The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Waarnemingen wijzen op neergestorte meteoriet in regio Aalst-Dendermonde:
Waarnemingen wijzen op neergestorte meteoriet in regio Aalst-Dendermonde: "Kans dat je hem vindt, is quasi onbestaande"
De kans bestaat dat er eergisteren een meteoriet is neergestort op Belgisch grondgebied. Dat meldt Volkssterrenwacht Mira op Twitter, op basis van bijna 200 waarnemingen van een vallend object, en dat zowel in België, Nederland, Engeland als Frankrijk. Daarnaast hebben 3 speciale camera's beelden gemaakt van het traject van dat vallende object. Op basis daarvan is er een zone afgebakend, tussen Aalst en Dendermonde, waar de meteoriet zou kunnen liggen. Wie op zoek gaat, blijft waarschijnlijk op zijn honger zitten. "De kans dat je die meteoriet vindt, is zo goed als onbestaande", zegt Philippe Mollet van Volkssterrenwacht Mira. Geoloog Steven Goderis (VUB) ging al op zoek, maar zonder resultaat.
"Jaarlijks vallen er verschillende meteorieten neer op Belgisch grondgebied, maar omdat ons land zo dichtbevolkt is, verkleint dat de kans op een vondst. En op klaarlichte dag is een meteoriet zo goed als onmogelijk waar te nemen. Alle eerdere vondsten waren eerder toevallig. Dit zou letterlijk de eerste keer zijn dat er op basis van systematische waarnemingen én de moderne cameratechnologie effectief een meteoriet wordt teruggevonden", zegt Mollet.
"Het is geen kwestie van zoeken naar een speld in een hooiberg, maar naar een speld in een hooiveld. De kans is niet onbestaande, maar toch verwaarloosbaar klein. Want waarschijnlijk gaat het niet om één deeltje, maar om verschillende kleinere deeltjes die uit elkaar zijn gespat. Wie toch op speurtocht gaat: een meteoriet is een zwartgeblakerd steentje, qua gewicht iets zwaarder dan een "gewone" steen en met een ruw oppervlak, waar onderweg naar de aarde wat stukjes af zijn gevlogen."
Dit zou de eerste keer zijn dat er op basis van systematische waarnemingen effectief een meteoriet wordt teruggevonden.
Vrijdagochtend waren er "honderden waarnemingen" van wat Mollet "een mogelijk neergestorte meteoriet" noemt. "Waarnemingen van een bijzonder heldere vuurbol en dat zowel in het westen van ons land, als in het zuiden van Nederland, het noorden van Frankrijk en het zuidoosten van Engeland, ongeveer 200 in totaal. Op basis van de locaties van die waarnemingen, en observaties van het cameranetwerk FRIPON (Fireball Recovery and Interplanetary Observation Network, red.) in Brussel, Oostkapelle (Nederland) en Noordwijk (Nederland) kunnen we een gebied afbakenen tussen Aalst en Dendermonde waarin de meteoriet is neergestort."
Het is trouwens niet zo evident om een meteoriet te spotten. "Als wandelaar is de kans klein, dat je opmerkt wat er recht boven je hoofd aan het gebeuren is. Zelfs de meest ervaren waarnemers worden nog verrast. Het moeilijkste aspect, is om de hoogte in te schatten. Als mens is onze blik vrij horizontaal gericht. Daardoor lijkt wat we zien in de verte erg hoog, maar we schatten die hoogte vaak hoger in dan ze eigenlijk is."
De sneeuw heeft onze zoektocht vanmorgen aanzienlijk bemoeilijkt.
Deze voormiddag zijn er al enkele geologen op zoek gegaan naar de meteoriet. "Maar een systematische zoektocht nu is bijzonder moeilijk, omdat alles er vochtig bijligt", zegt Mollet. "En dat materiaal is bijzonder broos, dus het gaat snel verweren." Geoloog Steven Goderis (VUB) is er deze voormiddag al op uitgetrokken in regio Aalst. "Door de sneeuw was het onmogelijk om iets te vinden. Dinsdag organiseren we een systematische zoektocht, samen met enkele doctoraatsstudenten."
Beeld van de meteoriet op 22 januari omstreeks 7.52 uur in Brussel
Meteoriet neergestort in België. Ligt hij in jouw achtertuin?
Meteoriet neergestort in België. Ligt hij in jouw achtertuin?
Volkssterrenwacht Mira deelt op Twitter mee dat er een meteoriet is ingeslagen op Belgisch grondgebied. De steen meet maximaal enkele centimeters doorsnee en werd voorlopig nog niet gevonden.
De meteoriet zou vrijdagochtend neergestort zijn in de regio Aalst-Dendermonde om 7.52 uur. De melding kwam binnen via het FRIPON-cameranetwerk. FRIPON staat voor Fireball Recovery and Interplanetary Observation Network. Camera’s in Brussel, Oostkapelle en Noordwijk legden een deel van het traject van de meteoriet vast.
Een meteoriet is een stukje ruimtepuin — afkomstig van een planetoïde, komeet of meteoroïde — dat inslaat op aarde. Het kleine gruis en puin komt van de oermaterie uit de wolk waaruit de zon en de rest van het zonnestelsel zijn ontstaan. Tijdens de val wordt het materiaal sterk afgeremd door onze atmosfeer en warmt het op, waardoor er een vallende vuurbal te zien is: dit is een meteoor, ook gekend als vallende ster. Het materiaal dat niet opbrandt en uiteindelijk op aarde neervalt, is een meteoriet. Jaarlijks komen zo’n 20.000 tot 80.000 meteorieten zwaarder dan 10 gram ergens op Aarde terecht. Maar het meeste materiaal dat zo op de Aarde valt, bestaat uit micrometeorieten die als stofjes neerdwarrelen. Goed voor naar schatting 35.000 tot 80.000 ton per jaar.
Het is van 1971 geleden dat er een meteoriet op Belgisch grondgebied werd gevonden. We leven dan ook in een erg klein land in verhouding tot onze hele planeet. Indien ook het exemplaar van vrijdag wordt gerecupereerd, zou het de zevende keer dat er in ons land een meteoriet wordt aangetroffen.
Zo kan de meteoriet eruit zien. Dit is de zesde Belgische meteoriet tentoongesteld in Museum voor Natuurwetenschappen.
Er bestaan verschillende soorten meteorieten en het is niet zo eenvoudig om te bepalen wanneer het effectief om een meteoriet gaat. WikiHow geeft enkele tips om een meteoriet te onderscheiden van andere stenen en metalen.
Zo is er de kleur. Als het gevaarte nog maar net uit de lucht is gevallen, is de kleur blinkend zwart, door de verbranding in de atmosfeer. Door zijn verblijf op de aarde wordt het materiaal na verloop van tijd roestbruin. Dan is er ook de vorm. Die is meestal grillig, onregelmatig.
Er is de smeltkorst. “Als het oppervlak van je steen eruitziet alsof het is gesmolten en veranderd, kan het een meteoriet zijn”, schrijft WikiHow. Op die glazige, donkere buitenlaag komen ook vaak kleine streeplijnen voor. Verder zitten er soms ook putjes in het materiaal, maar nooit gaten.
Meteorieten zijn ook nooit poreus, maar vast. Ze voelen zwaarder aan dan andere gesteenten en zijn meestal magnetisch. Dat komt door de hoge concentratie aan het overgangsmetaal nikkel en het onedel metaal ijzer binnenin. Ook aan de buitenkant zie je vaak korrels als sporen van dat nikkel en ijzer.
Een echte meteoriet laat verder geen duidelijke strepen achter - behalve eventueel een klein beetje grijs - als je die tegen een onbehandelde keramische steen schraapt. Daarvoor kan de achterkant van een keramische tegel of van een koffiekopje of de binnenkant van een toiletreservoir dienen. Let wel: ook veel aardse gesteenten laten geen sporen na op onbehandelde keramiek. De test dient dus enkel om een meteoriet uit te sluiten.
Een meteoriet is niet gevaarlijk. Het is een fabeltje dat het gesteente gloeiend heet zou zijn bij ‘de landing’, want de meteoriet is tegen dan al lang afgekoeld en voelt hoogstens nog een beetje warm aan.
Eerlijke vinder
De eerlijke vinder is in principe eigenaar van de meteoriet als hij/zij die op het eigen domein vindt. De oorspronkelijke eigenaar heeft dan wettelijk drie jaar de tijd om het voorwerp op te eisen, maar in dit geval bestaat die niet en blijft de nieuwe eigenaar in het bezit van het materiaal. Als de ruimtesteen op privéterrein wordt gevonden, dan moet die normaal wel aan de gemeente worden overgemaakt.
Vond jij de meteoriet? Laat het onze redactie weten
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
UFOs During Sunrise Over San Diego de Alejandría, Mexico 1-13-2021 UFO Sighting News.
UFOs During Sunrise Over San Diego de Alejandría, Mexico 1-13-2021 ,UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Jan 13, 2021 Location of sighting: Alejadria, Mexico
UFOs are frequently seen around Mexico, and I believe it is because alien bases were made thousand of years ago below several of the volcanos in the region. Volcanos such as Colima, Popocatepetl, Cofre De Perote, La Malinche, Nevado De Toluca, Pico de Orizaba (major UFOs seen here) and Tacana. All of which have past UFO reports of object exiting and entering the mouth of the volcanos in Mexico. 100% proof that there are more frequently seen UFO sightings DUE TO THE FACT, that aliens made more bases 6km below the volcanos...all of which were made thousands of years ago.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states:
Greetings, they just appeared out of nowhere and at first they seemed only 3 lights then they lengthen (they advance) but very slowly it seems that they do not move and believe me it is not the first time I see them and in person their glow is fascinating, the place is in the highlands of Jalisco in a place called San Diego de Alejandria, it was between 7 and 8 in the morning, January 13, 2021.
UFO Enters/Exits Cloud Over Picos-Piaui, Brazil Jan 15, 2021, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Enters/Exits Cloud Over Picos-Piaui, Brazil Jan 15, 2021, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting:Jan 15, 2021 Location of sighting: Picos, Brazil
The eyewitness Luan Silva of Youtube noticed something strange in the sky above. A large whitish object was moving in and out of the clouds every few seconds, as if it were playing peekaboo with him. He pulled out his cell phone and caught a 20 seconds of the interesting encounter the UFO was playing with them. Its almost like a child, playing with them. Very odd behavior, but some alien species are playful, and yet this also could be controlled by AI which is alive, but worried it may frighten the people below so reveals itself little by little to get the people use to it. Nevertheless...its the very cute to watch.
Missing 411: Three People Missing Just South of Yosemite National Park
Missing 411: Three People Missing Just South of Yosemite National Park
This is the story of James Arthur, Theresa Bier, and Doug Pearce all missing under unusual circumstances in the region south of Yosemite National Park.
David Paulides is a former police officer who is now an investigator and writer known primarily for his self-published books, one dedicated to proving the reality of Bigfoot, and his Missing 411 series of books, in which he documents the disappearance of people in national parks and elsewhere.
Paulides attributes mysterious, unspecified causes to these disappearances, while data analysis suggests that these disappearances are not statistically mysterious or unexpected.
Bright UFO filmed from a plane over Karachi, Pakistan 23-Jan-2021
Bright UFO filmed from a plane over Karachi, Pakistan 23-Jan-2021
This video was filmed high above the Karachi in Pakistan on 23rd January 2021.
Witness report:
We were flying at 35000 feet.Operating Captain was just in the process of sitting down on his seat and the aircraft started to turn on the route which enabled him to see this brilliant white round object above and to the right of the aircraft.It could either have been hovering or moving slowly(difficult to tell due relative motion).Cell phone cameras were put in action fat to capture the object.After landing was found out that it had been seen/filmed in different areas as well.
The sandworms on the planet Arrakis are considered by many to be the real stars of the Dune novels of Frank Herbert. Reaching anywhere from 400 meters (1,300 ft) to a reported “half a league” (1.5 miles (2.4 km)) in length and 40 meters (130 ft) in diameter, they’re responsible for the treasured drug melange and featured in many action sequences because of their rideability and aversion to intruders.
Fortunately, these sandworms are fictional, but a smaller and equally vicious version does exist right here on Earth in the form of the Bobbitt worm (Eunice aphroditois) – a 10-foot-long bristle worm that burrows in the soft sediment of the ocean floor, waiting to ambush its prey by exploding out of the sand, grabbing their catch in vise jaws and dragging them back into the sediment for consumption. (Photos and videos here.) Fortunately, their favorite prey is fish and their larvae don’t excrete melange or any other spices. However, they don’t appear to have any natural enemies, which explains why they’ve lived nearly unchanged for 20 million years, according to a new study in the journal Scientific Reports.
A modern Bobbit worm hunts on the sea floor with just its head exposed. Researchers have found fossils suggesting they were terrorizing the ocean the same way 20 million years ago.
(Chutinun Mora)
The fossil burrow opening, left, is compared to a modern Bobbit worm burrow opening. The researchers found that the fossil and modern burrows were similar.
An animation shows how the trace fossil would have formed.
(Yu Yen Pan)
The top part of the fossil burrow, seen from the side, is funnel shaped, with feathery lines from the disturbance of the soil that's thought to be caused by the worm pulling prey into the burrow.
This is an artistic reconstruction of Websteroprion armstrongi, a Bobbit worm that lived 400 million years ago in Ontario. Its fossil jaws were discovered and reported by a team of researchers that included David Rudkin at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto.
(James Ormiston)
“This trace fossil consists of an up to 2 m long, 2–3 cm in diameter, L-shaped burrow with distinct feather-like structures around the upper shaft. A comparison of Pennichnus to biological analogs strongly suggests that this new ichnogenus is associated with ambush-predatory worms that lived about 20 million years ago.”
How big?
Because they were squishy worms, no skeletal fossils of this species exist, but researchers led by National Taiwan University sedimentologist Ludvig Löwemark found trace fossils – burrows, prints and squiggles made by something on the floor of the ocean near Taiwan. By eliminating the traces being made by shrimp or snails – their burrows are longer and two-way – the researchers concluded they’d discovered the burrows of the ancestor of the modern Bobbitt worm.
We know what you’re dying to ask – yes, they’re named for Lorena Bobbitt, who in 1993 sliced off her sleeping husband’s penis after years of abuse. The nickname came from divers who witnessed the worms slicing fish in half with their jaws.
The 319 trace fossils discovered at two sites pointed to an ancient Bobbitt worm for a number of reasons. They were high in iron, which came from the mucous they used to stabilize the burrows. The tunnels were L-shaped, which is typical for soft worms that can’t dig too far down before hitting hard dirt and going horizontal. Finally, they look very much like the burrows of modern Bobbitt worms.
If that’s not your hand on my leg …
Despite not providing melange or being large enough to ride, Löwemark and his team plan to search for more trace fossils of the ancient worms, now that they know what to look for. They’ve named the trace fossils Pennichnus formosae, meaning “beautiful feather trace,” which refers to the feathery patterns left when the worm re-enters the burrow with its prey.
Ancient Bobbitt worm (Ubi vermis antiquis bobbitt) is far easier to remember.
According to a book called “The Ends of the World” that was written by an award-winning science journalist named Peter Brannen, dinosaurs may have beat humans to the moon – or at least their bones may have. An excerpt of Brannen’s book was recently shared on Twitter by a blogger named Matt Austin.
We all know that the dinosaur-killing asteroid that struck the Earth about 66 million years ago was incredibly massive, but was it powerful enough to send pieces of the dinosaurs into space? According to Brannen, the answer is yes.
He claimed that since the asteroid sent up large volumes of earth into space, it’s very possible that “bits of dinosaurs” were mixed in with it. And since the soil that was flung into space landed on the moon, it’s very plausible that the pieces of dinosaurs went with it, therefore, dinosaurs made it to the lunar surface millions of years before humans.
Did the asteroid impact send dinosaur remains onto the moon?
In his book, he described that when the asteroid impacted Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula, it was speeding towards Earth approximately 20 times faster than a speeding bullet. It read in part, “This is so fast that it would have traversed the distance from the cruising altitude of a 747 to the ground in 0.3 seconds.”
It went on to read, “As the asteroid collided with the earth, in the sky above it where there should have been air, the rock had punched a hole of outer space vacuum in the atmosphere.” “As the heavens rushed in to close this hole, enormous volumes of earth were expelled into orbit and beyond — all within a second or two of impact.” And when Brannen posed the question, “So there’s probably little bits of dinosaur bone on the moon,” geophysicist Mario Rebolledo from the Centro de Investigación answered with, “Yea, probably.”
Scientists did reveal what they believe happened during the impact. When the asteroid struck Earth, it left a gigantic crater (called the Chicxulub crater) and upon impact it sent massive amounts of carbon dioxide as well as sulfur into the atmosphere. At that point, the sun would have been blocked by a major dust cloud, probably causing an immediate “nuclear winter” as temperatures on Earth would have dropped dramatically in addition to acid rain falling to the ground.
Mark Richards who is an earth and space science professor at the University of Washington explained this further, “It would have felt like the ground beneath your feet had become a ship in the middle of the ocean.” “Then rocks would have bombarded you from a boiling sky that was beginning to take on a hazy glow. It would have seemed like the end of the world.”
While no dinosaur bones have been found on the moon as of yet, the next astronauts to travel to the lunar surface should definitely consider looking for the remains. Wouldn’t that make for the next great science movie?! The excerpt that Austin posted from Brannen’s book can be read here and on his Twitter page.
Real Reptilian Alien Shapeshifters!... The Subject No One Wants To Talk About
Real Reptilian Alien Shapeshifters!... The Subject No One Wants To Talk About
It is written that these entities came from the darkness and were formless. They hide amongst us and have now learned to appear as we do. These we call ‘shape-shifters’. Sounds like a horror novel doesn’t it? But the truth of the matter is, mysterious entities may in fact be interacting with humanity. Entities which are extraterrestrial, interdimensional or something else which seem to be closely associated with the UFO phenomena.
They have been described as reptilian in appearance and can change and modify their appearance. Could they really be living amongst humanity. Some believe not only are they here, but that they have been for a very long time.
This channel is managed by Zohar Entertainment Group UK, Zohar Entertainment Group International Inc, USA and AdRev, USA.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Dr. Steven Greer: Remote Viewing, Higher State of Consciousness, and The Contact
Dr. Steven Greer: Remote Viewing, Higher State of Consciousness, and The Contact
Dr. Steven Greer on Remote Viewing, Higher State of Consciousness, and The Contact
The work that medical doctor, researcher and author Steven Greer continues to do through the organization CSETI has made some tremendous breakthroughs in establishing contact with an intelligent phenomena, often perceived as UFOs, Light Phenomena and strange looking entities.
Steven demonstrates that there is a conscious connection being established with this phenomena and on many occasions they are being caught on camera.
Nick Pope, RH Negative Blood, ET Abduction & UFO's, Next Level Disclosure via Leak Project
Nick Pope, RH Negative Blood, ET Abduction & UFO's, Next Level Disclosure via Leak Project
Nick Pope, RH Negative Blood, ET Abduction & UFO’s, Next Level Disclosure
The Rh blood group system is a human blood group system. It contains proteins on the surface of red blood cells. It is the second most important blood group system, after the ABO blood group system. The Rh blood group system consists of 49 defined blood group antigens, among which the five antigens D, C, c, E, and e are the most important. There is no d antigen.
Rh(D) status of an individual is normally described with a positive or negative suffix after the ABO type (e.g., someone who is A Positive has the A antigen and the Rh(D) antigen, whereas someone who is A Negative lacks the Rh(D) antigen). The terms Rh factor, Rh positive, and Rh negative refer to the Rh(D) antigen only. Antibodies to Rh antigens can be involved in hemolytic transfusion reactions and antibodies to the Rh(D) and Rh antigens confer significant risk of hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn. Wikipedia
Near Collision with UFO Recorded on Video by a Plane Passenger
Near Collision with UFO Recorded on Video by a Plane Passenger
A video taken from a plane depicts a passenger thinking a UFO may have been zooming past them. It further shows the pilot seems to dodge something in the air.
On January 17, Singapore Airlines was going to Zurich Airport in Switzerland. The unnamed passenger decided to record the plane’s landing in Zurich. At some point between 7:30 am, and 7:50 am, they were surprised when they captured what they believe was a near collision with a UFO while preparing their camera.
The clip shows lakes and fields of the distant landscape around Zurich before the plane starts to tilt to the right.
A tiny white object then suddenly zips past the aircraft, just below its flight path.
The pilot roared the plane’s engines as part of the safety protocol while passengers started to panic.
Fortunately, the pilot successfully avoided the UFO and later made a safe landing at the destination.
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Earlier this month, UFO expert Nick Pope said he believed new revelations that could have global significance would happen soon.
He explained how the U.S. government task force had shared some findings with its British counterparts.
Pope claims that the Ministry of Defence (MoD) is investigating UFO sightings despite its official statement that it has no interest in such things.
He said that the Senate Intelligence Committee demanded a report on the UFO phenomenon from the Director of National Intelligence, and the clock is now ticking. He stated that a response is due within 180 days of the Covid-19 relief bill’s enactment. Pope explained that this bill contained the Intelligence Authorization Act, where the UFO requirement was articulated.
Pope, a former MoD official, believes British officials have already looked at the U.S. research. He said that he’s aware that the UAP Task Force has shared some initial findings with the U.K. and other allies but not sure if the MoD has formally engaged with the U.S. on this or has just noted the conclusions.
Scientists have finally gotten a clear view of the spark that sets off an exotic type of lightning called a blue jet.
Blue jets zip upward from thunderclouds into the stratosphere, reaching altitudes up to about 50 kilometers in less than a second. Whereas ordinary lightning excites a medley of gases in the lower atmosphere to glow white, blue jets excite mostly stratospheric nitrogen to create their signature blue hue.
Blue jets have been observed from the ground and aircraft for years, but it’s hard to tell how they form without getting high above the clouds. Now, instruments on the International Space Station have spotted a blue jet emerge from an extremely brief, bright burst of electricity near the top of a thundercloud, researchers report online January 20 in Nature.
Understanding blue jets and other upper-atmosphere phenomena related to thunderstorms, such as sprites (SN: 6/14/02) and elves (SN: 12/23/95), is important because these events can affect how radio waves travel through the air — potentially impacting communication technologies, says Penn State space physicist Victor Pasko, who was not involved in the work.
Cameras and light-sensing instruments called photometers on the space station observed the blue jet in a storm over the Pacific Ocean, near the island of Nauru, in February 2019. “The whole thing starts with what I think of as a blue bang,” says Torsten Neubert, an atmospheric physicist at the Technical University of Denmark in Kongens Lyngby. That “blue bang” was a 10-microsecond flash of bright blue light near the top of the cloud, about 16 kilometers high. From that flashpoint, a blue jet shot up into the stratosphere, climbing as high as about 52 kilometers over several hundred milliseconds.
The spark that generated the blue jet may have been a special kind of short-range electric discharge inside the thundercloud, Neubert says. Normal lightning bolts are formed by discharges between oppositely charged regions of a cloud — or a cloud and the ground — many kilometers apart. But turbulent mixing high in a cloud may bring oppositely charged regions within about a kilometer of each other, creating very short but powerful bursts of electric current, Neubert says. Researchers have seen evidence of such high-energy, short-range discharges in pulses of radio waves from thunderstorms detected by ground-based antennas.
Scientists on the International Space Station spotted a bright-blue lightning bolt shooting upward from thunderclouds.
Blue jets can be difficult to spot from the ground, since the electrical discharges erupt from the tops of thunderclouds. But from space, scientists can peer down at this cerulean lightshow from above. On Feb. 26, 2019, instruments aboard the space station captured a blue jet shooting out of a thunderstorm cell near Nauru, a small island in the central Pacific Ocean. The scientists described the event in a new report, published Jan. 20 in the journal Nature.
The scientists first saw five intense flashes of blue light, each lasting about 10 to 20 milliseconds. The blue jet then fanned out from the cloud in a narrow cone shape that stretched into the stratosphere, the atmospheric layer that extends from about 6 to 31 miles (10 to 50 kilometers) above the Earth's surface.
Blue jets seem to appear when the positively-charged upper region of a cloud interacts with the negatively charged boundary between the cloud and the air above, according to the report. The blue jet appears as a result of this "electric breakdown," where the opposing charges swap places in the cloud and briefly equalize, releasing static electricity. However, the properties of blue jets and the altitude to which they extend above clouds "are not well characterized," the authors noted, so this study adds to our understanding of the dramatic phenomenon.
Four of the flashes preceding the blue jet came with a small pulse of ultraviolet light (UV), the scientists noted. They identified these emissions as so-called "elves," another phenomenon seen in the upper atmosphere.
"Elves" — an acronym that stands for Emissions of Light and Very Low Frequency Perturbations due to Electromagnetic Pulse Sources — are light emissions that appear as rapidly expanding rings in the ionosphere, a layer of charged particles that extends from roughly 35 miles to 620 miles (60 to 1,000 km) above the planet surface. Elves occur when radio waves push electrons through the ionosphere, causing them to accelerate and collide with other charged particles, releasing energy as light, the authors wrote.
The team observed the flashes, elves and blue jet using the European Space Agency's Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor (ASIM), a collection of optical cameras, photometers, X-ray detectors and gamma-ray detectors attached to a module on the space station.
"This paper is an impressive highlight of the many new phenomena ASIM is observing above thunderstorms," Astrid Orr, physical sciences coordinator for human and robotic spaceflight with the European Space Agency (ESA), said in a statement. Experts also suspect that upper atmosphere phenomena, like blue jets, may affect the concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, since the ozone layer sits within the stratosphere where they occur, according to the ESA statement.
Trees Spotted on Mars Reveal Massive NASA Cover-Up
Trees Spotted on Mars Reveal Massive NASA Cover-Up
A wild theory has recently resurfaced, claiming that a high resolution photo made available by NASA shows patches of trees growing over the Martian terrain.
The intriguing picture has been publicly available for some time now, and it has been subject of debate ever since it was published on the University of Arizona site. Ever since it began circulating the internet in 2010, scientists have proposed different theories as to what the mysterious formations present in the picture could be. The official explanation however, is not sufficient enough to please the UFO community that, after thoroughly analyzing the presented material, reached a contrary conclusion to the scientific community. So what’s so unusual about the NASA picture you might ask?
Let’s start with what the UFO community has to say about this. The highlighted picture shows bizarre areas over the arid dunes of Mars. When zooming in on the anomalies their features become clearer, revealing a strong resemblance to the trees found on Earth. There are also silver areas around them, which analysts consider to be remains of frozen water embedded on the surface. If proven to be true, this fact should explain how the alleged trees get to grow on the surface of the planet.
Opinions are now split between the two communities, as science refers to the anomalous dark lines as dark streaks of material running down the side of the sand dunes due to carbon dioxide frost evaporation. NASA also admits to altering the picture so that the dark streaks appear more prominent. But can the scientific community be trusted with this explanation?
According to various analysts, the strong resemblance between the dark patches and trees is a clear indicator of life still evolving on the Martian terrain. They now believe that NASA is once again covering this up for unclear reasons. Their claims are fueled by a recent event in which the renowned space agency announced the presence of liquid water on Mars after at least a decade after its discovery. The multitude of bizarre artefacts spotted on the Red Planet is another reason why some people consider the trust in official explanations to be an unhealthy practice.
To furtherly dismiss the ‘tree speculation’ as pure nonsense, skeptics have wondered about all the dead leafs that are seemingly missing from the picture, but at the same time they have provided an answer to their question. Understanding that Mars used to have the right conditions for life to develop in the distant past is the first step, and presuming that this habitable past hadn’t been as far as they want us to believe may provide the next answer.
In other words, the alleged trees may lack the leafs on both the branches and on the ground because they are already dead, with the wind scattering any visible leaf traces across the vast Martian dunes, blending them with the sand. If this proves to be correct, then life on Mars may had ended sooner rather than later, and there is countless evidence to support this hypothesis.
YouTube user ‘Thor’ has brought more evidence supporting the Martian trees hypothesis. He asserted that “there are almost identical geographic formations in the tundra of Siberia. Now there is unequivocal proof that high salinity, liquid water does exist on Mars it’s guaranteed that the geological and meteorological processes that cause these formations on Earth are replicated on the surface of Mars too.”
There is ample evidence to support both community claims, leaving room for plenty of speculation. It remains up to the open-minded people to filter the information and eventually reach their own conclusions.
RELATED PHOTOS AND VIDEOS, selected and posted by peter2011
A cross-section of underground ice is exposed at the steep slope that appears bright blue in this enhanced-color view from the HiRISE camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. The scene is about 550 yards wide. The scarp drops about 140 yards from the level ground in the upper third of the image.
Massive, AI-Powered Robots Are 3D-Printing Entire Rockets
Massive, AI-Powered Robots Are 3D-Printing Entire Rockets
Relativity Space may have the biggest metal 3D printers in the world, and they're cranking out parts to reinvent the rocket industry here—and on Mars.
FOR A FACTORY where robots toil around the clock to build a rocket with almost no human labor, the sound of grunts echoing across the parking lot make for a jarring contrast.
“That’s Keanu Reeves’ stunt gym,” says Tim Ellis, the chief executive and cofounder of Relativity Space, a startup that wants to combine 3D printing and artificial intelligence to do for the rocket what Henry Ford did for the automobile. As we walk among the robots occupying Relativity’s factory, he points out the just-completed upper stage of the company’s rocket, which will soon be shipped to Mississippi for its first tests. Across the way, he says, gesturing to the outside world, is a recording studio run by Snoop Dogg.
Neither of those A-listers have paid a visit to Relativity’s rocket factory, but the presence of these unlikely neighbors seems to underscore the company’s main talking point: It can make rockets anywhere. In an ideal cosmos, though, its neighbors will be even more alien than Snoop Dogg. Relativity wants to not just build rockets, but to build them on Mars. How exactly? The answer, says Ellis, is robots—lots of them.
Roll up the loading bay doors at Relativity’s Los Angeles headquarters and you’ll find four of the largest metal 3D printers in the world, churning out rocket parts day and night. The latest model of the company’s proprietary printer, dubbed Stargate, stands 30 feet tall and has two massive robotic arms that protrude like tentacles from the machine. The Stargate printers will manufacture about 95 percent, by mass, of Relativity’s first rocket, named Terran-1. The only parts that won’t be printed are the electronics, cables, and a handful of moving parts and rubber gaskets.
To make a rocket 3D-printable, Ellis’s team had to totally rethink the way rockets are designed. As a result, Terran-1 will have 100 times fewer parts than a comparable rocket. Its Aeon engine, for instance, consists of just 100 parts, whereas a typical liquid-fueled rocket would have thousands. By consolidating parts and optimizing them for 3D printing, Ellis says Relativity will be able to go from raw materials to the launch pad in just 60 days—in theory, anyway. Relativity hasn’t yet assembled a full Terran-1 and doesn’t expect the rocket to fly until 2021 at the earliest.
“A full-scale test will be the biggest milestone for them to prove this new technology,” says Shagun Sachdeva, a senior analyst at Northern Sky Research, a space consultancy. Then the company can start to address the other questions about its approach, such as whether there’s a need for a new rocket to pop into existence every 60 days.
Relativity thinks it will find its niche. Fully assembled, Terran-1 will stand about 100 feet tall, and be capable of delivering satellites weighing up to 2,800 pounds to low Earth orbit. That puts it above small satellite launchers likeRocket Lab’s Electronbut well under the payload capacity of massive rockets likeSpaceX’s Falcon 9. Ellis says it will be particularly well-suited to carrying medium-sized satellites.
Relativity isn’t the only rocket company using 3D printing—SpaceX, Blue Origin, Rocket Lab, and others also use it to print select parts. But Ellis thinks the space industry needs to think bigger. In the long term, Ellis sees 3D-printed rockets as the key to transporting critical infrastructure to and from the surface of Mars. These rockets could, for example, be used to loft science experiments into orbit around Mars or return samples to Earth.
Ellis, 29, and his cofounder, 26-year-old Jordan Noone, have been building rockets since college, where they worked on the University of Southern California’s prestigious rocketry team before taking jobs at Blue Origin and SpaceX. At Blue Origin, Ellis helped set up the company’s additive manufacturing program. While there, he began to envision a robotic rocket factory that barely needs a human’s hand.
First, though, he needed to get some giant 3D printers. At the heart of Relativity’s robotic rocket factory is Stargate, which Ellis claims is the largest metal 3D printer in the world. The first version of Stargate is about 15 feet tall and consists of three robotic arms. The arms are used to weld metal, monitor the printer’s progress, and correct for defects.
To print a large component, such as a fuel tank or rocket body, the printer feeds miles of a thin, custom-made aluminum alloy wire along the length of an arm to its tip, where a plasma arc melts the metal. The arm then deposits the molten metal in thin layers, orchestrating its movements according to patterns programmed in the machine’s software. Meanwhile, the printer head at the tip of the arm blows out a non-oxidizing gas to create a sort of “clean room” at the deposition site.
Relativity now has a new version of Stargate that can, in a single go, print even bigger components, like the rocket’s fairing or fuel chambers. It stands twice as tall and has only two arms, which can each perform more tasks than their predecessors. Ellis said its next Stargate will double in size yet again, which will eventually allow the company to produce larger rockets.
The Stargate printers work well when you need to print large parts quickly, but for parts that require more precision, such as the rocket’s engine, Relativity uses the same commercially available metal 3D printers that other aerospace companies use. These printers use a different printing technique, in which a laser welds together layers of ultra-fine stainless steel dust.
Ellis says the real secret to Relativity’s rockets is the artificial intelligence that tells the printer what to do. Before a print, Relativity runs a simulation of what the print should look like. As the arms deposit metal, a suite of sensors captures visual, environmental, and even audio data. Relativity’s software then compares the two to improve the printing process. “The defect rate has gone down significantly because we’ve been able to train the printer,” Ellis says.
With every new part, the machine learning algorithm gets better, until it will eventually be able to correct 3D prints on its own. In the future, the 3D printer will recognize its own mistakes, cutting and adding metal until it produces a flawless part. Ellis sees this as the key to taking automated manufacturing to other worlds.
Stargate in Septermber 2018.
“To print stuff on Mars you need a system that can adapt to very uncertain conditions,” Ellis says. “So we're building an algorithm framework that we think will actually be transferable to printing on other planets.”
Not everyone is convinced that Relativity’s approach to rocket manufacturing is the way forward, at least for Earthly concerns. Max Haot, the CEO of Launcher Space, a startup that also uses 3D printing, says “everyone is leveraging 3D printing as fast as they can” in the aerospace industry, in particular for engine components. “The question is whether 3D printing aluminum tanks is worth it when compared to the traditional tank manufacturing methods,” Haot says. “We don't think so, but let's see where they take it.”
Relativity has already inked deals worth several hundred million dollars with several major satellite operators, including Telesat LEO and Momentus. But Arjun Sethi, a partner at Tribe Capital, which invested in Relativity, sees more than launch services in its future. He compared it to Amazon Web Services in the way it could provide critical infrastructure to smaller space companies.
Sachdeva, of Northern Sky Research, thinks Relativity’s expertise in aerospace 3D printing could have lasting value beyond its rockets. “Even if we don't get to the point of full rocket manufacturing on Mars, Relativity may be able to manufacture other components in orbit,” Sachdeva says. “That’s a pretty big development for the industry as a whole.”
Still, rockets are its first goal. So far it’s been testing its 3D-printed engine, pressure tanks, and turbopumps. But there’s plenty more to do.
Once they have a complete rocket, Ellis and his team will be ready to ship it to Launch Complex-16 at Kennedy Space Center, in Florida, where Relativity holds a long-term launchpad lease, alongside SpaceX, Blue Origin, and the United Launch Alliance. The first flight of an entirely 3D printed rocket will be a major moment in space exploration, but for Relativity it will be just the start of its long journey to Mars.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
Dr. Hynek's Record of UFO Encounters
Dr. Hynek's Record of UFO Encounters
There's a strange relationship between fact and fiction in the UFO business. J. Allen Hynek consulted for the film Close Encounters of the Third Kind, had a cameo role, and he also wrote the epilogue for the novelization. The publisher, Dell, also issued the non-fiction The Hynek UFO Report, which is regarded as a classic. Without Hynek, there might not have been a CE3K, and if not for the film, the Hynek book might not exist. Or some other commercial products.
Panama City News, March 28, 1966
Dr. Hynek began working for a consultant for the Air Force in 1948, providing them with explanations for UFO sightings based on his knowledge of astronomy, but did so in relative obscurity. At the Detroit Press Club, on March 26, 1966 Hynek was propelled into the public spotlight, initially unfavorably, due to his remarks about “swamp gas.” Nevertheless, he became the top authority on the UFO topic, and in demand, and in a heel/face turn, he went from being the Air Force’s senior debunker to bring the most famous UFO advocate. Jacques Vallee, from Forbidden Science Vol. I, his entry for 11 April 1967:
"I miss the days when he was not such a celebrity... The topic has become fashionable entertainment, not serious science. Media men hire Allen as they would hire a guitar player. He rushes wherever he sees a spotlight, and if the spotlight moves he moves with it."
Jacques Vallee described Hynek’s gig as a consultant for Stephen Spielberg’s UFO movie in Forbidden Science Vol. II, in his entry for Friday 27 August 1976:
“Allen called me last night, cheerful... Dell is sending two writers to help him with a hurriedly-compiled paperback about Project Blue Book. As for the Spielberg movie, he will indeed have a silent role in it, making his way to the front of a crowd of technical people who surround the first landed saucer. I'd love to see the out-takes: They shot a sequence where Aliens surrounded him, pulled on his beard, took his pipe and poked it into their nose.”
Hynek took an active role in helping promote the film and appeared in the theatrical trailer for it.
The book he and the ghost writers cranked out was The Hynek UFO Report, which hit the marketin late 1977 to cash in on Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and his epilogue for the movie novelization closed with a plug for his Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) and their magazine, International UFO Reporter.
UFO Encounters: The Record Album
J. Allen Hynek and his Center for UFOs Studies were partners in the production of a double LP audio documentary, Factual Eyewitness Testimony of: UFO Encounters. A news story in The Chicago Tribune, Jan. 14, 1979, told how the project began when Investigative Research Associates approached Hynek at a UFO convention in 1977. Hynek was initially reluctant, fearing it would be “schlocky,” but IRA convinced him of their sincerity, so together they set out to cover the most significant cases and record first-hand testimony about them.
The Chicago Tribune, Jan. 14, 1979
Factual Eyewitness Testimony of: UFO Encounters was a two-disc LP, also released on cassette and 8-track tape. It was released in 1978 on the IRA label.
It was reviewed in UFO publications such as the A.P.R.O. Bulletin, but the most comprehensive review was in the MUFON UFO Journal, Feb. 1980,“In Others' Words” by Lucius Farish:
“A new 2-album record set, "UFO Encounters," presents an interesting selection of testimonies and opinions by UFO witnesses and researchers. Contributors to the album include Kenneth Arnold, Colonel Robert Friend (former Project Blue Book Director), Bill Pecha, Ted Phillips, Travis Walton, Father William Gill, Herbert Schirmer, former Air Force Major Paul A. Duich, Louise Smith, Leonard Stringfield, Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle, Betty Hill, Marjorie Fish, Stanton Friedman, former astronaut Gordon Cooper, Jacques Vallee, David Saunders, and others. An additional bonus is President Carter's personal recounting of his 1969 UFO sighting. A special section inside the album cover contains 6 pages of UFO photographs, plus photos of most of the persons heard in the records. Some of the material relating to "crashed saucer" stories seem questionable, but all in all, this is a good selection of recorded UFO material. Available from: Investigative Research Associates, Inc., Suite W, 430 West Diversey Parkway, Chicago, Illinois 60614; the price is $8.95.”
Crashed Saucer Investigation
The red banner across the cover of the album touted “Crashed Saucer Investigation,” and the interior, a described the track:
“Since the 1940s, rumors have circulated indicating the possibility that extraterrestrial spacecraft have crashed on Earth and have been recovered by the American military. Investigative Research Associates decided to pursue these reports…”
The segment is interesting in that it documents the marketability of crashed UFO stories even before the revival of the Roswell incident. I had begun when Robert Spencer Carr rekindled interest in a discredited aspect of ufology in 1974 by reviving the story of little men found in a saucer in Aztec, New Mexico. Leonard Stringfield was the chief crashed UFO researcher, but for the album, even Dr. Hynek got in on the act.
The “Crashed Saucer Investigation” was the next to last track on the album. It opened with former astronaut Col. Gordon Cooper vaguely discussing second-hand rumors he’d heard about saucer crashes:
“There were some accident involving a UFO, and from there it varies greatly. There were occupants and in each of the rumors that I've heard, but from there on, it varies greatly as to whether they were all alive, or some alive, or what the extent of damage was to them, and then as to what happened to them is quite variable. The particular rumors aren't necessarily from people who've been involved, but they come from so many different sources, that it would lead you to believe that it certainly is worth investigating a little further.”
Dr. Hynek shared his view:
“Over the years, these rumors have persisted. Hardly a week goes by without my being asked about the ‘crashed saucer’ stories. My response to these rumors has always been complete skepticism. Recently however, some of my colleagues, Investigative Research Associates, have probed into these stories and some intriguing information has surfaced. I believe it is quite worthwhile to let listeners to this record have the benefit of some preliminary findings.”
Next, Herbert Coyer told about a story he heard from an aide to an Army general about a 1951 saucer crash at White Sands where alien bodies were recovered and an autopsy was performed. Both Willingham and Coyer’s stories featured metal from the UFO that was incredibly tough and could not be burned or cut, a detail we’d see hear again when the Roswell crash was resurrected.
The Final Track: Summaries and Theories
The final segment was “Summaries and Theories,” which featured comments from Stanton Friedman, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Dr. Jacques Vallee, and Dr. David Saunders. Hynek suggested that UFOs might be from another dimension or a parallel reality rather than being something from another faraway planet. He was the researcher given the last word on the album and drifted a bit into mystic concepts:
“The idea of other intelligences in space is not so radical or new. It's in both the ancient Eastern religions and the more modern faiths. The prophets in the Bible and many philosophers have been telling us for centuries that there are other planes of existence. So why do we find it so difficult to acknowledge that there might be other highly developed life forms or forms of consciousness that might surpass our own? In fact, it is now widely accepted that the universe may well be teeming with life.”
Factual Eyewitness Testimony of: UFO Encounters is worth a listen, for the chance to hear rare recordings with witness and researchers, and for a look at the state of serious ufology at the time it was recorded. The full album is available via YouTube.
UFOs and science fiction have a complicated history together, and there’s no doubt there has been a mutual exploitative relationship. That’s show business, and it makes for some strange bedfellows.
Dr. Hynek with characters from Star Wars, and with Leonard Nimoy of Star Trek fame.
Track Listing and Credits
Below are the track titles and lengths to Factual Eyewitness Testimony of: UFO Encounters, followed by the album’s credits.
Introduction 4:24
Foo Fighters 2:08
Kenneth Arnold Sighting 3:40
Government Involvement 2:04
Simi Valley Sighting (CE-I) 5:08
Pecha Case (CE-I) 5:44
James Richard Case (CE-II) 6:59
Travis Walton Abduction (CE-III) 15:44
Father William Gill Sighting (CE-III) 4:51
Officer Herbert Schirmer Abduction (CE-III) 8:29
Louise Smith / Kentucky Women Abduction (CE-III) 7:20
Charles R McQuiston PSE Evaluation Summary 1:14
Betty and Barney Hill Abduction (CE-III) 7:42
Crashed Saucer Investigation 10:09
Summaries and Theories 4:46
Credits, as listed on the back cover:
Produced by: Investigative Research Associates, Inc., Chicago, Illinois. Producer: Steve Cronen. Exec. Prod.: Ben Christ.Scientific Consultants: Center for UFO Studies, Evanston Illinois, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, ShermanJ. Larsen.Investigation, Research, Writing: Peter Bordwell, Steve [Thom].Narration: Walt Peters.Music: DeWolfe Music, Inc. Music Coordination: Walt Peters. Musical Effects: Ron Figura.Recorded at: Starbeat Recording Studios, Deerfield, Illinois. Engineering, Editing & Mix: Steve Cronen.Album Design: Steve Schaul.Album Cover Trifid Nebula Photo: Copyright by the California Institute of Technology and the Carnegie Institute of Washington. Reproduced by permission from the Hale Observatories UFO Photos & Documents: Center For UFO Studies.
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Close Encounters: The Slide Show
Dr. Hynek had been involved in some other commercial enterprises before the Spielberg movie. In 1976 he had produced a set of UFO slides and audiotapes for Edmund Scientific, but with release of CE3K, it was a hotter item.
It was advertised in Popular Scienceand was featured in an article in the April 1978 debut issue of Future magazine (the companion to Starlog). Below is a YouTube video of the Hynek audio, sadly without the accompanying slides shown.
Pourquoi Cérès est le meilleur endroit pour installer une colonie humaine ?
Pourquoi Cérès est le meilleur endroit pour installer une colonie humaine ?
Nathalie Mayer -Journaliste
[EN VIDÉO] Un survol détaillé et en couleurs de la surface de CérèsCérès est le plus gros objet de la ceinture d’astéroïdes. Depuis décembre, cette planète naine est survolée par Dawn, un satellite de la Nasa. L’orbiteur a pu réunir de nombreuses images à couper le souffle qui sont présentées ici en vidéo.
À la recherche d'une nouvelle Terre ? D'une planète B ? Oubliez la Lune et laissez Mars derrière vous. Mais pas trop, tout de même. Un physicien vous propose de partir vous installer sur une méga station spatiale en orbite autour de Cérès, la planète naine la plus proche de la Terre.
Imaginez une gigantesque structure composée de milliers d'engins cylindriques, tous reliés à un cadre en forme de disque par des attaches magnétiques. Le tout éclairé, alimenté -- et protégé des météoroïdes submétriques -- par des miroirs géants ajustables permettant d'exploiter l'énergie du Soleil. Et en orbite autour de Cérès, cette planète naine située dans la ceinture d'astéroïdes, entre Mars et Jupiter, à quelques centaines de millions de kilomètres de nous seulement. Ça y est ? Vous y êtes ? Parfait. Car à en croire Pekka Janhunen, physicien à l'Institut météorologique finlandais, c'est à ça que pourrait ressembler... notre planète B !
Cérès est une planète naine située dans la ceinture d’astéroïde, entre Mars et Jupiter. Selon Pekka Janhunen, physicien à l’Institut météorologique finlandais, elle pourrait accueillir une colonie humaine.
Dans chacun des cylindres, une atmosphère artificielle et une gravité semblable à celle de la Terre grâce à la force centrifuge générée par sa propre rotation. Et surtout, tout l'espace nécessaire à quelque 50.000 humains. Ainsi que la possibilité de rejoindre les cylindres voisins grâce à des trains à sustentation magnétique. Mais attention au mal de l'espace. De telles liaisons se feront en apesanteur.
Sur ce photomontage, les tailles respectives de la Terre, de la Lune et de Cérès, en bas à gauche.
Pour les matériaux de construction attendez-vous à une livraison directe et économique depuis Cérès. Par un ascenseur spatial long - rendu faisable par la faible gravité et la vitesse de rotation rapide de la planète naine - d'un peu plus de 1.000 kilomètres de diamètre lui aussi alimenté par des panneaux solaires. Déposés à la surface de la planète naine, cette fois.
Dans les années 1970, un physicien de Princeton (États-Unis) a imaginé le même type d’habitat spatial que Pekka Janhunen. On appelle depuis ces habitats, des cylindres O’Neill.
Avec ses plans, Pekka Janhunen parvient à résoudre -- sur le papier au moins -- un certain nombre de difficultés qui se sont posées par le passé à ceux qui ont imaginé une colonie humaine dans le Système solaire. Les problèmes d'adaptation à de faibles gravités -- sur Mars ou sur la Lune -- ainsi que les problèmes de liaisons ou, à l'inverse, de collisions entre des colonies en orbite autour d'un même corps céleste -- comme le Soleil.
Le saviez-vous ?
Cérès, avec son diamètre de quelque 950 kilomètres, est à la fois l’astéroïde le plus gros du Système solaire et la seule planète naine plus proche de notre Soleil que Neptune.
Lorsqu’il est question de colonisation, Cérès peut apparaître comme une cible intéressante, « une alternative plausible », car l’objet est connu pour être riche en azote — comme l’atmosphère de notre Terre — et possiblement en eau.
Le physicien nous promet des colonies urbaines et d'autres plus rurales. Avec des sols allant jusqu'à quatre mètres de profondeur. De quoi faire pousser des plantes et même des arbres. Le tout sans craindre d'événement météorologique extrême ou autre catastrophe naturelle. Le paradis... ailleurs que sur Terre ?
Voici à quoi pourrait ressembler une colonie humaine en orbite autour de Cérès.
C'est sans compter le fait que ni la gravité artificielle, ni les ascenseurs spatiaux, ni les miroirs géants, ni même les blindages contre les radiations cosmiques n'ont encore pu être mis au point. Et ne parlons même pas de la logistique nécessaire à transporter l'humanité au-delà de Mars. Mais, Pekka Janhunen promet qu'une fois toutes ces questions résolues, il ne faudra pas plus d'une vingtaine d'années pour construire la méga station spatiale de ses rêves autour de Cérès.
VIDÉOS LIÉES, sélectionnées et publiées par peter2011
Toward the center of our galaxy, in a star system far away, is a planet with features that remind us of home.
Astronomers at New Zealand's University of Canterbury (UC) discovered a particularly rare super-Earth. "The new planet is among only a handful of extra-solar planets that have been detected with both sizes and orbits close to that of Earth," said UC in a release on Monday.
"Extra-solar planet" is another term for exoplanet, which describes a planet located outside our solar system. We only have artists' impressions of what these planets might look like, but they continue to fuel our curiosity as we seek out distant worlds that feel familiar.
The newly spotted exoplanet's year lasts about 617 days and it travels around a much less massive star than the sun. It's located near the Milky Way's central bulge of stars. For scale, Earth is about 25,000 light-years away from the galactic center.
The super-Earth discovery was a fortuitous event that UC described as "one in a million."
The astronomers used a gravitational microlensing technique to spot the planet. "The combined gravity of the planet and its host star caused the light from a more distant background star to be magnified in a particular way. We used telescopes distributed around the world to measure the light-bending effect," said UC astronomer Antonio Herrera Martin.
There's a lot of hope wrapped up in a term like "super-Earth," but there are no guarantees a planet in this category will look anything like our own. NASA describes super-Earths as "up to 10 times more massive than Earth," but says they may vary in composition from water worlds to icy planets to ones made mainly of gas.
A Pakistani pilot flying near the city of Karachi was left scratching his head on Friday when he spotted a UFO flying near his plane. The intriguing encounter reportedly occurred during what had been an otherwise run-of-the-mill flight to the city of Sukkur. Shortly after taking off, however, the pilot noticed something odd sharing the sky with him and contacted air traffic controllers about the sighting.
According to the witness, the object was dark brown or black and seemed to be located around 150 feet above his aircraft. Perhaps the most fantastic aspect of the case is that he told ATC operators that the oddity "looked like a spaceship." Clearly committed to his craft rather than chasing UFOs, the pilot promptly adjusted his flight path after reporting the sighting and then departed the scene without even taking a picture of the strange object.
As to what it may have been, officials with the civil aviation authority in Pakistan theorized that the pilot simply spotted a drone in the sky and turned the case over the local police to investigate the situation. The possibility that the UFO was a weather balloon has also been raised by some observers, but that answer was dismissed by a meteorologist who argued that the witness would have known the nature of the object due to his training. Strangely enough, the incident comes on the heels of another weird aerial event in Pakistan in which pilots flying in that same general area reported seeing inexplicable laser beams in the sky.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
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