The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
NASA toont zich erg bezorgd over tienduizenden SpaceX-satellieten in de ruimte
NASA toont zich erg bezorgd over tienduizenden SpaceX-satellieten in de ruimte
Het Amerikaanse ruimtevaartbureau NASA maakt zich grote zorgen over de plannen van het commerciële ruimtevaartbedrijf SpaceX om duizenden Starlink-satellieten van een tweede generatie in de ruimte te brengen. Dit leidt tot een "significante toename" van potentiële botsingen in lage banen en doorkruist de lanceringen en wetenschappelijke activiteiten van de NASA zelf, zo staat in een brief van vijf bladzijden aan de Amerikaanse telecomwaakhond FCC.
Met ‘Starlink’ wil SpaceX-oprichter Elon Musk wereldwijd supersnel breedbandinternet aanbieden. Het bedrijf heeft daarvoor al meer dan 2.000 van in totaal 12.000 toegestane satellieten gelanceerd, van elk grofweg 260 kilo per stuk. Tegen 2024 moeten de 12.000 satellieten in de ruimte zijn geschoten.
Daar blijft het niet bij, want SpaceX wil dat aantal uiteindelijk op 42.000 brengen. Het bedrijf heeft de FCC in dat verband voorgesteld om nog eens zowat 30.000 stuks van een tweede generatie in de ruimte brengen.
De NASA meldt in de brief aan de telecomwaakhond dat er momenteel zo’n 25.000 objecten in een baan rond de aarde worden gevolgd, ruim 6.000 van deze objecten bevinden zich op maximaal 600 kilometer afstand van het aardoppervlak. De plannen van SpaceX zouden “het aantal gevolgde objecten verdubbelen en het aantal objecten op minder dan 600 kilometer afstand vervijfvoudigen”, aldus de ruimtevaartorganisatie.
NASA stelt dat het “zich zorgen maakt over de gevolgen voor de wetenschappelijke en menselijke ruimtevluchten”.
De plannen verhogen in het bijzonder het risico op botsingen en kunnen wetenschappelijke en bemande missies in gevaar brengen, beklemtoont het ruimtevaartbureau. Lanceringen van vracht en astronauten naar het Internationaal Ruimtestation ISS bijvoorbeeld worden moeilijker. Verder kunnen instrumenten op wetenschappelijke satellieten hinder ondervinden, net als astronomische waarnemingen vanop de grond.
De NASA wijst er ook op dat satellieten van een andere constellatie mogelijk moeten uitwijken voor Starlinks en op hun beurt het risico op botsingen kunnen verhogen.
De gerenommeerde astrofysicus Jonathan McDowell van de Harvard-universiteit legt uit dat het grote aantal satellieten inderdaad mogelijk voor problemen kan zorgen. “Mogelijk is het verstandig eerst ervaring op te doen met de duizenden satellieten die zich momenteel al in een baan om de aarde bevinden, voordat we kunnen opschalen naar tienduizenden objecten”, aldus McDowell.
Musk: “Genoeg ruimte in de ruimte”
Het is niet de eerste keer dat er kritiek komt op de steeds chaotischere situatie in de ruimte, onder meer door Starlink-satellieten. Behalve SpaceX werken ook andere partijen, waaronder Facebook en Amazon, aan vergelijkbare satellietverzamelingen. De hoeveelheid ruimtepuin en actieve satellieten is de voorbije jaren sneller dan ooit gestegen, met bijna-botsingen tot gevolg.
Eind vorig jaar maakte China zich nog bijzonder boos omdat een botsing tussen zijn ruimtestation en twee Starlink-satellieten alleen maar was vermeden door het bemande station Tiangong zelf te laten uitwijken. Eerder moest ook het Europese ruimtevaartagentschap ESA al eens een koerscorrectie uitvoeren op een van hun satellieten om een botsing met eentje van Elon Musk te vermijden.
In een reactie bij de Britse zakenkrant Financial Times wees Musk kritiek op zijn netwerk van de hand. Volgens de miljardair is de ruimte “extreem gigantisch” en is er ruimte genoeg voor tientallen miljarden satellieten. “Het is zoals zeggen: hier zijn nog een paar duizend extra auto’s op aarde. Het is niks.”
Belgische experten werken aan ruimteverkeersleiding
Daar denkt dus lang niet iedereen hetzelfde over. Een internationale coördinatie in de ruimte dringt zich volgens velen steeds meer op.
Opvallend in dat verband is dat de Belgische universiteit KU Leuven op vraag van de Europese Unie aan een soort ruimteverkeersleiding werkt; een coördinatiesysteem voor alles wat rondzweeft in de ruimte, zoals we dat vandaag ook al kennen voor het vliegverkeer.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Wetenschappers ontdekken dat dinosaurussen ook al last hadden van luchtweginfecties
Wetenschappers ontdekken dat dinosaurussen ook al last hadden van luchtweginfecties
Dinosaurussen hadden vermoedelijk ook al last van luchtweginfecties. Op fossiele resten van een jonge dino, die de koosnaam Dolly heeft gekregen, hebben Amerikaanse onderzoekers daar voor het eerst concrete aanwijzingen voor gevonden.
Op botten uit de nek van het dier ontdekten ze “benige uitsteeksels” met een “opvallend ongebruikelijke vorm en textuur”. Ze zaten precies op de plaatsen waar vermoedelijk luchtzakjes aanhechtten die in verbinding stonden met de longen van de dino.
Dolly hoorde tot de familie van de zogeheten Diplodocidae, grote plantenetende dinosaurussen. De onderzoekers van de universiteit van Ohio kwamen meer over haar verleden te weten door drie nekwervels te onderwerpen aan een CT-scan. Na circa 150 miljoen jaar valt niet meer te achterhalen wat voor ziekteverwekker het dier precies had opgelopen.
In hun artikel, dat is gepubliceerd in het wetenschappelijke tijdschrift Scientific Reports, speculeren de wetenschappers dat Dolly mogelijk een schimmelinfectie had opgelopen die tot in de botten doordrong, zoals aspergillose. Dat overkomt vogels en reptielen vandaag de dag ook nog.
“Als je deze geïnfecteerde botten vasthoudt en bedenkt van welke symptomen dit dier waarschijnlijk last had, kun je het niet helpen om medelijden te voelen voor Dolly”, zegt onderzoeker Cary Woodruff in een verklaring. “We kennen het allemaal. Hoesten, ademhalingsproblemen, koorts, noemt het maar op. En hier is een 150 miljoen jaar oude dinosaurus die zich waarschijnlijk net zo belabberd voelde als wij wanneer we ziek zijn.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
I Traveled To Other Planets During My Near Death Experience
I Traveled To Other Planets During My Near Death Experience
Have you ever wondered what happens to us when we die? Some people experience NDE's and no longer have to wonder.
A near-death experience (NDE) is a profound personal experience associated with death or impending death which researchers claim share similar characteristics.
When positive, such experiences may encompass a variety of sensations including detachment from the body, feelings of levitation, total serenity, security, warmth, the experience of absolute dissolution, and the presence of a light. When negative, such experiences may include sensations of anguish and distress.
Explanations for NDEs vary from scientific to religious. Neuroscience research hypothesizes that an NDE is a subjective phenomenon resulting from "disturbed bodily multisensory integration" that occurs during life-threatening events, while some transcendental and religious beliefs about an afterlife include descriptions similar to NDEs.
Bijna duizend raadselachtige strengen ontdekt in Melkwegcentrum
Bijna duizend raadselachtige strengen ontdekt in Melkwegcentrum
Op een nieuw mozaïek van het turbulente centrum van ons Melkwegstelsel zijn bijna duizend geheimzinnige slierten te zien, die op onverklaarbare wijze in de ruimte ‘bungelen’. Deze eendimensionale ‘filamenten’, die tot 150 lichtjaar lang kunnen zijn, vormen paren en clusters, vaak op gelijke onderlinge afstanden – ongeveer zoals de snaren van een harp.
Hun bestaan is al bijna veertig jaar bekend, maar hoe ze zijn ontstaan is nog steeds niet duidelijk. Het nieuwe mozaïek biedt mogelijke aanknopingspunten (The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 3 februari).
Op de nieuwe afbeelding zijn tien keer meer filamenten te zien dan eerder waren ontdekt. Dat gaf Farhad Yusef-Zadeh van Northwestern University de mogelijkheid om de populatie van filamenten aan een statistische analyse te onderwerpen. Yusef-Zadeh is degene die de filamenten begin jaren tachtig als eerste opmerkte.
Hij en zijn team hebben de hemel de afgelopen drie jaar in kaart gebracht met de MeerKAT-radiotelescoop in Zuid-Afrika. Dat heeft een mozaïek opgeleverd van twintig hemelgebieden in de richting van het Melkwegcentrum, dat 25.000 lichtjaar van ons verwijderd is. Het complete resultaat zal binnenkort in The Astrophysical Journal worden gepubliceerd.
Behalve de filamenten zijn op de opnamen ook de radio-emissies van talrijke andere verschijnselen zoals steruitbarstingen, stellaire kraamkamers en nieuwe supernovaresten te zien. In hun recente publicatie hebben de astronomen specifiek gekeken naar de magnetische velden van de filamenten en de rol die kosmische straling speelt bij het oplichten ervan.
Daarbij is vastgesteld dat de variaties in de radiostraling die door de filamenten wordt uitgezonden sterk verschillen van die van een recent ontdekt supernovarestant. Dat suggereert dat er geen relatie bestaat tussen deze verschijnselen. Volgens de onderzoekers is het waarschijnlijker dat de filamenten verband houden met vroegere activiteit van het superzware zwarte gat in het centrum van de Melkweg. Een andere mogelijkheid is dat de filamenten te maken hebben met de enorme radiostraling-uitzendende bellen die Yusef-Zadeh en medewerkers in 2019 hebben ontdekt.
Momenteel zijn de onderzoekers van Northwestern University bezig om de eigenschappen van de afzonderlijke filamenten in kaart te brengen. Een van de vragen die de astronomen willen beantwoorden is waarom de filamenten in de clusters zich op gelijke onderlinge afstanden van ongeveer 150 miljoen kilometer bevinden. Ook is nog onduidelijk of de filamenten bewegen en hoe het kan dat ze elektronen versnellen tot bijna de snelheid van het licht.
De strengen – bijna duizend in aantal – kunnen wel 150 lichtjaar lang zijn en ze bestaan volgens Yusef-Zadeh uit elektronen die in het magnetische veld ronddraaien en bewegen met bijna de lichtsnelheid. De strengen komen in paren of clusters voor, zo lijkt het (zie de foto hieronder). Bij de clusters is de afstand tussen de strengen ongeveer gelijk – naar schatting bedraagt hun onderlinge afstand zo’n 150 miljoen km, dat is de afstand tussen aarde en zon – en lijken ze op de snaren van een harp.
Credit: Northwestern/ SARAO/ Oxford.
Yusef-Zadeh en zijn team hebben geprobeerd de oorsprong te achterhalen van de paren en clusters van strengen, maar echte duidelijkheid daarover hebben ze nog niet. Op de met MeerKAT gemaakte foto komen ook talloze supernovarestanten voor, expanderende schillen van heet gas die veroorzaakt zijn door exploderende sterren. De strengen lijken daar geen verband mee te hebben. Men denkt eerder aan een verband van de strengen met de activiteit van Sagittarius A* (kortweg Sgr A), het superzware zwarte gat in het centrum van de Melkweg. In 2019 ontdekte Yusef-Zadeh en z’n team twee enorme bellen van gas aan weerszijden van Sgr A, die radiostraling uitzenden (zie de foto hieronder). Het zou kunnen dat de strengen verbonden zijn op de één of andere manier aan die bellen. Alle strengen zijn magnetisch, zo is inmiddels wel duidelijk geworden. Maar hoe de elektronen daarbinnen tot snelheden van bijna de lichtsnelheid kunnen komen is niet bekend. Kortom, nog veel werk aan de winkel met deze mysterieuze strengen.
De twee in 2019 ontdekte bellen.
Credit: SARAO / Oxford / NRAO / AUI / NSF
Hier en daar de vakartikelen over de mysterieuze strengen in het Melkwegcentrum, te verschijnen in een komende editie van The Astrophysical Journal.
A 24-year-old nuclear-fusion record has crumbled. Scientists at the Joint European Torus (JET) near Oxford, UK, announced on 9 February that they had generated the highest-ever sustained energy from fusing together atoms, more than doubling their own record from experiments performed in 1997.
“These landmark results have taken us a huge step closer to conquering one of the biggest scientific and engineering challenges of them all,” said Ian Chapman, who leads the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (CCFE), where JET is based, in a statement. JET is owned by the UK Atomic Energy Authority, but it’s scientific operations are run by a European collaboration called EUROfusion.
If researchers can harness nuclear fusion — the process that powers the Sun — it promises to provide a near-limitless source of clean energy. But so far no experiment has generated more energy out than it puts in. JET’s results do not change that, but they suggest that a follow-up fusion reactor project that uses the same technology and fuel mix — the ambitious US$22-billion ITER, scheduled to begin fusion experiments in 2025 — should eventually be able to achieve this goal.
“JET really achieved what was predicted. The same modelling now says ITER will work,” says fusion physicist Josefine Proll at Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands, who was not involved in JET’s research. “It’s a really, really good sign and I’m excited.”
Two decades’ work
The experiments — the culmination of almost two decades’ work — are important for helping scientists to predict how ITER will behave and will guide its operating settings, says Anne White, a plasma physicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge who works on tokamaks, reactors like JET that have a doughnut shape. “I am sure I am not alone in the fusion community in wanting to extend very hearty congratulations to the JET Team.”
JET and ITER use magnetic fields to confine plasma, a superheated gas of hydrogen isotopes, in the tokamak. Under heat and pressure, the hydrogen isotopes fuse into helium, releasing energy as neutrons.
To break the energy record, JET used a tritium fuel mix, the same one that will power ITER, which is being built in southern France. Tritium is a rare and radioactive isotope of hydrogen that, when fusing with deuterium, produces many more neutrons than do deuterium reactions alone. That ramps up the energy output, but using this fuel required JET to undergo more than two years of renovation to prepare the machine for the onslaught. Tritium was last used by a tokamak fusion experiment when JET set the previous fusion energy record in 1997.
In an experiment on 21 December 2021, JET’s tokamak produced 59 megajoules of energy over a fusion ‘pulse’ of five seconds, more than double the 21.7 megajoules released in 1997 over around four seconds. Although the 1997 experiment still retains the record for ‘peak power’, it was over a fraction of a second and its average power then was less than half that of today, says Fernanda Rimini, a plasma scientist at the CCFE who oversaw the latest experimental campaign. The improvement took 20 years of experimental optimization, as well as hardware upgrades that included replacing the tokamak’s inner wall to waste less fuel, she says.
Power ratio
Producing the energy over a number of seconds is essential for understanding the heating, cooling and movement happening inside the plasma that will be crucial to run ITER, says Rimini.
Five seconds “is a big deal”, adds Proll, who works on an alternative fusion-reactor design called a stellarator. “It is really, really impressive.”
Last year, the US Department of Energy’s National Ignition Facility set a different fusion record — it used laser technology to produce the highest fusion power output relative to power in, a value called Q. The facility produced a Q of 0.7, where 1 would be breakeven — a landmark for laser fusion that beat JET’s 1997 record. But the event was short lived, producing just 1.9 megajoules over less than 4 billionths of a second.
JET’s latest experiment sustained a Q value of 0.33 for five seconds, says Rimini. At one-tenth of the volume, JET is a scaled-down version of ITER — a bathtub compared to a swimming pool, says Proll, and because it loses heat more easily it was never expected to hit breakeven. If engineers applied the same conditions and physics approach to ITER, she says, it would probably reach its goal of a Q of 10, producing ten times the energy put in.
Fusion researchers are far from having all the answers. A remaining challenge, for example, is dealing with the heat created in the exhaust region of the ITER reactor, which will increase in area compared with JET, but not proportionally with the surge in power it will have to deal with. Research is under way to work out which design would best withstand the heat, but they’re not there yet, says Proll.
The record-breaking run happened on the last day of a five-month campaign from which Rimini says scientists gleaned a wealth of information that they will analyse over the coming years. The final experiment pushed the device to its “absolute maximum”, adds Rimini, who witnessed the record-breaking test in real-time. “We didn’t jump up and down and hug each other — we were at 2 metres distance — but it was very exciting.”
The UK-based Joint European Torus (JET) lab smashed its own 25-year-old record, producing 59 megajoules of energy over five seconds, roughly the equivalent of 30 pounds of TNT.
And thanks to a camera mounted inside the reactor, now we get to watch an incredible display of glowing plasma whipping around the interior of the donut-shaped chamber.
Hot in Herre
Conditions inside the reactor are extreme to say the least, with temperatures reaching in excess of 100 million degrees Celsius, ten times the core of the Sun. The plasma glow is created by isotopes of deuterium and tritium fusing together to form helium, essentially the same process that powers stars like our Sun.
The goal of achieving fusion — a virtually limitless supply of truly green and safe energy — is likely still many years out. The reaction may have lasted for a record five seconds, but the amount of energy needed to get the reaction going still far exceeds the amount that was gained.
But that doesn’t mean this week’s breakthrough wasn’t a major step towards that goal.
“It is really, really impressive,” fusion physicist Josefine Proll at Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands, who was not involved in the latest demo, told Nature, adding that five seconds is a “big deal.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
Fusion Scientists Say They Just Made a Major Breakthrough
Fusion Scientists Say They Just Made a Major Breakthrough
"We've demonstrated that we can create a mini star inside of our machine and hold it..."
Image by JET
Scientists at the UK-based Joint European Torus (JET) lab have smashed a fusion energy record for the first time in 25 years, producing 59 megajoules of energy over five seconds, the BBC reports. That’s 11 megawatts, enough to boil about 60 kettles worth of water, or the equivalent of 30 pounds of TNT.
The test more than doubles the previous record of just 21.7 megajoules, set in 1997 at the same facility.
The team behind the experiment say it’s a major breakthrough, and one that inches closer to a green form of energy that doesn’t run the risk of ending in a nuclear meltdown.
“The JET experiments put us a step closer to fusion power,” Joe Milnes, the head of operations at JET, told the BBC. “We’ve demonstrated that we can create a mini star inside of our machine and hold it there for five seconds and get high performance, which really takes us into a new realm.”
“These landmark results have taken us a huge step closer to conquering one of the biggest scientific and engineering challenges of them all,” Ian Chapman, the chief executive of the UK Atomic Energy Authority, said in a statement. “It’s clear we must make significant changes to address the effects of climate change, and fusion offers so much potential.”
The test involved heating up ionized gases to roughly ten times the temperature of the Sun’s core. In these conditions, atomic nuclei fuse and release copious amounts of energy.
The difficult part is producing more energy than has to be put in to kickstart the reaction, which remains the holy grail of fusion energy. The JET facility achieved a Q value, the fusion power output relative to power, of just 0.33. A value of one would mean the facility produced as much energy as it used.
That may not sound awfully impressive in and of itself, but the fact that it sustained such a value over five seconds represents a major leap in the field. The 1997 record may have achieved a Q value of 0.7 — but it did so for less than 4 billionths of a second, as Nature points out.
Still, the JET reactor won’t be powering homes any time soon.
“Five seconds doesn’t sound like much, but if you can burn it for five seconds, presumably you could keep it stable and keep it burning for many minutes, hours, or days, which is what you are going to need for a proper fusion power plant, Mark Wenman, nuclear materials research fellow at Imperial College London, told The Guardian.
“It’s the proof of that concept that they have achieved,” he added.
The landmark experiment sets the stage for the much larger ITER, a multi-billion dollar fusion reactor being built in France. JET uses the same deuterium-tritium fuel mix that ITER will be using as well.
While it’s a notable moment in the development of fusion energy, scientists still have a long way to go until we can use fusion reactors as a sustainable form of energy.
But, for now, it’s important to celebrate a step in the right direction.
“We didn’t jump up and down and hug each other — we were at 2 metres distance — but it was very exciting,” Fernanda Rimini, a plasma scientist at the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (CCFE) where JET is based, told Nature.
Doomed Satellites
Sorry, Elon: a solar storm killed a bunch of Starlink satellites that SpaceX launched into orbit last week.
The 49 satellites were launched on February 3, according to a SpaceX update. Unfortunately, a geomagnetic storm had recently hit. This increased the density of Earth’s atmosphere, and with it the drag on the satellites, dooming 40 of them to deorbit.
“Preliminary analysis show the increased drag at the low altitudes prevented the satellites from leaving safe-mode to begin orbit raising maneuvers, and up to 40 of the satellites will reenter or already have reentered the Earth’s atmosphere,” the update said.
SpaceX said that the nearly 600lb falling satellites pose no danger to those on the ground, since they were designed to break up into tiny pieces upon reentry. The company also said that the wreckage poses “zero collision risk with other satellites.”
Geo Storm
Geomagnetic stormsoccur when the Sun creates big bursts of energy from events like solar flares. The bursts can create solar winds that impact Earth’s magnetic field and atmosphere.
A solar flare that occurred on January 30 created a burst that traveled at some three million miles per hour, until it reached Earth and swatted down the 40 satellites like flies.
While this is certainly a learning experience for Musk and the SpaceX team, that’s cold comfort considering the company reportedly needs to keep launching satellites to keep financially afloat.
But we’ll cut them a break. After all, who of us hasn’t headed out without checking the weather and ended up in a nasty storm?
Of course, we don’t typically lose tens of millions of dollars in sophisticated space equipment when we do.
Four UFO "Orbs" Sighted Over Lebanon In Tennessee On January 18, 2022
While driving along the highway the witness noticed these four strange lights just hovering so she pulled over and began to film what she was witnessing. In the footage we see these orbs and they do not move and with the lack of any smoke we can rule out flares and how cool would it have been if she had filmed them taking off...
Thanks to koala girl for allowing me the use of her footage and to view the original:
Creepy Figure Of Someone Or Something Lurking Inside This Woman's Closet. February 3, 2022
This was captured at the apartment of a lady called "Jade" who lives in San Francisco, California on february 3, 2022. The following statement was given by "Maxine".
"Jade says she experiences it all the time but I doubt it and I still think there's some explanation. She was recording it to prove it and said that when she opened the door, she noticed something hard to make out and told me it looked like a faceless person. she ran over to my apartment which is literally right next to hers and told me she thinks someone broke might've broke in or a demon or something but wasn't sure but doesn't want to go back to check. I went in with a tazer, nothing there. There's alot of crack heads in the area and she forgets to lock the door so I suspect someone high on meth broke in. But CREEPY none the less, we called the cops and couldnt find anyone there, but it was much later so they probably left, she's been staying at my place until shes more comfortable or until she gets a roommate. Her experiences is explainable by pipes, like weird ghastly moaning sounds, creaking and footsteps. I can't guarantee this is paranormal at all. Creepy? Oh yeah no doubt about it, but feel free to post it if you think it is. She certainly does. Cant promise any viewers won't have the same reaction I did and assume it's a hobo."
Thanks to Jade & Maxine for allowing me the use of this footage and to view the original:
Strange Lights To Which Witnesses Claim To Belong To A Flying Saucer Over Argentina. January 6, 2022
This footage was captured by a group of people over their local beach at Mar del Plata in Argentina, On January 6, 2022. In the footage we can see that the lights are rotating as if they are affixed to a very large UFO or as the witnesses claim a flying saucer but the night sky can hide many things....
Thanks to Adrian Barbona for allowing me the use of his footage and to view the original:
My previous article was on the subject of strange anomalies on the planet Mars. With that in mind, I thought I would focus today on a few anomalies of the Moon. Namely, the possibility of some kind of base(s) on the Moon – whether it’s an alien base or a facility of the U.S. military/government. Whatever the truth, the stories are fascinating. We’ll begin with a woman named Donna Hare, who worked for Philco, a company that NASA contracted at the dawning of the 1960s to provide NASA with a worldwide tracking station network for its manned Project Mercury flights. Hare, who became the recipient of a number of awards from NASA, including an Apollo Achievement Award, ultimately spent more than a decade-and-a-half subcontracted to the space agency, working in Building 8 in the Photographic Laboratory at the Houston, Texas-based Johnson Space Center. Hare had an enlightening story to tell. On one occasion she entered a particular room where much of the photographic data that had been collected on the Apollo missions to the Moon, and by NASA satellites in Earth orbit, was dispatched to be developed and studied.
While there, Hare had the opportunity to speak with a colleague who showed her one photograph that displayed what was clearly a circular-shaped object in the skies. The man admitted to Hare that although he couldn’t tell her what it did show, he could confirm that a particular part of his job involved him having to airbrush such imagery, specifically to ensure that aerial anomalies like this one never, ever made their way into the public domain. Someone (or some group) in NASA, it seems, had sent the order down for its own UFO photographs to be censored. And this would not be the only occasion when such a thing reportedly happened.
A further individual who made intriguing revelations was Karl Wolfe, a U.S. Air Force operative whose clearance level was Top Secret. Midway through 1965, Wolfe spent some time working on an assignment at Langley Air Force Base, Virginia, that was connected with NASA’s lunar orbiter. Wolfe got talking to a fellow airman who was also working on the project. As the two chatted, it became clear that the airman was deeply worried about something big. He finally confided in Wolfe that during the course of its analysis of its photographs of the Moon, NASA had uncovered evidence of a large base of unknown origin and intent that was situated upon the far side of the Moon’s surface. There was absolutely no doubt that those whose job it was to analyze the pictures were not misinterpreting unusual rock formations. Rather, the pictures clearly showed intelligently designed and crafted structures that made the mysterious base sound much like a huge, sprawling space city than anything else. Wolfe, realizing that he had just been exposed to a story that was surely the subject of a high degree of official secrecyand stringent security, chose to break off the conversation, even though it had clearly fascinated him. For some time afterward, Wolf wondered if such a fantastic discovery would one day be announced to the world at large on the nation’s news. It was not, of course.
There is another angle to this. Some conspiracy theorists have suggested that the mysterious Moon base was actually one of ours, rather than a facility created by extraterrestrials. The reason why I say that is because the U.S. military had plans – decades – ago – to secretly place a base on the Moon. The operation was titled Project Horizon. It fell under the auspices of the U.S. Army, and had its origins in the latter part of the 1950s. The plan was to take the first steps towards constructing an installation on the surface of the Moon by the mid-1960s. The goal was for the base to be armed with nuclear weapons and which could be used to decimate the Soviet Union if the United States was hit by a sneak attack and the infrastructure of the nation was significantly destroyed.
After much preliminary discussion, it was in late March 1959 that the ambitious program was finally put into place. Overseeing many of the plans to create the secret base was Lieutenant General Arthur G. Trudeau. At the time, Trudeau was the Army’s Chief of Research and Development. Now-declassified files on Project Horizon demonstrate that Trudeau and his team estimated it would cost approximately $6 Billion to design, build and fully equip a base on the Moon. In a document titled Project Horizon: A U.S. Army Study for the Establishment of a Lunar Military Post, Trudeau wrote the following words: “There is a requirement for a manned military outpost on the Moon. The lunar outpost is required to develop and protect potential United States interests on the Moon; to develop techniques in Moon-based surveillance of the Earth and space, in communications relay, and in operations on the surface of the Moon, for further exploration into space and for military operations on the Moon if required; and to support scientific investigations on the Moon.”
As far as we know, and as history tells us, Project Horizon was shot-down: the budget and the technology just weren’t up for it. Is it feasible that an arm of the U.S. military really did place a base on the Moon? Or, was the base that Karl Wolfe learned of an extraterrestrial facility? Even more incredible, could there have been both bases? Namely, one of ours and one of…theirs.
(NASA) Note: NASA’s stance on its photos is that its material is not protected by copyright, unless if specified.
These photos are free for use.
ALL RELATED VIDEOS, selected and posted by peter2011
NASA wil voor het eerst raket lanceren vanop een andere planeet om Marsstenen naar de aarde te brengen
NASA wil voor het eerst raket lanceren vanop een andere planeet om Marsstenen naar de aarde te brengen
Marsrover Perseverance verzamelt al maanden stenen en stukken bodem op de rode planeet. De monsters moeten uiteindelijk op aarde belanden voor verder onderzoek. Dat transport wordt nog een hele klus. Als onderdeel van de missie zal voor het eerst een raket gelanceerd worden vanop een andere planeet dan de onze.
Perseverance speurt al maanden de oppervlakte van Mars af naar bodem- en steenmonsters. Deze stalen worden zorgvuldig bewaard in afgesloten buisjes, waarvan Perseverance er in totaal 43 ter beschikking heeft. Zeven buisjes zijn al gevuld. Ooit zouden de stalen op aarde moeten terechtkomen zodat wetenschappers ze nader kunnen onderzoeken. Om dat bijzondere vervoer voor mekaar te krijgen, heeft NASA de Mars Sample Return-missie (‘terugkeer van Marsmonsters’) in het leven geroepen. Het uiteindelijke doel zal pas worden bereikt ergens tussen 2030 en 2035, wanneer de eerste monsters op aarde worden verwacht.
Maar intussen zit NASA niet stil. Het heeft nu aan Lockhead Martin de bouw uitbesteed van een nieuwe raket om de verzamelde stalen in eerste instantie weg te krijgen van Mars. Het moet een lichtgewicht raket worden, Mars Ascent Vehicle (MAV) genoemd. De raket moet de monsters vanop Mars in een baan rond de rode planeet sturen. NASA zal zo geschiedenis schrijven omdat de mens voor het eerst een raket vanop een andere planeet dan de aarde zal lanceren.
170 miljoen euro
Lockhead Martin mag MAV ontwerpen, bouwen en testen, en krijgt daar van NASA 194 miljoen dollar (170 miljoen euro) voor. Het is de bedoeling dat de definitieve raket al in 2026 naar Mars wordt gevoerd door de Sample Retrieval Lander (SRL), ontwikkeld door Airbus. Daarom mag de raket niet te groot en niet te zwaar zijn: ze moet in die Sample Retrieval Lander (‘lander die monsters ophaalt’) passen.
Na de landing van de SRL in of bij de Jezero-krater - waar ook Perseverance vorig jaar is geland en sindsdien aan het werk is - zal de lander nog een ander voertuig lossen, een kleine rover. Het gaat om de Sample Fetch Rover (SFR), Engels voor ‘rover die monsters oppikt’. Deze ‘loopjongen’ brengt de stalen naar de lander, die vanaf dan een nieuwe functie krijgt: lanceerplatform voor MAV.
Het Mars Ascent Vehicle, gebouwd door Lockhead Martin, schiet de stalen dan in een baan rond Mars, waar vervolgens de Earth Return Orbiter overneemt. De orbiter, ook ontwikkeld door Airbus in opdracht van de Europese ruimteorganisatie ESA, pikt de Marsmonsters op en zet koers naar de aarde. De orbiter zou tegen het eind van dit decennium in een baan om Mars moeten draaien.
De ultieme vraag is of de wetenschappers hier op aarde in de Marsmonsters sporen zullen vinden van eventueel vroeger leven op de rode planeet. Het antwoord daarop krijgen we dus mogelijk pas volgend decennium.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Abandoned Ship Found In Antarctica On Google Earth, UFO Sighting News
Abandoned Ship Found In Antarctica On Google Earth, UFO Sighting News.
Date of discovery:Feb 8, 2022
Location of discovery: Antarctica, near Elephant Island
Google coordinates: 61°27'24.46"S 55°27'6.79"W
Guys I want to show you something big...its a ship, but not an alien ship as far I know. This looks like an old abandoned cargo ship that was stuck in Antarctica for a few months. Where it is today, is unknown, but for a while it sat there abandoned. I can easily make out the railing that goes from the front deck to the back area. Its a long straight line and it looks like it had a raised back part where the captains and crew quarters would normally be. But it has a front nose area with a small fin or wing on it...which is more similar to the front of some nuclear couldn't be right? Even though some nuclear subs have been lost at sea. I think its a cargo ship. Check out my video below to learn more. And please subscribe to my Youtube channel, UFO Sightings Daily.
Only the ship is just a few km from a UFO crash I reported last can see it in the video below.
UFO Hovering Over Islamabad, Pakistan, 13 min HD video, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Hovering Over Islamabad, Pakistan, 13 min HD video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting:January 25, 2022
Location of sighting: Islamabad, Pakistan
Wow! Just wow! This is what every UFO research dreams of. Thirteen full minutes in HD of a UFO...all the while the eyewitness has a steady hand! Fantastic capture and lucky for us, eyewitness Arslen Warraich was on the job! I have seen similar UFO photos of such craft in old reports going back decades ago, so I know this craft is 100% the real deal. There is no denying the existence of UFOs now!
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states:
This is the longest recorded UFO sighting by a civilian on record, 13 mins of footage. I saw this when I was landing my drone, it hovered for over 2 hours at this spot when eventually it got dark and I couldn’t see it anymore.
Huge Glowing Disk Over Argentina On January 6, 2022, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Huge Glowing Disk Over Argentina On January 6, 2022, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: 1-6-2022
Location of sighting: Mar Del Plata, Argentina
This eyewitness caught a large glowing disk. On the disk are several round powerful lights. These lights are clearly seen rotating slowly in a circle around the craft. The eyewitnesses where shocked to and gasped in terror and amazement at what they saw in front of them. You can hear the the fear as their voices fluctuate in uneasiness at this alien craft. Wow! It gave me shivers just watching and listening to them. What a cool experience for them...for their eyes and mind to be opened up instantly...knowing that intelligent life is right in front of them! UFOs are often seen in South America and are usually seen exiting and entering volcanos in the region. The city of Mar Del Plata however is on the edge of the Atlantic ocean, which means this UFO came from an underwater base somewhere nearby.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Daytime photo of the city of Mar Del Plata, Argentina.
UFOs Shock Eyewitnesses At Lebanon, Tennessee On January 18, 2022, Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFOs Shock Eyewitnesses At Lebanon, Tennessee On January 18, 2022, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 18, 2022
Location of sighting:Lebanon, Tennessee, USA
Watch this video and you might be surprised at how many glowing UFOs you see. Four glowing objects sat over the horizon on the outskirts of Lebanon, Tennessee. The eyewitnesses were confused at what the objects could be and considered stated that the hills were clearly below the objects. The screenshot above shows four rectangle shaped craft glowing powerfully. These objects seem to be in military formation...sitting in formation until they eventually disappear together. When they disappear, that means they either shot away at faster than the speed of light, or they transported the UFOs below the surface to a hidden alien base 5-6km below the surface. Absolute proof of intelligent being visiting Earth.
10 Objects That Might Be of Extraterrestrial Origin!
10 Objects That Might Be of Extraterrestrial Origin!
Might. Remember the word “MIGHT.” There are things we know definitely come from Earth, like blancmange, and things we know definitely come from space, like David Bowie, but what if there are things ON Earth, that were secretly FROM outer-space? What if Piers Morgan was from Mars, or gin was from Jupiter? There are some things that seems so odd, so peculiar, so out-of-place that we have to wonder- is there a chance they were, originally, not of Earth? THESE areobjects that might be of extra-terrestrial origin!
First Light
This week NASA released the thrilling news that as the James Webb Space Telescope begins its three-month alignment process, the Webb team saw the first photons of starlight that traveled through the entire telescope, detected by the Near Infrared Camera (NIRCam).
At first, the Webb’s photos will be unfocused, but scientists will fine tune the telescope over time. NASA says a team of engineers and scientists from Ball Aerospace, Space Telescope Science Institute, and NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center have been rehearsing the alignment and are ready to work.
“The images taken by Webb during this period will not be ‘pretty’ images like the new views of the universe Webb will unveil later this summer,” NASA’s release reports. “They strictly serve the purpose of preparing the telescope for science.”
With Time
The Webb’s journey to photographing unknown parts of the universe won’t be so different from that of its predecessor, the Hubble Space Telescope. According to NASA, the Hubble was conceived in the late 1960s and launched in April of 1990. By May we had our first image, shown below. Even though it was about 50 percent sharper than a ground telescope’s image of the same stars, it still wasn’t very good.
Over time the Hubble’s images got better, and in March of 1991 the first observations of Jupiter were published, including this true-color photo taken by its Wide Field/Planetary Camera.
By 1995 the Hubble had captured its now-iconic Eagle Nebula Gas Pillars, and the transition to beautiful deep space imagery was well under way. The images were sharper, arresting, and hauntingly beautiful.
Learning of the Webb’s first photon detection feels like 1990 all over again. Earth is about to embark on a new journey of discovery together, and we’ll all get to witness the Webb’s increasingly beautiful images over time. It’s pretty cool to think that a decade from now, we’ll be able to say we saw the initial, grainy images the Webb sent back as well as the amazing new features it’s sure to uncover.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
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