The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
This Woman Filmed A "UFO" In The Sky And Now People Are Screaming About Aliens
This Woman Filmed A "UFO" In The Sky And Now People Are Screaming About Aliens
Lee-Anne Peters from Hobart was looking out her window in the early hours of Tuesday morning when she saw what looked like a fireball streaking across the sky.
“I set my alarm to wake up early because it was my daughter’s 16th birthday,” she told BuzzFeed News. “My kitchen window has a great view of the eastern sky… Looking out the window while cooking I saw the object.”
Lee-Anne lives near an airport and at first thought the object was a plane, however she soon believed it was too high in the sky for that to be the case.
As her daughter grabbed a pair of binoculars, Lee-Anne got her video camera and zoomed in to film the whole thing.
After Lee-Anne posted the video to Facebook it was shared over 1,000 times. Then people began the debate about what exactly the object was.
Some thought it was an alien…
Some thought it was a plane…
And some wanted to be VERY CLEAR that it definitely was not a plane.
However Chris Arkle, an astronomer at Launceston Planetarium, told ABC News it was “definitely a high flying aircraft”.
“The length of time that the object was visible for, and its apparent speed, both support this hypothesis,” he said.
Of course, that’s probably exactly what the aliens would want you to be believe.
Brad Esposito is a news reporter for BuzzFeed and is based in Sydney, Australia.
HOUSTON (KTRK) --The Mutual UFO Network in Houston reports about 80 suspected UFO sightings a year.
That's not including the ones that are seen but not reported.
One top UFO expert, Fletcher Gray, explains why so many of the sightings aren't UFOs. But, he also says there is one case that he still can't figure out.
Foti Kallergis and a top UFO investigator analyzed several recent sightings.
Just above the Katy area an orange light is spotted, seen floating around. Down below, sightseers are convinced it's a UFO.
Gray went back to Katy with Eyewitness News to investigate.
"It's flickering as it moves through the night sky," Gray says.
He says if it was a true UFO, the light would not be flickering. He does tell us what he thinks the light is.
"It's probably going to be some type of aircraft or a lantern," he says. Case closed.
PHOTOS: UFO sightings in Texas
The MUFON UFO stalker map shows a great trend in sightings along the Katy Freeway. (MUFON)
If you're viewing on our ABC13 news app, tap on the photo above to see more images.
This photo was taken by Alfonso Servin on Friday, Feb. 20, 2015. He said he is convinced it is a UFO.
Gray says most sightings reported to MUFON in Houston can be explained.
Gray says UFOs are real, and told us what he thinks they want from our planet.
"They're seeking out and learning our planet, if that's the case," Gray said. "It could be something they are doing research with, something that has antigravity capabilities."
Hi there and welcome to UFO today. Yesterday a news report hit the wires stating the number of UFO sightings is increasing exponentially worldwide. The article was based on a blogpost from Sam Monfort, a doctoral student in Human Factors and Applied Cognition at George Mason University. Monfort reported his findings in a blog update that used information from the National UFO Reporting Center. I’ll link to his blog in the notes below.
I wanted to give my personal view on the reasons why the number of sightings in increasing.
Number of people increased since the first sightings were logged by several organization including the government. We are now with 7.5 billion people on spaceship earth, while after world war 2 this was only 2,5 billion.
The number of camera’s in the world heavily increased since digital cameras were introduced and especially since these cameras are integrated with peoples phones. I They carry them all the time, everywhere they go. In the graph you can see that by now some 2,5 billion people use a smartphone with camera on a daily basis. Also the number of security cams has gone up exponentially, in 2014 it was estimated that there are 250 million cctv cameras in use everyday, and this number is increasing rapidly. These are the 2 factors that have huge influence on the number of daily UFO reports. A higher number of people that can witness a UFO and the easy access to a recording device. (although a lot of sightings are not captured on camera)
Besides these 2 main factors there are a couple more that helped increasing the number of reported sightings. The number of organizations that research the phenomenon and the number of organization where people can report a sighting has also increased. It has become easier to file a report directly to the organizations that do the research. Before the internet came along people that came forward with their report contacted the police and in some cases these reports weren’t taken seriously and never ended up in the statistics. These days the subject of UFO’s is treated with a more respect than a couple of decades ago. This lowers the threshold for people to file a report without being afraid of being ridiculed for what they have witnessed. After project bluebook became public, people took the topic more seriously because if the government was investigation these sightings, there must be some scientific reason for that.
A last factor I want to talk about is the fact that the number of UFO sightings may have increased because people start to believe in them. Could it be that these unidentified objects are somehow intelligent and only show themselves to people who actually believe in them? The UFO subject is very complex and in some cases people report that the object was interacting with them in some way. I’m counting out the possibility that the number of sightings has increased because people are more tuned in to see them.
The last factors I want to add to the discussion are the increased number of planes and drones in our skies. A lot of UFO reports can be explained by regular planes and drones. And there are of course the secret aircraft that are being tested, which have capabilities we don’t even know about.
About 35 kilometers south of Inukjuak, an Inuit village in the far North of Quebec, lies an unusual rocky outcrop. Known as the Nuvvuagittuq Supracrustal Belt, it's mostly made up of grey-green rock, laced with veins of red. If you took the arduous trip there, and weren't a geologist, you might not realize what you were standing on. These rocks are thought to have formed billions of years ago under a prehistoric ocean, near ancient hydrothermal vents. And now they've yielded signs of extraordinarily ancient life, rewriting our planet's history.
In a new paper in Nature, an international team of researchers say these rocks are between 3.8 and 4.3 billion years old—the oldest rocks ever found on the planet. But that's not all. Their bizarre structures are signs of the presence of ancient microorganisms, making them the oldest "microfossils" ever found, and the oldest record of life on Earth.
The Nuvvuagittuq Supracrustal Belt showing a few of Nunavut's Nastapoka Islands in the background.
Image: D.Papineau
Our planet is just over 4.5 billion years old. Back in the era when these rocks were formed, not much more than a few hundred million years after Earth cooled and the oceans formed, it had a mostly toxic atmosphere and conditions that wouldn't be considered suitable for pretty much any sort of life we know of today. (Our planet's earliest time period, the Hadean Eon, which dated from about 4.5 to 4 billion years ago, was so hellish that it's literally named after Hades.)
That's one reason discoveries like this are important: If life could spring up on our primitive planet, chances look better that it might have emerged on other planets, too.
Haematite tubes from the NSB hydrothermal vent deposits that represent the oldest microfossils and evidence for life on Earth.
Image: Matthew Dodd
Geochemist Dominic Papineau, who is from Quebec, made a field expedition to the northern part of the province in 2011. It took three flights in small "propeller planes" to get to the site, he told Motherboard in an interview, as well as a three-hour boat ride.
Papineau wasn't expecting to find fossils, mostly because the rocks were all heavily metamorphosed (meaning they had undergone changes under immense pressure and heat beneath the Earth's crust, a process thought likely to destroy any possible signs of life).
Layer-deflecting bright red concretion of haematitic chert, which contains microfossils. A dark green volcanic rock in the top right represents hydrothermal vent precipitates on the seafloor. Nuvvuagittuq Supracrustal Belt.
Image: Dominic Papineau
So it was curious, he said, that bright red-banded iron formations were spattered among the grey-green landscape. "One hypothesis about these rocks is that there was biological involvement in their formation," said Papineau, who is a professor at University College London (UCL).
Certain types of bacteria that exist today are able to harvest nutrients from iron through a chemical reaction. Papineau began to wonder if similar organisms existed some 4 billion years ago.
"I was intrigued by the occurrence of these rocks, so I sampled them," said Papineau. "But what really gave me a hint that something important might be preserved in there is that I found concretions [mineral deposits formed by microbes] of jasper in the field."
Deposits of hematite (an iron mineral) found embedded in the quartz-like jasper formed a wide variety of structures resembling tubes and filaments, granules and rosettes. Although this implied a possible biological origin, it still wasn't a slam dunk. There are ways the structures could be created through non-biological interactions, so Papineau and the other scientists had to look further. One interesting characteristic of the formations were the layers of other minerals around them.
"The rosettes that we documented are composed of carbonate along with apatite and graphitic carbon," he said. "Carbonate with apatite is really the stuff of bones."
Microscopic iron-carbonate rosette with concentric layers of quartz inclusions and a core of a single quartz crystal with tiny inclusions of red hematite from the Nuvvuagittuq Supracrustal Belt.
Image: M.Dodd
In other words, here was more organic matter that could have originated from microfossils.
At UCL, he and lead author Matthew Dodd used microscopy and spectroscopy to continue to investigate these rocks. Eventually, they concluded there was evidence for microfossils of ancient iron-oxidizing organisms.
There are only a few other places around the world where you can find rocks of this age.
One is the stromatolites of Greenland. In 2016, scientists announced they'd discovered fossils there dating back 3.7 billion years. At that point, they were the oldest known.
These were produced within the same geological period as those described in the new study in Quebec, and were made by oxygen-producing microorganisms. That means that not only was there life in the very early stages of the planet—it was relatively diverse.
"If there were oxygen producing microbes then, [as well as] microbes that were oxidizing iron near hydrothermal vents, we have quite a significant diversity, because these are somewhat distantly related microorganisms today," said Papineau.
An Inuit-made inukshuk.
Image: J.O͛Neil
The implications of finding two distinct branches of life so early in the planet's history has implications for finding life on other planets. If two separate species of bacteria were able to evolve this early on Earth, could they also be found near hydrothermal vents in Mars' ancient seas, or within Europa's possible subsurface ocean? Scientists have already found hematite concretions on Mars, in the form of "blueberries" discovered by the Opportunity rover.
Papineau choose Quebec as his target because, after learning about the work in Greenland, he knew similar samples could be found closer to home. "This is my home province. This is my home country," he said. Now, by exploring the ancient rocks of its northernmost reaches, he and his collaborators have rewritten the history of life on Earth.
Truth about aliens will soon be revealed - and it will be key to saving Earth, says expert
Truth about aliens will soon be revealed - and it will be key to saving Earth, says expert
AN ALIEN hunter claims the truth about extraterrestrials visiting Earth will soon seep out - and once it does it will mean we can finally save the planet.
Scott C Waring, editor of, says a reported increase in UFO sightings means the world leaders behind an alleged cover-up over alien contact will no longer be able to keep it quiet.
According to data from the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC), UFO sightings around the world have reached an all-time high.
US-based NUFORC, an organisation that keeps a database of alleged sightings, says its statistics show people in the US are more likely to report a UFO sighting.
Mr Waring wrote in a blog about the increase: "The internet has caused many things to change in our world.
"One of them being that more UFO sightings are being reported daily than ever before.
"It's my estimate that over hundreds of UFOs per day are being seen by thousands of eyewitnesses, but still only a few of them report the sightings.
"Evidence is growing on a daily basis, which will one day confirm that aliens exist.
Will 2017 be the year we are told aliens exist?
CIA report claims 23 Russian soldiers were killed by aliens
The internet has caused many things to change in our world. One of them being that more UFO sightings are being reported daily than ever before.
Scott C Waring
"Cameras and online sharing networks are changing, making sharing these sightings easier, more convenient."
Many conspiracy theorists believe world leaders have actually met with visiting aliens, but kept it from us for fear of the impact it would have on religion and the rule of law.
But, there is a disclosure lobby pressing for the alleged "truth embargo" to be lifted.
They also hope the incresae in sightings will force the truth out, as Mr Waring does.
Conspiracy theorists also believe that new technology brought to earth by aliens, such as costless energy, and advancements in food and medicine, that could all help the planet.
Speaking about new details in the case of alleged alien abductee Travis Walton, who claims he was accidentally killed by a UFO and then brought back to life by aliens, Mr Waring added: "He was taken aboard the alien craft because when he got too close to the UFO, a burst of energy came from it, probably from the anti gravity propulsion, and killed him.
"The aliens then took him aboard the UFO and brought him back to life.
"This is the very reason that humans and aliens need to make open public contact so that such resources as medical technology, food technology and fuel technology can be shared to improve the quality of life across the globe for all."
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
EXCLUSIVE: Truth about the mysterious 'black cube UFOs' seen 'draining energy from Sun'
EXCLUSIVE: Truth about the mysterious 'black cube UFOs' seen 'draining energy from Sun'
AS UFO claims go it has been one of the most bizarre - black cubes bigger than planets found in NASA images of the Sun, that some conspiracy theorists claim are monster alien craft draining solar energy.
Scott C Waring appears to have added the black square to this image.
Oddly, many people have been left convinced by posts on certain UFO websites and YouTube channels that there may be some credit to the theory.
But, can expose the latest claims, at least, as nothing more than a digitally-edited hoax.
Scott C Waring, who edits the popular, has featured the black cubes on his website a number of times.
His latest post on them, published today featured claims he had found another one in an image taken by the the European space agency’s Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), which he found online yesterday.
The images are then published by NASA.
The version of the image shown on Mr Waring's website today, shows a black square, much bigger than earth in comparison to the sun, in the top left corner of the solar image.
Mr Waring posted a blog with the image entitled "Giant Borg Cube UFO Seen Orbiting Sun In NASA Photo
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Changes in Lovejoy comet's water 'fingerprint' discovered by NASA researchers
Changes in Lovejoy comet's water 'fingerprint' discovered by NASA researchers
The research team focused at the water (H2O) present on Lovejoy and calculated the water it released while producing heavier form of water (2H2O) known as deuterium oxide
Scientists from NASA's Goddard Center for Astrobiology observed the comet C/2014 Q2 – also called Lovejoy – and made simultaneous measurements of the output of H2O and HDO, a variant form of water.Courtesy of Damian Peach
A never-seen-before phenomenon has been observed by NASA scientists: Scientists have observed a change in the way water is produced on a comet.
The comet called Lovejoy, aka C/2014 Q2, which lies in the Oort cloud, was analysed by NASA scientists from the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland in partnership with Hawaii's W M Keck Observatory on Mauna Kea, according to a NASA statement.
The cohort of researchers examined the comet at infrared wavelengths a few days after it passed through its perihelion — the closest distance to the sun.
The research team focused at the water present on Lovejoy, and calculated the amount of water it released while producing a heavier form of water (2H2O) known as deuterium oxide (also known as HDO), which comprises more hydrogen isotope deuterium.
"A hydrogen atom has one proton, but when it also includes a neutron, that heavier hydrogen isotope is called deuterium," the NASA statement said.
The researchers found a chemical fingerprint by evaluating the D to H ratio; which helped them find out from where these space rocks have originated in the Oort cloud blanketing the young sun during the early days of the solar system.
The D to H ratio also helps in finding out how much of Earth's water has come from asteroids and comets thaat have struck our planet.
These findings were compared with those of another team made before Lovejoy reached its perihelion.
The researchers used ground-, as well as space-based telescopes and detected a difference. It was found that the levels of water remained constant, but the levels of heavy water doubled or even tripled.
"The change we saw with this comet is surprising, and highlights the need for repeated measurements of D-to-H in comets at different positions in their orbits to understand all the implications," said Lucas Paganini, a researcher with the Goddard Center for Astrobiology and lead author of the study.
It was previously believed that the levels of water increased or decreased in tandem, while retaining a constant D to H value, but this new discovery has debunked the old belief.
"If the D-to-H value changes with time, it would be misleading to assume that comets contributed only a small fraction of Earth's water compared to asteroids, especially, if these are based on a single measurement of the D-to-H value in cometary water," Paganini stated.
Compared to water production, HDO generation is comparatively lower, which made it previously hard to measure.
Comet Lovejoy generated 1,500 times more water than heavy water. The brightness of the comet helped researchers in evaluating the value of the HDO as it passed by Earth.
Ground-based telescopes are now being equipped with advanced detectors that will help in taking the water measurements in comets further out.
The alteration in water levels in Lovejoy's D to H is likely to the outcome of an increase in the energetic processes, such as the solar radiation, when the comet was closer to the sun. This may have caused changes in the water present on the comet's surface. The different stages of a comet's lifecycle can also be detected with the help of D to H value.
"Comets can be quite active and sometimes quite dynamic, especially when they are in the inner solar system, closer to the sun," said Michael Mumma, director of the Goddard Center for Astrobiology and co-author of the study.
"The infrared technique provides a snapshot of the comet's output by measuring the production of H2O and HDO simultaneously. This is especially important because it eliminates many sources of systematic uncertainty," Mumma concluded.
This research is also published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters.
The planet Mars is shown May 12, 2016 in this NASA Hubble Space Telescope view taken May 12, 2016 when it was 50 million miles from Earth.
NASA is now one step closer to building a colony in Mars with the help of 3D printers. The space agency has joined hands with engineer Behrokh Khoshnevis to set up habitable houses in the Red Planet.
"Building in space is going to become commonplace in less than 50 years," Khoshnevis told CNN. "There's an abundance of energy and materials (and) in a short time, our capability to manufacture in space will be many times what we can do on Earth," he added.
The extreme conditions on the Red Planet make it uninhabitable for humans and hence robots will be deployed to carry out the work, Khoshnevis said.
Power grids, landing pads as well as construction plants need to be set up prior to the human migration to the cold planet.
The new method will use in-situ materials, to obviate the need for transporting building material from earth.
However, transporting the technology to Mars is difficult. But once it's done the construction can be set on autopilot, and could be remote controlled from Earth.
"It's hard to imagine what we will have 100 years from now, or 50 years from now. But I have full confidence that we will conquer Mars and this solar system, and even beyond," Khoshnevis stated as per a DNA report.
Tasmania stunned as 'UFO' streaks across the sky; watch the video and decide what it really was!
Tasmania stunned as 'UFO' streaks across the sky; watch the video and decide what it really was!
"There's a pretty big fireball meteorite moving towards the eastern sunrise. I got it on video I'll share soon. SE Tasmania" Lee-Anne Peters posted on Facebook.
[Representational Image]Screenshot from YouTube Video
Lee-Anne Peters, a resident of Tasmania, spotted a "fireball meteorite" just before sunrise on Tuesday and shared the video on her Facebook page.
"There's a pretty big fireball meteorite moving towards the eastern sunrise. I got it on video I'll share soon. SE Tasmania" she posted on the social networking site at 6:44am. Half an hour later, she posted the video on Facebook with the caption:
"A spectacular plane coloured by the rising sun. Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. Spotted here in Sorell just after 6.30am Tuesday 28th Feb 2017," she wrote, along with the video, which has already received over 88,000 views, 900 reactions, 1,400 shares and 650 comments.
People actually thought that the "fireball" was a meteorite or a chemtrail, or an UFO!. Several commented on the status message.
"I read it was a UFO and sightings of landing with police sectioning the area off. Very hush hush stuff. Potential alien encounter," a user commented suggesting that it might be an airplane.
"The aliens are coming," said another user.
"It's a plane. I looked it up because I thought it was moving too slowly. It's the orange glow of the contrails due to the sunrise. Spectacular footage nonetheless, but not a fireball," one user commented.
However, several were of the opinion that the "fireball" was not a plane. "It looks like a plane to start with. But it's so dense up close to the wings," a user said.
Another said, "Haha not a plane.. since when does a plane fly pretty much straight down towards the earth?"
Johanna PatersonThe "fire" trail is actually the jet stream with the sunrise glowing through it. There is no fire or burning, it's literally an optical illusion and it was a plane
According to ABC News, Australian Airservice spokesperson confirmed that it was nothing but an aircraft since it moved over Australian airspace.
Mashable also reported that the object was an Emirates flight EK448 flying over Hobart, Tasmania, at 6.30 am.
Sydney's Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences explained on its blog as to how the aircraft appeared to be so beautiful: "If the trails are seen around the time of sunrise or sunset they can take on a wonderful golden colour and if seen off in the distance making them look low near the horizon they can look just like the common misconception of a comet."
Luke Skywalker gazing off at the horizon with the setting of two suns in Star Wars is one of the most iconic images in cinema. As the world would soon learn in the next few decades, a real-life version of Tatooine is possible — binary star systems could very well develop planets — but scientists had yet to stumble upon a planet which was made up of more than just a massive swirl of gas. Life needs a solid rock to stand on, dammit!
So a recent discovery of a Tatooine-like star system 1,000 light-years away, reported in the journal Nature on Monday, is not much of a shocker, but it does raise hopes that the universe of Star Wars is not just limited to science fiction. The system, called SDSS 1557, is comprised of a white dwarf star and a brown dwarf star. A team of astronomers using the Gemini Observatory South telescope and the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope, both located in Chile, found a dense accretion of shattered asteroid remains orbiting the system.
It’s the first time asteroid debris and pollution has been observed around a binary star system. Although the likelihood of planets rocky planets currently residing in the region is very low, the results throw support to the notion of a binary star system possessing a rocky planet — perhaps even a potentially habitable one if conditions are right.
The first evidence of rocky planet formation in a Tatooine-like system has been found.
The birth of a planet around a star is a messy business. Basically, a star needs to possess enough of a gravitational pull to coalesce a disk of dust and gas around its orbit. After several million years, that dust and gas might settle into solid objects that we refer to as planets.
Up until now, scientists have only ever found binary stars with gas giant planets (like Jupiter and Saturn). The new findings don’t break that trend, but they are an encouraging sign that a rocky planet like Earth could form around a two-star system.
It should be emphasized, however, there aren’t currently planets forming around SDSS 1557. “In its current state the system is almost certainly uninhabitable,” Steven Parsons, an astronomer at the University of Sheffield and a coauthor of the study, tells Inverse. “Rather than planets forming, in this system they are being destroyed. What we see are the chunks of former asteroids and planets that have gotten too close to the central binary stars. Also, although we don’t detect it, there is likely to be at least one large Jupiter-like planet orbiting the binary farther out. It is the gravitational affect of this large planet that has flung these smaller rocky objects inward towards the stars.”
The white dwarf in this system is actually the corpse of a deceased star which passed away 33 million years ago. However, its former life is thought to be similar to the sun, so “there is certainly the possibility that life could have existed on the planets around the original system,” says Parsons.
“What’s really nice here,” he says, “is that we know that there were rocky objects around the original binary, not just big gas giant planets like those currently known around binary stars.”
The proto-planetary material forming around SDSS 1557 is pretty high in metallic content like silicon and magnesium, and seems to step from an asteroid which was about four kilometers in size. The sign of a formerly large asteroid suggests a solid planet may have once formed in the SDSS 1557 system.
Naturally, the next step to confirming the hype is to conduct follow-up studies, and the research group is planning to make new observations using NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope. Perhaps scientists can learn whether a long time ago, in a star system far away, a tiny Skywalker was sitting on the surface of a planet in the system, staring off at two suns setting in the distance.
Now to find out if there’s a Mos Eisley Cantina, too.
Humans have not been to the moon since 1972, but the logistics of such a mission are certainly not beyond current technology and engineering. Moreover, the SpaceX mission will simply circumnavigate the moon and return directly to Earth afterward.
The two-person crew will fly to the moon aboard SpaceX’s Crew Dragon (or Dragon 2) capsule — the first iteration of Dragon designed to carry people into space. Dragon 2, in spite of several delays, is a key part of NASA’s Commercial Crew Program — in which the agency will contract private companies (SpaceX and Boeing so far) to send NASA astronauts to the International Space Station. After an uncrewed test mission to the ISS later this year, SpaceX and NASA will send a crew aboard Dragon 2 to the ISS sometime in mid-2018.
Which means the Dragon 2 lunar mission will occur hot off the heels of SpaceX’s first human mission into space.
Dragon 2
The plan, as of now, calls for Dragon 2 to launch from Kennedy Space Center’s launch pad 39A — the historic site that which saw the liftoff of the Apollo missions. This fact is certainly not lost on the company.
The similarities to the Apollo missions don’t end there. While details on the launch are still slim, Musk told reporters on Monday the trip will last about one week. Passengers will basically cover a 300,000 to 400,000-mile distance as the spacecraft loops around the moon and heads back.
It should be awfully similar to the circumlunar Apollo 8 mission (the second crewed mission in the Apollo program, and the first to reach the moon’s orbit) and Apollo 13 (the aborted lunar landing mission in which a circumlunar flight was used to help slingshot the crew and its damaged spacecraft back to Earth).
There’s no doubt the mission will be extremely useful in testing out the Dragon architecture for deep space missions in the future — especially in the context of flying to Mars later on. For now, however, it’s still unclear what the specific mission will entail. The company has over a year to provide some more color on this surprise endeavor.
If We Find A Planet and It’s Populated By A Species That Is Not Yet Space Faring. What Do We Do?
If We Find A Planet and It’s Populated By A Species That Is Not Yet Space Faring. What Do We Do?
What do we do? Officially, we leave them alone. Unofficially, they will be sampled, abducted, their natural resources plundered and their planet contaminated with Earthly microbes. Even if we never set foot upon their planet, and they don’t even know we’re there, we’ll pollute them.
What the governments of Earth say is legal and what enterprising individuals do are entirely different. There’s no proof that humankind will change from how it has operated for the last 2 million plus years. So, I’d bet on the first contact by an agency like NASA being non-invasive, and then prompt exploitation and collateral damage contamination from private entities.
History always repeats.
The very similar thing happened in the early years of the discovery of the Americas. We kidnapped a Native American and brought him back to Europe to showcase him with a group of his kinsmen, and they never returned home.
We traded with the native populations, gaining their trust with trinkets and alcohol, then be fought with them over disagreements about who’s land it was, and who should control its resources. We oppressed the native populations, pushing them off their ancestral lands onto small reservations, and we tried in earnest to eliminate their culture and erase their teachings and way of life from the face of this Earth.
Maybe things would be different if we ever encounter non-terrestrial life.
Actually, this discovery of alien life could happen. Hard to say the probability, – and maybe not on a planet but a moon. Jupiter’s moon Europa has a liquid water ocean which is thought to be rich in oxygen – produced by the radiation from Jupiter splitting the surface water ice into hydrogen and oxygen and the oxygen then makes its way down many kilometers into the ocean.
It’s currently thought to be the most likely place to find complex life – perhaps as complex as squids. Their best guess is, not as much biomass probably as Earth, but roughly similar to the populations of the hydrothermal vents in the ocean floors of Earth’s ocean.
So, it could have complex life, such as perhaps squids. But if that’s possible, is it not also possible that over billions of years, it could also produce intelligent life like us?
Here, their civilization is pretty much bound to be at least millions of years old, maybe billions of years old. It would be such a remarkable coincidence as to be almost impossible that they develop technology at exactly the same time as us. So if they don’t have the technology it is for fundamental reasons such as living in an ocean or not having hands, or some such. I think the scenario you get in science fiction of extraterrestrials in e.g. early stone age or whatever level of technology is pretty much impossible.
So then, if there was intelligent life there, as close as Europa, we wouldn’t be able to communicate with them yet.
Living in an ocean, even if they are very clever and also have hands – or tentacles – still – there is no access to fire, at least not easily (maybe occasional underwater eruptions). They might well not develop technology at all, even in a billion years old civilization. At least not much more than, maybe, building dwellings of some sort and tools that to us would be primitive but the most complex things they can make in their environment.
And what we must do, surely, is to take great care. Not to introduce Earth life to start with, because that could make them extinct – it would be like releasing a genetically engineered totally artificial lifeform into the wild on Earth. Not safe, not unless you thoroughly understand what you are doing – and even then you’d doubtless get a lot of debate and some people who are not sure if the scientists involved have thought through everything and do totally understand what they are doing.
What we could learn from them could be of tremendous value. It’s what I like to call a “super positive” outcome. Something so positive that even if there is only a tiny chance of it happening, it’s worth going to a lot of care to give the best chance of it to happen.
Any form of alien life would be of tremendous interest, to learn about a biochemistry different from our own.
But imagine actually meeting an ET that’s been living for billions of years within the Europa ocean?
And – we do learn from our past mistakes. Slowly, but we do learn. For instance, after making the dodo and the passenger pigeon extinct, we now do try to preserve species – a couple of centuries ago then nobody would even think about trying to preserve anything. Now many people try hard and put a lot of effort to preserve species.
Back a couple of centuries ago, slavery was considered to be acceptable and normal in parts of the US, until 1865. Now it is totally unacceptable. Apartheid was considered normal in South Africa until the 1990s.
So we do learn and move on and things change. If you lived in South Africa in the 1970s, say, you might think that Apartheid was never going to end. But it did eventually.
We have also developed standards of human rights that weren’t present in saying the nineteenth century – there are many violations – but still, many places that do uphold those standards. And that we call them violations rather than accept them as normal is a big step forward.
Also, equality of women – in many countries, not all of course.
Our times are still very inadequate in many ways – so much still to do. But if you look back, even as little as just a century or two back – we have also come a long way. So we can change, and do change, and will continue to change. What will the situation be, say, two centuries from now?
So – when you look back at the way that native peoples have been treated in the past – we don’t have to behave in the same way in the future. Again there is much to be done there but at least we’ve established the principle that native people do have rights, and there are places where those rights are protected, though other places where they are not.
Hopefully, we have moved forward a fair bit more in the future. Indeed I think that unless we become much more peaceful as a civilization than we are now – competition, healthy competition in sports, science, etc – but managed to find a way to a future without warfare and exploitation – at least in space – unless we can achieve that, I don’t see how we can have large numbers of people in space.
Because the technology available in space by then would be too powerful to be used in any way except peacefully. If there are millions of people in space, that means millions of people with easy access to spacecraft able to travel at kilometers per second, probably more capable than any ICBM, living in habitats that by comparison are fragile as a soap bubble. For this to work, they must be peaceful, however, that is achieved. Well, that’s what I think anyway.
As for the near future, then they are protected by our planetary protection policy, which prohibits contaminating other places that are possible habitats for Earth life. Which we apply for reasons of protecting our own science interests – it would be a huge anticlimax to go to Europa or anywhere else and only find the life we brought there ourselves. So for that reason alone then we need to prevent the introduction of Earth life. But some who write on this subject say we also have a duty to protect lifeforms on other planets for themselves, over and above this obvious reason of protecting them because of their scientific value to us. You could also say we need to protect them for their science value to future humans thousands of years from now.
But for intelligent lifeforms or complex lifeforms that could evolve intelligence, or that have lives of their own, you could also say that they have rights themselves of one sort or another. After all, if an advanced alien were to contact Earth – would we not say that we have intrinsic rights in that encounter over and above our value as beings of scientific interest to them?
So surely the other way around, alien lifeforms also can have rights too. We may some day draw up some guidelines of rights of extraterrestrial species similar to our human rights.
In a recent article for Nautilus, Harvard physicist and cosmologist Lisa Randall speculates about what she calls “dark matter life.” Since dark matter is thought to constitute 85 percent of the mass in the universe, is it reasonable to imagine some kind of life based on this mysterious substance? Dark matter does not seem to interact with the stuff we are made of, but it might interact with itself, or at least some fraction of it might. If it does, what kinds of structures could it build? Could any of those structures constitute “life?”
Unfortunately, if dark matter life does exist, Randall says it would be incredibly difficult to detect. It would interact only very weakly with familiar matter, most likely by gravitational force, which is the weakest of all nature’s forces. In principle, it could exist right under our noses here on Earth, and we wouldn’t see it.
The idea of dark matter life, of course, is highly speculative. But the concept of a type of biology unknown to us, coexisting but not interacting with the familiar life on our planet, has been suggested previously by Carol Cleland and Shelley Copley. They proposed that a second type of life may exist on Earth that originated independently to form a “shadow biosphere” that is different biochemically from our own. Paul Davies and colleagues later elaborated on how such a shadow biosphere could be detected.
So far, we have not found any life on Earth with a significantly different biochemistry. All known terrestrial life shares the same chemical building blocks, and life has been incredibly successful at inhabiting all the places it possibly can. Is this because the life that appeared first on our planet was the best adapted? If different types of life originated early in Earth’s history, perhaps our type outcompeted all other variations.
Or do other types of life exist on our planet that we just haven’t found yet? If such a shadow biosphere does exist, maybe it’s in obscure ecological niches, like deep in the crustal rocks or at ocean floor vents. If so, that would explain why we haven’t detected it. The methods we use to search for and analyze life on our planet, mostly via DNA sequencing and culturing, are aimed specifically at our type of life. It is not difficult to imagine that we could overlook life of a different kind, even if it existed right here.
Indeed, it makes some sense to look for “alien” life on Earth before looking on extraterrestrial worlds. But it’s difficult to search for something when we don’t know exactly what to look for, whether it’s dark matter biology or a shadow biosphere.
As always, we need to stay open-minded. We live in a vast universe, and our minds would likely be completely boggled if we truly understood all the diversity of forms and functions that life can exhibit.
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Mansch On Montana: UFO sighting still resonates
Mansch On Montana: UFO sighting still resonates
Scott Mansch , smansch@greatfallstribune.comPublished
It’s been nearly 50 years since Robert Salas was a young missileer stationed at Malmstrom Air Force Base and, on a mid-March night in a silo near Roy, became an unwitting witness to history.
Awake and alert underground in the early morning while his commander rested in a two-person compartment where men manage missiles, Robert was alerted by security guards up top.
“They told me about strange lights in the sky,” Robert says. “I thought they were pulling my leg.”
About 10 minutes later the phone rang again.
“This time he was clearly frightened, extremely frightened,” Robert says. “He was looking right at the thing, a glowing red object, oval-shaped and some 40 feet in diameter, and it was hovering above the front gate.”
UFO now believed to be H2O
UFO captured? Clancy man believes he proves they exist
It was March 1967. When the Montana missiles malfunctioned.
Salas has written two books about this: “Faded Giant” and “Unidentified, The UFO Phenomenon.”
He considers them nonfiction to be sure.
THERE WERE TWOstrange incidents just days apart nearly 50 years ago when missiles in the midst of Montana were rendered temporarily inoperable. Robert, who came to Great Falls in 1966 after graduating from the Air Force Academy, was there on one of the harrowing nights.
It’s called the Oscar Flight, in reference to the name of the site.
“I was shocked,” he says.
And what happened the next day, he says, was even more stunning.
He was asked – basically ordered, he says - by commanders to sign a non-disclosure document in which he pledged to never talk about the incident.
“That haunted me,” Robert says. “It haunted me for a long, long time.”
Because, he says, the truth is this:
“It was an unidentified flying object that nobody could explain. To this day,” he says. “The Air Force investigated this secretly, I believe through 1972. I think this thing was not of this earth. I’m convinced it was not built here, because it was able to send signals to each of our missiles separately. The guidance and control equipment was upset in each one.”
ROBERT UNDERSTANDSpeople are skeptical about UFOs. But undeniably there is a history of such sightings in Montana, particularly in this part of the state.
In 1950 there was an incident reported at the Great Falls ballpark that’s been the subject of many studies. Hence the ballclub is now called the “Voyagers,” the mascot of which is a warm and funny creature that makes people of all ages smile.
Not that Robert considers his work any laughing matter.
“This,” he says, “is a real phenomenon. It’s not science fiction. The public and public media has kept it pretty much in the laugh track of reporting. It hasn’t been taken seriously. But I’ve got a lot of evidence that shows it truly did happen. And also involving the Air Force investigation and basically the whitewashing of the whole thing.”
He says the decision to remain silent bothered him for decades, for the rest of his military service and subsequent working career in the public sector. Then one day in 1994 he came across a book by Timothy Good called “Above Top Secret: The Worldwide UFO Cover-Up,” and about 300 pages in discovered a paragraph stating that UFOs were involved in a missile shutdown in 1967.
That’s the night he was on duty. The Air Force had declassified the information.
Since then, Robert has been on a mission.
“Ever since I’ve been committed to revealing the reality of this phenomenon,” Robert says. “This is something the public needs to know and believe in. The public needs to know that it’s true and that there has been an ongoing cover-up. That’s why I’m committed.”
Montana Album: Multi-Sports; aliens and firearms
LIVING NOW INCalifornia, Robert is still an active investigator. He says UFO sightings have occurred many times in the last 50 years, including a 2010 incident at Warren Air Force Base in Cheyenne, Wyo., when 50 Minuteman nuclear missiles mysteriously malfunctioned.
“The Air Force,” Robert says, “is in denial.”
But why?
“Well, I can tell you a couple reasons,” he says. “No. 1 these objects can do some pretty fantastic things and it would have military applications if they were able to recover an object and deconstruct it. They consider the technology they’ve gleaned from them (very significant), and I’m confident they’ve recovered many of these items.
“Another issue is that it’s an international cover-up. UFO incidents been going on for many, many years, and there must be an international group, in intelligence, obtaining this information and sharing it. The other aspect of why they keep it a secret is because it’s political capital between nations.”
Robert resigned his Air Force commission in 1971 because, he says, “Vietnam got too much for me to stomach.”
That’s not to suggest he isn’t patriotic.
“I consider myself a patriot,” he says. “Even though I’m convinced there are cover-ups going on that the public needs to know about. I think a good patriot is someone who influences people’s right to know.”
MANY BELIEVE, of course, in heaven and hell. In angels and spirits. And in an afterlife. So perhaps it is naïve for people to be convinced there could not be life among the stars and beyond?
And maybe, just maybe somebody was trying to tell us something by shutting down those missiles in 1967. A statement against war, perhaps.
“Exactly,” Robert says. “I think this was a message, just a message. Because they did not damage the equipment. It wasn’t like they destroyed the weapons. It was just a weapon. I believe we have got to get rid of nuclear weapons because they’re so dangerous.”
Of course in the present political climate this is very much an issue.
“We’re starting another nuclear arms race,” says Robert, referring to his perception of the new administration in Washington.
WE LIVE IN SUCH PRISTINEcountry, the middle of Montana, where one envisions the landscape unaltered for centuries.
That is, until the fenced missile silo facilities are noticed.
President John F. Kennedy is said to have famously referred to the Malmstrom missiles as the country’s “Ace in the Hole.”
Roberts laughs.
“Well, at the time we considered the communist countries a threat to us,” he says. “But times change.”
ROBERT HASN’T BEENback to Great Falls for five or six years. To think that 50 years has passed since the incident that changed his life, he says, is sobering. Talk about unsolved mysteries.
“I’ve been making video clips and will publish them on YouTube,” he says. “I guess that’s the way I’ll celebrate this 50-year anniversary.”
What would Robert say to folks who continue to scoff at his conclusions?
“I’d say they should do their homework before making such statements,” Robert says. “Not only myself, but multiple Air Force officers have come forward talking about similar incidents. So it’s not just me talking about this.
“There is good evidence and plenty of documents and testimony that support the phenomenon.”
Northern lights appear regularly in our part of the world. And some 50 years ago men from Malmstrom were witnesses to lights not necessarily out of the north that, Robert Salas believes, were not of this world.
The takeaway, Robert Salas believes, is this:
Perhaps we all should be mindful we’re not alone.
“Exactly,” Robert says. “That’s exactly right.”
Mansch On Montana, dedicated to personalities and places that make living in the Treasure State so interesting, appears Mondays in the Tribune. Scott Mansch can be reached at 791-1481 or
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Mysterieuze bol uit Bosnië wijst op verloren beschaving in Europa
Mysterieuze bol uit Bosnië wijst op verloren beschaving in Europa
De vondst van een bizarre stenen bol in Bosnië stelt archeologen voor een raadsel. Leefde er mogelijk een oude, hoogontwikkelde beschaving in Europa die dergelijke bollen kon maken?
Volgens archeologen is er geen bewijs dat de bol is achtergelaten door een oude beschaving in Europa die zich liet inspireren door aliens, meldt nieuwssite Tornos News.
De bol is in een bos in Podubravlje ontdekt door dr. Semir Osmanagic. Hij stelt dat het object niet het resultaat kan zijn van een zeldzaam natuurverschijnsel.
Buitenaardse technieken
Volgens hem heeft een ver ontwikkeld volk dat in het gebied woonde de bol gemaakt. Osmanagic wijst op het bestaan van enorme piramides in Bosnië.
Hij claimt dat zijn onderzoek zal bewijzen dat de Europese piramides veel belangrijker zijn dan de Egyptische piramides.
Osmanagic is ervan overtuigd dat de bollen 10.000 jaar voor Christus zijn vervaardigd met buitenaardse technieken. “Ze stemmen ons af op een hogere dimensie,” verklaarde hij.
Costa Rica
De stenen bollen van Costa Rica
De mysterieuze stenen bol, die een doorsnee heeft van 1,2 tot 1,5 meter, tergt vele archeologen.
Het is niet de eerste bizarre bol die ontdekt is op aarde. Je hebt bijvoorbeeld de stenen bollen van Costa Rica die worden toegeschreven aan de Diquiscultuur.
Volgens lokale legendes waren deze bollen afkomstig uit Atlantis. Sommige van de bollen, die zo’n 1500 jaar oud zijn, wegen tot wel 15 ton.
Vaak worden ze gelinkt aan hoogontwikkelde beschavingen die beschikten over futuristische technologieën.
Mensen die ervaringen hebben met buitenaardsen beschrijven vaak een gevoel van een soort verlamming en een totale ontspanning.
Dit schijnt te komen door de mind control technieken waarover buitenaardsen beschikken, maar wat is de kans dat ook wij daar mee te maken zullen krijgen?
Zoals we eerder deze week schreven is er een geweldige toename van het aantal UFO meldingen, waarnemingen en ervaringen.
Daarmee komt eigenlijk ook automatisch een ander onderwerp naar voren en dat is het volgende: Als aliens of buitenaardsen inderdaad vergevorderde technologie bezitten, dan is het ook logisch om aan te nemen dat zij in staat geacht moeten worden om ook onze hersenen te beïnvloeden.
Dan kom je uit bij iets dat algemeen bekend staat als mind control.
Vreemd genoeg, of niet misschien, verschijnen er de laatste tijd geregeld verhalen over de mogelijkheden die buitenaardsen op dit gebied zouden hebben.
Er is iets waar ik de afgelopen week over liep te piekeren. Ik kan mij twee keer een UFO waarneming herinneren waarbij het een heel kalmerend effect op mij had. Het voelde een beetje alsof ik een kalmeringsmiddel had genomen zoals Prozac of Zoloft of zoiets.
Ik heb ook verhalen gelezen over honderden UFO waarnemingen en contactverslagen waarbij vaak hetzelfde soort gevoel wordt omschreven. Een gevoel van ontspannen zijn, comfortabel, lieflijke gevoelens ten opzichte van buitenaardsen, waarbij alle zorgen en angsten tijdelijk verdwenen leken te zijn.
Dat is misschien leuk voor buitenaardsen en misschien ook voor sommige mensen, maar dat is zeker niet waar ik naar op zoek ben. Ik weet niet of ik een buitenaardse zou kunnen vertrouwen die technologie of telepathie gebruikt om mijn gevoel te beïnvloeden. Want, dat betekent weer dat de buitenaardse jou niet genoeg vertrouwt om jou jezelf te laten zijn in zijn aanwezigheid.
Ik praat dan over mind control. Het is een wapen en het maakt niet uit op welke manier je dat gebruikt. Buitenaardsen beschikken over de technologie om jou volledig te controleren als ze dat zouden willen. Ze kunnen ervoor zorgen dat je vergeet dat je ooit een UFO hebt gezien.
Scott Waring is dan ook van mening dat buitenaardsen er goed aan zouden doen om iedere vorm van mind control te vergeten wanneer ze met hun schepen onze planeet bezoeken. Het zou volgens Scott getuigen van goede wil van hun kant als ze dat inderdaad zouden proberen.
Hij zegt verder dat hij denkt namens de mensheid te spreken als hij zegt dat als buitenaardsen met ons contact willen opnemen door gebruik te maken van mind control om ons op die manier te beïnvloeden, dit absoluut niet de correcte manier is.
Hij is er verder van overtuigd dat wanneer buitenaardsen dit toch gaan doen, dit op den duur tot een oorlog zal leiden tussen hen en ons. En dat komt, zo zegt hij, omdat mensen nergens een grotere hekel aan hebben dan aan het gevoel dat ze niet zelf de controle hebben.
Volgens een vrij recent artikel in de Engelse Daily Star komt het heel vaak voor dat wanneer mensen worden ontvoerd of oog in oog staan met buitenaardsen ze een soort vreemde onnatuurlijke kalmte voelen.
In dat artikel komt een andere UFO onderzoeker aan het woord, Ann Druffel, die veel onderzoek heeft gedaan naar mensen die buitenaardse ontmoetingen hebben gehad. Ze houdt ook helingssessies met getraumatiseerde getuigen die zeggen ontsnapt te zijn aan buitenaardse ontvoeringen.
Naast de onnatuurlijke kalmte omschrijven ook veel getuigen het als een soort verlamd zijn. Volgens Druffel komt dit door de mind control technieken die de buitenaardsen toepassen. Zij zegt dat de truc om hieraan te ontsnappen het bewegen van bepaalde lichaamsdelen is zoals van een vinger of een teen en daarnaast de inzet van de eigen wilskracht.
“Als het slachtoffer die kleine beweging maakt, dan verbreekt de verlamming en de entiteiten (aliens) zullen verdwijnen”.
Zal er een tijd komen waarbij wij mensen eigenlijk helemaal niet meer weten wie we zijn en wat we allemaal gedaan hebben, omdat we veranderd zijn in een soort geprogrammeerd zombies of valt het allemaal wel wat mee en kun je zelf ten alle tijden de controle blijven houden?
Onderstaande documentaire geeft een goede aanvulling op bovenstaande en de tijd zal het leren wat er wel of niet met de mensheid zal gebeuren.
Soms kom je juweeltjes van opnames tegen en de volgende valt absoluut in die categorie.
Het is een filmpje van een halve minuut en daarin zie je de meest fantastische dingen.
De opname is enkele dagen geleden gemaakt bij de Zárate-Brazo Largo brug die aan de rand van de Argentijnse stad Buenos Aires ligt.
Al jaren schrijven wij nu over vreemde wolken die niet thuis horen in een bepaald landschap. Onderstaand een dergelijke wolk. Wat ook iedere keer weer kenmerkend is, zijn de bliksemflitsen in de wolk. Alsof je een grote onweerswolk hebt, maar dat eigenlijk niet is.
In de korte video zie je diverse UFO’s ronddartelen waarvan er een aantal met enorme snelheid verdwijnen in de wolk.
Na ongeveer zes seconden zie je er zo één linksboven in beeld verschijnen zoals ook te zien is op de volgende afbeelding.
En wanneer zo’n UFO de wolk in vliegt, ontstaat er op diezelfde plek een bliksemschicht. Wanneer je goed kijkt, dan zie je dat diverse keren gebeuren in die korte video.
De volgende opname is uniek, omdat het ook een bevestiging is van wat verschillende getuigen hebben gezien en van eerder gemaakte en vergelijkbare beelden.
Hierna een voorbeeld van hetzelfde fenomeen door de ogen van een getuige en eveneens een bijzondere opname uit Mexico.
Als eerste een getuigenis van een dame die wij ontvingen in november 2014:
"Het is dinsdagavond 7 oktober en om 20.30 stap ik op de fiets vanuit Lytse Geast,(een dorpje een kleine tien kilometer ten zuid-oosten van Leeuwarden).
Mijn weg voert door de weilanden over een afgelegen pad en als het even kan zorg ik er voor dat ik niet in mijn eentje in het donker nog op pad ben. Vandaag ben ik al te laat en de laatste schemering gaat al over in duister.
Ik ben nog maar net buiten, of het begint te regenen en hard te waaien. Schuin voor me zie ik een paar flitsen, en het rommelt in de verte, precies tussen mij en Leeuwarden, waar ik naar op weg ben. Onweer dus, ook dat nog.
Voor me is een brede, langgerekte, vrij laag hangende wolk. Dat is waar ik de hemel op zie lichten. Er komen witte bollen uit de wolk. Twee gaan naar links en twee gaan naar rechts. De afstand van de ene bol tot de andere blijft steeds gelijk, alsof ze met een touwtje aan elkaar vast zitten. Ze bewegen langzaam.
Ik weet niet, wat het is, dat ik zie... zijn dit vliegtuigen? van de basis? En waarom zijn die geïnteresseerd in een onweerswolk? Ja, het zijn vast vliegtuigen. Het licht pulseert ook, zoals bij een vliegtuig. Flits aan, flits uit. Ja maar, bij een vliegtuig zie je dan altijd ook een rood licht aan en uit flitsen. dat is hier niet. Alleen wit. Melkwit.
De twee bollen rechts zijn verdwenen, die van links zijn opeens weer terug boven de wolk. Verbeeld ik me nu dat ze sneller pulseren dan zo net? Nee, dat verbeeld ik me niet. Het lijken wel sterren en het licht is niet meer zozeer wit, als wel koud. Zoals bij sterretjes voor kleine kinderen. Het zijn nu dus geen witte bollen meer, maar steeds sneller aan- en uit flitsende 'sterren'.
Dan zijn ze weg. Een paar minuten is er niks meer te zien en dan opeens zijn er wel twintig. Allemaal onder, boven, naast of uit de wolk. En allemaal flitsen ze aan en uit, nu in een heel hoog tempo. In een ijzig wit licht dat zo fel is dat het mij verblindt. Je zou zeggen dat ze er plezier aan beleven, zoals ze om en door de wolk heen duiken. Er in, er uit, om de wolk heen, achter elkaar aan... Net zo plotseling als ze verschenen zijn ze nu weer weg.
En komen niet meer terug. En ik ben bijna bij de eerste huizen van de stad. Het regent niet meer en de wind gaat ook liggen. Hoe lang dit al met al geduurd heeft? Twintig minuten à hooguit een half uur. Ik kan me niet voorstellen, dat er niet meer mensen geweest zijn die dit gezien hebben. Er was echt een hele lichtshow in de lucht.
Wat me achteraf ook nog wel frappeert, is dat er eigenlijk alleen die ene enorm grote wolk was, verder was er vrijwel geen bewolking.
Is dit de echte reden waarom we nooit zijn teruggegaan naar de maan?
Is dit de echte reden waarom we nooit zijn teruggegaan naar de maan?
Ruimtevaartorganisaties zetten geen mensen meer op de maan omdat dat te gevaarlijk is, zo wordt geclaimd.
Volgens een populaire complottheorie wordt de natuurlijke satelliet bewoond door hoogontwikkelde aliens die de astronauten hebben weggestuurd, meldt de Daily Express.
Veel onderzoekers en ufologen zeggen dat het Amerikaanse ruimteagentschap een sinister geheim verbergt en dat we niet alles te horen hebben gekregen over wat er op de maan gebeurde, en nog steeds gebeurt, schrijft Ancient Code.
“Veel mensen claimen dat er genoeg bewijs is om te suggereren dat er buitenaardse bases zijn,” aldus de website.
Geopenbaarde documenten en getuigenverklaringen van klokkenluiders doen vermoeden dat ruimteagentschappen niet willen dat de samenleving te weten komt wat er op de maan gebeurt.
Volgens de theorie hadden NASA-astronauten er ontmoetingen met aliens, die hen waarschuwden om niet terug te komen.
Dat zou verklaren waarom we plotseling niet meer naar de maan gingen, stelt Ancient Code. “Waarom hebben we na al die tijd nog geen permanente bemande basis op de maan?”
“Zou het niet makkelijker zijn om een basis op het maanoppervlak te bouwen dan een ruimtestation rond de aarde operationeel te houden?”
De Amerikaanse scheikundige Harold Urey (1893-1981) onderzocht maanstenen die Apollo 11 had teruggebracht.
Groot raadsel
Hij zei dat de samenstelling van de maanstenen die de astronauten hadden meegebracht hem voor een groot raadsel stelde.
Scott C. Waring van UFO Sightings Daily claimt dat in het archief van de Amerikaanse marine bewijs is gevonden voor het bestaan van bouwwerken op de maan.
Wie weet komen we volgend jaar meer te weten, aangezien het commerciële ruimtevaartconcern SpaceX dan twee betalende ruimtetoeristen om de maan wil laten vliegen.
Beide toeristen hebben al een aanzienlijk bedrag gestort, aldus topman Elon Musk.
Wetenschappers: Dit is de echte oorzaak van klimaatverandering (en het heeft niets te maken met mensen)
Wetenschappers: Dit is de echte oorzaak van klimaatverandering (en het heeft niets te maken met mensen)
In een nieuwe studie wordt uitgelegd waarom de temperaturen op aarde variëren. Klimaatalarmisten zullen er vast en zeker alles aan doen om te voorkomen dat er aandacht aan wordt besteed, zo schrijft de Daily Wire.
Klimaatverandering wordt veroorzaakt door veranderingen in de hoeveelheid zonnestraling, zo concluderen de wetenschappers.
Het team linkt dit fenomeen aan kleine veranderingen in de omloopbaan van de aarde en Mars.
Eerste harde bewijs
Stephen Meyers (Gigi Cohen)
De studie, die is gepubliceerd in vakblad Nature, biedt volgens de wetenschappers het eerste harde bewijs voor het ‘chaotische zonnestelsel’.
Deze theorie werd in 1989 bedacht om kleine variaties in het zonnestelsel te verklaren. Die variaties zorgen voor grote veranderingen in het klimaat op aarde.
Als twee hemellichamen elkaar aantrekken, verandert de hoeveelheid zonnestraling die een planeet ontvangt in bepaalde gebieden.
Drijvende kracht
Die zonnestraling is de drijvende kracht achter het klimaatsysteem, aldus het team onder leiding van professor Stephen Meyers van de University of Wisconsin-Madison en professor Brad Sageman van de Northwestern University.
De subtiele variaties in de omloopbaan van de aarde en Mars beïnvloeden de hoeveelheid zonnestraling die onze planeet ontvangt en daarmee de temperatuur, stellen ze.
Behoorlijk groot
“De invloed van astronomische cycli op het klimaat kan behoorlijk groot zijn,” legt Meyers uit.
Hoewel dit niet bewijst dat de mens geen enkele invloed op het klimaat heeft, benadrukken dergelijke studies dat de rol die de mens op aarde speelt in het niet valt bij natuurlijke fenomenen, schrijft de Daily Wire nog.
Cigar UFO Caught Over Springfield, Oregon On Feb 27, 2017, UFO Sighting News.
Cigar UFO Caught Over Springfield, Oregon On Feb 27, 2017, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: February 27, 2017 Location of sighting: Springfield, Oregon, USA Source: MUFON #82410 This UFO was caught over Oregon this week. The UFO was never seen, and the camera owner never remembered taking the photo. That means the camera must have taken the photo by accident when he was holding or setting down the camera. This is one amazing accident. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states:
I am looking for Property in Lane County, OR thru online real estate sites. I came across this photo with an apparent Cigar shaped craft in the upper right side. I noticed it on Feb 27, 2016. I did not take the photo, I do not know who did or when it was taken. I have the address of the property listing, but cannot post address online here. I think this is a spectacular photo! Any thoughts??? Thanks
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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