De Britse schrijver Robin Pilcher werd geboren op 10 augustus 1950 in Dundee. Zie ook mijn blog van 10 augustus 2009. (deel 2)
Uit: Starburst
The confetti was a bit of a mystery. Two weeks after the wedding and the multicoloured flakes still kept appearing in every room of the flat. Sometimes they materialized in force under the new king-sized bed or piled up in small drifts behind the television in the sitting room; other times no more than a single fragment floated delicately on toaster thermals around the kitchen. At first, despite the need to vacuum every room on a daily basis, its presence had given Tess a warming sense of fulfilment, a constant reminder of everything that had happened on her Big Day. But now, as she pulled the polo-necked jersey from the top shelf of her wardrobe and a fresh flurry drifted down onto the polished floorboards of the bedroom, she felt it was all becoming a bit of an inconvenience and, like thawing snow, it had been around too long.
Tess had a sneaking suspicion that it was Allan who was to blame for it all. She had visions of him tiptoeing about the flat, sprinkling the tissue petals around like love dust so as to keep the spirit of their wedding day alive. But when she had broached the subject on the previous morning as he stood stark-naked shaving in front of the full-length bathroom mirror, he had rather disappointingly denied the whole idea. Nice thought, angelmouth to the left as he scraped away at the right cheekbut Im afraid its not been mechin pulled down for more scraping under noseprobably like sand after being on a beachturns to look at newly-wedded wife with perfectly formed shaving-foam goatee and gesticulates with razor in handyou know, you find it between your toes and in your belly button and other places for days afterwards.
Robin Pilcher (Dundee, 10 augustus 1950)
De Braziliaanse schrijver Jorge Amado de Faria werd op 10 augustus 1912 geboren in Ferradas, in de gemeente Itabuna. Zie ook mijn blog van 10 augustus 2007 en ook mijn blog van 10 augustus 2008 en ook mijn blog van 10 augustus 2009. (deel 2)
Uit: The War Of The Saints (Vertaald door Gregory Rabassa)
That day, though the hour was surprisingly late, the Sailor Without a Port was only just entering the far side of the Bay of All Saints, from upriver, under full sailthe sea, a blue mantle, the lover told his beloved. And strangely enough, in the wake of the wind, Maria Clara''s voice was not to be heard trailing off in the throes of a love song. If it happened that way it was simply because, in addition to the customary cargo of aromatic pineapples, cashews, and mangos, at Santo Amaro da Purificação the sloop had undertaken the responsibilitythe mission, we should sayof transporting to the state capital a statue of Saint Barbara of the Thunder, famed for her eternal beauty and miraculous powers. Despite the evident displeasure of the vicar, the parish had agreed to loan the statue, to be displayed at a highly touted religious art exhibit that was being celebrated in prose and verse in the press and among intellectuals: "The cultural event of the year," as the newspapers proclaimed. In order to carry out this sacred commission, the sloop''s captain, Master Manuel, had had to put off his habitual morning departure, delaying almost twelve hours, but he did it willingly: It would be worth the trouble, and besides, Dona Canô never requested favors, she gave orders. The vicar felt less upset when he learned that a priest and a nun were also going along; he was young and modern, hair in disarray, wearing civilian clothes, while she was on in years, thin, pale, in a black habit. Divine providence, which never fails, had sent them to accompany the saint.
Jorge Amado (10 augustus 1912 6 augustus 2001)
De Franse dichter en schrijver René Crevel werd geboren op 10 augustus 1900 in Parijs. Zie ook mijn blog van 10 augustus 2009. (deel 2)
Ton regard couleur de fleuve Est l'eau docile et qui change
Avec le jour qu'elle abreuve.
Petit matin, Robe d'ange
Un pan du manteau céleste Sous tes cils, entre les rives
S'est pris. Coule, coule eau vive.
La nuit part, mais l'amour reste
Et ma main sent battre un cur.
L'aube a voulu parer nos corps de sa candeur.
Le désir matinal a repris nos corps nus
Pour sculpter une chair que nous avions cru lasse.
Sur les fleuves au loin déjà les bateaux passent.
Nos peaux après l'amour ont l'odeur du pain chaud.
Si l'eau des fleuves est pour nos membres,
Tes yeux laveront mon âme ;
Mais ton regard liquide au midi que je crains
Deviendra-t-il de plomb ?
J'ai peur du jour, du jour trop long
Du jour qu'abreuve ton regard couleur de fleuve
Or dans un soir pavé pour de jumeaux triomphes
Si la victoire crie la volupté des anges,
Que se révèle en lui la Majesté d'un Gange.
René Crevel (10 augustus 1900 18 juni 1935)
Portret door Jacques-Emile Blanche
De Nederlandse journalist en schrijver Piet Bakker werd geboren in Rotterdam op 10 augustus 1897. Zie ook mijn blog van 10 augustus 2007 en ook mijn blog van 10 augustus 2009. (deel 2)
Uit: Ciske de Rat
Zo kwam Ciske de Rat bij ons op school" "We krijgen vandaag een exemplaar, waar we nog wel vreugde van zullen beleven," zei Maatsuyker, de bovenmeester, toen we vanmorgen op de gang een laatste trekje aan onze sigaren deden. "Nee mensen, een nummer! En jij krijgt 'm in je klas, Bruis!" Dat laatste was voor mij bestemd. Ik keek hem een beetje onverschillig aan, want Maatsuyker doet altijd zo opgewonden en gewichtig. Speciaal tegen mij omdat ik nog maar een blauwe Maandag op z'n school ben. Van de anderen weet hij, dat hij ze moeilijk kan imponeren, van mij moet hij dat nog ondervinden. "Wat is er aan de hand?" deed ik droogjes. Maatsuyker liet de as op zijn vest vallen en deed onaangenaam druk. "Nou dat zal ik je vertellen. Gisteren is Verdoef van de Roomse school bij me geweest en die zei, dat we een jongen van hun bij ons kregen en dat schijnt me een knááp te zijn, anders zouden ze niet zo vrijgevig wezen. Hoe hiet dat jog...? 'k Heb 'm hier op een briefje ... Franciscus Aloysius Gerardus Vrijmoeth, Roomser kan het niet me al die voornamen! Maar bij Verdoef noemden ze 'm de Rat. Da's in ieder geval kort en krachtig.
Piet Bakker (10 augustus 1897 - 1 april 1960)
De Peruaanse dichteres Blanca Leonor Varela Gonzáles werd geboren in Lima op 10 augustus 1926. Zie ook mijn blog van 10 augustus 2009. (deel 2)
Swifter is Time
being in something
once or always
stone animal man
story of a color
swift shadow in my chest
time badgers me and clashes with me
I ask
I write in the air
with my tongue I write
with my hands and feet I wrote
with my eyes
a hostile wave knocks me over
I join words against words
I don't believe in any of this story
and nevertheless each morning
I invest the absurd brilliance that awakes me
the border of shadow
the original trap
sun up
earth down
at the center of the old gesture
of a tree that assaults me
with the innocence of trees
the song
that crosses the night
move beautifully toward death
the hour falls apart by itself
far from everything
brilliance and destruction
air in the rift
or rift in the air
neither stone or animal or man
the flower points out the crime
with a silent blush
nobody not even time itself
dare to interrupt time
Vertaald door Michael L. Smith
Blanca Varela (10 augustus 1926 - 12 maart 2009)
De Britse schrijfster Barbara Erskine (eig. Barbara Hope-Lewis) werd geboren op 19 augustus 1944 in Nottingham. Zie ook mijn blog van 10 augustus 2009. (deel 2)
Uit: What do Druids Believe? door Philip Carr-Gomm
When I was a child I set up an altar in woodland at the bottom of the garden. on it I put a little gold cross wedged into a lump of plasticine. Now, many years later, I realise this was a first expression of leanings towards what I now recognise as druidic Christianity, or Christian Druidism.
I came from a Church of England family and went to a school which worshipped daily in the chapel. Faith foundered however when I studied history at university. I encountered for the first time Christianitys downside: it had been too much mediated by politics, cruelty, misogyny and fundamentalism, caring little for Jesuss teachings of tolerance and love; it seemed to encourage exploitation of the natural world and it used the heavy hand of guilt rather than love to corral its followers. Like many others I questioned and fell away.
When I discovered Druidry it was a homecoming into a philosophy which encompassed all that I held dear and it brought me into the western spiritual tradition, something which had been part of my soul without my realising it. My world was animistic. I had always prayed to the one God and all the gods, feeling that that expressed my true beliefs even though I was not comfortable with wholesale paganism. (Barbara Erskine April 2005)
Barbara Erskine (Nottingham, 10 augustus 1944)