As mentioned I was present at the VIP-VLJ Chaired by ALEX HENDRICKX.
There was a intresting participation . For GENERAL AVIATION operations LARS HJELMBERG from AOPA-SWEDEN was present.
Full details will be made avaible at a later stadium and the 3th VIP wil take place on 14 and 15 October in BUDAPEST , this also give the possiblity to have some participation in the SIMULATION exercise.
Also of intrest to GA & AW will be the 10 & 11 DECEMBER WORKSHOP on NAVIGATION AIDS with participation of: -AIRSPACE USERS -AIRFRAME -AVIONICS
In vieuw to try to find solutions for the GA & AW operators to have afordable and simplofied Navigationsolutions developed for the futur.
Concerning the VLJ TRAINING is there a major target to have the low time PPL-IR to follow a adequate conversion foe SINGEL PILOT operation to have a SAFE but also a OPERATIONAL education and TRAINING to INTIGRATE inthe major CAT GAT operations ENROUTE ,TERMINAL and APROCHE configuration at high speed.
After the TYPE TRAINING there will be a need for a period of flying with a monitoring pilot in function of the experience of the PIC
for more information contact: