De Zwitserse schrijver Martin Suter werd geboren op 29 februari 1948 in Zürich. Zie ook alle tags voor Martin Suter op dit blog.
Uit: Der Koch
Auf dem kurzen Weg von der Tramstation bis zur Theodorstraße 94 wurde Andrea von einem Junkie angebettelt, von einem Dealer angehauen und von einem Autofahrer angemacht. Für den Rückweg würde sie ein Taxi bestellen, auch wenn es früh am Abend war. Und es würde früh sein, das hatte sie sich fest vorgenommen. Gleich beim Betreten seiner Wohnung würde sie sagen, sie wäre beinahe nicht gekommen, so krank fühle sie sich. Im Treppenhaus roch es, wie es eben in Mietshäusern riecht um diese Zeit. Nur nicht nach Hackbraten, sondern nach Curry. Im ersten Stock standen zwei Tamilinnen in ihren halboenen Wohnungstüren und schwatzten. Im dritten wartete ein kleiner Junge auf dem Treppenabsatz und verschwand enttäuscht in der Wohnung, als er Andrea sah. Maravan erwartete sie vor seiner Wohnungstür. Er trug ein buntes Hemd und eine dunkle Hose, war frisch rasiert und frisch geduscht, gab ihr seine lange schmale Hand und sagte: »Willkommen in Maravans Curry Palace.« Er führte sie herein, nahm ihr den Wein ab und half ihr aus dem Mantel. Überall brannten Kerzen, nur da und dort sorgten ein paar Spots für eine etwas nüchterne Beleuchtung. »Die Wohnung erträgt nicht viel Licht«, erklärte er in seinem Schweizerhochdeutsch mit tamilischem Zungenschlag. Auf dem Wohnzimmerboden, keine zwanzig Zentimeter erhöht, war ein Tisch für zwei Personen gedeckt. Kissen und Tücher dienten als Sitzgelegenheit. An der Wand stand ein Hausaltar mit einer brennenden Deepam. In dessen Zentrum die Statue einer vierarmigen Göttin, die in einer Lotusblüte saß. »Lakshmi«, sagte Maravan mit einer Handbewegung, als stelle er einen weiteren Gast vor. »Weshalb hat sie vier Arme?« »Dharma, Kama, Artha und Moksha. Rechtschaenheit, Lust, Wohlstand und Erlösung.
Martin Suter (Zürich 29 februari 1948)
De Griekse dichter Yórgos Seféris werd geboren in Smyrna (nu Izmir, in Turkije) op 29 februari 1900. Zie ook alle tags voor Yórgos Seféris op dit blog.
An Old Man on the River Bank
And yet we should consider how we go forward. To feel is not enough, nor to think, nor to move nor to put your body in danger in front of an old loophole when scalding oil and molten lead furrow the walls.
And yet we should consider towards what we go forward, not as our pain would have it, and our hungry children and the chasm between us and the companions calling from the opposite shore; nor as the bluish light whispers it in an improvised hospital, the pharmaceutic glimmer on the pillow of the youth operated on at noon; but it should be in some other way, I would say like the long river that emerges from the great lakes enclosed deep in Africa, that was once a god and then became a road and a benefactor, a judge and a delta; that is never the same, as the ancient wise men taught, and yet always remains the same body, the same bed, and the same Sign, the same orientation.
I want nothing more than to speak simply, to be granted that grace. Because we've loaded even our song with so much music that it's slowly sinking and we've decorated our art so much that its features have been eaten away by gold and it's time to say our few words because tomorrow our soul sets sail.
If pain is human we are not human beings merely to suffer pain; that's why I think so much these days about the great river, this meaning that moves forward among herbs and greenery and beasts that graze and drink, men who sow and harvest, great tombs even and small habitations of the dead. This current that goes its way and that is not so different from the blood of men, from the eyes of men when they look straight ahead without fear in their hearts, without the daily tremor for trivialities or even for important things; when they look straight ahead like the traveller who is used to gauging his way by the stars, not like us, the other day, gazing at the enclosed garden of a sleepy Arab house, behind the lattices the cool garden changing shape, growing larger and smaller, we too changing, as we gazed, the shape of our desire and our hearts, at noon's precipitation, we the patient dough of a world that throws us out and kneads us, caught in the embroidered nets of a life that was as it should be and then became dust and sank into the sands leaving behind it only that vague dizzying sway of a tall palm tree
Yórgos Seféris (29 februari 1900 - 20 september 1971)
21 jaar oud
De Roemeense dichter Marin Sorescu werd geboren op 29 februari 1936 in Bulzeşti. Zie ook alle tags voor Marin Sorescu op dit blog.
Theyd been living together a long time And were beginning to repeat each other: He was her And she was him, She was her And he was her as well, She was, she wasnt, And he was them, Or something like that.
Especially in the morning, Until theyd sorted out Who was who, From where to where, Why this was and not that, A lot of time elapsed, Time poured away like water.
Occasionally they wanted to kiss each other But realised, at some point, That they were both her Easier just to repeat.
Then theyd start yawning with fear, A yawn like soft wool, Which could even be crocheted This way: One was yawning very carefully The other was holding the ball.
Vertaald door Ted Hughes en Ioanna Russell-Gebbett
Marin Sorescu (29 februari 1936 8 december 1996)
De Amerikaanse dichter en literatuurdocent Howard Nemerov werd geboren op 29 februari 1920 in New York. Zie ook alle tags voor Howard Nemerov op dit blog.
The Author to His Body on Their Fifteenth Birthday, 29 ii 80
Theres never a dull moment in the human body. The Insight Lady
Dear old equivocal and closest friend, Grand Vizier to a weak bewildered king, Now we approach The Ecclesiastean Age Where the heart is like to go off inside your chest Like a party favor, or the brain blow a fuse And the comic-book light-bulb of Idea black out Forever, the idiot balloon of speech Go blank, and we shall know, if it be knowing, The world as it was before language once again;
Mighty Fortress, maybe already mined And readying to blow up grievances About the lifetime of your servitude, The body of this death one talkative saint Wanted to be delivered of (not yet!), Aggressively asserting your ancient right To our humiliation by the bowel Or the rough justice of the elderly lechers Retiring from this incontinence to that;
Dark horse, its you weve put the money on Regardless, the parody and satire and The nevertheless forgiveness of the soul Or mind, self, spirit, will or whatever else The ever-unknowable unknown is calling itself This time aroundshall we renew our vows? How should we know by now how we might do Divorced? Homely animal, in sickness and health, For the duration; buddy, you know the drill.
Howard Nemerov (29 februari 1920 5 juli 1991)
De Engelse dichter John Byrom werd geboren op 29 februari 1692 in Manchester. Zie ook alle tags voor John Byrom op dit blog.
Epigram I
Nor Steel, nor Flint alone produces fire; No spark arises till they both conspire: Nor Faith alone, nor work without is right; Salvation rises, when they both unite.
Epigram II
Zeal without Meekness, like a ship at sea, To rising storms may soon become a prey; And Meekness without Zeal is still the same, When a dead calm stops ev'ry sailor's aim.
John Byrom (29 februari 1692 26 september 1763)
Manchester, Town Hall
De Amerikaanse dichter, schrijver, acteur, rapper en musicus Saul Stacey Williams werd geboren in Newburgh, New York op 29 februari 1972. Zie ook alle tags voor Saul Williams op dit blog.
Uit: Coded Language (Fragment)
Whereas, breakbeats have been the missing link connecting the diasporic community to its drum woven past Whereas the quantised drum has allowed the whirling mathematicians to calculate the ever changing distance between rock and stardom. Whereas the velocity of the spinning vinyl, cross-faded, spun backwards, and re-released at the same given moment of recorded history , yet at a different moment in time's continuum has allowed history to catch up with the present. We do hereby declare reality unkempt by the changing standards of dialogue. Statements, such as, "keep it real", especially when punctuating or anticipating modes of ultra-violence inflicted psychologically or physically or depicting an unchanging rule of events will hence forth be seen as retro-active and not representative of the individually determined is. Furthermore, as determined by the collective consciousness of this state of being and the lessened distance between thought patterns and their secular manifestations, the role of men as listening receptacles is to be increased by a number no less than 70 percent of the current enlisted as vocal aggressors.
Motherfuckers better realize, now is the time to self-actualize We have found evidence that hip hops standard 85 rpm when increased by a number as least half the rate of it's standard or decreased at ¾ of it's speed may be a determining factor in heightening consciousness. Studies show that when a given norm is changed in the face of the unchanging, the remaining contradictions will parallel the truth.
Saul Williams (Newburgh, 29 februari 1972)
28-02-2013 om 19:04
geschreven door Romenu
Tags:Martin Suter, Yórgos Seféris, Marin Sorescu, Howard Nemerov, John Byrom, Saul Williams, Romenu