De Duitse schrijver en essayist Dieter Wellershoff werd geboren op 3 november 1925 in Neuss. Zie ook mijn blog van 3 november 2010 en eveneens alle tags voor Dieter Wellershoff op dit blog.
Uit: Das normale Leben
Eine Woche lang war er verschwunden, und sie hatte schon gehofft, ihn los zu sein. Doch als sie an diesem Morgen von der Straße hereinkam, sah sie ihn sofort. Er stand beim Schwarzen Brett gegenüber den Aufzügen und schien auf sie gewartet zu haben, denn er las nicht die angehefteten Bekanntmachungen, sondern blickte zum Eingang hinüber, durch den sie eben in die Halle trat. Ja, natürlich, er hatte dort gewartet, weil er wußte, daß gleich ihr Kurs begann.
Einen Moment lang trafen sich ihre Blicke, über einen weiten Abstand hinweg, so daß sie nicht erkennen konnte, wie er sie ansah, während sie, ohne ihren raschen Schritt zu ändern, zu den Aufzügen ging. Er wird es nicht wagen, mir zu folgen, dachte sie. Er wird sich nicht nähern, nicht gegen meinen Willen.
Als sie im Aufzug stand und den Knopf für den sechsten Stock drückte, hatte er sich abgewandt und tat so, als lese er die Anschläge, die alle schon wochenlang dort hingen. Sie sah seinen schmalen Rücken, das immer etwas struppige braune Haar. Sie wußte, daß seine Augen grau waren und der Mund fein gezeichnet, wie der eines Mädchens. Sie hätte ihn gern noch länger betrachtet, aber die Türen fuhren zu.
Im zweiten Stock stiegen ihre Freundin Conny und zwei Typen aus der Fotoklasse ein, die im nächsten Stock schon wieder ausstiegen. »Wann ist dein Kurs zu Ende?« fragte
Conny. »Um elf.« Nun, da hatte sie keine Zeit. Aber vielleicht traf man sich mittags in der Cafeteria. Und wenn nicht, dann doch auf alle Fälle heute abend bei der Vernissage von Ralf. Seine neuen Objekte seien phantastisch.Und natürlich ginge die ganze Clique hin.
»Ich bin mit Frank verabredet«, sagte sie, »ichweiß nicht, was er vorhat.«

Dieter Wellershoff (Neuss, 3 november 1925)
De Duitse schrijver, filmmaker en cabaretier Hanns Heinz Ewers werd geboren op 3 november 1871 in Düsseldorf. Zie ook mijn blog van 3 november 2008 en ook mijn blog van 3 november 2009 en ook mijn blog van 3 november 2010
Uit: The Spider (Vertaald door Joe Bandel)
This morning I saw a little performance. I went out into the hallway and waited while the maid was cleaning my room. In front of the little hall window hung a spiderweb. A fat Cross spider sat on it. Mrs. Dubonnet wouldn't allow them to be taken away. Spiders bring "luck" and she already had enough "bad luck" in her house. Then I saw how another smaller spider cautiously ran around the net, a male. It carefully stepped a little way onto a quivering thread and moved toward the middle. The female moved, snapping the thread and pulling it back quickly to herself. The male ran to another thread and tried again to get closer. Finally the strong female in the middle of the web consented to his courtship and didn't move anymore. The male plucked a strand lightly at first, then harder until the entire web trembled but the object of his worship remained motionless. He went there quickly and was infinitely more cautious the closer he got. The female received him quietly and unmoving, surrendering entirely, falling into his armorous embrace. They hung motionless for long minutes in the center of the web. Then I saw how the male slowly freed himself, one leg at a time. It was as if he wanted to draw back and leave his companion alone in the afterglow of their lovemaking. Suddenly he was free and ran as quickly as possible to edge of the web. At the same moment the female quickly came to life and wildly chased him down. The weak male was lowering himself down onto a thread as his beloved caught up to him. Both fell onto the windowsill as he struggled with all of his might to escape. It was too late. He was already trapped in the powerful grip of his companion. She carried him back onto the web, back to the middle, to the same place, that had just served as a bed for their voluptuous desire. Now it appeared much differently.

Hanns Heinz Ewers (3 november 1871 12 juni 1943)
De Australische dichteres en schrijfster Oodgeroo Noonuccal (eig. Kathleen Jean Mary Ruska) werd geboren op 3 november 1920 in Minjerribah (Stradbroke Island) in Moreton Bay. Zie ook mijn blog van 3 november 2008 en ook mijn blog van 3 november 2009 en ook mijn blog van 3 november 2010
I will bring you love, said the young lover, A glad light to dance in your dark eye. Pendants I will bring of the white bone, And gay parrot feathers to deck your hair.
But she only shook her head.
I will put a child in your arms, he said, Will be a great headman, great rain-maker. I will make remembered songs about you That all the tribes in all the wandering camps Will sing forever.
But she was not impressed.
I will bring you the still moonlight on the lagoon, And steal for you the singing of all the birds; I will bring the stars of heaven to you, And put the bright rainbow into your hand.
No, she said, bring me tree-grubs.
The Past
Let no one say the past is dead. The past is all about us and within. Haunted by tribal memories, I know This little now, this accidental present Is not the all of me, whose long making Is so much of the past
a thousand thousand camp fires in the forest Are in my blood. Let none tell me the past is wholly gone. Now is so small a part of time, so small a part Of all the race years that have moulded me
 Oodgeroo Noonuccal (3 November 192016 September 1993)
De Amerikaanse dichter, journalist en jurist William Cullen Bryant werd geboren op 3 november 1794 in Cummington, Massachusetts. Zie ook mijn blog van 3 november 2008 en ook mijn blog van 3 november 2009 en ook mijn blog van 3 november 2010
I gazed upon the glorious sky
And the green mountains round,
And thought that when I came to lie
At rest within the ground,
"Twere pleasant, that in flowery June,
When brooks send up a cheerful tune,
And groves a joyous sound,
The sexton's hand, my grave to make,
The rich, green mountain-turf should break.
A cell within the frozen mould,
A coffin borne through sleet,
And icy clods above it rolled,
While fierce the tempests beat--
Away!--I will not think of these--
Blue be the sky and soft the breeze,
Earth green beneath the feet,
And be the damp mould gently pressed
Into my narrow place of rest.
There through the long, long summer hours,
The golden light should lie,
And thick young herbs and groups of flowers
Stand in their beauty by.
The oriole should build and tell
His love-tale close beside my cell;
The idle butterfly
Should rest him there, and there be heard
The housewife bee and humming-bird.
And what if cheerful shouts at noon
Come, from the village sent,
Or songs of maids, beneath the moon
With fairy laughter blent?
And what if, in the evening light,
Betrothed lovers walk in sight
Of my low monument?
I would the lovely scene around
Might know no sadder sight nor sound.
I know that I no more should see
The season's glorious show,
Nor would its brightness shine for me,
Nor its wild music flow;
But if, around my place of sleep,
The friends I love should come to weep,
They might not haste to go.
Soft airs, and song, and light, and bloom
Should keep them lingering by my tomb.
These to their softened hearts should bear
The thought of what has been,
And speak of one who cannot share
The gladness of the scene;
Whose part, in all the pomp that fills
The circuit of the summer hills,
Is that his grave is green;
And deeply would their hearts rejoice
To hear again his living voice.
 William Cullen Bryant (3 november 1794 12 juni 1878)
Portret door Samuel Morse, 1825
03-11-2011 om 18:40
geschreven door Romenu 
Tags:Dieter Wellershoff, Hanns Heinz Ewers, Oodgeroo Noonuccal, William Cullen Bryant, Romenu