During a number of vists at some EU AIRPORTS and AIRFIELDS I notice thad their is a URGENT need for PILOTS to make their FLIGHT PREPARATION with up to date AERONAUTICAL DOCUMENTATION be it the AIP,NOTAMS,FLICHT MANUELS,and WEATHER INFORMATION.
Some AERODROME BRIEFING are displaying such non updated INFORMATION as a SERVICE to their USERS but I advise caution since this services have no responsablity and in some ocasions some nicly dressed persons but with very poor or no knowledge of the PILOTS REQUIREMENTS and RESPONSABLITY ONLY PERSON RESPONSABLE is YOU the PIC in case of accident or incident !!!!!
I also advise you to keep all the documentation of your FLIGHT PREPARATIOn at least 90 days avaible ( if not otherwise imposed by regulations in your country) for any later requested information by the CAA;