De Australische schrijfster Pamela Lyndon Travers werd als Helen Lyndon Goff op 9 augustus 1899 geboren in Maryborough in Australië. Zie ook alle tags voor P. L. Travers op dit blog en eveneens mijn blog van 9 augustus 2009 en ook mijn blog van 9 augustus 2010
Uit: Mary Poppins
“And she led the way towards the staircase, talking all the time, without stopping once. And because she was doing that Mrs Banks did not notice what was happening behind her, but Jane and Michael, watching from the top landing, had an excellent view of the extraordinary thing the visitor now did. Certainly she followed Mrs Banks upstairs, but not in the usual way. With her large bag in her hands she slid gracefully up the banisters, and arrived at the landing at the same time as Mrs Banks. Such a thing, Jane and Michael knew, had never been done before. Down, of course, for they had often done it themselves. But up — never! They gazed curiously at the strange new visitor. “Well, that’s all settled, then.” A sigh of relief came from the children’s Mother. “Quite. As long as I’m satisfied,” said the other, wiping her nose with a large red and white bandanna handkerchief. “Why, children,” said Mrs Banks, noticing them suddenly, “what are you doing there? This is your new nurse, Mary Poppins. Jane, Michael, say how do you do! And these”—she waved her hand at the babies in their cots—“are the Twins.” Mary Poppins regarded them steadily, looking from one to the other as though she were making up her mind whether she liked them or not."
 P. L. Travers (9 augustus 1899 – 23 april 1996) Scene uit de film uit 1964 met o.a. Dick Van Dyke en Julie Andrews
De Franse schrijver, vertaler en schilder Pierre Klossowski werd geboren op 9 augustus 1905 in Parijs. Zie ook alle tags voor Pierre Klossowski op dit blog en eveneens mijn blog van 9 augustus 2009 en ook mijn blog van 9 augustus 2010
Uit: La Monnaie vivante
« Depuis le milieu du siècle dernier, les anathèmes ont été lancés au nom de la vie affective contre les ravages de la civilisation industrielle. Imputer aux moyens de production de l'industrie une action pernicieuse sur les affects, c'est, sous prétexte de dénoncer son emprise démoralisante, lui reconnaître une puissance morale considérable. D'où lui vient cette puissance ? Du seul fait que l'acte même de fabriquer des objets remet en question sa finalité propre : en quoi donc l'usage des objets ustensilaires diffère-t-il de l'usage de ceux que produit l'art, «inutiles» à la subsistance ? Nul ne songerait à confondre un ustensile avec un simulacre. A moins que ce ne soit qu'en tant que simulacre qu'un objet en est un d'usage nécessaire. » (…)
Que l'on imagine une régression apparemment impossible : soit une phase industrielle où les producteurs ont le moyen d'exiger, à titre de paiement, des objets de sensation de la part des consommateurs. Ces objets sont des êtres vivants.”
 Pierre Klossowski (9 augustus 1905 – 12 augustus 2001)
De Amerikaanse schrijver Daniel Keyes werd geboren in Brooklyn, New York op 9 augustus 1927. Zie ook alle tasgs voor Daniel Keyes op dit blog en ook mijn blog van 9 augustus 2009 en ook mijn blog van 9 augustus 2010.
Uit: Flowers for Algernon
“April 6—Today, I learned, the comma, this is, a, comma (,) a period, with, a tail, Miss Kinnian, says its, importent, because, it makes writing, better, she said, somebody, could lose, a lot, of money, if a comma, isnt in, the right, place, I got, some money, that I, saved from, my job, and what, the foundation, pays me, but not, much and, I dont see how, a comma, keeps, you from, losing it, But, she says, everybody, uses commas, so Ill, use them, too,,,,
April 7—I used the comma wrong. Its punctuation…Miss Kinnian says a period is punctuation too, and there are lots of other marks to learn. She said; You, got. to-mix?them!up: She showd? me” how, to mix! them; up, and now! I can. mix (up all? kinds of punctuation— in, my. writing! There” are lots, of rules; to learn? but. Im’ get’ting them in my head: One thing? I, like: about, Dear Miss Kinnian: (thats, the way? it goes; in a business letter (if I ever go! into business?) is that, she: always; gives me’ a reason” when—I ask. She”s a gen’ius! I wish? I could be smart-like-her; Punctuation, is? fun!”
 Daniel Keyes (New York, 9 augustus 1927) Scene uit een toneelopvoering in Sherman Oaks.2010
De Russische schrijver Leonid Andreyev werd geboren op 9 augustus 1871 in Orjol. Zie ook alle tags voor Leonid Andreyev op dit blog en eveneens mijn blog van 9 augustus 2010 en eveneens mijn blog van 9 augustus 2009.
Uit: Lazarus (Vertaald door Abraham Yarmolinsky)
“Not merely Lazarus' face, but his very character, it seemed, had changed; though it astonished no one and did not attract the attention it deserved. Before his death Lazarus had been cheerful and careless, a lover of laughter and harmless jest. It was because of his good humour, pleasant and equable, his freedom from meanness and gloom, that he had been so beloved by the Master. Now he was grave and silent; neither he himself jested nor did he laugh at the jests of others; and the words he spoke occasionally were simple, ordinary and necessary words--words as much devoid of sense and depth as are the sounds with which an animal expresses pain and pleasure, thirst and hunger. Such words a man may speak all his life and no one would ever know the sorrows and joys that dwelt within him. Thus it was that Lazarus sat at the festive table among his friends and relatives--his face the face of a corpse over which, for three days, death had reigned in darkness, his garments gorgeous and festive, glittering with gold, bloody-red and purple; his mien heavy and silent. He was horribly changed and strange, but as yet undiscovered. In high waves, now mild, now stormy, the festivities went on around him. Warm glances of love caressed his face, still cold with the touch of the grave; and a friend's warm hand patted his bluish, heavy hand. And the music played joyous tunes mingled of the sounds of the tympanum, the pipe, the zither and the dulcimer. It was as if bees were humming, locusts buzzing and birds singing over the happy home of Mary and Martha.”
 Leonid Andreyev (9 augustus 1871 – 12 september 1919) Zelfportret
De Engelse dichter en vertaler John Oldham werd geboren in Shipton Moyne (Gloucestershire) op 9 augustus 1653. Zie ook alle tags voor John Oldham op dit blog en eveneens mijn blog van 9 augustus 2010 en eveneens mijn blog van 9 augustus 2009.
A Satire, In Imitation Of The Third Of Juvenal (Fragment)
Though much concern'd to leave my dear old friend, I must however his design commend Of fixing in the country: for were I As free to choose my residence, as he; The Peak, the Fens, the Hundreds, or Land's End, I would prefer to Fleet Street, or the Strand. What place so desert, and so wild is there Whose inconveniences one would not bear, Rather than the alarms of midnight fire, The falls of houses, knavery of cits, The plots of factions, and the noise of wits, And thousand other plagues, which up and down Each day and hour infest the cursed town? As fate would hav't, on the appointed day Of parting hence, I met him on the way, Hard by Mile End, the place so fam'd of late, In prose, and verse for the great faction's treat; Here we stood still, and after compliments Of course, and wishing his good journey hence I ask'd what sudden causes made him fly The once lov'd town, and his dear company: When, on the hated prospect looking back, Thus with just rage the good old Timon spake.
 John Oldham (9 augustus 1653 - 9 december 1683) St. John the Baptist's Church, Shipton Moyne
De Engelse schrijver Izaak Walton werd geboren in Stafford op 9 augustus 1593. Zie ook alle tags voor Izaak Walton op dit blog en eveneens mijn blog van 9 augustus 2010 en eveneens mijn blog van 9 augustus 2009.
An Elegie upon Dr. Donne (Fragment)
Did his youth scatter _Poetry, wherein Was all Philosophy? was every sinne, Character'd in his _Satyrs? Made so foule That some have fear'd their shapes, and kept their soule Safer by reading verse? Did he give dayes_ Past marble monuments, to those, whose praise He would perpetuate? Did he (I feare The dull will doubt these at his twentieth year? But, more matur'd; Did his full soule conceive, And in harmonious-holy-numbers weave A Crown of sacred sonnets, fit to adorne A dying Martyrs brow: or, to be worne On that blest head of Mary Magdalen, After she wip'd Christs feet, but not till then? Did hee (fit for such penitents as shee And he to use) leave us a Litany, Which all devout men love, and sure, it shall, As times grow better, grow more classicall? Did he write Hymnes, for piety, for wit, Equall to those, great grave Prudentius writ? Spake he all Languages? knew he all Lawes? The grounds and use of _Physick; but because 'Twas mercenary, wav'd it? Went to see That blessed place of Christs nativity? Did he returne and preach him? preach him so As since S. Paul none did, none could? Those know, (Such as were blest to heare him) this is truth. Did he confirm thy aged? convert thy youth?
 Izaak Walton (9 augustus 1593 - 15 december 1683) Portret door George Perfect Harding, ca. 1800
09-08-2015 om 11:42
geschreven door Romenu 
Tags:P. L. Travers, Pierre Klossowski, Daniel Keyes, Leonid Andreyev, John Oldham, Izaak Walton, Romenu