De Oegandese schrijver Moses Isegawa (pseudoniem van Sey Wava) werd geboren op 10 augustus 1963 in Kawempe in Oeganda.
Hij werkte daar als leraar op een middelbare school. In 1990 kwam hij op uitnodiging van een redacteur naar Nederland en vestigde zich in Beverwijk. Isegawa leert Nederlands en haalt een diploma boekhouden. Zijn debuutroman 'Abessijnse kronieken' werd een groot succes en in negen landen uitgebracht. Na zijn naturalisatie tot Nederlander, keerde hij in 2006 terug naar Oeganda. Opvallend is dat hij zijn boeken in het Engels schrijft, waarna er een Nederlandse vertaling van gemaakt wordt.
Uit: Abyssinian Chronicles
1971: Village Days Three final images flashed across Serenity's mind as he disappeared into the jaws of the colossal crocodile: a rotting buffalo with rivers of maggots and armies of flies emanating from its cavities; the aunt of his missing wife, who was also his longtime lover; and the mysterious woman who had cured his childhood obsession with tall women. The few survivors of my father's childhood years remembered that up until the age of seven, he would run up to every tall woman he saw passing by and, in a gentle voice trembling with unspeakable expectation, say, "Welcome home, Ma. You were gone so long I was afraid you would never return." Taken by surprise, the woman would smile, pat him on the head, and watch him wring his hands before letting him know that he had once again made a mistake. The women in his father's homestead, assisted by some of the villagers, tried to frighten him into quitting by saying that one day he would run into a ghost disguised as a tall woman, which would take him away and hide him in a very deep hole in the ground. They could have tried milking water from a stone with better results. Serenity, a wooden expression on his face, just carried on running up to tall women and getting disappointed by them. Until one hot afternoon in 1940 when he ran up to a woman who neither smiled nor patted him on the head; without even looking at him, she took him by the shoulders and pushed him away. This mysterious curer of his obsession won herself an eternal place in his heart. He never ran up to tall women again, and he would not talk about it, not even when Grandma, his only paternal aunt, promised to buy him sweets. He coiled into his inner cocoon, from whose depths he rejected all efforts at consolation. A smooth, self-contained indifference descended on his face so totally that he won himself the name Serenity, shortened to "Sere." Serenity's mother, the woman who in his mind had metamorphosed into all those strange tall women, had abandoned him when he was three, ostensibly to go to the distant shops beyond Mpande Hill where big purchases were made. She never returned. She also left behind two girls, both older than Serenity, who adjusted to her absence with great equanimity and could not bear his obsession with tall women. In an ideal situation, Serenity should have come first--everyone wanted a son for the up-and-coming subcounty chief Grandpa was at the time--but girls kept arriving, two dying soon after birth in circumstances reeking of maternal desperation. By the time Serenity was born, his mother had decided to leave. Everyone expected her to have another son as a backup, for an only son was a candle in a storm. The pressure reached a new peak when it became known that she was pregnant again. Speculation was rife: Would it be a boy or a girl, would it live or die, was it Grandpa's or did it belong to the man she was deeply in love with? Before anybody could find out the truth, she left. But her luck did not hold--three months into her new life, her uterus burst, and she bled to death on the way to the hospital, her life emptying into the backseat of a rotten Morris Minor. As time passed, Serenity crawled deeper into his cocoon, avoiding his aunts, his cousins, and his mother's replacements, who he felt hated him for being the heir apparent to his father's estate and the miles of fertile clan land it included. The birth of Uncle Kawayida, his half-brother by a Muslim woman his father was seeing on the side, did not lessen Serenity's estrangement. Kawayida, due to the circumstances of his birth, posed little threat to Serenity's position, and thus attitudes remained unchanged. To escape the phantoms which galloped in his head and the contaminated air in his father's compound, Serenity roamed the surrounding villages. He spent a lot of time at the home of the Fiddler, a man with large feet, a large laugh and sharp onion breath who serenaded Grandpa on the weekends when he was home.
Moses Isegawa (Kawempe, 10 augustus 1963)
De Duitse schrijver Alfred Döblin werd op 10 augustus 1878 geboren in Stettin. Zie ook mijn blog van 10 augustus 2006 en ook mijn blog van 10 augustus 2007.
Uit: Berlin Alexanderplatz
Er wanderte die Rosenthaler Straße am Warenhaus Wertheim vorbei, nach rechts bog er ein in die schmale Sophienstraße. Er dachte, diese Straße ist dunkler, wo es dunkel ist, wird es besser sein. Die Gefangenen werden in Einzelhaft, Zellenhaft und Gemeinschaftshaft untergebracht. Bei Einzelhaft wird der Gefangene bei Tag und Nacht unausgesetzt von andern Gefangenen gesondert gehalten. Bei Zellenhaft wird der Gefangene in einer Zelle untergebracht, jedoch bei Bewegung im Freien, beim Unterricht, Gottesdienst mit andern zusammengebracht. Die Wagen tobten und klingelten weiter, es rann Häuserfront neben Häuserfront ohne Aufhören hin. Und Dächer waren auf den Häusern, die schwebten auf den Häusern, seine Augen irrten nach oben: wenn die Dächer nur nicht abrutschten, aber die Häuser standen grade. Wo soll ick armer Deibel hin, er latschte an der Häuserwand lang, es nahm kein Ende damit. Ich bin ein ganz großer Dussel, man wird sich hier doch noch durchschlängeln können, fünf Minuten, zehn Minuten, dann trinkt man einen Kognak und setzt sich. Auf entsprechendes Glockenzeichen ist sofort mit der Arbeit zu beginnen. Sie darf nur unterbrochen werden in der zum Essen, Spaziergang, Unterricht bestimmten Zeit. Beim Spaziergang haben die Gefangenen die Arme ausgestreckt zu halten und sie vor- und rückwärts zu bewegen.
Da war ein Haus, er nahm den Blick weg von dem Pflaster, eine Haustür stieß er auf, und aus seiner Brust kam ein trauriges brummendes oh, oh. Er schlug die Arme umeinander, so mein Junge, hier frierst du nicht. Die Hoftür öffnete sich, einer schlürfte2 an ihm vorbei, stellte sich hinter ihn. Er ächzte jetzt, ihm tat wohl zu ächzen. Er hatte in der ersten Einzelhaft immer so geächzt und sich gefreut, daß er seine Stimme hörte, da hat man was, es ist noch nicht alles vorbei. Das taten viele in den Zellen, einige am Anfang, andere später, wenn sie sich einsam fühlten. Dann fingen sie damit an, das war noch was Menschliches, es tröstete sie. So stand der Mann in dem Hausflur, hörte das schreckliche Lärmen von der Straße nicht, die irrsinnigen Häuser waren nicht da. Mit gespitztem Munde grunzte er und ermutigte sich, die Hände in den Taschen geballt. Seine Schultern im gelben Sommermantel waren zusammengezogen zur Abwehr.
 Alfred Döblin (10 augustus 1878 26 juni 1957)
De Nederlandse schrijver en cabaretier Kees van Kooten werd geboren op 10 augustus 1941 in Den Haag. Zie ook mijn blog van 10 augustus 2006 en ook mijn blog van 10 augustus 2007.
I Wanna Fuck You
I will fuck you in the morning Fuck you late at night Fuck you while the moon Or the sun is shining bright I wanna fuck you Yes, I wanna fuck you I wanna fuck you baby But your door is closed
I will fuck you at the backseat Of my newest car I will fuck you in the toilet Of a well distuingished bar
I wanna fuck you Yes, I wanna fuck you I wanna fuck you baby But your door is closed I'm sorry babe
Yeah O yeah One more time
I will fuck you in the kitchen Fuck you in the woods Fuck you as you like it As wild and hard I'd could
I wanna fuck you Yeah, I wanna fuck you I wanna fuck you baby But your little door is closed!
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, yeah
(Songtekst van Kees van Kooten en Wim de Bie)
Kees van Kooten (Den Haag, 10 augustus 1941)
De Braziliaanse schrijver Jorge Amado de Faria werd op 10 augustus 1912 geboren in Ferradas, in de gemeente Itabuna. Zie ook mijn blog van 10 augustus 2007.
Uit: Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands
Vadinho, Dona Flor's first husband, died one Sunday of Carnival, in the morning, when, dressed up like a Bahian woman, he was dancing the samba, with the greatest enthusiasm, in the Dois de Julho Square, not far from his house. He did not belong to the group--he had just joined it, in the company of four of his friends, all masquerading as bahianas, and they had come from a bar on Cabeca, where the whiskey flowed like water at the expense of one Moyses Alves, a cacao planter, rich and open-handed.
The group was accompanied by a small, well-rehearsed orchestra of guitars and flutes; the four-string guitar was played by Carlinhos Mascarenhas, a tall, skinny character famous in the whorehouses--ah, a divine player. The men were got up as Gypsies and the girls as Hungarian or Romanian peasants; never, however, had a Hungarian or Romanian, or even a Bulgarian or Slovak, swung her hips the way they did, those brown girls in the flower of their youth and coquetry.
When Vadinho, the liveliest of the lot, saw the group come around the corner and heard the skeleton-like Mascarenhas strumming his sublime four-string guitar, he hurried forward, and chose as his partner a heavily rouged Romanian, a big one, as monumental as a church--the Church of St. Francis, for she was a mass of golden sequins--and announced:
"Here I come, my Russian from Tororo."

Jorge Amado (10 augustus 1912 6 augustus 2001)
Voor onderstaande schrijver zie ook mijn blog van 10 augustus 2007.
De Nederlandse journalist en schrijver Piet Bakker werd geboren in Rotterdam op 10 augustus 1897.
10-08-2008 om 00:00
geschreven door Romenu 