Ik ontving enkele reacties op mijn tekstje over de verspreiding van onze Boodschap voor een Betere Wereld in zoveel mogelijk talen (nu 725) ! We zoeken nu bijvoorbeeld de talen Latkot(h)a en Dakot(h)a in Amerika; Aboriginaltalen in Australië (we hebben er 2 : Pitjantjatjara en Yanyuwa), heel lokale Bantu-talen, ...
Graag een seintje indien je ergens contacten hebt ! Alvast bedankt!
Hier even een "model" om eens te "zoeken" via een mail in het Engels:
Mr Frans Medaer is a retired Belgian teacher (French, History, Latin, Social Activities), native Dutch speaker, projectleader Message for a Better World.XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = "O" />
He wrote a message for a Better World, message resumed in one sentence. At this moment the message already has been translated in 725 different languages (!) , dialects, minority languages, auxiliairy languages (already from more than 100 countries).
We would like to ask you if you can translate the message in ..... (local language(s) from your country / region?). We received translations from universities, school, organisations,
The University from Montreal f.e. sent us translations in Aboriginal languages; to get the translation in the auxiliairy language GLOSA, F. Medaer translated their grammar into Dutch and French; we received Maya-languages from Guatemala,
The message for translation:
"Our goal is to build a better and safer world where all children receive a good education and are able to develop their talents to the full so that now and later as adults they can help each other in a spirit of solidarity, trust and mutual respect."
We hope the message pleases you. Members from our group are also looking for information about all the languages, culture.
If you want more information, please write to :
Frans Medaer and the Belgian team "A Better World"