De Turkse schrijver Orhan Pamuk werd geboren op 7 juni 1952 in Istanbul. Zie ook alle tags voor Orhan Pamuk op dit blog.
Uit:Silent House
“Dinner is nearly ready, Madam,” I said. “Please come to the table.” She said nothing, just stood there, planted on her cane. I went over, took her by the arm, and brought her to the table. She just muttered a little. I went down to the kitchen, got her tray, and put it in front of her. She looked at it but didn’t touch the food. I got out her napkin, stretched it out under her huge ears, and knotted it. “Well, what did you make tonight?” she said. “Let’s see what you put together.” “Baked eggplant,” I said. “You requested it yesterday, right?” She looked at me. I slid the plate in front of her. She pushed the food around with her fork, complaining to herself. After picking at it a little, she began to eat. “Madam, don’t forget your salad,” I said before going inside and sitting down to my own eggplant. A little later, she called out, “Salt. Recep, where’s the salt?” I went back out and saw it was right in front of her. “Here it is!” “Well, this is a new one,” she said. “Why do you go inside when I’m eating?” I didn’t answer. “They’re coming tomorrow, aren’t they?” “They’re coming, Madam, they’re coming,” I said. “Weren’t you going to put some salt on that?” “You mind your own business!” she said. “Are they coming?” “Tomorrow afternoon,” I said. “They called, you know.” “What else have you got?” I took the uneaten eggplant back, ladled a good portion of beans onto a fresh plate, and brought it out to her. When she’d lost interest in the beans and started stirring them around, I returned to the kitchen and sat down to resume my supper. A little later she called out again, this time for pepper, but I pretended not to hear her. When she cried Fruit! I went in and pushed the fruit bowl in front of her.”
 Orhan Pamuk (Istanbul, 7 juni 1952)
De Duitse schrijfster Monika Mann werd als vierde kind van Thomas Mann geboren op 7 juni 1910 in München. Zie ook alle tags voor Monika Mann op dit blog.
Uit:Das fahrende Haus
„Der Augenblick gab mir das Unfaßliche ein, daß dies in Menschen verwandelte Maikäfer waren, die über mein Schicksal entschieden. Ich ging und kam wieder, betrat das verborgene insektenhafte Konsulat. Diesmal konnte jemand englisch, und mir wurde hinter der staubigen Barriere ein Stuhl offeriert, und mein Paß wurde auf einen Monat verlängert. Amerikanisches Exit-Visum, amerikanisches Reenter-Visum, Schweizer Einreisevisum, italienisches Durchreisevisum und scheele Blicke. Hafen- und Grenzoffiziere witterten eine kommunistische Spionin in mir. Auf dem ungarischen Generalkonsulat der Bundeshauptstadt Bern gewärtigte ich ein brummelndes Geschwader, das meinen Weg verdunkeln und bedrohen würde. Statt dessen empfing mich eine manierliche, sportliche, junge Dame – eine Freundin der Literatur – und überreichte mir einen nagelneuen feschen Sowjetpaß. Der Erfolg davon war, daß die Franzosen sich vor mir fürchteten und mir das Durchreisevisum verweigerten, das ich brauchte, um mit der Queen Mary «nach Hause zu fahren». (Wo ich doch keinerlei Absicht hatte, auf die Franzosen noch auf irgendwen ein Attentat zu verüben!) Ich habe vergessen, mit welchen Protektionen und Umwegen ich nach einem Jahr in der Schweiz aufs Schiff gelangte. Und das alles nannte sich Frieden. Und da war die Sache mit Mexiko, die mich endlich beinahe alles verwünschen ließ. Mein unschuldiger und ökonomischer Plan war – die unsinnige Hitze New Yorks fliehend –, den Sommer in den Bergen Mexikos zu verbringen.“
Monika Mann (7 juni 1910 – 17 maart 1992) In de jaren 1940 in de Verenigde Staten
De Amerikaanse dichteres en schrijfster Nikki Giovanni werd geboren op 7 juni 1943 in Knoxville, Tennessee. Zie ook alle tags voor Nikki Giovanni op dit blog.
I Wrote A Good Omelet
I wrote a good omelet...and ate a hot poem... after loving you Buttoned my car...and drove my coat the rain... after loving you I goed on red...and stopped on green...floating somewhere in between... being here and being there... after loving you I rolled my bed...turned down my hair...slightly confused but...I don't care... Laid out my teeth...and gargled my gown...then I stood ...and laid me down... To sleep... after loving you
A Summer Love Poem
Clouds float by on a summer sky I hop scotch over to you Rainbows arch from ground to gold I climb over to you Thunder grumbles, lightning tumbles And I bounce over to you Sun beams back and catches me Smiling over at you
 Nikki Giovanni (Knoxville, 7 juni 1943)
De Amerikaanse schrijver Harry Crews werd geboren op 7 juni 1935 in Bacon County, Georgia. Zie ook alle tags voor Harry Crews op dit blog.
Uit: Harry Crews On Writing
"I write on a great big square board. sit in a big overstuffed chair with this board on my lap, put a legal pad on top of that and write long hand. After that's done, at some point I run it through a typewriter that's older than I am—but it's a beautiful machine, great action, huge keys, I love it—and then when I get through with that, I put it through the computer to revise, which is the only thing . . . I dunno . . . the only thing a computer is good for is to revise. Because, as you very well know, none of us need to go faster, we all need to go slower. I first among them. "But the computer is a godsend for revisions. I don't quite understand how we did it before we had the computer. I seem to remember a lot of tape and scissors." (…)
“If you’re crazy enough to read yourself, and almost no writer reads his own novel once he finishes it. He never looks at it again. I’ve never read a novel of mine, a whole novel that I did, after it’s published. Never. Why would you?”
 Harry Crews (7 juni 1935 – 28 maart 2012)
De Amerikaanse schrijfster Louise Erdrich werd geboren op 7 juni 1954 in Little Falls, Minnesota. Zie ook alle tags voor Louise Erdrich op dit blog.
Uit: The Plague of Doves
“But the dead only fed the living and each morning when the people woke it was to the scraping and beating of wings, the murmurous susurration, the awful cooing babble, and the sight, to those who still possessed intact windows, of the curious and gentle faces of those creatures. My great-uncle had hastily constructed crisscrossed racks of sticks to protect the glass in what, with grand intent, was called the rectory. In a corner of that one-room cabin, his younger brother, whom he had saved from a life of excessive freedom, slept on a pallet of fir boughs and a mattress stuffed with grass. This was the softest bed he'd ever lain in and the boy did not want to leave it, but my great-uncle thrust choirboy vestments at him and told him to polish up the candelabra that he would bear in the procession. This boy was to become my mother's father, my Mooshum. Seraph Milk was his given name, and since he lived to be over one hundred, I was present and about eleven years old during the time he told and retold the story of the most momentous day of his life, which began with this attempt to vanquish the plague of doves. He sat on a hard chair, between our first television and the small alcove of bookshelves set into the wall of our government-owned house on the Bureau of Indian Affairs reservation tract. Mooshum would tell us he could hear the scratching of the doves' feet as they climbed all over the screens of sticks that his brother had made. He dreaded the trip to the out-house, where many of the birds had gotten mired in the filth beneath the hole and set up a screeching clamor of despair that drew their kind to throw themselves against the hut in rescue attempts. Yet he did not dare relieve himself anywhere else. So through flurries of wings, shuffling so as not to step on their feet or backs, he made his way to the out-house and completed his necessary actions with his eyes shut. Leaving, he tied the door closed so that no other doves would be trapped.”
 Louise Erdrich (Little Falls, 7 juni 1954)
De Duitstalige dichteres Mascha Kaléko (eig. Golda Malka Aufen) werd geboren op 7 juni 1907 in Krenau of Schidlow in Galicië in het toenmalige Oostenrijk-Hongarije, nu Polen. Zie ook alle tags voor Mascha Kaléko op dit blog.
An meinen Schutzengel
Den Namen weiß ich nicht. Doch du bist einer Der Engel aus dem himmlischen Quartett, Das einstmals, als ich kleiner war und reiner, Allnächtlich Wache hielt an meinem Bett.
Wie du auch heißt - seit vielen Jahren schon Hältst Du die Schwingen über mich gebreitet Und hast, der Toren guter Schutzpatron, Durch Wasser und durch Feuer mich geleitet.
Du halfst dem Taugenichts, als er zu spät Das Einmaleins der Lebensschule lernte. Und meine Saat mit Bangen ausgesät, Ging auf und wurde unverhofft zur Ernte.
Seit langem bin ich tief in deiner Schuld. Verzeih mir noch die eine - letzte - Bitte Erstrecke deine himmlische Geduld Auch auf mein Kind und lenke seine Schritte.
Er ist mein Sohn. Das heißt: Er ist gefährdet. Sei um ihn tags, behüte seinen Schlaf. Und füg es, daß mein liebes schwarzes Schaf Sich dann und wann ein wenig weiß gebärdet.
Gib du dem kleinen Träumer das Geleit. Hilf ihm vor Gott und vor der Welt bestehen. Und bleibt dir dann noch etwas freie Zeit, Magst du bei mir auch nach dem Rechten sehen.
 Mascha Kaléko (7 juni 1907 – 21 januari 1975)
Zie voor nog meer schrijvers van de 7e juni ook mijn vorige blog van vandaag.
07-06-2014 om 15:51
geschreven door Romenu 
Tags:Orhan Pamuk, Monika Mann, Nikki Giovanni, Harry Crews, Louise Erdrich, Mascha Kaléko, Romenu