Obtained today some non official notification of a possible possiblity of FUEL Schortage due to the whitdrawal of BP of his presence in a number of countries in AFRIKA
Be carreful in yout REFUELING PLANNING in the future days in this countries ??
I have not seen any NOTAM to this efect.....BUT !!!
In function of a number of personel contacts in the EU coridors do I have the folowing ADVISE for the VFR operating NON CAT AIRSPACE ORGANISATIONS;
VFR operations in a number of FAB development are going to be EXCLUDED from the MANAGED( CONTROLED AIRSPACE ICAO CLASS C,D and E in the opinion of the leading ATCO's involved in the development of AIRSPACE,INFRASTRUCTURE,SERVICES and ATC reorganisation.
Also during contact with the ATCO involved in the ETF a similar aproche was promoted toward the VFR operators
SECURITY EXPERTS ( Spaniche Security SME) are now involved in revieuwing the rules to be aplied toward the LIGHT PRIVATE AIRCRAFT in function of the TERORISME posiblity's demonstrared by the AUSTIN PLANE CRASH in the IRS building on 18/02/2010 !!!
There is URGENT NEED to INTRODUCE the information on the VFR OPERATIONS by the NON CAT AIRSPACE USERS in this circles .......ACTION ASAP ...???????