The ripples of evening quivered below,
And the sky was cloudless above ;
And the breeze came as soft on the listening ear,
As the whisper of one we love ;
And the seabird hung poised upon motionless wing,
Ere it glided in light along ;
And the thoughts that passed through that young man's brain,
Were turned into waves of song.
But a cloud pass'd over the minstrel's soul
As he gazed on the watery gleam ;
The hopes and the cares ad the joys of men,
Became like a fading dream.
His heart soon lost the power of love,
And his eye the power to weep ;
And the bloom of his fancy withered away,
And his mind was locked in sleep.
Winter may darken the glittering sea,
And summer return again ;
But no pulse can throb in that young man's heart,
No pulse of joy or of pain.
And the ripple breaks with a sadder sound,
Where he lies on the lonely shore,
With folded arms and a dreamless brain,
For ever and evermore.
William Edward Hartpole Lecky (1838-1903)
uit Poems (1891)
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