De Indisch-Britse schrijver en essayist Sir Salman Rushdie werd geboren in Bombay op 19 juni 1947. Zie ook mijn blog van 19 juni 2007 en ook mijn blog van 19 juni 2006.
Uit: Shalimar The Clown
At twenty-four the ambassador's daughter slept badly through the warm, unsurprising nights. She woke up frequently and even when sleep did come her body was rarely at rest, thrashing and flailing as if trying to break free of dreadful invisible manacles. At times she cried out in a language she did not speak. Men had told her this, nervously. Not many men had ever been permitted to be present while she slept. The evidence was therefore limited, lacking consensus; however, a pattern emerged. According to one report she sounded guttural, glottal-stoppy, as if she were speaking Arabic. Night-Arabian, she thought, the dreamtongue of Scheherazade. Another version described her words as science-fictional, like Klingon, like a throat being cleared in a galaxy far, far away. Like Sigourney Weaver channeling a demon in Ghostbusters. One night in a spirit of research the ambassador's daughter left a tape recorder running by her bedside but when she heard the voice on the tape its death's-head ugliness, which was somehow both familiar and alien, scared her badly and she pushed the erase button, which erased nothing important. The truth was still the truth.
These agitated periods of sleep-speech were mercifully brief, and when they ended she would subside for a time, sweating and panting, into a state of dreamless exhaustion. Then abruptly she would awake again, convinced, in her disoriented state, that there was an intruder in her bedroom. There was no intruder. The intruder was an absence, a negative space in the darkness. She had no mother. Her mother had died giving her birth: the ambassador's wife had told her this much, and the ambassador, her father, had confirmed it. Her mother had been Kashmiri, and was lost to her, like paradise, like Kashmir, in a time before memory. (That the terms Kashmir and paradise were synonymous was one of her axioms, which everyone who knew her had to accept.) She trembled before her mother's absence, a void sentinel shape in the dark, and waited for the second calamity, waited without knowing she was waiting. After her father diedher brilliant, cosmopolitan father, Franco-American, "like Liberty," he said, her beloved, resented, wayward, promiscuous, often absent, irresistible fathershe began to sleep soundly, as if she had been shriven. Forgiven her sins, or, perhaps, his. The burden of sin had been passed on. She did not believe in sin.
Salman Rushdie (Bombay, 19 juni 1947)
De Nederlandse dichter en schrijver Sybren Polet (pseudoniem van Sybe Minnema) werd geboren in Kampen op 19 juni 1924. Zie ook mijn blog van 19 juni 2007.
Vannacht is een minuut
met de minuut van een
nog nieuwe zin tezaamgeklonken,
versnelde rust van een begin,
geen venster heeft het evenwicht verbrijzeld,
de dag is haast doorzichtig tin
in platen van beheersing opgetrokken,
waartegen 't licht met gouden stokjes
welluidend trommlend
klinkt en slaat;
dit is het plein, dit is de straat.
Als nu de tijd niet in zal slaan
is dit geluk als cellofaan,
de nieuwe beelden zijn
als ruiterbeelden
tegen 't verleden aan;
zonder lijn en wet
is het geluk gezet;
de woorden springen aan in weelde
Ik zeg. Zeg niets. Niets zeg ik dan: Wij. Het splijt
dikwijls maar ís, immers heeft een soort. gewicht
van 34.3, atoomnummer 2:2 protonen (jij
en ik), 2 neutronen (?) en een heel kleine neutrino.
Onder het uitzenden van een λ -deeltje
ontwikkelen wij een zo sterke erotische warmte
- gelijk aan zes volledige echtparen in hun eerste graad
van kennismaking - dat wij materiemystici oplossen
in licht. Neutraal is de witheid
die niets omringt, niets is, niets
Geen biochemicus zweeft voorbij. Geen supersonische engel
ruist. - Geen adem, geen adat, geen Adam.
Sybren Polet (Kampen, 19 juni 1924)
De Filippijnse schrijver José Rizal (eig. José Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda) werd geboren op 19 juni 1861. Zie ook mijn blog van 19 juni 2007.
To the Philippines
Aglowing and fair like a houri on high, Full of grace and pure like the Morn that peeps When in the sky the clouds are tinted blue, Of th' Indian land, a goddess sleeps.
The light foam of the son'rous sea Doth kiss her feet with loving desire; The cultured West adores her smile And the frosty Pole her flow'red attire.
With tenderness, stammering, my Muse To her 'midst undines and naiads does sing; I offer her my fortune and bliss: Oh, artists! her brow chaste ring With myrtle green and roses red And lilies, and extol the Philippines!
Memories of My Town
When I recall the days That saw my childhood of yore Beside the verdant shore Of a murmuring lagoon; When I remember the sighs Of the breeze that on my brow Sweet and caressing did blow With coolness full of delight;
When I look at the lily white Fills up with air violent And the stormy element On the sand doth meekly sleep; When sweet 'toxicating scent From the flowers I inhale Which at the dawn they exhale When at us it begins to peep;
I sadly recall your face, Oh precious infancy, That a mother lovingly Did succeed to embellish. I remember a simple town; My cradle, joy and boon, Beside the cool lagoon The seat of all my wish.
Oh, yes! With uncertain pace I trod your forest lands, And on your river banks A pleasant fun I found; At your rustic temple I prayed With a little boy's simple faith And your aura's flawless breath Filled my heart with joy profound. Saw I God in the grandeur Of your woods which for centuries stand; Never did I understand In your bosom what sorrows were; While I gazed on your azure sky Neither love nor tenderness Failed me, 'cause my happiness In the heart of nature rests there.
Tender childhood, beautiful town, Rich fountain of happiness, Of harmonious melodies, That drive away my sorrow! Return thee to my heart, Bring back my gentle hours As do the birds when the flow'rs Would again begin to blow! But, alas, adieu! E'er watch For your peace, joy and repose, Genius of good who kindly dispose Of his blessings with amour; It's for thee my fervent pray'rs, It's for thee my constant desire Knowledge ever to acquire And may God keep your candour!
José Rizal (19 juni 1861 - 30 december 1896)
Zie voor onderstaande schrijvers ook mijn blog van 19 juni 2007.
De Duitse dichter en schrijver Friedrich Huch werd geboren op 19 juni 1873 in Braunschweig.
De Duitse schrijver en pastor Gustav (Benjamin) Schwab werd geboren op 19 juni 1792 in Stuttgart.
19-06-2008 om 20:47
geschreven door Romenu 