De Zwitserse schrijver Martin Suter werd geboren op 29 februari 1948 in Zürich. Zie ook alle tags voor Martin Suter op dit blog.
Uit: Ein perfekter Freund
„Er tastete seinen Arm ab. Am linken Vorderarm stieß er auf ein He∫p¬aster, dann auf einen Infusionsschlauch. Fabio spürte Panik hochkommen. Aber noch immer weigerte er sich, die Augen zu öΣnen. Zuerst mußte er sich erinnern, weshalb er im Krankenhaus lag. Er befühlte seinen Kopf. Die Haare auf der fremden Häl∫e fühlten sich seltsam an. Wie eine Mütze. Ein Verband? Auch auf der linken Seite stimmte etwas nicht. Am Hinterkopf klebte ein P¬aster über einer schmerzenden Stelle. Hatte man ihn am Kopf operiert? Hatte man ihm einen Tumor entfernt? Und mit ihm die Erinnerung daran, daß er einen gehabt hatte? Er riß die Augen auf. Der Raum war abgedunkelt. Er konnte eine Infusions¬asche erkennen, die neben dem Bett an einem verchromten Ständer hing. An der Wand stand ein Tisch mit einem Blumenstrauß, darüber ein Kruzifx. Über seinem Kopf hing ein HaltegriΣ. Ein Kabel wand sich darum mit einer Klingel, auf die er jetzt panisch drückte. Nach einer Ewigkeit wurde die Tür geöΣnet. Eine Gestalt zeichnete sich im Neonlicht des Ganges ab, näherte sich, knipste eine Nachttischlampe an. »Ja, Herr Rossi?« Die Kissen und das schräg gestellte Kopfteil zwangen Fabio in eine halb sitzende Position. Die dünne Frau an seinem hohen Bettrand war fast auf Augenhöhe. Sie trug eine lose blaue Baumwollbluse über einer Hose aus dem gleichen Material. Und ein Namensschild, das Fabios Augen noch nicht entzffern konnten. Sie fühlte seinen Puls und fragte, ohne ihre Uhr aus den Augen zu lassen: »Wo sind Sie?«
 Martin Suter (Zürich 29 februari 1948)
De Griekse dichter Yórgos Seféris werd geboren in Smyrna (nu Izmir, in Turkije) op 29 februari 1900. Zie ook alle tags voor Yórgos Seféris op dit blog.
Our Sun
This sun was mine and yours; we shared it. Who's suffering behind the golden silk, who's dying? A woman beating her dry breasts cried out; `Cowards, they've taken my children and torn them to shreds, you've killed them gazing at the fire-flies at dusk with a strange look, lost in blind thought.' The blood was drying on a hand that a tree made green, a warrior was asleep clutching the lance that cast light against his side.
It was ours, this sun, we saw nothing behind the gold embroidery then the messengers came, dirty and breathless, stuttering unintelligible words twenty days and nights on the barren earth with thorns only twenty days and nights feeling the bellies of the horses bleering and not a moment's break to drink rain-water. You told them to rest first and then to speak, the light had dazzled you. They died saying `We don't have time', touching some rays of the sun. You'd forgotten that no one rests.
A woman howled `Cowards'. like a dog in the night. Once she would have been beautiful like you with the wet mouth, veins alive beneath the skin, with love.
This sun is ours; you kept all of it, you wouldn't follow me. And it was then I found about those things behind the gold and the silk: we don't have time. The messengers were right.
 Yórgos Seféris (29 februari 1900 - 20 september 1971) Rechts, bij de uitreiking van de Nobelprijs in 1963
De Roemeense dichter Marin Sorescu werd geboren op 29 februari 1936 in Bulzeşti. Zie ook alle tags voor Marin Sorescu op dit blog.
The Sea Shell
I have hidden inside a sea shell but forgotten in which.
Now daily I dive, filtering the sea through my fingers, to find myself. Sometimes I think a giant fish has swallowed me. Looking for it everywhere I want to make sure it will get me completely.
The sea-bed attracts me, and I’m repelled by millions of sea shells that all look alike. Help, I am one of them. If only I knew, which.
How often I’ve gone straight up to one of them, saying: That’s me. Only, when I prised it open it was empty.
Vertaald door Michael Hamburger
For breakfast a thin buttered slice Of life. With it we take water which rises incessantly (Last night it covered three-quarters of the globe} And boil it sterile of microbes.
For lunch we eat well and substantially Three courses of earth: Black earth, loess and clay.
We don't usually have a cooked dinner. We take Either a star with a bit of honey Or if it isn't finished Some happiness (which in fact we keep For Sundays) And whatever else is left over.
Vertaald door Constantin Roman en Timothy J.L. Cribb
 Marin Sorescu (29 februari 1936 – 8 december 1996) Standbeeld in Craiova
De Amerikaanse dichter en literatuurdocent Howard Nemerov werd geboren op 29 februari 1920 in New York. Zie ook alle tags voor Howard Nemerov op dit blog.
On an Occasion of National Mourning
It is admittedly difficult for a whole Nation to mourn and be seen to do so, but It can be done, the silvery platitudes Were waiting in their silos for just such An emergent occasion, cards of sympathy From heads of state were long ago prepared For launching and are bounced around the world From satellites at near the speed of light, The divine services are telecast From the home towns, children are interviewed And say politely, gravely, how sorry they are, And in a week or so the thing is done, The sea gives up its bits and pieces and The investigating board pinpoints the cause By inspecting bits and pieces, nothing of the sort Can ever happen again, the prescribed course Of tragedy is run through omen to amen As in a play, the nation rises again Reborn of grief and ready to seek the stars; Remembering the shuttle, forgetting the loom.
 Howard Nemerov (29 februari 1920 – 5 juli 1991)
De Amerikaanse dichter, schrijver, acteur, rapper en musicus Saul Stacey Williams werd geboren in Newburgh, New York op 29 februari 1972. Zie ook alle tags voor Saul Williams op dit blog.
Uit: Coded Language (Fragment)
“Equate rhyme with reason, Sun with season Our cyclical relationship to phenomenon has encouraged scholars to erase the centers of periods, thus symbolizing the non-linear character of cause and effect Reject mediocrity! Your current frequencies of understanding outweigh that which as been given for you to understand. The current standard is the equivalent of an adolescent restricted to the diet of an infant. The rapidly changing body would acquire dysfunctional and deformative symptoms and could not properly mature on a diet of apple sauce and crushed pears Light years are interchangeable with years of living in darkness. The role of darkness is not to be seen as, or equated with, Ignorance, but with the unknown, and the mysteries of the unseen. Thus, in the name of: ROBESON, GOD'S SON, HURSTON, AHKENATON, HATHSHEPUT, BLACKFOOT, HELEN, LENNON, KHALO, KALI, THE THREE MARIAS, TARA, LILITHE, LOURDE, WHITMAN, BALDWIN, GINSBERG, KAUFMAN, LUMUMBA, Gandhi, GIBRAN, SHABAZZ, SIDDHARTHA, MEDUSA, GUEVARA, GUARDSIEFF, RAND, WRIGHT, BANNEKER, TUBMAN, HAMER, HOLIDAY, DAVIS, COLTRANE, MORRISON, JOPLIN, DUBOIS, CLARKE, SHAKESPEARE, RACHMNINOV, ELLINGTON, CARTER, GAYE, HATHOWAY, HENDRIX, KUTL, DICKERSON, RIPPERTON, MARY, ISIS, THERESA, PLATH, RUMI, FELLINI, MICHAUX, NOSTRADAMUS, NEFERTITI, LA ROCK, SHIVA, GANESHA, YEMAJA, OSHUN, OBATALA, OGUN, KENNEDY, KING, FOUR LITTLE GIRLS, HIROSHIMA, NAGASAKI, KELLER, BIKO, PERONE, MARLEY, COSBY, SHAKUR, THOSE STILL AFLAMED, AND THE COUNTLESS UNNAMED We claim the present as the pre-sent, as the hereafter.”
 Saul Williams (Newburgh, 29 februari 1972)
De Engelse dichter John Byrom werd geboren op 29 februari 1692 in Manchester. Zie ook alle tags voor John Byrom op dit blog.
Epigram III
A Heated Fancy, or Imagination, May be mistaken for an Inspiration - True; but is this Conclusion fair to make, That Inspiration must be all mistake? A pebble Stone is not a Diamond - true; But must a Di'mond be a Pebble too.
Epigram IV
He is a Sinner, you are pleas'd to say; Then love him for the sake of Christ, I pray, If on his gracious Words you place your trust, -'I came to call the sinner; not the just,'- Second his Call; which if you will not do, You'll be the greater sinner of the two.
 John Byrom (29 februari 1692 – 26 september 1763)
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geschreven door Romenu 
Tags:Martin Suter, Yórgos Seféris, Marin Sorescu, Howard Nemerov, John Byrom, Saul Williams, Romenu