De Portugese schrijver José Saramago werd geboren op 16 november 1922 in het dorpje Azinhaga in de provincie Ribatejo. Zie ook mijn blog van 16 november 2006.
Uit: Death with Interruptions
THE FOLLOWING DAY, NO ONE DIED. THIS FACT, BEING ABSOLUTELY contrary to lifes rules, provoked enormous and, in the circumstances, perfectly justifiable anxiety in peoples minds, for we have only to consider that in the entire forty volumes of universal history there is no mention, not even one exemplary case, of such a phenomenon ever having occurred, for a whole day to go by, with its generous allowance of twenty-four hours, diurnal and nocturnal, matutinal and vespertine, without one death from an illness, a fatal fall, or a successful suicide, not one, not a single one. Not even from a car accident, so frequent on festive occasions, when blithe irresponsibility and an excess of alcohol jockey for position on the roads to decide who will reach death first. New years eve had failed to leave behind it the usual calamitous trail of fatalities, as if old Atropos with her great bared teeth had decided to put aside her shears for a day. There was, however, no shortage of blood. Bewildered, confused, distraught, struggling to control their feelings of nausea, the firemen extracted from the mangled remains wretched human bodies that, according to the mathematical logic of the collisions, should have been well and truly dead, but which, despite the seriousness of the injuries and lesions suffered, remained alive and were carried off to hospital, accompanied by the shrill sound of the ambulance sirens. None of these people would die along the way and all would disprove the most pessimistic of medical prognoses, Theres nothing to be done for the poor man, its not even worth operating, a complete waste of time, said the surgeon to the nurse as she was adjusting his mask. And the day before, there would probably have been no salvation for this particular patient, but one thing was clear, today, the victim refused to die. And what was happening here was happening throughout the country. Up until the very dot of midnight on the last day of the year there were people who died in full compliance with the rules, both those relating to the nub of the matter, i.e. the termination of life, and those relating to the many ways in which the aforementioned nub, with varying degrees of pomp and solemnity, chooses to mark the fatal moment. One particularly interesting case, interesting because of the person involved, was that of the very ancient and venerable queen mother. At one minute to midnight on the thirty-first of December, no one would have been so ingenuous as to bet a spent match on the life of the royal lady.
 José Saramago (Azinhaga, 16 november 1922)
De Schotse schrijver, humorist, radio-en televisie presentator Daniel Frederick Wallace werd geboren op 16 november 1976 in Dundee. Hij groeide op in Loughborough en Bath. Wallace begom ,et het schrijven van kritieken over video games toen hij dertien was. Toen hij 18 was begon hij comedy te schrijven. Aan de University of Westminster specialiseerde hij zich in radio productie. Als 22 jarige werd hij de jongste producer bij de BBC. In 2003 verscheen zijn boek Join Me. Daarin beschrijft hij hoe hij een cult begon of eerder een collectief, genaamd Join Me. Zijn tweede boek Yes Man verscheen in 2005. Daarin beschrijft hij hoe hij zes maanden leefde waarin hij steeds ja zei, op vragen waarop hij anders met neezou hebben geantwoord. Van dit boek wordt ook een film gemaakt.
Uit: Yes Man
It is quite incredible how a bus a simple, red, London bus can change your life.
There were other reasons for why what happened eventually happened, of course. I'm not saying it was all about the bus. But the bus was pretty high on the list. Or, more accurately, the man sitting next to me on the bus. Here he is, right now, flicking through his Evening Standard, checking his cheap, black watch, mere moments after uttering a sentence that, quite without him knowing, has had the most unexpected effect on me.
It's like one of those moments in a cartoon, when a second of complete and total revelation hits an unenlightened fool, a moment in which they're bathed in a golden light from the heavens above; their face a picture of comfort; the only sound the chorus of a thousand angels.
Of course, real life isn't quite like that. I'm on a crowded bus in the East End of London, for a start, and so the only thing I'm bathed in is an unpleasant mist of sweat and coughs.
But it's still an epiphany. And I'm still smiling from what I've heard, smiling from what I've learned. I start to wonder whether anyone else is feeling the same. So I sneak a chance to glance around. To see if one of my fellow passengers has been struck by the man's simple message; his message of hope and optimism and all the things I hadn't realised I'd been losing sight of.
But no one has. Not that I can see, anyway. That's okay, though. There's time for them.
Because this man next to me...this man has changed everything.
"Maybe it was Jesus," said Ian, putting his pint down on the table. We were in the Yorkshire Grey, and Ian was a bit drunk. "Or maybe it was Buddha! I'd love to meet Buddha. He looks like a right laugh. What did this bloke look like? If he had a beard, it was probably Jesus, and if he had a belly, it was probably Buddha."
"He had a beard, but it wasn't a Jesus beard."
"A belly, then?" he said with what looked like real hope in his eyes. "Did he have a Buddha belly?"
"I'm fairly sure he wasn't Buddha, either. This was an Indian bloke. His name was Medhi, or something."
"'Medhi' sounds a bit like 'Jesus.'"
"No, it doesn't. And it wasn't Jesus. What would Jesus be doing in Bethnal Green?"
"There are some nice pound shops in Bethnal Green."
"Jesus is the son of God, Ian, he doesn't need discount shops."
"Cor, imagine the pocket money you'd get if you were the son of God."
 DannyWallace (Dundee, 16 november 1976)
De Amerikaanse dichter Craig Arnold werd geboren op 16 november 1967 in Temple,Californië. Hij groeide op in de VS, Europa en Azië. Hij behaalde zijn BA Engels aan Yale in 1990 en zijn PhD in creatief schrijven aan de universiteit van Utah in 2001. Zijn eerste bundel Shells uit 1999 werd door W. S. Merwin uitgekozen voor de Yale Series of Younger Poets. In 2005 kreeg hij de Joseph Brodsky Rome Prize Fellowship in literature van de American Academy of Arts and Letters. Arnold doceert poëzie aan de University of Wyoming.
Couple from Hell #11
You walk out in the morning
and the sky is broad and blue
and across the pathway threads of silk
glint in the sun at the end of each a spider
still wet from the egg spins out a dragline
and sails off into the breeze
The air is so bright and busy
your whole body feels it
a puppet weightless on its wires
and you let it guide you down a path
you've never taken along the river
the little harbor at its mouth
where three blue boats are moored
at a dock cushioned with old tires
where the only sound is the deep bass
drumming of waves on wood
Here is a small café
opening for breakfast
a zinc counter catching the light
at every angle in bright rings of glitter
A cup of black coffee is placed before you
brimming with rainbow-colored foam
a packet of sugar a pat of butter
a split roll of bread
scored and toasted and still warm
The butter is just soft enough to spread
the coffee hot and sugared to perfect sweetness
the bread grilled to the palest brown
crisp but not quite dry
You tear it neatly into pieces
eat them slowly when you finish
you are exactly full
Here are bread butter and coffee Here you are your own body
eating and drinking what you are given
as one day you in turn will be devoured
and that is all You were never the lord
of a lightless kingdom any more
than she has ever been its queen
and the world you talked each other into prison
suddenly seems to be made of glass
and your eyes see clear to the horizon
and you feel the molecules of air
part like a curtain as if to let you pass
 Craig Arnold (Temple, 16 november 1967)
De Amerikaanse schrijfster Andrea Barrett werd geboren in Cape Cod, Massachusetts op 16 november 1954. Zij behaalde haar BA in biologie aan het Union College. Met schrijven begon zij was echt toen zij in de dertig was en een doorbraak kwam pas met de publicatie van Ship Fever, een verzameling korte verhalen waarvoor zij de the National Book Award in 1996 kreeg. Barrett doceert momenteel aan het Williams College en aan het Warren Wilson College MFA Program for Writers. Zij schrijft vooral historische romans.
Uit: The Voyage of the Narwhal
Here was the arctic, Erasmus thought, as the Narwhal moved through Davis Strait and the night began to disappear. Or at least its true beginning: here, here, here.
His eyes burned from trying to take in everything at once. Whales with their baleen-laden mouths broke the water, sometimes as many as forty a day. Belugas slipped by white and radiant and the sky was alive with birds. The men cheered the first narwhals as guardian spirits and crowded around Erasmus as he sketched. With one of Dr. Boerhaave's excellent pencils he tried to capture the grooved spike jutting from the males' upper jaws and the smooth dark curves of their backs. Nils Jensen, out on the bowsprit, watched intently as each surfaced to breathe and called back measurements -- ten feet long, twelve and half -- which Erasmus noted on his drawings.
One day the coast of Greenland appeared, the peak of Sukkertoppen rising above the fog and flickering past as they sailed to Disko Island. A flock of dovekies sailed through the rigging, and when Robert Carey knocked one to the deck Erasmus remembered how, as a little boy, he'd glimpsed three of these tiny birds in a creek near his home, bobbing exhausted where they'd been driven after a great northeaster. This one looked like a black-and-white quail in his hand. Bending over the rail to release it, he saw fronds of seaweed waving through ten fathoms of transparent water. As soon as they anchored at Godhavn he and Dr. Boerhaave sampled the shallows, finding nullipores, mussels, and small crustaceans. Then they saw people, floating on the water and looking back at them.
Andrea Barrett (Cape Cod, 16 november 1954)
De Nederlandse schrijfster en journaliste Renate Rubinstein werd geboren op 16 november 1929 in Berlijn. Zie ook mijn blog van 16 november 2006 en ook mijn blog van 16 november 2007.
Uit: Links en rechts in de politiek en in het leven
De leugen heeft het moeilijk in een linkse maatschappij, de waarheid kan zich in een rechtse maatschappij alleen nog uiten door over de grenzen te vluchten. Het z.g. stemmen met de voeten, waarmee de massale verhuizingen bedoeld worden die in Europa, Azië en Zuid-Amerika de komst van de totalitaire, zo ten onrechte links genoemde, heilstaat kenmerken, is de primitiefste, tevens welsprekendste manier waarop de waarheid zich kan uiten. Het linkse gewoontedenken verzet zich tegen die afloop die ze steeds weer verrast en ziet in de vluchtelingenstroom een bende zwarte handelaren of althans mensen die alleen uit zucht naar geldelijk gewin vluchten. Op den duur blijkt dat verwijt niet houdbaar, maar spoedig doet zich een dito stroom, elders op de wereld voor, om hetzelfde verwijt op te proberen. Steeds is er sprake van een éénrichtingsverkeer, de massa's vluchten niet van het kapitalisme naar het communisme, maar altijd en alleen omgekeerd. Uit de wereld van de geheimhouding naar de wereld waar zo luidruchtig veel op aan te merken is en dan ook aangemerkt wordt. En of dat nu is omdat men de vrijheid verkiest boven de dwang, of omdat men welvaart verkiest boven armoede, het interessante is toch dat de twee samenvallen. De produktiekrachten en de produktieverhoudingen zijn blijkbaar nauw gelieerd met, in mijn opvatting zelfs bepaald door, de communicatiekrachten en de communicatieverhoudingen. Het intrekken van de burgerlijke vrijheden heeft nog in geen enkel land ooit geleid tot een verhoging van de welvaart.
Links is open, rechts is dicht, het gaat daarmee in de politiek als met de waterkraan. Hieruit volgt dat de gepropageerde idealen van de regeerders geen betrouwbare maatstaf zijn. Want het gaat er nauwelijks om wat regeringen willen of zeggen dat ze willen, het gaat er om hoe een regering gecontroleerd kan worden. Zijn de machten (de wetgevende, de rechtsprekende en de uitvoerende) gescheiden, is er een meerpartijenstelsel, zijn er algemene verkiezingen, is er een legale oppositie, kan die oppositie beschikken over een tijdschrift, krant of radiozender? Is er een scheiding van productiemiddelen en communicatiemiddelen, of bevinden ze zich alle in één hand? Als dat laatste het geval is, waarom aarzelen wij dan om zo'n maatschappij rechts te noemen? Wij hoeven haar tenslotte daarom niet te willen verdelgen, maar wij zouden tenminste de dingen bij hun naam kunnen noemen en daarmee de mist uit onze hersens verdrijven. Volgens deze definitie is Suriname pas nu een rechts land geworden.
 Renate Rubinstein (16 november 1929 23 november 1990)
16-11-2008 om 21:19
geschreven door Romenu 