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Carl Sagan Space GIF by Feliks Tomasz Konczakowski

X Files Ufo GIF by SeeRoswell.com

1990: Petit-Rechain, Belgium triangle UFO photograph - Think AboutIts

Ufo Pentagon GIF

ufo abduction GIF by Ski Mask The Slump God

Flying Sci-Fi GIF by Feliks Tomasz Konczakowski

Season 3 Ufo GIF by Paramount+



ON 06/02/2025 MORE THAN 2.433.110





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  • 'We didn't know they were going to be this cute': Scientists unveil genetically engineered 'woolly mice'
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  • Sunrise on the moon captured by Blue Ghost spacecraft after NASA and Firefly Aerospace announce successful lunar landing
  • This Mysterious Space Signal Just Came From a Place Scientists Didn’t Think Was Possible
  • UFO Lands On Roof Then Takes Off Over Brick, New Jersey, March 2, 2025, UAP Drone Sighting News.
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    Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.

    In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!

    In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.


    Een interessant adres?
    UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld
    In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog. Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch... Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site www.ufowijzer.nl bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels. MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen. MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity... Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder www.mufon.com. Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal. Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP. ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.UFO'S ZICHTBAAR TIJDENS VULKAANUITBARSTING JAPAN (Video)


    Het zoeken naar nog enkele tientallen slachtoffers na de uitbarsting van de Ontake vulkaan is voorlopig stopgezet vanwege de kans op nog een (grotere) explosie.

    Ook zijn er beelden opgedoken van twee UFO’s die zich nergens wat van aantrekken en verdwijnen in de donkere wolken boven de piek van de vuurspuwer.

    Honderden militairen hadden zich verzameld voor een zoektocht naar nog 24 vermiste mensen die werden overvallen door een dodelijke as- en steenregen nadat de vulkaan afgelopen zaterdag zonder enige waarschuwing tot uitbarsting kwam.

    Tot nu toe zijn er twaalf lichamen geborgen vanaf de meer dan 3.000 meter hoge piek van de vulkaan, maar men vermoedt dat er minimaal 36 mensen zijn omgekomen. In totaal zijn er ongeveer zeventig gewonden gevallen, waarvan dertig ernstig.

    Tijdens de uitbarsting afgelopen zaterdag was er ook iets anders waar te nemen dan een grote aswolk.

    Twee witte objecten bewogen zich richting de donkere wolken boven de piek van de vulkaan.

    ok 1

    UFO’s bij en rondom vulkanen is een veel voorkomend verschijnsel. De vraag is uiteraard wat deze twee daar deden op dat moment.

    Aangezien ze zich in de richting van de donkere wolk begeven, kan het zijn dat ze zich, ondanks de uitbarsting, via de krater naar hun ondergrondse basis begeven.

    Theoretisch zouden ze misschien ook nog bewust of onbewust de uitbarsting veroorzaakt kunnen hebben, maar dat lijkt niet erg waarschijnlijk.

    Wat ze, voor zover bekend, ook niet gedaan hebben, is mensen helpen die gevangen zaten in de buurt van de top van de vulkaan.

    Het lijkt alsof ze zich niets aantrekken van de uitbarsting en zich alleen met hun eigen zaken bemoeien.


    02-10-2014 om 21:14 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:NineForNews. nl ( new ipv NIBURU.nl) (NL)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.L'origine de la vie pourrait bien être extraterrestre

    L'origine de la vie pourrait bien être extraterrestre

    Des chercheurs ont trouvé des molécules très spéciales dans un nuage de gaz de notre galaxie. Elles pourraient constituer les briques de base du vivant.

    Le nuage moléculaire Sagittarius B2 où ont été découvertes les molécules d'isopropyl cyanide.
    Le nuage moléculaire Sagittarius B2 où ont été découvertes les molécules d'isopropyl cyanide. © MPIfR/A. Weiß (background image), University of Cologne/M. Koerber (molecular models), MPIfR/A. Belloche (montage) 

    L'origine de la vie qui s'est épanouie sur la Terre serait-elle à rechercher dans l'espace ? La théorie n'est pas nouvelle, mais, en scrutant un immense nuage de gaz niché au coeur de la Voie lactée à l'aide du puissant télescope ALMA, des chercheurs viennent de faire une découverte qui aurait tendance à conforter cette idée. En effet, si l'on savait déjà que les météorites pouvaient embarquer plus de 80 acides aminés - les briques de base des protéines, donc du vivant -, on n'avait encore jamais vraiment repéré, dans le vide interstellaire, une molécule organique à partir de laquelle ces fameux acides aminés avaient pu se former. Or, c'est une de celles-ci que l'équipe germano-américaine - associant l'Institut Max Planck de Bonn, l'université de Cologne et l'université Cornell aux États-Unis - est convaincue d'avoir trouvée à 27 000 années-lumière du Soleil, dans un nuage de gaz où se forment de nombreuses étoiles, baptisé Sagittarius B2.
    Mais alors, cette molécule organique, nommée isopropyl cyanide (i-C3H7CN), qu'a-t-elle de si particulier ? Ses atomes de carbone (car qui dit molécule organique dit carbone) sont organisés d'une manière bien particulière. En effet, contrairement à ceux des quelque 180 autres molécules organiques identifiées dans l'espace, ils ne forment ni une sphère fermée ni une chaîne linéaire, mais se ramifient en trois branches. Si l'intérêt de cette configuration vous paraît obscur, imaginez que les molécules sont les pièces d'un jeu de construction. Le fait que certaines d'entre elles possèdent trois branches, et donc plus de points d'accroche, va permettre d'augmenter le nombre de combinaisons possibles avec les autres pièces du jeu. Dans le cas présent, d'autres atomes. Autrement dit, la diversité et la complexité des molécules qui pourront naître de celles-ci, par le biais de réactions chimiques, seront nettement plus élevées

    Chaînon manquant

    Ainsi, les molécules d'isopropyl cyanide pourraient-elles être les précurseurs des fameuses briques du vivant : les acides aminés. D'autant que cette étude publiée récemment par la revue Science suggère que, dans les zones les plus actives de notre Univers telles que la région de Sagittarius B2, ces molécules particulières seraient présentes en grande quantité. Et le fait que les briques de base du vivant se soient formées dans l'espace ou sur Terre peut tout changer : en effet, si les éléments nécessaires à l'émergence de la vie se sont répandus partout dans la Voie lactée, et même partout dans l'Univers, il serait alors vraiment très, très, étonnant que nous y soyons seuls.

    Pour approfondir ce sujet, lisez notre article : L'extraterrestre, ce microbe

    Suivez Chloé Durand-Parenti sur Google +-



    02-10-2014 om 01:56 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:références - MAGONIE (Fr)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Monthly Statistical MUFON Report - for September 2014

    Monthly Statistical MUFON Report - for September 2014

    CMS continues to amass sighting reports from around the globe. In September 2014 there were 760 sightings reported to MUFON through CMS from the following countries;

    CountryNumber of Reports
    CANADA 41
    INDIA 11
    SPAIN 4
    MEXICO 3
    BRAZIL 3
    POLAND 2
    ITALY 2
    CHINA 1
    KENYA 1
    IRAQ 1
    TURKEY 1
    SWEDEN 1
    PERU 1
    CYPRUS 1
    GREECE 1
       TOTAL: 757

    Within the United States the distribution by State was as follows;

    StateNumber of Reports
    California 93
    Pennsylvania 32
    Florida 32
    Ohio 31
    Arizona 29
    Michigan 28
    Texas 27
    New York 25
    Illinois 24
    Indiana 24
    Missouri 22
    Oregon 21
    North Carolina 21
    New Jersey 17
    Colorado 17
    Washington 15
    Minnesota 11
    Nevada 10
    Massachusetts 10
    New Mexico 10
    Wisconsin 10
    Maryland 9
    Georgia 7
    Louisiana 7
    South Carolina 7
    West Virginia 7
    Connecticut 7
    Tennessee 7
    Maine 6
    Virginia 6
    Kentucky 6
    Alabama 5
    Oklahoma 5
    Alaska 5
    Montana 4
    Kansas 4
    Utah 3
    Vermont 3
    Idaho 3
    New Hampshire 3
    Arkansas 3
    Rhode Island 3
    Iowa 2
    Wyoming 2
    Hawaii 1
    South Dakota 1
    Mississippi 1

    If you are getting more sighting reports than listed here, please be sure to enter them manually into CMS. To make this happen automatically, make sure your local MUFON Website is pointing to the CMS Reporting form on www.mufon.com and direct all calls you get to the MUFON website so that witnesses can enter their own report directly into CMS.

    ALL sighting reports received by CMS are already filled in by the witness, saving you and your investigators time. Each report is automatically sent to YOU, the State Director and Assistant State Director, for you to assign someone to follow-up and complete the report.

    If a UFO sighting comes in over the phone, or by e-mail, and you want to enter it yourself, simply go to CMS at http://mufoncms.com (once logged in) and click on "ADD CASE" in the upper right hand corner of the screen. This gives you a blank sighting reporting form that you can fill out while the witness is on the phone.
    Once the report is filled out be sure to click "SAVE" and you will have easily added your NEW report to CMS.

    Other interesting data points in CMS during September 2014 are the shape of the UFOs reported which were as follows;

    Shape of ObjectNumber of Reports
    Sphere 140
    Circle 84
    Star-like 82
    Triangle 64
    Disc 61
    Oval 53
    Other 53
    Unknown 50
    Fireball 33
    Cylinder 20
    Diamond 15
    Cigar 14
    N/A 13
    Boomerang 13
    Cone 10
    Flash 9
    Blimp 7
    Egg 5
    Chevron 4
    Saturn-like 4
    Bullet/Missile 4
    Teardrop 4
    Cross 2

    as well as the distance from the observer;

    Distance from WitnessNumber of Reports
    < 100 ft 115
    101-500 ft 75
    501 ft - 1 Mile 169
    Over 1 Mile 218
    Unknown 238
    NO VALUE 16

    Most impressively there were 23 Landings, Hovering, or Takeoffs reported and 0 Entities observed.

    To review the CMS data yourself go to www.mufon.com and click on "UFO Case Files" to 1.) Easily look at the Last 20 Sightings, or 2.) Do a customized search of the CMS database by date and/or location, or 3.) Logon to CMS for even more detailed UFO sighting information about your State and the World.

    I hope you are enjoying our new internet based Sighting and Reporting System.
    For questions regarding its use please refer to the User Guide available on your CMS main menu screen. Please send your questions and/or suggestions to Jan Harzan at janharzan@hotmail.com.

    Thank you!

    02-10-2014 om 01:41 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:ARTICLES of MUFON ( ENG)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.DON'T WATCH THIS before you go to sleep! Alien contact 2014 coming !!!

    DON'T WATCH THIS before you go to sleep! Alien contact 2014 coming !!!

    Gepubliceerd op 12 mrt. 2014          

    Click http://clixtrac.com/goto/?165977 to Discover How You Make Money from Home

    DON'T WATCH THIS before you go to sleep! Alien contact 2014 coming !!!



    02-10-2014 om 00:39 geschreven door peter  

    0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen)
    Categorie:Diversen (Eng, NL en Fr)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Timothy Good Interview - Secrets of UFO Existence - Age Of Truth TV

    Timothy Good Interview - Secrets of UFO Existence - Age Of Truth TV

    Gepubliceerd op 17 jan. 2014          

    Lucas Alexander from Age of Truth TV interviewed the American UFO researcher Timothy Good during Exopolitics Denmark's UFO conference: UFOs and Nukes in June 2013 in Copenhagen. The interview was a result of a collaboration between Age of Truth TV and Exopolitics Denmark.

    The views expressed in the interview do not necessarily reflect those of Exopolitics Denmark.


    02-10-2014 om 00:36 geschreven door peter  

    0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen)
    Categorie:Diversen (Eng, NL en Fr)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Humans do NOT come from Earth – and sunburn, bad backs and pain during labour prove it, expert claims

    Humans do NOT come from Earth – and sunburn, bad backs and pain during labour prove it, expert claims

    • A U.S. ecologist says conditions such as bad backs and sunburn suggest humans did not evolve alongside other life on Earth
    • In a new book, Dr Ellis Silver says aliens put humans our planet as recently as tens of thousands of years ago
    • He suggests the Earth  might be a prison planet, since humans seem to be a naturally violent  species and are here until we learn to behave ourselves

    A U.S. ecologist has claimed that humans are not from Earth but were put on the planet by aliens tens of thousands of years ago.

    Dr Ellis Silver points to a number of physiological features to make his case for why humans did not evolve alongside other life on Earth, in his new book.

    They range from humans suffering from bad backs - which he suggests is because we evolved in a world with lower gravity – to getting too easily sunburned and having difficulty giving birth.

    Dr Ellis says that while the planet meets humans’ needs for the most part, it does not perhaps serve the species’ interests as well as the aliens who dropped us off imagined.

    In his book, HUMANS ARE NOT FROM EARTH: A SCIENTIFIC EVALUATION OF THE EVIDENCE, the ecologist writes the human race has defects that mark it of being ‘not of this world’.

    ‘Mankind is supposedly the most highly developed species on the planet, yet is surprisingly unsuited and ill-equipped for Earth's environment: harmed by sunlight, a strong dislike for naturally occurring foods, ridiculously high rates of chronic disease, and more,’ he told Yahoo.

    Dr Ellis says that humans might suffer from bad backs because they evolved on a world with lower gravity.

    He also says that it is strange that babies’ heads are so large and make it difficult for women to give birth, which can result in fatalities of the mother and infant.

    Dr Ellis says that humans might suffer from bad backs
    Dr Ellis says that humans might suffer from bad backs (illustrated) because they evolved on a world with lower gravity. He also says that it is strange that babies' heads are so large and make it difficult for women to give birth, which resulted in fatalities in earlier times

    No other native species on this planet has this problem, he says.

    He also believes humans are not designed to be as exposed to the sun as they are on Earth, as they cannot sunbathe for more than a week or two – unlike a lizard – and cannot be exposed to the sun every day without problems.

    Dr Ellis also claims humans are always ill and this might be because our body clocks have evolved to expects a 25 hour day, as proven by sleep researchers.


    ‘This is not a modern condition; the same factors can be traced all the way back through mankind's history on Earth,’ he says.

    He suggests that Neanderthals such as homo erectus were crossbred with another species, perhaps from Alpha Centauri, which is the closest star system to our solar system, some 4.37 light years away from the sun.


    He also believes humans are not designed to be so exposed to the sun as they are on Earth, as they cannot sunbathe for more than a week or two ¿ unlike a lizard ¿ and cannot be exposed to the sun every day

    Dr Ellis said many people feel that they don’t belong and feel at home on Earth.

    ‘This suggests (to me at least) that mankind may have evolved on a different planet, and we may have been brought here as a highly developed species.’

    ‘One reason for this … is that the Earth might be a prison planet, since we seem to be a naturally violent species and we're here until we learn to behave ourselves,’ he said.

    Dr Ellis said the book is intended to create debate, instead of being a scientific study and hopes it will lead to people getting in touch with him with further suggestions of 'evidence'.

    While other scientists have said some bacteria arrived on Earth from space, Chris McKay, an astrobiologist at NASA, said that to jump to the conclusion that it is alien life is ‘a big jump’.


    • Bad backs suggest humans evolved in a world with lower gravity
    • Sunburn hints humans were not designed to be exposed constantly to the sun
    • The size of babies' heads present a problem for women when giving birth - difficulty not shared by other species on the planet
    • Humans are always ill, perhaps beacuse their body clocks have evolved to expect a 25 hour day - unlike Earth's
    • People just feel like they are not at home on our planet

    Alpha CentauriWas this home? Dr Ellis suggests Neanderthals such as homo erectus were crossbred with another species, perhaps from Alpha Centauri. Star Proxima Centauri is pictured in the star system, which is the closest to our solar system some 4.37 light years away from the sun

    Professor Wainwright from the University of Sheffield plans to investigate further, and believes that life is constantly arriving from space that did not originate on Earth.

    Dr Ellis says that while his idea is an extreme evolution of that idea, it is intended to be thought-provoking and he claims to have had a largely positive response to it.

    He is interested in whether humans came to Earth separately, perhaps by arriving on meteors and comets, before evolving into the species we know today.

    ‘My thesis proposes that mankind did not evolve from that particular strain of life, but evolved elsewhere and was transported to Earth (as fully evolved Homo sapiens) between 60,000 and 200,000 years ago,’ he says. 


    01-10-2014 om 23:51 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:Oliver's WebLog ( ENG en NL)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Alien Contact Are We Ready - Stanton Friedman = 2014 Debate 2013 Roswell Documentary UFO Interview

    Alien Contact Are We Ready - Stanton Friedman = 2014 Debate 2013 Roswell Documentary UFO Interview

    Gepubliceerd op 16 jun. 2014          

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    01-10-2014 om 23:38 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:Oliver's WebLog ( ENG en NL)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.UFO mania: Undebunkable image of wheels on axle on Mars

    UFO mania: Undebunkable image of wheels on axle on Mars

    Sol 729. Thomas Mikey Scrøder Jensen's find -  Undebunkable image of wheels on axle on Mars

    NASA link: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/00729/mcam/0729ML0031250020305133E01_DXXX.jpg

    01-10-2014 om 23:34 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Snowden Documents Proving “US-Alien-Hitler” Link Stuns Russia.

    Snowden Documents Proving “US-Alien-Hitler” Link Stuns Russia.

    (Before It's News)

    A stunning Federal Security Services (FSB) report on the nearly two million highly classified top-secret documentsobtained from the United States Department of Defense (DOD) run National Security Agency-Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) by the American ex-patriot Edward Snowden states that this information is providing“incontrovertible proof” that an “alien/extraterrestrial intelligence agenda” is driving US domestic and international policy, and has been doing so since at least 1945.
    Edward Snowden is a computer specialist, a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) employee, and former NSA/CSS contractor who disclosed these classified documents to several media outlets in late 2012 and was granted temporary asylum in Russia in 2013 after his designation by the Obama regime as the “most wanted man on earth.”
    This FSB report further states that Snowden, in December, 2012, contacted the highly respected American columnist, blogger, and author Glenn Greenwald by an email headed with the subject line stating, “I and others have things you would be interested in.?.?.?.”
    In Snowden’s own words, this report continues, he outlined to Greenwald the reason for his highly secretive group obtaining and releasing these documents by warning that that there “were actually two governments in the US: the one that was elected, and the other, secret regime, governing in the dark.”
    As to who is running this “secret regime” Snowden and his cohorts were warning about, FSB experts in this report say, was confirmed this past weekend by former Canadian defense minister Paul Hellyer who was given access to all of Snowden’s documents by Russian intelligence services and stated they were, indeed, “accurate.”
    Even though Defense Minister Hellyer’s exact statements to the FSB in regards to Snowden’s documents remain classified, shortly after his “extensive electronic interview” by the FSB he was allowed to appear on Russia Today’s program SophieCo this past fortnight [see video HERE] where he shockingly admitted that aliens have “been visiting our planet for thousands of years” and described several types of these extraterrestrials, including “Tall Whites” who are working with the US Air Force in Nevada.
    Of the many explosive revelations in this FSB report, the one most concerning to Russian authorities are the Snowden’s documents “confirming” that the “Tall Whites” (further revealed by Defense Minister Hellyer as noted above) are the same extraterrestrial alien race behind the stunning rise of Nazi Germany during the 1930’s.
    In just one example of the many outlined in this FSB report, it shows that with this “alien assistance,” at the end of the 1930’s, when Nazi Germany possessed just 57 submarines, over the four years of World War II it built 1,163 modern technologically advanced submarines at its dockyards and even put them into operation.
    Snowden’s documents further confirm, this report says, the “Tall Whites” (Nordic) meetings in 1954 with US President Dwight D. Eisenhower where the “secret regime” currently ruling over America was established. 
    Most disturbingly, this FSB report warns, is that the “Tall White” agenda being implemented by the “secret regime” ruling the United States calls for the creation of a global electronic surveillance system meant to hide all true information about their presence here on earth as they enter into what one of Snowden’s documents calls the “final phase” of their end plan for total assimilation and world rule.
    Unbeknownst to the FSB, this report confirms, are those still in the US government backing Snowden, but whose presence Russian intelligence experts note is“unmistakable” and shows a cataclysmic power struggle is currently underway against this “secret regime” now headed by Obama by “forces unknown.”
    Most to be feared by Russian policy makers and authorities, this report concludes, is if those opposing the “Tall White” “secret regime” ruled over by Obama have themselves aligned with another alien-extraterrestrial power themselves.
    January 11, 2014 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
    [Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]


    Source: http://ufothetruthisoutthere.blogspot.pt/2014/01/snowden-documents-proving-us-alien.html

    01-10-2014 om 23:30 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:Before it's news (ENG.)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.EXPLORING ET CONTACT IN UNSTABLE UNIVERSE: 'JOURNEY TO INNER SPACE’


    (Before It's News)


    A short-length video posted to YouTube explains the folly of ignoring inner-dimensional implications of ET contact in a cosmos that physicists from the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory describe as “inherently unstable.” SecretMessageTV’s production of “UFO: Journey to Inner Space” posits “substantial evidence” for psychic contact between humans and ETs that anticipates physical events stating how “Whether we choose to go willingly or are compelled by pressure of circumstances everyone will have to address the psychic inner-dimensional nature of individual existence.”

    The brief presentation features exclusive never-before-seen night vision from ECETI Ranch in which UFOs interact with light pulses from the ground. The narrative explains how “Even if we succeed in achieving the outermost reaches of the physical universe people occupying that environment will continue to be called upon to answer to the innermost questions of their existence. In answering that call those people will be positioned to fulfill their true potential and discover what it really means to be human.”

    Joseph Lykken, a theoretical physicist with the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Illinois, told reporters in 2013 how “the universe we live in is inherently unstable and at some point billions of years from now it's all going to get wiped out,” prior to a meeting with the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Boston. Such limited temporal prospects would seem to prioritize the resolution of optimized human potential at a much earlier rather later date on the cosmic calendar.


    Extra information about the article: 
    Science's limited temporal prospects would seem to prioritize the resolution of optimized human potential at a much earlier rather later date.

    01-10-2014 om 23:12 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:Before it's news (ENG.)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.DISC SHAPED CRAFT TAKES OFF IN A FLASH IN NEW JERSEY


    (Before It's News)


    On April 20th at approx. 2:30am I was driving home from a band practice heading south bound on the same highway I take home every night. After I passed the mall exit and rounding a bend I noticed a blimp like object in the distance with these bright white lights end to end, as I got closer to the next exit that when I realized that this object wasn’t a blimp at all. It was at a stand still hover over what I knew at the time to be the landfill area which while growing up we used to go sledding down these man-made hills every winter.

    As I got closer the radio station that I was listening to went to static. I pulled over before the underpass and got out of my car to see what this thing was and as I got closer I saw that this was a disc shape and a little thinner then a blimp. Before I could get my entire body out of the car it started ascending and all I could hear was a slight humming sound, in one quick motion the object moved up and to the right and then it took off in a flash, it almost looked like a comet streaked across the front of me and it was gone.

    After this incident no one was allowed to go sledding or even get close to the landfill site anymore, they put fences around the entire perimeter and there’s ventilation shafts coming out of the ground. I think this site is a Deep Underground Military Base or something else. I wasn’t the only one who saw this and unfortunately the other people in my party will not come forward because they’re scared of what might happen to them. This wasn’t the first time I would see a UFO, I’ve also witnessed 2 other disc-like objects in the sky in Arizona that hovered and then streaked across the sky like the one I saw up close. 

    NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
    This case is under investigation by Chief Investigator Ken Pfeifer of MUFON New Jersey.

    01-10-2014 om 23:06 geschreven door peter  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Canadian writer recalls UFO sighting

    Canadian writer recalls UFO sighting

    (Before It's News)

    A contributor for a small paper in Alberta, Canada says last summer he and his son saw a large triangular object outside of their home in Red Deer. In his article, he also notes recent sightings throughout the world and first-hand accounts from others who have told them about their strange encounters.

    Tim Lasuita

    Tim Lasuita


    Tim Lasiuta is a writer, editor, and author. His books include biographies and fiction, and he is a regular contributor to the Innisfail Province newspaper. Lasiuta recently wrote an opinion piece about UFOs for the Innisfail Province in which he recounts his own UFO sighting.

    Lasiuta says one evening last summer at about 7 pm, he and his son had just stepped out the back porch when his son said, “Look dad,” and pointed up in the sky. Lasiuta looked up and saw “a very large, very bright triangular object 10 degrees off the horizon moving upwards.”

    He says it also had “three vertical bright tank-like attachments.”

    They could not hear any sound as the object moved up rapidly though the clouds.

    Lasiuta ran inside to get a camera, and says when returned, which he estimates was less than 20 seconds later, it had moved 15 degrees upward. It quickly continued to rise straight up. It moved too quickly for Lasiuta to get a picture.

    Lasiuta says his son turned to him and said, “We’ve just seen a UFO.”

    A UFO was sighted over Vancouver Island in 2005. The photo taken is considered one of the best on record (caption from Innisfail Province). (Credit: Innisfail Province)

    A UFO was sighted over Vancouver Island in 2005. The photo taken is considered one of the best on record (caption from Innisfail Province). (Credit: Innisfail Province)

    Apparently, Lasiuta agrees. He’s spoken with others who say they have seen UFOs. He says, “I have heard first-hand on sightings that have ranged from a ‘race’ with a craft in Saskatchewan, to a prominent professional who was within 100 feet of a ship.”

    He also notes the many recent sightings that have been in the news. The closest being the video of an object shooting through the clouds in a news video from West Kelowna. Other recent sightings range from Chile to Paris.

    He advises that people out looking for UFOs should take their camera everywhere and keep a journal. Because, according to Lasiuta, “We are not alone. It’s up to you to take the photo.”

    The post Canadian writer recalls UFO sighting appeared first on Openminds.tv.

    Source: http://www.openminds.tv/canadian-writer-recalls-ufo-sighting/30232 

    01-10-2014 om 23:01 geschreven door peter  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Ted Peters UFOs: God’s Chariots: Spirituality, Ancient Aliens, & Religious Yearnings in the Age of Extraterrestrials

    Ted Peters UFOs: God’s Chariots: Spirituality, Ancient Aliens, & Religious Yearnings in the Age of Extraterrestrials

    (Before It's News)

    This is our show with Ted Peters from last Saturday September 26th If you’d like to listen go to the following link and listen from our archives. Always free. Thanks





    With hosts Jeffery Pritchett and WHAM!

    UFOs: God’s Chariots? offers a fascinating critical survey of the aerial phenomenon since it essentially began in 1947…. Highly recommended for reading and reflection.”

    –Robert Ellwood, Professor of World Religions, University of Southern California

    “Peters’ astrotheology takes us on a wise adventure into a lively cosmos, where neither ‘belief ‘ nor ‘unbelief ‘ answers the questions about UFOs and ETI.”

    –Catherine Keller, Professor of Theology, Drew University

    Are UFOs celestial saviors, coming to save Earth from self-destruction?

    Are UFOnauts advancing human evolution by birthing hybrid children?

    Is it time for a new “astrotheology” that enshrines the UFO phenomenon at the same level as the space sciences at NASA and SETI?

    UFOs: God’s Chariots? uncovers and exposes the clandestine spiritual dimensions within the UFO phenomenon. UFOs vibrate with transcendence, omniscience, perfection, and redemption.

    UFOs: God’s Chariots? delves deeply into government conspiracies, analyzes the newest models of close encounter interpretation, and reveals the results of The Peters ETI Religious Crisis Survey, in which self-identified believers were asked if making contact with an intelligent extraterrestrial civilization would undermine our historic religious traditions. They said no.

    Does this mean we’re ready to share our pews with aliens?

    About the Author

     Ted Peters has been investigating UFOs for four decades, serving previously as the Louisiana State Director of MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network. He is currently Emeritus Professor of Systematic Theology and Ethics at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary and the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California. He coedits the journal Theology and Science at the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences. He has authored and edited more than two dozen books on theology and the dialogue between faith and science. See his Web page and Blogs, “Ted’s Timely Take,” at Tedstimelytake.com.


    01-10-2014 om 22:55 geschreven door peter  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.ANOMALOUS OBJECT OVER COCOYOC, MEXICO


    (Before It's News)


    Contributing editor Ana Luisa Cid sends us a video taken over Cocoyoc, Mexico by Hector Ramírez Villanueva, a long-time videographer of the unexplained. Prof. Cid writes: “The witness described feeling a strange sensation prior to the sighting, as if something “informed” him where he should be looking to.

    Cocoyoc is a municipality in the Mexican state of Morelos, founded by the Tlahuiltecas in the 9th century. The area, famous for its lush vegetation and fertile soil, has long been known as a UFO hotspot.

    VIDEO at: http://youtu.be/31caeKIHijg


    01-10-2014 om 22:50 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:Before it's news (ENG.)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Daily 2 Cents: ‘Bigfoot Arm’ Skullduggery? — Rosetta’s Comet 67P = Alien Warship — Arcane Radio…’Champ’ Researcher Katy Elizabeth

    Daily 2 Cents: ‘Bigfoot Arm’ Skullduggery? — Rosetta’s Comet 67P = Alien Warship — Arcane Radio…’Champ’ Researcher Katy Elizabeth

    (Before It's News)


    Bigfoot Arm’ Skullduggery?

    I don’t usually ‘buy into’ Robert Lindsay’s breaking news stories, but this particular exclusive may have some validity to it. The reason I say that is because I was told a very similar bit of information on this mysterious ‘Bigfoot arm’ recently. Go and read the article…then tell me what you think:

    The official story has already gone out. A possible Bigfoot arm was found on a man’s property in Florida. Stacy Brown’s team went to investigate and took possession of it. The original bone was said to be large and had some hair on it. A FWS biologist was called in, and he verified that it was a primate arm. Brown then issued a statement that they were going to have the arm tested. 11 days later, Brown released a story saying that the arm had been tested and had been proven to be an alligator arm.

    Actually, the official story is not true. So what really happened?

    Read the rest of the story at Shocking news about the Stacy Brown “Bigfoot arm”: A Beyond Highbrow exclusive story!


    Rosetta’s Comet 67P Is Actually An Alien Warship, Claims Strangely Popular Conspiracy Theory

    In about six weeks a European space craft will attempt to land on a comet for the first time. A successful landing would be a startling work of science.

    The lander will descend from the Rosetta satellite (which itself took a decade to arrive) to the comet ’67P’ via a 20km free fall. That is equivalent to dropping a 100kg washing machine from twice the cruising height of an airliner, and controlling it from half a billion kilometres away (via a 28-minute delay) to hit a spot 1km in diameter.

    You might think, given the details involved, that truth would be stranger than fiction. But that’s not enough for some people. Namely the people who think that the comet itself is an enormous alien space craft. Read more at THP


    New! on Arcane Radio… Katy Elizabeth – ‘Champ’ researcher & author. Go to www.arcaneradio.com or www.stitcher.com/podcast/arcane-radio – Thanks!

    Water Horse Of Lake Champlain

    Water Horse Of Lake Champlain II (Volume 2)

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    Do We Know The True Three Secrets Of Fatima?

    Uri Geller Weighs in on the iPhone Bending Controversy

    Why Hollywood Thinks the Pharaohs Were White

    Professor Brian Cox wonders what aliens would think of us

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    Pepie: The Lake Monster of the Mississippi River

    Three Men Seeking Monsters: Six Weeks in Pursuit of Werewolves, Lake Monsters, Giant Cats, Ghostly Devil Dogs, and Ape-Men

    North American Lake Monsters: Stories

    Beowulf: A New Verse Translation (Bilingual Edition)


    01-10-2014 om 22:43 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:Before it's news (ENG.)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.UFO appears during TV coverage of Hong Kong protests

    UFO appears during TV coverage of Hong Kong protests

    (Before It's News)

    A man in South Lanarkshire’s civil parish of Blantyre in Scotland was watching BBC coverage of the pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong when he noticed something unusual in the sky.


    Vincent Smith was perplexed by what he saw on the TV—a bright object slowly moving through the sky over Hong Kong. He apparently recorded the broadcast, and then recorded a video of his television as he replayed the broadcast to point out the UFO. He sent his video to local media outlet the Hamilton Advertiser.

    The Hamilton Advertiser describes that the UFO “is seen flying diagonally before landing on a building and then shooting off vertically and at speed.”

    UFO over Hong Kong. (Credit: Vincent Smith/YouTube)

    UFO over Hong Kong. (Credit: Vincent Smith/YouTube)

    Although this unidentified aerial object appears to hover near that building, rather than landing on it, its behavior is unusual. When the UFO first appears on the screen, this bright object moves in a smooth, straight flight path. But its “shooting off vertically” is what makes this object of interest.

    It is rapidly becoming the norm to see aerial vehicles like drones and quadcopters above outdoor public gatherings like concerts, festivals, and protests. These remote-controlled craft are typically fitted with cameras and are used by media and law enforcement. The protests in Hong Kong are no exception. BBC posted a video to its website on Tuesday, September 30 showing footage of the protesters captured by a drone.

    It is plausible that the object from the BBC broadcast noted by Smith is simply a media drone. Although the UFO in Smith’s video does appear to take off vertically at an incredible rate of speed, it is difficult to definitively determine directionality. The object could conceivably have been moving towards the camera, and not shooting vertically, creating the illusion of a rapid rate of speed. Additionally, some drones are capable of changing direction and altitude relatively quickly.

    What do you think about the UFO pointed out by Smith? Is a media drone a plausible explanation, or do you think the craft’s observed behavior defies conventional explanation? Share your thoughts by posting a comment below, or by posting on the Open Minds Facebook page.

    The post UFO appears during TV coverage of Hong Kong protests appeared first on Openminds.tv.

    Source: http://www.openminds.tv/ufo-appears-tv-coverage-hong-kong-protests/30224 

    01-10-2014 om 22:35 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:Before it's news (ENG.)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Daily UFO Headlines 9/30/14

    Daily UFO Headlines 9/30/14

    (Before It's News)

    Open Minds UFO Video Portal

    The post Daily UFO Headlines 9/30/14 appeared first on Openminds.tv.

    01-10-2014 om 22:24 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:Before it's news (ENG.)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.UFO sighting recorded over Volcano, Japan on 29th September 2014

    UFO sighting recorded over Volcano, Japan on 29th September 2014

    New amazing video footage of two UFOs recorded in the daytime sky over Volcano, Japan on 29th September 2014.


    01-10-2014 om 22:18 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:LATEST ( UFO ) VIDEO NEWS ( ENG)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Top 10 mister UFO sightings of all time

    Top 10 mister UFO sightings of all time

    New amazing video footage of the best UFO sightings of all time.

    01-10-2014 om 22:12 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:LATEST ( UFO ) VIDEO NEWS ( ENG)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Wat is dit mysterieuze ding op Saturnusmaan Titan?

    Wat is dit mysterieuze ding op Saturnusmaan Titan?

    Wat is dit mysterieuze ding op Saturnusmaan Titan?

    Het Loch Ness-monster van Saturnusmaan Titan is terug. De maan is een soort bizarre versie van de aarde, een plaats waar het regent en waait en waar rivieren en meren zijn te vinden. Deze meren van de grootste Saturnusmaan zijn gevuld met vloeibaar methaan en ethaan. De buitentemperatuur schommelt er zo rond de -180 graden Celsius.

    Pas geleden werd op foto’s van Ligeia Mare, een meer bij de noordpool van Titan, een ‘magisch eiland’ ontdekt dat er eerder niet was. De beelden zijn gemaakt door ruimtesonde Cassini. Het zou het eerste bewijs kunnen zijn van actieve geologische processen op Titan, maar er zijn volgens astronomen van de Cornell-universiteit ook andere verklaringen mogelijk.

    Er wordt onder meer gedacht dat het de wind zou kunnen zijn, die golven maakt op het spiegelgladde oppervlak van het meer. Ook is het een optie dat er gasbellen of vaste deeltjes in het water zitten. Ze stellen daarnaast dat het misschien vaste materialen zijn die bevroren waren in de winter. Het kan volgens NASA tot slot misschien ook ‘iets met een meer exotisch karakter zijn’.

    Wat is dit mysterieuze ding op Saturnusmaan Titan?

    De mysterieuze structuur werd in 2013 voor het eerst gezien (NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASI/Cornell)

    De beelden van het ‘magische eiland’, dat net zo groot is als 58.000 voetbalvelden, dateren van afgelopen zomer, terwijl Cassini al sinds 2004 in een baan om Saturnus cirkelt. Op 26 april 2007 was de structuur in hetzelfde gebied niet te zien. Wetenschappers zijn ervan overtuigd dat de structuur geen fout is in de meetapparatuur.

    Emma Bunce van de Universiteit van Leicester zei dat het mogelijk een ijsberg is die op het water dreef, zonk en vervolgens weer naar het oppervlak kwam. Ze sluit niet uit dat het gaat om een gigantische bel of golven aan het oppervlak. Later meer over deze intrigerende kwestie.

    [VICE, NASA]

    © Copyright (c) NineForNews.nl

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    WELCOME TO THIS BLOG! I HOPE THAT YOU ENJOY THE LECTURE OF ALL ISSUES. If you did see a UFO, you can always mail it to us. Best wishes.

    Beste bezoeker,
    Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere op
     www.ufomeldpunt.be. Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief  maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming!

    Laatste commentaren
  • crop cirkels (herman)
  • crop cirkels (herman)
  • Een zonnige vrijdag middag en avond (Patricia)
        op MUFON UFO Symposium with Greg Meholic: Advanced Propulsion For Interstellar Travel
  • Dropbox

    Druk op onderstaande knop om je bestand , jouw artikel naar mij te verzenden. INDIEN HET DE MOEITE WAARD IS, PLAATS IK HET OP DE BLOG ONDER DIVERSEN MET JOUW NAAM...

  • Nog een fijne avond
  • Hallo Lieverd
  • kiekeboe
  • Een goeie middag bezoekje
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    Druk op onderstaande knop om een berichtje achter te laten in mijn gastenboek Alvast bedankt voor al jouw bezoekjes en jouw reacties. Nog een prettige dag verder!!!

    Over mijzelf
    Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
    Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
    Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
    Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
    Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën... Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.
    Zoeken in blog

  • http://www.ufonieuws.nl/
  • http://www.grenswetenschap.nl/
  • http://www.beamsinvestigations.org.uk/
  • http://www.mufon.com/
  • http://www.ufomeldpunt.be/
  • http://www.ufowijzer.nl/
  • http://www.ufoplaza.nl/
  • http://www.ufowereld.nl/
  • http://www.stantonfriedman.com/
  • http://ufo.start.be/

  • www.ufo.be
  • www.caelestia.be
  • ufo.startpagina.nl.
  • www.wszechocean.blogspot.com.
  • AsocCivil Unifa

  • Startpagina !


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