De Duitse dichter Ernst Stadler werd geboren op 11 augustus 1883 in Colmar (Kolmar). Zie ook alle tags voor Ernst Stadler op dit blog.
Mein Herz steht bis zum Hals in gelbem Erntelicht wie unter Sommerhimmeln schnittbereites Land. Bald läutet durch die Ebenen Sichelsang: mein Blut lauscht tief mit Glück gesättigtin den Mittagsbrand. Kornkammern meines Lebens, lang verödet, alle eure Tore sollen nun wie Schleusenflügeloffen stehn, Über euern Grund wird wie Meer die goldne Flut der Garben gehn.
Die Rosen im Garten
Die Rosen im Garten blühn zum zweiten Mal. Täglich schießen sie in dickenBündeln In die Sonne. Aber die schwelgerische Zartheit ist dahin, Mit der ihr erstes Blühen sich im Hof des weiß und roten Sternenfeuers wiegte. Sie springen gieriger, wie aus aufgerissenen Adern strömend, Über das heftig aufgeschwellte Fleisch der Blätter. Ihr wildes Blühen ist wie Todesröcheln, Das der vergehende Sommer in das ungewisse Licht des Herbstes trägt.
Die Stöcke hängen vollgepackt mit Frucht. Geruch von Reben Ist über Hügelwege ausgeschüttet. Bütten stauen sich auf Wagen. Man sieht die Erntenden, wie sie, die Tücher vor der braunen Spätjahrsonne übern Kopf geschlagen, Sich niederbücken und die Körbe an die strotzendgoldnen Euter heben.
Das Städtchen unten ist geschäftig. Scharen reihenweis gestellter, Beteerter Fässer harren schon, die neue Last zu fassen. Bald klingt Gestampfe festlich über alle Gassen, Bald trieft und schwillt von gelbem Safte jede Kelter.
 Ernst Stadler (11 augustus 1883 – 30 oktober 1914)
De Schotse dichter Hugh MacDiarmid werd geboren op 11 augustus 1892 als Christopher Marray Grieve in Langholm. Zie ook alle tags voor Hugh MacDiarmid op dit blog.
It requires great love of it deeply to read The configuration of a land, Gradually grow conscious of fine shadings, Of great meanings in slight symbols, Hear at last the great voice that speaks softly, See the swell and fall upon the flank Of a statue carved out in a whole country’s marble, Be like Spring, like a hand in a window Moving New and Old things carefully to and fro, Moving a fraction of flower here, Placing an inch of air there, And without breaking anything. So I have gathered unto myself All the loose ends of Scotland, And by naming them and accepting them, Loving them and identifying myself with them, Attempt to express the whole.
'Scotland small?'
Scotland small? Our multiform, our infinite Scotland small? Only as a patch of hillside may be a cliché corner To a fool who cries ‘Nothing but heather!’ where in September another Sitting there and resting and gazing around Sees not only the heather but blaeberries With bright green leaves and leaves already turned scarlet, Hiding ripe blue berries; and amongst the sage-green leaves Of the bog-myrtle the golden flowers of the tormentil shining; And on the small bare places, where the little Blackface sheep Found grazing, milkworts blue as summer skies; And down in neglected peat-hags, not worked Within living memory, sphagnum moss in pastel shades Of yellow, green, and pink; sundew and butterwort Waiting with wide-open sticky leaves for their tiny winged prey; And nodding harebells vying in their colour With the blue butterflies that poise themselves delicately upon them; And stunted rowans with harsh dry leaves of glorious colour. ‘Nothing but heather!’ ̶ How marvellously descriptive! And incomplete!
 Hugh MacDiarmid (11 augustus 1892 – 9 september 1978) Portret door John Caldwell Brown, 1968
De Japanse schrijver Yoshikawa Eiji werd geboren op 11 augustus 1892 in de prefectuur Kanagawa. Zie ook alle tags voor Yoshikawa Eiji op dit blog.
Uit: The Heike Story (Vertaald door Fuki Wooyenaka Uramatsu)
“In the ashes on the hearth Saigyo traced and retraced the word, "pity." He had yet to learn to accept life with all its good and evils, to love life in all its manifestations by becoming one with nature. And for this he had abandoned home, wife, and child in that city of conflict. He had fled to save his own life, not for any grandiose dream of redeeming mankind; neither had he taken vows with the thoughts of chanting sutras to Buddha; nor did he aspire to brocaded ranks of the high prelates. Only by surrendering to nature could he best cherish his own life, learn how man should live, and therein find peace. And if any priest accused him of taking the vows out of self-love, not to purify the world and bring salvation to men, Saigyo was ready to admit that these charges were true and that he deserved to be reviled and spat upon as a false priest. Yet, if driven to answer for himself, he was prepared to declare that he who had not learned to love his own life could not love mankind, and that what he sought now was to love that life which was his. Gifts he had none to preach salvation or the precepts of Buddha; all that he asked was to be left to exist as humbly as the butterflies and the birds.” (…)
“Here--you warriors--why this moaning and complaining? Have you no more sense than toads and vipers? Our time hasn't come. Have you no patience? Are we not the 'trodden weed' still? The time is not yet here for us to raise our heads. Must you still complain?”
 Yoshikawa Eiji (11 augustus 1892 – 7 september 1962)
De Spaanse schrijver, dichter, dramaturg en cineast Fernando Arrabal werd geboren in Melila, Spaans Marokko op 11 augustus 1932. Zie ook alle tags voor Fernando Arrabal op dit blog.
Uit : La Pierre de la Folie
« Nous nous sommes enlacés nus dans la campagne, et bientôt nous nous sommes écartés de la terre, et nous avons volé doucement. Sur la tête, nous portions des couronnes de fer. La brise nous a emportés de-ci de-là, et parfois nous tournions sur nous-mêmes, toujours unis, vertigineusement. Mais nos couronnes ne tombaient pas. Ainsi nous avons parcouru en quelques instants toutes sortes de régions, mes cuisses entre les siennes, ma joue contre la sienne et nos deux couronnes des touchant. Après les ultimes convulsions, nous sommes revenus sur terre. Nous avons remarqué que nos couronnes nous avaient blessés au front et que notre sang glissait. Elle me disait que je suis le soleil et elle la lune, que je suis le cube et elle la sphère, que je suis l'or et elle l'argent. Alors de tout mon corps sortaient des flammes et de tous les pores de son corps, de la pluie. Nous nous étreignions et mes flammes se mêlaient à sa pluie et d'infinis arcs-en-ciel se formaient autour de nous. Ce fut alors qu'elle m'apprit que je suis le feu, et elle, l'eau. ***
Le curé est venu voir ma mère et il lui a dit que j'étais fou. Alors ma mère m'a attaché à ma chaise. Le curé m'a fait un trou dans la nuque avec un bistouri et il m'a extrait la pierre de la folie. Puis ils m'ont porté, pieds et poings liés, jusqu'à la nef des fous. »
 Fernando Arrabal (Melila, 11 augustus 1932)
De Amerikaanse schrijver en essayist Andre Dubus werd geboren op 11 augustus 1936 in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Zie ook alle tags voor Andre Dubus op dit blog.
Uit: In the Bedroom
“The office was large, with many women and men at desks, and she learned their names, and presented to them an amiability she assumed upon entering the building. Often she felt that her smiles, and her feigned interest in people's anecdotes about commuting and complaints about colds, were an implicit and draining part of her job. A decade later she would know that spending time with people and being unable either to speak from her heart or to listen with it was an imperceptible bleeding of her spirit.” (…)
“When Jennifer was here in the summer, they were at the house most days. I would say generally that as they got older they became quieter, and though I enjoyed both, I sometimes missed the giggles and shouts. The quiet voices, just low enough for me not to hear from wherever I was, rising and failing in proportion to my distance from them, frightened me. Not that I believed they were planning or recounting anything really wicked, but there was a female seriousness about them, and it was secretive, and of course I thought: love, sex. But it was more than that: it was womanhood they were entering, the deep forest of it, and no matter how many women and men too are saying these days that there is little difference between us, the truth is that men find their way into that forest only on clearly marked trails, while women move about in it like birds. So hearing Jennifer and her friends talking so quietly, yet intensely, I wanted very much to have a wife.”
 Andre Dubus (11 augustus 1936 - 24 februari 1999) Hier met zijn zoon Andre Dubus III
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11-08-2014 om 18:41
geschreven door Romenu 
Tags:Ernst Stadler, Hugh MacDiarmid, Yoshikawa Eiji, Fernando Arrabal, Andre Dubus, Romenu