De Engelse schrijver, journalist en literatuurcriticus John Boynton Priestley werd geboren in Bradford op 13 september 1894. Zie ook mijn blog van 13 september 2007.
Uit: An Inspector Calls and Other Plays
SHEILA: How did you come to know this girl, Eva Smith? GERALD: I didn't SHEILA: Daisy Renton then - it's the same thing. GERALD: Why should I have known her? SHEILA: Oh, don't be stupid. We haven't much time. You gave yourself away as soon as he mentioned her name. GERALD: All right. I knew her. Let's leave it at that. SHEILA: We can't leave it at that. GERALD: [approaching her] Now listen, darling - SHEILA: No, that's no use. You not only knew her, but you knew her very well. Otherwise, you wouldn't look so guilty about it. When did you first get to know her? [He does not reply.] Was it after she left Milwards? When she changed her name, as he said, and began to live a different sort of life? Were you seeing her last spring and summer, during that time when you hardly came near me and said you were so busy? Were you? [He does not reply but looks at her.] Yes, of course you were. GERALD: I'm sorry, Sheila. But it was all over and done with last summer. I hadn't set eyes on the girl for at least six months. I don't come into this suicide business. SHEILA: I thought I didn't, half an hour ago. GERALD: You don't. Neither of us does. So - for God's sake - don't say anything to the Inspector. SHEILA: About you and this girl? GERALD:Yes. We can keep it from him. SHEILA: [laughs rather hysterically] Why - you fool - he knows. Of course he knows. And I hate to think how much he knows that we don't know yet. You'll see. You'll see. [She looks at him almost in triumph] [He looks crushed. The door slowly opens and the INSPECTOR appears, looking steadily and searchingly at them.] INSPECTOR:Well?
J. B. Priestley (13 september 1894 - 14 augustus 1984)
De Poolse dichter Julian Tuwim werd geboren in Łódź op 13 september 1894. Zie ook mijn blog van 13 september 2007.
The Locomotive
A big locomotive has pulled into town, Heavy, humungus, with sweat rolling down, A plump jumbo olive. Huffing and puffing and panting and smelly, Fire belches forth from her fat cast iron belly.
Poof, how she's burning, Oof, how she's boiling, Puff, how she's churning, Huff, how she's toiling. She's fully exhausted and all out of breath, Yet the coalman continues to stoke her to death.
Numerous wagons she tugs down the track: Iron and steel monsters hitched up to her back, All filled with people and other things too: The first carries cattle, then horses not few; The third car with corpulent people is filled, Eating fat frankfurters all freshly grilled. The fourth car is packed to the hilt with bananas, The fifth has a cargo of six grand pi-an-as. The sixth wagon carries a cannon of steel, With heavy iron girders beneath every wheel. The seventh has tables, oak cupboards with plates, While an elephant, bear, two giraffes fill the eighth. The ninth contains nothing but well-fattened swine, In the tenth: bags and boxes, now isn't that fine?
There must be at least forty cars in a row, And what they all carry -- I simply don't know:
But if one thousand athletes, with muscles of steel, Each ate one thousand cutlets in one giant meal, And each one exerted as much as he could, They'd never quite manage to lift such a load.
First a toot! Then a hoot! Steam is churning, Wheels are turning!
More slowly - than turtles - with freight - on their - backs, The drowsy - steam engine - sets off - down the tracks. She chugs and she tugs at her wagons with strain, As wheel after wheel slowly turns on the train. She doubles her effort and quickens her pace, And rambles and scrambles to keep up the race. Oh whither, oh whither? go forward at will, And chug along over the bridge, up the hill, Through mountains and tunnels and meadows and woods, Now hurry, now hurry, deliver your goods. Keep up your tempo, now push along, push along, Chug along, tug along, tug along, chug along Lightly and sprightly she carries her freight Like a ping-pong ball bouncing without any weight, Not heavy equipment exhausted to death, But a little tin toy, just a light puff of breath. Oh whither, oh whither, you'll tell me, I trust, What is it, what is it that gives you your thrust? What gives you momentum to roll down the track? It's hot steam that gives me my clickety-clack. Hot steam from the boiler through tubes to the pistons, The pistons then push at the wheels from short distance, They drive and they push, and the train starts a-swooshin' 'Cuz steam on the pistons keeps pushin' and pushin'; The wheels start a rattlin', clatterin', chatterin' Chug along, tug along, chug along, tug along! . . . .
Julian Tuwim (13 september 1894 27 december 1953)
De Estische dichter, schrijver en vertaler Tõnu Õnnepalu werd geboren op 13 september 1962 in Tallin. Zie ook mijn blog van 13 september 2007.
Uit: Hasso Krull, an anarchist winter poet
Hasso Krull is a winter poet. Im not saying this merely out of opportunism his latest and much acclaimed collection of poetry (2006) was titled Winter. As Hassos contemporary, indeed almost the same age, I also remember his first. That was called winter too. Although not literally, and it wasnt even Hasso Krulls book. The author was Max Harnoon, a portrait of Hasso as a very young man (in 1986) and the title was Black-white. Which is more or less the same. Black-white, winter. It is fascinating to draw a line of tension between a poets first and last (so far) collections of poetry. The first book already contains everything, and the latest shows what has become of all that. Talking about winter, which in the northern parts up here is inevitably also black-white (if there is no snow, then just black), I am not just juggling with words. There is something much more here: the main tone. And it is wintery. Maybe I would not remember or be so certain, but as it happens I wrote a review of that first book, in the form of a poem, because it inspired me. In 1986, the book was something truly new, truly contemporary. In that poetic review, as I recall, winter dominated. Just like at the end of the book by that young man Max Harnoon (Hasso never used this, or any other pseudonym, again). The next to the last poem, White and pure world, white and pure, has the lines:
only thee, winter, can bridge all that exists
What intimacy: thee, winter! And the idea that winter is something that joins rather than separating, is a refuge and not an enemy. Although the poem contains references to death (Lethe and Styx), as indeed does the whole book, a very young poet always talks about death. At 42, Hasso Krull no longer mentions death in his Winter, at least not quite so directly. 42-year-old Hasso is naturally more vital, less symbolic and airy than 22-year-old Max. And much more social, although this word has become rather pointless and even repulsive from its overuse in poetry. The so-called social poetry is often nothing but a weird neo-Stalinism, flat newspaperish social criticism, for some reason liked by some festivals, critics and naturally the press in a word, it is just a banal bazaar joke and not poetry in the lofty sense of the word, which was still taken for granted in Estonia in 1986. The inner seriousness (without however being overtly serious, as there is plenty of quiet humour in it) of Hassos poetry might partly be a historical legacy of Estonian resistance culture, where we grew up and where poetry was, incidentally, always social, i.e. political, even the purest nature poetry, and perhaps that especially
Tõnu Õnnepalu (Tallin, 13 september 1962)
De Nederlandse dichter, predikant en hoogleraar Nicolaas Beets werd geboren op 13 september 1814 in Haarlem. Zie ook mijn blog van 13 september 2006.
Uit: Camera Obscura
Beste Hildebrand!
Ik verneem met een zeker genoegen, dat er van tijd tot tijd iets van u gedrukt wordt; met een zeker genoegen, zeg ik; want wij hebben nog samen school gegaan. Ik heb toen altijd wel gedacht dat er wat in u zat, maar ik wist niet of er ooit wat uit u komen zou. Mijn vader zegt evenwel dat hij dat altijd voorspeld heeft, ofschoon ik er mij niets van herinner, maar wel weet ik dat ik driemaal een hekel aan u gehad heb, omdat mijn vader u tot een voorbeeld van goed oppassen nam, en ik wist dat ge ook wel een kattekwaad deedt, Hildje! Denk maar eens aan de klapdeur van het Bonte Kalfje, die alle morgens om halftien en iedere namiddag om drie uren werd opgengetrokken dat de bel rammelde, een kwartier lang, als het Franse gebed al lang op school was voorgelezen. - Maar dat daargelaten, vriend; ik hoor dat gij weer iets op de pers hebt, en gij zult mij, op grond van heel goede kennis, wel vergunnen willen, u enige raadgevingen mede te delen. Ik ken mensen, die dat veel liever doen bij wijze van recensiën; daar zijn er, die de kopij onberispelijk en het gedrukte boek allerdolst vinden; maar ik hou van die methode niet, en kom liever met mijn raad voorop.
Eerst echter wilde ik u vragen, ronduit vragen, of gij een humorist zijt? Ik denk het half, omdat het tegenwoordig zo ijselijk aan de orde is. Kijk Hildebrand, als gij een humorist waart, dat zou me lelijk spijten; ik zou haast zeggen, schoon mijn hart er bij breekt: - als gij een humorist zijn, Hildebrand, leg drie stuivers uit, koop een touw, en ... Maar gij zijt immers geen humorist, mijn waarde! O zeg, dat gij het niet zijt.
Daar is tegenwoordig zulk een ontzettende comsumptie van humor, mijn vriend, dat dit artikel verschrikkelijk duur moet geworden zijn en dan ook bij gevolg akelig wordt vervalst.
Ik ben overtuigd dat er in iedere kerk, de dominee meegerekend, meer dan honderd humoristen bijeen zijn. Men komt in geen koffiehuis, men rijdt in geen diligence, ja wat meer is: men zit in geen 'bijwagen' zonder een humorist. Het hele land is er van vergiftigd: humoristen op rijm; humoristen in proza; geleerde humoristen; huiselijke humoristen; hoge humoristen; lage humoristen; hybridische humoristen; bloempjes-humoristen; tekst-humoristen; sprookjes humoristen; vrouwenhatende en vrouwenflemende humoristen; sentimentele humoristen; ongelikte humoristen; gedachte denkende humoristen; boek-, recensie-, mengelwerk-, brief-, voorrede-, titelblad-humoristen; humoristen, die op de grote lui schelden en verklaren dat die geen greintje gevoel hebben, omdat ze een knecht hebben met galons aan de rok, en een spelende pendule; humoristen, die het met bedelaars houden in de boeken, en ze naar Frederiksoord helpen sturen in de Maatschappij van Weldadigheid; reizende humoristen; huiszittende humoristen; tuin- en priëeltje-humoristen, wier vrouwen aan iets ander bezig zijn, terwijl zij humoriseren; en dan eindelijk de hele simpele plattelandshumoristen, schoon ze allegaar wel een deel van simpelheid weg hebben, in deze manier: 'je zoudt wel denken dat ik helemaal onnozel was, maar 't is allemaal lievigheid!' Ik spreek niet van de hele grappige, de zee onfeilbare, en de zeer onduidelijke humoristen....
Nicolaas Beets (13 september 1814 13 maart 1903)
Voor onderstaande schrijvers zie ook mijn blog van 13 september 2006.
De Britse schrijver Roald Dahl werd geboren op 13 september 1916 in Llandalf, Zuid-Wales.
De Nederlandse wetenschapper en publicist, vrijdenker en anarchist Anton Constandse werd geboren in Brouwershaven op 13 september 1899.
13-09-2008 om 23:27
geschreven door Romenu 