De Canadese schrijver Yann Martel werd op 25 juni 1963 geboren in Salamanca. Zie ook mijn blog van 25 juni 2007 en ook mijn blog van 25 juni 2008.xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Uit: Life of Pi
My suffering left me sad and gloomy.
Academic study and the steady, mindful practice of religion slowly brought me back to life. I have kept up what some people would consider my strange religious practices. After one year of high school, I attended the University of Toronto and took a double-major Bachelor's degree. My majors were religious studies and zoology. My fourth-year thesis for religious studies concerned certain aspects of the cosmogony theory of Isaac Luria, the great sixteenth-century Kabbalist from Safed. My zoology thesis was a functional analysis of the thyroid gland of the three-toed sloth. I chose the sloth because its demeanour-calm, quiet and introspective-did something to soothe my shattered self.
There are two-toed sloths and there are three-toed sloths, the case being determined by the forepaws of the animals, since all sloths have three claws on their hind paws. I had the great luck one summer of studying the three-toed sloth in situ in the equatorial jungles of Brazil. It is a highly intriguing creature. Its only real habit is indolence. It sleeps or rests on average twenty hours a day. Our team tested the sleep habits of five wild three-toed sloths by placing on their heads, in the early evening after they had fallen asleep, bright red plastic dishes filled with water. We found them still in place late the next morning, the water of the dishes swarming with insects.
Yann Martel (Salamanca, 25 juni 1963)
De Russische dichter en vertaler Arseny Alexandrovich Tarkovsky werd geboren op 25 juni 1907 in Elisavetgrad. Zie ook mijn blog van 25 juni 2007 en ook mijn blog van 25 juni 2008.
First Meetings
We celebrated every moment
Of our meetings as epiphanies,
Just we two in all the world.
Bolder, lighter than a bird's wing,
You hurtled like vertigo
Down the stairs, leading
Through moist lilac to your realm
Beyond the mirror.
When night fell, grace was given me,
The sanctuary gates were opened,
Shining in the darkness
Nakedness bowed slowly;
Waking up, I said:
'God bless you!', knowing it
To be daring: you slept,
The lilac leaned towards you from the table
To touch your eyelids with its universal blue,
Those eyelids brushed with blue
Were peaceful, and your hand was warm.
And in the crystal I saw pulsing rivers,
Smoke-wreathed hills, and glimmering seas;
Holding in your palm that crystal sphere,
You slumbered on the throne,
And - God be praised! - you belonged to me.
Awaking, you transformed
The humdrum dictionary of humans
Till speech was full and running over
With resounding strength, and the word you
Revealed its new meaning: it meant king.
Everything in the world was different,
Even the simplest things - the jug, the basin -
When stratified and solid water
Stood between us, like a guard.
We were led to who knows where.
Before us opened up, in mirage,
Towns constructed out of wonder,
Mint leaves spread themselves beneath our feet,
Birds came on the journey with us,
Fish leapt in greeting from the river,
And the sky unfurled above
While behind us all the time went fate,
A madman brandishing a razor.
Arseny Tarkovsky (25 juni 1907 27 mei 1989)
De Engelse schrijver Nicholas Mosley werd geboren op 25 juni 1923 geboren in Londen. Hij kreeg zijn opleiding aan Eton en in Oxford. Hij is de oudste zoon van Oswald Mosley en zeer kritisch ten opzichte van zijn vader. Nicholas Mosley uitte dat in zijn boek Beyond the Pale: Sir Oswald Mosley and Family 1933-1980 uit1983, en in een BBC-documentaire in 1997.
Uit: Hopeful Monsters
Sometimes when I sat with my father on the sofa in his study and he had been reading to me stories or articles about science from children's magazines, I would, at the end of whatever voyage of discovery or imagination we had been on (I was, I suppose, quite a precocious little girl) ask my father about the work he was doing at the university. He told me something of his regular work of lecturing and teaching, but I do not remember much about this. Then he told me of the work that really interested him at this time, which was outside his regular curriculum, and was to do with his efforts to understand, and to put into some intelligible language, the theories that were being propounded about physics at this time by one of his colleagues at the university - a Professor Einstein. I do not think that my father knew Einstein very well, but he venerated him, and he was enough of a mathematician to be able to try to grapple with some of his theories. I, of course, could have comprehended little of the substance of what my father said: but because of his enthusiasm it was as if, on some level, I was caught up in his efforts. I had a picture of Professor Einstein as some sort of magician: there was a photograph of him on the chimney-piece of my father's study which was a counter-balance to my mother's photograph of Karl Marx on the chimney-piece of the dining-room. Professor Einstein's head, set rather loosely on his shoulders, seemed to have a life of its own: Karl Marx's head seemed to have been jammed down on to his shoulders with a hammer. I would say to my father as we sat above the wonders of the world in our airship "What is it that is so special about the theories of Professor Einstein?"
Nicholas Mosley (Londen, 25 juni 1923)
De Franse schrijver Claude Seignolle werd geboren op 25 juni 1917 in Périgueux. Hij heeft zich zijn leven lang bezig gehouden met legendes en folklore uit het Zuidwesten van Frankrijk. Zijn belangrijkste romans zijn Le Rond des sorciers, Marie la Louve, La Malvenue, Le Bahut noir, La Brume ne se lèvera plus, Le Diable en Sabots, Le Gâloup, Le Chupador
Uit: Récits Cruels
Toute la soirée, et malgré la satisfaction qu'elle devait secrétement éprouver, elle ne montra nulle ivresse de joie, ni aise de plaisir. On l'eût dite anéantie par tant de bonheur. Et lorsque, montés à notre chambre nuptiale, tard, très tard, nous fûmes enfin livrès l'un à l'autre, elle se jeta à mes pieds, m'étreignit les jambes et eut d'amères et incompréhensibles sanglots. Je la relevai tendrement et la déposai sur notre lit : ce parterre de dentelles et de broderies, où passait la fragrance de quelques secrètes lavandes.
Je la relevai tendrement et la déposai sur notre lit : ce parterre de dentelles et de broderies, où passait la fragrance de quelques secrètes lavandes. Elle m'attira et se blottit entre mes bras, me montrant qu'elle avait peur ; qu'il fallait que je la protège ; que je pouvais tout pour elle ; que...
Mais, grisé et fouetté par son comportement de petit animal craintif, je commençai à la dévêtir. Sa peau était aussi douce que ses pleurs. Je frôlai de mes lèvres son cou qui dégageait une légère senteur poivrée. M'attardai à goûter ses joues, veloutées d'un duvet de frissons. Parvins à sa bouche qu'elle me refusa d'abord en détournant la tête, mais qui je conquis et qui me rendit ardemmet mes baisers.
Claude Seignolle (Périgueux, 25 juni 1917)