The present efect of the EASA has a lott of influance on the NATIONAL CAA and their budget.
The target of the EASA to do a number of projects at EASA leven for the 27 EU memberstates in such a way thad the NATIONAL CAA could reduce their activity, personel and budget
However the Political world is imposing too many tasks already to the EASA where there is a lack of personnel and of qualified personnel
Due to this the EASA is requesting the NATIONAL CAA to do a number af aditional tasks on behave for EASA
On the other side the NATIONAL MINISTERS for the CAA are now reducing the personnel at the NATIONAL CAA's
This results in the avaibkity mainly in the EU-memberstates with a smaller CAA to follow al the required tasks assigned in the ICAO annexes due to lack of personnel
This results in a stronger development of the influance of the larger country with a very well developed National CAA
The present assigments of task and responsablity toward the EASA by the EU Politicians wil decreasse the SAFETY in the EU-AVIATION
Also is destroying the acces from the EU-YOUTH toward the Aeronautical world
EU must revise very fast his EU-AVIATION POLICY in vieuw to obtain his place in the GLOBAL AVIATION WORLD where the USA, INDIA, CHINA and RUSSIA are going to play a important role in the FUTURE AERONAUTICAL INDUSTRIE
Comments, questions, and sugestions are welcom at SYLVAIN.D.W@GMAIL.COM