The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Two UFO sightings in Yeovil in the space of two weeks
Two UFO sightings in Yeovil in the space of two weeks
Now two more possible unexplained sightings have been reported online. Sadly no alien drawings this time though.
On March 4, someone reported seeing a UFO near Lysander Road and the A3088 in Yeovil. It was then posted on the UFO Stalker website.
The message read: "I didn't see anything at the time, we took a photo of the scenery near Lysander Road. The sun was pretty bright so we couldn't see anything at the time.
"We noticed it later on in the photo when we got home. I think the direction of the object was west."
There was also a strange sighting on February 21 at around 6.30am. It was captured on video and also posted to the same website.
There was no exact location of where it was filmed but it was in Yeovil.
The post said: "The video footage shows a row of what appears to be eight lights travelling in an east to south easterly direction. I was not actually present at the time of the event."
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Is there anybody out there?
Is there anybody out there?
Have you seen a strange bright light criss-crossing it’s way across the night sky or a mysterious orange disk hovering over the trees in the distance?
If you have, then you’re not alone! According to the National UFO Reporting Center in the US, sightings of UFOs are reaching record heights.
Back in 1990, the organization only recorded 307 sightings (most are in the US but their records include global sightings) and that has skyrocketed in the years since. They reached a peak of 8,619 in 2014 before falling slightly to 5,516 in 2016.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
‘Ik zag lichten zigzaggen door de lucht, en wist: dit kan niet’
‘Ik zag lichten zigzaggen door de lucht, en wist: dit kan niet’
Coen Vermeeren (53) is lucht- en ruimtevaartingenieur, werkt aan de TU Delft én hij gelooft in ufo’s. Dat wordt daar lang niet altijd gewaardeerd. „Het enige wat ik vraag is: onderzoek het!”
Thomas Rueb
‘Ik las UFO’s bestaan gewoon van Coen Vermeeren, die jarenlang luchtvaarttechniek bestudeerde”, rapt Lange Frans over een onheilspellende pianomelodie. De zaal joelt. „Hoe NASA-astronauten, die waren op de maan, nu openlijk bekennen, dat UFO’s echt bestaan.” Applaus nu.
Als het nummer, Kamervragen 2.0, voorbij is, komt de echte ster van de avond op. Naast Lange Frans schuift hij aan op het podium, een bebrilde man in een tweedjasje. „Wie gelooft er hier in buitenaards leven?” Nagenoeg alle handen in het Delftse theater de Veste schieten in de lucht.
Elke week geeft Coen Vermeeren (53) wel ergens een lezing, al is dit optreden met zijn fan Lange Frans een eenmalig avontuur. Want mensen die geloven in ufo’s zijn er genoeg, maar Vermeeren is een wetenschapper, lucht- en ruimtevaartingenieur, hij werkt aan de TU Delft – én hij gelooft in ufo’s.
Ruimteschepen, ja. Ongeïdentificeerde vliegende objecten die ons luchtruim binnendringen. „Wie erin zitten en wat ze willen, dat kan ik je niet met zekerheid zeggen”, zegt Vermeeren twee dagen na het optreden in zijn huis buiten Breda. „Maar er is geen twijfel dat we door buitenaardse levensvormen worden bezocht. Beyond doubt.”
Het is een mening die hem op zijn universiteit regelmatig in een lastige positie brengt. Vermeeren is er de enige. „Die er openlijk voor uitkomt dan, hè?”, grapt hij.
Het is een gotspe, vindt Vermeeren, dat er nergens serieus onderzoek naar ufo’s wordt gedaan. Een failliet van de wetenschap. „Ik ben van mening dat je alles moet willen weten, en dat je alles moet durven onderzoeken. Ook als het onwaarschijnlijk of zelfs ongelofelijk lijkt. Dat is het enige wat ik vraag: onderzoek het!”
Hoe is een technisch ingenieur terechtgekomen in een wereld van ruimteschepen, aliens, verborgen werelden en complottheorieën?
Stampvolle zaal
Het begon voor Vermeeren zoals eigenlijk elke wetenschappelijke fascinatie begint: met een vraag die hij niet kon beantwoorden. Het is 2008, het YouTube-tijdperk is net aangebroken, en Vermeeren vraagt zijn studenten om voor hem filmpjes op te zoeken van vliegtuigcrashes. „Om in het college te behandelen, dan kon ik uitleggen wat er mis was gegaan.”
Zijn mailbox stroomt vol. Crash na crash, maar andersoortige filmpjes zitten er ook tussen. „Van objecten, gefilmd vanuit een Space Shuttle van de NASA. Op de achtergrond hoor je astronauten: Houston, we still see the alien space craft.”
‘Wat zien we hier?’, willen studenten van hem weten. ‘Hoe verklaart u dit?’ Vermeeren heeft er geen antwoord op. „Maar dat wilde ik wel kunnen geven.”
Bij collega’s krijgt hij nul op het rekest. Die kijken even mee naar de filmpjes op zijn scherm en gaan weer door waar ze mee bezig zijn. „Behoorlijk jammer.” Vermeeren besluit er zelf in te duiken. Op het web gaat een wereld voor hem open.
„Het was zo veel”, zegt hij, „zo overweldigend veel.” Filmpjes, foto’s, getuigenissen. „En niet afkomstig van de minste mensen, dat verbaasde me nog het meest. Er zijn vele tienduizenden verklaringen te vinden van militairen, piloten en zelfs astronauten die iets hebben gezien. Dat kun je niet wegzetten als onzin.”
Vermeeren doet dan ook het tegenovergestelde. Hij besluit een college te geven over ufo’s. De zaal zit stampvol, en als hij even later een opname van het college online zet – toen nog lang niet zo gebruikelijk – wordt die binnen no-time honderdduizenden keren bekeken. Vermeeren raakt op slag bekend – en berucht.
Zigzaggen door de lucht
In een brief aan de universiteitsleiding eisen collega’s zijn ontslag. „UFO-gekkie” Vermeeren zou de universiteit tot schande maken. Een speciale commissie wordt ingesteld. „Godsgeloof is toch ook niet onverenigbaar met wetenschap?”, werpt Vermeeren tegen. „Daarbij merk ik op dat voor het bestaan van ufo’s wat tastbaarder aanwijzingen zijn dan voor de schepper.”
Godsgeloof is toch ook niet onverenigbaar met wetenschap?
Tot ontslag komt het niet, maar de rector magnificus en hij komen in 2012 wel overeen dat het beter is als Vermeeren geen les meer geeft maar zich richt op zijn werk als hoofd van het Studium Generale, waar lezingen worden georganiseerd buiten het vakgebied van de universiteit.
Heeft Vermeeren zelf ooit weleens iets gezien? „Ja.” Hij aait Anubis, een van zijn twee enorme dalmatiërs, over de kop. „Heel regelmatig zelfs.”
Hij herinnert zich de lancering van Skylab, het eerste ruimtestation van de NASA. Hij moet een jaar of twaalf geweest zijn. Met de hele buurt stond hij buiten naar de lucht te kijken toen het stipje aan de nachtelijke hemel voorbij trok. Maar hij en zijn vriendjes zagen ook andere lichten, ze zigzagden door de lucht. „Technisch onmogelijk, dat wisten wij toen al.” Ufo’s? „Dat hield me destijds niet echt bezig.” Maar hij bracht wel menig nacht door met zijn verrekijker op het dak, gefascineerd door alles wat met de sterren te maken had.
In contact staan met aliens
De reden dat hij de ruimtevaarttechniek inging, is dat niet. „Ik werd ingeloot. Het had ook medicijnen kunnen worden.” Maar misschien hielp die ‘encounter’ hem wel om de filmpjes die zijn studenten stuurden niet meteen als onzin af te serveren. „Ik dacht juist: wauw, wat spannend! Ik wil altijd alle opties openhouden. Veel andere wetenschappers denken helaas niet zo, die negeren liever het bewijs dat er ligt.”
Wat is volgens hem dan dat onweerlegbare bewijs? Wat heeft hem zo stellig overtuigd?
Vermeeren begint over Roswell, New Mexico, waar in 1947 een vliegende schotel zou zijn neergestort „met honderden getuigen”. Over austronaut Edgar Mitchell, de zesde man op de maan, die eind jarige negentig uit de school klapte over ufo’s: de mensheid zou sinds Roswell met aliens in contact staan, en de Amerikaanse regering zou alles op alles zetten om dat verborgen te houden. Hij vertelt over ‘The Disclosure Project’, waarin de getuigenissen zijn verzameld van meer dan vijfhonderd ambtenaren, militairen en geheim agenten over hun ervaringen met ufo’s, ruimtewezens en „extra-terrestial technology”. Noemt gelekte documenten van de CIA, de FBI, de NSA, de Russen.
Zelf zocht hij betrokkenen op, zoals de Vlaamse majoor-generaal Wilfried de Brouwer die openlijk heeft getuigd over „de Belgische ufo-golf” – tussen 1989 en 1991 zou het land zijn overspoeld door ufo-waarnemingen. „Dan zit je een paar uur te praten en dan zie ik: dit is geen idioot. Dit is iemand die weet waar hij het over heeft.”
Zijn zoektocht naar ufo’s bracht Vermeeren als vanzelf bij andere grote complottheorieën
Goed. Als dat allemaal zo is, waarom is het bestaan van ufo’s en intelligent buitenaards leven dan niet algemeen bekend en geaccepteerd?
Hij zucht. „Het is niet in het belang van overheden dat dit naar buiten komt. Getuigen worden regelmatig geïntimideerd. Alle systemen van de wereld zouden op de schop gaan: regering, geloof, wetenschap, onze omgang met klimaat.” Het onderwerp is bewust dusdanig geridiculiseerd („Kijk naar Hollywood”) dat haast niemand zijn vingers eraan durft te branden. „Universiteiten werken al helemaal niet mee.”
Zijn zoektocht naar ufo’s, de omarming van het fenomeen, bracht Vermeeren als vanzelf bij andere grote complottheorieën. Dit jaar bracht hij nog een boek uit over één daarvan: 9/11 is gewoon een complot.
Zijn we wel op de maan geweest? „Soms denk ik van wel”, zegt Vermeeren, „soms denk ik van niet. Er is voor beide hypothesen iets te zeggen.”
Een soort rockster
Ufo’s, 9/11, de maanlanding – het lijkt soms of dit soort complotten gebundeld komen. Hoe wapent Vermeeren zich tegen een confirmation bias, waarbij alles wat je ziet past in het plaatje dat je toch al in je hoofd hebt?
„Dat is een goede vraag.” Even is hij stil. „Maar ik heb mijn huiswerk goed gedaan. Kijk, ik vraag niemand te gelóven wat ik zeg. Je mag er zelfs boos om worden. Ik moedig mensen alleen aan om zelf eens te gaan graven.”
Zijn eenmansstrijd kan soms frustreren, maar buiten de wetenschappelijke wereld, onder zijn ufo-medestanders, is hij een soort rockster. Zoals een meisje tijdens de avond met Lange Frans tegen hem zei: „Ik vind het zo dapper wat u doet, dat u zich zo durft uit te spreken.”
„Ik ben een doctor in de technische wetenschap”, zegt Vermeeren. „Die titel brengt óók plichten. Ik zie het als mijn plicht te delen wat ik weet.” Hij heeft wel eens budget aangevraagd om het ufo-fenomeen te onderzoeken, maar dat werd afgewezen. „En misschien ben ik wel helemaal niet de persoon om dat te doen. Ik wil mensen vooral aansporen óók op zoek te gaan.”
Is hij weleens bang dat hij het fout heeft? Dat hij middenin de nacht overeind schiet in bed, en zich realiseert dat hij zich gigantisch heeft vergist?
Vermeeren denkt even na.
„Ik zal je vertellen”, zegt hij ten slotte, „als ik soms van heel intelligente mensen te horen krijg dat er niets klopt van wat ik zeg, dan heb ik weleens een moment van twijfel. Zo van: het zou toch niet? Eventjes, en verdwijnt het weer.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
“Er is geen twijfel dat we door buitenaardse levensvormen worden bezocht. Beyond doubt”
“Er is geen twijfel dat we door buitenaardse levensvormen worden bezocht. Beyond doubt”
Coen Vermeeren, hoofd van het Studium Generale aan de TU Delft, steekt zijn mening over UFO’s niet onder stoelen of banken.
“Wie erin zitten en wat ze willen, dat kan ik je niet met zekerheid zeggen,” aldus Vermeeren. “Maar er is geen twijfel dat we door buitenaardse levensvormen worden bezocht. Beyond doubt.”
Dat nergens serieus onderzoek naar UFO’s wordt gedaan is volgens hem een failliet van de wetenschap. “Het enige wat ik vraag: onderzoek het!”
“Ik moedig mensen alleen aan om zelf eens te gaan graven,” zegt hij in gesprek met het NRC.
Hij legt uit dat er vele tienduizenden verklaringen zijn te vinden van militairen, piloten en zelfs astronauten die iets hebben gezien. “Dat kun je niet wegzetten als onzin.”
Hij noemt astronaut Edgar Mitchell, die eind jaren negentig een boekje opendeed over UFO’s en zei dat we met buitenaardse wezens in contact staan.
Technisch onmogelijk
Hij verwijst naar getuigenissen van ambtenaren en militairen over hun ervaringen met ruimtewezens en geopenbaarde stukken van de CIA, de FBI, de NSA en de Russen.
Vermeeren heeft zelf meerdere keren vreemde objecten waargenomen. Tijdens de lancering van Skylab, het eerste ruimtestation van de NASA, zag hij ook andere lichten die door de lucht zigzagden.
“Technisch onmogelijk, dat wisten wij toen al,” zegt hij.
“Maar het is niet in het belang van overheden dat dit naar buiten komt,” vervolgt hij. “Getuigen worden regelmatig geïntimideerd.”
“Alle systemen op aarde zouden op de schop gaan,” zegt Vermeeren. “Het onderwerp is bewust dusdanig geridiculiseerd dat haast niemand zijn vingers eraan durft te branden.”
Natuurlijk spelen er zich hele geheimzinnige zaken af op het continent dat nog steeds voor een groot deel onder het ijs ligt, Antarctica.
Maar, stukje bij beetje komt er meer informatie naar buiten waaruit inderdaad blijkt dat er zich een enorm gat bevindt vlakbij de geografische zuidpool.
Dit is het verhaal van een marine officier, Brian, die twintig jaar lang gewerkt heeft als technicus en boordwerktuigkundige voor de Amerikaanse marine gedurende 20 jaar van 1977 tot en met 1997.
Deze Brian heeft aan de bekende onderzoekjournalist en documentairemaker Linda Moulton Howe een aantal nogal onthutsende zaken verteld over de dingen die hij heeft meegemaakt op Antarctica in de periode 1995/96.
Diverse keren zagen ze zilverkleurige vliegende schotels in de verte over de bergen en een keer zagen ze een gat in het ijs ter grootte van een voetbalveld. Eigenlijk kwamen ze daar een beetje per ongeluk terecht, want het gat was slechts enkele kilometers verwijderd van de geografische zuidpool en in een no-fly zone.
Echter, aangezien ze een medische vlucht maakten waar spoed bij was gekomen, vlogen ze over dit verboden gebied en zagen dingen die ze absoluut niet mochten zien.
Een enorm gat in het ijs dat eruit zag alsof het een ingang was naar een ondergrondse installatie.
Enige tijd nadat ze dit hadden gezien, verdwenen er een aantal wetenschappers voor enkele weken en toen ze weer boven water waren, werden Brian en zijn bemanning erop af gestuurd om ze weer op te pikken. Volgens Brian zagen de mannen er doodsbang uit.
Later kregen ze opdracht om nooit met een woord te reppen over de zilverkleurige schijven, het grote gat in het ijs of de verdwenen wetenschappers.
Tijdens zijn diensttijd heeft Brian altijd zijn mond dichtgehouden, maar nu hij 60 is en niet meer in actieve dienst en hij nooit een geheimhoudingsverklaring heeft getekend, wilde hij toch wel praten over de dingen die hij had gezien en meegemaakt.
In de zomer van 2016 ontmoette hij Linda in het Amerikaanse Joshua Tree tijdens een conferentie en ’s avonds gingen ze met nog wat mensen eten in een Mexicaans restaurant en vertelde Brian over zijn belevenissen op Antarctica.
Daarna ging hij weer naar huis en vervolgens op maandag weer aan het werk bij het luchtvaartbedrijf waar hij nu werkt, toen hij ’s morgens om half elf een telefoontje kreeg van een voor hem onbekend iemand.
Iemand die precies wist waar hij was geweest, dat hij had gegeten met Linda Moulton Howe en iemand die hem op zijn hart drukte vanaf nu zijn kaken stijf op elkaar te houden en vooral niet meer te praten over dingen die hij tijdens zijn diensttijd op Antarctica had meegemaakt.
In de onderstaande video vertelt Linda Howe over nog veel meer verborgen en geheimzinnige zaken die zich afspelen op dat afgelegen continent. Van nog meer vermiste wetenschappers, tot gevonden piramides, ondergrondse bases, buitenaardsen en nog veel meer.
Wat we tot nu hebben gezien van Antarctica is in alle opzichten slechts het topje van de ijsberg.
PHOENIX LIGHTS: Mass UFO sighting 20 years ago is PROOF of ET, says alien investigators
PHOENIX LIGHTS: Mass UFO sighting 20 years ago is PROOF of ET, says alien investigators
TWENTY years ago today will be the twentieth anniversary of what many alien investigators claim is the most extraordinary and inexplicable mass UFO sighting on record.
Phoenix Lights UFO Event - 20 Years Later - YouTube
Phoenix Lights UFO Witness Tim Ley TV Interview - 6/13 ... - YouTube
The Phoenix Lights Incident became a phenomenon from March 13, 1997, after thousands of people began telling of seeing huge triangular UFOs drifting over Arizona and the city of Phoenix.
The sizes varied from a Boeing 747 to multiple football fields.
Five lights were seen in a formation by thousands of people over three hours from 7.30pm to 10.30pm.
The sightings took place across a 300-mile area from Phoenix to Tucson.
It was blamed by the military as being flares set off during an exercise at the time.
So-called triangle UFOs are still seen in high numbers across the USA, according to the database of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), which keeps a global record of such sightings, but never before have they been seen in such numbers as during the Phoenix Lights Incident.
Many claim they are evidence of extra terrestrials visiting our planet, but other conspiracy theorists suggest they could be top-secret experimental craft developed by the US Airforce at places like the mysterious Area 51 military base in the Nevada desert.
The Phoenix Lights incident 20 years ago is still seen as unexplained by some UFOers.
The Paradigm Research Group (PRG) is a US lobby group campaigning to get an alleged "truth embargo" lifted by the US Government.
It is convinced that the government has evidence aliens have visited Earth but says such information is kept from the public amid fears of the effect it may have on religion and the rule of law.
The group is urging anyone who is not yet convinced that aliens are real and visiting us to watch a new documentary available on Amazon Prime called I Know What I saw.
Featuring testimonies from witnesses to the Phoenix Lights, and other UFO incidents, it also includes interviews with ex-military and even astronauts.
PRG founder Steve Bassett said: "March 13, 2017 marks the 20th anniversary of the Phoenix Lights event.
"For anyone who still has a doubt as to the reality of an extraterrestrial presence and a government imposed truth embargo, please watch this documentary."
Alien chasers claim no-one has explained what else the Phoenix Lights could have been.
It recently emerged at the International UFO Congress event that some people even experienced memory loss after seeing them.
A panel of UFO experts discussed the case as part of the conference in Scottsdale, Arizona, last month.
Several hundred people attended an event called The Importance of the Phoenix Lights-Mass UFO Sighting.
One element which emerged during the panel's discussion was that there was a bizarre reaction to the sightings by a number of witnesses.
Triangle UFOs like those said to be seen on the night are still reported across the US.
Some reported a temporary amnesia-like state, when immediately after seeing the lights, they went blank or failed to discuss it with anyone.
Panel moderator filmmaker James Fox, who investigated the case to produce a documentary, said that during interviews with hospice workers, they told how they "watched the lights appear and disappear over a period of time but didn't say a word about it".
One woman told him: "We went right back to our tea."
Jim Mann, director of the Arizona Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) branch, which investigates UFO and alien sightings, told of similar accounts.
Another witness told Mr Mann he stopped his car to watched the UFOs with several other people and "a craft slowly glided overhead".
The man said: "Not a word was spoken. After it went on by, everyone got in their car and drove home."
Suspicious UFO captured on camera by Danish Fisherman
Many witnesses thought they saw a black triangle supposedly carrying these lights, but two witnesses who viewed them through a telescope identified them as a formation of high-altitude aircraft.
Nigel Watson
The panel also included Richard Dolan, a UFO writer and researcher, and Dr Lynne Kitei, a witness to the incident who went on to write the book Phoenix Lights: A Skeptic's Discovery That We Are Not Alone.
They looked at other claims, including similar mysterious sightings which happened in the three months leading up to March 1997.
Witnesses to these earlier lights included Dr Kitei, she said.
The panel also heard that the mass sightings actually started outside of Arizona, reports.
They were first seen near Henderson, Nevada, and later in Mexico.
Mr Dolan said: "We call it the Phoenix Lights, but it's really not completely accurate.
"You're talking about two distinctive types of events. Could be related. Could be the same thing. Could be something different."
Despite the unanswered issues, some researchers remain loathed to say it means it must have been aliens.
Sceptics claim to have since proved that military flares, which were set off at the same time, were responsible for the multiple UFO sightings.
Many UFO experts, however, claim this does not satisfactorily explain all the accounts.
Mr Mann said: "Do we have evidence that it was an extraterrestrial event? No.
"We have evidence that it was an extremely bizarre event. We can't put a label on it other than it was an anomaly."
Some claim the Phoenix Lights could have been secret US technology like the alleged TR-3B craft.
Scott Brando runs website which exposes hoax UFO sightings.
He says the Phoenix Lights Incident was explained as aircraft and military flares.
He told “The Phoenix lights were explained with two different events. The first was the flight of five planes in V-shape formation.
"This is what the witness saw in that day.
"The second event was the launch of military flares over Estrella mountains."
Referring to triangle UFOs generally, he added: “About other similar sightings I'd like to see some reports by MUFON, however many formation of sky lanterns or the launch of skydivers.
"Golden Knights were often mistaken for UFOs.”
Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigations Manual, said the Phoenix Lights were actually the result of aircraft lights.
He said: "The navigation and landing lights of aircraft can easily generate UFO sightings.
"Aircraft are usually identified as such by their engine noise, but loud background sounds or the distance of the UFO and wind direction can hide them from the witness.
"At night, the lights of a large tanker aircraft re-fuelling several small jet aircraft can look like an impressive formation of UFOs."
Referring to the lights, he added: "Many witnesses thought they saw a black triangle supposedly carrying these lights, but two witnesses who viewed them through a telescope identified them as a formation of high-altitude aircraft."
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Filer’s Files #11 – 2017 Facts about UFOs - PART I
Disc captured over Rego Park, New York on March 3, 2016
Filer’s Files #11 – 2017 Facts about UFOs - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: General Douglas Mac Arthur’s Warnings, President Dwight Eisenhower’s Farewell Address, Facts about UFOs, Pine Bush Investigation, Wikileaks Reveals Government Secrets, Trump Surveillance Allegation Could Trace to Reported Court Order, and ISS spots UFO, NASA cuts Video.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Maine, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, and Washington.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Albania, Belgium, Canada, India, Germany, Puerto Rico, Sweden, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
George A. Filer III
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director Now receiving 3 million hits a month
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
General Douglas Mac Arthur made the first two public statements concerning the possibility of an extraterrestrial invasion stating:
“The nations of the world will have to unite for the next war will be an interplanetary war.
The nations of Earth must someday make a common front against attack by people from other planets”
New York Times General Douglas Mac Arthur, 1955.
General MacArthur and Admiral Mountbatten had knowledge of classified military involvement in the UFO issue has Allied Commanders in the Pacific during the Second World War. MacArthur was allegedly involved in the creation of an Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit (IPU) after the 1942 Los Angeles Air Raid involving UFOs. The IPU’s existence was eventually confirmed by Army responses to FOIA requests in 1984. Given MacArthur’s alleged role in the IPU, he was aware of official military records concerning UFOs. This contributed to his belief that extraterrestrials formed a national security threat that could unify the countries of the world.
Editor’s Note: It is interesting that two of the Supreme Allied Commanders of World War II went to their newspaper contacts to warn the publicabout the reality of UFOs that they may provide a threat to the nations of Earth. Strong rumors indicate they both saw crashed saucers and their occupants in the Pacific. One landed on Admiral Mountbatten’s estate in England. Prince Phillip assured me he and his Uncle had strong interest in UFOs.
Three men who were the Supreme Allied commanders in World War II all provided warnings.
General of the ArmyDwight D. Eisenhower served in successive Supreme Allied Commander roles. Eisenhower was the Commander-in-Chief, Allied Force for the Mediterranean theatre and Supreme Commander Allied Expeditionary Force in the European theatre, starting in December 1943 with the creation of the command to execute the Battle of Normandy and ending in July 1945. He then served as Army Chief of Staff under President Harry S. Truman and was certainly aware of the UFO crashes. In 1948, he relinquished his active duty status when he became President on January 20, 1953. He stated. “Politics ought to be the part-time profession of every citizen who would protect the rights and privileges of free people and who would preserve what is good and fruitful in our national heritage.”
President Eisenhower allegedly met with extraterrestrials and was aware of the crash of UFOs. He apparently allowed the most classified UFO technology to go to the aviation industry and felt he was taken out of the loop concerning its development.
President Eisenhower’s farewell address to the nation, January 1961
“In the counsels of Government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the Military Industrial Complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals so that security and liberty may prosper together.Listen to the entire speech
Facts about UFOs
According to MUFON, the National Enquirer reported that a survey found 76% of participants felt the government was not revealing all it knew about UFOs, 54% thought UFOs definitely or probably existed, and 32% thought UFOs came from outer space.[3]
The 1950s saw an increase in both governmental and civilian investigative efforts and reports of public disinformation and suppression of evidence.
The UK Ministry of Defence’s UFO Project has its roots in a study commissioned in 1950 by the MOD’s then Chief Scientific Adviser, the great radar scientist Sir Henry Tizard. As a result of his insistence that UFO sightings should not be dismissed without some form of proper scientific study, the Department set up the Flying Saucer Working Party. In August 1950, Montanan baseball manager Nicholas Mariana filmed several UFOs with his color 16mm camera. Project Blue Book was called in and, after inspecting the film, Mariana claimed it was returned to him with critical footage removed, clearly showing the objects as disc-shaped. The incident sparked nation-wide media attention.
Frank Scully‘s 1950 Behind the Flying Saucers suggested that the U.S. government had recovered a crashed flying saucer and its dead occupants near Aztec, New Mexico, in 1948.
Major Donald Keyhoe was a retired U.S. Marine who wrote a series of popular books and magazine articles that were very influential in shaping public opinion, arguing that UFOs were indeed real and that the U.S. government was suppressing UFO evidence. Keyhoe’s first article on the subject came out in True Magazine, January 1950, and was a national sensation. His first book, Flying Saucers Are Realalso came out in 1950, about the same time as Frank Scully’s book, and was a bestseller. In 1956, Keyhoe helped establish NICAP, a powerful civilian UFO investigating group with many inside sources. Other contemporary critics also charged that the United States Air Force was perpetrating a cover-up with its Project Blue Book.
Canadian radio engineer Wilbert B. Smith, who worked for the Canadian Department of Transport, was interested in flying saucer propulsion technology and in September 1950, he had the Canadian embassy in Washington D.C. arrange contact with Dr. Robert Sarbacher, a physicist and consultant to the Defense Department’s Research and Development Board. Smith then briefed superiors in the Canadian government, leading to the establishment of Project Magnet, a Canadian government UFO research effort. Canadian documents and Smith’s private papers were uncovered claiming the existence of a highly secret UFO oversight committee of scientists and military people called Majestic 12, again naming Vannevar Bush.
Sarbacher corroborated the information in Smith’s memos and correspondence. Smith stated that he had been lent crashed UFO material for analysis by a highly secret U.S. government group which he wouldn’t name.[A few weeks after the Robertson Panel, the Air Force issued Regulation 200-2, ordering air base officers to publicly discuss UFO incidents only if they were judged to have been solved, and to classify all the unsolved cases to keep them out of the public eye. In addition,
UFO investigative duties started to be taken on by the newly formed 4602nd Air Intelligence Squadron (AISS) of the Air Defense Command. The 4602nd AISS was tasked with investigating only the most important UFO cases having intelligence or national security implications. These were deliberately siphoned away from Blue Book, leaving Blue Book to deal with the more trivial reports. (Dolan, 210-211)[30]
In 1954 an automatic working station for UFO monitoring was installed at Shirley’s Bay near Ottawa in Canada. After this station detected the first suspicious event, all data gained by this station was classified as secret, although the cameras of the monitoring station could not make any pictures because of fog.
1956 saw the publication of Gray Barker‘s They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers, the book which publicized the idea of sinister Men in Black who appear to UFO witnesses and warn them to keep quiet.
On January 22, 1958, when Donald Keyhoe appeared on CBS television, his statements on UFOs were precensored by the Air Force. During the show when Keyhoe tried to depart from the censored script, CBS cut the sound, later stating Keyhoe was about to violate “predetermined security standards” and about to say something he wasn’t “authorized to release”. What Keyhoe was about to reveal were four publicly unknown military studies concluding UFOs were interplanetary including the 1948 Project SignEstimate of the Situation and a 1952 Project Blue Book engineering analysis of UFOs.
Air Force tracked UFOs for twenty two years from 1947 to 1969; Americans accounted for 12,618 reports of unidentified flying objects many by aircrews. It was up to investigators at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base to determine if extraterrestrial beings, in fact, had descended from space to Earth. A friend of mine, Colonel Ray Sleeper, who was commander of Foreign Technology Division, sent the study of UFOs to the University of Colorado. Ray had observed a UFO high above his aircraft but had doubts about its identity. In 1969, after the results of a questionable study were released the United States Air Force declared itself out of the UFO business, but admitted that 701 sightings remained “unidentified.”
General Benjamin Chidlaw told investigators,
“We have stacks of reports about flying saucers. We take them seriously when you consider we have lost many men and planes trying to intercept them.” Commander Air Defense Command 1951 to 1955”
Blue Book’s documents and photographs comprise 42 cubic feet of declassified records — numbering 2,000 pages per cubic foot — now housed in the National Archives. I just returned from the Air Force Association Conference and talked to many members who reported that aircrews are reporting UFOs on a regular basis. Thanks to Wikipedia.
Pine Bush Investigation
Dr. Bruce Cornet writes that on the 3rd of October 1997 a group of people from four states gathered at Newburgh, NY, for a three day field trip. This was no ordinary group of people. They all belonged to MUFON, and came together to perform an experiment. They wanted to see if ten people could work together as one, and collect data at night using various types of instruments and cameras. They also wanted to try to duplicate some of the results of Bruce Cornet, who had been studying the Pine Bush phenomenon since June of 1992.
MUFON field crew, Muddy Kill Lane, Montgomery, NY, 3 October 1997
The team met and stayed at the Super 8 Motel in Newburgh, NY, and had an organizational meeting at a Holiday Inn nearby. I was part of the MUFON team who came to Pine Bush, New York on 3 October 1997 to do a field investigation on the Owen’s Dairy Farm that contained ancient Indian burial grounds where alien craft had been frequently sighted.
The field between the mound and circle was measured, the theodolites set up and the distance between them measured, and cameras on tripods positioned in order to record aerial objects from different Atristain organized the project, while Bruce Cornet provided the field locations for their nighttime experiments.
Two theodolites plus video equipment were used in order to track objects in the sky, determine their trajectories, and triangulate their distances and altitudes, and record communications between pilots and the tower at Stewart International Airport. That location could not be maintained when local residents complained about our activities, and Montgomery police asked us to locate somewhere else. The police chief, Sergeant Edward Clancy, was kind enough to offer his property for us to conduct our experiment, but because it was not close to where Cornet had done his research, the Owen dairy farm was chosen instead.
The team examines the Indian mound located on the Owen dairy farm at the center of the UFO hotspot. The aerial shot shows the raised mound with remnant hexagonal shape, and another permanent circular feature to the west. It is from the small field just west of the circular feature that an AOP/UAP rose up two years earlier. Circular discolorations in the grasses can still be seen from the air, years after they were made by craft landing and taking off from there. It is speculated the aliens are able to remote view the ancient past and disc shaped stone objects are often found with the ancient burial grounds.
The Anomaly
For most of the evening the team saw and recorded conventional aircraft either flying towards or from Stewart International Airport, or flying at high altitude over the valley. If it hadn’t been for the recording of a pilot asking the control tower to “Check those runway lights up nice and bright for us,” the sighting of an unusual aircraft might have peaked more curiosity.
The sound produced by the boomerang-shaped aircraft resembles that of a conventional jetliner to the unaided ear. However, frequency spectral analysis reveals the very same types of characteristics noted for other anomalous craft caught on video and/or audio over the Pine Bush hotspot by Cornet between 1992 and 1997.
The sound spectra are quite different from that of conventional aircraft jet engines in the following ways:
There is little or no white noise. White noise from jet engines typically ranges from 2 kHz up to 8 kHz, but the spectrogram of the boomerang shows no white noise and the highest frequencies reaching only 2.4 kHz. A frequency spectrogram for a commercial jetliner is shown.
In addition, the frequencies of conventional jet engines tend to blend together to form gradational frequency changes. Although some frequency banding occurs, the frequencies are not divided into eight distinct frequency bands as they are for the boomerang
It wasn’t until Dr. Cornet had his film developed that he discovered the first two anomalies: Lights that appeared to strobe on the time exposures, but which did not strobe on the video, and glowing bars of light across the leading edges of both wings. In addition, the running lights on the video appear normal: White, green, and red. But all the lights on the time exposures are a golden color. None are white, green, or pure red. Seven still frames from the video are presented, showing the boomerang from directly below at 10:53:12 pm to showing it turning and moving away from the camera. 18 seconds of video are presented, with the last image at 10:53:30 pm viewing the boomerang from behind. The time exposure on the right represents about 20 seconds of time, with the central strobe firing once every three seconds.
Bill Ristau flight instructor and airline pilot for 31 years writes,
“The pics of this wild looking “craft” appear to be what some observers call, the “Boomerang”. The thing that caught my attention immediately, was the wing dihedral. It appears to portend an angle of 15 to 20 degrees or more. I do not remember ever flying any aircraft with more than about 5 to 7 degrees of dihedral. Dihedral enhances stability during turns. I’m guessing that this craft also has low speed capabilities, looking at your time exposed pic. This is speculation on my part, but the extreme angle of descent, not ending in a crash, might well be proof of that. It’s another mystery ship, Bruce. I suppose it is one of ours. Thanks to Bill Ristau.
The Pine Bush Boomerang has been reported by various people living in Orange and Ulster counties over the years. Ellen Crystall was one of the first people to report this type of craft in her book, Silent Invasion. She notes that boomerangs come in small and large varieties (Crystall, 1991, p. 115). The small one is described as being about 25 feet from tip to tip, while the large one appears to be about 200 feet in perimeter. What we witnessed at the Owen dairy farm on 3 October 1997 matches her description of the larger craft.
The asymmetrical distribution of strobes and lights (for example, the large white central light is positioned slightly off to the starboard side of dead center, and the two red strobes are not in line with one another), as well as the blue-green color of the “green” starboard light, are characteristics of these anomalous craft. The absence of white noise and the composite nature of the frequency spectrum for its engine sound indicate that the sound recorded is probably synthetic and not mechanical. Similar synthetic sounds have been recorded for other Pine Bush AOP/UAP.
The control tower to turn up the runway lights, and then thanking the tower for complying, strongly implicates a human pilot and a possible military aircraft landing at Stewart Air Force Base. However, there has been strong evidence for mimicry. See Mimicry may be the Objective of ETI Triangular and Diamond-shaped Probes. It would not be out of consideration that this boomerang intentionally flew over us when an aircraft was on approach to Stewart. The broadcast of a request to the control tower would be coincidental, giving the boomerang a great cover.
Bruce Tilden was stationed at Stewart International Airport, photographing and recording all the aircraft that landed and took off during the time the other members of the team made observations at the Owen dairy farm. Unfortunately, he remained there only until about 8:30 pm, and did not see any aircraft landing at the time the boomerang would have landed.
If he had remained at Stewart, his data might show that the boomerang landed at Stewart airport, solving one mystery.
The maneuvers the Black Triangle made are something that no known military aircraft could do (flying upside down and backwards). I have no doubt that there have been great advances in technology in the last 20 years, but was that technology perfected back in 1997?
Highly classified Aurora high-altitude spy plane TR 3B coming into Stewart AFB on 3 October 1997.
That aircraft turns out to be the illusive Aurora high altitude spy aircraft replacement for the SR-71 spy plane, and those photographs and video may be the only pictures of it available to the public. It was coming into Stewart AFB fast on an emergency landing, with its dihedral (boomerang-shaped) wings glowing orange from a high speed descent through the atmosphere. An Air Force fighter jet maintenance specialist confirmed for me its identity. Bruce generated a website entitled, The Pine Bush Boomerang. This is a summary of Cornet’s excellent web site. Copyright B.Cornet 2001
WikiLeaks Reveals Government Secrets
The anti-secrecy website on Tuesday issued a call for any information about those connected to the outgoing Obama administration destroying records – and offered a huge cash payment as incentive.
“We are issuing a US $20,000 reward for information leading to the arrest or exposure of any Obama admin agent destroying significant records,” the organization tweeted above an image of a “Wanted” sign.
The appeal for any evidence mirrored a previous plea from the website in August for information leading to the “conviction” of
Seth Rich and Parents
whoever killed Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich in July. The website promised $20,000 for the information. Rich, the victim of an apparent robbery murder, although nothing was taken, is thought by some to have been a Democratic whistle-blower. WikiLeaks head Julian Assange, though not admitting Rich leaked any material to the website, hasn’t disputed the notion, either. He states it was not Russians who gave Wikileaks emails but insiders in the Democratic National Committee. Podesta email release reveals a massive Clinton ‘hits’ file on Bernie Sanders who it is likely Rich liked.
WikiLeaks also promised to pump up its output in 2017 – after rocking the 2016 presidential race by posting 50,000+ emails from Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta. The messages, published in batches throughout October, showed a cozy relationship with journalists, pointed to discord and possible impropriety within the Clinton organization, dirty tricks against Bernie Sanders and indicated she had received several primary debate questions in advance.
Seth Conrad Rich (January 3, 1989 – July 10, 2016). The 27-year-old employee of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) was fatally shot in Washington, D.C.
Rich grew up in Omaha, Nebraska in a Jewish family (shown) and in 2011 he graduated from Creighton University. At the time of his death, Rich was the Voter Expansion Data Director where worked for two years at DNC, on a computer application to help voters locate polling stations. Rich was shot twice in the back about a block from his home in Washington, D.C. Although Rich’s watch strap was torn, nothing had been stolen. Newsweek reported that the murder stoked right wing ” Conspiracy theories around numerous Clinton killings,”
WikiLeaks, the organization that had published thousands of hacked DNC emails less than two weeks after Seth Rich was killed, announced on Twitter that it was offering a $20,000 reward in the killing.
Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks editor, (shown) insists the leaks are not from the Russians but from the Democratic Committee DNC, He stoked speculation that Rich might have been involved in the DNC hack by referencing the murder, unprompted, on a Dutch news program.
“Our whistleblowers go to significant efforts to get us material and often [face] very significant risks. A 27-year-old that works for the DNC was shot in the back, murdered just a few weeks ago for unknown reasons, as he was walking down the street in Washington.”
Republican lobbyist Jack Burkman has offered $130,000 of his own money as a reward, adding to the $25,000 offered by D.C. police and $20,000 from WikiLeaks and nothing was offered by the Democrats. Thanks to and
Note: I disagree with WikiLeaks releasing classified information, but they usually release the truth as opposed to our neoliberal controlled news media. Fortunately, the American public is catching on.
Reuters – At least a dozen U.S. National Security Agency employees have been caught using secret government surveillance tools to spy on the emails or phone calls of their current or former spouses and lovers in the past decade, according to the intelligence agency’s internal watchdog.
The practice is known in intelligence world shorthand as “LOVEINT” and was disclosed by the NSA Office of the Inspector General in response to a request by the Senate Judiciary Committee’s top Republican Charles Grassley for a report on abuses of the NSA’s surveillance authority.
Wikileaks has released information claiming the CIA can monitor your Smart Phones, Samsung TVs, Ipads, Ipods, computers etc. often even when turned off. Additionally, they are able to create signatures so it appears the hacking is from Russia although it actually from the CIA.
According to an explosive new report in Circa News Wednesday night, a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) warrant was granted to federal investigators in October of 2016 to wire tap Trump Tower.
Trump Surveillance Allegation Could Trace to Reported Court Order
Investigative journalists Sara Carter (formerly of the Washington Times, and John Solomon (formerly of the Washington Post, spoke to sources close to the investigation who have been “watching in horror” at the politicization of intelligence since the election, and wanted to set the record straight.
“What we don’t know is who was connected to that FISA,” Carter said on Sean Hannity’s show Wednesday night.
“What was that FISA looking at? That is very highly classified. Nobody wants to talk about that particular FISA, right now. They said it did have to do with the Russian hacking on a very broad level, but it didn’t hone in directly on Trump is what I was told,” she said.
In addition to the FISA warrant in October, the FBI obtained a separate warrant that same month to look into a computer server tied to then-candidate Donald Trump’s businesses in Trump Towers (but not located in Trump Towers). According to the report, the feds used traditional investigative techniques to examine allegations of computer activity tied to two Russian banks and there had been no intercepts of Trump’s phone or emails.
ISS spots UFO, NASA cuts Video
A UFO is picked up on the horizon gaining altitude and moving toward the International Space Station.
NASA was recently accused of cutting their live feed from the International Space Station (ISS) just as an UFO was spotted on January 15, 2017 causing quite a stir. As you can see, it’s a small grey object slowly rising and then disappearing as NASA cut the feed
One astronaut claims he was notified by NASA to photograph a UFO heading for the /shuttle at his one o’clock position. He got his camera ready to shoot but the object passed so quickly he missed catching it on film. UFO encounters have been well documented for decades and the evidence is quite abundant.
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Filer’s Files #11 – 2017 Facts about UFOs - PART II
Filer’s Files #11 – 2017 Facts about UFOs - PART II
UFO Sightings in the United States
Arizona Light
Elephant Mountain — On March 4, 2017, and also a week ago the same camera, picked up another object. It was almost identical, but it hovered in location for several minutes. I went back to copy the picture, but the Webcam had already ready refreshed. It was an accident that I found it going through live weather cams around Flagstaff. I was checking out Elephant Mountain when a blip caught my attention. I went back and got the screen shot this time. Last week a huge triangle hovered for a little over two minutes. I just took out the screen surroundings, but the picture was not altered as you will see. Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Object
Irvine — I was looking up at the night sky on March 7, 2017, watching the airplanes go over my house and noticed something strange. As I watched it go overhead it looked just like a regular airplane because it had the same shape but it did not make any noise. It was heading south and the back of this aircraft had only three dim lights. The lights moved in a pattern like the pattern of the dots that you see in video games when the game in loading. The pattern was like this: 1,2,3,stop, 5 seconds later,1,2,3 repeated over and over.(the numbers are to represent one of the lights flash) I also noticed that it was gliding smoothly across the sky not too fast or slow. The shape of this craft was probably ovular from judging where the lights were. It must have shape shifted its shape to its regular shape after it got further away, but it was dark so I couldn’t really tell. When I noticed the strangeness of this craft I was like what the heck is that and I got excited. While, I soon lost sight of the mysterious aircraft as it flew further away to the south. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Disc
Orlando — I had just taken the exit to Sr 434 and was waiting on the stoplight to change. I then noticed a plane flying north and this object caught my eye just south of my view of the airplane. The object was also traveling in a north direction but was much closer to me than the airplane. I took this picture with my IPhone which recorded as a live image. In my phone image it has about 3 to 4 seconds of recorded video. Not sure what this is but it was very strange. So I thought I would share. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Georgia Orbs
Lawrenceville — On the night of March 4, 2017 about 10:10 PM, I was at my neighbor’s baby shower, when a young lady shouted “Look at the sky everyone, look.” I immediately ran out the backdoor of the residence to find everyone looking up and pointing at the night sky. Some had cell phones and others just pointed with their fingers. As 20 people gasped in awe and commented on what were the unidentified things above our heads. I stood on a chair and saw a massive amount of star-like white orbs. These 50 +orbs emitted no sound and were in a semi-line formation in a zig-zag shoe lace matter, then back in a straight formation. Some orbs stood stationary, while others moved around. These were all individual lights and not a single structure. My wife also saw the white orbs as they moved away. Thanks to MUFON Thanks to MUFON CMS
Maine Triangle
Orrington — It was Friday, January 13, 2017, my friend’s birthday and with friends we left the Brewer Wal-Mart around 10:50 PM, heading up the Brewer Lake road. We went around an ‘S’ turn and noticed these red lights above the lake dam. Bangor International Airport is just beyond the dam so it looked like it could have been a plane. As we drove down the road closer to the object, I’m talking about a UFO I saw in January.
It flew quickly swooping in to 400 feet off the road and 200 feet high. It dipped and swooped in closer and we had this moment of awe. I stopped the car. The four us noted it was 11 PM and the triangle was silent with glowing bright red lights on each end. The object also had a center light that glowed white and the object was dark against the clear night sky and was 40 to 60 feet across.
My friend pulled out her iPhone but nothing was recorded. I turned the corner away from the black triangle and got a little way down the road and decided to return but it was gone. I made this sketch. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Michigan Fiery Bright Light
Troy/Madison Heights — I was leaving work when I noticed an intense fiery bright light in the south east on February 2, 2016. I was just east of John R Road and it hovering below the power lines. It ascended strait up and was far above the power lines. I started recording as it climbed, stopped and hovered some more, before moving up again, but remained intense like fire.
Then another huge intense fireball, bigger than the first one appeared tearing through a black sky. It looked like the sky had been scraped with an orange paint connecting the two lights. A third craft carried, 4-6 dull lights around its edge appeared, disappear, hover and bounce back and forth spinning. I witnessed three large fireball lights watching through my camera phone, but they were invisible to the naked eye. Snip Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Saucer
Toms River — Firefighter Bob M. and his friend, George P., “drove off the Garden State Parkway heading west on Route 37 when they entered an area of large pine trees on February 19, at 10 p.m., They decided to make a U-turn to return to the Parkway.” “As they swung the car off the road, George suddenly stepped on the brakes to avoid hitting a large object.
Just off the road in a small clearing was a saucer-shaped vehicle only 25 feet away as they skidded to a stop. There were no markings on the saucer and it appeared to be made of dull aluminum.” Bob said, “Do you see what I see?” George replied, “If you see a flying saucer, that’s what I see.” Then they exclaimed in unison, “Let’s get the hell out of here!” George stepped down hard on the gas pedal; tires spitting the car fishtailed back onto the asphalt and roared away. They drove directly home ‘in about an hour’ but could not believe that the sun was rising at 6:15 a.m. They thought it was no later than midnight.” Bob and George have no memory of what transpired between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m. Those six hours are a complete blank. Earlier that day, Ellis Smith, his son and daughter watched a UFO perform aerobatics over Toms River.” Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York Disc
Rego Park— My daughter decided to take a selfie with her new phone on her way to school on March 3, 2017.
When we looked at the photos during the weekend we saw this object floating above Queens Boulevard and 63rd intersection. Can you tell me what this is? I am sending you this photo after pixelizing the face of my daughter. Can you please tell me what this is? Thanks to MUFON CMS
Oregon Orb
Grants Pass– A series of images were captured above the pass changing shape and colors on March 1, 2017.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Washington Lights
Spokane — I was in my house filming for suspected paranormal activities with a cell phone camera. 2. I did not notice until video playback. 3. It resembles a rabbit with a human face with mechanical movement. 4. It looks angry and moves closer and further from you as it’s staring at you. In parts of the video, you see lights appearing and whitish gray clay looking thing in the background. Looks like a big bulbous bald head probably 3 or 4 feet tall. 5. I’ve been anxious, depressed, Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Albania Light
A strange light was seen over Albania on February 1, 2017
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Belgium Disc
On May 5, 2016, at 8:45 PM, my son of almost 10 years goes back up the stairs panicked: “Mom there is a black round in the sky”. It was a black disk outside. We did not think of a UFO first because we live near an air base, but Ccedric is accustomed to aircraft and rushes to see them. The disc appeared from north west to southwest initially at low pace and then disappeared at any speed. We asked a soldier at the base and Cedric had to recognize in a file what he had seen. None corresponded to the objects of the base. The object had been seen in Profondeville and then in Franche Comté. My son was in panic. The speed told us as the soldier suggests that it could be a UFO or advanced technology. Thanks to Google Translate and MUFON CMS
Canada Boomerang
Ft. Eire — It was around 12 AM and I couldn’t sleep, so I was stargazing on February 28, 2017. There were a lot of planes around so I just relaxed and watched. Later at 12:45 PM, this chevron shaped UFO came over my neighbor’s house and scared me. It was really low but it didn’t affect anything or make noise. It was silently trolling along around 15-20 mph from the south headed north. The sighting only lasted 30-45 seconds but it was enough for me to stay up until 3 wondering what the actual heck I had just witnessed. It scared me honestly, the way it just moved. It was double the height of my neighbor’s house. It was REALLY close and it was terrifying. I was too mesmerized to take a picture, even though my iPod was two feet away. Thanks to MUFON CMS
India Disc
Aurangabad — My friend and I went to Ellora Caves sightseeing with Nokia 6681 phone. I just started clicking the photos of the beautiful caves, and saw a huge UFO hovering above the cave. It was 1:40 PM GMT 5.30 IST on 26th November 2006, when I saw the huge object hovering in the sky, I forgot about the photo and almost after 3-4 months my friend called me and told me to check the particular photo numbers. The object was observed only in one photo. You can also see my friend is in the photo and you can see the object without zooming the photo. The object vanished from the sky within fraction of milliseconds. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Germany Disc
Celle– A pulsating object was seen in the afternoon sky close to the town church some years ago on November 13, 2014.
Today realized that I can report the UFO to your web site.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Sweden Lights
Gnesta, Södermanland— My girlfriend noticed an airplane in the sky above with some strange glowing lights flying behind it.
I managed to take one photo before it disappeared behind a cloud.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK Sightings
Coalville– Bright star like objects appeared near the Great Bear constellation. The lower two lights was as bright as Venus and the upper as bright as Jupiter. I observed them for approx 30 seconds. They were completely static in the sky and did not move. After 30 seconds, the upper light disappeared followed by the lower object about two seconds later. I am an amateur astronomer and know that there are not any astronomical objects of this magnitude in that part of the sky at this time of year. If possible, could you let me know if anyone else has reported these lights or objects – as it would be great to get my sighting corroborated? I am certain that these objects were not conventional aircraft, shooting stars or meteors as they were completely still/static in the sky. I have attached a diagram I created using a star map program I have, and added the objects I saw in the location of the sky that I saw them (upper and lower objects). Thanks to MUFON CMS
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Sending you these files and keeping up a website is expensive; we are just trying to break even. I have macular degeneration of my eyes so have trouble editing these files and need to hire more help.A donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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Despite being a fact of daily life and lying just below our feet in cities all around the world, sewer systems are places in which most of us never step foot (lucky for our shoes). For this reason, sewer systems remain places of mystery and folklore. Throughout most technologically developed cultures, urban sewer legends and myths of strange subterranean sewer dwellers persist in the modern imagination. While a race of eyeless Morlocks hasn’t been found yet, developments in Derby, England are hinting that something strange might be afoot in at least that city’s sewers.
Keep looking. They’re down there somewhere, waiting to eat your eyeballs.
According to the Derby Telegraph, emergency personnel were called on March 8 after residents reported unexplained knocking noises coming from nearby manholes. Another witness, described as a “teenage skateboarder at the scene who did not wish to be named” also reported hearing similar sounds a few days before this incident. Residents believed that an individual might have gotten trapped below the streets, but when firefighters lifted manhole covers, they found no one below ground. Fire service station manager Ben Smart believes the noises must have come from some other unidentified source:
We lifted the manhole but there is no way anyone could be down there. It is the sewer.
First responders arrived quickly but found no explanation for the noises.
However, local civil engineer and tunnel expert Derek Palmer claims that there are precedents for people being washed into the sewers below Derby:
It has happened before. Going back a while ago we had two guys washed from Markeaton Lane near the paddling pool to Darley Park. They were down in two big pipes sheltering there as it was raining. They had a thunderstorm and water came down quickly and they couldn’t get up. They got washed down into the culvert straight through to the river at Darley Park.
There are walkable tunnels under Derby’s streets, but civil engineers claim that there is no way to access the area from which the noises seemed to emanate. That leaves this one a mystery, then. What could have been making the noises? Bizarre mutated humanoids? Giant sewer alligators? Or just some punk kids having a laugh? For now, this one remains unsolved.
Amusement parks are supposed to be places for fun, where the whole family can enjoy themselves, and while that may certainly be true at the best of times, it certainly seems that…
The abandoned Woodhead Tunnels in Derbyshire, England, have been called one of the most haunted historic sites in Britain, which alone would make it quite scary since there are so many of…
Did Camelot really exist? There seems to be as many answers to that question as there are Knights of the Round Table … if they really existed. A leading expert in Arthurian…
Wetenschapper: “Graancirkels zijn echt en bevatten verborgen boodschappen”
Wetenschapper: “Graancirkels zijn echt en bevatten verborgen boodschappen”
Toen dr. Horace Drew (61) tien jaar oud was zag hij een onbekend, zilverkleurig vaartuig in de lucht bij zijn huis in de Amerikaanse staat Florida.
Vanaf dat moment raakte hij erg geïnteresseerd in het buitenaardse. “Ik zag een UFO, dus ik wist al op jonge leeftijd dat ze echt waren,” vertelt hij aan nieuwssite
De wetenschapper, die jarenlang voor het Australische wetenschappelijke instituut CSIRO werkte, doet al 20 jaar onderzoek naar graancirkels en aliens.
Hij verhuisde in de jaren tachtig naar Australië, maar reisde voor zijn onderzoek vaak naar Europa. “In Australië zijn graancirkels vrij zeldzaam,” merkt hij op.
Dr. Drew stelt dat graancirkels worden gemaakt door aliens of tijdreizigers. Volgens hem zijn een aantal van deze formaties echt en bevatten ze puzzels die kunnen worden opgelost en gelinkt aan tijdreizen en buitenaards leven.
Hij bezocht tientallen graancirkels, met een doorsnee variërend van 50 tot 500 meter.
“Mijn onderzoek naar UFO’s en graancirkels heeft geleid tot tenminste één grote doorbraak, de ontdekking van een meer geavanceerde binaire code dan onze huidige computers gebruiken,” zegt hij.
Dr. Drew claimt dat aliens of tijdreizigers graancirkels achterlaten op aarde als boodschappen voor ‘ons of zichzelf’.
Hij zegt dat hij één van de weinige wetenschappers op aarde is die boodschappen in graancirkels succesvol heeft ontcijferd.
Tegen misleiding
Volgens hem geven sommige graancirkels informatie over de toekomst. “Sommige tonen astronomische of menselijke gebeurtenissen in de toekomst.”
Eén van de ontcijferde boodschappen leverde de volgende tekst op: “Veel pijn, maar er is nog tijd. Geloof. Er is goed in de wereld. Wees op je hoede voor zij die valse beloftes doen. Wij zijn tegen misleiding. Over en uit.”
Dr. Drew heeft twee theorieën over het doel van de formaties.
“De ene theorie is dat ze zich op een vreedzame manier introduceren, zoals wij bellen blazen bij dolfijnen,” zegt hij.
“Als wij willen communiceren met dolfijnen blazen we kleine bellen onder het wateroppervlak,” vervolgt hij. “We kijken hoe dolfijnen hierop reageren en bestuderen ze.”
De manier waarop mensen communiceren met dolfijnen en walvissen is waarschijnlijk vergelijkbaar met de manier waarop buitenaardsen met ons communiceren.
Verre verleden
“Obama en Trump hebben nog nooit tegen een dolfijn gezegd: ‘breng me naar je leider, ik wil een verdrag met jullie sluiten’,” aldus Drew.
Volgens de tweede theorie zijn de boodschappen niet voor ons bedoeld.
Mogelijk creëren tijdreizigers uit de verre toekomst de formaties om ze te helpen bij het navigeren in hun verre verleden, ons heden.
“Over 5000 jaar zijn we zeker in staat om door de tijd te reizen,” zegt hij.
Onbekende energie
De graancirkels lijken te worden gemaakt met behulp van een ‘onbekende energie die de gewassen verhit’.
Die energie brengt een bepaald patroon aan in het graan, aldus dr. Drew. “Niemand ziet of hoort iets en daarom is het zo moeilijk om te bewijzen.”
De wetenschapper zegt dat we niets te vrezen hebben. “Wees niet bang,” zegt hij.
Hij geeft aan dat er veel wetenschappelijk bewijs is waaruit blijkt dat sommige graancirkels zijn gemaakt door tijdreizigers of aliens.
Zo werden monsters die in oktober 2016 waren verzameld in een graancirkel in Brazilië onderzocht in een laboratorium.
De planten bleken met behulp van onbekende technieken kiemvrij te zijn gemaakt.
“De politici praten hier niet over omdat ze bang zijn dat ze anders stemmen zullen verliezen,” legt hij uit.
“De internationale media zijn er deels verantwoordelijk voor dat het publiek twijfelt aan de echtheid van graancirkels,” gaat hij verder.
Het is dus belangrijk dat we naar antwoorden blijven zoeken, stelt dr. Drew.
Verre planeten
“De buitenaardse bezoekers hebben namelijk technologieën die ons kunnen helpen, bijvoorbeeld manieren om schone energie te maken zonder olie, kolen of gas te verbranden,” klinkt het nog.
“Of ultrasnelle aandrijfsystemen gebaseerd op zwaartekracht en inertie, die ons veilig naar verre planeten of sterren kunnen brengen,” besluit hij.
UFO Seen During Sunset In Australia, Day of Super Moon, Nov 2016, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Seen During Sunset In Australia, Day of Super Moon, Nov 2016, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Nov 13, 2016 but reported today Location of sighting: Australia Source: MUFON #82616 This UFO was seen over Australia last year. It was caught during sunset, the one time of the day with the highest chance of a sighting. Yes, there is a time of the day that UFOs are more often seen. Sunset. Its a time when the sun, UFO, and eyewitness form a triangle, forcing the UFO cloak to bend light around the UFO more than 180 percent up to 224-270 degrees. Anything over 180 is a cloaks breaking point. Sunset causes that. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states:
November 13th 2016 was the afternoon that many people went up to the nearby river ( elevated position) to watch the supermoon rise. Of course people were taking photos of the supermoon rising, however I walked off on my own to take a photo of the sunset I did not see anything unusual at the time. When i looked back at my photos (taken on an old mobile phone) that is when i noticed the unusual anomaly in the photo. When i noticed it i thought instantly that is a ufo. I saw a ufo in the desert in western australia about 7 years ago now, night time. This is for me actual proof What do you think.
UFO Shoots Out Of Volcano Lava Vent Toward Live Camera! March 11, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Shoots Out Of Volcano Lava Vent Toward Live Camera! March 11, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: March 11, 2017 Location of sighting: Volcano, Mexico Found By:Marte Salas of Youtube. This UFO was caught shooting out of the volcano and towards the live Internet camera. As yo can see, the UFO doesn't come from the mouth of the volcano, but instead comes from a lava vent on the side of the volcano. I have seen smoke come from this vent before, but this is the first time I have seen a UFO shoot out of one. Did you notice that the UFO starts slow and then increases speed? Thats how their ships handle in our atmosphere. Although the UFOs are capable of incredible speed, their acceleration is usually slower than you would suspect. Especially if the UFO is staying on Earth, not entering space. Scott C. Waring
As private businesses and government agencies begin seriously eyeing Mars as a site of human colonization, questions remain over how such colonies could sustain themselves. Are there any sources of nutrition to be found on Mars? Can the Red Planet sustain agriculture needed to nourish a human colony? To begin answering these questions, scientists conducted a landmark experiment last year which determined that crops grown in (simulated) Martian soil are safe to eat, turning the planet’s most abundant resource (soil) into a usable commodity.
That experiment helped pave the way for this most recent one involving potatoes.
To add to the viability of possible Martian agriculture, the International Potato Center (CIP) has announced the results of ayear-long experiment to determine if potatoes can grow and Mars, and it seems french-fry loving astronauts everywhere now have a reason to rejoice. More astonishingly, there is an International Potato Center. Who knew?
See? They have this weird logo and everything.
According to a CIP press release, the experiment took place on a CubeSat, a popular new minuscule modular satellite platform. Researchers from the University of Engineering and Technology (UTEC) in Lima, Peru based the experiment off of open-source designs released by NASA. According to Julio Valdivia-Silva, one of the study’s authors and a former SETI engineer, the results are a promising breakthrough in the lead-up to Martian colonization:
If the crops can tolerate the extreme conditions that we are exposing them to in our CubeSat, they have a good chance to grow on Mars. We will do several rounds of experiments to find out which potato varieties do best. We want to know what the minimum conditions are that a potato needs to survive.
Aside from demonstrating that agriculture might one day be possible on the Red Planet, the researchers are hopeful that this experiment might help humanity win the battle against climate change. The simulated Martian soil is comparable to nutrient-poor or high-salinity soils found in a few areas on Earth which make growing crops difficult.
Potato plants poking through the simulated Mars dirt.
If crops can be grown on Mars, CIP potato breeder Walter Amoros says, there’s no reason they can’t be grown anywhere on Earth as well:
It was a pleasant surprise to see that potatoes we’ve bred to tolerate abiotic stress were able to produce tubers in this soil. The results indicate that our efforts to breed varieties with high potential for strengthening food security in areas that are affected, or will be affected by climate change, are working.
Thus, research into space technology has provided humanity with one more tool to better ourselves. In the face of frequent political pushes to defund governmental space agencies, this discovery shows that the future of humanity indeed lies in outer space – or at least in the attempt to get there. Once we stop aspiring for the stars, we stop trying to further the limits of human imagination.
Brent Swancer’s recent feature on Men in Black in Japan has prompted me to write an article showing that the creepy and strange MIB are seen just about here, there and everywhere. In 2005, I spent a week or thereabouts in Puerto Rico. I was there with Paul Kimball’s Redstar Films crew. The subject of the shoot: the Chupacabra. While we were there, we met a number of interesting witnesses, including one guy who had encountered not just a Man in Black, but a Woman in Black too.
Late one night, some years earlier, he jumped out of bed to the screams of his pigs – he was a breeder and seller of the animals. And, given that this was his only source of income, he raced to the back-door, grabbed a handy machete and a flashlight, flung the door open, and charged out into the muggy darkness. The scene was one of carnage. The bodies of a number of dead, blood-splattered rabbits – which the farmer also kept – were strewn about the yard, many torn to pieces. And one of his prize-pigs was dead, too, lying on the ground.
All of them, the pig and the rabbits, were killed in the same fashion: via three, huge puncture wounds to the neck. As the man, pretty much in a state of shock, prowled around the tree-shrouded yard, he heard movement in the undergrowth. Wasting no time at all, he threw the machete in what he thought was the right direction. His instinct was right: the machete slammed into something solid. Oddly, the sound was akin to metal hitting metal. Whatever it was, it didn’t hang around. In seconds, it was gone, having leaped into the safety of the all-encompassing, nearby woods. There were even weirder developments to come – in the form of none other than the dreaded MIB and WIB.
It was early the next morning when the darkly-garbed, pale-faced duo descended upon the man’s farm. They asked all sorts of questions about the previous night’s events, making it clear to him that they knew far more about the attack in particular – and the mysterious attacker in general – than they were willing to admit. The strange pair listened, in an emotionless fashion, to everything that he had to say, then suddenly turned and vanished into the woods, along with his machete – which they made clear they were confiscating. Maybe wisely, he decided not to object. He never saw them, or his machete, ever again.
Moving over to the U.K., there are a couple of strange stories from Fortean author-investigator, Neil Arnold. Neil told me: “During the early ‘90s I was with two mates out walking at night, and I’d just got the reissues of The Unexplained magazine – and we saw a strange, hanging, dull yellow light in the sky which at first we took to be a firework about to explode. It was late October. The light eventually came over us, at quite a height and the light vanished (I believe because it was on top of the object). But the underside revealed a circle of lights and we watched in amazement as this thing silently glided over the houses out of sight. I recall a chap walking his dog who also looked up at it and everything was very quiet. Although I don’t recall it, when I spoke to one of the guys many years later (I lost touch with him shortly afterwards) he stated quite categorically that we lost about an hour in time.”
Neil continued: “This is not something I’ve ever taken seriously, but anyway, a month or so later I began writing a lot about MIBs and UFOs, and the same two friends visited London to buy records. It was early afternoon and we were sat in the MacDonald’s in Leicester Square. I was facing the door, one of my mates faced me with his back to the door, and my other mate sat side on. I recall looking up over my mate’s shoulder (the mate who was facing me) and there was a guy sitting there. He was about ten-feet away, staring, what I felt, right into my soul. He was about 60-70 years of age, he had grey hair slicked back, wide, staring, unblinking eyes. He wore a black suit, white shirt and a dark tie. Strangely, he had no food on the table, or no newspaper and he just sat staring at me. I went to mention it to my friend who was facing me and my mate just shuddered and said, ‘I know!’ He said he could sense this guy. We actually got up and left straight away…very odd.”
Neil had another case to report to me: “I also have a relative who in the ‘80s saw a UFO and went to the local phone box to report it to the newspaper. As soon as he entered the phone box a man appeared by the phone box and was staring in rather menacingly. My relative thought the man wanted to use the phone and so he motioned he wouldn’t be long, but the man still stared. The man wore a dark suit. My relative came off the phone and said to the man: ‘You can use it now.’ But he just stood there. My relative told the newspaper that he would go to their offices to tell them of the sighting, but as soon as he got on the bus he got a shocking headache. He thought he was going to pass out but persisted, but when he got to the office no-one working there knew what he was on about and they all said they hadn’t received a call from him.”
Gareth Medway, who has done an excellent job of collecting MIB reports, says of a 1957 case: “Luciano Galli of Rome [Italy] was walking from his home to work after lunch when a black Fiat pulled up and a man with piercing jet-black eyes spoke to him and invited him to come with him. They drove to Croara Ridge outside of Rome, where a saucer shaped craft was waiting. He was taken for a ride into space.” And, one more from Gareth, this one from 1963: “Li Jing-Yang, a security guard in Yangquan, Shansi Province, China, saw an object like two plates sealed together hovering in the sky. The next day he was approached by a strange man dressed in black who warned him not to talk about the sighting.”
That’s just the tip of the iceberg. There is very little we can say for sure about the Men in Black. One thing we do know, however, is that the phenomenon is global.
Brent Swancer’s recent feature on Men in Black in Japan has prompted me to write an article showing that the creepy and strange MIB are seen just about here, there and everywhere. In 2005, I spent a week or thereabouts in Puerto Rico. I was there with Paul Kimball’s Redstar Films crew. The subject of the shoot: the Chupacabra. While we were there, we met a number of interesting witnesses, including one guy who had encountered not just a Man in Black, but a Woman in Black too.
Late one night, some years earlier, he jumped out of bed to the screams of his pigs – he was a breeder and seller of the animals. And, given that this was his only source of income, he raced to the back-door, grabbed a handy machete and a flashlight, flung the door open, and charged out into the muggy darkness. The scene was one of carnage. The bodies of a number of dead, blood-splattered rabbits – which the farmer also kept – were strewn about the yard, many torn to pieces. And one of his prize-pigs was dead, too, lying on the ground.
All of them, the pig and the rabbits, were killed in the same fashion: via three, huge puncture wounds to the neck. As the man, pretty much in a state of shock, prowled around the tree-shrouded yard, he heard movement in the undergrowth. Wasting no time at all, he threw the machete in what he thought was the right direction. His instinct was right: the machete slammed into something solid. Oddly, the sound was akin to metal hitting metal. Whatever it was, it didn’t hang around. In seconds, it was gone, having leaped into the safety of the all-encompassing, nearby woods. There were even weirder developments to come – in the form of none other than the dreaded MIB and WIB.
It was early the next morning when the darkly-garbed, pale-faced duo descended upon the man’s farm. They asked all sorts of questions about the previous night’s events, making it clear to him that they knew far more about the attack in particular – and the mysterious attacker in general – than they were willing to admit. The strange pair listened, in an emotionless fashion, to everything that he had to say, then suddenly turned and vanished into the woods, along with his machete – which they made clear they were confiscating. Maybe wisely, he decided not to object. He never saw them, or his machete, ever again.
Moving over to the U.K., there are a couple of strange stories from Fortean author-investigator, Neil Arnold. Neil told me: “During the early ‘90s I was with two mates out walking at night, and I’d just got the reissues of The Unexplained magazine – and we saw a strange, hanging, dull yellow light in the sky which at first we took to be a firework about to explode. It was late October. The light eventually came over us, at quite a height and the light vanished (I believe because it was on top of the object). But the underside revealed a circle of lights and we watched in amazement as this thing silently glided over the houses out of sight. I recall a chap walking his dog who also looked up at it and everything was very quiet. Although I don’t recall it, when I spoke to one of the guys many years later (I lost touch with him shortly afterwards) he stated quite categorically that we lost about an hour in time.”
Neil continued: “This is not something I’ve ever taken seriously, but anyway, a month or so later I began writing a lot about MIBs and UFOs, and the same two friends visited London to buy records. It was early afternoon and we were sat in the MacDonald’s in Leicester Square. I was facing the door, one of my mates faced me with his back to the door, and my other mate sat side on. I recall looking up over my mate’s shoulder (the mate who was facing me) and there was a guy sitting there. He was about ten-feet away, staring, what I felt, right into my soul. He was about 60-70 years of age, he had grey hair slicked back, wide, staring, unblinking eyes. He wore a black suit, white shirt and a dark tie. Strangely, he had no food on the table, or no newspaper and he just sat staring at me. I went to mention it to my friend who was facing me and my mate just shuddered and said, ‘I know!’ He said he could sense this guy. We actually got up and left straight away…very odd.”
Neil had another case to report to me: “I also have a relative who in the ‘80s saw a UFO and went to the local phone box to report it to the newspaper. As soon as he entered the phone box a man appeared by the phone box and was staring in rather menacingly. My relative thought the man wanted to use the phone and so he motioned he wouldn’t be long, but the man still stared. The man wore a dark suit. My relative came off the phone and said to the man: ‘You can use it now.’ But he just stood there. My relative told the newspaper that he would go to their offices to tell them of the sighting, but as soon as he got on the bus he got a shocking headache. He thought he was going to pass out but persisted, but when he got to the office no-one working there knew what he was on about and they all said they hadn’t received a call from him.”
Gareth Medway, who has done an excellent job of collecting MIB reports, says of a 1957 case: “Luciano Galli of Rome [Italy] was walking from his home to work after lunch when a black Fiat pulled up and a man with piercing jet-black eyes spoke to him and invited him to come with him. They drove to Croara Ridge outside of Rome, where a saucer shaped craft was waiting. He was taken for a ride into space.” And, one more from Gareth, this one from 1963: “Li Jing-Yang, a security guard in Yangquan, Shansi Province, China, saw an object like two plates sealed together hovering in the sky. The next day he was approached by a strange man dressed in black who warned him not to talk about the sighting.”
That’s just the tip of the iceberg. There is very little we can say for sure about the Men in Black. One thing we do know, however, is that the phenomenon is global.
Brent Swancer’s recent feature on Men in Black in Japan has prompted me to write an article showing that the creepy and strange MIB are seen just about here, there and everywhere. In 2005, I spent a week or thereabouts in Puerto Rico. I was there with Paul Kimball’s Redstar Films crew. The subject of the shoot: the Chupacabra. While we were there, we met a number of interesting witnesses, including one guy who had encountered not just a Man in Black, but a Woman in Black too.
Late one night, some years earlier, he jumped out of bed to the screams of his pigs – he was a breeder and seller of the animals. And, given that this was his only source of income, he raced to the back-door, grabbed a handy machete and a flashlight, flung the door open, and charged out into the muggy darkness. The scene was one of carnage. The bodies of a number of dead, blood-splattered rabbits – which the farmer also kept – were strewn about the yard, many torn to pieces. And one of his prize-pigs was dead, too, lying on the ground.
All of them, the pig and the rabbits, were killed in the same fashion: via three, huge puncture wounds to the neck. As the man, pretty much in a state of shock, prowled around the tree-shrouded yard, he heard movement in the undergrowth. Wasting no time at all, he threw the machete in what he thought was the right direction. His instinct was right: the machete slammed into something solid. Oddly, the sound was akin to metal hitting metal. Whatever it was, it didn’t hang around. In seconds, it was gone, having leaped into the safety of the all-encompassing, nearby woods. There were even weirder developments to come – in the form of none other than the dreaded MIB and WIB.
It was early the next morning when the darkly-garbed, pale-faced duo descended upon the man’s farm. They asked all sorts of questions about the previous night’s events, making it clear to him that they knew far more about the attack in particular – and the mysterious attacker in general – than they were willing to admit. The strange pair listened, in an emotionless fashion, to everything that he had to say, then suddenly turned and vanished into the woods, along with his machete – which they made clear they were confiscating. Maybe wisely, he decided not to object. He never saw them, or his machete, ever again.
Moving over to the U.K., there are a couple of strange stories from Fortean author-investigator, Neil Arnold. Neil told me: “During the early ‘90s I was with two mates out walking at night, and I’d just got the reissues of The Unexplained magazine – and we saw a strange, hanging, dull yellow light in the sky which at first we took to be a firework about to explode. It was late October. The light eventually came over us, at quite a height and the light vanished (I believe because it was on top of the object). But the underside revealed a circle of lights and we watched in amazement as this thing silently glided over the houses out of sight. I recall a chap walking his dog who also looked up at it and everything was very quiet. Although I don’t recall it, when I spoke to one of the guys many years later (I lost touch with him shortly afterwards) he stated quite categorically that we lost about an hour in time.”
Neil continued: “This is not something I’ve ever taken seriously, but anyway, a month or so later I began writing a lot about MIBs and UFOs, and the same two friends visited London to buy records. It was early afternoon and we were sat in the MacDonald’s in Leicester Square. I was facing the door, one of my mates faced me with his back to the door, and my other mate sat side on. I recall looking up over my mate’s shoulder (the mate who was facing me) and there was a guy sitting there. He was about ten-feet away, staring, what I felt, right into my soul. He was about 60-70 years of age, he had grey hair slicked back, wide, staring, unblinking eyes. He wore a black suit, white shirt and a dark tie. Strangely, he had no food on the table, or no newspaper and he just sat staring at me. I went to mention it to my friend who was facing me and my mate just shuddered and said, ‘I know!’ He said he could sense this guy. We actually got up and left straight away…very odd.”
Neil had another case to report to me: “I also have a relative who in the ‘80s saw a UFO and went to the local phone box to report it to the newspaper. As soon as he entered the phone box a man appeared by the phone box and was staring in rather menacingly. My relative thought the man wanted to use the phone and so he motioned he wouldn’t be long, but the man still stared. The man wore a dark suit. My relative came off the phone and said to the man: ‘You can use it now.’ But he just stood there. My relative told the newspaper that he would go to their offices to tell them of the sighting, but as soon as he got on the bus he got a shocking headache. He thought he was going to pass out but persisted, but when he got to the office no-one working there knew what he was on about and they all said they hadn’t received a call from him.”
Gareth Medway, who has done an excellent job of collecting MIB reports, says of a 1957 case: “Luciano Galli of Rome [Italy] was walking from his home to work after lunch when a black Fiat pulled up and a man with piercing jet-black eyes spoke to him and invited him to come with him. They drove to Croara Ridge outside of Rome, where a saucer shaped craft was waiting. He was taken for a ride into space.” And, one more from Gareth, this one from 1963: “Li Jing-Yang, a security guard in Yangquan, Shansi Province, China, saw an object like two plates sealed together hovering in the sky. The next day he was approached by a strange man dressed in black who warned him not to talk about the sighting.”
That’s just the tip of the iceberg. There is very little we can say for sure about the Men in Black. One thing we do know, however, is that the phenomenon is global.
Brent Swancer’s recent feature on Men in Black in Japan has prompted me to write an article showing that the creepy and strange MIB are seen just about here, there and everywhere. In 2005, I spent a week or thereabouts in Puerto Rico. I was there with Paul Kimball’s Redstar Films crew. The subject of the shoot: the Chupacabra. While we were there, we met a number of interesting witnesses, including one guy who had encountered not just a Man in Black, but a Woman in Black too.
Late one night, some years earlier, he jumped out of bed to the screams of his pigs – he was a breeder and seller of the animals. And, given that this was his only source of income, he raced to the back-door, grabbed a handy machete and a flashlight, flung the door open, and charged out into the muggy darkness. The scene was one of carnage. The bodies of a number of dead, blood-splattered rabbits – which the farmer also kept – were strewn about the yard, many torn to pieces. And one of his prize-pigs was dead, too, lying on the ground.
All of them, the pig and the rabbits, were killed in the same fashion: via three, huge puncture wounds to the neck. As the man, pretty much in a state of shock, prowled around the tree-shrouded yard, he heard movement in the undergrowth. Wasting no time at all, he threw the machete in what he thought was the right direction. His instinct was right: the machete slammed into something solid. Oddly, the sound was akin to metal hitting metal. Whatever it was, it didn’t hang around. In seconds, it was gone, having leaped into the safety of the all-encompassing, nearby woods. There were even weirder developments to come – in the form of none other than the dreaded MIB and WIB.
It was early the next morning when the darkly-garbed, pale-faced duo descended upon the man’s farm. They asked all sorts of questions about the previous night’s events, making it clear to him that they knew far more about the attack in particular – and the mysterious attacker in general – than they were willing to admit. The strange pair listened, in an emotionless fashion, to everything that he had to say, then suddenly turned and vanished into the woods, along with his machete – which they made clear they were confiscating. Maybe wisely, he decided not to object. He never saw them, or his machete, ever again.
Moving over to the U.K., there are a couple of strange stories from Fortean author-investigator, Neil Arnold. Neil told me: “During the early ‘90s I was with two mates out walking at night, and I’d just got the reissues of The Unexplained magazine – and we saw a strange, hanging, dull yellow light in the sky which at first we took to be a firework about to explode. It was late October. The light eventually came over us, at quite a height and the light vanished (I believe because it was on top of the object). But the underside revealed a circle of lights and we watched in amazement as this thing silently glided over the houses out of sight. I recall a chap walking his dog who also looked up at it and everything was very quiet. Although I don’t recall it, when I spoke to one of the guys many years later (I lost touch with him shortly afterwards) he stated quite categorically that we lost about an hour in time.”
Neil continued: “This is not something I’ve ever taken seriously, but anyway, a month or so later I began writing a lot about MIBs and UFOs, and the same two friends visited London to buy records. It was early afternoon and we were sat in the MacDonald’s in Leicester Square. I was facing the door, one of my mates faced me with his back to the door, and my other mate sat side on. I recall looking up over my mate’s shoulder (the mate who was facing me) and there was a guy sitting there. He was about ten-feet away, staring, what I felt, right into my soul. He was about 60-70 years of age, he had grey hair slicked back, wide, staring, unblinking eyes. He wore a black suit, white shirt and a dark tie. Strangely, he had no food on the table, or no newspaper and he just sat staring at me. I went to mention it to my friend who was facing me and my mate just shuddered and said, ‘I know!’ He said he could sense this guy. We actually got up and left straight away…very odd.”
Neil had another case to report to me: “I also have a relative who in the ‘80s saw a UFO and went to the local phone box to report it to the newspaper. As soon as he entered the phone box a man appeared by the phone box and was staring in rather menacingly. My relative thought the man wanted to use the phone and so he motioned he wouldn’t be long, but the man still stared. The man wore a dark suit. My relative came off the phone and said to the man: ‘You can use it now.’ But he just stood there. My relative told the newspaper that he would go to their offices to tell them of the sighting, but as soon as he got on the bus he got a shocking headache. He thought he was going to pass out but persisted, but when he got to the office no-one working there knew what he was on about and they all said they hadn’t received a call from him.”
Gareth Medway, who has done an excellent job of collecting MIB reports, says of a 1957 case: “Luciano Galli of Rome [Italy] was walking from his home to work after lunch when a black Fiat pulled up and a man with piercing jet-black eyes spoke to him and invited him to come with him. They drove to Croara Ridge outside of Rome, where a saucer shaped craft was waiting. He was taken for a ride into space.” And, one more from Gareth, this one from 1963: “Li Jing-Yang, a security guard in Yangquan, Shansi Province, China, saw an object like two plates sealed together hovering in the sky. The next day he was approached by a strange man dressed in black who warned him not to talk about the sighting.”
That’s just the tip of the iceberg. There is very little we can say for sure about the Men in Black. One thing we do know, however, is that the phenomenon is global.
Brent Swancer’s recent feature on Men in Black in Japan has prompted me to write an article showing that the creepy and strange MIB are seen just about here, there and everywhere. In 2005, I spent a week or thereabouts in Puerto Rico. I was there with Paul Kimball’s Redstar Films crew. The subject of the shoot: the Chupacabra. While we were there, we met a number of interesting witnesses, including one guy who had encountered not just a Man in Black, but a Woman in Black too.
Late one night, some years earlier, he jumped out of bed to the screams of his pigs – he was a breeder and seller of the animals. And, given that this was his only source of income, he raced to the back-door, grabbed a handy machete and a flashlight, flung the door open, and charged out into the muggy darkness. The scene was one of carnage. The bodies of a number of dead, blood-splattered rabbits – which the farmer also kept – were strewn about the yard, many torn to pieces. And one of his prize-pigs was dead, too, lying on the ground.
All of them, the pig and the rabbits, were killed in the same fashion: via three, huge puncture wounds to the neck. As the man, pretty much in a state of shock, prowled around the tree-shrouded yard, he heard movement in the undergrowth. Wasting no time at all, he threw the machete in what he thought was the right direction. His instinct was right: the machete slammed into something solid. Oddly, the sound was akin to metal hitting metal. Whatever it was, it didn’t hang around. In seconds, it was gone, having leaped into the safety of the all-encompassing, nearby woods. There were even weirder developments to come – in the form of none other than the dreaded MIB and WIB.
It was early the next morning when the darkly-garbed, pale-faced duo descended upon the man’s farm. They asked all sorts of questions about the previous night’s events, making it clear to him that they knew far more about the attack in particular – and the mysterious attacker in general – than they were willing to admit. The strange pair listened, in an emotionless fashion, to everything that he had to say, then suddenly turned and vanished into the woods, along with his machete – which they made clear they were confiscating. Maybe wisely, he decided not to object. He never saw them, or his machete, ever again.
Moving over to the U.K., there are a couple of strange stories from Fortean author-investigator, Neil Arnold. Neil told me: “During the early ‘90s I was with two mates out walking at night, and I’d just got the reissues of The Unexplained magazine – and we saw a strange, hanging, dull yellow light in the sky which at first we took to be a firework about to explode. It was late October. The light eventually came over us, at quite a height and the light vanished (I believe because it was on top of the object). But the underside revealed a circle of lights and we watched in amazement as this thing silently glided over the houses out of sight. I recall a chap walking his dog who also looked up at it and everything was very quiet. Although I don’t recall it, when I spoke to one of the guys many years later (I lost touch with him shortly afterwards) he stated quite categorically that we lost about an hour in time.”
Neil continued: “This is not something I’ve ever taken seriously, but anyway, a month or so later I began writing a lot about MIBs and UFOs, and the same two friends visited London to buy records. It was early afternoon and we were sat in the MacDonald’s in Leicester Square. I was facing the door, one of my mates faced me with his back to the door, and my other mate sat side on. I recall looking up over my mate’s shoulder (the mate who was facing me) and there was a guy sitting there. He was about ten-feet away, staring, what I felt, right into my soul. He was about 60-70 years of age, he had grey hair slicked back, wide, staring, unblinking eyes. He wore a black suit, white shirt and a dark tie. Strangely, he had no food on the table, or no newspaper and he just sat staring at me. I went to mention it to my friend who was facing me and my mate just shuddered and said, ‘I know!’ He said he could sense this guy. We actually got up and left straight away…very odd.”
Neil had another case to report to me: “I also have a relative who in the ‘80s saw a UFO and went to the local phone box to report it to the newspaper. As soon as he entered the phone box a man appeared by the phone box and was staring in rather menacingly. My relative thought the man wanted to use the phone and so he motioned he wouldn’t be long, but the man still stared. The man wore a dark suit. My relative came off the phone and said to the man: ‘You can use it now.’ But he just stood there. My relative told the newspaper that he would go to their offices to tell them of the sighting, but as soon as he got on the bus he got a shocking headache. He thought he was going to pass out but persisted, but when he got to the office no-one working there knew what he was on about and they all said they hadn’t received a call from him.”
Gareth Medway, who has done an excellent job of collecting MIB reports, says of a 1957 case: “Luciano Galli of Rome [Italy] was walking from his home to work after lunch when a black Fiat pulled up and a man with piercing jet-black eyes spoke to him and invited him to come with him. They drove to Croara Ridge outside of Rome, where a saucer shaped craft was waiting. He was taken for a ride into space.” And, one more from Gareth, this one from 1963: “Li Jing-Yang, a security guard in Yangquan, Shansi Province, China, saw an object like two plates sealed together hovering in the sky. The next day he was approached by a strange man dressed in black who warned him not to talk about the sighting.”
That’s just the tip of the iceberg. There is very little we can say for sure about the Men in Black. One thing we do know, however, is that the phenomenon is global.
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This year we had one of the biggest announcements by NASA as it revealed a relatively close star system with 7 planets and 3 of them being Earth-like. The solar system named 'Trappist-1' has a solar body smaller and younger than our own called a red dwarf. It is locatated 39 light years way which is translated to trillions of kilometers of distance from us.
NASA scientists say that three of the planets in Trappist-1 are perfectly located and have an extemely high probability of containing alien lifeforms.
Has technology progresses we might someday be able to travel quick enough to this neighbor system and perhaps settle there with new human colonies, or maybe to meet extraterrestrial civilizations. Either way, it's still to early to tell if we can accomplish this goal.
Recently NASA revealed the first images of Trappist-1. It was taken by the Kepler spacecraft.
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The researcher Len Kasten has made sensational claims, which he says he has gleaned from undisclosed for reportedly reputable sources, that an alien race referred to as the Reptilians have been abducting humans for nefarious purposes. According to Kasten, this activity has been going on for thousands of years and showed no sign of abating anytime soon.
Kasten claims that human beings do not originate from the planet Earth but initially evolved in a constellation referred to as Lyra. Some time ago, a reptilian race from the Draco system invaded and forced the human beings to flee to this solar system where humans took up residence on Earth and Mars. Today, the Martians live in a closed and highly secretive underground society while the reptilians live among human beings on the planet Earth.
According to Kasten, these reptilian beings abduct thousands of people every year for experimentation purposes and food. He says that they prefer the blood of children as it is less polluted than that of adult humans.
Kasten also claims that members of the reptilian race permanently live on this planet in underground bunkers. Despite the fact that they conceal themselves from the human race they manage to wield a huge amount of influence over society through organizations such as the Illuminati. Their goal is to completely control the world’s populations to keep human beings subdued. The primary method by which they ensure the subjugation of humans is by controlling banking and other economic institutions. Kasten claims that the last wave of intense reptilian activity was during the Second World War when the alien beings seized effective control of both the Third Reich and the Imperial Japanese Government. However, their plans to utilize the Axis powers to secure complete world domination failed because of the volatility of key human figures such as Adolf Hitler who improved impossible for the reptilians to control effectively.
Kasten writes that the reason that the reptilians are so keen to seize complete control of the planet Earth is that they are afraid of what human beings could do if they were released from continual subjugation. Intriguingly, he says that most humans are completely unaware that the race is endowed with certain ‘powers,' however, he did not explicitly state what these powers might be. Instead, he tantalizingly claims that these powers will become apparent as more and more people become aware of what is happening.
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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