Ik ben Leny, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Bosheks.
Ik ben een vrouw en woon in Planeet Aarde (Nederland) en mijn beroep is Medisch Entomoloog, Imker, Wiccan en Lichtwerker .
Ik ben geboren op 22/05/0000 en ben nu dus 2024 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Flora Fauna Muziek Wetenschap.
Meer dan een halve eeuw heb ik een dierenopvang ( Stichting/TAO Foundation) https://taofoundation.international/nl/ voor dieren die niemand meer wil hebben. Werk als ARA(Animal Rights Advocate) voor de dieren die geen stem hebben.Dieren/Cyber activist.
To see a world in a grain of sand And a Heaven in a wild flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour.
~be who you are and say what you feel because those that matter... don't mind... and those that mind... don't matter..
Nice to see you here.㋡
I am a Wild Earthling.
I do not identify with illusory (and illegitimate) nation-state constructs nor do I require such constructs to verify and validate the legitimacy of my existence.
An infiltrator and subverter of institutions of indoctrination,an anti-authoritarian and an insurgent anarchist, and gravitate towards insurrectionist and anti-civilization tendencies. It's just a matter of whose.
Anti New World Order! "for our children, and our children's children"
I am a seeker, searching for truth, special behind the lies that the Goverments try to tell us.
Do not believe everything, discover your own truth!!
And please do not alowed that they take advantage of you.
Open your eyes!
Take care my friends Stay Wild & Free.. !
Tree Teardrop
Druk op onderstaande knop om je bestand naar mij te verzenden.
You're precious I can't stand seeing you cry It hurts Watching you get what you don't deserve I tell myself You don't belong in this rough life You should have a perfect world You should have a perfect world
You're too gentle And much too quick to forgive Every slight And blow you've ever been dealt Well who knows If the world will ever deserve you You should have a perfect world You should have a perfect world
And who knows If the world will ever deserve you You should have a perfect world You should have a perfect world
This is Katie Melua's music video for 'A Perfect World', taken from the album 'In Winter'
A MESSAGE FOR ALL THE “CRAZY CONSPIRACY THEORISTS” and HEALERS out there; • • • To All of You who have been laughed at, abused on social media and called insane for years but who still stand up for what you believe in and try to get the truth out to the public. You have lost friends and family, you have been ridiculed, and yet you still speak your truth. • • • For all the hippys, lightworkers, starseeds, wayshowers and alternative therapists who have always felt alienated and different but never stopped being that person who tries to offer a different perspective to things. You learned about Energy Healing, Crystals, Mother Gaia and Healing therapy while those around you laughed. You were different and weird and never were one for conforming. • • • For the sensitives and empaths whose hearts break knowing about the Human trafficking and the Pedophile Rings and more... The ones who woke up and realised what was going on in the world and had to have their hearts shattered into a million pieces while everyone in their life simply thought they were losing their minds. You had to face all that alone and it broke your heart, but you did it and you faced that DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL like a King and Queen!! • • • For those Old Souls who try every single day to help humanity, who feel isolated and different and who have lost many friends and family members in the process of waking up. The ones who don’t go out any more, the ones who research untill days have passed by, the ones who stood up and dared say what nobody else would. The ones who have dedicated their life to this ascension process... • • • I take my Hat of to Each and Every one of You. This process is the hardest thing anyone will ever have to do and you had to do it first! Every single day more and more people are waking up. I know it’s hard and you’re feeling exhausted and sometimes drained by the negative response you’re getting, but stay strong because this battle will soon be over and soon the World will know WHAT WE DO AND WHY WE DID IT. • • • 🔥Where We Go One, We Go All.🔥 • • • This time will be spoken about in history and your efforts to awaken and heal humanity will effect not only our existence on Planet Earth but it will effect everything throughout The Universe. • • • This is an Galactic Event and you have chosen this assignment before you incarnated into this Timeline. You chose to be here right now! • • • You are a DIVINE BEING. REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE! YOU GOT THIS! • • • ✨With Infinite Blessings✨ Åsa Larsdotter Falck Ascension Activator Instagram & FB Page: Divine Synergy 💫Thanks to Caroline Hardwick for the inspiration of this post.
Heb jij jezelf al eens afgevraagd waarom de methode van huidige zogenaamde PCR-testen in werkelijkheid heel anders worden uitgevoerd dan dat er wordt gesuggereerd op de promotie filmpjes?
Heb jij jezelf al eens afgevraagd waarom de methode van huidige zogenaamde PCR-testen in werkelijkheid heel anders worden uitgevoerd dan dat er wordt gesuggereerd op de promotie filmpjes? In de praktijk blijkt dat dit zeer pijnlijke test is en ook nog eens de nodige nare bijwerkingen heeft. Veel mensen die de test hebben laten doen hebben dit ervaren. Ook hebben al deze mensen ervaren dat er een of ander bijtend chemisch goedje zit op de top van de giga wattenstaaf die met forse kracht zo diep mogelijk in je neus geknald wordt.
Het heeft alles te maken met je zogeheten Derde Oog. En dat zit nu juist in dat voorste gedeelte van je hersenen wat ze dus (in een laatste wanhopige poging om ons te onderdrukken) kapot willen maken.
Het derde oog, oftewel het zesde chakra, is het centrum van intuïtie en paranormale begaafdheid. Helderziendheid is een van de resultaten van een goed ontwikkeld derde oog, maar deze chakra is voor veel meer verantwoordelijk dan enkel het voorspellen van toekomstige fenomenen. Wanneer je je derde oog opent, word je je namelijk bewust van het grote geheel. Er ontstaat een vermogen om alles te zien en daardoor zal je perspectief veranderen en zul je in staat zijn om jezelf te begrijpen in de context van het grotere geheel. Om het derde oog te gebruiken en om door tijd en ruimte heen te kijken, is het echter belangrijk om het eerst te gebruiken om jezelf te zien.
Dit is al duizenden jaren bekend. Maar voor de overheersers is het té gevaarlijk dat hun "slaven" dit weten. Want stel toch eens dat deze "slaven" wél de werkelijkheid zien en in opstand komen ?
Datzelfde geldt voor het "verplichte" mondkapje. Door een vermindering van zuurstof wordt ook dat deel van je hersenen als het ware lam gelegd.
Ook de huidige 5G speelt in dit alles een rol.
Waarom denken jullie dat deze kennis op zo veel manieren compleet belachelijk wordt gemaakt ?
Je moet er maar in geloven ! Die dooddoener klopt dus voor geen meter. Het is geen geloof, het is een kracht die in jezelf zit.
We zitten midden in de overgang naar de 5e Dimensie en de ontwikkeling van jouw eigen innerlijke kracht hoort daar ook bij.
Veel mensen zijn daar al mee aan de slag. Ook veel zorgverleners. Dit is een van de redenen waarom je zo veel lege teststraten ziet terwijl je bij diezelfde teststraten te horen krijgt dat hun wachtlijsten zo lang zijn. Deze zorgverleners weigeren gewoon om aan deze martelpraktijken mee te werken. Punt is dat ze dit niet (om diverse redenen) met jullie mogen delen. Daarom doe ik het.
Feels like a fire that burns in my heart Every single moment that we spend apart I need you around for every day to start I haven't left you alone
Something about you, starin' in your eyes Everything I'm looking for I seem to find All this time away is killing me inside I need your love in my life
I wanna spend time till it end I wanna fall with you again Like we did when we first met I wanna fall with you again
Fought in a battle, but nobody won Left ourselves a mountain to be overcome You can't run away, the past is said and done I need us to carry on
I wanna spend time till it end I wanna fall with you again Like we did when we first met I wanna fall with you again
You'll try everything You never thought it before When you live, when you love, and you give them your all You're always give up some more
Loving mean's anything [?] I can breathe, I can bleed, I can die in my sleep You're always there in my dreams
I wanna spend time till it end I wanna fall with you again Like we did when we first met I wanna fall with you again
I wanna spend time till it end I wanna fall with you again Like we did when we first met I wanna fall with you again
All that I find here in my heart (that's cool.. ooh-aah... great sound)
Autumn "Allegro-Adagio Molto" (The Four Seasons); from The National Botanical Gardens of Wales; Julia Fischer en el violin; acompañada de "Academy of St Martin in the Fields"; del Maestro Antonio Lucio Vivaldi
I saw you standing with the wind and the rain in your face And you were thinking 'bout the wisdom of the leaves and their grace When the leaves come falling down In September when the leaves, come falling down
And at night the moon is shining on a clear, cloudless sky And when the evening shadows fall I'll be there by your side When the leaves come falling down In September when the leaves, come falling down
Follow me down, follow me down, follow me down To the place beside the garden and the wall Follow me down, follow me down To the space before the twilight and the dawn
Oh, the last time I saw Paris in the streets, in the rain And as I walk along the boulevards with you, once again And the leaves come falling down In September, when the leaves come falling down
Follow me down, follow me down, follow me down To the place between the garden and the wall Follow me down, follow me down To the space between the twilight and the dawn
And as I'm looking at the colour of the leaves, in your hand As we're listening to Chet Baker on the beach, in the sand When the leaves come falling down, Woe in September, when the leaves come falling down Oh when the leaves come falling down Yeah in September when the leaves come falling down
When the leaves come falling down In September, when the leaves come falling down
When the leaves come falling down in September, in the rain When the leaves come falling down
When the leaves come falling down in September, in the rain When the leaves come falling down
Here I write you dear Seems our love had to run And how I wish you here 'Cause lady you are Oh maybe you are the one
I know, here I'am alone Guess we kids had our fun And I hear you've grown To the lady you are Oh maybe you are the one
I realize that I'm just a boy who believes in what he feels And my dreams have all been changed by what is real Will you write me dear Only now as best friends I'll always wish, I'll always with you here Oh then lady for me Say you'll begin again my love
Gino Vannelli (born June 16, 1952) is a Canadian singer, songwriter, musician and composer.Born in Montreal, Quebec, Vannelli is one of three sons (Joe, Gino, and Ross)[1] born to Russ and Delia Vannelli. Russ, his father, was a big band musician. As a child, Gino's greatest passion was music, and he began playing percussion at an early age. By the age of 15, Gino began writing songs. Just out of high school, he signed his first recording contract with RCA under the pseudonym Vann Elli, but went on to study music at McGill University.Genres Pop rock, Blue-eyed soul, soft rock, jazz, funk More...http://www.ginov.com/
The trees are full and green The garden sweet and lush The warmth of the sun belies September A truth to which I must surrender The hours are numbered These last days of summer
Her sundress, pink and white An orchid in her hair As lovely a sight as ever to me While a stranger was, she woo me I can't help but wonder These last days of summer
Thinking the unthinkable Chased with Levante Thoughts that never crossed my mind When I was twenty-three Too busy being me A ship once hailed unsinkable It's floundering in the deep A boy who once prayed to his God For his soul to keep Would settle for a good night sleep.
My father warned of the waning years What every man goes through I thought him weak and too fraught with fear To see his tragic point of…
My father warned of the waning years What every man goes through I thought him weak and too fraught with fear To see his tragic point of view It's a sad cliche But ever since he's passed away He's ever more present to me Looking past my prime Waging war on Father Time Dad, I think I understand, finally
Strange that my eyes should gain more sight As the days begin to lose the light Winter looms on my horizon Look at me in my summer wear Completely unprepared
We wrestle in the grass He's grown so tall so quick I struggle to get the better of him Just how much I truly love him This I've discovered These last days of summer Just how much I truly love them ...These last days of summer...
Monday is shining You know 'em tuesday's rain Well, the days go by me Like a southbound train Yes, it's funny thinking You will never call my name
Here comes long lonely Here comes the blues
Well, the world's the same old comedy You know my time is cold Nothing new, blue lady I won't get old 'Cause the deal is gone now I'd just better hold
Here comes long lonely Here comes the blues
Well, sun has run down
She has gone out to hide Yes, and now I'm out walking Where the midnight ride Just me and the good-time charlies And the suicide
Here comes long lonely Here comes the blues
Well, monday's dry Yes, and tuesday's just the same Maybe come down blue wednesday I'm gonna grab the brakes again 'Cause no bottle of pills Could ever kill this pain
Zwitserse krant spreekt schande over ons koningshuis, dat extra geld krijgt: ‘Om je kapot te schamen’
Zwitserse krant spreekt schande over ons koningshuis, dat extra geld krijgt: ‘Om je kapot te schamen’
Ook in Zwitserland is het opgevallen dat onze koninklijke familie ondanks de crisis aanzienlijk meer geld gestort krijgt. Dat terwijl komend jaar mogelijk honderdduizenden mensen hun baan verliezen en de economie naar verwachting zo’n 8 procent zal krimpen. Het koningshuis merkt niets van de economische crisis. Sterker nog: de Nederlandse royals krijgen nog meer geld, schrijft de Zwitserse Luzerner Zeitung.
Koning Willem-Alexander ontvangt in 2021 998.000 euro, 5,2 procent meer dan dit jaar. Voor zijn hofhouding heeft hij een budget van circa 5,7 miljoen euro. Ook koningin Maxima en prinses Beatrix gaan er komend jaar 5 procent op vooruit. Zij ontvangen respectievelijk 396.000 en 564.000 euro uit de staatskas.
Kroonprinses Amalia krijgt vanaf 7 december 2021 een ‘uitkering’ omdat ze vanaf die dag volwassen is. Zij mag zich in 2022 miljonair noemen.
Al dat geld wordt uiteraard opgehoest door de Nederlandse belastingbetaler. Naar verwachting zullen de royals er ook in 2022 op vooruit gaan. De zwaarste economische crisis sinds de Tweede Wereldoorlog gaat daarmee volledig aan de koninklijke familie voorbij, aldus de krant.
Zwitserse respectabele krant spreekt schande over ons koningshuis dat extra geld krijgt terwijl er werkeloosheid heerst: Halve pagina groot artikel! Zij zijn vast heel blij een democratische republiek te zijn! En terecht!
Het kan ook anders: kroonprinses Elisabeth van België ziet af van haar toelage van 900.000 euro en is vrijwillig bij het leger gegaan.