphere.
Cafe in 1987.
Sadly, the cafe also closed down. Today, you’ll find fruit and vegetable sellers around the building.
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Annunaki – 450,000 years ago our ancestors descended from the heavens to engineer the first human beings. To us they were Giants that ruled as Gods over mankind. Now new evidence and scientific research acknowledges their existence on earth but reveals when they will return. The truth of their real origin and purpose is much more bizarre and amazing than anything previously believed. From the Garden of Eden to the Great Flood; from the God of the Bible to the secrets of Enoch all shall be revealed.
An “astonishing anomaly” discovered in Antarctica 3 miles under the ice
An “astonishing anomaly” discovered in Antarctica 3 miles under the ice
Researchers in Antarctica discovered an “astonishing magnetic anomaly” three miles under the ice during a flyby of the continent.
The find was made near Russia’s scientific research station in East Antarctica. In the 1990s, scientists drilled into this area to discover what is known as Lake Vostok .
But their work stopped just short of reaching the water, due to concerns about the deterioration of what could be a “pristine” ecosystem, leaving a number of questions unanswered.
Narrator David Taylor said: ‘In the 1970s, through aerial radar, Russia began to suspect that they had inadvertently built their base on the tip of a large subglacial lake.
“In the years since orbital radar mapping, combined with surface seismological measurements, has confirmed that Lake Vostok, under two miles of solid ice, is the largest lake discovered in the last 100 years.
“About the size of Lake Ontario, but much deeper in places, over 3,000 feet, and about four times the volume.
“The lake, which is still liquid and not frozen, has been isolated under the ice sheets for between 13,000 and 14 million years, depending on who you talk to.
“The water in the lake, determined by thermal scans of the surface, ranges from 10C to 18C, which clearly indicates an underground heat source.”
Mr. Taylor went on to detail exactly what they found in the drilled hole.
“In addition, the entire lake is covered by a sloping dome of air several thousand feet high that is formed by hot water melting the overlapping ice just above the lake’s surface.
‘Core samples taken by the Russians have revealed the presence of microbes, nutrients and various gases such as methane embedded in the clear frozen lake water just above the dome.
“Such elements are typical signatures of biological processes, the lake therefore has all the ingredients of an incredible scientific find – a completely isolated ecosystem, water, heat, breathed gases and current biological activity.
As the actual scope and composition of the lake became apparent, NASA began to see it as an ideal test bed for their plans to drill through the ice and search the oceans of Jupiter’s moon Europa.
The mission was canceled over environmental contamination concerns, but scans of the area since then have revealed something more puzzling.
Mr Taylor explained: “A team of scientists from Columbia University, working under the auspices of the National Science Foundation, began an unprecedented series of low-altitude aerial surveys over Lake Vostok , designed to map gravitational magnetic activity. and thermal under the ice.
As they did so, they made an amazing find.
‘A huge magnetic anomaly was discovered covering the entire southeastern portion of the lake shore. This remarkable anomaly could not have been caused by natural processes. “
Those are questions I’ve been getting in the last few months. The sheer level of UFO activity that has been mentioned online and in other media (the only one for me being CNN) has clearly demonstrated that. Frankly, in my view if, tomorrow, the U.S. Government chose to reveal a bunch of dead, mangled, rotted alien bodies before the world, I don’t think that anyone would be worried, scared or even terrified. I think most people would be amazed, and eager to see what aliens really look like. That’s how I feel. But, it hasn’t happened. And, as I see it, there are only two options: (a) there will be disclosure; or (b) there won’t be disclosure. But you knew that, right? Right! So, here’s how I see it: the reason why we aren’t getting full disclosure is because there’s something that is so monumentally bizarre or terrifying that no-one wants to reveal it. And because no-one in government wants to reveal it. The approach of the government may simply be: “We don’t know how to say it, or how reveal it, so let’s just hide it. Forever. ” I sometimes think that really is why we don’t have disclosure and may never will. Possibly, it can’t be told without fucking up all of human civilization.
(Nick Redfern)
I should stress I don’t have any new, secret rumors to support what I’m about to say now. None, at all. But, there is one picture that I believe could be the one that ensures we never get to know the complete, full picture. I’ll say this: I’m not a religious person. I have no particular stance on life after death, deities, gods, Hell, Heaven, reincarnation, and so on. Although, dogs just have to have souls. A greater animal was never created. Far better than us. Like most people, I occasionally wonder about it all, but that hardly makes things any clearer. It just means I occasionally have opinions on such controversies. There is however, one issue – directly related to all that Heaven and Hell stuff – that I think would be the key issue that would prevent us (all of us) from being informed. It’s a story that revolves around the human soul. Now and again, I’ve been told of tales concerning the human soul and its supposed links to the UFO subject. I started to get a lot of information on this issue in 2007 when I was researching my book, Final Events, and interviewing a few people from the so-called Collins Elite group.
Some of the C.E. members told me of a belief (not proof) in their ranks that the human soul was suspected of being a form of “fuel” for the black-eyed Grays of Ufology. In simple terms, the scenario was very similar to the picture in The Matrix: that our souls are nothing less than fodder to the aliens. Rather than being reliant on electricity, as is the picture. And, that’s why we can never be told, so it goes for some. Because it’s too terrifying: kind of like the classic words of Charles Fort: “We are someone else’s property.” I didn’t have long and lengthy conversations with the Collins Elite about all of this (I wish I did), but I can say that most of them had bought into that angle of soul-stealing ETs. And, when I did bring it up, it caused a lot of awkwardness. In some cases, fear. I’m hardly religious, but it even made me feel a bit clammy and cold when it was first shared with me.
Of course, there’s nothing new about this theory of aliens really being demons. When, however, you get the picture of it from a guy in his seventies, who worked for the Defense Intelligence Agency, and who was talking, in serious tones, about how the story cannot be told – and while leafing through the pages of Kurt Seligmann’s 1948 book, The Mirror Magic – things start to get a bit serious – and surreal. With that said, let’s take a look at what sounds eerily similar to some of the things I was told from 2007 to 2010. Probably the one person, more than any other, who concludes that the alien presence on our planet is driven by the “soul-scenario” is Nigel Kerner. He has written two books on the subject. They are The Song of the Greys and Grey Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls. Combined, they make a worryingly persuasive argument for the theory that aliens somehow “use” the human soul. Danielle Silverman, Kerner’s assistant, prepared the following for me on his theories and conclusions. She stated that Kerner, “…went on to delineate a fascinating concept, explaining that a ‘soul’ might be a derivational information field that comes out of a natural cadence that came into the Universe with the big bang. This field holds the power to maintain information in what he called a morphogenetic electro-spatial field with an eternal scope of existence in whatever form circumstance allows. The soul is thus an ancestrally contiguous and coherent mechanism for holding information.”
(Nick Redfern) My copy of the Seligmann book
It’s also worth noting the experience of Sergeant John Healey, of the U.S. Army Reserve. On the night of October 18, 1973, he encountered a brightly-lit UFO, as he and his colleagues were on-board a UH-1H helicopter, rapidly closing in on Cleveland Hopkins, Airport, Ohio. In the aftermath of the encounter – which, in essence, was a near-collision between the two craft – Healey had several weird out-of-body experiences, as he told to UFO investigator, Jennie Zeidman. It was, he explained, as if he was dead in his bed, and that his spirit was above him, staring down at his sleeping form in the bed. That Sergeant Healey’s experiences occurred not in relation to the abduction phenomenon, but to a UFO sighting, suggests that other components of the UFO issue come into play when it comes to the relationship between UFOs, life after death, and our souls. Notably, several members of the helicopter crew were later contacted by representatives of the Department of Defense, who exhibited interest in – and deep concerns about – the UFO / soul-ingestion angle. This suggests a disturbing scenario: that certain elements of the U.S. Government may know something of the origins and agenda of the paranormal parasites.
It’s a fact that most people who have studied the claims of Bob Lazar focus their attentions on what he had to say about the UFOs allegedly held at S-4, as well as his statements concerning Element 115. There is one issue that doesn’t get the attention that it really should. It’s a part of Lazar’s story which takes things down a path that is filled with disturbing revelations involving the afterlife. One of the many briefing papers that Lazar said he read at S-4 stated that the aliens refer to us, the human race, as what we would call “Containers.” But, containers of what? Well, that’s where things get really controversial. Lazar told KLAS-TV’s George Knapp “religion was created so we have some rules and regulations for the sole purpose of not damaging the containers.” As for the “Containers,” the Knapp-Lazar discussion then went into the matter of human souls and their importance. How much of all this (some of it, all of it, none of it) is true, I have to say I don’t know. What I do know for sure, though, is that there are a lot of people in the U.S. government, and in the U.S. intelligence community, who do believe this is the real picture. And, from their perspective, that’s why we won’t get full disclosure. We’ll get a sanitized-type disclosure. Because, they say, it’s much easier on everyone. A case of what we don’t get won’t hurt us. Until, possibly, it eventually does.
That question was put to me not long ago. It’s an interesting question, too. It took me a while to come up with a conclusion, but I finally did. I would say that the alleged (extremely alleged…) “UFO crash” at Aztec, New Mexico in March 1948 fits the bill. Either that, or it’s a complete pile of garbage. And, in-between, there’s some genuinely strange bits along the way. So, let’s begin. The strange story of the alleged UFO crash at Aztec, New Mexico in March 1948 – and the recovery of a number of dead “little men” at the site – is a real hotbed of lies, disinformation, and shady characters. Most of those same characters were best avoided by those with dollars to spare. The tale was made infamous in the pages of Frank Scully’s 1950 blockbuster, Behind the Flying Saucers; it was a book which turned out to be a huge seller. Today, the Aztec affair is seen by some ufologists as Roswell’s “little brother.” As its “skeleton in the cupboard” might be a far more apt description, however. Many researchers of the UFO phenomenon dismiss the Aztec incident as nothing but a hoax; one which was perpetrated by a shady businessman/conman named Silas Newton. His less-than-shining FBI file can be accessed at the FBI’s website, The Vault. When it came to stories of aliens from faraway worlds, making money was always the goal for Newton. And the only goal. Along for the ride with Newton was Leo Gebauer. He was a quasi-scientist and the Igor to Newton’s ego-driven Dr. Frankenstein.
(Nick Redfern) Aztec, New Mexico
There is, though, a very interesting and extremely odd aspect to the Newton/Aztec story. It serves to demonstrate how the UFO phenomenon was becoming the tool of manipulative disinformation specialists in the intelligence community. And not just of the Soviet Union. The United States was getting into the strange game, too. Back in 1998, the late Karl Pflock, ufologist and CIA employee (sometimes at the same time…), was approached by a still-anonymous source who had something very interesting to say about the Aztec caper, and about Newton too. It was a decidedly weird series of revelations that Pflock surely never anticipated receiving. To his dying day, Pflock refused to reveal the name of his informant in the shadows – rumors, however, were that the person may have been a nephew of Silas Newton – but, Pflock did say that all of the lunchtime meetings with his source occurred between July 11 and September 24, 1998 and took place in a restaurant in Bernalillo, New Mexico.
(Nick Redfern) The late Karl Pflock, who was both a Ufologist and an employee of the CIA
So the story goes, Pflock’s informant had in their hands twenty-seven pages taken, or rather torn, from an old and faded, lined journal. No prizes for guessing who that journal had belonged to. That’s right, sly, old Silas Newton. Pflock was told that Newton had kept journals and diaries not just for years, but for decades. They were jammed with entertaining tales of sexual conquests, of Hollywood starlets, of the fleecing of the rich and the gullible, and of wild adventures across the United States. The outcome of all this? Newton decided, around the turn of the 1970s, that it was right about time for him to write-up his version of the Aztec controversy. It would surely have been a definitive page-turner. Death, however, inconveniently intervened in 1972, when Newton passed away in his mid-eighties. What happened to all of those journals is anyone’s guess. As for those few pages that Pflock was allowed to see – and to transcribe word for word – they tell a tale of undeniable weirdness. By his own admittance, and a couple of years after the Aztec story surfaced in Frank Scully’s book, Newton was clandestinely visited by two representatives of “a highly secret U.S. Government entity,” as Pflock carefully and tactfully described it.
(Nick Redfern) Aztec, New Mexico: the site of a crashed UFO? It depends on who you ask
Those same representatives of the government told Newton, in no uncertain terms, that they knew his Aztec story was a complete and bald-faced lie. Utter bullshit, in fact. Incredibly, though, they wanted Newton to keep telling the tale to just about anyone and everyone who would listen. This caused Pflock to ponder on an amazing possibility: “Did the U.S. Government or someone associated with it use Newton to discredit the idea of crashed flying saucers so a real captured saucer or saucers could be more easily kept under wraps?” Far more intriguing, though, and highly relevant to the theme of this book, is the next question that Pflock posed: “Was this actually nothing to do with real saucers but instead some sort of psychological warfare operation [italics mine]?” With the Newton revelations in hand, Pflock, no later than 1999, came to believe that back in the early fifties someone in the government, the intelligence community, or the military of the United States – and maybe even a swirling combination of all three – wanted the Aztec story further circulated. The purpose: as a means to try and convince the Russians that the U.S. military had acquired, or captured, alien technology. When, in reality, it had no such thing in its possession at all. Now, you see why I consider the Aztec affair of March 1948 to have been the most complicated UFO case of all time.
Is this the world’s oldest work of art? Sequence of hand and footprints discovered on the Tibetan Plateau dates back up to 226,000 years — and may be 'prehistoric graffiti' left by children
Is this the world’s oldest work of art? Sequence of hand and footprints discovered on the Tibetan Plateau dates back up to 226,000 years — and may be 'prehistoric graffiti' left by children
The 'art panel' was first discovered on a rocky outcrop in Quesang back in 2018
The prints were made into a limestone deposited near hot springs that hardened
Even a conservative dating estimate makes it 3–4 times older than other rock art
The team believe the prints were left by two children aged around seven and 12
It is unclear which species made the art, but Denisovans are known from the area
by Ian Randall For Mailonline
Researchers believe they may have identified the oldest-known work of art — a sequence of five hand and footprints thought to date back up to 226,000 years.
According to researchers led from China's Guangzhou University, the impressions are at least 3–4 times older than the cave paintings of France, Indonesia and Spain.
Found in 2018 on a rocky outcrop in Quesang, on the Tibetan Plateau, the prints may have been 'prehistoric graffiti' left by young Denisovan children, the team have said.
Researchers believe they may have identified the oldest-known work of art — a sequence of five hand and footprints thought to date back up to 226,000 years. Pictured: the prints as seen when rendered in a three-dimensional scan of the surface in which they were left
According to researchers led from China's Guangzhou University, the impressions (pictured) are at least 3–4 times older than the cave paintings of France, Indonesia and Spain
Found in 2018 on a rocky outcrop (pictured) in Quesang, on the Tibetan Plateau, the prints may have been 'prehistoric graffiti' left by young Denisovan children, the team have said
It is not certain which species of humans made the prints — but Denisovans are a reasonable bet, given the finding of their skeletal remains elsewhere on the Tibetan plateau. Pictured: an artist's impression of a young Denisovan
Based on uranium series dating, the researchers have determined that the prints must have left between 169,000–226,000 years ago.
And measurements of the prints have led the team to conclude that the footprints were made by a child of around seven and the handprints one of more like 12 years of age.
It is not certain which species of humans made the prints — but Denisovans are a reasonable bet, given the finding of their skeletal remains elsewhere on the Tibetan plateau.
To help with the question of whether the prints constituted art, the team turned to archaeologist Thomas Urban of New York's Cornell University, whose research has included a study of human footprint's in New Mexico's White Sands National Park.
The first clue, he explained, came from the fact that the prints were pressed into travertine — a form of terrestrial limestone that is deposited in the vicinity of hot springs — that would have then hardened gradually over time.
'It would have been a slippery, sloped surface,' noted Mr Urban.
'You wouldn’t really run across it. Somebody didn’t fall like that. So why create this arrangement of prints? There’s not a utilitarian explanation for these. So what are they?'
'My angle was, can we think of these as a creative behaviour, something distinctly human. The interesting side of this is that it’s so early.'
'These young kids saw this medium and intentionally altered it. We can only speculate beyond that.
'This could be a kind of performance, a live show — like, somebody says, "hey, look at me, I’ve made my handprints over these footprints." '
Further evidence for the deliberate nature of the impressions comes from the fact that the rock has preserved handprints at all — unlike footprints, these are rare in the fossil record of human ancestors.
According to the team, the presence of the handprints ties the Tibetan impressions to a long tradition of art involving the stencilling of hands of cave walls.
Dated to between 169,000–226,000 years ago, however, the Quesang art panel is much older than its more famous peers.
Art found on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi and in Spain's El Castillo cave, for example, date back to around 40,000–45,000 years ago, while the the Chauvet cave paintings of France are only some 30,000 years old.
'It would have been a slippery, sloped surface,' said researcher Thomas Urban of the surface into which the prints were pressed. 'You wouldn’t really run across it. Somebody didn’t fall like that. So why create this arrangement of prints? There’s not a utilitarian explanation for these.'
'My angle was, can we think of these as a creative behaviour, something distinctly human. The interesting side of this is that it’s so early,' said Mr Urban, who hails from Cornell University
'These young kids saw this medium and intentionally altered it. We can only speculate beyond that. This could be a kind of performance, a live show — like, somebody says, "hey, look at me, I’ve made my handprints over these footprints," ' Mr Urban said. Pictured: a scan of the rock
Of course, some connoisseurs might bristle at the very notion that the Quesang prints in and of themselves constitute art.
'Different camps have specific definitions of art that prioritize various criteria,' Mr Urban commented.
He continued: 'But I would like to transcend that and say there can be limitations imposed by these strict categories that might inhibit us from thinking more broadly about creative behaviour.
'I think we can make a solid case that this is not utilitarian behaviour. There’s something playful, creative, possibly symbolic about this.
'This gets at a very fundamental question of what it actually means to be human.'
The full findings of the study were published in the journal Science Bulletin.
Further evidence for the deliberate nature of the impressions comes from the fact that the rock has preserved handprints at all — unlike footprints, these are rare in the fossil record of human ancestors. Pictured: one of the footprints from the Tibetan art panel
According to the team, the presence of the handprints ties the Tibetan impressions to a long tradition of art involving the stencilling of hands of cave walls. Dated to between 169,000–226,000 years ago, however, the art panel from Quesang is much older than its peers
Who were they?
The Denisovans are an extinct species of human that appear to have lived in Siberia and even down as far as southeast Asia.
The individuals belonged to a genetically distinct group of humans that were distantly related to Neanderthals but even more distantly related to us.
Although remains of these mysterious early humans have mostly been discovered at the Denisova Cave in the Altai Mountains in Siberia, DNA analysis has shown the ancient people were widespread across Asia.
Scientists were able to analyse DNA from a tooth and from a finger bone excavated in the Denisova cave in southern Siberia.
The discovery was described as 'nothing short of sensational.'
In 2020, scientists reported Denisovan DNA in the Baishiya Karst Cave in Tibet.
This discovery marked the first time Denisovan DNA had been recovered from a location that is outside Denisova Cave.
How widespread were they?
Researchers are now beginning to find out just how big a part they played in our history.
DNA from these early humans has been found in the genomes of modern humans over a wide area of Asia, suggesting they once covered a vast range.
They are thought to have been a sister species of the Neanderthals, who lived in western Asia and Europe at around the same time.
The two species appear to have separated from a common ancestor around 200,000 years ago, while they split from the modern human Homo sapien lineage around 600,000 years ago.
Last year researchers even claimed they could have been the first to reach Australia.
Aboriginal people in Australia contain both Neanderthal DNA, as do most humans, and Denisovan DNA.
This latter genetic trace is present in Aboriginal people at the present day in much greater quantities than any other people around the world.
How advanced were they?
Bone and ivory beads found in the Denisova Cave were discovered in the same sediment layers as the Denisovan fossils, leading to suggestions they had sophisticated tools and jewellery.
Professor Chris Stringer, an anthropologist at the Natural History Museum in London, said: 'Layer 11 in the cave contained a Denisovan girl's fingerbone near the bottom but worked bone and ivory artefacts higher up, suggesting that the Denisovans could have made the kind of tools normally associated with modern humans.
'However, direct dating work by the Oxford Radiocarbon Unit reported at the ESHE meeting suggests the Denisovan fossil is more than 50,000 years old, while the oldest 'advanced' artefacts are about 45,000 years old, a date which matches the appearance of modern humans elsewhere in Siberia.'
Did they breed with other species?
Yes. Today, around 5 per cent of the DNA of some Australasians – particularly people from Papua New Guinea – is Denisovans.
Now, researchers have found two distinct modern human genomes - one from Oceania and another from East Asia - both have distinct Denisovan ancestry.
The genomes are also completely different, suggesting there were at least two separate waves of prehistoric intermingling between 200,000 and 50,000 years ago.
Researchers already knew people living today on islands in the South Pacific have Denisovan ancestry.
But what they did not expect to find was individuals from East Asia carry a uniquely different type.
A popular sketch on The Late Show with David Letterman was “Is This Anything?”, where the host and the bandleader Paul Shaffer watched an individual or group perform an unusual stunt, then discussed whether the act was “something” or “nothing.” Archeologists excavating artifacts often seem to engage in a similar game as they attempt to figure out what is historically or monetarily valuable and what is just old stuff. A good example of this ‘game’ took place recently on the Tibetan Plateau with the discovery of hand and footprints on a wall that date back to the middle of the Pleistocene era, between 169,000 and 226,000 years ago. That’s significant, but it becomes game-changing as archeologists play a game that might be called, ‘Is This Art’? The answer could determine of this is the oldest artwork ever found or just cave kids having fun.
“The question is: What does this mean? How do we interpret these prints? They’re clearly not accidentally placed. There’s not a utilitarian explanation for these. So what are they? My angle was, can we think of these as an artistic behavior, a creative behavior, something distinctly human. The interesting side of this is that it’s so early.”
Are handprints art?
Thomas Urban, research scientist in the College of Arts and Sciences at Cornell and co-author of the paper, “Earliest Parietal Art: Hominin Hand and Foot Traces from the Middle Pleistocene of Tibet,” published in Science Bulletin, tells about his analysis of five footprints and five handprints found on a rocky promontory at Quesang on the Tibetan Plateau in 2018. The prints were found in travertine, a freshwater limestone that was soft when they were made but hardened over time. While footprints are common, handprints are rare, and Urban suspected these were examples of parietal (immobile) art similar to hand stenciling often found on prehistoric cave walls – and the children who made them had a purpose in mind. (Photos here.)
A 3D-relief model of the Quesang fossil hand and footprints with colours showing the depth of the prints within the rocks.
One of the hand prints discovered in Tibet that is believed to have been made by children. Matthew Bennett, Author provided
“These young kids saw this medium and intentionally altered it. We can only speculate beyond that. This could be a kind of performance, a live show, like, somebody says, ‘hey, look at me, I’ve made my handprints over these footprints.'”
The oldest confirmed examples of prehistoric art are found on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi and in the El Castillo cave in Spain and date to between 40,000 and 45,000 years ago. The famous Chauvet cave paintings in France are 30,000 years old. If the Tibetan hand and footprints are deemed to be real works of art, their age of 169,000 to 226,000 years almost pushes the others into the Museum of Modern Art, not the Museum of Natural History. Once that question is decided, an even bigger one looms. Study co-authors Matthew Bennett, Professor of Environmental and Geographical Sciences at Bournemouth University, and Sally Reynolds, Principal Academic in Hominin Palaeoecology at Bournemouth University, ask it in The Conversation:
“Were the children members of our own species, Homo sapiens, or members of another extinct archaic human species? There is nothing in the tracks to resolve this question. They may have been an enigmatic group of archaic humans referred to as the Denisovans, given other recent skeletal finds of this species on the plateau.”
As we learn more about the Denisovans, the Neanderthals and other potential archaic humans, we find more reasons to consider them as peers rather than less intelligent – and artistic — hominins.
It may have started 226,000 years ago, but there’s still a need for art in our modern world. Teach art in schools again!
Video footage of glowing orange orbs “flying in formation” across Baltimore night skies was captured by a man heading home from shopping likened to UFOs. Baltimore local Symkai Scott, 42, spotted about six or seven distinctive round orange lights hovering in the air in uniform formation.
A series of bright lights were spotted floating in Baltimore, sparking a deluge of alleged sightings
Credit: Pen News/Symkai Scott
Social media users suggested the lights may have been UFOs or lanterns
Credit: Pen News/Symkai Scott
According to The Sun, Scott posted the footage online to seek out some answers as to what he had caught on video. A wave of comments surprised him as her came to know that other social media users claimed to have witnessed identical sightings recently in Washington DC, Las Vegas, St. Louis, Detroit and other cities across the United States. Symkai even heard from someone in Scotland saying they had seen the same lights.
One person from northern California stated that he had seen about 30 of these orbs traveling slowly in a single file line and then vanished in just seconds. Skeptical netizens suggested the lights Scott saw could have been drones, police helicopters or even Chinese floating lanterns. However, he argued that if these were lanterns, they were “awfully coordinated to keep steady in that type of formation.”
Scott also disputed the possibility that they were police helicopters because these usually make a noticeable noise, citing that the floating orange UFOs were silent. As he recalled his experience, the stunned man said the lights had a very distinctive orange glow to them, counting around six or seven big bright orbs. “I also thought they were awfully bright to be seen under the street lights in the city. You can see the glare from the street lights in the video,” Scott said.
The lights suddenly vanished quickly after he stopped filming and rushed inside his building to share what he witnessed to a friend. Openly admitting that he is a believer in the existence of extraterrestrial beings, Scott is not the only witness to these phenomena happening across America.
UFO sightings are not uncommon around the globe and the US is home to many such instances. Alleged sightings of strange lights, spaceships and even a plethora of alien abduction tales have been gaining much publicity and attention in recent years.
Just last month, a series of bright flickering lights were reportedly seen across Tennessee flying in random patterns. A video clip of the sighting was uploaded to Reddit leaving users baffled and locked in debate as to what these lights could be. At the same time, a UFO was spotted near the International Space Station during a live feed. The object was described to be a white, cylinder-shaped device that was seen on the same day that "high-speed" objects were caught hovering near NASA's International Space Station.
The question of “Are we alone?” has long been the big UFO debate, privy only to American politics and top tier government officials. However, since the Pentagon published reports of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, this marked a turning point after US military and intelligence officials examined more than 140 alleged sightings bringing lawmakers much concern on issues of security risks to the US.
Black Triangle UFO getting struck by lightning in Itaquaquecetuba, Brazil
Black Triangle UFO getting struck by lightning in Itaquaquecetuba, Brazil
During a thunderstorm in Itaquaquecetuba, State of São Paulo, Brazil, a black triangle UFO getting struck by lightning and becomes visible in the center of the lightning bolt before disappearing again.
At the same time, a second black object can be seen above the lightning bolt.
It is said that UFOs are using lightning strikes to recharge their batteries
Triangle-shaped UFO during a storm over Brazil TODAY!
Triangle-shaped UFO during a storm over Brazil TODAY!
This huge triangle-shaped UFO was caught on a tape, filmed from a car in Itaquaquecetuba, also simply called Itaquá, a municipality in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. This happened today (16th September 2021).
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.