The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
De meest sinistere vrijgegeven CIA-operaties De Central Intelligence Agency, beter bekend als de CIA, heeft sinds de officiële oprichting in 1947 angst, achterdocht en nieuwsgierigheid gewekt. Voordat het de CIA heette, stond het bekend als het Office of Strategic Services, en was het verantwoordelijk voor een aantal zaken. van de meest geheime operaties tijdens en na de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Als CIA is de organisatie berucht geworden vanwege haar schijnbare minachting voor het federale en internationale recht, en wordt ervan verdacht een aantal projecten af te handelen waar zelfs de president van de Verenigde Staten niet van op de hoogte is. Van het omverwerpen van regeringen en het organiseren van false flag-operaties tot het introduceren van een van 's werelds meest verslavende drugs in de VS: de geheime operaties van de CIA die aan het licht zijn gekomen, zijn op zijn minst fascinerend om over te lezen.
Gefascineerd? Lees verder voor meer informatie over enkele van de vrijgegeven daden van de CIA.
Het Manhattan Project Het Manhattan Project is misschien wel de meest bekende geheime operatie van de Amerikaanse regering en had verwoestende gevolgen. Het werd in 1939 gestart en geleid door Robert Oppenheimer en had het doel om de mogelijkheid te onderzoeken om atoomenergie als wapen in te zetten. Dat werd al snel duidelijk.
Het Manhattan Project In augustus 1945 werden twee atoombommen op de Japanse steden Hiroshima en Nagasaki gegooid, waarmee aan de wereld werd bewezen dat atoomenergie in feite als wapen kon worden gebruikt om onvoorstelbare schade en lijden aan te richten.
Project 1794 Het was een geweldige dag voor UFO-fans toen de Amerikaanse regering in 2012 een groot aantal documenten vrijgaf waarin het plan om een vliegende schotel te bouwen gedocumenteerd was. Hoewel de door de overheid uitgegeven schotel niet zou worden gebruikt voor buitenaardse ambities, zou het een geheim wapen zijn dat wordt gebruikt in de strijd tegen de Sovjets.
Project 1794 Project 1794 begon in de jaren vijftig en duurde niet lang. Het voorgestelde vliegtuig had een aantal hoge doelen om waar te maken, zoals een topsnelheid van vier keer de snelheid van het licht, een maximale hoogtebereik van 30.480 meter en een geschat prijskaartje van $ 26 miljoen. In 1961 werd na enkele voorbereidende tests geconcludeerd dat met de technologie van die tijd, deze doelen niet haalbaar waren.
Project MK-Ultra Dit project, bekend als MK-Ultra, was het uitgebreide onderzoek van de regering naar het gebruik van geestverruimende stoffen en hun vermogen om soldaten en burgers te hypnotiseren. Het werd in 1953 gestart en geleid door Sydney Gottlieb en kostte ten minste $ 10 miljoen ($ 87,5 wanneer rekening wordt gehouden met inflatie) aan belastinggeld om de effecten van verschillende chemicaliën, met name LSD, op nietsvermoedende proefpersonen te bestuderen.
Project MK-Ultra Talloze CIA-agenten en willekeurige personen kregen het medicijn toegediend zonder dat ze op de hoogte waren gesteld, een directe schending van de Neurenberg-code. Eén slachtoffer, een patiënt in een psychiatrische inrichting in Kentucky, kreeg 174 dagen lang elke dag LSD.
Operatie Paperclip Terwijl de Verenigde Staten en de Sovjet-Unie tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog nog bondgenoten waren, veranderde dat snel aan het begin van de Koude Oorlog. De landen werden vijanden van elkaar.
Operatie Paperclip Een van de meer twijfelachtige en weinig bekende strategieën die door de Amerikaanse regering zijn bedacht, stond bekend als Operatie Paperclip. De beste nazi-wetenschappers die niet waren berecht in de processen van Neurenberg, werden banen aanboden binnen de Amerikaanse regering. Veel van deze personen, waaronder een hooggeplaatst lid van de nazi-partij Wernher von Braun, zouden met NASA gaan werken aan hun ruimteprogramma.
Project Mockingbird Project Mockingbird was een geheime afluisteroperatie die werd uitgevoerd op bevel van president John F. Kennedy tussen maart en juni 1963. Het werd geheim gehouden tot 2001.
Project Mockingbird Het eerste doelwit van de telefoontaps was New York Times-verslaggever Hanson Baldwin. Hij had vertrouwelijke informatie in de krant gepubliceerd waarin de atoomarsenalen van de Verenigde Staten en de USSR in een artikel werden vergeleken. In de loop van de operatie werden echter ook twee andere journalisten aangevallen.
Operation Washtub Kort na het uitbreken van de Koude Oorlog begonnen de Verenigde Staten voorzorgsmaatregelen te nemen in het geval dat de Sovjet-Unie Amerikaans grondgebied zou binnendringen. Een van deze veiligheidsmaatregelen begon in de vroege jaren 1950 en werd Operation Washtub genoemd.
Operation Washtub Operatie Washtub bestond uit het in het geheim organiseren van een aantal gewone inwoners van Alaska tot een groep spionnen, decoders en potentiële verzetsstrijders. Deze groepen werden gewoonlijk opgericht door de CIA en de NAVO in heel Europa, maar de Washtub-groep was de enige waarvan bekend is dat die zich op Amerikaanse bodem begaf.
Acoustic Kitty Dit CIA-plan uit de Koude Oorlog kreeg de speelse bijnaam Acoustic Kitty en had het potentieel een revolutionair nieuw surveillance-systeem te worden. Acoustic Kitty ontstond in de jaren zestig en omvatte het chirurgisch plaatsen van een kleine microfoon in de gehoorgang van katten, die vervolgens werden losgelaten in de buurt van Sovjet-ambassades.
Acoustic Kitty Echter bleken de katten, zoals te verwachten was, niet zo goed in het opvolgen van bevelen. Nadat de eerste vierbenige agent bijna onmiddellijk werd aangereden door een taxi en nog een paar van het doel afdwaalden, werd het project beëindigd.
De ontvoering van Luna 3 In de jaren zestig was de Space Race in volle gang en nam de Sovjet-Unie de leiding. In 1959 hadden ze vanaf een afgelegen basis in Kazachstan met succes een raket, Luna 3, naar de maan gelanceerd, waar het het eerste ruimtevaartuig werd dat de donkere kant van de maan bereikte en fotografeerde.
De ontvoering van Luna 3 Toen Luna 3 terugkeerde naar de aarde, stuurden de Sovjets het op een publiciteitstour. De CIA, die natuurlijk alles wilde weten over deze baanbrekende satelliet, brak tijdens een nacht in de vrachtwagen die de raket vervoerde. De satelliet werd in één nacht volledig gedemonteerd en van elk onderdeel werden foto's gemaakt. Het ruimtevaartuig werd voor het ochtendgloren weer in elkaar gezet. Blijkbaar is de Sovjet-Unie er nooit achter gekomen. Tenminste, toentertijd.
De herverdeling van 'Doctor Zhivago' Kunst en literatuur zijn altijd al een van de meest waardevolle wapens geweest in een cultuuroorlog. Hierdoor kunnen boeken om verschillende redenen worden verbannen. In de Sovjet-Unie werden talloze boeken verboden en werden auteurs gecensureerd omdat ze 'antirevolutionair' of aanspoorde tot individualisme waren. Een van deze boeken die tijdens de Koude Oorlog verboden was, was de Russische klassieker 'Doctor Zhivago' van Boris Pasternak (foto).
De herverdeling van 'Doctor Zhivago' De CIA had 'Doctor Zhivago' gelezen en zag het als manier om de SU in verlegenheid te brengen. Met de hulp van Nederlandse uitgevers en diplomaten van het Vaticaan heeft de CIA ongeveer 1.000 exemplaren van de roman laten drukken en verspreid op de Wereldtentoonstelling van 1958.
Operatie Mongoose Als er iets is waar de CIA vooral om bekend staat, dan is het wel het helpen afzetten van buitenlandse leiders. In de jaren zestig gaf het bureau vooral prioriteit aan de moord op of het ontslag uit het ambt van de Cubaanse revolutionaire leider Fidel Castro. Onder de codenaam Operatie Mongoose werden tussen 1961 en 1963 een hele reeks mislukte moordpogingen uitgevoerd.
Operatie Mongoose Operatie Mongoose was verantwoordelijk voor meer dan 600 aanslagen op Castro's leven. Enkele van de meer creatieve plannen waren gasvormige LSD, het omkopen van de Amerikaanse gangster Sam Giancana (foto) om een aanslag te plegen, en vergiftigd ijs.
Project Iceworm Een van de problemen van vroege nucleaire raketten was hun beperkte bereik, wat een bijzonder hinderlijk obstakel was wanneer je potentiële doelwit een paar duizend kilometer verderop ligt. Een van de manieren waarop de Amerikaanse regering, met de hulp van de CIA, dit probleem probeerde te omzeilen, was door geheime raketsilo's te bouwen in de poolcirkel, onder de Groenlandse ijskap.
Project Iceworm Zeven jaar lang was Denemarken zich totaal niet bewust van het complex dat onder hun grondgebied werd gebouwd. Het project werd uiteindelijk in 1966 afgeblazen, nadat verschuivingen in de ijskap het plan onhaalbaar maakten.
Project Horizon In 1959, 10 jaar voordat NASA met succes een man op de maan zette, maakte de Amerikaanse regering enkele uiterst optimistische plannen voor een aantal permanente militaire bases op de maan, onder de naam Project Horizon.
Project Horizon De buitenposten, die in 1966 operationeel hadden moeten zijn, zouden 147 shuttles nodig hebben gehad om al het benodigde materiaal te vervoeren en zouden worden bemand door 16 Amerikaanse soldaten. President Dwight D. Eisenhower sloot het project snel af toen de verantwoordelijkheid voor ruimteverkenning van interne agentschappen naar NASA was verplaatst.
De ongeoorloofde surveillance van de FBI De FBI, een iets minder geheimzinnig agentschap van de regering van de VS, kwam in 2015 onder wijdverbreide controle te staan nadat een onderzoeksrapport gepubliceerd door de Associated Press onthulde dat ze het Amerikaanse volk van bovenaf hadden gesurveilleerd.
De ongeoorloofde surveillance van de FBI Het rapport legde uit dat de FBI kleine vliegtuigen had gebruikt die waren geregistreerd voor nep-private bedrijven in het hele land om mobiele telefoongesprekken af te luisteren en videobeelden van boven op te nemen. Binnen een periode van 30 dagen werden deze bewakingsvliegtuigen gespot in 30 verschillende Amerikaanse steden.
De nucleaire testen op Bikini Atoll Als je aan nucleaire testlocaties denkt, dan stel je je dat waarschijnlijk voor als een desolaat gebied. Echter is een van de zwaarst gebombardeerde locaties in de Amerikaanse geschiedenis, een paradijs in de Stille Oceaan.
De nucleaire testen op Bikini Atoll Direct na het einde van de Tweede Wereldoorlog en de bombardementen op Hiroshima en Nagasaki gingen de kernproeven op volle kracht door op de Marshalleilanden, met name op het Bikini-atol, waar tussen 1946 en 1958 23 atoombommen tot ontploffing werden gebracht. Deze eilanden waren oorspronkelijk niet onbewoond. De bijna 200 inwoners, die de eilanden hun thuis noemden, werden met geweld verjaagd.
De B-52-crash in 1968 In 1968 maakte een B-52-bommenwerpervliegtuig met vier atoombommen, routinerondes rond de Thule-luchthavenbasis van Groenland toen het onverwacht neerstortte. De autoriteiten gingen daarna onmiddellijk op zoek naar de nucleaire lading van het vliegtuig en vertelden kort daarna dat ze de volledige lading hadden veiliggesteld. Pas in 2008 rapporteerde de BBC over geheime documenten waaruit bleek dat een van de bommen nooit was gevonden.
30 vreemde feiten over DNA die je nog niet wist Het menselijk lichaam herbergt veel mysteries, en 's werelds grootste onderzoekers houden nooit op zich te verdiepen in de bouwstenen van het leven: DNA.
Van het detecteren van een risico op een bepaalde ziekte tot het oplossen van een strafzaak: de ontdekking van DNA heeft ons leven voor altijd veranderd. Maar als je dacht dat je alles al wist over dit integrale deel van ons lichaam, denk dan nog eens goed na. Bereid je voor om versteld te staan van deze vreemde feiten over wat wetenschappers James Watson en Francis Crick omschrijven als het ‘geheim van het le
Ontdekking van DNA Nobelprijswinnaars James Watson en Francis Crick zijn niet degenen die DNA hebben ontdekt, in tegenstelling tot wat vaak wordt gedacht. In werkelijkheid werd DNA voor het eerst geïdentificeerd door de Zwitserse chemicus Friedrich Miescher in 1869.
Genoom Het volledige DNA van een organisme, met al zijn genen, wordt een genoom genoemd. Een menselijk genoom bevat maar liefst drie miljard basenparen DNA.
Het menselijk genoom typeren Stel je voor dat je 60 woorden per minuut typt en dat je dat acht uur per dag doet. Het zou je ongeveer 50 jaar kosten om het volledige menselijke genoom te kunnen typen.
DNA beïnvloed door omgeving Iemands omgeving heeft invloed op zijn DNA. Hoewel het niet volledig verandert, beïnvloedt het wel de manier waarop de genen werken. Dit is bijvoorbeeld de reden waarom sommige mensen hariger of donkerder zijn dan anderen.
Genmutatie Veranderingen in genetische informatie worden mutaties genoemd. Veranderingen in het DNA van een organisme kunnen leiden tot veranderingen in alle aspecten van het leven.
Wat veroorzaakt genmutatie? Veel factoren kunnen een genmutatie veroorzaken: omgevingsfactoren zoals UV-straling van de zon, tabak, chemicaliën zoals drugs, enzovoort.
Forensisch onderzoek naar wilde dieren DNA wordt ook gebruikt in de forensische wetenschap van wilde dieren om misdaden tegen wilde dieren op te lossen en de stropers te identificeren.
Naar de zon en terug Als het mogelijk zou zijn om al het DNA in het lichaam van een mens uit te rekken, zou er genoeg DNA zijn om meer dan 300 keer naar de zon en terug te gaan. Let wel, de zon is 150 miljoen km van de aarde verwijderd!
Doorgegeven van ouder aan kind De helft van het DNA van een kind wordt geërfd van elke ouder. Dit betekent dat elke ouder de helft van zijn DNA doorgeeft aan zijn kind via seksuele bevruchting.
Vingerafdrukken Hoewel eeneiige tweelingen 100% van hun genen delen, hebben ze geen identieke vingerafdrukken. Maar omdat hun identieke genen hen zeer gelijkaardige patronen geven, is hun DNA bijna niet te onderscheiden. Dit betekent in feite dat als een eeneiige tweeling zijn DNA achterlaat op een plaats delict, het voor een misdaadlab onmogelijk is om de twee van elkaar te onderscheiden.
Perfecte misdaad De Duitse politie kon een sieradenoverval niet oplossen, zelfs niet nadat ze DNA op de plaats delict hadden gevonden. Het DNA-bewijs kwam overeen met twee eeneiige tweelingen, maar omdat ze allebei de misdaad ontkenden en omdat het onmogelijk was om het DNA aan een van hen te koppelen, liepen ze vrijuit.
Kaviaar DNA-tests worden niet alleen gebruikt voor mensen, maar ook voor het authentificeren van voedsel zoals goede wijn of kaviaar, om legale kaviaar van illegale te onderscheiden.
Levende harde schijf DNA is efficiënter dan welke harde schijf dan ook. Wetenschappers van Harvard zijn erin geslaagd om ongeveer 700 terabytes aan gegevens op te slaan in één gram DNA.
Verschillend DNA In zeldzame gevallen komt het voor dat één persoon twee verschillende sets DNA heeft. Bijvoorbeeld wanneer een embryo zijn eigen tweelingbroer in de baarmoeder opneemt.
Niet betrouwbaar DNA-bewijs kan om verschillende redenen onbetrouwbaar zijn in een rechtszaal. Eén reden is de zogenaamde ‘secundaire overdracht’ of ‘toevallige overdracht’, waarbij het DNA van een onschuldige man op een plaats delict kon worden gevonden nadat hij de crimineel de hand had geschud.
DNA-schade Het DNA ondergaat tot een miljoen beschadigingen per dag in elke lichaamscel. Deze schade wordt gerepareerd dankzij de reparatie-eiwitten die door de cellen worden gestuurd. Als dit mislukt, kunnen de cellen worden vernietigd of omgezet in kankercellen.
Uri Geller claims 'alien mothership lurking in solar system and could be watching us'
Uri Geller claims 'alien mothership lurking in solar system and could be watching us'
Uri Geller's shock at seeing a UFO in an image sent to him by an Israeli Lieutenant Colonel led to an embarrassing moment for the spoon bender, with the image deemed a fake soon after posting
Uri Geller's UFO encounter was proved bogus soon after he posted of the 'time warp' possibilities
(Image: theurigeller/Twitter)
Illusionist Uri Geller is convinced there is an alien mothership floating around our solar system, keeping tabs on our day-to-day activities.
Spoon bender Geller, 77, took to Twitter/X and was seemingly stunned by a photograph of a UFO. But further research into the image revealed it was not the alien encounter he had believed it to be.
Writing on the social media platform, Geller sent out two photos sent to him by an Israeli Lieutenant Colonel of what was, at first, believed to be a floating ship in the skies of Israel.
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One community note later and Geller is looking a bit red faced after heralding the visit of aliens, when actually he was looking at an edited street lamp.
He wrote: "This photograph was taken by an Israeli Lieutenant Colonel who is a close friend, he was driving today by a sensitive installation in Southern Israel when he photographed this strange looking object simply hanging in the sky then he says it simply shot away!
"Alien mothership lurking in our solar system could be watching us with tiny probes, Pentagon official suggests!" Geller later suggested the incident could be an observation of a "time warp".
He added: "A draft paper by a Harvard scientist and the head of the Pentagon's UFO office has raised the idea an alien mothership could be in the solar system, sending out tiny probes dubbed 'dandelion seeds' to explore the planets within.
"Please all of you try to decipher this strange object in the photo and let me know what YOU think it is. Could this be some type of time warp?"
As it turned out, the answer to Geller's burning question was a resounding "no" as members of the public found the original photo of the alleged aircraft.
The UFO in question was actually a doctored image of a street lamp, which had its base digitally edited out and the subsequent result was enough to trick spoon-bending legend Geller into believing he had encountered life from another planet.
This day in UFO history: The Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident of 1980
This day in UFO history: The Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident of 1980
In the quiet, wintry scape of Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk, a series of events unfolded during the Christmas season of 1980 that would etch its name into UFOlogy annals forever. Known as Britain’s Roswell, the Rendlesham Forest UFO incidentstands as a seminal and compelling narrative in the realm of unexplained phenomena.
The Encounter Begins
It all commenced in the early hours of December 26, 1980. Military personnel from the nearby RAF Woodbridge witnessed an inexplicable array of lights descending into the dense forestry. Compelled by the possibility of a downed aircraft, they ventured into the darkness, only to encounter something far beyond their understanding. What they found was not the wreckage of a plane, but a strange, metallic, triangular craft, capable of moving through the trees with an eerie, almost otherworldly agility.
Continued Sightings and Enigmatic Evidence
Over subsequent nights, the phenomena only escalated. More lights were seen, beams of unknown origin were spotted descending into the base, and personnel reported strange, static-filled voices on their radios. Perhaps the most unsettling was the radiation levels found at the supposed landing site, which were anomalously high. The physical effects reported by those who ventured near the craft included symptoms resembling radiation exposure, adding a layer of urgency and danger to the already baffling occurrences.
Government Response and Public Fascination
The UK Ministry of Defence’s stance was one of dismissive caution; it deemed the event as posing no threat to national security and thus unworthy of further investigation. This, however, did little to quell the public’s fascination or the conviction of those who had witnessed the events firsthand. The witnesses, many of them seasoned military personnel, were adamant about what they had seen and experienced, insisting on the presence of an unidentified craft of unknown origin.
The Legacy and Lasting Questions
Decades have passed since the lights first appeared in Rendlesham Forest, yet the incident remains a captivating enigma. Despite numerous theories ranging from lighthouse beams to top-secret aircraft, no explanation has fully accounted for all the witnessed events and gathered evidence. The Rendlesham Forest UFO incident continues to be a focal point for UFO enthusiasts and researchers, a case that seemingly resists conventional explanation and fuels the universal human quest for answers about what may lie beyond our understanding.
In a world where the search for extraterrestrial life has never been more intense, the Rendlesham Forest incident stands as a testament to the enduring allure of the unknown. It’s a story that continues to provoke, challenge, and inspire, a reminder that perhaps, in the vastness of the cosmos, we are not alone.
First Contact. It’s a topic guaranteed to inspire a mix of emotions in people. It’s also one of the most fascinating SF scenarios we can imagine. What will people do when “they” appear? Or when we find evidence of life elsewhere in the Universe? For answers, one suggestion is to turn to a discipline called “exosociology”.
According to a paper released recently by German researcher Andreas Anton and his partners, exosociology tackles the big questions that first contact raises. Will we be ready? What will we do when ET appears? And, what can the world’s societies do to prepare themselves? That paper delves into the answers and reviews the many ways humans will act when we discover we’re not alone in the cosmos.
You’d think that with all the signal hunting and exoplanet discoveries in the news, we would be ready for visitors from beyond. Anton and his colleagues suggest that with all our scientific expertise in space exploration, we still don’t have what it takes to prepare completely for “first contact”. We need to learn to communicate with those aliens. And, even more important, we need to understand our own reactions when they do appear. What we do and say will be part of the social and political response not only from scientists, but from world leaders and others who will deal with people’s reactions.
Communication is Key
Now, as it turns out, humanity isn’t totally without experience in communicating with alien “others”. Our entire history is one of learning to send messages between cultures that don’t always speak the same language (with variable results). But, that supposes that we have humans trying to talk to each other. What about communications with beings who don’t share our body type, brain abilities, or even sensory apparatus? There’s precedent. Very recently, scientists reported some success in communicating with whales—an entirely different species. And, there have been other efforts, such as simulating a message from aliens as practice. Can we apply what we learn in those efforts to communications with “alien cultures”? It’s possible, but we need a whole new research discipline to do it.
Andreas Anton and his colleagues suggest that communicating with aliens is very much a part of exosociology. Starting with other life forms here on Earth is a great idea. “Communications with other species on Earth is a topic of interest to exosociology”, he wrote in an email. “Communication with extraterrestrial entities could present us with enormous challenges, contrary to what is often depicted in science fiction. We could have to deal with entities for whom we cannot even begin to assume similar sensory channels, perceptual spaces, spatiotemporal orientations, etc. We refer to such a situation as a confrontation with the “maximum stranger”. The more we learn about interaction and communication with species on our planet, the better communication and interaction with extraterrestrials could succeed.”
What Will First Contact with Aliens Be Like?
Anyone who reads or watches science fiction can cite their favorite stories about the inevitable meeting between ET and humans. They range from evil aliens in “War of the Worlds” and “Mars Attacks” to benevolent beings like those in “Childhood’s End”, “E.T.”, and “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” (to name a few). SF is one way to imagine what it will be like. However, Anton and his team looked beyond science fiction and analyzed a few more likely scenarios for first contact.
The first one they looked at is the “signal” scenario. Essentially, this is the “intercept a signal from far away” that forms the basis of current SETI search programs. Someday we’ll pick up a signal from outer space, similar in content to the one in the movie “Contact”. The chances are pretty good that it traveled a very long distance. That means any kind of “instant communication” back and forth is going to be tough. But, it would signal to us in a very clear way that we’re not alone, even if ET is thousands of light-years away. It would probably spur scientists to ramp up their searches for more signals from other civilizations. Not only that, but a whole cottage industry would spring up of people trying to decipher the messages. Maybe they’d even figure out a way to reply.
Of course, if the signal is from a nearby civilization, Anton, et al, write, “On the one hand, this could lead to national and international efforts to establish a dialog or even direct contact through space travel. On the other hand, fears about the consequences of contact among the terrestrial population are likely to increase with decreasing distance. A signal from a comparatively short distance would add an element of uncertainty to individual and collective (political, economic) planning for the future.”
First Contact and Technosignatures of ET
Another scenario doesn’t involve any kind of active contact. Instead, it assumes that we find evidence of past or present technological civilizations. That could be the discovery of a Dyson sphere around a distant planet, for example. Or, perhaps signals from weapons used during a long-ago war in a faraway stellar system. Like the “signal” scenario, the social and societal effects of technosignatures would also depend on distance. Finding evidence of something many thousands of light-years away isn’t likely to excite as much interest as one made fairly close by. But, the paper makes clear that the mere existence of these technological “clues” would affect our science and sociology in many ways. The authors write, “The scientific community would go to great lengths to learn more about the nature and capabilities of these extraterrestrial civilizations.” And, of course, there would be political and social ramifications.
Let’s say that somebody spots a Dyson sphere around a world. As a result, it’s possible that floodgates of funding would open up to help us understand that discovery. Whole new branches of science could develop as we figure out if we, too, could create one of these objects. Exosociology would benefit, too, as the authors point out. “In addition, the discovery of a technosignature would also have a strong impact on the social sciences and humanities and lead to new fields of research and questions. One of the central questions here is likely to be: What reasonable conclusions can be drawn about the extraterrestrial civilization from the discovered technological markers?”
An even bigger question deals with the political sphere. How will the leaders of Earth’s civilizations communicate the discovery of alien tech to their people? If the discovery was of a Dyson sphere, it could lead our political leaders to involve the military. Or, they might give more funding to science institutions to understand it. Of course, there’s always a question about whether the civilization that created the sphere poses a threat to us. That engenders another set of questions, along with planning for an “evil alien” scenario.
Meeting Aliens and Finding Spacecraft
Then there is the scenario of aliens showing up here on Earth. One of the more endearing traditions among Trekkies (fans of Star Trek) is to celebrate “First Contact Day” each year on April 5th. It commemorates the future date (in 2063) when humans and Vulcans first meet. It’s a lovely idea and presents a much-dreamed-about fictional interpretation of a benevolent meetup. We can only hope that it will happen that way. Certainly, such an encounter will also have incredibly profound effects on human societies.
If we DO end up having extraterrestrial visitors land on Earth for a visit, that brings us back to some important questions. How do we communicate with them? Should we fear them? Can we take advantage of their knowledge to improve our own science and societies? The communication challenge is something we’re working on now, with the whale project. However, beyond that, humans have shown throughout their history that communicating with “others” is problematic. It often leads to misunderstanding, wrong assumptions, and in the worse case, war. So, we need to focus on the “contact” part of “first contact”. That means improving our methods of communication and understanding among ourselves (and other species on THIS planet) if we want to have any hope of doing the same with ET, when and if they get here.
In recent years, another type of “contact” has been touted by a Harvard scientist who is convinced that an interstellar asteroid is, in fact, an alien spaceship. There’s little evidence to support that idea, and rather more scientific data to show that the rock (called ‘Oumuamua) is a rocky alien asteroid taking a trip through our solar system. But, it certainly excited a lot of talk and scientific interest. So that raises the question: what if we did find an alien artifact in our solar system?
There’d be a cultural impact as people rush to understand what it is, how old it is, and where it originated. And, that would ripple out through the science, political, and social science communities. The spacecraft would represent a technology that we’d like to have for ourselves and our own future space travel. Its existence would probably spur a race among countries to be the first to exploit that information.
So, How Do We Prepare for First Contact?
Right now, we’re lucky. We don’t have any solid evidence of life elsewhere or aliens on this planet. That lets us be a little bit ignorant about what to do since we haven’t had to worry about it. But, we should be prepared because everything will change when first contact is made. So, we need to be ready. Anton and his co-authors suggest the following: we think of the search for extraterrestrial intelligence as a high-risk research project that needs to be discussed openly. It’s a global risk, not just confined to one country. It’s also not just a scientific endeavor and any research done to discover other civilizations needs to be shared across all governments and political systems.
If first contact takes place, it’s going to be a global concern and international institutions will be involved. They’ll likely want to draw up policies and regulations, probably at the level of the United Nations. However, that doesn’t mean it becomes a secret. The first contact of any kind will be an incredibly extraordinary event. It will change the way we think about ourselves, our societies, and our planet. And, if history is any guide, we can either do it right, with advance preparation. Or, we can muddle through and hope that Mars doesn’t attack, or aliens with a hunger for more than knowledge of other species don’t see us as a tasty smorgasbord in space.
Questions Remain on Chinese Rocket That Created an Unusual Double Crater on the Moon
In November, we reported how an impact on the Moonfrom a Chinese Long March rocket booster created an unusual double crater. For a single booster to create a double crater, some researchers thought there must have been an additional – perhaps secret – payload on the forward end of the booster, opposite from the rocket engines. But that may not necessarily be the case.
Other researchers feel the extra mass wasn’t anything secretive, but possibly an inert structure such as a payload adapter added to the rocket to support the primary mission payload.
Chang’e 5-T1 was an experimental robotic spacecraft, launched on October 23, 2014, by the China National Space Administration (CNSA) to test out the return capsule design planned for use on the future Chang’e 5 mission, China’s first-ever sample-return effort. Chang’e 5 landed on the Moon in November 2020 and successfully gathered lunar samples from the Moon’s Ocean of Storms region, with the container landing back on Earth on December 16, 2020.
Before engaging in the first sample return effort for the country (and first in over forty years), China wanted to test out procedures and their sample return capsule. That was one of the 5 T-1 mission’s goals.
“The rocket was carrying a ‘Service Module’ satellite with a sample return capsule attached,” said Phillip Stooke, professor emeritus at the University of Western Ontario, in an email to Universe Today. “It would need a fairly substantial support structure (called a payload adaptor) to support the mass against the vibration and acceleration of launch.”
Stooke explained how the Service Module flew around the Moon and back to Earth, where it released the capsule to test its ability to survive atmospheric re-entry. Then the Service Module headed back out to the Earth-Moon L2 point, staying there for a few months before entering a low lunar orbit, possibly to perform a gravity mapping mission. The Service Module is still in lunar orbit.
“The combination Service Module and capsule had a mass of 2,500 kg – 2.5 tons,” Stooke said, “so it can’t just sit on top of the rocket’s fuel tanks. I can’t guess at the mass [of the payload adapter] but it would be quite significant.”
Payload adaptors for medium-sized payloads can weigh anywhere from 135 Kg (300 lbs.) to 225 kg (500 lbs) or more.
Chang’e 5-T1 did also have additional payloads, but they were small (and known to be onboard) and couldn’t account for the mass large enough to create a second crater. The two payloads were a small radiation exposure experiment for bacteria and plants, as well as the first commercial payload to the Moon called the 4M mission (Manfred Memorial Moon Mission) for the German space technology company OHB System, in honor of the company’s founder, Manfred Fuchs, who died in 2014. That payload weighed only 14 kilograms but contained two scientific instruments: a radio beacon to test a new approach for locating spacecraft and a radiation dosimeter (provided by the Spanish company iC-Málaga) to continuously measure radiation levels throughout the satellite’s circumlunar journey. The 4M mission was mounted in the equipment bay of the booster.
“There would be no reason to suspect the rocket had anything else attached to it other than 4M and the usual flight electronics,” said citizen scientist Scott Tilley, who monitors the orbits of artificial satellites of the Earth and the Moon. “There would also be some extra mass to support the payload adapter and related structure for supporting the payload stack, which was likely at the limit of the rocket’s capabilities. Consider this is the first mission they launched toward the Moon with stacked payload. It would have likely been more complex to mount and secure it than the other payloads, which were more self-contained.”
The ongoing debate on the extra mass and what it might be would not have ensued if not for two things: the unusual double crater created by this booster’s impact and the denial by Chinese foreign ministry officials that the space junk and the impact is from their rocket. They insist that the Chang’e 5T-1 rocket already burned up on its return trip to Earth in 2014. However, on March 1, 2022, the U.S. Department of Defense’s Space Command, which tracks low-Earth orbit space junk, released a statement saying that China’s 2014 rocket never de-orbited.
Additionally, Chinese officials have never commented on the nature of the double crater.
The crater was imaged by NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO).
A team of researcher from the University of Arizona discovered the errant booster (it was initially thought to be an asteroid), tracking its movements to determine it came from the Chang’e 5-T1 mission. They also conducted spectroscopic analysis of the object from ground-based telescope observations during several Earth flybys, which showed conclusively that the object was the Long March 3C rocket body from the Chang’e 5-T1 mission. They were able to predict approximately where and when the booster would impact the Moon, which was why the LRO team could search for and easily find the impact crater in their data.
Everyone was surprised the impact created a double crater. No other rocket body impacts on the Moon created double craters, as seen in these images of craters from four Saturn rocket boosters from Apollos 13, 14, 15, 17.
The researchers from the University of Arizona said there had to be additional, undisclosed mass at the front end of the rocket body.
“The results from the Bayesian analysis imply that there may have been additional mass on the front of the rocket body,” wrote Tanner Campell, Vishnu Reddy and several others in their paper “Physical Characterization of Moon Impactor WE0913A.” “Comparing the pre- and post-impact images of the location shows two distinct craters side by side that were made by the Chang’e 5-T1 R/B. The double crater supports the hypothesis that there was additional mass at the front end of the rocket body, opposite the engines, in excess of the published mass of the secondary permanently affixed payload.”
Asked about the payload adaptor as the possible culprit for the excess mass, team member Vishnu Reddy didn’t want to venture a guess without more data.
“It is hard to speculate on the support structure because we are not aware of anything like that on usual boosters sent to the Moon,” he said.
Tilley told Universe Today that among both amateur and professional satellite and rocket trackers, it is known that China’s space agency has “struggled” in the past with their aim for having these type boosters to re-enter the Earth’s atmosphere or get ejected from the Earth-Moon system to properly dispose of the object.
“The Chinese expected the rocket to re-enter the Earth’s atmosphere,” Tilley explained, noting details in a paper by LuxSpace, the company that operated the 4M mission. “That didn’t happen so it seems that part of their mission failed, which is likely why the Chinese denied it was their rocket later on.”
Subsequently, however, more recent missions, such as the booster for the Chang’e 5 sample return mission successfully re-entered Earth’s atmosphere and was properly disposed of.
Another question about the impact is understanding the dynamics of why a single booster, even if it had substantial weight at each end, would create a double crater.
“Regarding the double crater,” Vishnu explained, “I think the booster impacted at a near vertical angle, so the engines created the first crater and the secondary mass toppled over and created the second crater.” Vishnu added, however, it is also possible that if the booster was tumbling and happened to be horizontal when it hit, it could create the two craters.
But like much of this unusual space drama story, questions still remain.
“That is why we leave the actual mechanism for a future paper when we have better data to model,” Vishnu said.
Watch 14 Years of Gamma-Ray Observations in This Fascinating NASA Video
The Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, named in honor of noted physicist Enrico Fermi, has been in operation for almost a decade and a half, monitoring the cosmos for gamma rays. As the highest-energy form of light, these rays are produced by extremely energetic phenomena – like supernovae, neutron stars, quasars, and gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). In honor of this observatory’s long history, NASA’s Goddard Spaceflight Center has released a time-lapse movie that shows data acquired by the Fermi Space Telescope between August 2008 and August 2022.
The movie shows gamma rays with energies above 200 million electron volts (MeV), where brighter colors indicate more intense gamma-ray sources detected by Fermi’s Large Area Telescope (LAT) during its 14-year run. The movie also shows the gamma-ray sky from two perspectives. First, there’s the rectangular view that shows a full-sky view with the central plane of the Milky Way Galaxy in the center. The disk glows predominantly from gamma rays produced by cosmic rays striking interstellar gas and starlight.
Other tiny light sources indicate the presence of neutron stars and supernova remnants, with cosmic sources peppered about the cosmic background. The second perspective shows what the gamma-ray sky looks like when Fermi is oriented towards Galactic North and South (or “up” and “down” relative to the galactic disk). This perspective allows astronomers to view gamma-ray sources in the extra-galactic sky, including distant galaxies with active nuclei (aka. quasars). The central plane of our galaxy wraps around the edges of both circles, where its brightness is suppressed, and our view of active galaxies in the distant Universe is improved.
The Sun can occasionally be seen passing into view and flaring against the background of high-energy sources within our galaxy and beyond. The brightest extra-galactic sources are blazars, or galaxies that host central black holes of a million Solar masses or more. These supermassive black holes (SMBH), as they’re called, produce jets of superheated material that travel at a fraction of the speed of light (aka. relativistic jets). For some blazars, Fermi could look almost directly down some of these jets, enhancing their brightness and variability.
When these galaxies flare, their central regions temporarily outshine all the stars in their disk. These flare-ups also cause them to temporarily become the brightest objects in the gamma-ray sky, then fade to obscurity. Many of these galaxies are billions of light-years away, meaning that flare-ups occurred when Earth and the Solar System were still young (or didn’t even exist yet!) Not seen in the time-lapse are many short-duration events, such as gamma-ray bursts, resulting from data processing designed to sharpen the images.
Miniaturized Jumping Robots Could Study An Asteroid’s Gravity
Missions focusing on small bodies in the solar system have been coming thick and fast lately. OSIRIS-Rex, Psyche, and Rosetta are all examples of projects that planned or did rendezvous with a small body in the solar system. But one of their biggest challenges is understanding the gravity of these bodies – which was especially evident when Philae, Rosetta’s lander, had a hard time staying on the surface of its intended comet. A new idea from researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory could help solve that problem – by bouncing small probes around.
The concept, called Gravity Poppers, resulted from a NIAC grant back in 2020. The idea is simple enough – release a bunch of probes onto the surface of a small body and have them periodically jump off it. When they do so, keep track of them. If you know the force they jumped off with and can track them as they return to the surface, you can estimate the gravity of the area they’re floating over more accurately than alternative techniques.
Scientists use three main alternative techniques to calculate the gravity of small bodies – radar tomography, seismic imaging, and gravimetry. Each has disadvantages that the Gravity Poppers can overcome.
Radar tomography uses reflections of radio signals to estimate what the gravity is like in a particular area. However, it’s difficult to penetrate the deeper sections of a small body. Some materials don’t reflect electromagnetic waves at all, making it impossible to characterize areas with these materials.
Seismic imaging is commonly used on Earth. By tracking the movement of seismic waves across the surface of a body, scientists can estimate the gravity of regions surrounding them. However, some small bodies, especially asteroids, are just piles of rubble with no internal coherent structure. Seismic waves don’t do very well in such environments. Ryugu, the asteroid Hayabusa-2 visited, absorbed the seismic energy of an impact event such that the spacecraft couldn’t even discern any changes in its surface features.
Gravimetry is the most straightforward of the three techniques and requires the least equipment onboard the spacecraft. How does the small body pull on the spacecraft orbiting it? As it passes over different regions, does the gravity increase or decrease? However, measuring gravity from far away isn’t easy, as orbits tend to be relatively far away. So, the accuracy of this technique is relatively low.
Enter Gravity Poppers. An orbiter could release a few dozen of these – a paper detailing the idea suggests 20. As they land on the surface of the asteroid, comet, or small moon, they occasionally use an internal force to jump off the surface, but not enough to break the hold of gravity. Depending on the intended area to be studied, they could do this at an angle or straight up.
As they fly off the surface, the orbiting mothership tracks them and calculates their trajectory, which can then be used to calculate the gravity of the region they are flying over. They then land, reset themselves, and do it repeatedly with the orbiter tracking them. The team studied two types of structures for the poppers: spherical and cubic. They settled on the cube, which also had embedded LEDs that create a light source the orbiter could track.
It’s not as simple as tracking the light source, though – plenty of system dynamics go into calculating the trajectory angle, the force with which the popper jumped, and the landing location. The paper also details simulations of how such a mission would operate in practice, using modeling software developed at NASA.
Unfortunately, that means that there are no prototypes in the works for this as of yet. It did not receive NIAC Phase II funding as of yet either. But the idea is unique and simple enough that with a little bit of development effort, engineers might be able to master this novel way of prospecting some of the most economically and scientifically interesting worlds in our solar system.
The Roswell UFO: Forensically rendered from the testimony of multiple witnesses
The Roswell UFO: Forensically rendered from the testimony of multiple witnesses
Over the years, much has been written about the crashed Roswell UFO, and never have images been released of the real UFO due to the cover-up of this remarkable crash. Now, not only has a composite image been generated, reflecting the craft before its crash based on the accounts of multiple witnesses, but it also provides specific details about the crew.
The "General Composite of the Roswell Aerospace Interplanetary Skiff" is originated and forensically rendered from the testimony of multiple witnesses who were the retired United States Army Counter-Intelligence Corps atom bomb security agents guarding all atom bomb manufacturing, testing and deployment facilities in New Mexico from 1943 to 1951.
Further and far more substantial testimony came from Clarence L. ("Kelly") Johnson and Dr. Ben R. Rich (both of whom were the now deceased founding CEOs of Lockheed Martin's famous "Skunk Works") as provided to Bill McDonald via the inter-mediation of the late John Andrews, Special Projects Chief Designer of the Testor Corporation. Kelly mentored Ben and John Andrews.
The spacecraft was a single, integrated, machine component; the originating inspiration for all high-altitude, hypersonic, "Waverider," aerosurf, "Biomorphic" aircraft and space shuttle configuration concepts.
She mimicked the design forms of multiple sea animals including porpoises and stingrays. Her life support system and in-flight ballast was an oxygenated amniotic fluid-like broth with an advanced filtration system in the flight deck.
She carried a crew of seven humanoids who interfaced with the vessel's artificial intelligence (AI) cortex directly, physically through the headrests of their individual crash-couches and their surrounding consoles.
The organic minds of the flight crew are believed to have functioned as "multiple brain nodes" for distributed processing and navigation. They and the spacecraft functioned as a "combined biological organic/artificial life form and machine system."
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Mysterious Daytime Orb Spotted Over Sydney: A Fascinating UFO Sighting
Mysterious Daytime Orb Spotted Over Sydney: A Fascinating UFO Sighting
Silverwater, NSW, Australia – On the tranquil afternoon of December 25, 2023, the skies over Silverwater, a serene suburb in western Sydney, became the stage for an extraordinary event. A local resident, enjoying a peaceful fishing session, witnessed an enigmatic object traversing the sky. This is not just another story; it’s a firsthand account of an encounter that challenges our understanding of the skies above us.
An Unearthly Visitor?
The witness describes the object as comparable in size to a small passenger plane, hovering about 30 meters above the ground. What makes this sighting particularly intriguing is the absence of any wind, a detail substantiated by the stillness of the trees in the accompanying video. Skeptics might suggest a balloon, but the witness contests this notion, citing the object’s unusual size and behavior.
A Closer Look Reveals More
Upon closer examination of the video, a peculiar glowing ring becomes apparent, with the object exhibiting erratic movements when viewed in slow motion. This detail adds a layer of mystery to the sighting, suggesting that this is no ordinary balloon or aircraft. The witness’s struggle to capture the footage resonates with many who have tried to document these fleeting phenomena, often re3sulting in shaky and unclear videos.
Be the Judge
The witness invites viewers to be the judge of what they see. With a hard copy of the video in hand, they offer a glimpse into a moment that is as baffling as it is captivating. The sighting in Silverwater adds to the growing list of UFO encounters, each contributing to the larger puzzle of what might be sharing our skies.
A Call to the Curious
For those intrigued by the unknown, this sighting is a clarion call to keep our eyes on the skies and our minds open. UFO sightings like this one continue to spark curiosity and debate, driving us to explore and understand the mysteries that loom above us. Whether you’re a skeptic or a believer, the story of the Silverwater orb is a compelling addition to the annals of UFO encounters.
Holloman Air Force Base is infamous for the most debated UFO landing footage that was in the possession of the United States Air Force as claimed by Robert Emmenegger and Allan Sandler. The director of “Moment of Contact” James Fox has recently discussed theHolloman AFB UFO/alien controversy on a podcast, adding valuable information to the legendary case.
Interestingly, there are other credible people in the UFO community who have given credence to the authenticity of this case. There is more to the Holloman AFB UFO story. Joe Murgia, an avid UFO researcher revealed that Dr. Eric Davis (a former Pentagon physicist) met with George Bush Sr. to talk about Holloman AFB Incident.
The UFO phenomenon has long been a subject of fascination and controversy, with countless reports of sightings and encounters over the years. However, the truth behind these mysterious incidents has remained elusive, with government agencies often accused of covering up information and discrediting witnesses.
According to Murgia, on March 26, 2004, he met Hal Putoff (an American physicist who has co-authored several books on gravitational and paranormal research) at the Fiesta Rancho Casino Hotel, Las Vegas after taking an early flight to the airport. Upon meeting, Hal wasted no time and shared with him the story of Dr. Eric Davis. It turns out that Dr. Davis was the one who conducted the interview with Wilson at the EG&G parking lot. Dr. Davis had reached out to the admiral about his project to revive a local chapter of AFIO (Association of Former Intelligence Officers) in Las Vegas, but the conversation eventually shifted to the topic of ufology.(Source)
Murgia stated that Former President George Bush Sr. had taken an interest in Dr. Davis’ discussion and spoke to him twice on the phone, expressing his belief that the German secrets had been filed away and not used as a cover for anything else. However, he did show interest in pursuing the topic and requested Dr. Davis’ recent physics papers.
During the second phone call, Bush revealed that he was aware of the Holloman film, which Hal, Dr. Davis, and Murgia were fixated on. “The former President was aware of it. Was it a training film, a special ops exercise? No, he replied, ‘it was “the real thing.”’ There was a secret project, and the security was obscene,” writes Joe Murgia.
Moreover, the Holloman AFB UFO landing incident was also discussed by Dr. Jacques Vallée in his book “Forbidden Science – Volume II.” He writes:
Kit [Green]just left, along with Hal, Russell and two of his kids. We had a long discussion after a demo of my landing catalogue. Kit has dropped out of Sams’ covert “Group of Twelve.”
Emenegger tells me that Colonel Bill Coleman, who represented the Air Force in the film, had been retired for three weeks when he got the job. For nine years he’d served as the Air Force’s spokesman and had been intimately linked to the UFO question. More games: One of his men, a Captain Horner, confiscated the Holloman movie just before Sandler could get his hands on it.
The Holloman sequence is based on a bluff by Emenegger. He couldn’t find anyone on the Base who recalled such an event. There was only a rumor that in 1971 a helicopter had filmed three objects, one of which landed.
Three occupants had supposedly come out. They had Assyrian noses, a rope twisted on their head for a hat, bluegreen skin, eyes like ping-pong balls with a hole in the middle. One of them had a wire in one ear and carried a vertical staff with a spiral antenna. The Aliens were taken to Building 830, then to building 930 on Mars Avenue. They remained there two or three years, allegedly “helping the United States decode space messages from another Alien civilization.”
A biologist named Alfred Lorenzo is supposed to have worked with them. None of this makes any sense. When Allan was here I asked him if he still had his clearance. He said yes, theoretically he did, but he didn’t think it was active, yet Kit has found Allan’s clearances active. “Do you know there are 800 reports of foreign UFOs in the CIRCOL files?” he asked. “Why didn’t Hynek ever look into that?”
He warned me that a new experimental device was being tested. It is known lovingly as a “flying bathtub.” It is a flying triangle with a rounded front, but it could look strikingly like a saucer when seen from the side, and will surely be mistaken for one.
On Julian Dorey Podcast, Mr. Fox recounted a phone call from Allan Sandler, who claimed to have seen three unidentified flying objects (UFOs) escorted by a military jet. Sandler said that two of the UFOs peeled away while one wobbled to the ground, and he witnessed the beings with unique features emerge from the grounded UFO before the footage abruptly cut off.
Paul Shartle, an official at Norton Air Force Base, allegedly confirmed that the object was not of Earth origin. Mr. Fox did not make any claims about the veracity of the story, only reporting what he had been told.
During a recent Reddit AMA, journalist Christopher Sharp expressed interest in finding more information about the number of alien species visiting Earth. He mentioned that he had heard from multiple sources that the visitation at Holloman Air Force Base was real, but was unsure if the beings were extraterrestrial, interdimensional, or ultra-terrestrial. Sharp shared a link to the interview with Grant Cameron for further information.
In 1974, Robert Emenegger released his documentary “UFOs: Past, Present, and Future,” which was nominated for a Golden Globe. While he had originally been granted permission to use real footage, the Department of Defense later withdrew that permission.
Emenegger was forced to add animated footage of the alleged Holloman UFO landing. He claimed that some frames from the original footage were used in the reconstruction during editing, which was authorized by the USAF. Viewers spotted a genuine bright disc coming down slowly in the distance against the backdrop of Holloman’s surrounding landscape.
The documentary was re-released in 1979, with additional footage and narration by Dr. Vallée, who discussed ancient astronaut theory.
Location of Voyager 1 now:15 billion miles away, or 24 billion km away from earth.
Now this is really odd, NASA just published a post on the official NASA Voyager page that says and I quote, "Recently, the TMU began transmitting a repeating pattern of ones and zeros as if it were “stuck.” After ruling out other possibilities, the Voyager team determined that the source of the issue is the FDS. This past weekend the team tried to restart the FDS and return it to the state it was in before the issue began, but the spacecraft still isn’t returning useable data."
Voyager 1 was sent to space on Sept 5, 1977, so thats 46 years old! And many scientists over those decades have said if aliens ever sent us a message to Earth, it's highly likely it will be in the most basic mathematical form...binary. you are seeing the clues.
So, after ruling out other Voyager 1 being reprogramed by an alien entity perhaps? I feel NASA is hiding the truth, trying to cover it up after recording the alien message and reprogram and fix Voyager 1 to keep the public in the dark. Yeah, NASA has a job to inform the public...but only if it's not a matter of national security. Any message from aliens will have to go up the chain of command to the commander in chief himself...the US president to get a full release. It's no small deal like you may have thought, and most data about aliens are stopped before even getting close to presidential ears. Because the US president is busy with other more pressing matters. So...yes NASA covers things up when satellites record data that shows evidence of aliens, but only if they notice it themselves, they are often underpaid and over worked so they skim briefly and somethings, just sometimes something big slips past them. Like the Black Knight satellites I discovered and fought for. So...yes you can trust NASA to tell you what they think you should know, but don't think you are so important that they will tell you everything. NASA was created to keep the public in the dark and drip feed basic scientific data to appease the public so they continue to get gov payments to pay for NASA.
Below is a clip from Star Trek the motion picture, where Enterprise confronts Voyager 1 probe, called Vger, which was reprogramed by aliens and sent back to its creator on earth. Yes, Star Trek thought of it first, and yes, we are seeing such things now with Voyager 1.
The Roswell UFO: Forensically rendered from the testimony of multiple witnesses
The Roswell UFO: Forensically rendered from the testimony of multiple witnesses
Over the years, much has been written about the crashed Roswell UFO, and never have images been released of the real UFO due to the cover-up of this remarkable crash. Now, not only has a composite image been generated, reflecting the craft before its crash based on the accounts of multiple witnesses, but it also provides specific details about the crew.
The "General Composite of the Roswell Aerospace Interplanetary Skiff" is originated and forensically rendered from the testimony of multiple witnesses who were the retired United States Army Counter-Intelligence Corps atom bomb security agents guarding all atom bomb manufacturing, testing and deployment facilities in New Mexico from 1943 to 1951.
Further and far more substantial testimony came from Clarence L. ("Kelly") Johnson and Dr. Ben R. Rich (both of whom were the now deceased founding CEOs of Lockheed Martin's famous "Skunk Works") as provided to Bill McDonald via the inter-mediation of the late John Andrews, Special Projects Chief Designer of the Testor Corporation. Kelly mentored Ben and John Andrews.
The spacecraft was a single, integrated, machine component; the originating inspiration for all high-altitude, hypersonic, "Waverider," aerosurf, "Biomorphic" aircraft and space shuttle configuration concepts.
She mimicked the design forms of multiple sea animals including porpoises and stingrays. Her life support system and in-flight ballast was an oxygenated amniotic fluid-like broth with an advanced filtration system in the flight deck.
She carried a crew of seven humanoids who interfaced with the vessel's artificial intelligence (AI) cortex directly, physically through the headrests of their individual crash-couches and their surrounding consoles.
The organic minds of the flight crew are believed to have functioned as "multiple brain nodes" for distributed processing and navigation. They and the spacecraft functioned as a "combined biological organic/artificial life form and machine system."
The year 2023 featured mind-blowing advancements in nearly every -ology imaginable. While ranking this progress is fraught with subjectivity, these breakthroughs are no-doubt-about-it advances that crucially improved our medical, technological, or astronomical understanding.
Of course, some of the year’s biggest science news ended up being “advancements” that didn’t quite pan out, especially the “room temperature superconductor” that never was. And while these 12 breakthroughs may not change lives immediately (unless some friendly aliens from exoplanet K2-18b drop by to say hello), the work of these scientists will nonetheless move research, medicine, and technology forward for a more enlightened 2024.
A study published this past September in the journal Naturedescribes a newly observed brain cell that seems to be a hybrid between a neuron and an astrocyte, a cell that helps support neurons in the brain and spinal cord. Examining mouse brains, the team at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland found these hybrid cells clustered in very specific brain regions. In contrast, astrocytes are typically found all over the brain.
These hybrids also produce a neurotransmitter, “glutamate,” which influences a neuron’s activity and consolidates memory. These astrocyte-esque hybrid cells not only protect neurons but also process information. They produce glutamate and other specialized proteins, which serve as the neurotransmitters that communicate with other cells. The new cells could be key for exploring how the brain protects itself from ailments, such as memory impairment in Alzheimer’s disease.
Officially released Nov. 30, 2022, by OpenAI, ChatGPT was the talk of the town in 2023. The tool has dominated headlines (both hopeful and Terminator-esque) and even wrote a few itself. One particular example is an editorial published in the journal Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering in early January 2023, written by ChatGPT with suggestion prompts from Michael King, a biomedical engineering professor at Vanderbilt University.
The resulting paper addressed concerns about artificial intelligence and plagiarism in higher education, using the article itself as “Exhibit A.” Although released in 2022, this large language model really came into its own in 2023 by becoming a go-to search engine, chat buddy, and adviser — delivering baffling sitcom rip-offs, nutrition advice, and endless oodles of content.
The Nebula, 1,350 light years from Earth, holds a bevy of young star systems and their pancake-shaped protoplanetary disks made of gas, dust, asteroids, and other material that may eventually become a planet. One such system, d203-506, in a burgeoning area called the Orion Bar, emitted the CH3+ signal, which had never before been detected in space. Its mere presence can elicit the growth of more sophisticated organic molecules.
Circumventing the biological song and dance between egg and sperm, scientists have used human stem cells to make a model embryo at 14 days postfertilization. Two preprint papers published on the bioRxiv server in June describe work by teams at the University of Cambridge and the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel.
Fourteen days after fertilization is generally the limit on how long you can culture human embryos, though embryo models don’t technically fall under that purview. These embryo models could theoretically grow to later stages of development and aid researchers in understanding developmental defects and miscarriages.
In a win for family medicine, a team of researchers in Japan produced seven mouse pups using cells from two biological fathers. A paper published in the journal Nature in March details a process known as “in vitro gametogenesis” (IVG), which involves genetically altering any type of animal cells into stem cells and then into egg or sperm cells.
In this case, the team used tail skin cells from a male mouse and turned them into stem cells. They then switched these cells’ genetic sex by dumping their Y chromosome and creating another X chromosome, which created eggs. Sperm from another male mouse fertilized these eggs, which then transferred into a surrogate female mouse’s uterus. The team transplanted 630 embryos made from these altered cells but produced only seven healthy, living pups. In the future, human same-sex couples could hopefully one day produce a child that’s biologically related to each parent.
This past September, a team of astronomers, with the help of JWST of course, found a planet dubbed the oh-so-memorable K2-18b. It has an atmospheric chemical blend that denotes the presence of liquid water, a major ingredient needed for supporting life. They also sniffed out traces of the molecule dimethyl sulfide, which on Earth only comes from living things (though they still need more evidence of its presence).
Published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters in October, the paper refers to the search for habitable environments and biomarkers as “the holy grail of exoplanet science.” An immense world covered in liquid water with a mostly hydrogen atmosphere, K2-18b orbits the red dwarf star 120 light years from Earth. It could become the first Hycean (hydrogen + ocean) world ever discovered and the first instance of liquid water on a planet orbiting a star.
2023 brought us a method for 3D printing with an ink that contains living bacteria, called BactoInk. A paper published in February in the journal Materials Today details the process of printing a biocomposite filament that contains Sporosarcina pasteurii, which initiates mineralization when it makes contact with a solution containing urea, a waste by-product that many organisms create from breaking down amino acids. After a few days of mineralization, the ink hardens to calcium carbonate (CaCO3), a key substance in mollusk shells.
Designed by researchers at the Soft Materials Laboratory in the School of Engineering at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, energy-efficient BactoInk can 3D-print in nearly any structure that gradually hardens into CaCO3 over a few days, and it could aid in repairing broken mineral-based organic structures like coral reefs or even bone.
During the dog days of summer 2023, surgeons at New York University Langone Health transplanted a genetically modified pig kidney into a brain-dead patient as a proof-of-concept procedure called a xenotransplant. Not only was the kidney accepted, but it also functioned as well as a human kidney in the month after the surgery.
Foreign organs are a promising solution to the medical shortage that plagues those needing new livers, kidneys, and more. Through gene editing, scientists can modify animal organs to make them compatible with human bodies. In this case, the kidney came from a lineage of genetically altered swine that lacks “alpha-gal.” Because this sugar molecule can be found in many mammals except for humans, it can cause a human body to reject a nonhuman organ. This milestone represents a victory for the future of xenotransplantation.
Statins have long been the prescribed treatment for familial hypercholesterolemia, a condition that increases individuals’ risk for heart disease and early death. But they are far from perfect. The daily medication comes with an increased risk of stroke and diabetes, as well as other side effects like headaches and nausea. A new gene therapy presented this past November at the annual American Heart Association meeting could supplant statins.
The therapy entails an updated version of CRISPR called base editing, which removes small components of DNA strands rather than breaking the entire strand. The treatment, called VERVE-101, is an infusion that targets a gene in liver cells called PCSK9 that controls “bad” low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol in the blood. VERVE-101 instructs liver cells to manufacture an ineffective version of this gene, lowering those “bad” cholesterol levels.
In a small clinical trial of 10 people, those who received the highest dosages of VERVE-101 saw their “bad” cholesterol fall between 39 and 55 percent. VERVE-101 is still in Phase 1 clinical trials, so it will be a few years before we can see it approved by the FDA, and that’s if everything goes well.
Thispast August, researchers at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory announcedthat they measured the wobble of a muon, a negatively charged subatomic particle that throws a wrench in everything we think we know about particle physics, also known as the Standard Model. According to the Standard Model, muons in magnetic fields should wobble, like a spinning top’s axis, at a certain speed — and yet they don’t, indicating that the model may lack some crucial information.
A muon’s wobble is determined by the particle’s magnetic moment or how muons align with magnetic fields. Theoretically, the magnetic moment, represented as g, should be 2. However, experiments yield another figure entirely. The new measurement comes to 0.00233184110, which physicists simply call “g-2.” This experimental gulf between g and g-2 can put the Standard Model through a crucible.
The surgery lasted 21 hours and involved 140 healthcare professionals, and while it’s uncertain whether the transplanted eye will gain sight, normal direct flow to the retina suggests it’s healthy. Today, James can also speak and eat normally again, and this breakthrough surgery brings new transplant possibilities to millions.
Almost a year ago, scientists at the National Ignition Facility (NIF) achieved something decades in the making: They attained a gain of 1, a controlled fusion reaction that produces more energy than it puts in. If that was the crowning achievement for physics in 2022, then 2023’s pinnacle was subtle, though undeniably more consequential. Over the course of this year, the NIF has officially reproduced this gain three times, ensuring that the late-breaking, end-of-2022 triumph would enable perhaps physics’ most influential year yet: the year of fusion energy.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
Eerie Lights Over Anchorage: A Personal Account of UFO Sightings in Alaska
Eerie Lights Over Anchorage: A Personal Account of UFO Sightings in Alaska
In the remote expanses of Anchorage, Alaska, the night sky holds more than just stars and the aurora borealis. It’s a canvas for some of the most intriguing and unexplained phenomena known to humankind—UFO sightings. This captivating tale unfolds through the eyes of Bill Carter and Patricia Roll, residents of Anchorage, whose lives were forever altered by an eerie encounter on a cold December night in 2019.
The Unforgettable Night
Bill, a seasoned aviation enthusiast with deep family roots in flying, and Patricia, a lifelong Alaskan, were no strangers to the skies. Yet, nothing could have prepared them for the sight that awaited them. As they stepped into the frigid night, their gaze was drawn to an extraordinary vision—orange orbs, bright and silent, gliding across the sky. These glowing spectacles defied explanation, moving in a coordinated fashion that suggested an intelligence behind their flight.
A Seeker’s Perspective
Bill’s expertise in aviation left him bewildered. These were no ordinary aircraft; their silent approach and luminous presence were unlike any known human-made machines. The couple’s attempt to capture the moment on camera was hindered by the biting cold, yet the images they retained were not just in their devices but etched in their memories. This experience propelled them into a world of questions and a quest for answers.
Echoes of Past Encounters
The story of Bill and Patricia is not an isolated incident. Alaska’s vast skies have long been a stage for mysterious sightings. UFO expert Krista Stewart notes that multiple object sightings are not uncommon and often resemble military fleet formations. The historical incident involving Japan Airlines in 1986, where multiple lights accompanied by a “mothership” were reported, mirrors the orchestrated nature of what the couple witnessed.
The Implications of Silence
What troubles Bill and other witnesses is not just the sightings themselves but the lack of official acknowledgment or explanation. The proximity of their experience to Merrill Field and military bases raises concerns about airspace security and the potential implications of these unidentified objects. The absence of other reports and the silence from authorities only deepen the mystery and the thirst for understanding.
The Search for Meaning
This personal account does more than narrate an unexplained event; it touches on the universal human curiosity about our place in the cosmos. Patricia’s lifelong wonderment about extraterrestrial life reflects a broader human yearning to know if we are alone in the universe. The sighting has transformed skepticism into belief, and disbelief into wonder, leaving the couple and the readers pondering the age-old question: Why are they here?
A Glimpse into the Unknown
As we delve into this Alaskan enigma, we are reminded of the vastness of the unknown. The skies above us hold endless mysteries, and the experiences of Bill and Patricia are but a glimpse into the potential realities that lie beyond our understanding. Their story is a testament to the human spirit’s unrelenting quest for knowledge and the profound impact that a moment of contact with the unknown can have on our lives.
Eyewitnesses Share Their Encounters With UFOs And Provide Video Evidence | Aliens In Alaska
In sharing this narrative, we invite readers to look up and wonder, to question and seek. The skies over Anchorage have shown us that sometimes, the most profound mysteries are not in the far reaches of space but right above us, in our own earthly backyard.
SpaceXheeft woensdag (20 december) een “statische test” uitgevoerd met het prototype van het bovenste trapgedeelte van de Starship dat bekend staat als Ship 28, waarbij de Raptor-motoren van het voertuig kort werden ontstoken terwijl het verankerd bleef aan het platform op de Starbase-basis van het bedrijf in het zuiden van Texas.
Ruimteschip 28 wordt voorbereid om de derde testvlucht van de Starship uit te voeren, die SpaceX in de komende weken wil lanceren. En dit tijdschema lijkt binnen de planning te blijven, aangezien de test op woensdag goed verliep.
“Starship Flight 3 heeft succesvol een totale statische vuurproef met alle zes Raptor-motoren voltooid”, aldus SpaceX in een tweet, waarin ook de video van de test was opgenomen.
De Starship bestaat uit twee elementen: een enorme eerste trapversterker genaamd Super Heavy en een 50 meter hoog bovenste traptuig dat bekend staat als Starship.
Beide trappen zijn ontworpen om volledig en snel herbruikbaar te zijn en worden aangedreven door de volgende generatie Raptor-motor van SpaceX.
Super Heavy heeft 33 Raptors en Starship wordt aangedreven door zes daarvan.
Video: SpaceX voert een statische vuurtest uit van de Starship. Foto's en video's: Reproductie Twitter @SpaceX
Former NASA scientist says aliens 'could have secret base beneath Earth's oceans'
Former NASA scientist says aliens 'could have secret base beneath Earth's oceans'
There are solid scientific reasons why the pilots of UFOs visiting the Earth might perfer to base themselves in the deep oceans, says former NASA researcher Kevin Knuth.
A former NASA researcher believes pilots of UFOs could be living underneath our oceans.
Kevin Knuth, a distinguished academic who worked at NASA's Ames Research Center from 2001 to 2005, thinks there are many reasons why alien visitors might choose to base themselves underwater, rather than on the Earth’s surface.
For a start, he says, if they prefer to remain undetected, the deep oceans are ideal. He told the Theories of Everything podcast: “75% of the Earth's surface is water and we really have very little access to it. So, if you are going to hide out somewhere, that's perfect.”
Many recent UFO sightings have involved craft that appear to move effortlessly between the air and sea, and Kevin adds that aliens from a water-world home planet would have many reasons to base themselves beneath the sea.
He continued: “If you come from an aquatic environment, aquatic environments on planets are going to be much better to live in than atmospheric environments. Atmospheres have a low heat capacity, so the temperature varies a lot …you get huge temperature variations.
“And then going from planet to planet, you have huge temperature variations in the atmosphere: go to Mars, and you're looking at 100 degrees below zero Fahrenheit. You go to Venus, and you're looking at 800 degrees Fahrenheit. It's dramatic. And the air pressure is dramatically different, too, from planet to planet…”
Kevin explains that the atmosphere on Venus is is about 100 times denser than ours, while the Martian “air” is more like 100 times thinner. And on none of those planets does the atmosphere do anything to protect against cosmic radiation or other hazards.
“There's all sorts of problems with living on a surface protected only by an atmosphere,” he said. “But if you live in an ocean, going to another planet with an ocean is actually a pretty good thing.
“If it's a water ocean, then a water ocean on another planet is going to be between the temperatures of 32 degrees Fahrenheit and 212 degrees Fahrenheit. So, the temperatures aren't going to change dramatically from ocean to ocean, going from one planet to another.”
Pressures, too, will be more consistent between oceans of different planets. He added: “So you can actually find a nice place to hang out if that's the pressure you're used to. The main differences are going to be chemicals dissolved in the ocean.”
For that reason, he said, it’s highly likely that alien life forms visiting our planet might choose to base themselves beneath the waves. Even if we were to ever make contact with them, though, he’d advise against touching an alien. Kevin explained: “The biology is probably very different. You don't want to touch them… your biology isn't compatible, so there's going to be all sorts of horrible chemical reactions.
“You don't want to come in contact with their organic molecules,” he adds, “because you don’t know what kind of reactions you'd have.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Former NASA scientist says aliens 'could have secret base beneath Earth's oceans'
Former NASA scientist says aliens 'could have secret base beneath Earth's oceans'
There are solid scientific reasons why the pilots of UFOs visiting the Earth might perfer to base themselves in the deep oceans, says former NASA researcher Kevin Knuth.
A former NASA researcher believes pilots of UFOs could be living underneath our oceans.
Kevin Knuth, a distinguished academic who worked at NASA's Ames Research Center from 2001 to 2005, thinks there are many reasons why alien visitors might choose to base themselves underwater, rather than on the Earth’s surface.
For a start, he says, if they prefer to remain undetected, the deep oceans are ideal. He told the Theories of Everything podcast: “75% of the Earth's surface is water and we really have very little access to it. So, if you are going to hide out somewhere, that's perfect.”
For more stories of the paranormal, strange and unexplained, check out the Daily Star's Weird News section.
Many recent UFO sightings have involved craft that appear to move effortlessly between the air and sea, and Kevin adds that aliens from a water-world home planet would have many reasons to base themselves beneath the sea.
Mum 'freaked out' as UFO that looks like Doctor Who's TARDIS flies over her house
Mum 'freaked out' as UFO that looks like Doctor Who's TARDIS flies over her house
The 36-year-old mum was adamant the unidentified flying object was not a star and decided to investigate the matter further by using the ultra-zoom camera on her phone
By Eleanor Ovens
Kay Thorpe had grown suspicious of a shining object that had beamed above her house
(Image: Kennedy News and Media)
A mum was left "freaked out" that aliens are watching her after photographing UFO that looks like Doctor Who’s TARDIS, which she claims routinely hovers over her house.
Kay Thorpe had grown suspicious of a shining object that had beamed above her house in Middleton, Leeds, for the last few years.
The 36-year-old was adamant the unidentified flying object was not a star and decided to investigate the matter further by using the ultra-zoom camera on her phone.
The mum-of-three took a photo of the shining light last week from her garden – but never expected the results to be so surprising.
After examining the photo, Kay admitted to feeling "freaked out" by the object, which was reminiscent of Doctor Who’s famous flying time machine.
Kay said: “Where I live, you don’t often see a lot of stars but this one particular star is above my house every night and every morning.
“And I kept looking at it thinking ‘that can’t be a star’ because it’s always there but it doesn’t flicker like a star. It’s been there for years. It wasn’t twinkling and I thought what else could it be
“So I decided to take a photo on my phone but when you zoom in that far on your phone, it can become distorted. But I managed to keep it quite still and get a clear photo. When I took the picture, I just saw that shape.
“My first thought was it could be some sort of extra terrestrial. I didn’t think it was a spaceship but when I saw the shape, I thought that’s not normal.
“When I looked at it, I was freaked out. I thought ‘am I safe’? I thought, could it be the international space station?”
After posting the photo online, social media users flocked to the comment section to share their views on what the UFO could be.
There’s nothing like a little trouble at home to make you look for greener pastures. And green or not, aliens were everywhere in 2023. Well, at least in the news.
From Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP, the classy new way to talk about UFOs) to the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) and all the way to tiny molecules clinging to frozen dust grains in interstellar space, the eyes of experts and the public were looking for life elsewhere.
The biggest alien stories — at least the most popular — came from military releases of data, hinting at cover-ups (or just ill-prepared government officials). But the most important — at least by our reckoning — were those that were steeped in science, offering hints of what life might look like outside of our planet, and where to find it. If you really do want to turn over that rock, that is.
Here, ranked from 11 to 1 by their chances of introducing us to real alien life, are the top alien and UAP events of 2023 that remind us the truth really is out there.
In September, ASA released its much-anticipated report on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena, and the agency says some of the sightings — between 16 and 40 out of roughly 800 — just can’t be explained — but Inverse spoke to experts, and it turns out the problem might just be that we don't have enough information. Most UAP reports come from sensors designed to guide weapons to objects, not gather detailed data about them, so it’s easy for fairly mundane objects to look bizarre when viewed through these sensors — or so says NASA.
Meanwhile, Inverse argues that the agency still needs a dedicated UAP office to take the investigation mainstream.
The Department of Defense also published its own UAP report in January 2023, admitting that it has investigated more than 500 cases of possible UAP. Of those, more than a quarter were (of course) weather balloons; to be fair to DoD, weather stations in the U.S. alone launch 240 balloons every day. But according to a Pentagon spokesperson, “Some of these uncharacterized UAP appear to have demonstrated unusual flight characteristics or performance capabilities, and require further analysis.”
But don’t worry; experts tell Inverse that the military probably couldn’t pull off an alien cover-up. Swarms of commercial satellites, along with ubiquitous smartphones and social media — not to mention political pressure — would make it almost impossible to keep the cat in the bag for long.
“I still strongly maintain that alien visitation is not something that could be kept secret. The size of such a secret is just too big,” wrote SETI researcher Seth Shostak in a July 2023 essay for the SETI Institute.
Speaking of UAP, a chunk of interstellar debris called ‘Oumuamua caused a stir when it passed through our Solar system a few years ago — and an even bigger uproar when it seemed to accelerate under its own power, without leaving a tail like a comet. This year, a study suggested a possible explanation. Spoiler alert: It’s definitely not aliens.
One team of SETI researchers did some math and suggested that if an alien probe ever does visit our Solar System, it’s likely to be a zippy high-tech model, not an alien version of the Voyager probes.
SETI researchers also proposed some ways we might be able to spot high-tech alien civilizations from a distance — and some really wild ways the aliens might make themselves known to the rest of the universe, such as rearranging an entire star system into a cosmic “Kilroy Was Here” sign.
Other telltale signs to look for around distant stars include giant megastructures, built to siphon off mass and prolong the life of a dying star or the gleam of starlight on sprawling alien cities. But it may be easier to just look for pollution in a distant world’s atmosphere.
None of that advanced alien technology is likely to happen in a world without a lot of oxygen in its atmosphere, though. One study this year pointed out that unless about sixteen percent of the atmosphere is made of oxygen, you can’t start a fire. And without fire, you can’t work metals, cook food, or signal to distant alien civilizations.
If intelligent, technologically advanced aliens are out there, they may not recognize us as intelligent. That could be good news because it means they may not see us as a threat — and they may even think we need protection, according to one 2023 study.If the first aliens we contact are vastly more advanced than we are — or just very different — they may not realize we're sentient. That means they probably won't see us as a threat to galactic peace, which needs to be eliminated posthaste. But the jury's out on whether these hypothetical aliens might turn Earth into a nature preserve or treat us with callous indifference.
Alien encounters may be worth thinking about. It turns out that the basic ingredients for life are everywhere.
A few decades ago, we thought the chemicals involved in building cells and making them work might be rare in the universe, but now it looks like many of those ingredients could be part of the standard starter pack for new star systems. And that means life may — eventually — turn out to be more common than we ever dared to hope.
One team of astronomers says they’ve found an ocean world orbiting a distant star, called K2-18b — and its atmosphere may contain evidence of life somewhere in that alien ocean. Even the researchers who studied the planet with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) aren’t convinced, though. It’s going to take more data to settle the debate, but the possibility is intriguing.
Another swirl of debate, also fueled by JWST observations, is centered on the TRAPPIST-1 system. Home to at least seven rocky planets, three of which are in the habitable zone, TRAPPIST-1 is a hotspot for hopeful astrobiologists.
Earlier this year, JWST revealed that the system’s innermost two worlds — TRAPPIST-1b and TRAPPIST-1c — look like airless rocks, although it’s possible they just have really thin atmospheres. Neither of those planets is in the habitable zone, but many astronomers took the news as a discouraging sign that the star TRAPPIST-1 might have swept away the atmospheres of all its closest planets, including the potentially habitable ones. But others say it’s too soon to give up hope.
Closer to home, several studies this year show that Jupiter’s icy moons look extremely promising for alien life, or at least habitability, in a part of our Solar System that we used to consider totally uninhabitable.
NASA’s JUNO spacecraft spotted salt and organic molecules splattered across the icy surface of Jupiter’s moon Ganymede, and JWST revealed frozen carbon dioxide on the surface of Europa. Both moons are hiding vast, dark oceans beneath their thick, icy exteriors, and finding those chemicals on the surface suggests two important things: one, material from the ocean can reach the surface, where it might be easier for us to study. And two, those ice-covered alien oceans seem to have chemistry that could support life as we know it.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
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