De Spaanse schrijver, dichter, dramaturg en cineast Fernando Arrabal werd geboren in Melila, Spaans Marokko op 11 augustus 1932.
Uit : la Pierre de la Folie
JAI une bulle dair. Je la sens très bien.
Quand je suis triste elle se fait plus lourde et parfois, quand je pleure, on dirait une goutte de mercure.
La bulle dair se promène de mon cerveau à mon coeur et de mon coeur à mon cerveau.
« MON enfant, mon enfant. »
Enfi n elle alluma une lampe minuscule et je pus voir son visage mais non son corps plongé dans
Je lui dis « Maman. »
Elle me demanda de la prendre dans mes bras.
Je la pris dans mes bras et je sentis ses ongles senfoncer dans mes épaules : bientôt le sang jaillit,
Elle me dit : « Mon enfant, mon enfant, embrasse-moi. »
Je mapprochai et lembrassai et je sentis ses dents senfoncer dans mon cou et le sang couler.
Alors je maperçus quelle portait, pendue à sa ceinture, une petite cage avec un moineau à
lintérieur. Il était blessé mais il chantait : son sang était mon sang.
Fernando Arrabal (Melila, 11 augustus 1932)
De Duitse dichter Ernst Stadler werd geboren op 11 augustus 1883 in Colmar (Kolmar).
Der Sommermittag lastet auf den weißen Terrassen und den schlanken Marmortreppen· die Gitter und die goldnen Kuppeln gleißen· leis knirscht der Kies. Vom müden Garten schleppen
sich Rosendüfte her· wo längs der Hecken der schlaffe Wind entschlief in roten Matten· und geisternd strahlen zwischen Laubverstecken die Götterbilder über laue Schatten.
Die Efeulauben flimmern. Schwäne wiegen und spiegeln sich in grundlos grünen Weihern· und große fremde Sonnenfalter fliegen traumhaft und schillernd zwischen Düfteschleiern.
Die Sträucher ducken fiebernd sich zusammen im Rieseln brauner Schleier und im Schwanken nachtbleicher Falter um erglühte Ranken. Nun schüren wir das falbe Laub zu Flammen
und feiern wiegend in verlornen Tänzen und Liedern· die im lauen Duft verfluten· den flüchtigen Rausch der sommerlichen Gluten· und Mädchen weich das Haar genetzt mit Kränzen
und strahlend bleich im schwebenden Gefunkel streun brennend dunklen Mohn und blasse Nelken. Und bebend fühlen wir den Abend welken. Und wilder glühn die Feuer in das Dunkel.
Ernst Stadler (11 augustus 1883 30 oktober 1914)
De Schotse dichter Hugh MacDiarmid werd geboren op 11 augustus 1892 als Christopher Marray Grieve in Langholm.
Gairmscoile (Fragment)
Aulder than mammoth or than mastodon
Deep i the herts o a men lurk scaut-heid
Skrymmorie monsters few daur look upon.
Brides sometimes catch their wild een, scansin reid,
Beekin abune the herts they thocht to loe
And horror-stricken ken that i themselves
A like beast stans, and lookin love thro and thro
Meets the reid een wi een like seevun hells.
... Nearer the twa beasts draw, and, couplin, brak
The bubbles o twa sauls and the haill warld gangs black.
Yet wha has heard the beasts wild matin-call
To ither music syne can gie nae ear.
The nameless loenotes haud him in a thrall.
Forgot are guid and ill, and joy and fear.
... My bluid sail thraw a dark hood owre my een
And I sail venture deep into the hills
Whaur, scaddows on the skyline, can be seen
Twinin the suns brent broo wi plaited horns
As gin they crooned it wi a croon o thorns
The beasts in whas wild cries a Scotlands destiny thrills.
The loes o single herts are strays; but there
The herds that draw the generations are,
And whasae hears them roarin, evermair
Is yin wi a that gangs to mak or mar
The spirit o the race, and leads it still
Whither it can be led, yont a desire and will.
Hugh MacDiarmid (11 augustus 1892 9 september 1978)
De Japanse schrijver Yoshikawa Eiji werd geboren op 11 augustus 1892.
Uit: Musashi
Images of his sister and the old villagers floated before his eyes. "I'm dying," he thought without a tinge of sadness. "Is this what it's really like?" He felt drawn to the peace of death, like a child mesmerized by a flame. Suddenly one of the nearby corpses raised its head. "Takezo." The images of his mind ceased. As if awakened from the dead, he turned his head toward the sound. The voice, he was sure, was that of his best friend. With all his strength he raised himself slightly, squeezing out a whisper barely audible above the pelting rain. "Matahachi, is that you?" Then he collapsed, lay still and listened. "Takezo! Are you really alive?" "Yes, alive!" he shouted in a sudden outburst of bravado. "And you? You'd better not die either. Don't you dare!" His eyes were wide open now, and a smile played faintly about his lips. "Not me! No, sir." Gasping for breath, crawling on his elbows and dragging his legs stiffly behind him, Matahachi inched his way toward his friend. He made a grab for Takezo's hand but only caught his small finger with his own. As childhood friends they'd often sealed promises with this gesture. He came closer and gripped the whole hand. "I can't believe you're all right too! We must be the only survivors." "Don't speak too soon. I haven't tried to get up yet." "I'll help you. Let's get out of here!" Suddenly Takezo pulled Matahachi to the ground and growled, "Play dead! More trouble coming!" The ground began to rumble like a caldron. Peeking through their arms, they watched the approaching whirlwind close in on them. Then they were nearer, lines of jet-black horsemen hurtling directly toward them. "The bastards! They're back!" exclaimed Matahachi, raising his knee as if preparing for a sprint. Takezo seized his ankle, nearly breaking it, and yanked him to the ground. In a moment the horses were flying past them--hundreds of muddy lethal hooves galloping in formation, riding roughshod over the fallen samurai. Battle cries on their lips, their armor and weapons clinking and clanking, the riders came on and on.
Yoshikawa Eiji (11 augustus 1892 7 september 1962)
De Amerikaanse schrijver Alexander Palmer Haley werd geboren in Ithaca (New York) op 11 augustus 1921.
Zie voor alle bovenstaande schrijvers ook mijn blog van 11 augustus 2007 en ook mijn blog van 11 augustus 2008.
11-08-2009 om 18:28
geschreven door Romenu 