De Russische dichter Apollon Nikolayevich Maykov werd geboren op 4 juni 1821 in Moskou.
It's impossible!
It's impossible! It's impossible!
She's alive!... she will wake up in a moment...
Look: she wants to speak,
She will open her eyes, smiling,
and when she sees me, she will understand
What my disconsolate crying is about;
And suddenly will whisper with a smile:
"Why, I'm alive! What is he crying about!"
But no! she is lying... so quiet, mute, motionless....
Vertaald door Yuri Mitelman
Apollon Maykov (4 juni 1821 20 maart 1897)
De Haïtiaanse dichter, schrijver en politicus Jacques Roumain werd geboren op 4 juni 1907 in Port-au-Prince
Pour célébrer la terre (Fragment)
Verte et fraîche hors de la nuit Arrachée verte et fraîche à la nuit
Pour célébrer la terre hors du lit de la nuit où dormait la nuit molle et douce dans chaque creux de la terre
La nuit comblait chaque creux de la terre coulant jusqu'au profond de chaque ravin le long de toutes pentes
Et chaque pente surélevée chaque doux mamelon de colline toutes les montagnes brandies le jour comme un cri chaque pente chaque montagne étaient enveloppées par la nuit enveloppées par la nuit prises dans la pesanteur mouillée des bras de la nuit la terre entière dans ses creux dans ses collines enveloppée dans la pesanteur mouillée de la nuit
Pour célébrer la terre hors de la nuit verte et fraîche mille rayons clairs debout derrière d'autres mornes jusqu'à d'autres rayons clairs derrière d'autres mornes
mille rayons clairs de mornes à mornes dentelés dans les rayons clairs
mille par mille rayons clairs font une tente de clarté au-dessus des creux profonds arrachés à la nuit au-dessus des creux profonds hors de la nuit au-dessus des creux entre les mornes crêtés de rayons clairs hors du creux profond de la nuit hors du creux noir et mouillé de la nuit
dans un creux profond des mornes dans un creux entre mornes crêtés et rayons clairs dans un creux hors de la nuit hors de la mollesse ouverte profonde et mouillée de la nuit
Dans un creux profond de mornes dans un creux de clarté de tentes de la clarté
un arbre seul pour célébrer la terre un arbre seul dur et droit que cachait la nuit (...)
Jacques Roumain (4 juni 1907 18 augustus 1944)
Zie voor de twee bovenstaande schrijvers ook mijn blog van 4 juni 2007 en ook mijn blog van 4 juni 2008 en ook mijn blog van 4 juni 2009.
De Australische schrijfster Elizabeth Jolley werd geboren op 4 juni 1923 in Birmingham, Engeland. Zie ook mijn blog van 4 juni 2007.
Uit: Learning to Dance: Elizabeth Jolley: Life and Writing (Biografie door Caroline Lurie)
"Many of the themes and incidents which surface in Elizabeth's fiction are laid out in 'A Scattered Catalogue of Consolation' and in places she tells us precisely how and where she has used real people, actual events or fleeting but powerful impressions in her work. With characteristic generosity and gentle humour, she lays bare the processes by which her fiction is brought to life. The intense and complicated relationships within families are a recurrent theme in Elizabeth's work, so a request to contribute to an anthology on the subject of sisters gave her an opportunity to write the three-part 'meditation' reproduced in Learning to Dance. The games and stories of childhood shared by Elizabeth and her sister Madelaine make their appearance here, and are a motif throughout. This is reminiscent of the endless stories which the Bronte sisters wrote together during their Yorkshire childhood a century earlier. The warmth and security of having a sister close in age is evoked in 'My Sister Dancing', prevented from falling into cloying sweetness by the equally strong recollection of anger, jealousy and hair pulling. 'My Father's Sister' is painfully sad, telling of the estrangement between Elizabeth's father and his own sister, the little girl for whom he'd been responsible during their childhood. Looking back with the wisdom of maturity, Elizabeth realises how her own situation as a young woman her 'disgrace', as her aunt saw it led to a rupture between the siblings. While Elizabeth's father remained doggedly faithful and kind to his sister, whom he recognised as unfortunate, her criticism of his daughter was a step too far.

Elizabeth Jolley (4 juni 1923 13 februari 2007)
Portret door Meg Padgham, 1977
De Amerikaanse schrijver Charles Dickinson werd geboren op 4 juni 1951 in Detroit, Michiga.
Uit: Shortcut in Time
Jock Itch answered to no one. He had the law on his side. His father was Sheriff John Jack Ketch Jr., himself the son of a lawman of the same name. Imagination was not a Ketch family trait. Wielding power was. Itchs dad was half again his sons size and treated the town kidshis son includedwith glancing disdain, like a lion that had just eaten. In that year, an election year, Sheriff Ketch was running unopposed for a third term. He gave his son the pick of the towns impounded bikes and that morning Itch was on a spaghetti-tired English racer, his mindsuch as it wasevidently elsewhere. I was pretty sure he hadnt seen me. He was producing this weird squeaklike he needed oilingand we were about to pass each other without incident when he swerved his confiscated bike in front of me. My front tire slid across his rear wheel. I went down head over handlebars. On my knees, my mouth full of grass clippings, I recognized the squeak hed been making. It was Wink. Wink. Wink. He turned up the volume as he circled me. Wee-ink! Wee-ink! Wee-ink! I righted my bike. Is Winker all wet now, too? He threw somethinga small, blue stickat my feet. I stepped on it without bothering to determine what it was. It snapped under my foot. I took a step toward him but we both knew it was nothing serious. No one really wanted a piece of Jock Itch. He was bigger and stronger than any two kids, and impervious to pain in that way the thickheaded and unreflective were. That morning his T-shirt was damp and wrinkled, like someone had recently grabbed a fistful of it and held on for a while, then thought better of the enterprise. Youre too late, Wink, Itch said, then he was on his bike and gone.
Charles Dickinson (Detroit, 4 juni 1951)
Zie voor de twee bovenstaande schrijvers ook mijn blog van 4 juni 2009.
Zie voor onderstaande schrijvers ook mijn blog van 4 juni 2009.
De Duitse schrijfster Dana Bönisch werd geboren op 4 juni 1982 in Frechen. Zie ook mijn blog van 4 juni 2007.
De Oostenrijkse schrijver Fritz Weber werd geboren op 4 juni 1895 in Wenen.
04-06-2010 om 18:43
geschreven door Romenu 