Larger than life characters entwined with nature, animals, striking imagery, channeling the mystical and subconscious, all mixed with a lucid clarity, are some of the recurring themes that Jessie Mooy and Jenny Mendes both use in the decorative styles of their art. Both artists create expressive figures, Jenny Mendes using edgy, innocent and mischievous looking humans and animals that look like they belong in a children’s story that’s waiting to unfold, while Jessie’s figures reflect a soulful nobility and interact with botanical decorations.
Jessie Mooy, France
Born in Amsterdam, Jessie emigrated with her parents to South Africa when she was a child. She studied Fine Arts at the University of Pretoria, specializing in painting, then went on to study sculpture techniques at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in Port Elizabeth. Since 2009 she has been living and working in the Dordogne in France, famous for its cave art and Romanesque churches. Her studio Atelier la Tour des Bidoux is situated in a Medieval Archer’s Tower near Riberac.

Three girls dancing – raku sculpture – Jessie Mooy
‘In my art, the image of woman functions as a counterforce to all forms of alienation, especially alienation from nature and from the spiritual, by virtue of the fact that woman is depicted as a life-giving earth mother or as a custodian of all life in nature. In my ceramic work my continued interest in the creative aspect of the earth, plants and all its creatures has always been evident, not only in the medium, but also in the formal variety e.g. vessels become flowers, handles and rims of vases become leaves. My interest in the female form becomes part of a vessel to express oneness with nature. My ongoing study of the ancient art of Egypt and Greece reflects all these above-mentioned interests. There is a beauty that transcends the temporary in the art of these cultures. I try to achieve the same timelessness.’
‘Living in a world devoid of spiritual aspirations and where the importance of material interests is stressed, I believe that the female is the natural medium to invoke an order to guard the great mysteries of the unknown. She has to weave together the reality of our conscious life and the mystical, intuitive and divine part of ourselves which is an element of nature.’

Vase featuring female head – Jessie Mooy

Two women and a dog in architectural setting – ceramic sculpture by Jessie Mooy
Height 51cm – 1994

Raku bust on marble base – Jessie Mooy

‘Moondance’ – Minoan style dish plaque – Jessie Mooy

Jessie Mooy ceramic workshop

Jessie Mooy

Raku figurine bust candelabrum – Jessie Mooy

Harlequin Cavalier riding a horse – large oval plate by Jessie Mooy

‘Harmony’ – Jessie Mooy

Jessie Mooy vase

Harlequin riding a horse – Jessie Mooy

‘Eva in the forest’ Jessie Mooy Vase earthenware

‘Mother & Child’ – Jessie Mooy

Twin handled vase with botanical decoration – jessie Mooy

Lady with birds decorative plate – Jessie Mooy

Dancing female with flute – Jessie Mooy

‘Queen’ – raku bust – Jessie Mooy

‘Lady with Hat’ twin handled vase – Jessie Mooy

‘Lucia and Bijou’ – Raku cat sculptures by Jessie Mooy

Vase with female face motif – Jessie Mooy