The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
JWST spots some of the most distant galaxies ever seen
JWST spots some of the most distant galaxies ever seen
Premier observatory offers a glimpse of the early Universe.
Using the new James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), astronomers have spotted two leading contenders for what could be the most distant galaxy ever seen. Both surfaced in the scrum of preliminary results that were posted online as preprints in the weeks after the telescope’s science operations began in July. After going through extensive scrutiny, including re-evaluation owing to updated calibration of the telescope, the results are now some of the first JWST findings on the early Universe to be published in peer-reviewed reports1,2.
Researchers still need to confirm the distances of these galaxies by analysing the spectral properties of the light that they emit. But if initial estimates are correct, light from these objects has travelled such great distances that they appear as they did just 350 million to 450 million years after the Big Bang. Along with other JWST findings, these observations indicate that galaxies formed and evolved earlier in the Universe’s history than astronomers had been able to probe until now.
“It’s been a bit of a surprise that there are so many that formed so early,” says Jeyhan Kartaltepe, an astronomer at the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York. And that is challenging notions of how galaxies formed early in the Universe, she says.
Like many of the far-away galaxies spotted by the telescope, the two contenders for the most distant appear small and bright, suggesting that they are compact, disk-shaped objects rather than being diffuse and straggly. Their tidiness and brightness hint that early galaxies had already developed well-organized structures out of many stars, rather than being distorted and faint as earlier studies with the Hubble Space Telescope had indicated.
“This is amazing — we are seeing such luminous galaxies at early times,” Garth Illingworth, an author on one of the new reports who is an astronomer at the University of California, Santa Cruz, said at a 17 November press briefing.
A race for the record
JWST, a US$10-billion observatory, studies the Universe in infrared wavelengths. One of its specialties is being able to detect light from distant galaxies that has been stretched to redder wavelengths by the expansion of the Universe. Astronomers use a measure known as redshift to describe exactly how far away galaxies are, with higher redshifts indicating more distant objects. One of the now-published distant-galaxy candidates has a redshift of 10.4 or 10.6, and the second candidate has a redshift of 12.2 or 12.4. The latter breaks the previous record: a galaxy with a redshift of around 11, spotted by Hubble3.
The final, published redshifts are slightly lower than those reported in earlier preprints. Like many early JWST results, the findings went through extensive re-calculation after the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland, released updated data calibrations for the telescope starting in late July.
Many other distant-galaxy candidates from JWST are still working their way through the peer-review process. Some could surpass the new record-holder at redshift 12.4. At least one has already been spectroscopically confirmed at redshift 9.76, in a preprint posted on 27 October to arXiv.org4. That preprint is listed as having been submitted to Nature.
Meanwhile, scientists are looking more broadly at what the telescope is revealing about galaxy formation. In a preprint posted on 10 November5, a team including Kartaltepe analysed 26 galaxies observed by the telescope with preliminary redshifts from 9 to 16. That work, too, finds that there are many more bright galaxies at these distances than theory had predicted. “While it is early days with JWST,” the authors write, “[initial] results provide an enthralling glimpse of the potential secrets the early universe has which our observations can unlock.”
Castellano, M. et al.Astrophys. J. Lett.938, L15 (2022).
Jeannette Kras
Er was een tijd dat de aarde in z’n eentje rond de zon cirkelde, zonder zijn kompaan de maan. Totdat Theia de aarde ramde en een kosmisch slagveld veroorzaakte, waaruit de maan ontstond. Een nieuwe, krachtige computersimulatie laat zien dat dit proces waarschijnlijk heel rap ging.
Miljarden jaren geleden zag de aarde er heel anders uit dan nu. In die tijd werd de aarde geraakt door Theia, een ruimteobject zo groot als Mars. Dit ging niet bepaald zachtzinnig. Een grote hoeveelheid aardmassa vloog de ruimte in en deed er een aantal dagen of omwentelingen om de aardas over om onder invloed van de zwaartekracht van de aarde weer terug te vallen op onze planeet. Een relatief kleine hoeveelheid ruimtepuin was echter zo ver weggeslingerd door de botsing, dat het in een stabiele baan om de aarde heen bleef cirkelen. Dit klonterde uiteindelijk samen en de maan was geboren.
Hoe deze maanformatie precies heeft plaatsgevonden en hoe lang het proces in totaal heeft geduurd, is een wetenschappelijke puzzel die sterrenkundigen al decennialang bezighoudt. De meeste theorieën beweren dat de maan ontstaan is uit het puin van de botsing met Theia, en dat het meerdere maanden of zelfs jaren duurde voordat al het materiaal dat in een baan rond de aarde rondvloog, samengesmolten was.
Nieuwe simulatie Een nieuwe simulatie komt echter tot een andere conclusie: de maan is mogelijk vrijwel direct na de botsing gevormd. Binnen enkele uren na de impact ontstonden twee klompen. De kleinste van de twee katapulteerde door de zwaartekracht van de ander in een stabiele baan rond de aarde. De rest van het ruimtepuin, inclusief de grotere klomp, smolt onder invloed van de aardse zwaartekracht weer samen met de aarde.
Er zijn computers met een immense rekenkracht ingezet om de maansimulaties in dit onderzoek door te rekenen. Er zijn zo veel verschillende krachten aan het werk, dat een grotere hoeveelheid rekenkracht de uitkomsten van de simulaties flink kan veranderen. De nieuwe berekening toonde aan dat belangrijke aspecten van de ruimtebotsing werden gemist door eerdere, minder krachtige simulaties.
Kosmische puzzel De massa, de baan rond de aarde en de uitkomsten van de analyses van maansteenmonsters zijn allemaal aanwijzingen voor wat zich heeft afgespeeld bij de geboorte van de maan. Het is opmerkelijk dat de samenstelling van de maan zo veel op die van de aarde lijkt. Bij het analyseren van de isotopen in het maanstof blijkt dat de maan bestaat uit materiaal dat chemisch vrijwel hetzelfde is als waar rotsen op aarde uit zijn opgebouwd. Dit in tegenstelling tot rotsen op Mars of elders in het zonnestelsel: een sterke aanwijzing dat veel van het materiaal waaruit de maan bestaat oorspronkelijk van de aarde kwam, en niet van Theia.
De nieuwe maantheorie is erg aanlokkelijk, omdat allerlei lastige kwesties die niet strookten met eerdere theorieën – onder andere over de dunne maankorst en zijn gekantelde baan – nu beter kunnen worden verklaard. Analyse van toekomstige maanmonsters door NASA’s Artemis-missie kunnen de nieuwe theorie bevestigen, maar daar zullen we nog even op moeten wachten. Artemis is van plan dieper in het oppervlak van de maan te boren en op andere plekken op de maan monsters te nemen.
Gedeelde geschiedenis Deze studies leren ons niet alleen meer over de maan, maar ook over de ontwikkeling van de aarde. “Hoe meer we leren over hoe de maan is ontstaan, hoe meer we ontdekken over de evolutie van onze eigen aarde”, zegt coauteur en onderzoeker Vincent Eke van de Britse Durham University (niet te verwarren met de Nederlandse theoretische natuurkundige Vincent Icke). “Hun geschiedenissen zijn met elkaar verweven, net als bij andere planeten en hun manen, die door vergelijkbare of juist heel andersoortige botsingen zijn ontstaan.”
Verleden en toekomst In de kosmos botsen constant allerlei ruimteobjecten tegen elkaar aan. De inslagen zijn een essentieel onderdeel van hoe planetaire lichamen zich vormen en evolueren. Zo is dat ook in ons zonnestelsel altijd het geval geweest, en zo zal dit ook doorgaan in de toekomst. De impact van de botsing met Theia was gigantisch en heeft de loop van de geschiedenis veranderd. Hoe beter wetenschappers kunnen simuleren en analyseren hoe deze ruimtebotsingen in z’n werk zijn gegaan, hoe beter we in de toekomst kunnen kijken, en kunnen begrijpen hoe een planeet kan evolueren en leven kan voortbrengen zoals op onze eigen aarde.
In onderstaande animatie van NASA’s Ames Research Center en Durham University is de botsing van de aarde met Theia en de mogelijke ontstaansgeschiedenis van de maan prachtig in beeld gebracht.
Jeannette Kras
In sciencefiction is een vorm van kunstmatige winterslaap gesneden koek om de langdradige reisperiodes van planeet naar planeet te overbruggen. Gaan we dat ook in het echt meemaken?
Er zijn veel voordelen aan het voor langere tijd laten inslapen van astronauten. Zo zijn ze beter beschermd tegen kosmische straling, voorkomt het lichamelijke en psychologische problemen en is er minder tijd om ruzie te maken aan boord. Ook kunnen de ruimtereizigers efficiënt opeengestapeld worden, wat ruimte en gewicht bespaart in het toestel. Er wordt dus logischerwijs veel onderzoek gedaan naar een veilige manier om mensen in een zogenaamde torpor-toestand te brengen, om hen na bijvoorbeeld een half jaar, want zo lang duurt een bemande ruimtemissie naar Mars ongeveer, weer te laten ontwaken.
Doornroosje op ruimtemissie Torpor (Latijn voor verlamming of bewegingloosheid) is een toestand van verminderde fysiologische activiteit: de lichaamstemperatuur gaat omlaag, de stofwisseling vermindert en lichaamsfuncties, zoals hartslag, ademhaling en zuurstofopname vertragen aanzienlijk. Op moleculair niveau gaat ook het tempo van de genactiviteit en de eiwitsynthese omlaag. Sommige zoogdieren en vogels kunnen al torpide worden en zijn dan volledig inactief en totaal verstijfd. Ze reageren nauwelijks meer op externe prikkels en besparen op deze manier energie. Dagelijkse torpor komt voor bij vogels, buideldieren en knaagdieren. Zomer- en winterslaap zijn vormen van langdurige torpor.
Een internationaal team van biofysici van het GSI Helmholtz-zentrum in Darmstadt heeft onderzoek gedaan naar weefselschade door kosmische straling bij ratten en gekeken of ratten die in een kunstmatige torpor werden gebracht, beter beschermd waren tegen kosmische straling. Dit bleek zo te zijn. De onderzoekers hebben goede aanwijzingen gevonden voor de mogelijke fysiologische voordelen van kunstmatige winterslaap. De resistentie tegen straling werd duidelijk groter tijdens de verdoofde toestand dus dat biedt mogelijkheden voor astronauten.
Ruimtestraling houdt ons tegen Ruimtestraling is een van de belangrijkste gezondheidsrisico’s voor bemande ruimtemissies in ons zonnestelsel. De schadelijke effecten vormen een grote uitdaging, vooral voor toekomstige langdurige ruimtemissies. Een trip naar de maan is zo gedaan, maar wil je als mens naar Mars, dan ben je al een half jaar bezig. En dat is dan nog onze buurplaneet. Kosmische straling bestaat uit hoogenergetische geladen deeltjes, afkomstig uit verre sterrenstelsels. De energie van deze deeltjes is zo groot dat een gangbare beschermlaag rondom het ruimtevaartuig het gros ervan niet kan tegenhouden. De atmosfeer van de aarde houdt deze schadelijke deeltjes wel tegen. Hierdoor is de blootstelling in de ruimte meer dan tweehonderd keer zo groot als op aarde. Als een mens voor langere tijd wordt blootgesteld aan kosmische straling, dan loopt onder andere het risico op kanker aanzienlijk op.
“Onderzoek naar de effecten van torpor op kosmische stralingsresistentie is nieuw en veelbelovend. Onze resultaten geven aan dat synthetische verdoving een belangrijk hulpmiddel kan zijn om de stralingsprotectie in levende organismen tijdens langdurige ruimtemissies te verbeteren. Het zou dus een effectieve strategie kunnen zijn om mensen te beschermen terwijl ze het zonnestelsel verkennen”, zegt professor Marco Durante.
Torpor beschermt Uit eerder onderzoek bleek al dat dieren die van nature in winterslaap zijn, in deze toestand beter beschermd zijn tegen straling. De Duitse studie is zo belangrijk, omdat het team erin is geslaagd om voor de eerste keer een dier (een rat), dat net als de mens van nature niet in torpor gaat, in een kunstmatige winterslaapachtige toestand te brengen. Zo konden de wetenschappers bewijzen dat ook de weefselcellen van ratten in torpor-toestand een hogere resistentie hadden tegen de hoogenergetische zware ionen. Oftewel: synthetische winterslaap heeft een beschermend effect bij een normaal gesproken dodelijke dosis straling en vermindert aantoonbaar de weefselschade.
Koud en zuurstofarm Bovendien kon het team het onderliggende mechanisme blootleggen in de weefselcellen van ratten. Ze toonden aan dat een lagere zuurstofconcentratie in de weefsels (hypoxie) en een verminderd metabolisme bij lage temperatuur (hypothermie) twee belangrijke factoren zijn bij het voorkomen van celbeschadiging. Daarnaast hebben veranderingen in het metabolisme bij lage temperaturen ook invloed op het DNA-herstel.
Er is nog veel onderzoek nodig om het stralingsbeschermende effect van synthetische verdoving in organen te onderzoeken en beter te begrijpen. Momenteel is het technisch niet mogelijk om een mens op een veilige en gecontroleerde manier te laten overwinteren. Het onderzoek vordert echter gestaag. Het neuronale netwerk dat verantwoordelijk is voor torpor is pas net ontrafeld. De resultaten van dit onderzoek zijn een nieuwe stap in de goede richting.
NASA’s Webb Catches Fiery Hourglass as New Star Forms
NASA’s Webb Catches Fiery Hourglass as New Star Forms
NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has revealed the once-hidden features of the protostar within the dark cloud L1527, providing insight into the beginnings of a new star. These blazing clouds within the Taurus star-forming region are only visible in infrared light, making it an ideal target for Webb’s Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam).
The protostar itself is hidden from view within the “neck” of this hourglass shape. An edge-on protoplanetary disk is seen as a dark line across the middle of the neck. Light from the protostar leaks above and below this disk, illuminating cavities within the surrounding gas and dust.
The protostar within the dark cloud L1527, shown in this image from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam), is embedded within a cloud of material feeding its growth. Ejections from the star have cleared out cavities above and below it, whose boundaries glow orange and blue in this infrared view. The upper central region displays bubble-like shapes due to stellar “burps,” or sporadic ejections.
Credits: NASA, ESA, CSA, and STScI. Image processing: J. DePasquale, A. Pagan, and A. Koekemoer (STScI)
The region’s most prevalent features, the clouds colored blue and orange in this representative-color infrared image, outline cavities created as material shoots away from the protostar and collides with surrounding matter. The colors themselves are due to layers of dust between Webb and the clouds. The blue areas are where the dust is thinnest. The thicker the layer of dust, the less blue light is able to escape, creating pockets of orange.
Webb also reveals filaments of molecular hydrogen that have been shocked as the protostar ejects material away from it. Shocks and turbulence inhibit the formation of new stars, which would otherwise form all throughout the cloud. As a result, the protostar dominates the space, taking much of the material for itself.
Despite the chaos that L1527 causes, it’s only about 100,000 years old - a relatively young body. Given its age and its brightness in far-infrared light as observed by missions like the Infrared Astronomical Satellite, L1527 is considered a class 0 protostar, the earliest stage of star formation. Protostars like these, which are still cocooned in a dark cloud of dust and gas, have a long way to go before they become full-fledged stars. L1527 doesn’t generate its own energy through nuclear fusion of hydrogen yet, an essential characteristic of stars. Its shape, while mostly spherical, is also unstable, taking the form of a small, hot, and puffy clump of gas somewhere between 20 and 40% the mass of our Sun.
As the protostar continues to gather mass, its core gradually compresses and gets closer to stable nuclear fusion. The scene shown in this image reveals L1527 doing just that. The surrounding molecular cloud is made up of dense dust and gas being drawn to the center, where the protostar resides. As the material falls in, it spirals around the center. This creates a dense disk of material, known as an accretion disk, which feeds material to the protostar. As it gains more mass and compresses further, the temperature of its core will rise, eventually reaching the threshold for nuclear fusion to begin.
The disk, seen in the image as a dark band in front of the bright center, is about the size of our solar system. Given the density, it’s not unusual for much of this material to clump together - the beginnings of planets. Ultimately, this view of L1527 provides a window into what our Sun and solar system looked like in their infancy.
The James Webb Space Telescope is the world's premier space science observatory. Webb will solve mysteries in our solar system, look beyond to distant worlds around other stars, and probe the mysterious structures and origins of our universe and our place in it. Webb is an international program led by NASA with its partners, ESA (European Space Agency) and the Canadian Space Agency.
Vivian Lammerse
De ster geeft een uniek inkijkje in hoe onze zon en ons zonnestelsel er in het allereerste begin uitzagen.
NASA heeft wederom een verbluffend plaatje, gemaakt door de krachtige James Webb-telescoop, vrijgegeven. Op de foto is een kleurrijke zandloper te herkennen. En precies in het midden, in de ‘hals’, houdt een pasgeboren ster zich op. Wat met name heel bijzonder is, is dat de vlammende oranje en blauwe wolken alleen zichtbaar zijn in infrarood licht. Daarom waren ze nog nooit gezien voordat ze werden vastgelegd door Webb’s Near-Infrared Camera (Nircam).
De protoster L1527 is te zien in het midden van de prachtige, kleurrijke kosmische wolk. Weggeslingerd materiaal van de ster heeft geleid tot de vorming van holtes in de wolk, waardoor het stof op sommige plekken dikker en dunner is (op deze foto oranje en blauw gekleurd).
Afbeelding: NASA, ESA, CSA, and STScI. Image processing: J. DePasquale, A. Pagan, and A. Koekemoer (STScI)
Hierboven is de foto in al zijn glorie te bewonderen. De prachtige kosmische wolken ontstaan doordat materiaal dat door de pasgeboren ster wordt afgeworpen, botst met omringende materie. Het licht van de protoster schiet vervolgens naar boven en naar onder, waardoor de holtes in het gas en stof worden verlicht. Het stof is het dunst in de blauwe gebieden. Hoe dikker de stoflaag, des te minder blauw licht er kan ontsnappen, waardoor de oranje gekleurde regio’s ontstaan.
L1527 De pasgeboren ster die op de foto omringd wordt door de kleurrijke wolken, staat bekend als L1527. L1527 is piepjong, ongeveer 100.000 jaar oud (een oogwenk in kosmische termen). Gezien zijn leeftijd en helderheid wordt deze ster beschouwd als een protoster van klasse 0: het vroegste stadium van stervorming.
Lange weg te gaan Protosterren zoals deze, die zich nog in een dikke wolk van kosmisch stof en gassen bevinden, hebben nog een lange weg te gaan voordat ze als volwaardige sterren kunnen worden aangemerkt. L1527 wekt bijvoorbeeld nog geen eigen energie op door kernfusie van waterstof, een essentieel kenmerk van sterren. Zijn vorm, hoewel grotendeels bolvormig, is ook onstabiel en heeft de vorm van een kleine, hete en gezwollen klomp gas ergens tussen de 20 en 40 procent van de massa van onze zon.
Kernfusie Terwijl de protoster massa blijft verzamelen, wordt de kern geleidelijk samengedrukt en ontstaat er langzaam maar zeker een stabiele kernfusie. Het gefotografeerde tafereel bewijst dat L1527 precies in die transformatiefase zit. De omringende moleculaire wolk bestaat uit dicht stof en gas dat naar het centrum wordt gezogen, waar de protoster zich bevindt. Terwijl het materiaal naar binnen valt, draait het rond het midden. Hierdoor ontstaat een dichte schijf van materiaal. Naarmate het meer massa krijgt en verder wordt samengedrukt, zal de temperatuur van de kern stijgen en uiteindelijk de drempel bereiken waarop kernfusie begint.
Protoplanetaire schijf De donkere band in het heldere centrum is de zogenoemde protoplanetaire schijf – een soort accretieschijf die zich vormt rond een zeer jonge ster. De schijf in de foto is ongeveer net zo groot als ons eigen zonnestelsel. Gezien de dichtheid is het niet ongebruikelijk dat veel van dit materiaal samenklontert waardoor planeten het levenslicht zien.
Zon en zonnestelsel Kortom, op het door Webb vervaardigde beeld zien we eigenlijk een piepjonge ster een hoop schennis schoppen. De ooit verborgen kenmerken van de protoster zijn zichtbaar gemaakt, wat verrassende inzichten heeft opgeleverd over het prille begin van nieuw gevormde sterren. Niet alleen verschaft de foto van Webb ons overigens meer inzicht in de eerste levensfasen van een ster, het geeft ons ook een heel uniek inkijkje in hoe onze zon en ons zonnestelsel er in het allereerste begin uitzagen.
De afbeelding kunnen we weer toevoegen aan Webb’s indrukwekkende lijstje van afgeleverde foto’s die onze kennis over het heelal uitbreiden. En we kunnen nog veel meer verwachten. De James Webb-telescoop is de opvolger van de beroemde Hubble-telescoop en is nu enkele maanden operationeel. De telescoop is ’s werelds belangrijkste observatorium, die een hoop mysteries in ons zonnestelsel belooft op te lossen, verre werelden rond andere sterren nog beter kan bekijken en veel over de oorsprong van ons universum en onze plaats daarin zal kunnen ontraadselen. Kortom, verwacht wordt dat de telescoop heel wat vragen gaat beantwoorden en onze kijk op het universum en de totstandkoming ervan radicaal zal veranderen. En zoals het er nu naar uitziet, ligt de telescoop helemaal op koers om die belofte waar te maken.
NASA has released a breathtaking video of Earth taken from the Orion capsule as it lifted off this morning in the Artemis I mission.
The uncrewed spacecraft began its 25-day mission around the moon at 2.00am EST (7:00am GMT) today onboard the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket.
Space fans lined the beaches and roads outside the Kennedy Space Center in Florida to watch the historic launch of the $4 billion (£3.5 billion) mission.
The 24-second clip shows the outline of our planet slowly shrinking away in the distance as the rocket accelerated to 12,000 mph (19,000 kph).
The official Twitter account for Artemis wrote: 'As @NASA_Orion begins the #Artemis I mission to the Moon, the spacecraft captured these stunning views of our home planet.'
Artemis I is designed to show that the SLS and Orion capsule are ready to carry astronauts to the moon in subsequent Artemis II and Artemis III missions.
Orion spacecraft shows us our home while on the way to the moon
The 24-second clip shows the outline of our planet slowly shrinking away in the distance as the rocket accelerated to 12,000 mph (19,000 kph)
Artemis I was successfully launched just before 2.00am EST this morning on a 25-day mission around the moon
This Artemis 1 mission will see the Orion capsule circle the moon and return to our planet after a 1.3 miIlion-mile voyage.
It signals the first stage of the US space agency's goal to return humans to the lunar surface for the first time in half a century.
If successful, the mission will be followed by a crewed trip around the moon in 2024, while a further mission in 2025 hopes to see human boots grace the lunar surface.
This would be the first time people have walked on the moon since 1972, and could include the first woman and first person of colour to do so.
NASA's ultimate plan is to build a permanent lunar outpost with a view to exploring deeper into the cosmos.
Social media users have been responding in awe to the video taken from the Orion capsule during lift-off, which has been described as 'absolutely beautiful'.
However, others have been tagging the Flat Earth Society in response to it, keen to hear its members' explanations to the view of our planet's curved outline.
Twitter user @Td91345887 brands the clip as 'fake' and that Earth 'got a graphics change'.
Social media users have been responding in awe to the video taken from the Orion capsule during lift-off, which has been described as 'absolutely beautiful'. However, others have been tagging the Flat Earth Society in response to it, keen to hear its members' explanations to the view of our planet's curved outline
Artemis is a historic launch that signals the first stage of NASA's goal to return people to the lunar surface for the first time in half a century
The plan is to return humans to the moon on Artemis III by 2025 and ultimately to build a permanent lunar outpost with a view to exploring deeper into the cosmos
Space fans lined the beaches and roads outside the Kennedy Space Center in Florida to watch the historic launch of the $4 billion (£3.5 billion) mission
This mission has no humans on board but a trio of human-sized test dummies stand in for the crew in the Orion capsule, their bodies swarming with sensors to measure radiation and vibration.
NASA has also revealed an Official Flight Kit list of items it sent on Artemis I, including 245 silver Snoopy pins, 567 American flags, a Dead Sea pebble and a cuddly version of cartoon dog Snoopy.
Soft toys actually serve a useful function on space missions, floating around as a 'zero-gravity indicator' to show when the spacecraft interior has reached the weightlessness of microgravity.
A small piece of moon rock from the Apollo 11 mission also joined the ride, along with a patch and a bolt from Neil Armstrong's iconic mission, to help connect the Apollo legacy to the Artemis program.
Artemis I even carries a variety of tree and plant seeds, too, as part of tests to study how they are affected by space radiation.
Cultivating plants in space is regarded as a critical factor in allowing humans to thrive during longer space missions, providing not only food but oxygen.
This morning's Artemis launch did not go without a hitch as, in the final few hours before lift-off, engineers was sent to the launch pad to tighten some bolts and stop a fuel leak.
However, at 01:47 EST (06:47 GMT), the rocket's four main R-25 engines and two boosters pushed the 32-storey rocket into the sky with 8.8 million pounds of thrust.
'We rise together, back to the moon and beyond,' said NASA's official commentator as the rocket took off.
About ten minutes later, the engines of the SLS rocket powered off and the core stage separated, as Artemis entered the Earth's orbit.
Then, at 03:42 (08:42 GMT), NASA announced that the Orion capsule - now flying solo - had completed its 20-minute 'trans-lunar injection manoeuvre'.
This accelerated it to more than 22,600 mph (36,370 kph) and propelled it towards the moon.
Artemis' launch director Charlie Blackwell-Thompson told her cheering colleagues: 'You are part of a first – it doesn't come along very often, once in a career, maybe.
'We are all part of something incredibly special: the first launch of Artemis. The first step in returning our country to the moon and on to Mars. What you have done today will inspire generations to come.'
Ms Blackwell-Thompson added in a statement: 'On behalf of all the men and women across our great nation who have worked to bring this hardware together to make this day possible, and for the Artemis generation, this is for you.'
The mega-rocket has faced numerous delays up to now, with its maiden launch date repeatedly pushed back since August.
Its first attempt was scrubbed after controllers struggled to get an engine cooled down to its correct operating temperature.
A second attempt at the start of September was then hampered by a fuel leak, before Storm Ian pushed it back to October at the end of that month.
The launch date was then changed again to November 14, before settling on November 16.
There were concerns that this launch date could slip again pending post-storm inspections, after the SLS was battered by gusts of up to 100mph while exposed to the might of Hurricane Nicole last week.
The 322ft (98m) rocket suffered damage after officials chose to leave it on the launch pad rather than wheel it back to the Vehicle Assembly Building.
The storm caused a tear in the engine rain covers and water to enter the crew access arm, but NASA said that these were 'minor' problems and did not delay launch.
Artemis sees an Orion spacecraft circle the Earth's natural satellite and return to our planet after a 1.3 miIlion-mile voyage
The journey takes a few days and Orion will get as close as 60 miles (100km) from the lunar surface before firing its thrusters to move into orbit up to 40,000 miles (64,000km) away
Ten shoebox-size secondary payloads, called CubeSats, are hitching a ride to space on Artemis I, while several other investigations are flying inside the Orion spacecraft (pictured) during the flight test
Named after the twin sister of Apollo in Greek mythology, Artemis signifies the modern incarnation of NASA's Apollo programme, which sent astronauts to the moon for the first time.
Its four RS-25 engines can power the rocket to speeds of up to 24,500 mph and propel it out of low-Earth orbit to the moon some 240,000 miles away.
The journey takes a few days and Orion will get as close as 60 miles (100km) from the lunar surface before firing its thrusters to move into orbit up to 40,000 miles (64,000km) away.
Ten shoebox-size secondary payloads, called CubeSats, are hitching a ride to space on Artemis I, while several other investigations are flying inside the Orion spacecraft during the flight test.
Each of the payloads will perform science and technology experiments in deep space, expanding our understanding of lunar science, technology developments, and deep space radiation.
During re-entry, Orion will emerge into the Earth's atmosphere at 25,000mph before splashing down off the California coast.
NASA will land the first woman and first person of color on the moon in 2025 as part of the Artemis mission
Artemis was the twin sister of Apollo and goddess of the moon in Greek mythology.
NASA has chosen her to personify its path back to the moon, which will see astronauts return to the lunar surface by 2025 - including the first woman and the next man.
Artemis 1, formerly Exploration Mission-1, is the first in a series of increasingly complex missions that will enable human exploration to the moon and Mars.
Artemis 1 will be the first integrated flight test of NASA’s deep space exploration system: the Orion spacecraft, Space Launch System (SLS) rocket and the ground systems at Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida.
Artemis 1 will be an uncrewed flight that will provide a foundation for human deep space exploration, and demonstrate our commitment and capability to extend human existence to the moon and beyond.
During this flight, the spacecraft will launch on the most powerful rocket in the world and fly farther than any spacecraft built for humans has ever flown.
It will travel 280,000 miles (450,600 km) from Earth, thousands of miles beyond the moon over the course of about a three-week mission.
Artemis 1, formerly Exploration Mission-1, is the first in a series of increasingly complex missions that will enable human exploration to the moon and Mars. This graphic explains the various stages of the mission
Orion will stay in space longer than any ship for astronauts has done without docking to a space station and return home faster and hotter than ever before.
With this first exploration mission, NASA is leading the next steps of human exploration into deep space where astronauts will build and begin testing the systems near the moon needed for lunar surface missions and exploration to other destinations farther from Earth, including Mars.
The will take crew on a different trajectory and test Orion’s critical systems with humans aboard.
Together, Orion, SLS and the ground systems at Kennedy will be able to meet the most challenging crew and cargo mission needs in deep space.
Eventually NASA seeks to establish a sustainable human presence on the moon by 2028 as a result of the Artemis mission.
The space agency hopes this colony will uncover new scientific discoveries, demonstrate new technological advancements and lay the foundation for private companies to build a lunar economy.
Was the Betty and Barney Hill Incident a Top Secret Mind-Control Test? MK-Ultra?
Was the Betty and Barney Hill Incident a Top Secret Mind-Control Test? MK-Ultra?
Nick Redfern
Ready to see one of the most famous alleged alien abduction incidents questioned? It’s coming, anyway. It’s that of Betty and Barney Hill. They were a husband and wife who, on the night of September 19, 1961, and while driving home from Canada to New Hampshire after completing a fun vacation, had a significant number of hours erased from their minds. It all happened near Indian Head, New Hampshire. It was there they saw a strange light in the sky that appeared to be carefully shadowing them from above. Concern and anxiety set in, which is no surprise. Finally, they made it home. Something very strange and disturbing happened to the Hills, but such was the state of their minds, they weren’t sure what it was. But, they certainly wanted to know. In the days and weeks that followed, the Hills began to experience terrifying, never-jangling nightmares: there were memories of having been taken on-board a UFO, and of having been subjected to intrusive and stressful medical-based experiments. Betty recalled that the aliens inserted a needle into her navel. Sperm was removed from Barney, via what was termed as “a suction device.” The “alien abduction” phenomenon was up and running, and the issue of “missing time” was well and truly born. The fascination that the Hill’s experience generated – partly due to Betty and Barney’s decision to speak openly at UFO events – ultimately led to the publication in 1966 of The Interrupted Journey: Two Lost Hours “Aboard a Flying Saucer.” It was written by a respected journalist and author, John Fuller.
The story of Betty and Barney – and of their pet dog, Delsey, too, who was also in the car at the time of the incident - still provokes interest and intrigue to this very day. It is to alien abductions what Roswell is to tales of crashed UFOs: a key case in the history of Ufology. What if, however, aliens did not abduct Betty and Barney? What if – just like those who were present in Rendlesham Forest in 1980 – the pair were led to believe they had undergone something that had extraterrestrial origins, when things were actually much different? One of those who came to believe that the Hills had been subjected to an MK-ULTRA-type encounter was the late Philip Coppens. He said: “It is clear that the Hills were being monitored by USAF [U.S. Air Force] Intelligence before the encounter took place, through Major James MacDonald, who had befriended them some time earlier. Betty Hill wrote to [UFO researcher / author] Donald Keyhoe who, despite the fact that he received over a hundred letters a day, homed in on this initially unremarkable case. Within twenty-four hours, Keyhoe had arranged for the Hills to be visited by top-level scientists, including C.D. Jackson, who had previously (definitely not coincidentally) worked on psychological warfare techniques for President Eisenhower [italics mine]. Stretching coincidence far beyond breaking point, Jackson already knew Major MacDonald, with whom he next interviewed the Hills.”
Philip continued on: “It seems that Betty and Barney Hill were at the center of a web that involved USAF Intelligence and top military experts in psychological warfare. The evidence suggests that the Hills were the subjects – victims – of a psychological experiment [italics mine].” Those who believe that the Betty and Barney Hill experience was a genuine alien abduction case might very well balk at the words of Coppens. That’s not a wise approach to take, though. You’ll soon come to see why. Sadly, Coppens was unable to continue his work on the case for long on this topic. In 2012, he was quickly taken by a very rare form of cancer at the age of just forty-one: Angiosarcoma. On average, it kills slightly less than two hundred people in the United States per year. Philip Coppens is gone, but the threads of his research have allowed us to take his investigations further into the associations between UFOs and mind-manipulation. In a roundabout way, the story of Betty and Barney Hill has a link to the events that occurred in Pont-Saint-Esprit on August 15, 1951. And also to MK-ULTRA. That’s a jaw-dropping claim for someone to make; it is, however, absolutely true. I noted that John Fuller, in 1966, wrote a full-length book on the experiences of Betty and Barney Hill: The Interrupted Journey. Philip Coppens concluded that those same experiences were linked to early mind-control programs of the U.S. government.
As for Fuller, he was an intriguing character. When he died in 1990, at the age of seventy-six, the New York Times ran an obituary on him. It was written by a Times journalist, Edwin McDowell, who stated that Fuller was occasionally "...criticized by reviewers for not using footnotes in his books and for what they judged was the implausibility of his topics. But as Jeff Greenfield wrote in The New York Times Book Review in reviewing ‘The Poison That Fell From the Sky,’ Mr. Fuller ‘keeps raising the most unsettling of questions.’ Moreover, even before passage of the Freedom of Information Act, he had a facility for somehow obtaining Government documents [italics mine], which he incorporated in some of his books.” The fact that Fuller had a strange knack for getting his hands on official papers prior to FOIA legislation was passed, suggests strongly that he moved in intriguing places and with equally intriguing people. Powerful people, too, no doubt. As for Fuller’s aforementioned 1977 book The Poison That Fell From the Sky, it told the story of a disastrous situation that occurred on July 10, 1976, in Seveso, Italy. When a local chemical plant malfunctioned, the approximately 17,000 townspeople were exposed to a highly dangerous dioxin: 2, 3, 7, 8 - etrachlorodibenzodioxin. Or, in much easier terms, TCDD. Other nearby towns were hit by the dioxin, too. Studies have shown that exposure to TCDD in and around Seveso caused damage to immune-systems and nervous-systems. Cardiovascular problems surfaced, as did liver issues. It was a catastrophe of huge proportions.
So, we have large amounts of people, in a small, old European town, many of them severely injured as a result of the dangerous side-effects of science and technology. Does this sound familiar? It’s not at all dissimilar to what happened at Pont-Saint-Esprit in 1951. The only difference was this: in one town, people had their minds blown, and in the other they were severely physically affected. I must say, John Fuller seemed to have a strange thing for disasters in small towns. Not only did he write, in 1977, The Poison That Fell from the Sky; Fuller also wrote a book called The Day of St. Anthony's Fire. The latter just happens to be one of the most authoritative books on that nightmarish 1951 incident in France that we have already addressed: the crazed events at Point-Saint-Esprit. So, we have Fuller having written an alien abduction-themed in 1966 (The Interrupted Journey, as well as two other UFO-based books: Incident at Exeter and Aliens in the Skies) and another, in 1968, on how terrible hallucinogens can wreak havoc in peoples’ minds. Three decades later, Hank Albarelli would make a connection between MK-ULTRA and Pont-Saint-Esprit, as we’ve seen. It doesn’t end there. With regard to Fuller it’s just about beginning.
Back in 1957, Fuller had a decidedly clandestine meeting with a Dr. Karlis Osis, as Marie Jones and Larry Flaxman note in their 2015 book, Mind Wars. As now-declassified CIA files on Osis reveal, he was deep into a wide range of fringe sciences and technologies, including out-of-body experiences, how to alter brain wave frequencies, the means to affect “various biophysical changes,” and mind manipulation. It’s no wonder that Osis was also secretly consulted by the CIA’s MK-ULTRA teams. Days after their first meeting, Osis introduced Fuller to a CIA man named Robert Lashbrook. It turns out that Lashbrook was the very last person to see Dr. Frank Olson alive before he took that deadly, violent shove out of the Hotel Statler in Manhattan. Yes, the very same Dr. Olson who was tied to the Pont-Saint-Esprit debacle.After getting to know Fuller, Dr. Osis guardedly informed him on what was going down with the MK-ULTRA people – of the successes that had been achieved, but also of the disastrous accidents that had occurred with certain hallucinogens. Osis also made Fuller an unforeseen, amazing offer: how would he, Fuller, like to be the very first investigative journalist to break at least a part of the MK-ULTRA story to the Unites States’ media?
Clearly, Osis was recklessly playing both sides at the same time – the government and the media - for reasons that, today, are lost and not clear. As a writer, though, Fuller immediately recognized the dollar value of the story that, potentially, just might be tossed into his lap. At the time, the mid-to-late 1950s, Fuller chose not to publish anything that might have compromised the mind-control programs that both the CIA and the U.S. Army were heavily into at that time. Clearly, however, Fuller never lost the undeniable allure of all this. That is precisely why Fuller decided to write, in 1968, The Day of St. Anthony’s Fire: he was hooked on matters relative to the mysteries of the human mind. As we now know, the story that that particular book told was caused by an MK-ULTRA operation that went dangerously off the rails, leaving more than a few people in asylums and with their minds in total disarray.
Osis also made a way for Fuller to speak with one Andrija Puharich. He was an American of Yugoslavian extraction, someone who was deeply interested in the mysteries of the human mind, and who, in the 1950s, just happened to work at the Edgewood, Maryland-based U.S. Army Chemical Center. The Edgewood Arsenal being the location where a ball lightning-driven program secretly ran in the 1960s; where significant research of an unethical mind-based nature was undertaken on military personnel; and whose staff secretly liaised with scientists at Porton Down, England. From the mid-1950s, and up to at least the latter part of the 1960s, John Fuller was inextricably, and clandestinely, tied to some of the most significant players in MK-ULTRA – and in other, associated, mind-control projects too. And, Philip Coppens’ work put psychological warfare expert C.D. Jackson right in the heart of the Hill’s encounter on that dark and dangerous night home in September 1961.
John Fuller is long gone and not able to defend himself. I have to say, though, that it’s very hard to accept that Fuller – as an intelligent, investigative journalist and a skilled author – didn’t make even any of the connections between the Hill abduction and the U.S. government’s mind-control operations, And particularly so as a result of his very own links to the staff of MK-ULTRA. It’s even harder to accept that Fuller may have been secretly, and knowingly, brought into the fold by the CIA to kick-start the alien abduction phenomenon via the very first book on the subject: The Interrupted Journey. I have to confess, however, that when I put all of the pieces together – not forgetting Fuller’s uncanny knack of getting his hands on secret government documents - that’s sure how it looks to me.
If the strange and controversial scenario I have put together is indeed the real deal, then it demonstrates that just about anything can be made to look like something else. And, that includes an alien abduction of epic proportions. Of course, this provokes another question: how many alien abductions were created out of mind-control technology? One? Ten? Dozens? Hundreds? And all in the name of hiding the MK-Ultra programs under a UFO banner. It couldn't happen? It most assuredly could happen. The biggest issue, however, is the shock, and the fact, that such a program worked - and that the field of Ufology fell for it all. I could be wildly off, course. But, I don't think I am. I have a very deep feeling that Ufology has been duped to a huge degree. Now, it's time to dig deeper into the controversy of Betty, Barney, the MK-Ultra programs, and Delsey the ever-faithful, loving dog.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Was the Betty and Barney Hill Incident a Top Secret Mind-Control Test? MK-Ultra?
Was the Betty and Barney Hill Incident a Top Secret Mind-Control Test? MK-Ultra?
Nick Redfern
Ready to see one of the most famous alleged alien abduction incidents questioned? It’s coming, anyway. It’s that of Betty and Barney Hill. They were a husband and wife who, on the night of September 19, 1961, and while driving home from Canada to New Hampshire after completing a fun vacation, had a significant number of hours erased from their minds. It all happened near Indian Head, New Hampshire. It was there they saw a strange light in the sky that appeared to be carefully shadowing them from above. Concern and anxiety set in, which is no surprise. Finally, they made it home. Something very strange and disturbing happened to the Hills, but such was the state of their minds, they weren’t sure what it was. But, they certainly wanted to know. In the days and weeks that followed, the Hills began to experience terrifying, never-jangling nightmares: there were memories of having been taken on-board a UFO, and of having been subjected to intrusive and stressful medical-based experiments. Betty recalled that the aliens inserted a needle into her navel. Sperm was removed from Barney, via what was termed as “a suction device.” The “alien abduction” phenomenon was up and running, and the issue of “missing time” was well and truly born. The fascination that the Hill’s experience generated – partly due to Betty and Barney’s decision to speak openly at UFO events – ultimately led to the publication in 1966 of The Interrupted Journey: Two Lost Hours “Aboard a Flying Saucer.” It was written by a respected journalist and author, John Fuller.
The story of Betty and Barney – and of their pet dog, Delsey, too, who was also in the car at the time of the incident - still provokes interest and intrigue to this very day. It is to alien abductions what Roswell is to tales of crashed UFOs: a key case in the history of Ufology. What if, however, aliens did not abduct Betty and Barney? What if – just like those who were present in Rendlesham Forest in 1980 – the pair were led to believe they had undergone something that had extraterrestrial origins, when things were actually much different? One of those who came to believe that the Hills had been subjected to an MK-ULTRA-type encounter was the late Philip Coppens. He said: “It is clear that the Hills were being monitored by USAF [U.S. Air Force] Intelligence before the encounter took place, through Major James MacDonald, who had befriended them some time earlier. Betty Hill wrote to [UFO researcher / author] Donald Keyhoe who, despite the fact that he received over a hundred letters a day, homed in on this initially unremarkable case. Within twenty-four hours, Keyhoe had arranged for the Hills to be visited by top-level scientists, including C.D. Jackson, who had previously (definitely not coincidentally) worked on psychological warfare techniques for President Eisenhower [italics mine]. Stretching coincidence far beyond breaking point, Jackson already knew Major MacDonald, with whom he next interviewed the Hills.”
Philip continued on: “It seems that Betty and Barney Hill were at the center of a web that involved USAF Intelligence and top military experts in psychological warfare. The evidence suggests that the Hills were the subjects – victims – of a psychological experiment [italics mine].” Those who believe that the Betty and Barney Hill experience was a genuine alien abduction case might very well balk at the words of Coppens. That’s not a wise approach to take, though. You’ll soon come to see why. Sadly, Coppens was unable to continue his work on the case for long on this topic. In 2012, he was quickly taken by a very rare form of cancer at the age of just forty-one: Angiosarcoma. On average, it kills slightly less than two hundred people in the United States per year. Philip Coppens is gone, but the threads of his research have allowed us to take his investigations further into the associations between UFOs and mind-manipulation. In a roundabout way, the story of Betty and Barney Hill has a link to the events that occurred in Pont-Saint-Esprit on August 15, 1951. And also to MK-ULTRA. That’s a jaw-dropping claim for someone to make; it is, however, absolutely true. I noted that John Fuller, in 1966, wrote a full-length book on the experiences of Betty and Barney Hill: The Interrupted Journey. Philip Coppens concluded that those same experiences were linked to early mind-control programs of the U.S. government.
As for Fuller, he was an intriguing character. When he died in 1990, at the age of seventy-six, the New York Times ran an obituary on him. It was written by a Times journalist, Edwin McDowell, who stated that Fuller was occasionally "...criticized by reviewers for not using footnotes in his books and for what they judged was the implausibility of his topics. But as Jeff Greenfield wrote in The New York Times Book Review in reviewing ‘The Poison That Fell From the Sky,’ Mr. Fuller ‘keeps raising the most unsettling of questions.’ Moreover, even before passage of the Freedom of Information Act, he had a facility for somehow obtaining Government documents [italics mine], which he incorporated in some of his books.” The fact that Fuller had a strange knack for getting his hands on official papers prior to FOIA legislation was passed, suggests strongly that he moved in intriguing places and with equally intriguing people. Powerful people, too, no doubt. As for Fuller’s aforementioned 1977 book The Poison That Fell From the Sky, it told the story of a disastrous situation that occurred on July 10, 1976, in Seveso, Italy. When a local chemical plant malfunctioned, the approximately 17,000 townspeople were exposed to a highly dangerous dioxin: 2, 3, 7, 8 - etrachlorodibenzodioxin. Or, in much easier terms, TCDD. Other nearby towns were hit by the dioxin, too. Studies have shown that exposure to TCDD in and around Seveso caused damage to immune-systems and nervous-systems. Cardiovascular problems surfaced, as did liver issues. It was a catastrophe of huge proportions.
So, we have large amounts of people, in a small, old European town, many of them severely injured as a result of the dangerous side-effects of science and technology. Does this sound familiar? It’s not at all dissimilar to what happened at Pont-Saint-Esprit in 1951. The only difference was this: in one town, people had their minds blown, and in the other they were severely physically affected. I must say, John Fuller seemed to have a strange thing for disasters in small towns. Not only did he write, in 1977, The Poison That Fell from the Sky; Fuller also wrote a book called The Day of St. Anthony's Fire. The latter just happens to be one of the most authoritative books on that nightmarish 1951 incident in France that we have already addressed: the crazed events at Point-Saint-Esprit. So, we have Fuller having written an alien abduction-themed in 1966 (The Interrupted Journey, as well as two other UFO-based books: Incident at Exeter and Aliens in the Skies) and another, in 1968, on how terrible hallucinogens can wreak havoc in peoples’ minds. Three decades later, Hank Albarelli would make a connection between MK-ULTRA and Pont-Saint-Esprit, as we’ve seen. It doesn’t end there. With regard to Fuller it’s just about beginning.
Back in 1957, Fuller had a decidedly clandestine meeting with a Dr. Karlis Osis, as Marie Jones and Larry Flaxman note in their 2015 book, Mind Wars. As now-declassified CIA files on Osis reveal, he was deep into a wide range of fringe sciences and technologies, including out-of-body experiences, how to alter brain wave frequencies, the means to affect “various biophysical changes,” and mind manipulation. It’s no wonder that Osis was also secretly consulted by the CIA’s MK-ULTRA teams. Days after their first meeting, Osis introduced Fuller to a CIA man named Robert Lashbrook. It turns out that Lashbrook was the very last person to see Dr. Frank Olson alive before he took that deadly, violent shove out of the Hotel Statler in Manhattan. Yes, the very same Dr. Olson who was tied to the Pont-Saint-Esprit debacle.After getting to know Fuller, Dr. Osis guardedly informed him on what was going down with the MK-ULTRA people – of the successes that had been achieved, but also of the disastrous accidents that had occurred with certain hallucinogens. Osis also made Fuller an unforeseen, amazing offer: how would he, Fuller, like to be the very first investigative journalist to break at least a part of the MK-ULTRA story to the Unites States’ media?
Clearly, Osis was recklessly playing both sides at the same time – the government and the media - for reasons that, today, are lost and not clear. As a writer, though, Fuller immediately recognized the dollar value of the story that, potentially, just might be tossed into his lap. At the time, the mid-to-late 1950s, Fuller chose not to publish anything that might have compromised the mind-control programs that both the CIA and the U.S. Army were heavily into at that time. Clearly, however, Fuller never lost the undeniable allure of all this. That is precisely why Fuller decided to write, in 1968, The Day of St. Anthony’s Fire: he was hooked on matters relative to the mysteries of the human mind. As we now know, the story that that particular book told was caused by an MK-ULTRA operation that went dangerously off the rails, leaving more than a few people in asylums and with their minds in total disarray.
Osis also made a way for Fuller to speak with one Andrija Puharich. He was an American of Yugoslavian extraction, someone who was deeply interested in the mysteries of the human mind, and who, in the 1950s, just happened to work at the Edgewood, Maryland-based U.S. Army Chemical Center. The Edgewood Arsenal being the location where a ball lightning-driven program secretly ran in the 1960s; where significant research of an unethical mind-based nature was undertaken on military personnel; and whose staff secretly liaised with scientists at Porton Down, England. From the mid-1950s, and up to at least the latter part of the 1960s, John Fuller was inextricably, and clandestinely, tied to some of the most significant players in MK-ULTRA – and in other, associated, mind-control projects too. And, Philip Coppens’ work put psychological warfare expert C.D. Jackson right in the heart of the Hill’s encounter on that dark and dangerous night home in September 1961.
John Fuller is long gone and not able to defend himself. I have to say, though, that it’s very hard to accept that Fuller – as an intelligent, investigative journalist and a skilled author – didn’t make even any of the connections between the Hill abduction and the U.S. government’s mind-control operations, And particularly so as a result of his very own links to the staff of MK-ULTRA. It’s even harder to accept that Fuller may have been secretly, and knowingly, brought into the fold by the CIA to kick-start the alien abduction phenomenon via the very first book on the subject: The Interrupted Journey. I have to confess, however, that when I put all of the pieces together – not forgetting Fuller’s uncanny knack of getting his hands on secret government documents - that’s sure how it looks to me.
If the strange and controversial scenario I have put together is indeed the real deal, then it demonstrates that just about anything can be made to look like something else. And, that includes an alien abduction of epic proportions. Of course, this provokes another question: how many alien abductions were created out of mind-control technology? One? Ten? Dozens? Hundreds? And all in the name of hiding the MK-Ultra programs under a UFO banner. It couldn't happen? It most assuredly could happen. The biggest issue, however, is the shock, and the fact, that such a program worked - and that the field of Ufology fell for it all. I could be wildly off, course. But, I don't think I am. I have a very deep feeling that Ufology has been duped to a huge degree. Now, it's time to dig deeper into the controversy of Betty, Barney, the MK-Ultra programs, and Delsey the ever-faithful, loving dog.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Hiker captures 'ghostly figure' walking alongside him in Lake District, UK
Hiker captures 'ghostly figure' walking alongside him in Lake District, UK
A man captured the moment he spotted a "ghostly figure" walking alongside him in the Lake District. Chris Randall, 45, was hiking when he spotted a Brocken spectre - a large shadow of an observer cast onto cloud or mist - out of the corner of his eye. Chris was camping alone on Red Pike near Wasdale Head in Cumbria when he saw the "ghostly" phenomenon.
A Brocken spectre also called Brocken bow or mountain spectre, is the magnified (and apparently enormous) shadow of an observer cast upon clouds or mist opposite the Sun's direction.
The figure's head is often surrounded by the halo-like rings of coloured light forming a glory, which appears opposite the Sun's direction when uniformly-sized water droplets in clouds or mist refract and backscatter sunlight.
The phenomenon can appear on any misty mountainside or cloud bank, even when seen from an airplane, but the frequent fogs and low-altitude accessibility of the Brocken, a peak in the Harz Mountains in Germany, have created a local legend from which the phenomenon draws its name.
The Brocken spectre was observed and described by Johann Silberschlag in 1780, and has since been recorded often in literature about the region.
Here are two more videos of this eerie 'Brocken spectre' phenomenon.
David Adair on Secret SPACE TECHNOLOGY, Moon Anomalies, and ALIEN Engine at AREA 51
David Adair on Secret SPACE TECHNOLOGY, Moon Anomalies, and ALIEN Engine at AREA 51
“Best Of” David Adair’s Secret Space Fairing Technology, Moon Anomalies, and Alien Engine at AREA 51 – Coast to Coast AM Archived Shows.
Adair is an expert on space technology spin-off applications for both commercial and industrial use. At the age of 11, he built hundreds of rockets, which he tested and flew. At 17, he received the highest award in the field of engineering sciences from the US Air Force. At 19, he developed a revolutionary mechanical system that helped the US Navy speed up the turnaround time of jet turbine engines.
He is a world-renowned presenter and workshop leader. His presentations are filled with anecdotes about his experiences with the space program and Area 51. He also discusses his involvement in various commercial technology developments.
The world is big. Even in this modern day and age, we still don’t have a clue about what lurks in the remote corners of this planet. The oceans, vast and enigmatic, have only been partially explored - and what lurks in those blue depths is full of mystery. Could the same be said for land? Could we still be surprised to discover unique fauna species that we thought were long gone? The so-called Sivatherium is a likely candidate, and the possibility of its survival has scholars scratching their heads in confusion. This mystery began with the discovery of a unique copper rein ring in the remnants of ancient Kish in modern-day Iraq. The animal depicted on this object is uncannily similar to the Sivatherium. Could it be that ancient civilizations lived alongside this living relic of primordial times?
What is the Sivatherium of Kish, and Where’s the Mystery?
A Sivatherium is an extinct genus of primordial giraffids that once roamed the Indian subcontinent and throughout Africa. It was a robust, powerful animal, and one of the largest ruminants of all time. However, scholars agree that it has been extinct for a very long time. The species came to be around 7 million years ago in the Late Miocene, and was most likely gone by the Early Pleistocene, roughly 1 million years ago.
And that’s where the conundrum begins.
How could an animal of such ancient times slip through time and live on until the dawn of civilization? It sounds truly unimaginable, but evidence has appeared that tells us otherwise. Some of the earliest indications of this were found on ancient rock paintings in the Sahara and Central West India. These crude paintings show an animal much akin to a Sivatherium, suggesting that the animal actually went extinct as recently as 8,000 years ago!
But the main surprise came about during archaeological excavations of ancient Kish, a Sumerian city-state situated in the ancient cradle of civilization, Mesopotamia. A chance discovery offered tantalizing evidence that the Sivathere possibly survived to more recent times, particularly to the dawn of Mesopotamian civilizations and the first inventions of the wheel and the writing systems. The object in question was discovered during a joint archaeological expedition between the Field Museum and Oxford University in mid-1920’s: an elaborate copper rein ring created to fit onto the tongue of a chariot. This item was discovered in a deeper level and was dated to roughly 3,500 BC and lay alongside the remnants of a chariot and the skeletal remains of a horse.
A Masterful Rendition of an Elusive Ruminant Beast
Granted, copper rein rings were discovered several times before that, and were not a novelty to archaeologists. In fact, they were commonplace, especially the ones dated to that era. However, one thing made this find stand out: and that was the animal depicted on the ring.
Usually, rein rings from Mesopotamia depicted draft animals that we all know, chiefly horses and the like. But the one found at Kish showed an antlered ruminant that was totally unique - and oddly similar to a Sivathere! At first, researchers thought that the animal represented a stag, likely a Persian fallow deer (Dama mesopotamica) , considering the similarity of the horns. Early researchers thought that the Sumerians tamed deer as well, using them to pull chariots, as written in the following statement:
“Copper rein rings were known from Kish heretofore, but the previous ones were surmounted by the figure of a species of Equidae or simply by metal loops for the reins. In this case the figure was an unsuspected member of the Cervidae, and a long and heavy rope from the animal's muzzle indicates that stags must have been captured alive and tamed by the early Sumerians.”
But following deeper examination, it became clear that what was discovered at Kish was no animal known today. The artist’s hands carefully recreated a unique animal - down to the smallest details. And what can be seen is awfully like a Sivatherium of old, which can be thoroughly reconstructed from fossil remains.
Chiefly, the proportions are totally different from that of a stag, especially in the representation of the body. The animal on the rein ring is clearly a ruminant and a giraffid, and not a stag. Of course, the most important telltale clue are the horns. Sivatheriums had unique double antlers with two smaller horns right above the eyes. The exact same has been reproduced in copper form here.
A Prehistoric Being Surviving Through Millenia
Could it be that a Sivatherium survived until 3,500 BC? Judging by the attention to detail, anatomical proportions, and the accuracy of the sculpted head, the metalsmith of Kish who created this fascinating and exquisite piece was not creating some imaginary fantastical beast. In fact, everything points to the fact that the artist saw the animal firsthand - and several times - thus knowing very well what to sculpt. If this curious object is solid proof that the Sivatherium existed in ancient Sumer, then the modern narrative on the creature is thoroughly wrong. If this is the case, then it could be likely that a certain population of Sivathere survived in the region of ancient Mesopotamia and was known to the Sumerians.
However, when one looks at the area of Iraq today, one has to wonder how would a giraffid of old survive here? Today, the region is arid, sandy, hot, and dusty, without much vegetation whatsoever. The remnants of ancient city-states like Kish, Nippur, Lagash, Uruk, Ur, Eridu, and others, are now covered with nothing but sand. But five thousand years ago, the region was wholly different.
Kish was situated at the eastern edge of the vast region of Mesopotamia, also a part of the region called the Fertile Crescent. This was a vast arc of land watered by the powerful waters of the Tigris and Euphrates (and the Nile to the west), and one of the earliest cradles of civilization. Five millennia ago, rainfall was much higher in the region, and nothing was as arid as it is today. There was more greenery and vegetation, and an abundance of crops and food. It is no wonder that it was there that ancient hunter gatherer nomads first turned to a sedentary lifestyle, changing history as they did so.
Thus, the valleys of Mesopotamia were once verdant and fertile, and could have been the home to isolated populations of Sivatherium. Undoubtedly, by 4,000 - 3,500 BC, such an animal would have been rare. You can imagine how awesome it would have seemed for the people of Sumer.
If it did actually exist at that time, then it would surely be considered a mythical beast, or an elusive draft animal reserved only for the most powerful of rulers. Adding to this theory is another unique detail of the copper Sivatherium rein ring. And that is an alleged rope attached to the animal’s snout. Could it be that the Sumerians managed to capture and tame a certain number of Sivatherium beasts? Were these powerful and very strong ruminants used as draft animals, or for pulling war chariots ?
A Deer or a Sivatherium? The Discussion is Ongoing
In 1977, some 50 years after the “Sivatherium of Kish” was discovered, a German archaeologist and researcher, Michael Müller-Karpe, accidentally discovered some additional elements of the copper rein ring. While visiting, he discovered the broken-off tips of the horns that were thought lost. He found them in "a small box of dried mud in a Field Museum storeroom". These were recognized to be the missing tops of the Sivatherium horns, and they fit perfectly.
However, many immediately argued that the being is, in fact, a fallow deer . This led to a string of discussions, and the scientific and archaeological world is still somewhat divided on the subject. However, evidence for this being a Sivatherium is in abundance. In his 1936 work on the topic of the rein ring, Edwin Colbert presented 7 valid points in defense of the “Sivatherium theory”. He lists them as follows (direct quote):
Sivatherium was a very large animal having body proportions similar to those of a large ox; that is, the limbs and the neck were not elongated as in the modern African giraffe. The figurine represents an animal with a normal ruminant body.
In Sivatherium the skull carried two sets of horn cores, a relatively small conical pair directly over the eyes and a large palmate pair at the back of the skull. This same arrangement of “horns” or “antlers” is shown by the figurine from Kish.
The small conical horn cores of Sivatherium are of frontal origin, and such would seem to be the case in the figurine.
The large, palmate horn cores of Sivatherium are of parietal origin, that is they are located on the occiput. In the figurine the palmate “horn cores” or “antlers” would certainly seem to be located on the back of the skull, as in Sivatherium, rather than on the frontals as is the rule in the Cervidae.
The posterior horn cores of Sivatherium are typified by inwardly projecting points at their bases, and the same features are shown in the figurine.
In the posterior horn cores of Sivatherium the bases are transversely broadened, and somewhat flattened on their anterior and posterior surfaces, giving them elliptical cross sections. A similar condition would seem to be shown in the posterior antlers of the Kish figurine.
In the statuette from Kish it would appear as if the nose is swollen and somewhat dependent, as might have been the case in Sivatherium, a genus characterized in part by its abbreviated nasal bones. On the other hand, it may be possible that the peculiar appearance of the nasal region in the statuette can be explained as the representation of a halter on the muzzle of the animal.
Alas, even today the question is open to discussion and examination. Some consider the Sivatherium theory a fringe, kooky, belief. But when faced with other similar discoveries, they quickly realize that the possibility is totally real.
One such find was made in the Algerian Sahara. Here, the Tassili n’Ajjer rock paintings were discovered, presenting many ancient animals. One of these was a peculiar and out-of-place giraffid, which seems to be a Sivatherium. Other discoveries include an ancient Hittite cylinder seal, also depicting a strange horned animal similar to a Sivatherium. Some 8,000-year-old petroglyphs in the Sahara also depict a similar being, and the list just goes on. Is this the evidence we need?
An Enigma That We Might Never Solve
Nevertheless, the question still remains a mystery. If there is a logical explanation behind the Sivatherium of Kish, the scientific world has yet to find it. And just like the enigmatic paintings of pygmy elephants from an ancient Egyptian tomb, the Sivatherium seems out-of-place and out-of-time, giving researchers a proper headache.
In the end, we may never know the truth. After all, it could be simply a poor Sumerian rendition of a fallow deer. But then again, it could be an accurate rendition of a tamed Sivatherium. Either way, the question remains open to all. Just remember that the world can be full of wonders and surprises. We still don’t know for sure what beings lurk in the unexplored depths of the Amazon jungle, and other inhospitable, untouched places of this world. After all, one has to believe.
Piper, R. 2009. Dead as a Dodo. Scrubmuncher’s Blog.
Piper, R. 2009. Extinct Animals: An Encyclopedia of Species that Have Disappeared during Human History: An Encyclopedia of Species that Have Disappeared during Human History. ABC-CLIO.
The New Discovery in Egypt That Scares Scientists!
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Would you do it?
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Now would you do it?
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Meteorite that fell on Britain has clues to how life formed on Earth, experts say By Daily Mail Reporter
Meteorite that fell on Britain has clues to how life formed on Earth, experts say
By Daily Mail Reporter
An analysis of the space rock has revealed it contains 11% water and 2% carbon
Experts say finding show asteroids played key role in kickstarting oceans and life
The meteorite said to give ‘insight into how the Earth came to have water'
A meteorite that fell in the UK last year holds key information about how oceans – and life – formed on Earth, scientists have said.
An analysis of the space rock, which fell on to Winchcombe, Gloucestershire, has revealed it contains 11 per cent water and 2 per cent carbon.
The experts said their findings, published in Science Advances, show that asteroids played a key role in ‘delivering the ingredients needed to kickstart oceans and life’.
Dr Luke Daly, of the University ofGlasgow, said they give ‘insight into how the Earth came to have water – the source of so much life’.
He said: 'One of the biggest questions asked of the scientific community is how did we get here?
'This analysis on the Winchcombe meteorite gives insight into how the Earth came to have water - the source of so much life.
'Researchers will continue to work on this specimen for years to come, unlocking more secrets into the origins of our solar system.'
The Winchcombe meteorite belongs to a rare class of rocks known as carbonaceous chondrites.
Carbonaceous chondrites comprise about 3 per cent of all meteorites collected on Earth and are thought to contain unaltered chemicals from the formation of the solar system more than four billion years ago.
Dr Ashley King, of the Natural History Museum and author on the paper, said the analysis offers scientists 'a tantalising glimpse back through time to the original composition of the solar system 4.6 billion years ago'.
Analysis of the meteorite sample revealed extraterrestrial water that is, what the researchers say, “is locked-up in minerals that formed during chemical reactions between fluids and rocks on its parent asteroid in the earliest stages of the solar system”.
Chemical analysis revealed this water to closely resemble the composition of water on Earth.
The samples were also found to contain amino acids - molecules that are one of the essential components for the origin of life.
The researchers said rapid recovery of the meteorite allowed experts to analyse its composition while in pristine state.
Dr Natasha Almeida, curator of meteorites at the Natural History Museum and a co-author of the paper, said: 'We’re still reeling from our good fortune to have such an important meteorite fall in the UK, and are so grateful to the local community for their donations and the UK’s cosmochemistry network for coming together to produce this extensive study.
'The combination of such a quick recovery, careful collection, and our ongoing curation of Winchcombe in a nitrogen atmosphere means this incredibly fresh specimen will remain one of the most pristine meteorites in collections worldwide.'
Meteoriet die op Engelse oprijlaan terechtkwam, bevat aanwijzingen hoe water (en dus leven) op aarde is ontstaan
Meteoriet die op Engelse oprijlaan terechtkwam, bevat aanwijzingen hoe water (en dus leven) op aarde is ontstaan
Een meteoriet die afgelopen jaar op een oprijlaan in de Engelse Cotswolds neerstortte, zou wel eens belangrijke aanwijzingen kunnen bevatten over het leven op aarde en hoe dat is ontstaan. Meer specifiek gaat het om de vloeistof die werd teruggevonden in de meteoriet. De samenstelling ervan lijkt immers op het water op aarde, zo staat te lezen in een analyse in het vaktijdschrift ‘Science Advances’.
De meteoriet, die later omgedoopt zou worden tot de Winchcombe-meteoriet, landde in februari 2021 op een oprijlaan in Gloucestershire. Enkele uren daarvoor had de meteoriet de hemel boven het Verenigd Koninkrijk nog verlicht, een prettige afleiding tijdens de zoveelste lockdown. Eenmaal neergekomen, bleek het stuk ruimtesteen maar liefst 4,6 miljard jaar oud en afkomstig te zijn van de planetoïdengordel tussen Jupiter en Mars.
Nog belangrijker, de meteoriet bleek een van de “meest ongerepte” ooit te zijn. De Winchcombe-meteoriet werd reeds enkele uren na de landing verzameld, nog voor er regen was gevallen. Ook de analyse liet niet lang op zich wachten, waardoor onderzoekers de unieke kans kregen om een blik te werpen in het (verre) verleden.
Water en leven op aarde
En zo geeft de meteoriet in de Cotswolds ons een nieuwe aanwijzing hoe water op aarde is terechtgekomen en leven is kunnen ontstaan. Daar is immers nog wat onduidelijkheid over. Sommige theorieën opperen dat kometen en asteroïden een grote rol hebben gespeeld wat betreft de ontstaansgeschiedenis van water. En de Winchcombe-meteoriet lijkt dat grotendeels te bevestigen.
“De samenstelling van het water op andere asteroïden komt niet echt overeen met het water in onze oceanen, maar de samenstelling van het water van de Winchcombe-meteoriet komt wel (beter) overeen”, aldus Ashley King van het Natural History Museum. “Dat zou kunnen betekenen dat asteroïden wellicht de belangrijkste bron van water op aarde zijn geweest.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Twee op de drie ervaart déjà vu: wetenschapsexpert legt uit wat dit gevoel veroorzaakt
Twee op de drie ervaart déjà vu: wetenschapsexpert legt uit wat dit gevoel veroorzaakt
In de nieuwe tv-reeks ‘Déjà Vu’, vanaf vanavond te zien op Play4, reizen de personages letterlijk door de tijd. De kans is groot dat jij ook al eens overvallen werd door het gevoel dat je iets al eens hebt meegemaakt, terwijl je weet dat dit onmogelijk is. Net als de Vlaamse fictiereeks draagt dit fenomeen de naam ‘déjà vu’ en wetenschappers breken er al sinds de 19de eeuw hun hoofd over. HLN-wetenschapsexpert Martijn Peters legt uit wat we er inmiddels over weten.
Martijn Peters
We hebben er allemaal wel eens over gehoord of het zelfs al meegemaakt… een déjà vu. Het moment waarop het gevoel je overvalt dat je - wat je op dat moment meemaakt - al eens meegemaakt hebt. En dat terwijl je heel goed beseft dat dit eigenlijk helemaal niet mogelijk is. Er is als het ware een kortsluiting in jouw hersenen aan de gang, een strijd tussen een objectieve observatie van onbekendheid en subjectief gevoel van bekendheid. Normaal komt een gevoel van vertrouwdheid bijna altijd overeen met de objectieve realiteit. Bijvoorbeeld wanneer je jouw huis binnenwandelt. Als dit niet het geval is, dan valt dit natuurlijk extra hard op.
Ongeveer twee derde van de bevolking maakt een déjà vu mee in zijn leven. Sommigen zelfs meerdere keren. Meestal is de trigger voor zo’n ervaring een bezoek aan een bepaalde plaats. Daarom lijkt het vaker voor te komen bij mensen die regelmatig reizen. Daarnaast lokt ook een gesprek vaak een déjà vu uit. Hoe ouder je bent, hoe lager de kans is dat je het (nog) ervaart. Je geslacht lijkt dan weer geen invloed te hebben, of je moe en gestresst bent dan weer wel.
Een mogelijke verklaring voor déjà vu is dat herinneringen onbewust onze beleving zouden kunnen beïnvloeden.
Martijn Peters
Herinneringen uit een vorig leven of onze hersenen die ons parten spelen?
Maar is er ook een wetenschappelijke uitleg voor dat déjà-vugevoel? Want vaak kom je verklaringen tegen met een paranormaal tintje. Bijvoorbeeld dat het gevoel verbonden zou zijn met een vorig leven of paranormale gaven. Helaas is er vanuit de wetenschap nog geen eenduidig antwoord op die vraag. Maar dat betekent niet dat de wetenschap heeft stilgezeten, want er zijn wel heel wat hypotheses. Je kan ze in vier categorieën onderverdelen: duale verwerking, neurologisch, geheugen en aandacht.
Bij duale verwerking vertrekt men van de veronderstelling dat er een storing is in de normale werking van twee processen in de hersenen die met elkaar betrokken zijn. Bijvoorbeeld dat ze niet meer synchroon verlopen of dat er één van de twee gewoon niet geactiveerd wordt. Bij de neurologische categorie opperen wetenschappers dat er een neurologisch probleem aan de basis ligt, zoals veranderingen in de snelheid van signalen in onze hersenen.
De derde categorie vermoedt dat ons geheugen ons in de maling neemt. Zo zouden herinneringen onbewust onze beleving kunnen beïnvloeden. Tot slot is er nog de categorie die een verband ziet tussen de déjà vu en onze aandachtigheid of het gebrek daaraan. Zo zou je iets onbewust waarnemen doordat je afgeleid bent om het daarna opnieuw bewust waar te nemen wanneer je wel aandachtig bent. Hierdoor krijg je dat vertrouwd gevoel zonder te beseffen dat je het een fractie van een seconde geleden al beleefd hebt.
Tot nu toe blijft de wetenschap ons een antwoord schuldig. Misschien is dat in één van die categorieën te vinden, misschien ook in alle vier. De wetenschappers zoeken geestdriftig verder en ondertussen kunnen wij ons blijven laten verwonderen door een déjà vu.
Déjà Vu’ is vanaf donderdag 17 november om 21 uur te zien op Play4.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
JAXA’s Ambitious Mission to Phobos Will Even Have German-Built Rover
JAXA’s Ambitious Mission to Phobos Will Even Have German-Built Rover
Japan and Germany have a history of collaboration in scientific and technological endeavours. The countries have a Joint Committee on Cooperation in Science Technology that has met many times over the decades. Both countries have advanced, powerful economies and sophisticated technological know-how, so it makes sense they’d collaborate on scientific activities.
This time, their cooperation concerns a small, potato-shaped chunk of rock: Mars’ moon Phobos.
In 2024, the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) plans to launch the Martian Moons eXploration (MMX) mission to Phobos and Deimos. Deimos will get the fly-by treatment, but JAXA has more ambitious ideas for Phobos. They intend to land a spacecraft on Phobos—maybe twice—and collect samples for return to Earth. (JAXA has a track record of gathering samples from elsewhere, so don’t bet against them.)
The German Aerospace Center (DLR) will send a rover on the mission. The rover is called the MMX Rover, a small 25 kg (55 lb) wheeled vehicle that will be “dropped” on the surface of Phobos from a height of about 50 meters.
“With the MMX rover, we are breaking new ground in terms of technology because never before has an exploration vehicle with wheels travelled on a small celestial body with only one-thousandth of the Earth’s gravitational pull,” said Dr. Markus Grebenstein from the DLR Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics in Oberpfaffenhofen.
Getting the rover onto Phobos’ surface is not an ordinary landing procedure. The little vehicle will be dropped onto the moon and tumble as it falls. When it reaches the surface, it’ll need to right itself and get to work.
“As the rover free-falls onto Phobos following separation from the spacecraft, it will perform several ‘somersaults’ upon touchdown without damage and come to rest in an unpredictable position. From this situation, it must autonomously upright itself with the help of the propulsion system and unfold its solar panels,” said Grebenstein, DLR’s project manager for the MMX rover. “Finally, it will travel very carefully at only a few millimetres per second in order to retain contact with the ground with its special wheels despite the low gravity.”
Once there, it’ll use its instruments: a radiometer and a Raman spectrometer for in-situ measurements of the moon’s surface. Why those two?
It’s because of the questions around Phobos and its sibling, Deimos. Scientists aren’t sure if they’re captured asteroids from the main belt or elsewhere in the Solar System—possibly from as far away as the Kuiper Belt—or if they’re rubble pile asteroids that formed at Mars. Some evidence shows that they’re being torn apart by Mars’ gravity. They may even have been destroyed once already and reformed again, or they may be the result of an impact that sent Martian material into orbit, where it coalesced.
The Raman spectrometer will reveal Phobos’ mineralogical composition. Mineralogical composition is critical to understanding Phobos’ origins. Like any Solar System body, its composition tells scientists where it’s from. For instance, some elements are far more common in the inner Solar System, while others only form beyond the frost line.
The rover’s radiometer will measure the power of the moon’s electromagnetic radiation. It’ll be tuned to the infrared spectrum and effectively measure Phobos’ temperature. That helps lead to an understanding of the moon’s porosity, which scientists can compare to other Solar System bodies. Scientists can use that data to help understand the moon’s origins.
The rover will also have four cameras: two are for navigation, and two will monitor the wheels on the ground.
The mission’s crowning achievement will be the sample return. JAXA intends to outdo its impressive sampling achievement from the Hayabusa 2 mission. That mission returned samples of asteroid Ryugu that are carbon-rich fragments. They’ll help determine the source of water and organic molecules delivered to Earth.
With MMX, JAXA hopes to collect a much larger sample than the Ryugu sample, up to 100 times larger. Because of conditions on Phobos, the mission only has 90 minutes to collect samples before darkness returns, and the spacecraft needs to leave the surface. If all goes well, the sample will be back on Earth in 2029.
Those restraints won’t affect the rover. It’ll take its measurements and then die on Phobos, but first, it’ll contribute to the sampling operation. The MMX Rover will reach the surface first and help determine the landing spot for the Exploration Module. Data and images from the rover will also serve as a reference for the orbiter’s instruments.
There are layers of international cooperation on this mission. The MMX mission is Japan’s project, and the DLR will supply the rover. But Spain is helping develop the Raman spectrometer, and the French space agency is involved in the project, too.
So when the mission hopefully lands on Phobos and succeeds in collecting samples, there’ll be teams of jubilant scientists and engineers in several countries.
Big glowing UFO flying over Gainesville, Georgia YESTERDAY
Big glowing UFO flying over Gainesville, Georgia YESTERDAY
This bright unidentified flying object was seen and recorded in the night sky above the city of Gainesville, the county seat of Hall County, Georgia. This happened yesterday (on 16th November 2022).
Witness report:
As I was recording video in the direction of SW, I first observed one object for a few seconds then all the sudden I observed a closer object that was very bright and glowing in a oval shape heading from southwest to a northeastern direction. As I continued to record the object stayed in a straight direction and I finally observed the object just fade out and disappear.
UFO traveling at 72,000mph and sucking water from Michigan lakes revealed
UFO traveling at 72,000mph and sucking water from Michigan lakes revealed
More people reportedly saw a UFO in Michigan on March 8, 1994. According to reports, more than 300 people witnessed the incident.
In a recent Unsolved Mysteries episode, a chilling new detail about the incident was revealed. Hundreds of calls were made to the emergency services due to the incident.
Over 300 individuals reportedly saw objects flying in the sky that were capable of screaming at speeds of over 72,000 mph. Two of them said they watched in horror as the UFO sucked out fresh water using a technological feat.
Although the stories about the incident vary from one person to another, the similarities between the descriptions of the objects and the individuals who witnessed it are still apparent.
Reports stated that several objects, including lights, were spotted from various areas near the Great Lake. Reports also stated that the objects moved in a circular path.
Meteorologist Jack Bushong was working that night at the National Weather Service’s facility in the county airport in Michigan. While he was monitoring the incident, he confirmed that the reports about the UFOs were legitimate.
According to a radio operator, the objects were not airplanes. They were described as being as big as a half-inch thumbnail. They were moving at speeds of up to 12,000 feet. Three of them were heading toward Chicago.
Officer Jeff Velthouse of the Holland Police Department said that he saw multiple objects flying in the sky. He described them as white, green, and red.
Some people claimed that the objects looked like Christmas lights as they flew through the sky. Some campers also said they saw a UFO sucking freshwater using a strange mechanism.
According to Torres, the area around Lake Michigan is regarded as a potential UFO hotspot. The Great Lakes are the largest freshwater sources in North America.
After learning about the incident, Bushong met with Michael Swords, an ufologist, to try and solve the mystery behind the objects. The two worked together to create a map gallery that depicted the movement of the UFOs.
Despite the number of sightings, the exact nature of the UFOs is still unclear. According to a report by the Chicago Tribune in 1995, officials ruled out various objects such as gas balloons, military aircraft, and small planes.
According to Torres, he and Bushong are working together to try and solve the mystery of the incident. He said that they hope that the public will help them by watching the documentary, which will feature interviews with the ufologist and the people who witnessed the incident. He believes that if the objects were carrying alien life forms, they would have visited Earth to study human life.
During one of the tests, Nikola Tesla said that he was strange receiving radio signals coming from space. Tesla believed that someone was attempting to communicate with us through numbers since they’re a universal language. In later years, Tesla recounted his experience stating that a strange feeling was growing on him that he was the first to have been contacted by the extra-terrestrials.
Black Knight satellite conspiracy theory
There is something I don't understand. This black, thirteen thousand old satellite has been orbiting our Earth for centuries. No space travel nation has dared to visit this unknown spacecraft. Either they know who this ancient satellite belongs to and have been in contact with its creators for years, or they are afraid and it is a satellite that has to keep an eye on us . Are we prisoners on our own planet and only allowed to take space steps with their approval? I think it's worth a moment to think why all the world nations leave that satellite untouched..
Astronomers Have Just Seen the Most Distant Galaxy Ever Seen, but There’s a Problem!
The distances that prevail in the gigantic expanses of space often exceed our imagination. Sometimes some structures of the cosmos are so far away from us that even the light needs billions of years before it reaches our terrestrial field of view. Recently, experts were able to detect one of the most distant, and therefore oldest, galaxies in existence, though this spectacular discovery is still accompanied by some big questions. Why this is so, and what we have found out so far about this remote collection of stars, we reveal to you in today's video!
See Artemis 1's Orion spacecraft and Earth in stunning view from space
NASA's Orion spacecraft has captured imagery of Earth and itself during its trip to the moon on Nov. 16, 2022.
The red planet has been the object of scientist's fascination for a while now. In the past few years dozens of crewless spacecrafts including orbiters and rovers have been sent to Mars by the Soviet Union, United States, Europe, India, UAE and China in order to study the surface, climate and geology of the red planet. These missions have revealed a lot of strange and exciting secrets about Mars and have revolutionized the fields of astronomy and planetary science. Here are twenty most insane things NASA has found on Mars so far...
NASA shoots for the moon! $4 billion Artemis rocket that was feared 'doomed' after months of delays finally launches on a 25-day mission around the moon
NASA shoots for the moon! $4 billion Artemis rocket that was feared 'doomed' after months of delays finally launches on a 25-day mission around the moon
The launch of the Artemis I mission marks the first step in NASA's plan to return humans to the moon by 2025
It had been due to launch in August but series of delays linked to engine fears and storms pushed back lift-off
The $4 billion Space Launch System finally blasted into space at 01:47 EST (06:47 GMT) on Wednesday
The 25-day mission sees Orion capsule fly 60 miles above the moon at its closest before returning to Earth
If successful, NASA will send Artemis II on a trip around the moon as early as 2024, this time with human crew
Artemis III would see humans return to moon in 2025, possibly with first woman and/or first person of colour
Third time became the charm for NASA's attempt to launch the Artemis I mission - the rocket was successfully launched just before 2.00am EST (7:00am GMT) Wednesday morning on a 25-day mission around the moon.
The world's most powerful rocket took off from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida after NASA engineers quashed two earlier attempts at lift off.
Artemis sees an uncrewed Orion capsule circle the Earth's natural satellite and return to our planet after a 1.3 miIlion-mile voyage.
This is a historic launch that signals the first stage of the US space agency's goal to return people to the lunar surface for the first time in half a century.
If successful, the mission will be followed by a human trip around the moon in 2024 and could lead to the first woman and first person of colour following in Neil Armstrong's footsteps the year after.
However, after enduring fuel leak concerns, engine issues and escaping the clutches of not one but two hurricanes, the $4 billion (£3.5 billion) Space Launch System (SLS) has finally blasted into orbit.
Third time became the charm for NASA 's attempt to launch the Artemis I mission - the rocket was successfully launched just before 2.00am EST Wednesday morning on a 25-day mission around the moon
Artemis is a historic launch that signals the first stage of NASA's goal to return people to the lunar surface for the first time in half a century
The plan is to return humans to the moon on Artemis III by 2025 and ultimately to build a permanent lunar outpost with a view to exploring deeper into the cosmos
The stumbling block to this has been the numerous delays NASA's new mega moon rocket has faced, with its maiden launch date repeatedly pushed back since August
Space fans gather to watch as the Artemis I unmanned lunar rocket lifts off from launch pad 39B at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA
Despite its ultimate success, this launch was not without drama, as in the final few hours before lift-off, a 'red team' of engineers was sent out to the launch pad to tighten some bolts that would prevent a fuel leak
Despite its ultimate success, this launch was not without drama, as in the final few hours before lift-off, a 'red team' of engineers was sent out to the launch pad to tighten some bolts and stop a fuel leak.
However, at 01:47 EST (06:47 GMT), the rocket's four main R-25 engines and two boosters exploded into life, pushing the 32-storey rocket into the sky over Florida with 8.8 million pounds of thrust.
'We rise together, back to the moon and beyond,' said NASA's official commentator as the rocket took off.
About ten minutes later, the engines of the SLS rocket powered off and the core stage separated, as Artemis entered the Earth's orbit.
Then, at 03:42 (08:42 GMT), NASA announced that Orion had completed its 20-minute 'trans-lunar injection manoeuvre' that accelerated it to more than 22,600 mph (36,370 kph) and propelled it towards the moon.
Artemis' launch director Charlie Blackwell-Thompson told her cheering colleagues: 'You are part of a first – it doesn't come along very often, once in a career, maybe.
'We are all part of something incredibly special: the first launch of Artemis. The first step in returning our country to the moon and on to Mars. What you have done today will inspire generations to come.'
Ms Blackwell-Thompson added in a statement: 'On behalf of all the men and women across our great nation who have worked to bring this hardware together to make this day possible, and for the Artemis generation, this is for you.'
NASA is due to release breathtaking images taken of Earth from the Orion spacecraft at about 10am local time (3pm GMT).
At 03:42 (08:42 GMT), NASA announced that Orion had completed its 20-minute 'trans-lunar injection manoeuvre' that accelerated it to more than 22,600 mph (36,370 kph) and propelled it towards the moon
Artemis' launch director Charlie Blackwell-Thompson said: 'On behalf of all the men and women across our great nation who have worked to bring this hardware together to make this day possible, and for the Artemis generation, this is for you'
NASA's new mega moon rocket was dogged by a multitude of delays that repeatedly pushed back its historic maiden launch
After enduring fuel leak concerns, engine issues and escaping the clutches of not one but two hurricanes, the $4 billion (£3.5 billion) Space Launch System (SLS) has finally blasted into orbit
Artemis sees an Orion spacecraft circle the Earth's natural satellite and return to our planet after a 1.3 miIlion-mile voyage
An estimated 100,000 people gathered along the beaches and roads outside the Kennedy Space Center to witness lift-off early this morning.
This included 55-year-old Todd Garland, who drove 900 miles from Frankfurt, Kentucky to Cocoa Beach.
Wearing an Artemis T-shirt, he told AFP: 'This has been an experience I've looked forward to all my life.
'My first memory is my mother waking me up at two-years-old to watch the Moon landing and I've always wanted to see a launch ever since, and now I have.'
Kerry Warner, 59, a grandmother and semi-retired educator who lives in Florida, added the launch was 'part of America and what America is all about.'
Looking forward, NASA's plan is to return human boots to the moon on Artemis III by 2025 and ultimately to build a permanent lunar outpost with a view to exploring deeper into the cosmos.
It would be the first time people have walked on the moon since 1972.
Providing it is all successful, another flight is due to follow in 2024 – this time with astronauts on board – before human boots once again grace the lunar surface a year later as part of NASA's ambitious $93 billion (£63 billion) Artemis programme.
Here MailOnline answers everything you need to know about the Artemis I mission, including how you can track the flight live.
How can I follow Artemis?
An online tool is allowing people to monitor the Orion spacecraft as it travels to the moon and back again during the 25-day voyage.
The Artemis Real-time Orbit Website (AROW) provides imagery, data and all the latest news about the launch, and lets space fans track it in real-time.
Data collected by sensors on Orion and sent to the Mission Control Center at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston is used to provide real-time information - like distance from Earth and the moon - about the mission.
Tracking: The US space agency has revealed a way for the public to track the Orion spacecraft in real time. The Artemis Real-time Orbit Website (AROW) will provide imagery, data and all the latest news
NASA also reveled that it will make Orion's location data freely available for 'data lovers, artists, and creatives to make their own tracking app, data visualisation, or anything else they envision'
NASA also revealed that it will make Orion's location data freely available for 'data lovers, artists, and creatives to make their own tracking app, data visualisation, or anything else they envision.'
It added that while AROW was developed for the upcoming Artemis missions, it may use the same technology to offer visualisations of other space missions in the future.
Britain has an involvement in tracking Artemis I - the Goonhilly Earth Station in Cornwall will track the uncrewed Orion capsule and provide communications support for the mission.
Goonhilly is the world's only commercial deep space ground station. In 1969 the site was responsible for distributing live satellite feeds of the Apollo moon landing to people around the world.
Its GHY-6 deep space antenna will receive radio signals from the spacecraft over the six-week duration of its mission.
What does the mission involve?
Named after the twin sister of Apollo in Greek mythology, Artemis signifies the modern incarnation of the US space agency's Apollo programme, which sent astronauts to the moon for the first time.
At 322ft (98m) — rising 23 storeys above the launch-pad at Cape Canaveral — the rocket is slightly shorter than the Apollo Saturn V that took astronauts to the moon in the 1960s and 1970s.
However, its four RS-25 engines (the same as those used on the Space Shuttle), powered by both solid and liquid fuel, provide greater thrust and a far higher top speed of up to 24,500 mph. (The Saturn V rockets used only liquid fuel because the technology had not yet advanced sufficiently for anything else).
The Space Launch System (SLS) rocket will carry the Orion capsule to space for its 25-and-a-half day journey around the moon and then a splashdown in the Pacific Ocean on December 11
The Artemis 1 mission will see an uncrewed Orion spacecraft circle the moon and return to Earth after a 25-day, 1.3 miIlion-mile voyage
It needs that power to push a large spacecraft out of low-Earth orbit to the moon some 240,000 miles away.
The journey takes a few days and Orion will get as close as 60 miles (100km) from the lunar surface before firing its thrusters to move into orbit up to 40,000 miles (64,000km) away.
Ten shoebox-size secondary payloads, called CubeSats, are hitching a ride to space on Artemis I, while several other investigations are flying inside the Orion spacecraft during the flight test.
Each of the payloads will perform science and technology experiments in deep space, expanding our understanding of lunar science, technology developments, and deep space radiation.
During re-entry, Orion will emerge into the Earth's atmosphere at 25,000mph before splashing down off the California coast.
Artemis I is designed to show that the SLS rocket and Orion capsule are ready to carry astronauts for Artemis II, and ultimately the Artemis III mission to return humans to the moon.
It would mark the first time people have set foot on the lunar surface since December 1972, when the American astronaut Gene Cernan scratched his young daughter's initials in the dust next to his footprints before heading home.
245 x Silver Snoopy pins
1 x Snoopy Zero G Indicator
500 x Artemis 'Medallion' gold seal stickers for certificates
2,775 x Artemis I mission patches
1 x Lunar sample button (Apollo 11)
567 x American flags
1 x Artemis program rubber stamp
90 x Girl Scouts Space Science badges
1 x Written quote by Dr. Maria Zuber
1 x World Space Week lapel pin
1 x Sycamore Tree seeds
1 x USB drive (images, drawings, poems of space by citizens and students)
1 x Dead Sea pebble
1 x Wrapped pen nib & Peanuts comic strip
1x National Air and Space Museum – Apollo 8 Commemorative Medallion
Are there astronauts on board?
No — unless you count Shaun the Sheep, Snoopy or the dummy Commander Moonikin as crew.
This mission has no humans on board, but as long as everything goes smoothly and the Orion capsule splashes down to Earth as planned, then the hope is that a four-person crew can make a trip around the moon in 2024.
Instead of humans, a trio of human-sized test dummies stand in for the crew in the Orion capsule, their bodies swarming with sensors to measure radiation and vibration.
In the commander's seat is Commander Moonikin Campos — a tribute to electrical engineer Arturo Campos, who played a key role in getting the troubled Apollo 13 mission safely back to Earth in 1970.
Clad in a new Orion Crew Survival System spacesuit, the mannequin is providing NASA scientists with important data on what humans experience during a trip to the moon.
Two other mannequins named Helga and Zohar sit in the Orion's passenger seats, and they reflect the US space agency's determination that a manned flight to the moon will soon include a woman.
The dummies have torsos made of materials that mimic a woman's softer tissue, organs and bones.
They are fitted with some 5,600 sensors and 34 radiation detectors to measure the amount of radiation exposure they encounter during the mission.
One is wearing a radiation protection vest and the other isn't.
Scientists say that different organs have different susceptibility to space radiation, and understanding that will be essential to long-term space exploration.
Women generally have a higher risk of developing cancer, since they have more radiation-sensitive organs such as ovaries and breast tissue.
NASA has also revealed an Official Flight Kit list of items it sent on Artemis I, including 245 silver Snoopy pins, a Shaun the Sheep mascot, a Dead Sea pebble and 567 American flags.
Ahead of the launch of Artemis I, the US space agency revealed a list of items it was sending on the SLS rocket on its journey to the Earth's only natural satellite. They include a Shaun the Sheep mascot (pictured) and 567 American flags
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
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