De Duitse schrijver Andreas Mand werd geboren op 14 december 1959 in Duisburg. Zie ook mijn blog van 14 december 2008.xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Uit: Vaterkind
"Ich dachte, daß es mein erstes gutes Lied war, das nicht über meine große, unglückliche Liebe ging. Und dann, daß es genaugenommen auch um eine unglückliche Liebe ging. Ich saß in seinem Auto, nicht weit vom Kurmittelhaus, Bad Irgendwo im Rothaargebirge, und hörte das Lied, das die Situation, in der er war - und ich mit ihm - in großer Genauigkeit beschrieb. Ich hatte es nur schreiben können, weil er nichts davon wußte. Ich konnte es nur hören, weil er nicht dabei war. Es gab mir Kraft und Identität. Ich konnte zu ihm zurückkehren und ihn unterstützen. Ich konnte, wenn er mich brauchte, sein Sohn sein."
Andreas Mand (Duisburg, 14 december 1959)
De Amerikaans schrijfster Shirley Jackson werd geboren in San Francisco op 14 december 1919. Zie ook mijn blog van 14 december 2008.
Uit: What a thought
Dinner had been good; Margaret sat with her book on her lap and watched her husband digesting, an operation to which he always gave much time and thought. As she watched he put his cigar down without looking and used his free hand to turn the page of his paper. Margaret found herself thinking with some pride that unlike many men she had heard about, her husband did not fall asleep after a particularly good dinner. She flipped the pages of her book idly; it was not interesting. She knew that if she asked her husband to take her to a movie, or out for a ride, or to play gin rummy, he would smile at her and agree; he was always willing to do things to please her, still, after ten years of marriage. An odd thought crossed her mind: She would pick up the heavy glass ashtray and smash her husband over the head with it. "Like to go to a movie?" her husband asked. "I don't think so, thanks," Margaret said. "Why?" "You look sort of bored," her husband said. "Were you watching me?" Margaret asked. "I thought you were reading." "Just looked at you for a minute." He smiled at her, the smile of a man who is still, after ten years of marriage, very fond of his wife. The idea of smashing the glass ashtray over her husband's head had never before occurred to Margaret, but now it would not leave her mind. She stirred uneasily in her chair, thinking: what a terrible thought to have, whatever made me think of such a thing? Probably a perverted affectionate gesture, and she laughed. "Funny?" her husband asked. "Nothing," Margaret said.
Shirley Jackson (14 december 1919 8 augustus 1965)
De Ierse dichter Charles Wolfe werd geboren op 14 december 1791 in Blackhall, County Kildare. ook mijn blog van 14 december 2008.
Oh say not that my heart is cold
Oh say not that my heart is cold
To aught that once could warm it -
That Nature's Form so dear of old
No more has power to charm it;
Or that th' ungenerous world can chill
One glow of fond emotion
For those who made it dearer still,
And shared my wild devotion.
Still oft those solemn scenes I view
In rapt and dreamy sadness;
Oft look on those who loved them too
With Fancy's idle gladness;
Again I longed to view the light
In Nature's features glowing;
Again to tread the mountain's height,
And taste the soul's o'erflowing.
Stern Duty rose, and frowning flung
His leaden chain around me;
With iron look and sullen tongue
He muttered as he bound me -
'The mountain breeze, the boundless heaven,
Unfit for toil the creature;
These for the free alone were given, -
But what have slaves with Nature?'
Charles Wolfe (14 december 1791 21 februari 1823)
Zie voor onderstaande schrijvers ook mijn blog van 14 december 2008.
De Deense schrijfster Helle Helle werd geboren als Helle Krogh Hansen in Nakskov op 14 december 1965.
De Oostenrijkse schrijfster Marianne Fritz werd als Marianne Frieß geboren op 14 december 1948 in Weiz in de Steiermark.
De Oostenrijks Zwitserse schrijfster Regina Ullmann werd op 14 december 1884 in St. Gallen geboren.