De Ierse toneelschrijver, socialist en theatercriticus George Bernard Shaw werd geboren op 26 juli 1856. Zie ook mijn blog van 26 juli 2006 en ook mijn blog van 26 juli 2007 en ook mijn blog van 26 juli 2008.
Uit: You Never Can Tell
Act I
In a dentist's operating room on a fine August morning in 1896. Not the usual tiny London den, but the best sitting room of a furnished lodging in a terrace on the sea front at a fashionable watering place.
The operating chair, with a gas pump and cylinder beside it, is half way between the centre of the room and one of the corners. If you look into the room through the window which lights it, you will see the fireplace in the middle of the wall opposite you, with the door beside it to your left; an M.R.C.S. diploma in a frame hung on the chimneypiece; an easy chair covered in black leather on the hearth; a neat stool and bench, with vice, tools, and a mortar and pestle in the corner to the right.
Near this bench stands a slender machine like a whip provided with a stand, a pedal, and an exaggerated winch. Recognising this as a dental drill, you shudder and look away to your left, where you can see another window, underneath which stands a writing table, with a blotter and a diary on it, and a chair. Next the writing table, towards the door, is a leather covered sofa. The opposite wall, close on your right, is occupied mostly by a bookcase. The operating chair is under your nose, facing you, with the cabinet of instruments handy to it on your left.
You observe that the professional furniture and apparatus are new, and that the wall paper, designed, with the taste of an undertaker, in festoons and urns, the carpet with its symmetrical plans of rich, cabbagy nosegays, the glass gasalier with lustres; the ornamental gilt rimmed blue candlesticks on the ends of the mantelshelf, also glass-draped with lustres, and the ormolu clock under a glass-cover in the middle between them, its uselessness emphasized by a cheap American clock disrespectfully placed beside it and now indicating 12 o'clock noon, all combine with the black marble which gives the fireplace the air of a miniature family vault, to suggest early Victorian commercial respectability, belief in money, Bible fetichism, fear of hell always at war with fear of poverty, instinctive horror of the passionate character of art, love and Roman Catholic religion, and all the first fruits of plutocracy in the early generations of the industrial revolution.
George Bernard Shaw (26 juli 1856 2 november 1950)
De Franse dichter en essayist Claude Esteban werd geboren op 26 juli 1935 in Parijs. Zie en ook mijn blog van 26 juli 2007 en ook mijn blog van 26 juli 2008.
Uit: La mort à distance
Nous allions lui rendre visite à l'improviste, un matin, un soir, juste pour nous assurer qu'il était bien là. Sans même nous concerter, nous obéissions à un rituel immuable. Nous le reconnaissions de loin, dominant de toute sa masse l'entrelacs tortueux des pins, et nous marchions vers lui, soudain silencieux, délivrés du bruit du monde. La jeune femme s'approchait la première, elle souriait un peu, s'assurait que personne ne risquait de la surprendre, puis très vite, elle étreignait l'arbre de tout son corps, les bras ouverts en serrant le tronc énorme, la tête contre l'écorce, les yeux clos. Je faisais mine de m'impatienter, je me moquais doucement de cette étrange façon de saluer notre ami, de le séduire, mais quand elle se retournait, je lisais dans son regard le bonheur qu'elle venait de vivre. Elle avait entendu, me disait-elle, battre le coeur de l'arbre, elle avait senti sous ses doigts la sève lente qui montait, qui lui communiquait de sa force.
La jeune femme rayonnait, elle voulait que je suive son exemple, et moi, si pudibond, je m'enhardissais, et j'effleurais d'une main furtive cette monstrueuse patte posée là pour toujours sur la pelouse.
C'était un soir, c'était un matin, et depuis tant d'années. Pourquoi a-t-il fallu qu'une tempête s'interpose entre l'arbre et nous, que la foudre le blesse, que se réveillent les mauvais démons? Nous n'avons pas cédé, l'arbre est intact dans notre mémoire. C'est à nous, maintenant, qu'il appartient de veiller sur lui, de l'enraciner dans ce temps que nous inventons ensemble. »
Claude Esteban (26 juli 1935 10 april 2006)
De Franse schrijver André Maurois (eig. Emile Salomon Wilhelm Herzog) werd geboren op 26 juli 1885 in Elbeuf. Zie ook mijn blog van 26 juli 2007 en ook mijn blog van 26 juli 2008.
Uit: Gide (Vertaald door Carl Morse)
The core of the book was a recit by Menalque, one not far different from a recit Gide might have given after his African rebirth.... This recit contains the essence of the "tidings" of Les Nourritures. First a negative doctrine: flee families, rules, stability. Gide himself suffered so much from "snug homes" that he harped on its dangers all his life. Then a positive doctrine: one must seek adventure, excess, fervor; one should loathe the lukewarm, security, all tempered feelings. "Not affection, Nathanael: love ..." Meaning not a shallow feeling based on nothing perhaps but tastes in common, but a feeling into which one throws oneself wholly and forgets oneself. Love is dangerous, but that is yet another reason for loving, even if it means risking one's happiness, especially if it means losing one's happiness. For happiness makes man less. "Descend to the bottom of the pit if you want to see the stars." Gide insists on this idea that there is no salvation in contented satisfaction with oneself, an idea he shares with both a number of great Christians and with Blake: "Unhappiness exaults, happiness slackens." Gide ends a letter to an amie with this curious formula: "Adieu, dear friend, may God ration your happiness!"
Anré Maurois (26 juli 1885 9 oktober 1967)
De Amerikaanse schrijver Paul Gallico werd geboren op 26 juli 1897 in New York. Zie ook mijn blog van 26 juli 2007 en ook mijn blog van 26 juli 2008.
Uit: The Snow Goose
The bird fluttered. With his good hand Rhayader spread on of its immense white pinions. The end was beautifully tipped with black. Rhayader looked and marvelled, and said: Child: where did you find it? In t marsh, sir, where fowlers had been. What what is it, sir? Its a snow goose from Canada. But how in all heaven came it here? The name seemed to mean nothing to the little girl. Her deep violet eyes, shining out of the dirt on her thin face, were fixed with concern on the injured bird. She said: Can ee heal it, sir? Yes, yes, said Rhayader. We will try. Come, you shall help me. There were scissors and bandages and splints on a shelf, and he was marvelously deft, even with the rooked claw that managed to hold things. He said: Ah, she has been shot, poor thing. Her leg is broken, and the wing tip! but not badly. See, we will clip her primaries, so that we can bandage it, but in the spring the feathers will grow and she will be able to fly again. Well bandage it close to her body, so that she cannot move it until it has set, and then make a splint for the poor leg. Her fears forgotten, the child watched, fascinated, as he worked, and all the more so because while he fixed a fine splint to the shattered leg he told her the most wonderful story.
Paul Gallico (26 juli 1897 15 juli 1976)
26-07-2009 om 18:26
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