De Amerikaanse schrijver Tony Kushner werd geboren op 16 juli 1956 in New York. Zie ook mijn blog van 16 juli 2009.
Uit: Angels in America
LOUIS. So what else havent you told me? So the fruity underwear you wear, thats
JOE. A temple garment.
LOUIS. Oh my god. Whats it for?
JOE. Protection. A second skin. I can stop wearing it if you
LOUIS. How can you stop wearing it if its a skin? Your past, your beliefs, your
JOE. Im not your enemy, Louis. I do
I am in love with you. You and I, fundamentally, were the same. We both want the same things.
LOUIS. I want to see Prior again.
(Joe stands up, moves away)
LOUIS. I miss him, I
JOE. You want to go back to
LOUIS. I just
Need to see him again. (Little pause) Dont you
You must want to see your wife.
JOE. I do see her. All the time. (Pointing to his head) In here. I miss her, I feel bad for her, I
Im afraid of her.
JOE. And I want more to be with
LOUIS. I have to. See him. Its like a bubble rising up through rock, its taken time, I dont know, the month in bed and the
Love is still what I dont get, it
never seems to fit into any of the schematics, wherever Im going and whatever Ive prepared for i always seem to have forgotten about love. I only know
Its an unsafe thing. To talk about love, Joe. Please dont look so sad. I just. I have to see him again. Do you understand what I
JOE. You dont want to see me anymore. Louis. Anything. Whatever you want. I can give up anything. My skin.
(He starts to remove his clothes. Louis, when he realizes what Joe is doing, tries to stop him)
 Tony Kushner (New York, 16 juli 1956)
De Cubaanse dichter en schrijver Reinaldo Arenas werd geboren op 16 juli 1943 in Holguin. Zie ook mijn blog van 16 juli 2007 en ook mijn blog van 16 juli 2008 en ook mijn blog van 16 juli 2009.
Uit: The Empty Shoes
gosh! when did this happen? Heaven knows. . . . A while back, no date I can remembereverything was always so much the same that it was really difficult to distinguish one month from the next. Oh, but January was different. You know, January is the month of the upitos and the bellflowers, but it is also the month when the Three Wise Men pay us a visit. The grass by the window was tall enough for their horses, and my shoes, a little bashful because they had holes in their tips, were there, waiting, openmouthed and a bit damp with evening dew. It will soon be midnight. They will come after youre asleep, my cousin had whispered in a confidential tone. And they will leave your gifts on top of the shoes. When I am asleep! But I couldnt fall asleep, I was hearing the crickets chirping outside, and I thought I heard steps too; but no, it was not them. To sleep. I had to fall asleep, but how? My shoes were there on the windowsill, waiting. I have to think about something else so I can fall asleep. Yes, thats it, Ill think about something else: Tomorrow we have to trim the flight feathers and fill the water tank. After that Ill go by the brook and bring back a basket of honey berries. . . . I should not have brought down that nest that had two naked baby birds with gaping beaks and a look of fear in their eyes. . . . I woke up. It was so early that only a few scant rays of light were coming through the window. Almost blindly I walked to the window. How many surprises, I thought, were awaiting me. . . . But no. I touched the moist leather of my shoes: they were empty, completely empty. Then my mother came and kissed me in silence, caressed my wet eyes with hands tired of washing dishes, nudged me softly to the edge of the bed, and slipped the shoes on my feet. Come, she whispered then, the coffee is ready. Then I went out and got soaked with dew. I had some flight feathers to trim.
 Reinaldo Arenas (16 juli 1943 7 december 1990)
De Belgische dichter en schrijver Georges Rodenbach werd geboren in Doornik op 16 juli 1855. Zie ook mijn blog van 16 juli 2007 en ook mijn blog van 16 juli 2008 en ook mijn blog van 16 juli 2009.
Ses yeux
Ses yeux où se blottit comme un rêve frileux,
Ses grands yeux ont séduit mon âme émerveillée,
Dun bleu dancien pastel, dun bleu de fleur mouillée,
Ils semblent regarder de loin, ses grands yeux bleus.
Ils sont grands comme un ciel tourmenté que parsème
- Par les couchants dautomne et les tragiques soirs -
Tout un vol douloureux de longs nuages noirs ;
Grands comme un ciel, toujours mouvant, toujours le même !
Et cependant des yeux, jen connais de plus beaux
Qui voudraient sur mes pas promener leurs flambeaux,
Mais leur éclat répugne à ma mélancolie.
Les uns ont la chaleur dun ciel oriental
Dautres le mol azur des lointains dItalie
Mais les siens me sont chers ainsi quun ciel natal.
Douceur du soir !...
Douceur du soir ! Douceur de la chambre sans lampe ! Le crépuscule est doux comme une bonne mort Et l'ombre lentement qui s'insinue et rampe Se déroule en fumée au plafond. Tout s'endort.
Comme une bonne mort sourit le crépuscule Et dans le miroir terne, en un geste d'adieu, Il semble doucement que soi-même on recule, Qu'on s'en aille plus pâle et qu'on y meure un peu.
Des tableaux appendus aux murs, dans la mémoire Où sont les souvenirs en leurs cadres déteints, Paysage de l'âme et paysages peints, On croit sentir tomber comme une neige noire.
Douceur du soir ! Douceur qui fait qu'on s'habitue A la sourdine, aux sons de viole assoupis ; L'amant entend songer l'amante qui s'est tue Et leurs yeux sont ensemble aux dessins du tapis.
Et langoureusement la clarté se retire ; Douceur ! Ne plus se voir distincts ! N'être plus qu'un ! Silence ! deux senteurs en un même parfum : Penser la même chose et ne pas se le dire.
 Georges Rodenbach (16 juli 1855 25 december 1898)
De Engelse schrijfster en historica Anita Brookner werd geboren op 16 juli 1928 in Herne Hill, een voorstad van Londen. Zie ook mijn blog van 16 juli 2007 en ook mijn blog van 16 juli 2008 en ook mijn blog van 16 juli 2009.
Uit: Strangers
Sturgis had always known that it was his destiny to die among strangers. The childhood he remembered so dolefully had been darkened by fears which maturity had done nothing to alleviate. Now, in old age, his task was to arrange matters in as seemly a manner as possible in order to spare the feelings of those strangers whose pleasant faces he encountered every morningin the supermarket, on the busand whom, even now, he was anxious not to offend. He lived alone, in a flat which had once represented the pinnacle of attainment but which now depressed him beyond measure. Hence the urge to get out into the street, among those strangers who were in a way his familiars, but not, but never, his intimates. He exchanged pleasantries with these people, but had learned, painfully, never to stray outside certain limits. The weather was a safe topic: he listened carefully to weather forecasts in order to prepare himself for a greeting of sorts should the occasion arise, while recognizing the absurd anxiety that lay behind such preparations, and perhaps aware that his very assiduity counted against him, arousing irritation, even suspicion. But codes of conduct that had applied in his youth were now obsolete. Politeness was misconstrued these days, but in any event he had never learned to accommodate indifference. Indifference if anything made him more gallant, more courteous, and the offence was thus compounded. And these were the people he relied upon to see him out of this world! Exasperation might save him, though that too must be discreetly veiled, indulged only in private. Hence the problem of finding fault with those whose job it would be to dispose of him.
 Anita Brookner (Herne Hill, 16 juli 1928)
De Duitse schrijver en journalist Jörg Christian Fauser werd geboren op 16 juli 1944 in Bad Schwalbach. Zie ook mijn blog van 16 juli 2007 en ook mijn blog van 16 juli 2008 en ook mijn blog van 16 juli 2009.
Uit: Tophane
"Der Orient ist wunderbar wohltätig; aber er ist auch ein hauchdünner Firnis, der sich auf Glieder und Geist legt: Entschlüsse fasst man, aber führt sie nicht aus; man sitzt, man wartet nicht einmal, dass etwas passiert, oh nein! Allah ist gnädig! Man weiß, es wird nichts passieren, und dieses Wissen trinkt man mit jedem Gläschen Tee wie ein köstliches, duftendes Wasser [...] immer tiefer in sich hinein."
"Nur dass ich mich halten kann, mich Haut, mich Zunge, mich Muskel, mich nichts als Zeit, mich nichts als Blut krank vor dir, mich nichts als Dreck vor mir, nur diese winzige einzige letzte herrliche Spritze, mach was du willst mit mir, was Dreck ich bin, was hungernde, durstende Zelle Kot und Zeit schwarz vom Geschmeiß deiner Fliegen und Hoffnung, gib sie mir, mach schon, irgendwohin, irgendworein, da in die letzte Mitte dessen was ich war."
 Jörg Fauser (16 juli 1944 17 juli 1987)
Zie voor nog meer schrijvers van de 16e juli ook mijn vorige blog van vandaag.
16-07-2010 om 19:48
geschreven door Romenu 