De Franse schrijver Patrick Modiano werd geboren in Boulogne-Billancourt op 30 juli 1945. Zie ook mijn blog van 30 juli 2007 en ook mijn blog van 30 juli 2008.
Uit: Unfall in der Nacht (Vertaald door Elisabeth Edl)
Spät in der Nacht, vor sehr langer Zeit, kurz bevor ich volljährig wurde, da überquerte ich die Place des Pyramides in Richtung Concorde, als ein Wagen aus der Dunkelheit auftauchte. Zunächst glaubte ich, er habe mich gestreift, dann spürte ich einen stechenden Schmerz vom Knöchel bis hinauf ins Knie. Ich war auf das Trottoir gestürzt. Doch ich schaffte es, wieder aufzustehen. Der Wagen hatte plötzlich einen Schlenker gemacht und war mit dem Geklirr zerbrechenden Glases gegen einen der Arkadenpfeiler auf dem Platz geprallt. Die Tür ging auf, und eine Frau stieg schwankend aus. Jemand, der vor dem Hoteleingang unter den Arkaden stand, hat uns ins Foyer geführt. Wir, die Frau und ich, warteten auf einem roten Lederkanapee, während er an der Rezeption telephonierte. Sie hatte sich an der Wange, auf dem Backenknochen und der Stirn verletzt, und sie blutete. Ein brünetter Klotz mit sehr kurzem Haar hat das Foyer betreten und ist auf uns zugekommen. Draußen umringten sie den Wagen, dessen Türen offenstanden, und einer machte sich Notizen wie für ein Protokoll. Als wir in den Streifenwagen stiegen, merkte ich, daß ich keinen Schuh mehr am linken Fuß hatte. Die Frau und ich saßen nebeneinander auf der Holzbank. Der brünette Klotz hatte sich uns gegenüber auf der anderen Bank niedergelassen. Er rauchte und warf von Zeit zu Zeit einen kalten Blick auf uns. Durch das vergitterte Fenster habe ich gesehen, daß wir den Quai des Tuileries hinunterfuhren. Man hatte mir keine Zeit gelassen, den Schuh zu holen, und ich habe gedacht, daß er nun die ganze Nacht dort auf dem Trottoir liegenbleiben würde. Ich wußte nicht mehr genau, ob es ein Schuh war oder ein Tier, das ich im Stich gelassen hatte, jener Hund aus meiner Kindheit, der von einem Wagen überfahren worden war, als ich in der Nähe von Paris lebte, in einer Rue du Docteur-Kurzenne. Mir war ganz wirr im Kopf.
Patrick Modiano (Boulogne-Billancourt, 30 juli 1945)
De Amerikaanse schrijfster Cherie Priest werd geboren in Tampa op 30 juli 1975. Zie ook mijn blog van 30 juli 2007 en ook mijn blog van 30 juli 2008.
Uit: The Immigrant
«"Venez m'aider," he said.
With a jaw like that, so long and underbitten like a boxer dog, you wouldn't have thought he could speak at all. His face wasn't made for talking, but he forced the words out. He said it again, quiet-like.
"Venez m'aider."
I knew what it meant. I didn't know ten words of French total, but I knew those last two, pushed together with an apostrophe, if you wrote them out.
He looked like a cross between a lizard and a cat, or he did when he was sitting, anyway. When he stood and unfolded himself, he was the size of a pillow, maybe but so slender, with bones so thin they must have been fragile. Something about the way he held that one wing back . . . something about his crouch, all submissive like a dog or a kid afraid of being hit it made me think he was a brittle little thing.
He had my attention, and he knew it. I don't know why I thought of him automatically as a �he,' but it must have been that voice. It could've been a boy's voice, if that boy were very tired, and maybe sick.
We stared at each other for a minute.
He looked at me through half-closed eyes, and he probably figured the worst. I was a mess, and I looked mean. It'd been less than a month since Normandy. I'd been lucky enough to make it past the beach, then they sent us down through France, which wasn't half so bad once you got past that initial reception. As soon as we got into Paris they sent me and a few others to dislodge the last of the Germans the ones who hadn't got the message yet that Paris had been liberated. Most of them had run out ahead of us, but there were a few here and there digging in and holding out.
I thought I'd heard something, you know how it is down a dark alley, in a beat-up part of the city. Don't want to look. Don't want to check. Don't want to go. Seen enough already.
But orders are orders, so you do it anyhow.
I told myself it was a few stray bricks, falling from an unlucky wall or a shell-battered house. I knew the Krauts hadn't been too hard on the city, not compared to other places. But there were beat-up spots here and there, and I'd found one. I just hoped the spot was unoccupied. That was the trick."
Cherie Priest (Tampa, 30 juli 1975)
De Ierse dichter en schrijver Christopher Nolan werd geboren in Dublin op 30 juli 1965 Dublin. Nolan was sinds zijn geboorte spastisch verlamd en kon niet spreken. Schrijven kon hij uitsluitend met behulp van een speciale computer. In 1981, toen Nolan 15 jaar was, verraste hij de critici met de gedichtenbundel Dam-Burst of Dreams. Hij werd vergeleken met zijn landgenoten Yeats en James Joyce. Met Under the Eye of the Clock, een autobiografie uit 1987, won hij de Whitbread Award. Torchlight And Lazer Beams was een toneelversie van het werk. De Ierse rockgroep U2 droeg de song Miracle drug, van hun album How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb, op aan Nolan. De titel The Wrong Child van het album Green van R.E.M. werd door Nolan geïnspireerd. Hij verstikte zich in februari 2009, nadat een stuk voeding in zijn luchtpijp was geraakt.
Uit: The Banyan Tree
That churn came out once a week, usually on a Friday. Big brown crocks of thickening cream stood there waiting for the fray. A great black kettle watched for its turn as it filibustered on the hot stove in the kitchen, while out in the drab dairy Minnie O'Brien fussed as she made ready to bring about a miracle. The churn echoed in emptiness when she set it centre stage on the cold cement floor. A round-bellied barrel it was, its staves held together by four iron hoops. Eight days had passed since it was last used; its insides now waited their hot and cold baptism. When Minnie felt that the churn was scrubbed enough, she set to next to sweeten its porous wood. At hand lay a bunch of freshly plucked hazel leaves, and those she thrust down inside it. Fetching then that big black kettle, she poured its boiling water in on top of the leaves. Scalded so, the leaves released their nutty sweet scent and the hot wood of the churn absorbed it into its druidic, dark drum. Her hazel wand waved, Minnie disposed of the limp leaves before shocking the churn with, this time, icy cold water from the old spring well. Three white pails full it took to cool down the steaming hot wood, three whole pails full she used to freeze the churn in readiness for its sacramental rotations.
Christopher Nolan (30 juli 1965 - 20 februari 2009)
De Mexicaanse dichter, schrijver, vertaler, televisiepresentator en ondernemer Salvador Novo werd geboren op 30 juli 1904 in Mexico City. Zie ook mijn blog van 30 juli 2007 en ook mijn blog van 30 juli 2008.
Even now in writing, Im doing something different. I told myself: I must write a thoughtful poem and I should speak within it all my pain before the evidence of my aging.
I should dampen it in tears of eyes that see without the hope that life gives lovely fruits and that then go to the mirror to reflect a bogus smile and a clumsy body without grace.
These eyes that imprison crystals that tire in the cages of lines inside books.
This mouth bitter with smoke and lies that withers on its own from thirst. These hands that pick up pencils, that reach for another pair of needy hands, that knot my tie and secure my confinement.
The cost of youth is a pinch of gold, tomorrow at the expense of today, today at the expense of yesterday, a blessing at the expense of a kiss, greetings at the expense of bliss.
Vertaald door Rigoberto González
Salvador Novo (30 juli 1904 13 januari 1974)
30-07-2009 om 20:12
geschreven door Romenu 