De Engelse dichteres en schrijfster Anne Sexton werd geboren op 9 november 1928 in Newton, Massachusetts. Zie ook mijn blog van 9 november 2008.xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
After Auschwitz
as black as a hook,
overtakes me.
Each day,
each Nazi
took, at 8: 00 A.M., a baby
and sauteed him for breakfast
in his frying pan.
And death looks on with a casual eye
and picks at the dirt under his fingernail.
Man is evil,
I say aloud.
Man is a flower
that should be burnt,
I say aloud.
is a bird full of mud,
I say aloud.
And death looks on with a casual eye
and scratches his anus.
Man with his small pink toes,
with his miraculous fingers
is not a temple
but an outhouse,
I say aloud.
Let man never again raise his teacup.
Let man never again write a book.
Let man never again put on his shoe.
Let man never again raise his eyes,
on a soft July night.
Never. Never. Never. Never. Never.
I say those things aloud.
I beg the Lord not to hear.
Baby Picture
It's in the heart of the grape
where that smile lies.
It's in the good-bye-bow in the hair
where that smile lies.
It's in the clerical collar of the dress
where that smile lies.
What smile?
The smile of my seventh year,
caught here in the painted photograph.
It's peeling now, age has got it,
a kind of cancer of the background
and also in the assorted features.
It's like a rotten flag
or a vegetable from the refrigerator,
pocked with mold.
I am aging without sound,
into darkness, darkness.
who are you?
I open the vein
and my blood rings like roller skates.
I open the mouth
and my teeth are an angry army.
I open the eyes
and they go sick like dogs
with what they have seen.
I open the hair
and it falls apart like dust balls.
I open the dress
and I see a child bent on a toilet seat.
I crouch there, sitting dumbly
pushing the enemas out like ice cream,
letting the whole brown world
turn into sweets.
who are you?
Merely a kid keeping alive.
Anne Sexton (9 november 1928 4 oktober 1974)
De Duitse dichteres en schrijfster Karin Kiwus werd geboren op 9 november 1942 in Berlijn. Zie ook mijn blog van 9 november 2008.
Im ersten Licht
Wenn wir uns gedankenlos getrunken haben aus einem langen Sommerabend in eine kurze heiße Nacht wenn die Vögel dann früh davonjagen aus gedämpften Färbungen in den hellen tönenden frischgespannten Himmel
wenn ich dann über mir in den Lüften weit und feierlich mich dehne in den mächtigen Armen meiner Toccata
wenn du dann neben mir im Bett deinen auslandenden Klangkörper bewegst dich dumpf aufrichtest und zur Tür gehst
und wenn ich dann im ersten Licht deinen fetten Arsch sehe deinen Arsch verstehst du deinen trüben verstimmten ausgeleierten Arsch
dann weiß ich wieder daß ich dich nicht liebe wirklich daß ich dich einfach nicht liebe.
Karin Kiwus (Berlijn, 9 november 1942)
De Engelse dichter en schrijver Roger Joseph McGough werd geboren op 9 november 1937 in Litherland, Lancashire. Zie ook mijn blog van 9 november 2008.
The Trouble with Snowmen
'The trouble with snowmen,'
Said my father one year
'They are no sooner made
than they just disappear.
I'll build you a snowman
And I'll build it to last
Add sand and cement
And then have it cast.
And so every winter,'
He went on to explain
'You shall have a snowman
Be it sunshine or rain.'
And that snowman still stands
Though my father is gone
Out there in the garden
Like an unmarked gravestone.
Staring up at the house
Gross and misshapen
As if waiting for something
Bad to happen.
For as the years pass
And I grow older
When summers seem short
And winters colder.
The snowmen I envy
As I watch children play
Are the ones that are made
And then fade away.
Roger McGough (Litherland, 9 november 1937)
Zie voor onderstaande schrijvers ook mijn blog van 9 november 2008.
De Indische dichter en schrijver Mohammed Iqbal werd geboren op 9 november 1877 in Sialkot in het tegenwoordige Pakistan. Zie ook mijn blog van 9 november 2006.
De joods-Hongaarse schrijver Imre Kertész werd geboren op 9 november 1929 in Boedapest. Zie ook mijn blog van 9 november 2006.
De Amerikaanse schrijver, astronoom en populariseerder van de wetenschap Carl Edward Sagan werd geboren in New York op 9 november 1934.
De Belgische humorist, cabaretier en schrijver Raymond Devos werd geboren in Moeskroen op 9 november 1922.