De Amerikaanse dichter, librettist en essayist Scott Cairns werd geboren op 19 november 1954 in Tacoma, Washington. Zie ook alle tags voor Scott Cairns op dit blog.
The thing to remember is how Tentative all of this really is. You could wake up dead.
Or the woman you love Could decide you’re ugly. Maybe she’ll finally give up Trying to ignore the way You floss your teeth as you Watch television. All I’m saying Is that there are no sure things here.
I mean, you’ll probably wake up alive, And she’ll probably keep putting off Any actual decision about your looks. Could be she’ll be glad your teeth are so clean. The morning could be full of all the love and kindness you need. Just don’t go thinking you deserve any of it.
Possible Answers to Prayer
Your petitions—though they continue to bear just the one signature—have been duly recorded. Your anxieties—despite their constant,
relatively narrow scope and inadvertent entertainment value—nonetheless serve to bring your person vividly to mind.
Your repentance—all but obscured beneath a burgeoning, yellow fog of frankly more conspicuous resentment—is sufficient.
Your intermittent concern for the sick, the suffering, the needy poor is sometimes recognizable to me, if not to them.
Your angers, your zeal, your lipsmackingly righteous indignation toward the many whose habits and sympathies offend you—
these must burn away before you’ll apprehend how near I am, with what fervor I adore precisely these, the several who rouse your passions.
 Scott Cairns (Tacoma, 19 november 1954)
De Amerikaanse dichteres Sharon Olds werd geboren op 19 november 1942 in San Francisco. Zie ook alle tags voor Sharon Olds op dit blog.
The Space Heater
On the then-below-zero day, it was on, near the patients' chair, the old heater kept by the analyst's couch, at the end, like the infant's headstone that was added near the foot of my father's grave. And it was hot, with the almost laughing satire of a fire's heat, the little coils like hairs in Hell. And it was making a group of sick noises- I wanted the doctor to turn it off but I couldn't seem to ask, so I just stared, but it did not budge. The doctor turned his heavy, soft palm outward, toward me, inviting me to speak, I said, "If you're cold-are you cold? But if it's on for me..." He held his palm out toward me, I tried to ask, but I only muttered, but he said, "Of course," as if I had asked, and he stood up and approached the heater, and then stood on one foot, and threw himself toward the wall with one hand, and with the other hand reached down, behind the couch, to pull the plug out. I looked away, I had not known he would have to bend like that. And I was so moved, that he would act undignified, to help me, that I cried, not trying to stop, but as if the moans made sentences which bore some human message. If he would cast himself toward the outlet for me, as if bending with me in my old shame and horror, then I would rest on his art-and the heater purred, like a creature or the familiar of a creature, or the child of a familiar, the father of a child, the spirit of a father, the healing of a spirit, the vision of healing, the heat of vision, the power of heat, the pleasure of power.
 Sharon Olds (San Francisco, 19 november 1942)
De Amerikaanse schrijver en literaire biograaf Mark Harris (eig. Mark Harris Finklestein) werd geboren op 19 november 1922 in Mount Vernon, New York. Zie ook alle tags voor Mike Harris op dit blog.
Uit: Lying in Bed
“I am hoping my parents will look on the matter in the same way, recognizing, as you do, the processes of fictional invention. However, that is a great deal to ask of people who have never given one moment's thought to the processes of anything except making money, fattening beef, grinding down children, and campaigning against the teaching of Darwinism in the schools of Arizona. I suppose I should have known your attitude would be liberal and understanding. I know you don't like us to use superlatives, but you are the most sophisticated man I have ever met. As you can guess, most of the men I meet are boys. I feel so stupid about the wine in the restaurant, and I laugh with utmost admiration for your cosmopolitan wit when I remember your saying, "We should have ordered white wine with a white tablecloth." You amazed me. You never for a single instant looked at the wine; you just stood the glass up and placed a napkin over the scarlet pool and never took your eyes from mine. You are truly sophisticated. It was the nicest thing that has happened to me in a long time. You have told us time and again never to use the expression, "I have no words to express ..." because a writer should find the words to express whatever thoughts she wishes to express. Nevertheless, with many apologies for my error I must say, "I have no words to express my thrill of our luncheon." You have given me self-confidence without which I could not have gone on. Last semester I was on the verge of leaving, feeling so victimized and put upon by so many people in this so-called institution, when one day you said to me, "O well, that's what we writers have to put up with." You were saying that I, too, was a writer. Nobody has ever said such a thing to me before. As far as I knew (know; I see that my tenses have fallen into inconsistency here) I was the only person in the world who viewed myself as a writer. I could not possibly have gone on without you. You opened every window for me.”
 Mark Harris (19 november 1922 - 30 mei 2007)
De Vlaamse dichter, essayist en toneelschrijver Karel van den Oever werd geboren in Antwerpen op 19 november 1879. Zie ook alle tags voor Karel van den Oevern op dit blog.
Mijn handen rieken van uw reuk waar ik uw steel en blaren kreuk, o gulden Afrikaantjes, en 'k hou van u zo veel en teer als straks uw parkskens gloeien weer saffraan-goud in de laantjes; ik riek u dan zo bitter-fris, onaards en vol geheimenis.
Het open luik
Het harde, houten luik is dicht en daar achter is de dag met zijn parel-gouden licht;
daarachter de bomen, de bergen, de wereld, de wind, de mensheid: man, vrouw en het fijne kind;
daarachter de zon, daarachter de maan, daarachter de zilveren sterren;
ook Vlaanderen, nevel-blauw, en God.
Het leven is nabij en verre; het hart des levens weten wij slaan,
de kracht der dingen horen wij gaan achter het harde, houten luik.
Toen hebben wij het luik opengedaan.
 Karel van den Oever (19 november 1879 – 6 oktober 1926)
De Oostenrijkse dichter, schrijver en vertaler Christoph Wilhelm Aigner werd geboren op 18 november 1954 in Wels. Zie ook alle tags voor Christoph Wilhelm Aigner op dit blog.
Vom Schwimmen im Glück
Sah zuletzt dass mein glücklich schwimmender Körper sanft beschleunigt gegen den Felsen gehoben wurde Die Sonne floss ins Wasser zurück
Die Unsterbliche
Sie kostet alles unter deinen Rippen. Dich friert wenn sie den Kopf herauszwängt die Schnauze blutgeschminkt dich ansieht mit dem herzzerreißenden kleinen Tränengesicht des Geparden
 Christoph Wilhelm Aigner (Wels, 18 november 1954)
De Amerikaanse dichter Alan Tate werd geboren op 19 november 1899 in de buurt van Winchester, Kentucky. Zie ook alle tags voor Alan Tate op dit blog.
The Eagle
Say never the strong heart In the consuming breath Cries out unto the dark The skinny death.
Look! whirring on the rind Of aether a white eagle, Shot out of the mind, The windy apple, burning,
Hears no more, past compass In his topless flight, The apple wormed, blown up By shells of light;
So, faggot of the heart On the cinder day The woman and the man! David and Sybil say
The world has a season Under the world's might: Now in deep autumn- Black apple in the night.
Think not the world spins ever (Only the world has a year) Only the gaunt fierce bird Flies, merciless with fear
Lest air hold him not, Beats up the scaffold of space Sick of the world's rot- God's hideous face.
 Allen Tate (19 november 1899 – 9 februari 1979) De “Fugitive Poets”. Vlnr: Allen Tate, Merrill Moore, Robert Penn Warren, John Crowe Ransom en Donald Davidson, 1956.
Zie voor nog meer schrijvers van de 19e november ook mijn blog van 19 november 2011 deel 1 en eveneens deel 2.
19-11-2014 om 18:20
geschreven door Romenu 
Tags:Scott Cairns, Sharon Olds, Mark Harris, Karel van den Oever, Christoph Wilhelm Aigner, Alan Tate, Romenu