De Zuid-Afrikaanse dichter en schrijver Tatamkhulu Afrika werd geboren op 7 december 1920 in Egypte. Zie ook alle tags voor Tatamkhulu Afrika op dit blog.
Uit:Bitter Eden
“Do I love her? ‘Love’ is a word that frightens me in the way that these two letters frighten me and if I were to say ‘yes’, I would qualify that by adding that – in our case and from my side – love is an emotion too often threatened by ennui to attain to the grand passion for which I have long since ceased to hope. Certainly, though, I loved her enough to be able to say, ‘No, everything is fine,’ and turn around and smile into the once so startling blue eyes that now – under certain lights and when looked at in a certain way – have faded into the almost as startling white stare of the blind. Whether she believed me or not, I cannot say, and equally do I not know why I have bothered to even mention a wife, and a second one at that – the first having absconded to fleshlier fields a lifetime ago – who does not in any way figure in the now so distant and tangled happenings with which the letters deal. Or do I, indeed, know why and have I subconsciously allowed Carina to surface in a manner and image that have more to do with me than her and that will save me the pain of having to explain in so many words why, in those years of warping and war, an oddness in my psyche became set in stone? Whatever the case, I am now back with the package and the letters, leaving Carina sleeping – or pretending to, she being disconcertingly perceptive at times – and no commonplace papers or gulls beyond the window to divert me: only a darkness that is as inward as it is outward as – yielding to the persuasion of the tide I thought had ebbed beyond recall – I turn to the package and start to unwrap it, then stop, not wanting this from him and as afraid of it as though it held his severed hand. Or is this all fancifulness? Am I permitting a phantom a power that belongs to me alone? What relevance do they still have – a war that time has tamed into the damp squib of every other war, a love whose strangeness is best left buried where it lies? Haplessly, unable to resist, I listen for the nightingale that will never sing again, hear only the screaming of an ambulance or a patrol car, a woman crying to deaf ears of a murder or a raping in a lane, and lower my face into the emptiness of my hands.”
 Tatamkhulu Afrika (7 december 1920 – 23 december 2002)
De Oostenrijkse schrijver Johann Nepomuk Eduard Ambrosius Nestroy werd geboren in Wenen op 7 december 1801. Zie ook alle tags voor Johann Nestroy op dit blog.
Uit: Der Unbedeutende
„„Erster Akt Die Bühne stellt eine Waldpartie am Ufer eines Flusses vor, nur zwei Kulissen tief, links am Ufer ist eine Rasenbank, weiter vorne links ein Gebüsch; es ist Abend mit Vollmondbeleuchtung. Erste Szene Fräulein Ottilie, dann Puffmann. Ottilie (rechts auftretend). Nun wird es Zeit sein – alle Vorkehrungen sind getroffen. – (Sich nochmals vorsichtig umsehend.) Ich gebe ihm das Zeichen. (Klatscht dreimal in die Hände.) Puffmann (kommt aus dem Gebüsche links). Da bin ich, darf mein Schützling – Ottilie (mit Beklommenheit). Sogleich – Puffmann (hervoreilend). Ist Ihnen etwas, meine Gnädige? Ottilie. Ich fühle eine Bangigkeit – Puffmann. Warum? Ihnen betrifft es ja nicht. Ottilie. Und doch klopft mir das Herz, als ob ich selbst entführt würde. Puffmann. Das sind übertriebene Phantasiebilder, die man mit Brausepulver und Krebsaugen – Ottilie. Bringen Sie ihn! (Geht Seite rechts ab.) Zweite Szene Puffmann, dann von Gröning. Puffmann (der abgegangenen Ottilie nachrufend). Wird augenblicklich da sein. (Ein Schnupftuch hervorziehend.) Ein Schnupftüchelwinker, und alle Ersten-Mai-Läufer sind beschämt! (Er winkt mit dem Tuche links in die Kulisse.) Die Flagge der Liebe mag wehen. Von Gröning (kommt eiligst aus links). Hermine, Geliebte! – Puffmann. Aushalten! Nur einige Sekunden noch! Von Gröning (ihm ein Papier gebend). Hier, Freund, nehmen Sie eine Anweisung auf die doppelte Summe. Puffmann (entzückt). Also tausend Dukaten?? – Glänzender Belohner, jetzt freut's mich erst, daß ich das Dokumentwagstück unternommen hab'. (Gibt ihm eine Schrift.) Nehmen Sie!”
 Johann Nestroy (7 december 1801 - 25 mei 1862) Cover
De Brits - Ierse schrijver Arthur Joyce Lunel Cary werd geboren op 7 december 1888 in Derry, Ierland. Zie ook alle tags voor Joyce Cary op dit blog.
Uit: The Horse's Mouth
“I will admit that I wanted to shout for standing on the top of a scaffold in front of a good new wall always goes to my head. It is a sensation something between that of an angel let out of his cage into a new sky and a drunkard turned loose in a royal cellar. And after all, what nobler elevation could you find in this world than the scaffold of a wall painter? No admiral on the bridge of a new battleship designed by the old navy, could feel more pleased with himself than Gulley, on two planks, forty feet above dirt level, with his palette table beside him, his brush in his hand, and the draught blowing up his trousers; cleared for action.” (…)
“The Professor looked like a Protestant saint when the cannibal offered him the choice of taking six wives or being boiled alive. He wanted to mortify some flesh, but he didn't know which.”
 Joyce Cary (7 december 1888 - 29 maart 1957)
De Franse filosoof en toneelauteur Gabriel Marcel werd geboren op 7 december 1889 in Parijs. Zie ook alle tags voor Gabriel Marcel op dit blog.
Uit:The mystery of being
“My life cannot then be reproduced by a narrative ; in as much as it has been actually lived, it lies without the scope of my present concrete thought and can only be recaptured as particles irradiated by flashes of memory. Nor is my life in the notes jotted down day by day and making up my diary; when I re-read them they have for the most part lost their meaning, and I do not recognize myself in them. Nor is my work to be identified with my life; what judge could sift from my work that which truly expresses me? Finally my acts, in as much as they are recorded in objective reality, do not tell of that within me which lies beyond them. My life, in so far as already lived, is not then an inalterable deposit or a finished whole. In so far as I am still living it, my life appears to me as something I can consecrate or sacrifice, and the more I feel that I am striving towards an end, or serving a cause, the more alive (living) I feel. It is therefore essential to life that it be articulated on a reality which gives it a meaning and a trend, and, as it were, justifies it; this does not signify that life is an available asset. To give one’s life is neither to part with one’s self nor to do away with one’s self, it is to respond to a certain call. Death can then be life, in the supreme sense.”
 Gabriel Marcel (7 december 1889 - 8 oktober 1973)
De Amerikaanse schrijfster Willa Cather werd geboren op 7 december 1873 in de buurt van Winchester, Virginia. Zie ook alle tags voor Willa Cather op dit blog en ook mijn blog van 7 december 2010.
Uit: Sapphira and the Slave Girl
“His countenance bespoke a man of upright character, straightforward and determined. It was only his eyes that were puzzling; dark and grave, set far back under a square, heavy brow. Those eyes, reflective, almost dreamy, seemed out of keeping with the simple vigour of his face. The long lashes would have been a charm in a woman. Colbert drove his mill hard, gave it his life, indeed. He was noted for fair dealing, and was trusted in a community to which he had come a stranger. Trusted, but scarcely liked. The people of Back Creek and Timber Ridge and Hayfield never forgot that he was not one of themselves. He was silent and uncommunicative (a trait they didn't like), and his lack of a Southern accent amounted almost to a foreign accent. His grandfather had come over from Flanders. Henry was born in Loudoun County and had grown up in a neighbourhood of English settlers. He spoke the language as they did, spoke it clearly and decidedly. This was not, on Back Creek, a friendly way of talking. His wife also spoke differently from the Back Creek people; but they admitted that a woman and an heiress had a right to. Her mother had come out from England — a fact she never forgot. How these two came to be living at the Mill Farm is a long story — too long for a breakfast-table story. The miller drank his first cup of coffee in silence. The old black man stood behind the Mistress's chair. "You may go, Washington," she said presently. While she drew another cup of coffee from the urn with her very plump white hands, she addressed her husband: "Major Grimwood stopped by yesterday, on his way to Romney. You should have come up to see him."
 Willa Cather (7 december 1873 – 24 april 1947) Portret door Nikolai Fechin, 1923-24
De Amerikaanse taalkundige, mediacriticus en anarchistisch denker Noam Chomsky werd geboren in Philadelphia op 7 december 1928. Zie ook alle tags voor Noam Chomsky op dit blog en ook mijn blog van 7 december 2010.
Uit: De vernietiging van de 'commons’
“Het zou niet nodig moeten zijn om uit te wijden over de extreme gevaren die het gevolg zijn van één van de kernonderdelen van de roofzuchtige obsessies die rampen veroorzaakt over de hele wereld: de afhankelijkheid van fossiele brandstoffen, een dans op de vulkaan met gevolgen voor de hele wereld, misschien niet eens in een hele verre toekomst. Over de details kan men discussiëren, maar er is weinig oprechte twijfel dat de problemen serieus zijn, zo niet overweldigend, en dat hoe langer we wachten er iets aan te doen, des te verschrikkelijker de erfenis voor de volgende generaties is. Er wordt iets gedaan om de werkelijkheid onder ogen te komen, maar dat is nog veel te weinig. De recente Rio+20 Conferentie opende met zeer magere aspiraties en bespottelijke resultaten. Ondertussen sturen de machtsconcentraties de andere kant op, geleid door het rijkste en machtigste land in de wereldgeschiedenis. Republikeinen uit het Congres ontmantelen de beperkte milieubeschermingen die ooit waren opgestart door Richard Nixon, die in de huidige politieke scene een soort gevaarlijk radicaal zou zijn. De belangrijkste lobby’s van het bedrijfsleven kondigen openlijk hun propagandacampagnes aan om het publiek ervan te overtuigen dat er geen reden is voor overdreven zorg – met effect, zoals blijkt uit opinieonderzoek. De media doen mee door zelfs geen verslag te doen van de verschrikkelijke voorspellingen van internationale instituties of van het Amerikaanse Ministerie van Energie. De standaardwijze van presenteren is die van een debat tussen alarmisten en sceptici: aan de ene kant allemaal gekwalificeerde wetenschappers, aan de andere kant een handjevol weigeraars. Geen onderdeel van dit debat vormt een flinke groep van experts, waaronder het klimaatveranderingsprogramma van MIT om er maar een te noemen, die de wetenschappelijke consensus bekritiseren omdat zij te conservatief en voorzichtig is. Zij argumenteren dat de waarheid als het gaat om klimaatverandering nog veel verschrikkelijker is. Het is niet verrassend dat de bevolking in de war is.”
 Noam Chomsky (Philadelphia, 7 december 1928)
Zie voor nog meer schrijvers van de 7e december ook mijn blog van 7 december 2014 deel 2.
07-12-2015 om 18:02
geschreven door Romenu 
Tags:Tatamkhulu Afrika, Johann Nestroy, Joyce Cary, Gabriel Marcel, Willa Cather, Noam Chomsky, Romenu