De Amerikaanse schrijfster Alice Sebold op 6 september 1962 in Madison, Wisconsin. Zie ook mijn blog van 6 september 2009.
Uit: The Lovely Bones
My name was Salmon, like the fish; first name, Susie. I was fourteen when I was murdered on December 6, 1973. In newspaper photos of missing girls from the seventies, most looked like me: white girls with mousy brown hair. This was before kids of all races and genders started appearing on milk cartons or in the daily mail. It was still back when people believed things like that didn't happen.
In my junior high yearbook I had a quote from a Spanish poet my sister had turned me on to, Juan Ramón Jiménez. It went like this: "If they give you ruled paper, write the other way." I chose it both because it expressed my contempt for my structured surroundings à la the classroom and because, not being some dopey quote from a rock group, I thought it marked me as literary. I was a member of the Chess Club and Chem Club and burned everything I tried to make in Mrs. Delminico's home ec class. My favorite teacher was Mr. Botte, who taught biology and liked to animate the frogs and crawfish we had to dissect by making them dance in their waxed pans.
I wasn't killed by Mr. Botte, by the way. Don't think every person you're going to meet in here is suspect. That's the problem. You never know. Mr. Botte came to my memorial (as, may I add, did almost the entire junior high school -I was never so popular) and cried quite a bit. He had a sick kid. We all knew this, so when he laughed at his own jokes, which were rusty way before I had him, we laughed too, forcing it sometimes just to make him happy. His daughter died a year and a half after I did. She had leukemia, but I never saw her in my heaven.
 Alice Sebold (Madison, 6 september 1962)
De Schotse schrijver Christopher Brookmyre werd geboren op 6 september 1968 in Glasgow. Zie ook mijn blog van 6 september 2008. Zie ook mijn blog van 6 september 2009.
Uit: Country of the Blind
If Nicole Carrow was being absolutely honest with herself, her most substantial reason for believing Thomas McInnes was innocent was that he had made her a nice cup of tea. She hadn't been a lawyer long, but she still suspected she might need more than that in court. Her two weeks experiencing the practical application of Scots Law had demonstrated a few divergences from its more familiar English cousin, but she'd yet to find precedent for a special defence of Refreshing Herbal Infusion.
Nicole had anticipated an uncomfortable breaking-in period in Glasgow - acclimatising herself to the city, the people and the notorious weather - and was prepared for feeling like a fish out of water in the job for a while. However, her vision of in-at-the-deep-end had nonetheless proven short-sighted: she'd naively assumed it would be a bit more than a fortnight before she was representing the accused in a crime that had shaken the world.
Obviously the contents of the oh-so-mysterious envelope had raised her hopes and stiffened her resolve, but the sober reality was that - as Mr Campbell had pointed out - they merely thickened the plot her client was embroiled in, and apart from briefly delighting a few conspiracy theorists, would ultimately be of more use to the prosecution.
The coldfacts remained that McInnes, his son Paul, one Robert Hannah and one Cameron Scott had been apprehended fleeing the grounds of Craigurquhart House in Perthshire, that the Dutch media mogul Roland Voss, his wife Helene and their two bodyguards had been found murdered within, that when Paul McInnes was detained he was soaked in blood, and that an attempt had been made to open Voss's bedroom safe.
McInnes and Hannah had been members of the "Robbin' Hoods", as the tabloids had tagged them, a gang responsible for a series of country-house break-ins over a short but prolific period during the mid-1980s, the name referring to their profession of pilfering from the rich, and conveniently ignoring their omission of the giving-to-the-poor part.
 Christopher Brookmyre (Glasgow, 6 september 1968)
De Duitse schrijfster Amelie Fried werd geboren op 6 september 1958 in Ulm. Zie ook mijn blog van 6 september 2009.
Uit: Offene Geheimnisse
Gibt es etwas Deprimierenderes als den Frühling? Die Vögel singen, prominente Liebespaare lassen sich halbnackt fotografieren, die Badesaison droht, und es muss ein neuer Bikini her.
Es soll ja Männer geben, die Frauen lieben - die Gestalter von Anprobekabinen in den Bademodenabteilungen von Kaufhäusern gehören definitiv nicht zu ihnen.
Das müssen die schlimmsten Frauenhasser unter der Sonne sein, denn warum sonst leuchten sie gnadenlos diese Kabuffs aus, in denen wir unser winterweißes Fleisch aus den zu eng gewordenen Jeans schälen, um fröhlich-bunte Bikinis anzuprobieren, die uns eigentlich Langnese-gute-Laune machen sollten.
Gute Laune? Von wegen! Mit vor Entsetzen starrem Blick in den Spiegel beschließen wir, nicht zu
glauben, was wir sehen. Dieses Dellengebirge sollen unsere Oberschenkel sein, dieser Michelin-Reifen unsere Taille? Unmöglich. Das kann nicht sein. Das grelle Licht von oben suggeriert einen völlig falschen Eindruck. Dann fällt uns ein: Die Sonne am Strand kommt auch von oben.
Soll das etwa heißen, die anderen Badegäste sehen, was wir gerade sehen?
Aaaargh! Flucht aus der Kabine, Rettung ins nächste Café, ein Stück Torte mit Sahne und einen süßen Kakao für die aufgewühlten Nerven. Gibt es nicht so was wie ein Recht auf körperliche und seelische Unversehrtheit?
Das Recht auf menschliche Behandlung, auch in Bademoden-Umkleidekabinen? Was wir dort
erleiden müssen, grenzt an eine Verletzung der Menschenrechte.

Amelie Fried (Ulm, 6 september 1958)
De Amerikaanse schrijfster Jennifer Egan werd geboren in Chicago op 6 september 1962. Zie ook mijn blog van 6 september 2007 en ook mijn blog van 6 september 2008. Zie ook mijn blog van 6 september 2009.
Uit: Emerald City
Sisters of the Moon
Silas has a broken head. It happened sometime last night, outside The Limited on Geary and Powell. None of us saw. Silas says the fight was over a woman, and that he won it. But you look like all bloody shit, my friend, Irish says, laughing, rolling the words off his accent. Silas says we shouldve seen the other guy.
He adjusts the bandage on his head and looks up at the palm trees, which make a sound over Union Square like its raining. Silas has that strong kind of shape, like high school guys who you know could pick you up and carry you like a bag. But his face is old. He wears a worn-out army jacket, the pockets always fat with something. Once, he pulled out a silver thimble and pushed it into my hand, not saying one word. It cant be real silver, but Ive kept it.
I think Silas fought in Vietnam. Once he said, Its 1974, and Im still alive, like he couldnt believe it.
So where is he? Irish asks, full of humor. Where is this bloke with half his face gone?
Angel and Liz start laughing, I dont know why. Wheres this woman you fought for? is what I want to ask.
Silas shrugs, grinning. Scared him away.
San Francisco is ours, weve signed our name on it a hundred times: SISTERS OF THE MOON. On the shiny tiles inside the Stockton Tunnel, across those building like blocks of salt on the empty piers near the Embarcadero. Silver plus another color, usually blue or red. Angel and Liz do the actual painting. Im the lookout. While theyre spraying the paint cans, I get scared to death. To calm down, Ill say to myself, If the cops come, or if someone stops his car to yell at us, Ill just walk away from Angel and Liz, like I never saw them before in my life. Afterward, when the paint is wet and we bounce away on the balls of our feet, I get so ashamed, thinking, What if they knew? Theyd probably ditch me, which would be worse than getting caughteven going to jail. Id be all alone in the universe.
Jennifer Egan (Chicago, 6 september 1962)
Zie voor nog meer schrijvers van de 6e september ook mijn vorige blog van vandaag.
06-09-2010 om 00:00
geschreven door Romenu 
Tags:Christopher Brookmyre, Alice Sebold, Amelie Fried, Jennifer Egan, Romenu