The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
VIDEO: Mysterieuze graanformaties met kerst verschenen in Mexico
Honderden mensen zijn richting de Mexicaanse stad Texcoco getrokken om mysterieuze graanformaties te kunnen aanschouwen. Het mysterie van het patroon met een omvang van zeven hectare is nog altijd niet opgelost.
Inwoners van de stad maakten op donderdag (bij ons Eerste Kerstdag) melding van felle lichten in de lucht. De volgende ochtend zagen ze tot hun verbazing vreemde patronen in een nabijgelegen gerstveld. Een vrouw belde de politie om te zeggen ‘dat er aliens actief waren en dat er verschillende patronen in de gewassen waren verschenen’, meldt de krant El Universal.
De autoriteiten hebben nog geen idee wie verantwoordelijk is voor de graancirkels of hoe ze zijn ontstaan. De akker wordt bewaakt door politieagenten. Inmiddels zijn zo’n 2000 mensen, waaronder een aantal wetenschappers, naar het gebied getrokken om een bezoek te brengen aan de formaties en foto’s te maken.
Er gaan geruchten dat dit een ‘buitenaards teken’ is, meldde de website Tiempo. Sommigen zeggen dat de formatie is ontstaan door de wind of dat de Chupacabra (geitenzuiger) is teruggekeerd. Anderen stellen dat graancirkels wijzen op buitenaardse aanwezigheid. Wetenschappers vermoeden echter dat ze door mensen worden gemaakt.
Geheim ondergronds complex ontdekt waar nazi's werkten aan de atoombom
Geheim ondergronds complex ontdekt waar nazi’s werkten aan de atoombom
In Oostenrijk is een enorm ondergronds complex gevonden waar de nazi’s aan een atoombom werkten. Het complex, dat zich uitstrekt over een gebied van 30 hectare, is ontdekt in de omgeving van de plaats Sankt Georgen an der Gusen.
Onderzoekers begonnen opgravingen te verrichten nadat hoge stralingswaarden waren gemeten. Dit wijst erop dat de nazi’s aan kernwapens werkten. Documentairemaker Andreas Sulzer zei dat het hoogstwaarschijnlijk gaat om de grootste geheime wapenfabriek van het Derde Rijk.
Het complex zou in verbinding hebben gestaan met het B8 Bergkristall, een met dwangarbeiders gebouwde geheime onderaardse vliegtuigfabriek, en met het concentratiekamp Mauthausen. Hoewel het Bergkristall na de Tweede Wereldoorlog is blootgelegd door de geallieerden en de Russen, hebben de nazi’s dit complex goed verborgen weten te houden.
De ingang naar het complex, die is afgedekt met grote platen van graniet, werd gevonden met behulp van vrijgegeven documenten en getuigenverklaringen. In de tunnels zijn onder meer helmen gevonden die toebehoorden aan SS-troepen.
“Uit verschillende Europese concentratiekampen werden mensen uitgekozen om aan dit gigantische project te werken. Dankzij de nabestaanden kunnen we de waarheid nu eindelijk onthullen,” zei Sulzer, die een documentaire heeft gemaakt over Hitlers plannen om een atoombom te maken.
Er is bewijs dat wetenschappers werkten aan een geheim project onder leiding van SS-generaal Hans Kammler. Sulzer doorzocht archieven in Duitsland, Rusland en Noord-Amerika op zoek naar bewijs voor het kernwapenproject van de SS.
Op 2 januari 1944 werden 272 gevangenen uit Mauthausen naar het kamp in Sankt Georgen gebracht om te beginnen met de bouw van het complex, waarbij zo’n 20.000 tot 40.000 slavenarbeiders om het leven zijn gekomen. Na de oorlog werd voor miljoenen euro’s aan beton in de tunnels gestort.
Sulzer stelt dat het geheime gedeelte waar onderzoek naar kernwapens werd uitgevoerd, nog intact is. De Sovjets waren tot 1955 gestationeerd in Sankt Georgen en namen alle documenten over het complex mee terug naar Moskou.
In juni 2011 werd kernafval afkomstig van Hitlers geheime kernwapenprogramma gevonden in een oude mijn in Hanover. Meer dan 126.000 vaten nucleair materiaal liggen weg te rotten in een oude zoutmijn. Er gaan geruchten dat de lichamen van kerngeleerden die aan het nucleaire nazi-programma werkten daar ook nog liggen.
Werd de bemanning van Apollo 15 in de gaten gehouden door een UFO?
Werd de bemanning van Apollo 15 in de gaten gehouden door een UFO?
Werden astronauten in de gaten gehouden door een UFO toen ze de maan verkenden? In 1969 landden mensen voor het eerst op het maanoppervlak, maar tot 1972 volgden er nog verschillende andere bemande Apollo-missies.
Een UFO-onderzoeker stuitte tijdens een speurtocht door het fotoarchief van Apollo 15 op een ongeïdentificeerd vliegend object boven de maanhorizon. De vondst is op YouTube geplaatst door Streetcap1. De oorspronkelijke foto van de UFO is gemaakt in de periode tussen 30 juli en 2 augustus 1971.
Sommige UFO-fanaten menen dat het object een UFO is die de maanlandingen observeert, terwijl anderen geloven dat het een stofdeeltje, artefact of ruimtepuin is. “Het kan van alles zijn; een kras op de lens of een dwarrelend stofdeeltje, aangezien de zwaartekracht er een stuk lager is. Het zou zelfs een afbeelding van de aarde kunnen zijn. Er is geen bewijs dat dit een UFO is, omdat het object niet vliegt. Ik denk dat de vlek is ontstaan na de ontwikkeling van het filmrolletje,” zo schreef iemand in een reactie op de YouTube-video.
Hoewel het object ongeïdentificeerd is, hoeft het niet per definitie te gaan om een buitenaards schip, benadrukte YouTube-gebruiker Streetcap1. Apollo 15 was de vierde missie van het Apolloprogramma, waarbij astronauten in de jaren zeventig op de maan landden en deze verkenden. Bij deze missie werd voor het eerst een maanwagen meegenomen. Door dit voertuig kon een groter oppervlak worden verkend dan bij eerdere missies.
De Mexicaanse Popocatépetl vulkaan blijft iedere keer weer verbazen. Het is ongetwijfeld de meest door UFO's bezochte vulkaan ter wereld.
Nu doet er zich daar weer iets nieuws voor. Vreemde wezens op de berghelling in de buurt van de krater.
De professionele bergbeklimmers (Mountain Rescue) die zich bij en rond de vulkaan bezighouden met onder andere het in veiligheid brengen van verdwaalde toeristen en dergelijke, maken melding van vreemde wezens.
Ze zijn tussen de twee en twee en een halve meter groot en worden waargenomen op de helling van de vulkaan, dichtbij de krater.
Ze zijn lang en dun en beschikken niet over een uitrusting zoals een rugzak of iets dergelijks. Ze hebben niets om zich tegen de barre weerscondities op die hoogte te beschermen.
Deze wezens zijn niet een keer bij toeval waargenomen. Ze worden op regelmatige basis gezien door leden van Mountain Rescue en anderen.
Tot grote verbazing van de bergbeklimmers kunnen de wezens in een heel korte tijd een aanzienlijke afstand overbruggen op de steile gladde berghelling.
Een afstand op de berghelling waar de bergbeklimmers normaal gesproken drie uur over doen, wordt door deze wezens in tien minuten afgelegd.
Guillermo Vidalez is één van de bergbeklimmers die ze met eigen ogen heeft gezien. Hij zegt dat het eigenlijk onmogelijk is voor iets of iemand om een berghelling in zo'n korte tijd te beklimmen, gezien de condities van het terrein en het weer. De wezens zagen er uit als dunne, lange figuren en ze waren te ver van Vidalez verwijderd om contact te kunnen maken.
Grote vraag is natuurlijk: Wie zijn deze wezens en wat hebben ze daar op die helling van de vulkaan te zoeken.
VIDEO: Amazing UFO activity over Taylors Hill, Australia 17-Dec-2014
VIDEO: Amazing UFO activity over Taylors Hill, Australia 17-Dec-2014
Here are two interesting videos of a UFO activity in the sky above Taylors Hill in Victoria, Australia. Both of the clips were taken on 17th December 2014.
Witness report: Video #1:Two (Infrared) UFO Spheres over Taylors Hill I was out for routine skywatching in the afternoon on the 17th of December 2014, when i noticed an anomalous object flying north near the suburb of Taylors Hill, Australia. As i was filming the object, another UFO was detected to the south-west of my house estimated 500 meters away. The object weaves backwards and forwards and displays maneuvering characteristics unlike any conventional aircraft.
Video #2:Triangle UFO formation 17th December 2014 I was reviewing the footage from a skywatching session recorded on the 17th of December 2014 when i noticed in a few of the frames a Triangular-formation of Three UFOs flying North near Taylors Hill, Australia. The objects appear as though they could be lights from a single Triangular-shaped UFO craft. The footage was filmed using a Pulsar NV/Infrared monocular with a 950nm pass filter.
Your UFO reports: 20th December – 27th December 2014
Did you see a UFO? Report it using this form or send us e-mail to !
Los Angeles, near the observatory – 12/28/2014 I was hiking on the hills of the Griffin Park observatory, I remember that I came to the highest part of the hiking trail about 6pm Pacific time. Something caught my eye when I was looking North as if looking torwards Burbank when I saw this craft with changing colors in the sky. It was I, my girlfriend and about 5 other witnesses that saw this. As I reached for my smartphone to snap a pic it was gone. It would have been a great picture since my Motorola Nexus 6 takes beautiful pictures even at great distances.
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Ramona ca 92065 mussey grade rd. – 12/27/14 Orange bright sphere or orb. Moving very fast at short distance. More like hovering but moving north south east west jumpy and sometimes moving north south east west longer range. Dropping small red orbs that flash and move rapidly in the sky in all directions. (N, S, E, W). Have pictures and video in detail. Sometimes orbs of lights flashing very brilliant in many colors. (Very beautiful) vision thru telescope and cannot figure out what it is. Looks very odd and its the brightest object in the sky. More than 3 some nights. Almost looks like spirit entities. Email for more details would like to get more info and share my picture video evidence. Thank you all.
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Alhaurin el grande, Malaga, Spain – 24th Dec 2014 21:00 cet (approx) Very bright white light moving from South to North at very high speed. Both myself and my adult son watched it for a few seconds until it went out of sight. It wasn’t an aircraft. Perhaps a meteor that skimmed the atmosphere? Oh,,, and it wasn’t Santa’s sleigh It wasn’t a satellite either, we see those regularly in summer, this was at least three or four times faster than a satellite and much brighter.
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Pennsylvania – 28 Sept 2014
Was driving on rte. 222 s. , between Ephrata, Pa. and Lancaster, Pa. I spotted a couple of Hot air balloons . Pointed my camera, (while driving) through the front window on the right side, took a couple of shots, and captured this object, not knowing it was there. I only noticed it when I downloaded the pictures. Sept. 28 2014. 10 a.m. What do you think?
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on indego sky off of hunt hwy – 2012 around 0100 in the morning I was driving home one night it was a clear sky full of stars. I always look at the stars on the way home then kinda strange like a dim glow around me or something. I looked forward at the windshield of me truck around the rear view mirror and see what looked like a silk worm hanging getting lower and lower until it made it to the middle of the windshield. Then I hear a tap then see a flash of light but the light didn’t go everywhere it stayed on the ground and followed the horizon. I know it did because I saw all the hills, trees, and houses when the light made it there. The light wasn’t bright before or after the band of light that shot across the ground. I don’t remember anything after that. All I know it my drink was watered down and I think I passed the same poll that was on the side of the road and I have a scar on my leg like if you have a heart catheter on my left inner thigh that wasn’t there before that I can remember. Now have really vivid dreams I can only remember the poll again when I wake up sometimes.
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Unknown location a few years back I was in my garden, it was a clear day mid afternoon in late summer and I happened to look up and at about sixty to a hundred feet I saw flying in formation what I can only describe as inflated clear polythene bags with lights inside of them and they were shaped like kites, the old fashioned triangular shape but each one had a different colour, these were moving at a rapid rate in perfect formation, my heckles were up I was shocked because I knew wot I was seeing was not of this world !!! I swear to god!!! also at this time a few people had died within days of each other, so im convinced I saw soul collectors!! I swear to god I saw these at a low altitude in late afternoon on a clear summers day!! this is not made up im a fifty year old man!!
Drone footage: UFO-style mysterious crop patterns in Texcoco, Mexico
Drone footage: UFO-style mysterious crop patterns in Texcoco, Mexico
Gepubliceerd op 27 dec. 2014
Mysterious crop patterns appeared in a barley field in the Mexican municipality of Texcoco on Thursday, creating Christmas confusion for the local community.
29-12-2014 om 00:22
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
From between approximately 2120 hrs. and 2130 hrs. (Pacific Daylight Time), one or more objects, variously described as a blue-green sphere, an oval of blue-green light, or a disc with six lights on it, was reported from multiple points throughout western Washington State. The object was reported to change direction of flight on at least three occasions, to execute a rolling maneuver on at least one occasion, to come to an almost complete stop in two locations, to reverse its general course of travel from south to north, and to change its appearance, including its color, on at least two occasions. One reliable observer witnessed the object to pass slowly over the center of Bangor Submarine Base on Hood Canal, approximately 20-30 miles to the west of Seattle, passing directly over the underground bunkers where nuclear weapons are thought to be stored. In excess of a dozen seemingly independent and reliable reports regarding the alleged sightings were received by the National UFO Reporting Center between April 22 and May 11.Summary of Witness Reports: 1. Snohomish County, WA: A 16-yr. old male and his mother, located approximately 15-20 miles north of Seattle, witnessed a blue-green object suddenly descend from the sky, hover, and then accelerate to the south-southwest and disappear in that direction at approximately 2120 hrs. (PDT). 2. Poulsbo, WA: Larry Swanson, a former federal employee and computer specialist, who resides approximately ¼ mile from the northeast corner of the Bangor Submarine Base, allegedly witnessed a brightly lighted, disc-shaped object glide silently over the center of that military facility at approximately 2122 hrs.. The object tilted somewhat, so the witness was able to see the ventral side of the object quite clearly, he reports. A computer-generated graphic, provided by the witness, is shown above. 3. Auburn, WA: A man out walking his dog witnessed a perfectly circular, blue-green ball of light descend from north to south in the western sky at 2120 hrs. at a very high velocity. 4. Puyallup, WA: A man driving to work witnessed a striking blue-green ball of light descending at a 30-35 degree angle from north to south in the western sky at a very high velocity. 5. Shelton, WA: A young father witnessed a blue-green ball of light streak across the sky to the west of his location. 6. Oakville, WA: A mother and her two sons, driving west on State Route 12, located to the west of Interstate 5, witnessed a “disc shaped” object, imbedded in a cloud of blue-green light, streak from north to south in the western sky. The object appeared to “follow the contour” of the horizon, dipping down suddenly, and then rising up again during its rapid flight to the south. The object was reported to generate a peculiar “tail,” which streamed off the aft end of the object for a fleeting instant. All three witnesses believed they observed three lights on the top of the disc, and three lights on its ventral side, as well. 7. Steilacoom, WA: A woman witnessed a blue-green ball of light streak from north to south in the western sky at 2123 hrs.. 8. Vancouver, WA: A husband and wife witnessed a blue-green ball of light move slowly from north to south in the western sky. Very peculiar appearance to the object, they reported, with a peculiar looking “mist” surrounding the object. 9. Portland, OR: A young musician witnessed a blue-green ball of light move from west to east in the northern sky from his vantage point in the city of Portland, OR. 10. Vancouver, WA: A male Ph.D. in computer science, driving north on Interstate 5 witnessed a blue-green ball of light, that seemed to him to descend vertically ahead of his automobile and hover momentarily above the highway. The witness added that he had experienced some very unusual emotional reactions to the event. 11. Yakima, WA: A law enforcement officer witnessed a blue-green ball of light moving at a very high velocity from south to north for approximately 2 seconds. During his sighting, the object suddenly changed its color from green to red. The sighting occurred at 2130 hrs., the witness thought.
''Who is watching Who?'' - Very low object watching me?
''Who is watching Who?'' - Very low object watching me?
U.F.O.Lou made an interesting compilation of UFO sightings he captured during 2014.
The footage shows some old and new material. Highlights are two sightings:
1. Object suddenly stops, changes direction and follows his path at high speed at around 1.57 Mark.
2. Very low bright Orb at around 2.27 Mark. U.F.O.Lou: “I felt like I was being watched.”
28-12-2014 om 22:59
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
UFO mania: The Best Mars Discoveries Of 2014
UFO mania: The Best Mars Discoveries Of 2014
Some of the best and my favourite discoveries found on Mars, links to all are below. Hybrid Hominoid Caught By Mars Spirit Rover:
"Er zouden best weleens mensen kunnen leven - ginds in het midden van de koude, donkere ruimte - zónder melkwegstelsel", beweert Harvey Moseley, astrofysicus van NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.
Ze doet die uitsprak nadat astronomen een nooit eerder geziene zwakke kosmische gloed hebben waargenomen, die afkomstig kan zijn van sterren die ergens zweven tussen de melkwegen in. De helft van alle sterren in het hele universum zouden zich volgens deze ontdekking buiten de grenzen van het melkwegstelsel verschuilen.
Astronome Juna Kollmeier noemt de nieuwe bevindingen "uitdagend" maar is niet overtuigd van de conclusie dat het waargenomen licht afkomstig is van sterren buiten de melkweg. Volgens haar sloegen de sterren op drift na een botsing tussen melkwegstelsels.
Dat er extragalactische sterren bestaan, is ingegeven door de vaststelling dat er bij wetenschappelijke onderzoeken veel méér licht viel waar te nemen dan verklaard kan worden door de al bekende melkwegstelsels. Dat licht moet dus wel van sterren tussen de melkwegen komen, zo concludeert astrofysicus Jamie Bock. "Deze sterren zorgen voor evenveel achtergrondlicht als de melkwegen zelf", zegt hij. "Dat is echt opwindend."
In principe bevinden sterren zich binnen een melkwegstelsel. Maar ze kunnen eruit getrapt worden door de zwaartekracht als melkwegen met elkaar botsen.
Ruimtevaart NASA heeft vandaag beelden vrijgegeven waarop ook de planeet Mars in winterse toestand te bezichtigen is. Op de foto zien we hoe de glooiingen van een krater bezaaid zijn met aangevroren kooldioxide.
De beelden werden vastgelegd door de camera van het High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE). Die bevindt zich op een satelliet die NASA uitstuurde om de planeet Mars te verkennen. Het onderzoek van de satelliet startte in 2006. De beelden waarvan HiRISE NASA voorziet, zijn van enorm hoge kwaliteit: met een nauwkeurigheid van ongeveer 0,25 meter per pixel kan het systeem de woeste planeet in kaart brengen. Eenmaal terug op aarde worden de data gebruikt om monochrome beelden in kleur te produceren. Die beelden hebben een breedte van om en bij de 20.000 pixels en bevatten elk maar liefst 6 km marslandschap.
De twee nieuwe beelden werden door HiRISE opgenomen in november 2014. Ze tonen de bevroren helling van een krater in Sisyphi Planum. De krater heeft een diameter van 35 kilometer. Aangevroren kooldioxide bedekt het grootste deel van het marsoppervlak uit dat gebied. Dankzij de stof kan het subtiele reliëf van de planeet beter in kaart gebracht worden.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Several People Reportedly Witness a UFO Above Capua Town In Caserta, Italy
Several People Reportedly Witness a UFO Above Capua Town In Caserta, Italy
Dozens of witnesses have seen a UFO above the Capua town, and a group of friends snapped a photo of it, according to Italian news sites.
Located approximately 20 miles north of Naples, Capua is a town of almost 19,000 people. On Monday night, December 15, witnesses claimed they saw a bright cylindrical object over the town of Capua. Some went on saying that the light could be observed all over the town. Other said that the brightness of the light could be seen anywhere in the country.
While in Tifata Hills, in the community of Sant’Angelo in Formis, a group of friends had taken a picture of the object. The picture shows a bright, yellow, cylindrical object, the same description given by witnesses across the town. While caution has been given by the news websites saying that all UFO cases need to examine carefully before making any assumptions, they also report that witnesses are very much convinced they saw out of the ordinary activity in the sky that night.
An Italian news website claimed that UFO sighting in Capua area is not new, though no reference has been given to the other sightings. It also asserted that 2014 was a year of UFO sightings in Italy and more in the entire world.
Aside from the picture, no other details have been provided regarding the sighting or the movement of the object. For now, the best thing to examine about the sighting is the picture.
As announced by Professor Lachezar Filipov, BAS plans to form a working group to look into the phenomenon. The working group and the conference were reportedly inspired from a UFO sighting in October 2014 above Sofia’s Kremikovtsi district. The reporting witness of the UFO event is identified as a serious man and seems to be the only one to have seen the object.
Bulgaria has become a place of UFO sightings in recent years. One major incident involved a UFO in the night sky above Haskovo, Bulgaria. Ben Hensen, a former FBI agent and who has worked in Syfy Channel’s Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files as lead investigator, suggests that the video footage showing UFO activity over Haskovo was not edited.
UFO History
Unidentified flying objects (UFOs) have been part of many cultures. Ever since the Second World War, connection of UFOs and alien spacecraft has become famous.
Jesse Marcel Sr. (on the right right) with the the remains of a flying saucer from the Roswell crash
The theory of space alien visiting planet Earth or humanity has been the subject of both science fiction and scientific speculation for many decades now. The idea of UFOs being extraterrestrials has inspired paranormal television shows, such as “The X-Files” and sci-fi movies, such as “Close Encounters of the Third Kind.”
Urban legend suggests that the government knows about visitors from other planets, but for whatever reason, the alleged fact is hidden to the public.
The entire mythology has become familiar with the idea that UFOs are evidence of the existence of aliens, particularly those extraterrestrial beings interested in something here on Earth.
The most popular and probably the most widely documented event involving UFOs is the Roswell, New Mexico UFO crash in 1947. The story alleges that there were dead alien crew recovered together with the debris of an unknown flying saucer and that the government has been studying alien corpses and the craft at Area 51.
Alien Abductions
Alien abduction has also been one aspect of the UFO mythos. This involves aliens abducting human beings for experimentation before releasing them back to their respective places.
The alien abduction case of the couple Barney and Betty Hill is the first documented accounts of the subject. The incident reportedly took place in 1961. These statements are believed to be the result of the fake story or implanted memories from an unrelated psychological trauma.
U.S. Air Force formed Project Blue Book to give scientific explanations for UFO sightings. The project concluded that many UFO sighting reports can be explained by space satellites, aircraft, or some natural phenomenon.
While many of UFO sightings are proven to be hoaxes, there are few of them that remain unexplained, which strengthen the belief of UFO enthusiasts about alien spacecraft observing planet Earth. Meanwhile, skeptics would say that the small number of unexplained sightings could also be explained, but there haven’t yet sufficient data available to fully explain them.
Official UFO studies stopped in 1969 with the conclusion that UFOs would have no scientific value, and they are not threats to national security. However, the debate whether any of the UFOs represent alien visitors is still ongoing as a number of private groups still investigating the phenomenon.
Many scientists have concluded that intelligent extraterrestrials exist somewhere in the universe other than Earth. The discovery of Earth-like planets raises hopes that aliens could exist elsewhere.
A mock UFO with alien dolls and reading 'Smile, you are being abducted' is seen in Alto Paraiso town, Goias State, in Brazil AFP
UFO sightings have been reported from various corners of the world in 2014. Though the subject remains debatable, reports keep coming in of spotting of unidentified flying objects.
Sky-gazers spot UFOs at regular intervals and post pictures and videos on social networking sights.
IB Times UK has compiled a list of top 5 UFO sightings that occurred in 2014.
1.UFO with 'actual' alien captured by Google Earth map
An image of the UFO spotted on Google Earth.Ufo sightings daily
The picture was posted by a Google Earth user from Newfoundland who reportedly spotted a UFO along with an alien over the sky of Trout Creek, Montana.
Scott Waring, who tracks UFO activities, examined the picture and comes to the conclusion that, "there is an alien head sticking out from the UFO".
2. Huge mystery crater found in Siberia's 'End of the World'
Giant craters created by gas explosions in Siberia could explain Bermuda Triangle disappearances(YouTube)
An enormous mysterious crater was discovered in northern Siberia also dubbed as "the End of the World".
The incident left scientists around the world baffled as the source of the hole remained unknown sparking UFO rumours.
Tom Cruise fans went on to compare the mysterious hole with that in his movie, War of the Worlds, in which aliens enter the Earth's surface by making holes and later attack humanity.
3. Oval-shaped UFO spotted hovering over Houston sky during rain storm
Houston was popularly named UFO city after an oval-shaped UFO appeared to be protruding from thunder clouds.
Images of the dramatic UFO sighting went viral on social media showing a circular object with blinking lights floating over the Houston sky during a rain storm.
The picture is touted as one of the clearest of a UFO flying over Earth.
4. UFO sighting on Apollo 15
A recent report claimed that a suspected UFO was hovering over the lunar horizon and was perhaps spying on the 1971 Apollo 15 mission conducted by Nasa.
Streetcap1 reported the discovery via a YouTube video and explained the findings: "Dudes, I just upload what I find, I believe it's put there to be found. Remember a ufo is an unidentified flying object not an alien craft."
5. Huge UFO with flashing lights caught flying over Italy sky
The YouTube image shows a suspected UFO flying over Milan, Italy.YouTube
A man from Milan, Italy, claimed to have spotted a huge UFO and that he caught the entire extraterrestrial action on his camera.
The video went viral on YouTube and visitors to the video were amazed to see strange lights. Some, however, suspected it to be some sort of technical job to create the impression of a UFO.
This is our list of top 5 UFO sightings. Please let us know your list of noteworthy extraterrestrial sightings of the year. Drop your views in the comment section below.
In an interview with, retired general Hernan Gabrielli Rojas mentioned that he had squared off against a gigantic UFO while engaging in a training flight in the skies of northern Chile. According to the military man, the object was the size of 10 or 15 aircraft carriers, and its presence was picked up by the radars aboard two F-5 jet fighters as well as the Cerro Moreno airport in Antofagasta.
– What do you remember about your contact with the UFO? Over 20 years have gone by (this was in 1978). I was a captain and was flying a mission with two F-5 fighters. It was noon and I was flying with captain Danilo Catalán – we were both flight instructors. Accompanying us was Fernando Gomez, an avionics tech, and another trainee. The F-5 is radar-equipped, and a line appeared from side to side – in other words, a trace throughout the bottom side of the screen. A trace for a surface ship, a cruiser, is approximately one centimeter long, but this line went from one side [of the screen] to another. I assumed the radar scope had failed, and told Danilo Catalán, but his radar also “failed”. I then advised the ground radar at Antofagasta and they also picked up the line. We were engaged with these details when we looked toward the east: we were flying from north to south in the vicinity of Mejillones, and saw a deformed cigar-shaped object. Deformed, like a plaintain banana. It was swathed in smoke.
– What was the object’s size? It was large and must have been some 15 to 20 miles away. It moved in the same direction as us. We had no missiles, guns or anything. As you can imagine, the fright was more or less considerable. We could see a large thing surrounded in smoke, and from which a vapor issued. All of this situation must have lasted some five minues. We approached the UFO but it was motionless. It neither approached nor retreated – it merely sailed parallel to us. It was quite impressive, because it was truly something strange, and something could be seen in concealment behind the smoke.
– What happened later? The object then disappeared toward Easter Island at an impressive rate of speed. The sky cleared and the lines on the radar vanished. However, there had been an object physically flying there. It’s not a yarn, let me tell you. It’s my only experience with UFOs.
Stunning pictures captured of the most recent appearance of the Northern Lights, not only delivers a beautiful aurora display but also an unknown cigar-shaped object flying in the aurora borealis.
An aurora is a natural light display in the sky predominantly seen in the high latitude of the Artic and Antartic regions.
The effect is known as the aurora borealis or the northern lights, named after the Roman goddess of dawn, Aurora, and the Greek name for the north wind, Boreas, by Galileo in 1619.
I am writing you because of something I saw (along with a friend) while flying into Dallas Friday evening. The more I have thought about this the more I knew I should write down what I saw. I was flying from Seattle to Dallas on Flight 18 Friday Nov. 14th. At about 6:35-6:45 P.M. Dallas time, about a half hour out of Dallas/Ft Worth we were high above thick cloud cover. There was a full moon out and the clarity above the clouds was good. As we looked out ahead and to the east (port side of the aircraft), I noticed few lights out ahead of us. I presumed they were other aircraft coming right at us since the lights did not blink like wing lights but as the head lights do at times. There were two such lights and they looked far off but being at night it was hard to tell just how far. I watched for a long time watching other aircraft with blinking strobe lights passing in various directions. these lights (the identifiable aircraft with blinkers) were much smaller in size to the constant lights. What started to seem strange was the fact that the original two lights which were constant began to appear to be closer the nearer we flew, not farther apart as it should be is we were approaching them. Also what seemed strange was the fact that at no point did there appear any other lights such as a green (starboard) or red (port) lights with these two constant lights. I watched intently as I saw a normally lit and identifiable aircraft fly perpendicular to the main light on my left that I had been watching. The identifiable aircraft approached extremely close and behind this light. The light was not a distant star or light on a hill or a beacon as my mind raced to start to explain what I was seeing. The time span now is maybe 15 full minutes of watching these lights. We were approaching these lights which was apparent since the lights were now directly to the port side of the aircraft and no longer in front of us. As we continued on, and our approach to Dallas caused as to slightly alter our approach, these lights became directly to port from us and even closer and seemed to rise higher above the cloud layer than before. I had mentioned the lights to my companion several times since I first spotted them when I had described them first as two aircraft with their headlights on. At this point I saw a third light low in the cloud cover below these two lights. This third light was hazy as if slightly in the clouds and also seemed larger and closer to us. It had shape to it, almost like it was like a soft cube shape (a cube with rounded corners and puffed up sides. It was not just light). I was seriously questioning that these lights were anything I had seen before. I had made several comments to my friend trying to explain what I was seeing since I knew they were not aircraft like “these have to be beacon lights” or “maybe theyare power lines” always to be followed by, “but we are too high for that”.
I said to my companion that she should look at the lights. Right about then, I leaned back as we passed the lights. My companion leaned over me and looked now back slightly aft and to port through the windows and said to me “You mean those lights that look like a triangle?”. I looked out the window again and now saw that indeed there was three distinct lights, not blinking above the cloud cover in a triangle formation. The third light had indeed come out and was well above the clouds. As we continued to move towards Dallas and begin our decent, the lights remained in a triangle formation even though we continued make a left turn towards the Dallas/Ft Worth airport. In other words, even thought they were in a triangular formation while we looked at them to port, they remained in a triangular formation as we viewed them to aft. Within a few minutes we were descending into the clouds and I lost sight of the lights. I have thought a lot about what I saw and discussed it with my companion who also saw them. These were stationary lights at our altitude during normal flight approach about 35-45 mins out of Dallas or slightly higher (with the exception to the third light) which would put them at least 25-35K feet. The lights were stationary since while we approached they were in front, as we continued they were to the port and then aft of us as we passed. There were initially two constant lights very far apart when first viewed and only slightly brighter and very much closer to each other 30 minutes later when joined by the third light from the clouds. the lights did not seem to move but were stationary though they must have moved since they were closer to each other after viewing them for 30 minutes than at first. I am a 42 yr old businessman in Seattle (your town). I work as a real estate broker. I was a concert promoter for many many years and have flown hundreds of thousands of miles. I have a good grasp of astronomy and can identify the moons of Jupiter with my binoculars and Venus along with my favorite constellations. I grew up with a pilot as my best friend and have logged hundreds of right seat flying in small aircraft so I have an appreciation for what aircraft look like at night and during the day. Though I do listen to Art Bell and have read many books on Roswell and a few about other UFO’s, I am not a “believer”. I am a curious observer. With thousand’s of hours of staring at the skies, of flying all over this country many times over during night and day, I have never seen anything that wasn’t identifiable, at least after 5-10 minutes of viewing. These objects were viewed by me for nearly 45 minutes non-stop and I have no explanation that meets any test I put to it. I have replayed the tape in my head over and over. I keep seeing the aircraft passing behind the main left light. I keep seeing the two lights far apart and them seeing the triangle shape after the appearance of the third. I see the third boxy light shrouded ion the clouds then see it clearly in view above the clouds. These objects had to be moving, but in such a way that they seemed stationary. There were no additional lights associated with these white lights. there were no strobes with these lights. While other aircraft came and went from Dallas and appeared across the sky, these lights seemed to sit still. I had to finally admit I saw something strange and unexplainable with my resources. I guess in a way, I wanted to live in denial that I saw anything weird at all, but in the end, had to write this down and send it off as a statement of my very best recollection of what I saw.
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.