De Franse
schrijver Érik Orsenna werd geboren in Parijs op 22 maart 1947 als Érik
Arnoult. Zie ook alle tags voor Erik Orsenna op dit blog.
Uit: La grammaire est une chanson douce
Les mots dormaient.
Ils sétaient posés sur les branches des arbres et ne bougeaient plus. Nous
marchions doucement sur le sable pour ne pas les réveiller. Bêtement, je
tendais loreille : jaurais tant voulu surprendre leurs rêves. Jaimerais
tellement savoir ce qui se passe dans la tête des mots. Bien sûr, je
nentendais rien. Rien que le grondement sourd du ressac, là-bas, derrière la
colline. Et un vent léger. Peut-être seulement le souffle de la planète Terre
avançant dans la nuit.
Nous approchions dun bâtiment quéclairait mal une croix rouge tremblotante.
-Voici lhôpital, murmura Monsieur Henri.
Je frissonnai.
Lhôpital ? Un hôpital pour les mots ? Je narrivais pas à y croire. La honte
Quelque chose me disait que, leurs souffrances nous en étions, nous les
humains, responsables. Vous savez, comme ces Indiens dAmérique morts de
maladies apportées par les conquérants européens.
Il ny a pas daccueil ni dinfirmiers dans un hôpital de mots ; Les couloirs
étaient vides. Seule nous guidaient les lueurs bleues des veilleuses. Malgré
nos précautions, nos semelles couinaient sur le sol.
Comme en réponse, un bruit très faible se fit entendre. Par deux fois. Un
gémissement très doux. Il passait sous lune des portes, telle une lettre quon
glisse discrètement, pour ne pas déranger.

Orsenna (Parijs, 22 maart 1947)
De Canadese schrijfster Gabrielle
Roy werd geboren op 22 maart 1909 in Saint Boniface, Manitoba. Zie ook alle tags voor Gabrielle Roy op dit blog.
Uit: Street of Riches
My mother would retort: Only yesterday the
Fathers told me again that my Gervais is so intelligent everything comes to him
effortlessly; and apparently thats not too good a thing, either.
My mother was most skillful in parrying what she called Madame Guilberts
thrusts. Despite all this or perhaps because of it our two families could
scarcely get along without each other.
Often of an evening my mother would go out on the open porch in front of our
big house and say to my sister Odette, Supper is ready. Run over and tell your
father; hes still at the Guilberts. Bring him back before any argument
Odette would sally forth across the field. When she reached the Guilberts,
there my father would be, his pipe clamped between his teeth, leaning against
our neighbors gate and chatting peaceably with Monsieur Guilbert about
rosebushes, apple trees, and asparagus. So long as the two men were on such
subjects, there was no need for alarm; and here Monsieur Guilbert was willing
enough to accept my fathers views, since he granted that my father knew more about
gardening than he did. Then Odette would espy Gisèles face at one of the
upstairs windows. Gisèle would call out, Wait for me, Odette; Im coming down.
I want to show you my tatting.
In those days they were both fanatically devoted to piano playing and to a sort
of lacemaking that involved the use of a shuttle and was, if my memory serves
me well, called tatting.
Then my mother would send my brother Gervais to see what on earth could be
keeping my Father and Odette over there. At the fields edge, Gervais would
encounter his classmate Lucien Guilbert, and the latter would entice my brother
behind an ancient barn to smoke a cigarette; needless to say, Madame Guilbert
always maintained that it was Gervais who had induced Lucien to indulge this
bad habit.
Roy (22 maart 1909 13 juli 1983)
De Tsjechische
dichter en schrijver Ludvík Kundera werd geboren op 22 maart 1920 in Brünn. Zie
ook alle tags voor Ludvik Kundera op dit blog.
Uit: Of Tea and Dada
Kunstat nestles in a fold of undulating
countryside that marks theeastern edge of the Bohemian-Moravian Uplands.
Overlooking its broadmain street, stands the old house where Ludvik Kundera has
lived forover a quarter of a century. Entering the house soon draws the
visitorinto a world of tea-infusions and dada, two life-long Kundera
passionsrecently marked by published volumes on the subjects. Conversation
tooin all likelihood turns eventually to Frantisek Halas, whom Kunderafirst met
in Kunstat and who lies buried in the nearby cemetery. But,equally, Kundera's
readiness to talk of past associations with HansArp, Alfred Kubin, Bertolt
Brecht, Peter Huchel and others tells of anearly desire for involvement on the
wider front of european culturaldevelopment in the twentieth century. In his
youth, Kundera's ownstudies were perforce terminated with the closing of Czech
universitiesfollowing the German Occupation. Born in the spring of 1920 in
Brno, hewas in his third semester. But an interest in literature and thetheatre
was already aroused and his first verse appeared in Mladdkultura before the
war. He had also embarked upon what was to be alife-long affaire de coeur with
the art of translation - his firstventure, a schoolboy attempt to produce a
Czech version of poems fromHeine's Buch der Lieder. Both Czech and German were
spoken in the home(his father was Czech, his mother half-Austrian, half-Hungarian)
andthe house was well stocked with books. The beginnings of linguistic
andcultural interaction were in place.
Kundera (22 maart 1920 17 augustus 2010)
De Franse
dichter Léon Deubel werd geboren op 22 maart 1879 in
Belfort. Zie ook alle tags voor Léon Deubel op dit blog.
du Poète
Par les sentiers abrupts où les fauves sengagent,
Sur un pic ébloui qui monte en geyser dor,
Compagnon fabuleux de laigle et du condor,
Le Poète nourrit sa tristesse sauvage.
À ses pieds, confondus dans un double servage,
Multipliant sans cesse un formidable effort,
Les Hommes, par instants, diffamaient son essor ;
Mais lui voyait au loin sallumer des rivages.
Et nativement sourd à linjure démente,
Assuré de savoir à quelle ivre Bacchante
Sera livrée un jour sa dépouille meurtrie ;
Laissant la foule aux liens dun opaque sommeil,
Pour découvrir enfin lazur de sa patrie
Il reprit le chemin blasphémé du soleil !
Léon Deubel (22 maart 1879 4 juni 1913)
Beeld in Belfort
De Engelse
schrijver Edward Moore werd geboren in Abingdon, Berkshire op 22 maart
1712. Zie ook alle tags voor Edward Moore op dit blog.
Uit: The Gamester
Enter Jarvis.
Mrs. Bev. Is this well, Jarvis? I desired you to avoid me.
Jar. Did you, madam? I am an old man, and had forgot. Perhaps too you forbad
my tears; but I am old, madam, and age will be forgetful.
Mrs. Bev. The faithful creature! how he moves me!
[To Charlotte.
Char. Not to have seen him had been cruelty.
Jar. I have forgot these apartments too. I remember none such in my young
master's house; and yet I have lived in't these five and twenty years. His good
father would not have dismissed me.
Mrs. Bev. He had no reason, Jarvis.
Jar. I was faithful to him while he lived, and when he 425Iii died, he
bequeathed me to his son. I have been faithful to Him too.
Mrs. Bev. I know it, I know it, Jarvis.
Char. We both know it.
Jar. I am an old man, madam, and have not a long time to live. I asked but to
have died with him, and he dismissed me.
Mrs. Bev. Prithee no more of this! 'Twas his poverty that dismissed you.
Jar. Is he indeed so poor then? Oh! he was the joy of my old heart. But must
his creditors have all? And have they sold his house too? His father built it
when He was but a prating boy. The times I have carried him in these arms! And,
Jarvis, says he, when a beggar has asked charity of me, why should people be
poor? You shan't be poor, Jarvis; if I was a king, nobody should be poor. Yet
He is poor. And then he was so brave!O, he was a brave little boy! And yet so
merciful, he'd not have killed the gnat that stung him.
Edward Moore (22
maart 1712 1 maart 1757)
Illustratie uit een uitgave uit 1792
Vlaamse dichter en schrijver Arnold
Sauwen werd
geboren te Stokkem op 22 maart 1857. Zie ook alle
tags voor Arnold Sauwen op dit blog.
In blauwe lucht, hoog boven heuvelklingen
In blauwe lucht, hoog boven
en open veld, dat laait in
met scherpe blikken, die ter
laagte dringen,
zwerft daar de sperwer
rond, die dorst naar bloed.
Hij daalt en stijgt en
zweeft in wijde kringen,
tot 't speurend oog de
bange prooi ontmoet;
hangt dan een poos te
trillen op zijn zwingen
en schiet plots neêr...
Wee! argeloos gebroed...
Een noodkreet gilt... de
witte veêren stuiven,
daar kromme snavel 't
rillend vleesch doorwoelt;
maar machtloos vleugelklept
de angstige duive,
gelijk de ziel die lust
schept in het leven,
maar boven zich de hand des
Noodlots voelt,
als sperwerklauwen dreigend
Arnold Sauwen (22 maart 1857 11
mei 1938)
in Stokkem
Zie voor nog meer
schrijvers van de 22e maart ook mijn
blog van 22 maart 2012 deel 2.
22-03-2013 om 15:47
geschreven door Romenu 
Tags:Érik Orsenna, Gabrielle Roy, Ludvík Kundera, Léon Deubel, Edward Moore, Arnold Sauwen, Romenu