De Ierse (toneel)schrijver en dichter Samuel Barclay Beckett werd geboren in Foxrock, Dublin op 13 april 1906. Zie ook mijn blog van 13 april 2007 en mijn Blog van 13 april 2006 en ook mijn blog van 13 april 2008.
Uit: Texts For Nothing
"Where would I go, if I could go, who would I be, if I could be, what would I say, if I had a voice, who says this, saying it's me? Answer simply, someone answer simply. It's the same old stranger as ever, for whom alone accusative I exist, in the pit of my inexistence, of his, of ours, there's a simple answer. It's not with thinking he'll find me, but what is he to do, living and bewildered, yes, living, say what he may. Forget me, know me not, yes, that would be the wisest, none better able than he. Why this sudden affability after such desertion, it's easy to understand, that's what he says, but he doesn't understand. I'm not in his head, nowhere in his old body, and yet I'm there, for him I'm there, with him, hence all the confusion. That should have been enough for him, to have found me absent, but it's not, he wants me there, with a form and a world, like him, in spite of him, me who am everything, like him who is nothing. And when he feels me void of existence it's of his he would have me void, and vice versa, mad, mad, he's mad. The truth is he's looking for me to kill me, to have me dead like him, dead like the living. He knows all that, but it's no help his knowing it, I don't know it, I know nothing. He protests he doesn't reason and does nothing but reason, crooked, as if that could improve matters. He thinks words fail him, he thinks because words fail him he's on his way to my speechlessness, to being speechless with my speechlessness, he would like it to be my fault that words fail him, of course words fail him. He tells his story every five minutes, saying it is not his, there's cleverness for you. He would like it to be my fault that he has no story, of course he has no story, that's no reason for trying to foist one on me."
Samuel Beckett (13 april 1906 - 22 december 1989)
De Franse schrijver Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio werd geboren op 13 april 1940 in Nice. Zie ook mijn blog van 13 april 2008.
Uit: Ourania
Nous avons marché dans les allées du marché aux légumes, elle me tenait par la main. A cause de sa haute stature, elle avançait un peu courbée, une main en avant pour écarter les pans de toile. Nous respirions une odeur puissante de coriandre, de goyave, de piment grillé. Une odeur d'eau noire, qui sortait des caniveaux recouverts de grilles en ciment. Par instant, nous débouchions en plein soleil, au milieu d'un vol de fausses guêpes rouge et noir. C'était enivrant. Nous avons terminé notre reconnaissance par les rues adjacentes à la gare des cars, où les Indiens de Capacuaro vendent leur cargaison de meubles mal équarris en bois de pin encore vert, qui sentent bon. L'esprit du quartier, nous l'avons rencontré sous les traits d'un homme cul-de-jatte, sans âge, qui se faufilait en ramant sur son petit chariot, un fer à repasser dans chaque main, comme dans le film de Buñuel. Je lui ai donné un billet, il m'a fait un clin d'il. Après midi, nous avons rapporté des sacs de fruits à l'hôtel Peter Pan. Nous nous sommes gorgés de pastèques douces, de mangues, de bananes primitives. Nous avons fait l'amour sur le matelas posé à même le sol, pour éviter le sommier défoncé. Puis nous avons somnolé en regardant la lumière changer sur les rideaux de la fenêtre, au fur et à mesure que les nuages emplissaient le ciel. C'était une façon de faire connaissance avec cette ville, de ressentir ses toits de tuiles et ses rues encombrées d'autos, ses places archaïques et ses grands centres commerciaux. C'était pour ne pas trop se sentir de passage. Pour croire qu'on allait rester, un certain temps, peut-être même longtemps.
Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio (Nice, 13 april 1940)
De Ierse dichter Seamus Heaney werd op 13 april 1939 te County Derry, Noord-Ierland, geboren. Zie ook mijn blog van 13 april 2007 en ook mijn blog van 13 april 2008.
From The Frontier Of Writing
The tightness and the nilness round that space
when the car stops in the road, the troops inspect
its make and number and, as one bends his face
towards your window, you catch sight of more
on a hill beyond, eyeing with intent
down cradled guns that hold you under cover
and everything is pure interrogation
until a rifle motions and you move
with guarded unconcerned acceleration
a little emptier, a little spent
as always by that quiver in the self,
subjugated, yes, and obedient.
So you drive on to the frontier of writing
where it happens again. The guns on tripods;
the sergeant with his on-off mike repeating
data about you, waiting for the squawk
of clearance; the marksman training down
out of the sun upon you like a hawk.
And suddenly you're through, arraigned yet freed,
as if you'd passed from behind a waterfall
on the black current of a tarmac road
past armor-plated vehicles, out between
the posted soldiers flowing and receding
like tree shadows into the polished windscreen.
A rowan like a lipsticked girl.
Between the by-road and the main road
Alder trees at a wet and dripping distance
Stand off among the rushes.
There are the mud-flowers of dialect
And the immortelles of perfect pitch
And that moment when the bird sings very close
To the music of what happens.
Seamus Heaney (County Derry, 13 april 1939)
De Duitse dichter en schrijver Stephan Hermlin werd als zoon van joodse immigranten geboren op 13 april 1915 in Chemnitz. Zie ook mijn blog van 13 april 2007 en ook mijn blog van 13 april 2008.
Uit: Ein Gruß für Aragon. Zum 60. Geburtstag
Aragons ungeheures Talent hätte für zehn bedeutende Dichter gereicht. Aber dieses Übermaß an Begabung konzentrierte sich gerade in ihm, gleichermaßen verfügte er über den Ausdruck von Zärtlichkeit und Hohn, von Verzweiflung und Zuversicht, er geht im gleichen Augenblick über die Sprache des Alltags und die der höchsten Kunst, er konnte von den Verletzungen aller und seinen eigenen reden, er stellte sich zur Schau und wahrte sein Geheimnis, er trug Masken; er war brillant und dunkel, er war das, was man nicht erwartet hatte, nämlich immer der gleiche, er besaß die schreckliche Kraft der Verführung, auch hielt er Treue der Sache, der er sich vor langer Zeit verschrieben hatte. Eigentlich war es zuviel. Ich kannte viele, die ihn bewunderten. Geliebt haben ihn wahrscheinlich nicht so viele. Liebt man denn, was man nicht sein kann?
Stephan Hermlin (13 april 1915 6 april 1997)
De Turkse dichter Orhan Veli (eig. Orhan Veli Kanık) werd geboren op 13 april 1914 in Izmir. Zie ook mijn blog van 13 april 2007 en ook mijn blog van 13 april 2008.
Fine Days
These fine days have been my ruin.
On this kind of day I resigned
My job in ``Pious Foundations.''
On this kind of day I started to smoke
On this kind of day I fell in love
On this kind of day I forgot
To bring home bread and salt
On this kind of day I had a relapse
In my versifying disease.
These fine days have been my ruin.
If only I could set sail
How pleasant, oh dear God, how pleasant
To journey on the blue sea
To cast off from shore
Aimless as thought.
I would set sail to the wind
And wander from sea to sea
To find myself one morning
In some deserted bay.
In a harbor large and clean
A harbor in coral isles
Where in the wake of clouds
A golden summer trails.
The languid scent of oleasters
Would fill me there
And the taste of sorrow
Never find that place.
Sparrows would nest in the flowered
Eaves of my dream castla
The evenings would unravel with colors
The days pass in pomengrate gardens.
Orhan Veli (13 april 1914 14 november 1950)
13-04-2009 om 00:00
geschreven door Romenu 