Onlangs werdt mijn aandacht gevestigd op de problemen welk de ROLSTOELGEBRUIKERS der GEHANDICAPTENSPORT ervaren bij het gebruik van het LIJNVLIEGTUIG!!
Was heden aanwezig bijVLG (VLAAMSE LIGA GEHANDICAPTENSPORT -vzw) te GENT in het Huis van de sport.
na een korte toelichting voorzie ik de volgende stappen:
1)- Obtain the ICAO regulation aplicable to wheelchair using passaengers 2)- Obtain the EU Requirements for PRM. 3)- Obtain information from ACI 4)- develop contacts toward MEP in EP
The initial located problems are: A)- the limitation of number WHEELCHAIR USERS during a FLIGHT B)- Aditional FEE"s aplied C)- Limitation on the allowed bagage due to the additional SPORTWHEELCHAIR in adition to the NORMAL WHEELCHAIR D)- Paperwork and requierements for the ELECTRICAL WHEELCHAIR USERS. E)- The need at some airports where ther is a assistant imposed althouch the WHEELCHAIR USER is completly autonom abel to travel. F)- Very differences in the inposed requirements in the various AERODROME
This is a first notification, reactions, questions or comments are welcom.