Ik ben Leny, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Bosheks.
Ik ben een vrouw en woon in Planeet Aarde (Nederland) en mijn beroep is Medisch Entomoloog, Imker, Wiccan en Lichtwerker .
Ik ben geboren op 22/05/0000 en ben nu dus 2024 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Flora Fauna Muziek Wetenschap.
Meer dan een halve eeuw heb ik een dierenopvang ( Stichting/TAO Foundation) https://taofoundation.international/nl/ voor dieren die niemand meer wil hebben. Werk als ARA(Animal Rights Advocate) voor de dieren die geen stem hebben.Dieren/Cyber activist.
To see a world in a grain of sand And a Heaven in a wild flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour.
~be who you are and say what you feel because those that matter... don't mind... and those that mind... don't matter..
Nice to see you here.㋡
I am a Wild Earthling.
I do not identify with illusory (and illegitimate) nation-state constructs nor do I require such constructs to verify and validate the legitimacy of my existence.
An infiltrator and subverter of institutions of indoctrination,an anti-authoritarian and an insurgent anarchist, and gravitate towards insurrectionist and anti-civilization tendencies. It's just a matter of whose.
Anti New World Order! "for our children, and our children's children"
I am a seeker, searching for truth, special behind the lies that the Goverments try to tell us.
Do not believe everything, discover your own truth!!
And please do not alowed that they take advantage of you.
Open your eyes!
Take care my friends Stay Wild & Free.. !
Tree Teardrop
Druk op onderstaande knop om je bestand naar mij te verzenden.
Wettelijk is de nachtjacht verboden en jagers zelf zeggen dat het ‘s nachts jagen op dieren een stropersmethode is. Toch hebben ze voor elkaar gekregen dat minister Carola Schouten (ChristenUnie) ze een ontheffing van de avondklok wil geven zodat ze ‘s nachts met restlichtversterkers op wilde zwijnen en vossen mogen jagen.
Alsof het noodzakelijk zou zijn in het wild levende dieren in het holst van de nacht af te schieten, terwijl er geen enkele sociale controle is, omdat er een avondklok geldt. Wij roepen het kabinet op geen vrijstelling van de avondklok te verlenen aan jagers.
Teken de petitiedie De Faunabescherming op 25 januari 2021 is gestart!
It may be winter outside (but in my heart it's spring)
It may be winter outside (but in my heart it's spring)
When the temperature dips I miss my baby's arms His tender finger tips Knows just how to keep me warm It may be zero degrees With the snow falling down But I've got warm and tender love Just as long as he's around
It may be winter outside But in my heart it's spring How much joy and pleasure Baby Can one guy bring me Winter Nights can be awful cold Without someone to hold But when I have him next to me Baby, I'm in ecstasy
Throughout my life I've had my share of guys But he's been the only one Who can make my temperature rise Things are just not the same When he's not by my side But yet I shouldn't complain But be waiting with my arms open wide
Een Israëlisch ziekenhuis beweert een nieuw geneesmiddel te hebben ontwikkeld dat tijdens een zogeheten fase-1-onderzoek voor 96% effectief is tegen het coronavirus. Uit dat onderzoek zou zijn gebleken dat bijna alle coronapatiënten binnen vijf dagen volledig waren hersteld nadat ze matig tot ernstig ziek waren geworden door besmetting met het coronavirus, zo melden diverse media in Israël vrijdag.
Het gaat om het Ichilov Medical Center in Tel Aviv dat het geneesmiddel, EXO-CD24 geheten, eenmaal daags liet toedienen bij dertig coronapatiënten. Tussen drie en vijf dagen waren 29 patiënten volledig hersteld. De overgebleven patiënt had meer tijd nodig om helemaal beter te worden. Het Hadassah Medical Center in Ein Kerem, een voorstadje van Jeruzalem, heeft aangekondigd eveneens de therapie op zijn patiënten te zullen toepassen.
Het medicijn wordt nu uitgeprobeerd in de volgende testfasen. Als ook die succesvol zijn, kan het geneesmiddel ‘een gamechanger’ worden in de strijd tegen covid-19, aldus functionarissen van het Ichilov-ziekenhuis. Tot dusver wordt de coronapandemie vooral met vaccins bestreden.
Een ‘geweldige doorbraak’, noemt hoogleraar Nadir Arber, verbonden aan het Ichilov, tegenover de krant The Times of Israel de ontwikkeling van het nieuwe geneesmiddel. ‘Het preparaat wordt één keer per dag gedurende een paar minuten, gedurende vijf dagen, ingeademd.’ Volgens Arber, die tientallen jaren onderzoek heeft gedaan naar immuniteit, heeft het geneesmiddel geen bijwerkingen.
you can walk through the valley of the shadow of death. Just don't camp there
you can walk through the valley of the shadow of death. Just don't camp there
Dr Edith Eva Eger, best-selling author was just 16 years old when she experienced one of the worst evils the human race has ever known. She and her family were sent to Auschwitz, the heinous death camp. Now, Dr. Eger is a sought-after clinical psychologist and lecturer, helping individuals discard their limitations, discover their powers of self-renewal, and achieve things they previously thought unattainable. Join us for a talk and deep conversation, as she draws on her experiences during the holocaust to talk about how we respond, how to be a "survivor and never a victim of anything, anyone or any circumstance." Dr. Eger’s talk will be followed by a brief interview and a moderated interactive conversation with the audience. MONDAY, AUGUST 10, 2020 from 5 - 6pm PST: A native of Hungary, Edith Eva Eger was just 16 years old in 1944 when she experienced one of the worst evils the human race has ever known. As a Jew living in Nazi occupied Eastern Europe, she and her family were sent to Auschwitz, the heinous death camp. Now, Dr. Eger is a sought after clinical psychologist and lecturer, helping individuals discard their limitations, discover their powers of self renewal, and achieve things they previously thought unattainable. Using her past as a powerful analogy, she inspires people to tap their full potential and shape their very best destinies. Her book, The Gift, Twelve Lessons to Save your Life will be released in September 2020. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
Baby overlijdt na doopceremonie, petitie tienduizenden keren ondertekend
De Roemeens-orthodoxe kerk staat onder druk om haar doopritueel aan te passen nadat afgelopen week een zes weken oude baby overleed na drie keer onder water te zijn gedompeld. Tienduizenden Roemenen hebben een online petitie ondertekend en roepen op tot verandering.
De teller staat inmiddels op meer dan 59.000 handtekeningen, meldt CNN. ‘Gezien de tragische omstandigheden, waarbij zuigelingen stierven na onderdompeling in het water in de doopvont, moet de kerk dit ritueel dringend veranderen’, leest de petitie.
Het zes weken oude kind kreeg zondag een hartstilstand in een kerk in Suceava, in het noordoosten van Roemenië. Daarvoor was het kind gedoopt volgens het orthodoxe doopritueel en drie keer ondergedompeld. Ambulancepersoneel reanimeerde de baby in de kerk en vervoerden het kind daarna met spoed naar het plaatselijke ziekenhuis. Daar overleed de baby een paar uur later.
De politie is een onderzoek gestart naar doodslag door de priester. Uit autopsie bleek dat het kind vloeistof in zijn longen had. Vasile Banescu, woordvoerder van het Roemeense patriarchaat, noemt het tegen lokale media onvoorstelbaar dat het kind met onbedekte neus en mond onder water ging. ,,Er is een techniek die een ervaren priester altijd gebruikt. Zo wordt een doop met de grootste zorg gevierd.’’
Er is een techniek die een ervaren priester altijd gebruikt. Zo wordt een doop met de grootste zorg gevierd
Vasile Banescu, woordvoerder van het Roemeense patriarchaat
Vladimir Dumitra startte de petitie, niet per se om het doopritueel af te schaffen of tegen de schenen van de kerk te schoppen, maar wel de ‘soms brute praktijk met het risico op verdrinking door kinderen’ aan de kaak te stellen.
Persbureau AFP meldt dat er volgens lokale media de afgelopen jaren vaker sprake was van dergelijke incidenten. Woordvoerder Banescu zou hebben gezegd zich voor te kunnen stellen dat priesters wat water op het voorhoofd van baby's sprenkelen, maar de orthodoxe aartsbisschop Teodosie heeft al gezegd dat het ritueel niet zal veranderen.
"The Emotional World of Farm Animals is a delightful documentary for viewers of all ages about the thinking and feeling side of animals that are all too often just viewed as food. Jefferey Masson, author of When Elephants Weep and Dogs Never Lie About Love, leads viewers through the personal journey he underwent while writing his latest book, The Pig Who Sang to The Moon. This journey into the sentient, emotional lives of farm animals brings Masson to animal sanctuaries around the country where caregivers and the animals themselves tell their harrowing stories of rescue and escape. Masson delves into the rich ancestry of these curious and intelligent animals and interviews top experts in animal behavior who offer scientific perspectives on these amazing creatures." --- Center for Active Animal and Nature Protection "Key" Center "Key" is a non-profit, non-govermental, all-volunteer based animal rescue center located near Zagreb in Croatia. We focus on active protection of animals and the environment, as well as education and research on animal behaviour and practical ways we can help animals in our everyday life. Follow us on social media for daily updates: http://www.facebook.com/centarkeyhttp://www.instagram.com/centar_keyhttp://www.twitter.com/centar_key
Four Seasons - Winter: 1st Movement | Vivaldi Explained 2.0 Antonio Vivaldi composed the Four Seasons to represent, through several elements of music, various aspects of each of the seasons (as experienced in temperate regions). This video aims to explain to the listener what Vivaldi was attempting to express with music. Each movement of each season is associated with a sonnet; whether the sonnets were composed before the music or vice versa is still unknown, as is the author of the sonnets. The video features a rough translation of the sonnets (originally in Italian), synced up with the music.
A beautiful and inspiring glimpse into the unbridled compassion on fifteen farm animal sanctuaries throughout the US. The rescued farm animals, simply by being who they are, are changing lives, lifestyles, and beliefs on both sides of the fence. The humans, many of whom dramatically altered the course of their lives because of a connection with a farm animal, are dedicated beyond words. PLEASE NOTE: We are aware the video is blocked in some countries and apologize for this. We are working on the issue. If you'd like to set up a screening in your own country please contact us: calledtorescuefilm@gmail.com
We are incredibly happy to announce that Called to Rescue is finally available to watch WORLDWIDE on YouTube for free! All issues that had our film blocked in many countries have been resolved and you can now watch viewing parties everywhere!
Here comes a wave meant to wash me away A tide that is taking me under Swallowing sand, left with nothing to say My voice drowned out in the thunder
But I won’t cry and I won’t start to crumble Whenever they try to shut me or cut me down
I won’t be silenced You can’t keep me quiet Won’t tremble when you try it All I know is I won’t go speechless 'Cause I’ll breathe When they try to suffocate me Don’t you underestimate me 'Cause I know that I won’t go speechless
Written in stone, every rule, every word Centuries old and unbending Stay in your place, better seen and not heard Well now that story is ending
'Cause I cannot start to crumble So come on and try, try to shut me and cut me down
I won’t be silenced You can’t keep me quiet Won’t tremble when you try it All I know is I won’t go speechless Speechless Let the sun in I cannot be broken No, I won’t live unspoken 'Cause I know that I won’t go speechless
Try to lock me in this cage I won’t just lay me down and die I will take these broken wings Watch me burn across the sky Hear the echo saying...
I won’t be silenced No, you wanna see me tremble when you try it All I know is I won’t go speechless Speechless 'Cause I’ll breathe When they try to suffocate me Don’t you underestimate me 'Cause I know that I won’t go speechless All I know is I won’t go speechless Speechless
Aladdin - Princess Jasmine Speechless Song Scene Jafar stealthily steals the lamp from Aladdin and becomes Genie's new master. He uses his first two wishes to become Sultan and then, when the guards refuse to acknowledge the change at Jasmine's request, to become the world's most powerful sorcerer, imprisoning the guards and Jasmine's pet tiger Rajah. Film Synopsis: Aladdin is a lovable street urchin who meets Princess Jasmine, the beautiful daughter of the sultan of Agrabah. While visiting her exotic palace, Aladdin stumbles upon a magic oil lamp that unleashes a powerful, wisecracking, larger-than-life genie. As Aladdin and the genie start to become friends, they must soon embark on a dangerous mission to stop the evil sorcerer Jafar from overthrowing young Jasmine's kingdom.
Cast: Will Smith, Mena Massoud, Naomi Scott, Marwan Kenzari, Navid Negahban, Nasim Pedrad, Billy Magnussen
Een selectie van positieve en ontroerende momenten met dieren voor een goede stemming
Een selectie van positieve en ontroerende momenten met dieren voor een goede stemming
De collectie bevat ongelooflijk interessante gevallen van het ontmoeten van mensen op wegen en snelwegen met zeldzame wilde dieren. Je zult zien dat groepen wolven de verkeerspolitie aanvallen; de Amur tijger loopt vrij tussen vrachtwagens en auto ' s, een wild zwijn achter een auto aan; beren, lynxen het uitzoeken van relaties recht op de snelweg; aan het einde van een super emotioneel moment wanneer de bestuurder bijna een eland raken terwijl de tijd om te vertragen in de tijd en de elk niet miste de remmen)
A homeless teen meets a deaf-blind man at a bus stop who changes his life forever.
A homeless teen meets a deaf-blind man at a bus stop who changes his life forever.
Feeling Through is used with permission from Doug Roland. Learn more at http://omele.to/2XUiCG5 and http://omele.to/3iraJBz. THE BEST OF OMELETO » Celebrities on Omeleto: http://omele.to/celebrities » Best of Omeleto: http://omele.to/best » Millions on Omeleto: http://omele.to/millions OMELETO ON SOCIAL Instagram: http://instagram.com/omeletocom Twitter: http://twitter.com/omeletocom Facebook: http://facebook.com/omeletocom Reddit: http://reddit.com/r/omeleto Tereek -- a young man trying hard not to reveal his lack of a home -- is desperately looking for a bed for the night, texting friends in hopes that he can crash with them. But just when something comes through, he finds himself helping out Artie, a deaf-blind man waiting for a bus home. The encounter is anything but straightforward, not only due to their differences in abilities but also their different temperaments and ages. But as Tereek helps Artie navigate a ride home, he learns to see the world through another perspective beyond his own -- and broadening his horizons in the process. Writer-director Doug Roland's Oscar-longlisted short drama -- executive produced by Marlee Matlin and in partnership with Helen Keller Services -- is a deceptively simple narrative that takes place over one evening between two characters. But this chance encounter -- captured with visual storytelling that's both natural, unforced and still deftly crafted -- uncovers riches of empathy, along with a profound revelation about how people can offer fellowship, help and care to one another, even in the simplest of ways. With its themes of connection and empathy, the writing is economical and precise, laying down the story and character beats with pacing and care that keeps the audience interest moving forward while allowing key moments to breathe. The power of this kind of humanistic drama rests on the excellent performances that audiences can relate to, and the film succeeds admirably in this department. Robert Tarango -- the first deaf-blind actor to perform in a film -- plays Artie with plenty of warmth, intelligence and humor to draw in Tereek. His character is not just about the difficulty of his difference, though. His deafness and blindness enable a certain way of being in the world, one where he must trust in the world, accepts obstacles and opportunities with equanimity and enjoys the everyday pleasures and people that life gives him. Tereek in turn learns these lessons as well, as he helps Artie with the task of getting to the right bus. Tereek's circumstances are established upfront in subtle but unmistakable ways: he has no home, and he's trying to hide this. As a result, he's guarded and rootless, and while he can joke around with friends, he's not truly carefree, since he's weighed down by anxiety about where he's going to sleep at night. Telling details capture this inner tension: he wolfs down his food while his friends leisurely nibble at it, for example. Actor Steven Prescod's subtle yet precise performance captures Tereek's arc as a young man unmoored, looking out for himself because he has to. And that might cost him his humanity, especially when he snarls at a homeless man visibly less well-off than himself. But as he helps Artie move through the world, he takes on Artie's perspective and becomes his "brother's keeper," opening him up in both feeling and sensibility at a juncture in life where he may close himself off permanently. Openhearted and authentic, "Feeling Through" was inspired by the director's encounter with a deaf-blind man, which likely inspires the deep sense of tribute and affection that imbues the storytelling with its warmth and sympathy. In a world and time in history more isolated than ever, this heartfelt short has an unexpected resonance, reminding us of a simple yet profound truth that we sometimes are in danger of forgetting. We are here to help and hear one another, to feel more and see beyond ourselves. In doing so, we enlarge the scope of our lives, widen our horizons and expand our hearts. ABOUT OMELETO Omeleto is the home of the world's best short films. We showcase critically-acclaimed filmmakers from the Oscars, Sundance, Cannes and more! Subscribe now: http://sub2.omele.to
E is for the comfort, You give to me E is for the peace, I feel inside E is for the good times That go against the bad times E is for the world you gave us And left us here behind
They say Tell me what's so wrong with E That's what I hear them say Tell me what's so wrong with E That's what I hear them say Let's talk about it
E is for the reason To live through urban grey E is for the warm glow, That takes the fear away
Show us what is better Why don't you stand inside these shoes Oh live with me each Monday... Let's see what you would do...
Which world do you live in? Which world did you choose? Hiding the tears, that's all No win No lose
They say Tell me what's so wrong with E That's what I hear them say Tell me what's so wrong with E That's what I hear them say Let's talk about it
You may find me Wherever you go From New York City Way out to Chicago I'm the son of a restless sailor Blessed with Irish bones Sometimes I feel like I'm too far from home
I will sing And I will dance for you Every land you go You will always see There'll be big stout glasses Full to the white top There'll be stories And there'll be me
Across the wild sea I've travelled far Born to move on Born to roam But lately I've been feeling Like I'm too far from home
Whatever happened To the girl I loved Oh I ask forgiveness To the one above There was a day I could have made it real fine Something went wrong I forget Too far down that line
Across the wild sea Too far along down along that line Across the wild sea Born to roam But lately I've been feeling Like I'm too far from home....