Gisteren donderdag, we maakten een dagtrip naar Gent, dat werd eerst de tram naar het Centraal, dan de trein naar Gent, daar weer een tram naar het centrum en verder te voet achter de gids aanhollen... kilometers hebben we afgelegd... de lunch 's middags was qua prijs/kwaliteit niet om over naar huis te schrijven... na de middag weer kilometers afgelegd... het begon dan nog te regenen ook... later weer de tram, de trein, de bus maar in omgekeerde richting... ik was dolgelukkig toen ik thuiskwam en m'n verhitte voeten in m'n crockskes kon schuiven.. ik vond de uitstap ditmaal niet geslaagd... deze ochtend zo stijf als een plank uit m'n bed gekropen... heb zelfs enkele pijnstillers moeten nemen om m'n rug het zwijgen op te leggen... dat herniettadinges heeft me ook een bezoekje gebracht... toen ik thuiskwam lag Hamlet 4 in m'n mailbox... hieronder dus het vervolg.
Part 4 Next day
After a warm shower at Scandidal Hotel and a very good breakfast in the main hall of the hotel, Ellen drove us to Norway. Around 12 in the afternoon we arrived at the border, the police stopped us and took us inside. I already hid my passport as I learnt from my friends who had the same experience, they took Ellen to a separate room, they asked me where I was going and I told them we were just making a trip in Europe. They asked me about my passport but I told them I had none, they told me that they won't allow me in their country and I commented quietly, that is ok, I will get back then. After about 30 minutes, two police ladies came in and told me they wanted to take us to the migration station in a small border city called Golden, we agreed and they tied our hands telling us it was the regulations there. I was so sad and angry with myself as it was the first time in my life to see my hands tied this way. We arrived and the lady there asked me again about my papers but I answered the same, again Ellen was in an- other room, the lady asked me again about the passport. I felt so weak as I never lied before and it was hard for me but I had little choice, she left me but then came back after 10 minutes . It was a big surprise for me when she asked me if I should like to apply for immigration to Norway. I thought she was joking so I refused, but she came again and again with the same question, finally I agreed as that was my intention. She took me to another room and started on the computer to fill in my information but then a big fear grew inside me and big questions as well. I started to miss all the poor streets and people of my big refugees camp in the Gaza Strip. When the lady finished and gave me the paper to sign, I said in a loud shaking voice , "no , I want to go back home", she was shocked and wondering ?? I said "yes I will go back home". She then typed another paper that sayd they asked me three times to stay there but I refused, and I signed the paper . I was not sure if my decision was right or wrong ??? Finally they took us again to our car at the Borders and we drove back to Holland.
To be continued